Well, I disagree with that. In my opinion it's a natural psychological tendency to feel more comfortable amongst people who you know largely share the same cultural values as you, who will celebrate the same holidays as you, who speak the same language as you, who enjoy the same food as you, etc. All ethnic groups share this natural psychological tendency. Take for example the city I live, London. There are areas that are well-known for being Afro-Caribbean, there are areas that are well-known for being Indian, there are areas that are well-known for being Pakistani, and so on. It actually leads to a very segregated society, purely because people have this natural wish to live amongst people who are similar to them (not necessarily racially, but culturally).
In my opinion, the only way you can counter this is by having small levels of migration, so that those who do migrate here are pushed into integrating more with the host country. Anything less than that and you have a split in society as a result of conflicting values. I genuinely do think that the decision-makers are being incredibly complacent about the very high levels of Muslims that they are allowing to migrate to Europe, under the assumption that they will adopt western values when they get here. I hope I'm wrong about that because it genuinely troubles me, but the evidence I've seen so far isn't exactly compelling (e.g. >50% of British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal).
UKIP were dead at the last election because people think their raison d'etre has been fulfilled with Brexit. I can't really see them getting much traction again in the future if Brexit does go ahead in some way shape or form, especially without Farage leading the party.
This 'social media presence' is, again, largely derided on the board itself. Twitter accounts like 'Holla Forums news forever' are only met with scorn. People appreciate the ability to post anonymously and without a post history, and the idea of a centralised account that represents some Holla Forums hivemind is seen as ridiculous.
Yes, I'm talking about 4/pol/. I genuinely that even lots of the anti-semitism on Holla Forums is ironic - people just get pissed off at the fact that Jews are largely overrepresented in positions of power and using their wealth to wage political influence (e.g. Soros), but if they met a Jew irl none of them would actually have any problem. The only thing you might call racism which I think is serious and pretty much held by everyone on Holla Forums is the Islamophobia, but I think there's a pretty even split between people who hate it for ideological reasons (see it as backwards, anti-secular, anti-liberal - and despite the LARPing, most Holla Forums users do appreciate living in a modern western state) and those who hate it because it's a foreign religion from brown-skinned people, even if they do actually agree with the Islamic stance on homosexuals, for example.