❤️ Official Anonymous Thread ❤️
‘’Wildcard Playoffs’’ Edition
❤️ Official Anonymous Thread ❤️
‘’Wildcard Playoffs’’ Edition
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there are no real anons on animus
God I need some dick.
could hook up with strangers over some gay app
Imagine... being gay...
Nobody in the area and I"m trying to cut back on that.
To be fair.
imagine cute boys :3
why would anyone need to cut back?
I'd like to settle down soon and don't see hookups as needed.
big if true
Cute? Boys?
Big plays
Holy fuck I'm bored.
oh yea, ppl are doing that. weird to think about.
what else does settling down entail for you?
I think money. money has to be a big part.
I wonder what mohammed would think of yuri anime..
What a fag.
He would appobe so long as it was centred around the teachings of Allah
I just want to be with someone at this point, and the person I have been talking to is just in a position that it wouldn't work just yet so I'm just waiting for now.
Money is nice, but it's whatever.
would a harem anime staring mohammed still be haram?
Of course,! You cannot depict the Prophet. It is known. A great sin, Allah be just, if you do that great strife will be upon your house.
I only talk to fags. sorry.
having money means not having to worry about money. how many settled down people fight about money?
there's one tidbit of trivia that always occurs to me, and that's that people who are content and easily happy, have that reflected in their marriages, and the people who think too much about it plugging a hole, usually end up with unsuccessful relationships.
are you okay enough to dedicate your life to someone, and vice versa?
Then why am I getting responses?
Are you confident enough to commit to Allah?
I think so.
Honestly I've always made due through hard work. Money is something I can manage most times. Not by a wide margin, but I've learned to stop worrying so much.
I really just don't want to be on my own anymore so I wouldn't say I'm settling. More It's a step up if it happens.
but think of all the body pillows, figurines and other merch..
By Allah, you are asking to be stomed. The wealth of this world does not concern the Prophet and glorious allah.
isn't it important to be whole yourself first?
wouldn't that make a for a better relationshhip, two whole people, instead of two half people trying to be whole?
I mean, if you're talking long term relationships, I think statistics show that two adjusted people work out better than two not-entirely adjusted people.
It's down the road. I'm not worried about it right now and am currently working on my own life here in my home area.
I cant tell if its Kanra or 10X
with that attitude it will only get 1 season and 12 eps
sounds like a p big moderator
I'm stuck figuring out if the Brit is qt or not tbh
It is enough tbh
qt types all lower caps
glad to hear it. you should do regular cardio.
don't glamorize dadbods.
but I mean, when looking for a reason for what's wrong in their own lives, couples sometimes look at their partners. someone who knows how to look at themselves, who finds another mindful person, probably fall into all the positive statistics sets.
maybe commie meme subs can save it..
nice acc desu
Wish you ready for CCS?
Inshallah glorious
I am going to gain about 40 pounds slowly and see how I feel as I do it while maintaining healthy habits with eating and exercise.
Having a body I am happy in is something I see no issue with.
You know what I mean
I'm just gonna have to go back and re-fc both of these
c'est scoots!
Fuck now he's French
Come do my homework for me.
Ive seen this video before. I mean. A friend has. I think.
I bet Soto didn't even watch the prologue to new CCS..
I get what you're saying.. fix yourself instead of trying to patch it up with a relationship, but if it's lonely that's being wrong than finding someone else can fix things
did you thank monstrata for the pp?
why do you have homework right after new year? my classes start next week..
40 pounds of muscle?
Just gotta wait a bit more
Have you seen the Pop Meme Epic show yet?
Ito Junji was kinda dissapointing but I still have hope
Citrus left a nasty sour taste in my mouth just like the title
I still have to watch the Miko one, Hataraku Oniisan, and slow start
Not yet.. acc was so bad, neither were worth anything decent :c
My term is going to end in just under 2 weeks ;;
There was some dumb strike thing so they extended the term~
Nah, not yet. I heard Pop Team Epic was really bad though.
