Alt-right/ white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
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Are we on the losing side?
Alt-right/ white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.
Trending right now on twitter.
Are we on the losing side?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's America, everyone is pretty much guaranteed to lose even in their wildest dreams.
Also there's already a complete shitshow of a thread about this.
That other thread was about yesterday's events. It's a new day and this is a major event happening right now.
You got any live feeds?
I'm quite glad that I don't live in that hell city anymore.
I don't. Only random videos on twitter:
Well just caught some random Periscope where a cop was announcing over loudspeaker that the rally has been declared unlawful and that they must disperse.
If you're in the DSA or some other reformist organization then yes you are
As opposed to the communists who have exactly zero influence whatsoever?
Yep. The rally doesn't even officially start until noon…
Hope it gets broken up soon.
Is it time for a UN intervention in the USA?
What the fuck do you want influence over? Whatever, enjoy your little war. I'm gonna sit this one out.
Great question. Why should political beliefs have any traction whatsoever?
Get back to me when you figure out the answer.
The U.N. has proved that it is merely an agent of imperialism. Unless a significant socialist revolution occurs, the U.N. won't act.
So much for Unite the Right
Would recommend: also the trots rocked up and they were all like 50.
I hope they burn the entire city to the ground ala BLM.
Too bad we don't have soros bux to bail us out and kike shill jew lawyers to defend us in court.
Remember the only way to fight capitalism is to fight the jews and their negro and Hispanic pets
has anything even remotely interesting happened yet?
looks messy.
how was yesterday's?
Goddamn this witless guy is catching all the best stuff. Identity Uropa fighting with cops yelling we support you to them.
Fuckin hell
right now?
bunch of alt right autists having their first real life interaction with real life cops. they're, like surprised they're getting their ass kicked - funny shit.
Police making them leave the park.
"In the name of the commonwealth, this has been declared an unlawful assembly".
Fascists BTFO.*
(*Actual fascists, like NSM is there and shit)
"b-but we r on ur side"
"we de gud gais"
Highlights from second stream:
Host asked some libertarian what he was up to, guy said he was having fun, black nationalist smacks him in the face for spraying him earlier
Police began to contain, with some of the proud boys shouting "WE SUPPORT YOUUUU", police eventually lost their patience and started beating them with shields and arresting them
One tried stopping them advancing down the stairs, cop bounced him down them with a shield
Now all the groups are mixed together, with the militiamen protecting the right
Wait, are th III%'ers trying to act as a third party doing medical shit? Wtf.
Did these idiots forget to get a permit to assemble?
This is why their helmets go flying off whenever someone tackles them, saw it happen a couple of times. THE STRAP IS NOT A COSMETIC ATTACHMENT, YOU DUNDERHEADS!
Yeah they're trying to keep both sides seperated, not seen them give medical aid to the left but the right got absolutely dowsed in pepper spray at the stairs. They really didn't want kicking down them because all the commies were waiting at the bottom.
So what is everyone watching?
It's a massacre!
American leftists really need to wake the fuck up and arm themselves. This isn't an edgy party where you get to 'le smash', we need to start constructively protect ourselves against these fascist pieces of shit.
Fuck that black dude is based, talkin bout how all this is being used by the corporations to put them against each other
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Oh and it looks like Redneck Revolt showed up, good on them
You can't even protect yourselves from wanting to mutilate your genitals and HIV infections, you cuck.
I'm watching the Ruptly stream right now, and it looks like the nazis are vastly outnumbered and have been basically run out of town.
~5-6 minutes in
Why don't they just hose them down?
Every time one of these rallies/counter-rally events happen it just devolves into a commentary over "violence" or who is "justified." I guess it can lead to some recruitment or organizing for future events but really this seems to be pretty pointless tbh imho familam.
Anyone who can video cap. Cap clips of the rightists fighting and pushing back against the cops to throw it in Holla Forumsyps faces.
Well, first we should hook the hoses up to gasoline tanks, not water.
nice projection, adolf
Declared state of emergency. Holy shit.
Have to agree, as someone who has went to these types of protests/counter-protest I find it to be a huge waste of energy
Have to admit its pretty satisfying to see white nationalists run out of town
The only people who benefit from these larp events are journos who get a quick and easy sensationalized story for juicy clicks.
They ran into the redneck revolt people who were armed with rifles and shotguns. And the report was so confused. Also top kek the chat thought they were a right wing group because they had "redneck" in the name. Fuckin' libs man.
Anybody know how Holla Forums is taking it?
I dunno, it looks like fun tbh.
In denial about being BTFO
did i miss the violence? Did something cool happen?
I would not want a bunch of nazis marching in my town and I would be glad that would come and help prevent them from doing so
Pffft of course they are. The eternal Holla Forumsyp as usual.
I read one comment earlier about how the alt right is now a legitimate civil rights movement
Not much, the gov declared the rightist assembly illegal: Spencer got arrested. Nothing Major tbh, but the national guard are out in force now.
So much for the politically incorrect right
how do they actually believe this?
i heard the buzzfeed guying saying something about "extreme violence" and got excited. too bad
Life comes at you fast.
These retards are going to fall backwards into leftist thought.
Someone should start spreading ACAB and ancom anti-police stuff there.
Wow they all got totally BTFO. Sad!
WTF, I love cops now.
so is it over now? i thought there was going to be a big riot
The DSA cop shut down the white supremacist rally.
There is an interview of one of the main leftist organizers on right now.
or really activism in general
I know a journalist and everytime something like this his social media hits soars thru the roof. There is definitely a lot of publicity and promotion for these events.
It is kinda fun but its nothing more than an anime convention with political ideologies
Does that stop them from being Nazis?
Christopher Cuntwell got peppersprayed, lmao
Meanwhile Porky keeps on laughin'
Now that's some serious LARPing. Also I first thought that was the succdem circle on her sleeve lel
Good to see cops finally arresting those sidecut-wearing dyke SJWs.
That's a man.
if anarchists weren't there, nazis would be allowed to do as they like
This tbh.
dat's da joke
if cops weren't there, you mean
Jesus Christ these reactionaries barely put up a fight. How long did this rally even last? Sad.
No but this "anarchist activist" celebrating the authority of capital is pathetic.
Fuggin liberal journos, man
They found out the hard way they couldn't just spam pepe memes to make the bad lefties go away.
How many levels of damage control are they on, lads?
You know that this is far from over right?
Antifa did fuck all, the only reason they had leave was because of police.
Sometimes its just funny to see an enemy get fucked over by the same mechanisms that also fuck you sometimes. Hopefully a lot of alt-reich left that rally knowing that the police are NOT on their side. They're not on anyone's side but porkys.
you really think Nazi marches accomplish nothing? You don't think if people see these things happen unopposed that more people will find it acceptable to identify and organize with them? You don't think the nazis will have the run of the place and attack leftist or minority orgs anyways? Honestly IDK how you put so much faith in the fragile liberal state to do anything to combat the rise of the far right.
cry harder
True, but there were FAR more leftists there today. Like, 10 to 1.
Actually they got beat up lol
they are like 10 !
does anyone have any video of redneck revolt being there? thanks
you lost bitch
Yeah. One stream I was watching showed the alt right crowd being surrounded and retreating further into the park. It was hilarious
And that society was Albert Einstein.
Antifa is allied with the police now. #ArrestTheFash
Did you assume Richard Spencer's gender?
the police did them a favor tbh
haha I wish people on this board were that smart
We will see about that
Richard 'cucked' Spencer.
Your disguise is weak, as are you.
see what
you already ran away lol
Are you kidding? No one likes you. And that is coming from a communist who has been dunked on for over century in this country. When most people agree with McCarthy's target then you know you're an embarrassment of an idea.
