*destroys your democracy*
*destroys your democracy*
Other urls found in this thread:
good riddance
pathetic bait. Now go back to reddit or put your anarsissy flag back and masturbate thinking about how many windows you losers smashed in spain
what democracy? the democracy of tsarists, landowners and the orthodox church?
That's a new one.
he also destroyed the original soviet desu
A tip for the future OP, this thread might've started some mini-shitstorm if we talked about cucking the soviets rather than nuking the provisional government
Lenin literally abolished parties after the Bolsheviks lost by a landslide in their own government's first election.
That's the equivalent of a kid losing a game of soccer so he runs home with the ball.
Fuck off. Your boy toy refused to help the revolution and allowed for Spain to become Franco's shithole.
smh tbh fam
This is so fucking stupid that I laughed
dream anarkiddo, dream. You wouldn't lasted more than 3 weeks
The other parties were the Mensheviks and the SRs, people who literally wanted to share power indefinitely with the bourgeoisie and disarm the revolutionary masses. The only actual socialists were the bolsheviks and tiny isolated pockets of anarchists who were every bit as sectarian as the former.
It literally happened.
Have you never fucking read ANYTHING about the SU before Stalin became the leader?
D-did you just copy and paste something I wrote, like, a week ago?
Of course it's Stalin fault. Franco was being helped by nazi Germany and fascist Italy with tanks, plaines, human resources, light weapons and ammunition… but your boy toy couldn't do anything oh no!
Just like when USSR was invaded and Stalin decided it was best to go to his country house for 15 days while his peopel were being killed and villages in Belarus were being burned.
Wow. You really made me think.
Nice addressing of actual arguments with the reciprocity of other meaningfully constructed arguments. Keep it up my dood!
To anyone reading this, the total lack of argument from this tankie should motivate you to watch the video I linked and take care to absorb it.
No response…
You mean """democracy"""
didn't they have majority in the soviets tho?
is this thread bumplocked? lame