I liked the main dude in the first Ito Junji story but it wasn't spooky at all :c
I did though
Also those two .'s at the end of your sentence kinda irked me
That image is pretty fucking nice
If only it was best girl and not worst tho
Ma spaget
Something like this would be ideal for me.
That's like.. something I've done for years
never seen the vid, just webms. I thought it was all webm and gif based.
will they really fix things, or will they placate your need to change? especially because changing involves being critical, will you really want a partner who is just critical of your flaws? better that you start with being critical of your own, and assistance from your partner is a welcome bonus.
at least I think so.
awh.. I remember that map being pretty hard though
the d.m.c. score is impressive even if the acc is bad, I never managed to fc that
wow how rude of them!
I would do your homework but I would probably don't understand any of it..
Yes. That
It's just 3 circles of 180bpm that you need stamina for, then the rest is free :3
I know your ideal, but I'm saying that ideal more than likely comes from unhealthy habits. unless you imagine Asgore having bara style muscle, in which case that's much better.
That is where the exercise comes in.
Though I do not mind if I'm just husky.
I laughed a couple of times
Like spec said, the show is just a 20 minute long shitpost
References everywhere
The threads on /a/ are hilarious though, everyones losing their shit over it
Check it out
Nigga likes frogs and curses, seems like a chill dude
But yeah shit wasnt spooky at all
Is it supposed to be a oneshot per ep?
I always thought it was 3
Cause 3 is fine cause it's a pause, 1 is fine cause its punctuation.
2 is not okay
change doesen't necessarily require being critical, sometimes just being aware of a need or a certain pattern of thinking is enough
oh doesen't sound too hard then ^^
I was always super bad at maps that require a lot of stamina
Right? I just wanted to graduate ;;
Don't worry, I don't understand any of it either :3
I mean I was going to watch it anyways.
Yeah, they just done a random Ito Junji one shot.
Hopefully they pick less comedy ones though.
as long as it's healthy :3
Only test would understand this meme
As i do
3 is punctuation too, it's called an ellipsis
What are you, the typing police?
Me too tbh, hence that terrible acc ^^'
I guess long stream practice maps are the way to improve but that's so much effort
hai frens
This is the meme
change isn't awareness of the habit, it's changing the habit.
if you can do that without being critical, that's great.
same desu..
I met with my study advisor yesterday to discuss some planning and she was so super duper supportive and nice that I wanna gratuade just for her
I always get frustrated when I miss in the middle of long maps and end up quitting before the end ;;
I didnt recognize this one
Hopefully they do the wall one or the balloon one
Well would you look at that
Nah man, Im just autistic
I think you'd be less sociable if you were autistic..
You're probably just weird
The things I would do her
uh ofcourse..
I was talking about a requirement for change, not what change is itself
You get frustrated and quit if you miss in the middle?
It must be worse if you miss just before the very end :o
goodnight animu friends
hopefully I'll wake up at a proper time tomorrow
That's quite an understatement Subtle lol
Ohh? How many terms do you have left?
That's pretty adorable actually, my academic advisor is kind of a bitch ;;
It's like you think I've read them :^)
I can't wait until you're in prison for child molestation.
in my own life, I do cardio. every other day. I have to. the requirement for me was knowing the benefits, like sanity, and a dislike of feeling tense.
but yea, you're right, knowing the pattern was a requirement. but it definitely wasn't enough, because I knew for ages that cardio would help, and did nothing.
Way to let me down Emmanuel
I can't wait either
If it wasn't for child rape, you'd never get laid.
RIP Rika
Can't forget retarded/disabled and mute women
They can't say no if they can't speak at all or know how to speak lmao
missing right before the end is always bad but atleast you'll get some pp! missing in the middle just ruins everything..
I still have atleast 1 year to go for my masters and thesis..
aw that sucks, aren't advisors supposed to be helpful and supportive?
oh sure, the change in behaviour must still weight up against the costs
but that goes for every decision we make, wheter conscious or unconscious
ever hear of the Stanford marshmallow experiment?
mhm, what about it?