Run back to your cuckshed, bitch
So it seems like DSA is leading the leftist contingent in Charlotesville right now..
It proves that DSA is just an id-pol organization. Nazism and racism is a spook. They should be working on issues that really matter.
Anti-fa is anarcocrap. DSA is just another id-pol liberal reformist organization.
How much more evidence do you need you are not COMMUNIST revolutionaries at all but merely an integral part of the established Jewish power structure?
Makes you think huh. I'll have a good laugh the next time a Jewish city council allows BLM or antifa to run roughshod all over a city for hours.
You are no threat to the system you are its footsoldiers. Celebrate while you still can.
shut up trot noone likes your SALT
Spence is fucking assblasted that the police dispersed his side for once.
hey those tweets don't just menchie themselves, you know
Well yeah, that's part of why we won. Usually antifas outcuck the right, but with them behaving like civilized people for once, cops needed someone to practice their phallic-substitution pepper sprays and you were the next ones in line.
Have you tried checking Redneck Revolt?
truly this trot will never rest until every org is split
i agree
it was still sorta sweet to see the "united right" betrayed at the hands of their cop friends
Papa Trot would be proud
why do smashies only mobilize against white nationalists
why don't you know anything?
Yeah, instead of trying to stop the far right from organizing, we should sell newspapers.
They weren't betrayed, the cops did them a favor. Shit was about to get real bad for the fascists. They were massively outnumbered.
Well he isn't wrong, but that just makes it more embarrassing that you lost to them.
They are too afraid to mobilize against the state.
why don't you answer my question
So key lesson I hope DSA learns from this
I'm just surprised the cops are doing something to them. Their normal MO is to just let them do whatever the fuck they want and then arrest their victims.
The clue is in the name friendo.
I think they got orders all the way down from the governor. If this didn't get huge coverage, they wouldn't have done shit. Governor only cares about how this looks for his image and electability.
they should protest weekly AIPAC fund raisers
AIPAC are unironically ethno nationalists
I'm always on here bitching about how they only go for media hyped targets. They're most likely being manipulated by moneyed interests but it's out of everyone's control.
I implied that they do but you simply live in an image board twitter meme realm and don't know of it. Have a nice day!
we the subject of cable news now
Where's your chaos demon god now?
who mobilizes antifa? I don't buy the narrative that these counter demonstrations happen organically
forgot flag
Anybody got some good live feeds?
Its all over now I think
Virginia's governor has a single term limit by law. He's not up for reelection. His Lieutenant Governor is running to take his spot now and he's gonna fucking lose hard because he sucks.
Probably done via social media manipulation, you're unlikely to find out by who unless somebody leaks social media account sales and the purchasing was sloppy. This probably happens with the alt-right too.
Sprinkling probablies in like crazy because there's absolutely no way you can prove it unless you catch an account you've sold on to one of these groups doing it. I imagine you could check for eggs with a few posts on twitter being among the first to share an event, but even then you can automate these accounts into padding themselves out.
Nah mate it's finished, the faschies are GTFO'ing.
There are people who do the organizing and also networking with other groups and organisations.
feels bad desu
Says they'll be back soon, but there wasn't much going on except stragglers yelling.
Just waiting for the trans drum circles and Esperanto lessons.
I think there were trots there too: considering the DSA aren't the type to carry soviet flags.
Certain chapters of DSA are led by literal 'trots', maoists, and anarchists. The organization has no ideology besides electing Democrats and reformism.
Trots aren't exactly fans of USSR either.
They literally just set their national platform last week, and its major planks are labor organizing and political education now.
Where the fuck have you been, icepick?
There's a good screaming match going on in this one. But fortunately everyone would rather live stream each other than fight.
tfw our movement have momentum
Forogot link.
It's all a lie. We all know that reformists only care about preserving capitalism.
Pretty much textbook Trump tbh.
Actually retards the main event is later on tonight when it gets dark
It's a good thing they are broadening their horizons and trying strategies that have never been tried before
Political platforms don't actually mean much.
Which is why Spencer is GTFO out of town and is telling everyone else to.
thank you, accelerationists of leftypol.
Operation Unite The Right was a success. Can't wait for my Soros check to come.
He can fuck off too, vanguards are where it's at
Are you fucking high? That's exactly what we did during the Great Depression. It worked so well, the US government had to break up the banks, and put a 94% income tax on the richest to pay for shit to placate the left.
The only thing we did wrong back then was accepting their concessions. We should have seized the means once the concessions began.
Hahahahahahaha yeah an Asian Buddhist really is an agent of the Jews
Get lost dork
Wow went from a small dieing community that needs to bot to get the numbers we have to being a monolith of a community that is overshadowing nazis to the tune of 60% in their own home. My how we've grown it these past 2 months.
Literally who fake tankie man.
dont think its happening mate
Thank goodness, maybe we can get back to ironic merchant posting like the good old /new/ days.
I don't think there's enough nazis in the world for me to be afraid in SoCal about a shit hole in the South
ofc you live in socal
Holla Forums on suicide watch
It's Schroedinger syndrome, their enemies are simultaneously omnipotent, all knowing, malevolent and devious, while simultaneously being irrelevant, powerless, idiotic and pathetic nobodies.
Portraying your enemy as weak, small, and easily defeated while at the same time painting them as infinitely strong and as a threat is a foundation-stone of fascist rhetoric according to Umberto Eco.
twitter rigging replies so they always show anti-trump accounts is petty, but probably effective
I'm honestly annoyed at the conservatives, for example the kid from the thread last night, acting like this isn't what they wanted when they continually pushed soft racism via their rhetoric and policies.
Yeah it's not like it's cities filled with poverty around it, and is extremely prosperous in small parts of down town.
You've never even been here, let alone know how big an area SoCal actually represents. LA is filled with poverty.
Not even /n/ was ironic you autistic nerd
I'm bemused but at amused at both parties in this shit show
SoCal is the shithole. Much happier living in fucking Alabama of all places tbh.
You don't need to tell me that. The price of living here is to the point its impossible to leave unless you're rich. It's a fucking tar pit you get born into, can't get in or out.
have you ever left the coast?
Most people were ironic. It was a minority that were unironic Nazis.
Another sign that they're losing it. They've proven they can't organize worth shit, now they'll start autistically accusing each other of being shills and the subsequent infighting will be the last nail in the coffin.
They finally know what it feels like to be a leftist
On the bright side my grandparents made a small fortune selling their house in Santa Barbara a few decades back.
my young life slip away
On vacation sure. Guam a couple, Hawaii once. South Carolina, ironically enough, is where some of my relatives live. Texas.
I've been places away from SoCal.
And I would still say SoCal has a poverty. The way it works is, the price of living here at one point was dirt cheap, anybody could live here during the baby boom, so people settled down.
Now it's becoming a center for industry, like Silicon Valley in NorCal. All these tech companies set up shop and their establishment and so too came the need for McMansions and bougie apartments in down town.
The price of living skyrocketed. There's other factors, but poverty in SoCal is very real just by the fact the housing prices are extremely high, and so rent is extremely high.
People born here hoping it would get better just ended up seeing it get worse.
Zizek still puts it the best. Anyone got a webm of him explaining the image of the Jew in Nazi germany from Pervert's Guide to Ideology?
it feels like the 90s again
and we are just getting started
after /new/ was deleted there was a distinct increase of nazi shitposting on all boards. It got annoying to the point where people were actually begging moot to bring it back creating Holla Forums.
/new/ was definitely unironic.
You just caught that now? They go in expecting numbers they don't have, and always end up not knowing what to do. The "Anti-Sharia" march just the other month was a great example. Some fat fuck had a heart attack on god damn stage.
These people are horrible at organizing events.
The overton window has been shattered into a million pieces. You can't hide anymore.