Pls forgive me ;;
Read them to me on vocaroo.
Poor Angel, that feels like forever away...
Well she knew was she was talking about and would point you in the right direction but she was very blunt about it and kind of mean :c
next year I'll have my first real internship, I'm actually super nervous about it..
wow that almost sounds like she didn't care at all!
Missing in general just sucks
Why do we play the game again?
if the cost is merely a delay in gratification, because the pleasure is slightly better because you waited for it, isn't the cost always justified?
when the outcome is known, and not ambiguous.
The trannies you slept with?
I'm sure you'll end up doing just fine though :3
You're a smart cookie.
Right? I think she only cared about her $100k paycheck...
It's okay, I still love you bby
Nah fuck that
Also Vocaroo is so 2013
choose one
from a rational approach yes, but humans don't always perceive the cost in such a way
we often perceive neutral or positive situations as negative based on experience (think of a cognitive schema)
I'm a white chocolate chip cookie with cranberries, and what about you? ^^
she's laughing straight to the bank while her students stress out about exams and grades..
okay. so you get exactly what I'm driving at.
knowing the pattern is the only mandatory requirement, but usually we need other requirements, like fear of the negative, or frequent reminders of the positive.
and your point was
do you know anyone that's good enough for?
You're so 2008
I-I don't taste good, please don't eat me ;;
Mhmm, though I'm totally going to be doing the same thing once I graduate and start working.
Not as gross as your fat nose
Wow, pls no bully
Stay in your lane
it actually proves my point though..
being aware of why you perceive a certain situation in a negative way can help you change things once you realise your way of thinking isn't rational, it's actually what CBT is based on partly
that didn't sound very convincing, I think I'll have to try a bite :3
wow, think of all the poor students though..
Literally what even?
Are you some sort of cannibal or something? :3
I don't plan on going into teaching or anything, so I'll only be screwing over my co-workers~
if eating cookies makes me a cannibal, I'm probably the worst cannibal ever..
oh, then it's okay ^^
what do you plan on doing?
Sick burns are sick
hm... I really need to remember that.
not sure where my thinking got twisted.
We should form some kind of coalition to stop this
The ACLU with their noble cause of making saying anything negative about black and/or brown people a felony?
I-I'm not actually a cookie though...
Mmn, I'm not entirely sure yet. Just some programming thing at some random company :3
Why restrict it to black and brown people? Make saying anything negative about anyone a felony
I understand what you were getting at though
emotions are what drive our behaviour, but it's a triad with cognition
cognition leads to emotion, so by changing the cogntion you can change the emotion
I'd still take a bite probably, or maybe just a lick for taste~
sounds very super vague ^^
Because white people are still fair game???
Wow you racist
Wow, how lewd...
I did do a couple of different co-op jobs, but I'm still not really sure what I'd like to do for the rest of my life yet...
I hate niggers
I hate em too which begs the question
why can't I stop fapping to interracial hentai
Who doesn't?
what I maybe wrongly end up doing a lot of the time, is knowing that emotions make change, but expect emotions to be a prerequisite to change... but I never really got the habit of cognition first.
so like now, I'm feeling the right emotions to keep up positive habits, but without leading with cognition, those habits tend to stop when the emotions do.
which is entirely too dumb.
-turns on the porch light to Ika can find her way home, and looks out into the darkness. Wonders where she is and hopes she's okay-
I sure hope I don't make Rin and Echo fight again
kinda wanna shave my head
Oh dear god no
oh angel hello
And you should!
Time to sudoku.
Don't encourage him
pft.. I thought I was a cannibal though!
I don't think anyone knows that baka, aslong as you can pay for the things you like most jobs are fine ^^
it's not dumb silly, each influence the other but unfortunately we don't have much control over our emotions so we have to resort to either changing our cognitions or our behaviour
hai hai, how's you? ^^
Remember when rin complained about how salty echo is?
yeah! it won't get in the way anymore
I’ll never understand why people think being bald by choice is a good idea
I will never endorse willing baldness.
Kind of want to get some hooks to put in my headphones so it holds on my ears and not my head with a band so it keeps me from losing more hair.
full gabber mode!
Hah bald fucker
Now you definitely are a cannibal if you want to take a bite out of me!
That's true, though a lot of people think that they have a pretty good idea at least, right?
One day working at somewhere like Microsoft or Google would be kind of nice :3
but it grows back
thick hair is gay and therefore sodomical sin
My hair is thicker than I’d like
I have more than the normal person
nobody cares
its a norm
doing okay
how was your holidays
Is your hair as thick as your thighs?
Lets hope you just aren't hairy af down there
But still, ew
dont have to worry about hair everywhere
shiny head
it's just biting though! it will only leave a mark for a couple days~
hmm I guess most people have an idea about the field they want to work in but that's about it
working for google sounds like the dream as a programmer ^^
do you have a bomberjack?
it was pretty fun! spend a lot of time with family and friends and drank way too much wine, wby?
Shiny cock
iunno the entangled hair is often more ew.
been meaning to pick one up.
I do have leather vests and parkas.
same minus the alcohol cuz I was pretty sick up until xmas
had some champagne tho
If he wants to, he should.
I agree.
Good night
Good Night Sci
my 'one day' shipping for my ram is probably gonna be delivered monday instead of yesterday
am sad
It's possible to have shorter hair without shaving your hair entirely you know
close enough! maybe wait until spring though, it has been pretty cold here lately..
awh, that's like the worst time of the year to get sick! was it a cold?
It will be worth it.
fuck yeah it will
100% increase boi
And that's why it's lewd!
As long as I can make like, 6 figures and live pretty comfy then I'll be happy. Enjoying my job will just be an extra benefit :3
Right? There's so many perks to it and it just seems like it'd be the ultimate place to work at.
but i'd have that stupid asian bobcut thing.
or 2000's spikes.
yeah but I use a hat and capuchon already for that.
lol not clean bald.
besides im not white so it'd not that shiny
But you wouldn't have those if you didn't choose them :O
what other not not cool style is there
okayy, maybe a little.. but just a little only
w-wow your standard is pretty high, ganbate! you seem pwetty ambitious but that's good I guess ^^
no excuses not to do it then!
Just in time before college starts on monday
You're angel right?
Tokai should just renounce his homosexual ways, get a haircut and be a functional, well-adjusted member of society.
And then kill himself.
mine starts wednesday, I need to get a haircut aswell..
and yes, I'm angel
I just snuck into a 5 star resort and ordered a bunch of margaritas and the girl I was with got caught and kicked out
Why does it say ban at the end of my post
Stop it
What the heck? Why ? Maybe it would fit him.
Only a little? I definitely believe you.
W-Well $100k CAD is only $80k in USD so it's not as high as you'd expect. I like to think that I'm fairly confident in my ability to program at least :3
made me want to drill a syrian twink
good post
what haircut are you gonna get?
Is that the norm for the Dutch now?
no it's just that I'm exactly trying to do your post.
but I don't like your posting.
how ironic
Perhaps you should find your own answers
Because it wouldn't, I've seen him
Cause thats your name duh
Yeah but I didn’t type it
like 90% of times I already know what I'm going to do though.
some comments just get you thinking more whilst others enforce your initial decision.
I'm glad, because I'm totally innocent ^^
I guess that's even less in euro but still a lot! I don't think I can make that much money, even in 10 years if I'm being realistic..
not sure how to explain properly in english, but like long bangs with relatively short sides
Couldn't you have just said it in Dutch then?
like the football players?
I don't think you'd look good bald but hey do what you feel
Maybe he just wants to join a biker gang, do meth, and murder black people.
I've seen him too but like, if you think your haircut fits you then your opinion is hardly valid here.
that probably would have been a better idea, yeah ^^
een soort van, maar dan wat langer! een beetje kunststudent-achtig als je snapt wat ik bedoel ^^
Also, an undercut is what that's called.