Oh so you want Bush? And you're showing Blizzrd art for Starcraft.
Just admit you're a NeoCon fucker
They say it's: A. The Chinese B. Silicon Beach Lotto Winners C. And rich parents who pay for the 20 somethings to move to da big city like NY.
Seems like The Chinese are going to buy the whole SGV
So what?
It's always been all the way to the right in the U.S.
epic bacon dude
You are just a part of the ZOG Occupied Government. You are not revolutionaries, you are cucks used by the jewish bourgeoisie elite.
Alt-Right/pol has more in common with revolution than you worthless ZOG Occupied Governmentbots.
Here is a live feed where someone plowed through a crowd
stealth /ourguy/ just got interviewed on fox
yay violence i wanna be violent too xDD dis is the real revolution xDD
It's not just the Chinese. SoCal is a port area, it's becoming a metropolitan area for countless ethnicity from myself as Vietnamese to Filipinos to fucking Armenians and everything in between.
Immigration isn't the problem. It's mostly big industries setting up shop over time that just sky rocket the price of living to the point of fucking insanity. That's not the singular issue but it's a big chunk.
All of the Asian immigrants here are poor as fuck, as are even the European immigrants.
There's an enormous amount of poverty in SoCal from price of living and its lowering our quality of life just because tech companies like setting up shop in nice ditsy places like Silicon Valley, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, or downtown San Diego. It made what was previously dirt cheap impossible to leave.
There are families that have been stuck here since the fucking 70's.
followed by incoherent black guy
Durr you ZOG Occupied Government Zionist Occupied Govermenters
You wanted Trump, you got Trump, you got ties with Soros, and you got fucking Goldman Sachs into the Government. And don't spin it like we wanted Hillary either, we want everything gone.
How we can represent capitalist interests I have no idea, but it's good that you're finally showing anti-capitalist resolve.
Take that fucking flag off right now
"If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement."
-Leon Trotsky
There aren't many zionists on this board my friend.
because of Eric Clanton and friends at past protests
fucking pundits need to get their facts straight
I'm sure this will go over well with normies.
well it dosent matte anyhow
still fun to see the "anti-ZOG" people have to ZOG Occupied Government police save them because the idiots thought an actual town is the same as a college campus
Always remember
You mean involuntary hand movements made by excitable white rights activists?
Don't make fun of epilepsy
bit of a cringelord lib still a cool dude though
Yes, and I'm sure chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us" was just a verbal tic, right?
Normalfags love freeze peach though
As far as big industry goes, it's big industry leaving that fucked everyone over. They used to have factories in LA. A lot of aircraft production which has since left.
Don't tell me about stuck. I know guys who did shit like hitchhiked and walked across the desert or some crazy shit like that to come here for a job offer and then: Being broke in LA> Head straight to Skid Row. Weekly rentals are like$400. Monthly rentals are $1000 with first and last month that's $3000.
Yeah never come to LA if you're broke. Like you said you might not be able to leave.
Cville people reporting terrorist attack - anyone have details?
What's the timestamp it's fucking impossible to tell.
Car drove into a bunch of people, can see the aftermath on livestream
i dont love antifa either but youre a fucking retard
fucking badass
Wait, Charlottesville.
oh no
We all knew it was going to happen sooner or latter. Fucking fools.
that isn't spencer is it?
That's from people who are truly desperate. The rest of us are just trying to get an education
I'm attending university at the moment, so you won't hear from me in little over a week as Fall semester starts back up. I don't know how much of this it will eat up, but my parents are first gen immigrants from Vietnam and were heavily insistent I get a degree as soon and as fast as possible. "Heavily insistent", if you know what I mean. And it's not like Asians get into universities very easily than others can.
Basically all sides are fucking my ass here and I just want to leave but I can't at the moment. It's shit.
i think if you go back to around 116 or 117, you ca see the car plow through a crowd
We have to see if the license plate of the car that plowed into the crowd reads SONICHU
few reports he was arrested so it could be….
The UN is more or less an extension of the American empire, so no.
So much for the peaceful right
Damn, that car looks pretty fucking brutal. Literally a ~8 y.o kid on top of the car.
Doesn't look fatal though, thankfully
It is Spencer. He got arrested.
how hard can it possibly be to separate opposing groups of protesters
Have the counter-protesters actually done anything?
Black protesters always fucking deliver
Why isn't anyone decrying the hoardes of negroids waving the pan African black nationalist flags?
What even is Holla Forums doing at this point in their lives?
When Muslims drive on people it's with trucks
When Holla Forumsyps do it it's with cars
When Berniebros shoot people it's politicians
When Holla Forumsyps do it it' unarmed people in churches
Holla Forums:underachievers forever.
nah, shit turned violent so the feds decided to shut it down
lmao get shat on nerd
That reactionary hoe thinks the counter protesters are Democrats.
impact at 2:35
You answered yourself in your own language why we don't support your ass
they got rekt because the police kicked them out of the park in small groups right towards waiting counter protestors
Oh btw the IWW were there today.
what the fuck does that mean?
black-nats are cringe but useful idiots
and once in a blue moon one or two end up being class conscious
apparently it was a black woman driving
116 pr 117 mins on the video you dingus
Good for her
Not even what I asked, why are you such a hysteric pea brain? Take your meds
I think it was one car that rammed another into the crowd. Black woman in the car that got rammed
Yeah, go hard or go home, open fire at these fucking nazis
We need more black women driving Holla Forums into the pavement tbh
Holy fuck.
Really starting to sympathize with Stalin now.
could be just car accident when
or a black-nat going all out to bash the fash
either is pretty good
Goddamn thats brutal
We don't denounce them because they're more communicable to socialist ideals than you are, in fact they're more communicable than you are.
That's where you're at Holla Forums. I'm sorry it's had to come to this.
Black Nationalists a la Black Panthers are amazing dude.
think you can see in this. im on my phone so kinda hard but saw it on Holla Forums
The black woman driving was in a car that was hit, not the one at the front. It was rammed from one behind.
thread theme
They're not communicable to anything at all except welfare. On average black nationalists are much more racist and violent than white nationalists.
Have fun with your dead weight.
the old ones were fucking awsome dont get me wrong but the new black panthers are meh or even just racial dividers at worst
You've been doing it for enough time and laughing at it for enough time.
It's nice seeing you get a taste of your own medicine.
Can't see shit. Some witness there claims it was an accident and a couple of kids were driving.
It looks like a black woman in the car getting hit. You can't see the driver hitting her in that.
ive got no problem with that t b h
Did you guys not see the Silver Mustang that rear ended the Black woman in the convertible?
Unless there was a black woman driving the Mustang as well.
The Black Panthers were only alright when they started to abandon the black nationalist rhetoric and started focusing on workers. Id pol is always shit no matter what side it is on
That's what I said, they're more communicable than Holla Forums is.
someone snapped a photo of the driver of the second car
You mean that black kid on top? Looks more like she got caught between the ramming car and the car that got rammed. Given that the rammer, y'know, fucking backs up
Yeah it was hilarious seeing the white nationalist groups shout 'we are on your side' to the cops too.
look at how fast they backed up
to me at least it looks deliberate.
No, it was a black woman in the car in front: the ramming car reversed the fuck out while she was injured.
Is this what they meant by "White Sharia"? Copying ISIS terror tactics.
The cars side window is tinted black, you can't see shit.
just had another look at the vid…
it seems a few people were climbing on some poor blokes car with him inside and he hit the gas to get away…..
the "plow through the crowd" could have just been people falling of his car
Holla Forums are suburbanite ISIS lite
There is no welfare state in America and the vast majority of black people work.
Black nationalists are anti-imperialist and anti-police. White nationalists are not, in fact it was white supremacy that created bullshit like the white man's burden and police officers are protectors of the liberal establishment.