I could totally see him doing that
When's the last picture you've seen of me from, like years ago? You don't know what my hair is nigga, and that doesn't discount me from criticism
that's way shorter than I meant though, I still keep some hair at the sides..
But what should be the intention of looks?
Sounds like the polish workers
I think an old friend of mine has that.
should look fine!
Undercut doesn't really mean it's shaved on the sides, just that it's shorter on the sides and back than the top.
The general norm for it is something short enough to have been made with clippers, not scissors, though.
Most people end up getting one then growing it out, rather than just getting it cut longer than clippers allow since it's kind of hard to have uniform length that way. That's basically what mine's at but I also don't leave the top super long when I get it cut.
Totally innocent of not being a muts maybe :3
Mhmm, it's a nice amount of money, but I think around $80-90k is fairly standard for programmers in general.
I just don't really want to live with any sort of financial worries~
who the fuck is betty
mhm, it's kinda similar to what I have at the moment except my hair is an absolute mess rn
I don't think I will have it cut that short but we'll see! I'll probably get my hair cut by a stylist instead of a normal hairdresser so I might try something more out of the ordinary
I remember you having pretty long hair! it's actually really hard for me to imagine you right now with an undercut..
I already admitted to being a muts, and it takes one to recognise one!!
I guess everything is more expensive over there because you can live pretty comfortable with that amount of money here
Why are black people always calling each other Monica?
Iunno, maybe ? I think it was the one where you passed out, I took Soto took it?
nezi stole my list format
Go to a barber instead of just some run of the mill haircut place or salon.
It's still longish, just nowhere close to what it was. My hair has a natural wave and part to it so I don't really use product in it, just push it aside and am able to keep running my fingers through it without ever messing it up. Weirdly, people touch my hair a lot at work for some reason.
Niggers gonna nig.
I'm not even on the list?
I feel you.
These days I tuck it in a hat with a hoodie.
Though that look gives different interpretations.
I found some ancient stuff
Lists are dumb, but I like being on them.
number one squash on my list of squashs
Welcome to my life.
Out of how many?
the place I got to is actually really good and expensive, the only reason I can afford is that my mom still pays half of it..
I remember it looking pretty messy but not bad, the way you describe it sounds better though! you must have nice hair if people can't stop touching it ^^
alles hier is tempo :3
I sometimes wear a hat but no hoodie though
Depends on how much you care about them
Come on now
How are there 3?
well you see I cooked and ate one..
It is the most honest representation.
You ate one of my people?
I like that song.
I'm doing winter time like this.
But I think it's not gonna get cold again so much, last snow storm was enough.
Like minimum these days.
I made a nice soup w it
So when someone asks for a pic of you you show them one of you passed out or on the toilet or something because it's honest?
I'd hate to see your Facebook or whatever dude
Then shave it because it's easy to maintain I guess
Is it mostly focused on women or men, clientele wise?
If it's longer hair, then yeah, go to a salon that mostly deals with women because even for longer hairstyles for men, they kind of know how to keep in even. If it's a haircut that's either short or one that's specially a medium length, relatively masculine haircut, go to a barber. Price matters but so does what they mostly focus on. I think I pay $40ish before tip.
It was just a long ass blonde mess then because I was lazy and didn't really feel like doing anything with it. I really am glad I got rid of that.
and I'm thinking of going military so it fits
No, I show them the one that's good, jesus christ Ian.
Does anyone ever show off their most honest ones.
Tokai looks like he's going to bomb Paris.
I would join him
that's a byzantine flag so it'd be Istanbul
It was a tourist trap anyways
I feel bad for the people paying thousands of dollars to stay there and not even really experience anything
but the booze was everflowing
Your people don't bomb cities, just shit all over them.
You remind me of that weird overlap between trannies and the alt-right.
"my people" are Americans. Y'know. Cuz I was born in America.
So you're no longer a Gilgamess
I actually kinda like that song unironically aswell, it grew on my after a good friend of me kept playing it..
lol nice picture, I'd probably be scared for a second if I saw someone dressed like that on the streets
it's mostly focused on woman, I guess
still a good tip, I never really thought about that! I feel like barbers are mostly for beards here though but maybe I'm wrong
how is your cat doing?
ohey I made this folder
That’s true
And the guy im stay with is a recovering alcoholic so he doesn’t have anything
He’s cool though
He’s a pro skateboarder for Brazil 🇧🇷
Best faces.
dedicated to tak
that man inspired me
Alt-right is complete trash though.
But losers turning to conservative values is nothing new indeed.
Yeah it seems that way with a lot of songs.
I keep repeating Habiba though I don't even like it. Maybe I will tomorrow.
That's the intention.
Walking Amsterdam so much I see masking or dressing a bit bigger as a must.
Inspired me to wait forever for fucking updates.
I was playing some DS2 with Tak last night.
so fuckin random tho
"Barbers" in America can mean either some old dude that's cut hair for years, obnoxious hipster places that try so hard to go for machismo by spending seven hours a day prepping their "beard" that looks like pubes glued to their face, or just places that mostly focus on male haircuts.
Asleep in my lap.
Well there ya go
You made it sound like they should.
Which part ?
every part
I still remember some group doing an ancestry test through public records of prominent alt-right/neo-Nazis in America and found that...none are German descent and almost entirely Irish.
I know right.. I added a few songs to my spotify library and it all went downhill from there
Amsterdam kinda sucks to be honest and I try to avoid going there unless there is a party I really wanna go to.. I don't even like going out there anymore
I don't think the first category exists here anymore, I only know one of such places and it's way too far for me to go to..
cute, give pets!
That's what you get when basing yourself on a made up ideal version of history that fits your colour of skin. Of course it's not all relative but these internet losers can choke on it.
Ah well at least we can actually talk in general music terms now.
Can't talk well about my japanese disco mix or syrian techno with others well.
I agree.
It's that I Have to be there so much.
You kinda have to become the trash when you're there.
It's kind of funny. Trannies fall more into the leftist column but some go to the right-wing column. The right-wing column generally want to get rid healthcare for people without money, as well as pre-existing conditions protections. I hope HRT isn't expensive.
Then you have the christians on the right-wing as well. I never could figure out the tranny/right-wing appeal. IT's like enabling multiple groups of people that work against their interests.
Your whole country is like 100 miles across. Nothing could be more than a half hour drive.
Pretty well-behaved for a feral, hobo cat.
I'm fine with people giving into racialism but Christ, at least know your lineage instead of making one up.
I am inherently against it because on one hand I can trace everything back to the Dutch Golden Age and even the Reformation but because some far away genes were cooler than the other I happen to be more brown than most.
Tokai, you're a brown, Mohammedan trying to steal jobs in the Netherlands.
Wow it's like high school all over again
yea.. there was a lil' kleine concert at the market square here not too long ago and I recognise like half the songs, not sure how to feel about that
aslong as you don't pick up the accent you should be fine..
it's all about perspective. I'm not going to travel an hour for a haircut, that's ridiculous!!
to be fair those songs are everywhere.
It's all so standardized it's hard to forget.
People tell me I speak soothing ABN.
I only use typical Jordaans to make fun of my mom.
Just start screaming "Allahu Ackbar" and claiming racism to get free stuff.
I travel half an hour one way to get across the goddamn city here.
The only privilege I got was a room full of silence when the topic of the Indonesian independence came along so the indo got to speak.
You are the token minority in any situation.
They'll never fire you or deny anything you do.
wish the post office thought of it that way
*happy anime girl *
Bomb the post office.
Post more happy anime girls
Then nobody gets any mail
I can't think of anything else to Luka post at the moment.
Fat anime tiddies
Mail is haram.
But that's not very puri.
Do it anyways
I’m a girl
Wait, Luka lost /aneki/?
Wow, me too. To prove how much of a girl I am, I am going to hound you for pics because that's what girls do.
I can’t expose my secret identity
Okay, Clarissa.
Who is that ????