Let's not forget the true victims here are the moderate white nationalists.
Kek what, there was a black chick driving the car that got hit by the car with the super tinted windows. Doesn't matter tbh right now, I mean Holla Forums saying the driver was black is just their snap reaction to shape the narrative. We will all know the driver by the end of the day probably.
filename: "I keep screaming but god doesn't hear me"
White nationalists are anti imperialists too. Get out of our countries.
Christ, America, had it been literally anyone else protesting bodies whould have hit the floor already.
yeah IDK for sure, jt just seems like Holla Forums was sure it was so i was assuming maybe they had subsyance to their claims, but it is Holla Forums so that miightve been a hasty generalization on my part
i think youre right, think the situation is being misjudged. will have 2 wait
thanks for ruining it….
its only funny when its at least believable
Don't kid yourself faggot.
I'm pretty sure you'll be anti imperialist when you piggies can learn how to fly too
Where are the cops? Are they that slow?
lol no you're not.
You guys literally invaded other countries last time you were in power
No, not at all. Capitalism requires imperialism. Hitler totally kept to himself.
Remember those bots I was talking about?
fuck off Holla Forums
This car is the one that got rear-ended btw.
Holla Forums at this rate you'll double the socialist population within the year
Thank you, god bless
i was just looking at the vid?
calm down mate
No, why would they be there? People are getting hurt, not private property.
Why do they think this is some kind of video game? The goal of disrupting these protests is to prevent them from grandstanding and seizing the attention of the bourgeois media (which the left more or less did.) You can't "win" a protest.
lol nah, there will never be a rainbow coalition
Race is all that matters your class reductionism will forever be a fairy tale.
They turn up within a minute.
Unironically this. I didn't expect to see so many protesting the alt right today either
Who said anything about a rainbow coalition? What's that?
Looks like our plan to disrupt Holla Forums by roping them in with these autists worked
is code for……
not liberal mate
I have a great game to play
The social media accounts of Holla Forums posters who attended this protest today
Will deliver in a second.
When will this story arc end?
Someone drove a car through dozens of protestors. No word yet if any are dead.
We don't plan anything. Holla Forums are perfectly capable of being idiots by themselves
I say we take credit for it just to fuck with their heads.
Even if the Alt-Right conducted millions of terror attacks Donald Trump will never raise a finger against them. Quite sad.
here is another angle of the car
dont think anyone will have died see…..
I don't think we can take any credit. Holla Forums did that all on its own
Your "white allies" despise you and you despise them. There will be a unitary multiracial socialist revolution. There isn't a single leftist movement in the united States that meaningfully disavows racial identity politics (not even the DSA I've attended their meetings). Never will be. Things are at a breaking point we simply need a little bit more gas…
Is there something wrong with White supremacy? How about Mexican supremacy in Mexico or Chinese supremacy in China?… or is it just whites that can't have power in a country their ancestors built?
Send your police, lefties.
Send your CIA.
In the end, the people will always win.
White power
What? Nah dude
The real incident of the car crashing in to our comrades.
Bystanders are saying two black females were driving the vehicle involved in the crash.
seems to disprove this theory
White isn't even a real ethnicity. Fuck off.
Like you've done the whole 20th century? Sure that sounds fun as fuck
shut up tard
Socialist groups? People slaving for corporations? Nigger, the only socialists left are nationalsocialists.
Hey porky, whatcha doing?
Wait, is that a fucking sportscar? Did some pampered trust fund kid do this? Also
We are not liberals, we unlike the right seek the end of capitalism.
The world doesn't become a better place just because your slave masters are the same color as you, peckerwood.
If you are one of the idiots who actually thinks those are white supremacists/literally nazis, yes. Proceed to close leftypol and go back to twitter
Here are the protestors who attended Holla Forums's event. Will post more.
i dont think he does t b h
dont care bout race mate as long as u are class conscious
i agree going to be fun when a one of u loses it and shots a bunch of people or blows some shit up and get FBIed to hell when u outlive the usefulness u currently have
There's something wrong with all of them, you fucking mong.
ha ha HA HA ==HA HA==
I'm sorry Mr. Nazi that's capitalism. That is what is going on right now.
kek m8, No this just flat out proves that Holla Forums was straight up lying or talking out of their ass. Which isn't surprising
Keep it up!
literally nothing fam
The car that rammed into people had tinted out windows and reversed off almost immediately
The black women were in one of the cars that got hit.
you guys are literally SJWs lol
Bullshit. Nice try, Holla Forums.
That's called Capitalism
Can we stop replying to the fucking asperger afflicted snowniggers attempting to draw attention away from the fact they've just been caught out going full "sportscar of peace" on everyone.
Explain black lives matters then or are you just a VIP fuckhead without a clue. White is European like this country until 1965 lying cheating immigration bill that said the nations demographics wouldn't be changed… This is what is happening now
Dumbest post I've seen all year. Congrats.
One for the pedals and one steering?
Im honestly shocked the police didnt just kill all the leftist and then suck off the nazis/kkk. Id better not give them any ideas
Antifa and DSA ran them off so no.
So what's your solution faggot?
Hahahaha no. America has never been fully white. It's had Native Americans before you, and slaves brought in simultaneously as colonists. Your argument is bullshit.
who cares if a geo-political entities demographics change?
European isn't an ethnicity you fucking dunce. Proof that you're an Amerifat with no culture. Don't associate yourself with us.
pretty spooky m8.
Anti-Identity Politics.
The trigger discipline is triggering but what about the fact that she's holding an Israeli gun?
someone download the video of baked alaska geting peper sprayed and crying for "MILK!!! I NEED KILK NOW!!" after being a whiny high school-tier bitch mouthing off before he takes it down
Not to mention all the white people like me here are a mix of numerous European ethnicities. So not even the white people are ethnically pure or whatever.
It's no secret that Nazis love Israel fam
God this makes me so happy. I hate Cantwell more than any of these other faggots.
Here's a more
Baked Alaska might be actually retarded, I'm starting to feel bad for him
I hate idpol but it makes my skin tingle when Americans refer to themselves as "Europeans".
Fuck you and your inferiority complex, you share a skin tone with us, nothing more.
Cernovich has declared civil war!
I'm not, fuck that guy
where is it?
And yes, the protester girl apparently let her kids hold her guns
No it isn't. As you well know up until the 40s many European ethnicities (i.e. the irish, slavs, eastern europeans in general, etc) were considered non-white by Anglo and Germanic americans.
we shouldn't marginalize them over something they can't control
Funny how reactionary young men in the Middle East also drive into crowds of innocent people…
kek wat
Well her kids have more trigger discipline than her, so maybe it's not such a bad idea.
I want my soros bucks, where are they Holla Forums? Where are they???
Is it reactionary hunting season yet?
what's with the white old man between the 2 black guys
It's okay for kids to hold guns assuming they have been taught gun safety and are supervised. Obviously gun safety was not taught in this case. Been using guns since I was like 6.
It's certainly rabbit season
Stop replying you fucking faggot you're ruining the thread.
The reactionary right has adopted the "offending me is literally violence" meme. You know the one the liberal SJWs loved to use back in the day? Shit is getting weird.
So when are we gonna talk bout the white on white violence plaguing college campuses?
I'm having a gun time fuck you. This is good shit.
and before that Ben franklin basically called Germans and Scandinavians niggers
Fun time, Freudian slip
holy shit what the fuck have libs done since November besides refreshing Trump's twitter feed so they can be the first to type up a "witty" reply
Owning the libs by screaming "I NEED MILK NOW"
who would have thought
not a lib
national """socialism""" is just the end result of capitalism fool
Eh Ahmed could learn the native language/history and engage culturally with a local European community. At least that is better than sucking off some kind of abstract ideal of "European" culture and not embracing your own culture in of itself.
i know who was in the car, give me a few seconds and i'll identify him.
So you just need to be a NEET in order to consider yourself a leftist now? Not an argument!
This violence against the opposition in the USA has gone too far! It's time for the UN to launch an INTERVENTION!
that black dude with the afro tri color flag… theres just something hilarious but still kinda awesome about the fact that there is militant blak dudes fighting w/ antifa today. based.
He does not. He will not. You are a naïve teenager.
Yeah sure they had race riots & a Brazil like violent mulicult society ?? 1965 immigration bill lies & deceit is causing this future war….
its a meme you dip
What's funniest about all this is I'm dating a blonde chick rn and we've spent the Summer together
I'm polluting your race with my degenerative dyke cunt culture
Mad faggot?
I think Twitter purposely puts posts like those on the top.
The owner of Twitter hates Trump.
please let Sam get arrested for real this time
I know you idiot.
Neither will Holla Forums, considering you're a bunch of fucking neets with no drive to get a college education
Man you are destroying me with your platitudes and unsubstantiated claims, how will I ever recover?
Also, we are all well aware that all these groups are shit, or are being subverted. It's why we exist here.
lol you guys aren't anti-capitalist. Fascism is a capitalist defense mechanism. You are literally drones
Charlottesville no funny.
Charlottesville sad! guyz.
who even cares if he does?
religious extremeists would be right up there with fascists and capitalists on the trains to gulag?
actually dw its a different guy
Twitter should delete Trump's account for TOS violations. The buttfrustration would be pretty incredible.
I think it only counts as "polluting" if you get her pregnant with your dyke dick. I'd say you're "cucking" them for sure.
viral advertising for oreos
Good job destroying the shit flinging snowape and this thread.
America has always had race riots (however the most violent and deadly ones were perpetuated by white (that is to say, non-black) people.) Also eastern europeans were known for their "violent" ideologies like communism, a belief in labor organizing, and also anarchism, which is why their immigration was closely monitored and restricted.
You're not polluting anything you don't have sperm. Run along you dumb dyke. You'll end up marrying the first cucky asian man with a decent salary you can boss around after you grow out of your meme dyke phase.
No they shouldn't
Trump embarrassing America on twitter is the best thing ever.
We're not at the point of our emotional connection for me to grow a cock yet. We'll get there.
fuck is there a single thing polyps have even basic knowledge of that's not making meth and the number of jews in various companies
You got her whole life planned out don't you?
bit of gender confusion there Holla Forums?
Artificial Insemination and two great moms is an order away you single binch.
is it this guy
Yes he can. Go outside. Watching TV News doesn't count.
Funny thing is I KNOW you're salty for feeling like a misplaced peace of shit trying to fit into a culture he knows he doesn't belong to but is trying to shoehorn himself in out of a retarded birthright nobody gives two shits about.
Face it, everyone is going to see you as a culturally and intellectually worthless American for the rest of your life. And there isn't shit you can do about it.
oh wait u arent a man? well fuck retract that joke is guess…..
But..but.. we are just defending our race…
year after year pushing the white man to the point now you made this now you will get what is to come.
pls do. pls lord end this train wreck of a country.
should be like 2 hours backwards if the shitty link doesn't work
lmao white subhumans btfo
Eh, I don't think it's a phase. You're going to have to get used to the site of "white" (whatever Americans consider "white") women dating women of other ethnicities going into the future
I'm certainly going to be one. I've got jungle fever for blondes.
does Holla Forums actually believe that the UN can do anything?
My mum's white and my dad's black. You mad, bro? That make you feel like starting a riot on a uni campus?
He got pepper sprayed afaik
We've made you embarrass yourselves really badly and scream "I NEED MILK NOW"
what's this about ppl getting hit by a car? just some drunk moron or is a Holla Forumsyp trying to emulate dylann roof?
Is everyone staying tuned for President Pepe's statements on Charlottesville?
Richard always cries
Hope you dont mind I steal this for twitter?
just Holla Forumsyps proving again they're basically wahhabists
Some people recognized him
they called him Doorway
Fuckin' lol! source?
I'm betting he's not talking about the natives here
Nothing's ever demonstrated that race's just a spook better than this paragraph.
Holy shit.
Once again this image remains eternally relevant to American "whites" calling themselves a singular ethnicity
You mean the skinhead getting into the hatchback?
Not a hatchback.
lūʻau's still going huh?
CNN says 10mins.
Come back and show me if it's a hit later.
That's a hatchback.
Niggers riot & burn it down on behalf of the "communist" kikes. There's no way out of this except the far right going scorched earth & reclaim the land their ancestors conquered…
```If any antifa is reading this, please don't attack anyone or anything, this is the perfect time to let the right auto-destruct himself, don't do anything stupid or you will give more powder to the ammunition of the right.```
yeah but he's still a nazi so let's spread it around anyway
Holla Forums trying to blame this on a black woman lmao
Can't take responsibility for shit
Like they're surely doing right now getting pepper sprayed and screaming "MILK!!!! GIVE ME MILK!!!! MILK NOW!!!!!"
the car apparently didn't even have a licence plate wtf
Ok how do we address blacks then?? Oh you must be a Kenyan American 3rd generation?? Your standards are only for Whites everybody else are poc
This couldn't have gone better holy shit
CNN advertising a CNN Special Report 'TWITTER AND TRUMP' right now.
most likely
They took it off to better murder people, but used a dodge charger and fucked up the front lol
or maybe race is just a massive fucking spook?
You're either playing dumb are you are dumb. Every policy proposal in the Communist Manifesto has been implemented in America in some form for 100 years now.
Teaching the frozen circumstances to dance by playing them their own melody.
The cars look similar but the antenna(which may have fallen off in the crash) is missing, and the back isn't visible. Honestly they look like different cars, but if I saw the video then it would be possible to identify the car.
I'm a first gen Vietnamese American currently attending a University on Psychiatry, and I expect to fucking have plenty of you nutcases paying my bills in the future.
with the damage to the front it will be easier to identify the car if the person ditches or still on the run with it.
Just saw that.
I hate the media so much.
Anyways it's all identity politics, history has shown that problem is very simple to solve
Is this an actual question? 95% of blacks are descendants of slaves in the old South. African-American is a shitty term, but it describes a coherent ethnicity unlike "white american" as if new york jews and wv hillbillies have anything in common
wtf is this the car?
Lets isolate one faggot & skip the white ppl that smell blood & are learning violence as we speak. The left multi cult eutopia will never work & never has the tribes are different & I'd politics will rule the land if the snipers stay home
t. the xanax-addled bipolar attention whore
Yeah, yeah, but… what if I want to adress someone by the color of their skin and not the content of their character?
Yea? And what policy proposals would that be Holla Forumsyp?
looks like the person bailed
gonna be even harder to find that prick now
That's the car, he out of there.
I live among plenty of whites, hindus, Armenians, blacks, they all seem to get along fine and I'm in a shitty part of town.
Your apocalyptic fever doesn't mean shit to people like me.
will the police even try?
If it wasnt stoles they can just run the VIN
stopping child labour is pernicious marxism
Have you seriously never read it? Flip to chapter 2.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.
Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production.
These measures will, of course, be different in different countries.
Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.
white ppl think mace too spicy
Shame your fam wasn't wiped out with the other commie slants in the 60's
Even professors have xanax, everyone has some Xan.
And I am a proud attention whore.
Someone tweet this at CNN and see if they take the bait
no but u dont understand…..
at some point the whatt powaa movement will declare a white jihad against muh shitskins then u will all magically hate each other
fucking awesome
Fucking corporate cocksucking hypocrites
Fucking unemployed lazy piece of shit losers
Marx literally lists public education and progressive income tax as a measure by which to transform a capitalist society into a communist society by increasing production to obtain the hypersurplus at which point the concepts of money and property are obsolete and communism becomes the new way of life.
looks fake like this
It was a brain dead sheboon ramming antifa dumbass. You must be black yourself.
I think we did the wiping out, how many POW's had a fun round of Russian Roulette? Vietnam was a loss for the Americans, strategically and most importantly, culturally.
War for your nation hasn't been the same since. It started in Korea, and hit boiling point in Vietnam.
You should honestly be ashamed if you're propping up the US invasion of Vietnam as a victory. It wasn't. You treated your vets like shit.
Naw that is a meme image
Nice try Holla Forums
i m o its being interpreted b u almost completely wrong….
but still if the communist manifesto actually DID go into affect that would be cool t b h
Baked Alaska is so obviously Jewish I can't imagine what is going on in the minds of these supposed Nazis.
The name is ironic you utter twat. The poster is DSA.
There is enough evidence to track the guy since the car is found.
That's perfect, send that shit.
haha haha ha
It's sarcasm. Learn 2 be human
nope Slav
just fun to watch a bunch of autist-rights and american-antifas getting annoyed
faggot body count is all that matters
Good to know that the attack in Nice was just a 'car crash.'
In their defense, pretty much every ideological faction does that to some degree.
Nobody I think is going to shy away from shaming opposing groups any time soon.
Body count is all that matters in a war? Really?
You must have a piss poor understanding of war then, because even your Vets came back home and were treated like shit and became homeless.
You sure won Holla Forums, Vietnam was a great war for America.
i kek evri tym
if he's white it's alright
if he's brown shoot him down
Sure do love seeing the right meltdown and fuck themselves over
Who said ZOG Occupied Government is kind to the pawns?? Body count is all that matters
This is worse than a meltdown this is a full blown baby tantrum.
Nice try, ;)
Videogames were a mistake.
You spelled Military Industrial Complex wrong
Well gee if body count is all that matters then I can see how you Holla Forumsyps can doublethink the nazis into winning ww2
*halo announcer voice*
From what I see it's mostly Matt Heimbach-tier Stormfags in Charlottesville today. I see a buncha people with his group's emblem on flags, shields and shirts along with the usual "White pride worldwide" paraphernalia.
there was a plate look at this photo
Ehh that is an unfair comparison. Leftists just flat out insult people on their right wing views. Classcucks actually think they are making a substantive argument by making ad hominem attacks on their opponent.
Yeah I looked through his tweets. You were right.
tbf that is literally what the military brass were saying while taking L after L
commies, watch out!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Car was already found and police have it. The driver fled. But it was probably a stolen car. Doubt the terrorist would use their own.
Anyone have more info?
Ohio car. Could've been stolen though.
"soybodies are here! hey whats up losers? communist losers get the fuck out of my country bitches. yeah thats right come up to me bitch"
*gets peppersprayed 90 secs later*
People not only don't know what socialism is, they don't even know what capitalism is too.
Man I need a car, and some jihad level Holla Forumsack is crashing cars left right and center. Is there no justice in this world?
look out how white the crowd the prowhite car of peace if plowing into
Here's the car history
No clue where to find more info from here though. Haven't found any reports of it being stolen either, not that I'd really know where to check
We need to make this live on in the annals of fucking history
for reference 0:55-4:00 mins
The aut-right and WN movements are mostly comprised of edgy/angry/confused reactionary idiots who have no real ideological convictions. If they did, they wouldn't support most aut-right and WN leaders. No one with any real Ideological conviction would ever stand behind that sleazy snitch David Duke or the homosexual jews at TRS.
Well someone said in the comments thaty the police have the car but I haven't found verification yet.
But that Burgers buyed it is quite worrysome.
Reminder that Breivik's victims were also Whites…
And that the majority of people killed by Islamists are Muslims.
There might be a pattern.
Far right gonna far right, I guess.
are you saying reactionaries don't actually care for the people they claim to?
Trump going live soon
You people couldn't imagine how fun and heartwarming this is to watch when you're eastern European, and you hate: Americans and communism.
Guys, I have a genius idea.
Let's use this as an opportunity to petition the White House to proscribe the alt right as a terrorist group.
The """economic anxiety""" is strong in Charlottesville tonight.
Holla Forums BTFO
muh freeze peach! lol
Kulaks deserved it
does anyone want to pay for a licence plate repor?
Remember when Holla Forums was promising these were the men who would put us in the helicopters
God they really are SJWs.
Apparently he's been caught.
CNN are saying someone has died.
at least one person confirmed dead
He will claim "self defense" and get off. Hopefully they will release his name though.
Goddamn what the fuck is this day.
the voice crack at the end while throwing a temper tantrum for more milk is fucking hilarious
There need to be an equivalent of that pic with a Holla Forumstard peepersprayed by a cop
going to prison for sure then
milk is very yummy tbh. probs one reason why im such a SOYBOY.
Did my mom deserve waiting in line for bread for half a day?
Or tiny baby me, being hungry and not having diapers for your utopia?
Legitimate RIP.
Something something joke about how White People can't handle spicy food and have to drink milk to take it down
yes you fucking kulak
Does anyone deserve poverty? No. That's what we're trying to fucking combat.
The Republic and Capitalism has also killed millions, but you never hear about the body count or unfortunate circumstances for either.
My granddad was in the KGB and he told me that your story is bullshit.
watch this guy they just interviewed, very interesting and horrifying
Maybe more than just the drivers
CNN and the mayor of Cville confrimed the woman ran over was killed. She was a member of the IWW and a comrade. Press F to pay respects. Martyrs never die.
heard from a friend that it was one of the people who got hit by the car
Yeah. sadly their terrorist attack succeeded.
RIP ;_;
Baked Alaska's crew are a buncha cheerleaders. The ferocity with which they ride his dick's pretty pathetic.
Goy-Emperor Trump has condemned it, even though Holla Forums is in denial about it, Pence has condemned it, Farage has condemned it, Red Ice radio has been hacked and its subscribers are going to be doxed, the rally itself has been a complete disaster; Today has not been a good day for Holla Forums, and it's probably only going to get worse.
Holla Forums really are terrorists
Well at least this means that the reactionary will likely face a trial.
Trump still hasn't specified the white nationalists though
Turns out the secret to Holla Forums's memetic warfare is just getting owned constantly and crying about it on social media.
nope. he did the whole "both sides are bad" thing the stupid cunt
unions nowadays are almost all absolute cancer
IWW is/was cool though
i hate violence
And he won't.
That's how liberals are user.
holy shit
oh come on now
what is Holla Forums saying i bet they're pretty happy now aren't they
steel yourself. strikers used to get shot all the time by porky. legitimately sad day but if we are going to succeed, we must endure.
Holla Forums is too autistic to realize that this makes them look awful in multiple ways.
IWW has always remained true
This one is for you IWW comrade
The people united will never be defeated
Holla Forums are most likely celebrating this shit
Some seem excited about the prospect of a Nazi masturbation fantasy for some reason. Same as always I guess
hahaha fuck, if he gets away with this…
though it's just a guy on twitter, who knows
holy fuck ahahahahaha
Violence is required. Read Exodus. Systems of authority never willingly cede power. Non-violence doesn't work.
Any Holla Forumsyps celebrating, remember that despite the army of supposedly badass Nazis there, it took someone in a two ton vehicle to kill one (1) comrade
Hope they can link the attack to Holla Forums
Solidarity forever.
If he killed someone he is still going to end up in court.
I have a weird feeling they won't really put in the effort to find him, if they haven't found him by now.
What's there to even celebrate on their side, they're literally doing what they piss their pants over.
And even then the rest got basically mocked to high heaven arrested and pepper sprayed
Nah, you don't want that shit coming anywhere near imageboards.
the driver's been arrested
This joke has been made around 10 times already in this thread alone dipshit.
CNN commentator going in on Trump's weak response.
im willing to bet NONE of you have ever committed a violent act in your lifetime
I know these people are ridiculous, but for some reason it always surprises me how ridiculous.
Holla Forums saying the murder was an accident
Allegedly, this is the guy who was in the vehicle
Pretty touching really…
willing to bet hes a budweiser guy
Woudn't have done shit if Brits weren't scarred by the threat of the more radical wing of independentists.
That would be an excuse to also crack dow on us
most likely fake used for the OSU shooting too.
What, that people compare you to ISIS now? Congratulations dumbfuck a redfaced alcoholic killed somebody innocent with a car attack
You sure are winning an uphill battle with this
It's okay it's still early hours yet. The rally hasn't even started.
but I thought people love muslims.. part and parcel of living in a big city..
it's better to be compared to ISLAMIC State than to NAZIS anyway, more sympathy from liberals
Police told them to gtfo, Spencer said to leave. Rally's not happening.
wow your brain is completely meme-fried. You literally get your entire worldview from clickbait headlines. Sadiq is a dickhead but 1 second of context and you'd understand what he actually said
Except a good chunk of Muslim's first response to terrorist attacks is "They aren't true Muslims! THAT'S NOT TRUE ISLAM!"
You have to be absolutely retarded to believe that openly jubilating and endorsing terrorist action is in any way productive.
Propaganda of the deed doesn't work.
Every fucking time.
I love how in the middle of the "we all just need to love each other this is so tragic guize" shit he just HAS to slip in "oh btw i'm doing AWESOME as president"
For user IWW Comrade.
did you just do this?
Good, lad.
Do another recording that's just the banjo. Time for a Holla Forums choir tribute
Aye captain, chords are simple as shit.
Did Mike dump his wife or is his still yucking it up with wealthy jews in a wealthy jewish suburb?
Did he wife know he's a Nazi?
If they go back to C'ville someone will fucking shoot them after this.
nice comrade
His wife was on his show singing racist Christmas tunes
These guys are going to have the wake up call of the century if this continues to escalate.
why did you like all of them?
He probably got it from Holla Forums I guess.
Minimalist version. Bat'ko, we should probs get on this.
Someone on Holla Forums made the screencap
This was a test post because my posts were removed and i assumed i was banned wanted to see the reason, tell you what you commies are alright.
I don't see why we can't get along in the interest of both our movements, what if say after all is said and done we give you asia and half of europe and we get US and UK/france/spain ?
Do you think we could co-exist or will there always be a blood fued between us?
Sorry for blogpost
Next time a fucking liberal punches left about antifa being just as bad as the Nazis, remind them that an International Worker of the World died in the streets at the hands of a Nazi.
Rest in power, IWW-bro.
Sorry, fucking beside myself right now
White supremecy, fascism and capitalism are what we fight against. All of which you support. So no.
I'm talking about the jews of cource, what i mean is after they are all gone or back in israel what does that mean for us.
I would honestly rather live in a commie state than the shit that we have now, it's all a lie and a show and i fucking hate it, i became a nazi after watching tgsnt and have stayed one, but at the same time i have alot of sympathy for communists as well
Good footage ICYMI
So you are saying if we both had our own lands to do what we want with you would still wage war against us? i am not saying my side would not try and do the same but fundamentally we are closer to eachother than we would admit
So much for the nigger-killing cops.
Furthermore, you are protected by the establishment. You're only fighting against progress. You are not counter culture, you're just the edgy version of the status quo/regressive-ism
Breaking News!
imagine being this stupid
the nazis literally plowed through the soviet union and massacred millions of people
not again
Liberals are going to condemn all protestors now, because a woman getting hit by a nazi in a car was asking for it. I'm fucking seething and seriously considering beating a magafag that lives by me.
suspect is white
Do it for both of us.
Space Station 13? Im not sure how to take this shitpost
more proof
just let it wash over you
Fuck off Holla Forums.
Wearing a white polo and khakis. Aut-right confirmed.
do you think putting on a random leftwing flag hides the obvious Holla Forumstardidity of your post? heres a hint: no
Fucking shitcurity. Captain is a condom.
You are joking right?
is it confirmed a FW from IWW has died?
This is why I don't go outside.
Not him, fuck off Holla Forums
Holla Forums just stop.
But stalin was planning his own offensive right?
That facebook isn't him.
That's what is going around on Twitter, but it hasn't been confirmed yet.
Is this actually the car guy?
If you dumb snowniggers were actual niggers, flying BPP banners and screeching black power, you would have been arrested the moment you stepped foot in town. You are a very whiny dupe.
Judging shit on Holla Forums investigations not just waiting for actual evidence.
Holla Forums, you are fucking panicking and it is hilarious.
Sargon is creaming his pants.
Yes. He is a confirmed white supremacist. Holla Forums is just spreading lies in order to muddy the waters (per usual.)
The plate is Ohio you dipshit.
Was already in the halfchan thread where they were talking about how this isn't him and they are just trying to spread lies to confuse the media
Nice try though
Where is the confirmation?
I thought the same thing but he could've easily just moved. Ohio is right next to Michigan
DSA members got injured and news stations mentioning victims are IWW/Dem Socialists, giving them positive press. Checkmate Holla Forums
Wasn't there a study where they found out that people who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to engage in conspiracies themselves?
fuck off opportunist
Man thats fucking sad
Yes, my yard and my laundry form part of the Mexican empire.
Fuck off Holla Forums
Could care less about press, but Holla Forums does. Only rubbing it in their faces since they consider political power to be the same as attention.
lmfao keep trying
i don't think it's Joel Vangheluwe. Didn't see a dodge challenger in his face book but i did see this:
So Slave Ray 2 electric boogaloo?
"Normies" won't even know what IWW stands for.
well it says it right there so
So what? They are fucking stupid. We should act based on what is rational, not what Holla Forums thinks.
Do you even know what that word means here?
of course Holla Forumss expertise is in fabricating lies
they will believe the faked images they post and pretend it was anyone else but their faggots who did this, because they never do anything (but it was totally justified)
lies are the sole reason of their existence
Yes, it means thinking you can use the bourgeois state media to further the fight for communism.
furthermore if you compare the facebook image with the ones of the actual terrorist it does not match even remotely
When will the US antifa finally grow balls and get weapons?
They already have in some branches.
This can't be true
That sounds like bollocks ngl.
You are misinterpreting things but its nbd
Only found this. No citations so take with a grain of salt.
Good luck finding a source for that, because that's bullshit.
I hope this is true.
Is it actually impossible for Americans to not look like idiots while protesting? For some reason it always looks so awkward.
If that's true then we might as well be witnessing the beginning of Holla Forums's wet dream of raece war for real.
Just got a site-wide ban on Reddit for telling a Holla Forumsyp to kill himself. Fucking lol.
Will Twitter and Youtube be forced to purge fascists if there's mainstream media pressure? Time for the dipshit lib class to start writing opinion columns.
They are the land of individualism they cannot accomplish anything collectively unless it involves voting and bombing other countries.
Holla Forums are jews
It's because they are nerds. Normal Americans just ignore everything.
Holla Forums somehow thinks this is just going to blow over. He straight up murdered someone and was arrested. All the facts will come out very soon.
Do anyone have the webm of that libtard and magafag's literal autistic screeching?
Jesus man learn to fucking spell.
You're both autistic as each other, or you're just one very autistic Ritalin brained individual.
not the webm but if you know how to make one, have this
No, I don't care if it was DSA, PSL, or Lenin himself, the bourgeois press will NEVER side with socialists.
This is why nobody takes protesting seriously here
It will blow over, or be swept aside.
If this was a muslim you'd hear a lot more about it than you will.
Wouldn't surprise me if Trump starts some more twitter beef to distract people pretty soon.
if you actually read gorbachev interview he repeatedly admits that he was a social democrat with the intention of destroying the soviet union. if you read his earlier texts it's also very obvious that he was a cuckdem. how is this conspiracy or autistic.
I don't know what happened to my post but I guess it got deleted .
I was criticizing antifa for making us and actual leftists look like violent retards. They are basically our equivalent of the aryan brotherhood. Terrorizing normal people does not make leftism look good.
Us Americans have realized that politics are divorced from reason, and we've embraced that fact completely.
Someday Europlebs will catch up.
Holla Forums BTFO.
Just taking the piss out of how he's going off on tangents and not reading the actual reply I'm responding to.
ZeroBooks interview when?
Holla Forums virgins BTFO once again.
This, one day the Europeons will evolve, but in order to do so, they must study the U.S.
holy lel that's the one thx
Purely anecdotal but when i was a rightist what first led me to being so was conspiracy nuts and their theories, so i'd say there is certainly validity to this. This is why Alex Jones is so popular with these types today. Red Ice used to be primarily about general conspiracy theory shit before moving onto WN. If you make a thread about guys like Bill Cooper or even Jordan Maxwell (who was on Red Ice as recently as last year) on Holla Forums you'll mostly praise and agreement with their ideas.
Obviously not him then lol
who is this guy?
Am I being too hopeful or have these faggots really fucked themselves over this bad:
At this point I think the only ones willing to stand by them are their pundits on youtube, they're fucking done for.
The scapegoat Holla Forums chose to blame the attack on.
A guy Holla Forums was blaming for the attack. He's an anti-Trump liberal.
Dis real?
Police unions are a joke and should be disbanded.
Probably because it was dumb as fuck and every action can't be weighed against how uneasy it will make liberals feel.
WE DID IT Holla Forums
They really are completely reddit
I hope you yanks have a civil war and kill yourselves to death
t. concerned yuropoor
My real Twitter has stats like those tho.
RIP in F
Who's the Wojak supposed to be? Pence?
So long as you're constitutionally against the very existence of innocent people, not to mention equality and liberty, no we can't. Sorry, but you're the bad guy.
try Holla Forums, they'll embrace you like a long lost brother
Is that a shoop? No one would seriously walk out in public wearing that right?
better picture of the suspect
I wish for it everyday too. People are too content to start shit though. We haven't had a legit worker's movement in decades just autistic screeching
don't forget that antifa appeared as peaceloving citizens while right wingers as torch-bearing murdering psychos
/vg/station represent!
Really backfired on them.
I wish I had screencapped that thread where they thought Holla Forums planned it.
If thats really him then he looks like one of the white nationalist group members for sure
Next up, Holla Forums finds out, in a suspiciously low amount of time, the real culprit was a black midget who did cuck-cum-scat porn.
this guy right here
Manlets, when will they learn?
What's the context?
Yeah, they're going apeshit.
Whatever smidgen of credibility they ever is fucking gone.
Just a skirmish. A lot of the earlier conflict revolved around those stairs.
where is this from? Afgahnistan? Turkey?
based fire nigga
Belfast AFAIK
Ireland, I think
Northern Ireland, UK
"is this from some muslim shithole?"
"nah, it's ireland"
Radicalize and arm BLM
good sassenach
I only guessed those because I figured it was in an area of open insurgency…
Afgahnistan -> US gave Taliban weapons to shoot down soviet helicopters
Turkey -> PKK
but hurr durr muh rapefugees is pretty funny
I honestly don't care about these shit rallies at all but this genuinely made me sad, what was her name, if there's something we could do to help her family I'm up for it
Now that DSA led the left there, smashies were absent, the left would be the uncontested good guys in the eyes of the public even without the unfortunate car violence. Organize, organize, organize!
antifa got themselves some manpads
wow hahah you sure epic meme.
calm down user i just found it funny
pigs are falling from the sky
looks like this isn't the day pigs fly
I don't know m8, I wouldn't praise the legal order like that. Rechtstaat is all about neutralizing political conflicts and maintaining the status quo. Any revolution will by definition be against the law.
Yeah, I know it might look like a good dissuasion against right wing action but in the end the pro-legal-order propaganda always wins out. Just look at all those """leftist""" articles denouncing G20 violence.
ok my b
This is how it begins.
I don't even know what the fuck to think
So we gonna use this as an excuse for starting the class war or what? If so I'm going to just leave this hear for any burgers to take and use it for what ever they want….
Reminds me of something else…
Its been a good day, apart from that one guy killed
put some bars between the girls and the anons and you got a goddamn zoo
thanks for the dolphin porn
The nuke will fly tonight.
Posadas predicted all of this.
alt right is the new anonymous
Looks like self defense to me.
Less embarrassing than being a fat pig.
Couple rocket scientists debunked NK's ability to carry nukes to the US a couple days ago. So no Posadas yet.
flamethrowers are deeply triggering and problematic
White nationalism is the religion of peace
I love right wing SJW's, because when they blow things out of proportion it's somehow pure.
better reading skills will serve you not only online but in actual life as well
hint: I wasn't criticizing the sagging pants at all
So much for the tolerant left.
That can't be right. Surely there are other countries with the equivalent of the first amendment?
How can nazis even compete
Ah yes, that old darling and protege of all cops in the land, the big swole masked nigger.
I see your point but are they seriously going to let slide that fact that a person died? This isn't a smashed windshield or a trashcan on fire, an actual human being lost their life.
I don't know, I don't think they want to have it look like they can't keep protests (of any kind, really) in check, it makes them look weak.
I can't believe things ever got so real. Why couldn't you faggots just play video games with me and shitpost?
Why even mention them? It's a typical reactionary complaint.
I don't know how you burgers restrain yourselves on a rally after a nazi runs over a woman, if I had all the gun access you people have I would probably be shooting them right now and I swear I'm not even larping right now
they're fuckin nuts this isn't normal
Reminder that this whole mess can be traced back to an SJW slut with borderline, and Moot getting cucked.
Pol has destroyed any little bit of creditbility that white nationalist ever had and in the future a nazi will be seen as a perma virgin loser who wants to destroy the world because he can't even get a whore to suck his dick.
Thank you stormfront for making this possible and a message to the many left out there watching..
Also that picture makes it look like they are protecting an old man. Meanwhile all the white nationalists there look like they just got out of prison a month ago.
Dunno man, during the Fyre fiasco, a lot of people were posting false messages about packs of feral dogs and thief gangs and shit.
Maybe he's trying to have a free exchange of ideas, but they locked him out. So much for the tolerant left.
That's why it's amusing he's single handedly repelling the reactionaries. He's their worst nightmare.
that's exactly the point user, a stereotype of a black thug is standing in front of a helpless old white man defending him from nazi retards
They'll keep deflecting say that antifa/blm is worse. Expect them to concern troll by pretending to be centrists where they'll claim that lefitsts are just as bad.
Christopher Cantwells statement on charlottesville
I'd say it started when they let that fucking Stormfront knockoff fester instead of killing it forever.
I prefer milkposting tbh
no dnc members in there, quelle surprise
stop promoting direct acts of terrorism on the internet dumbass
i was asking myself the same tbh.
America seem to have a disproportionate number of retards for some reasons.
Alright, guess that didn't come through for me over the internet.
probably wouldn't even work
petrol + styrofoam would be too viscous to go through a super soaker
This. Drawfags get on this please.
He looks like he's about to start crying
Doing it with petrol would probably cause more than enough chaos anyway.
anyone havea flip from one of the ztreams last night when it was just him and other whote nationalists surrounding him and he was in his typical hypermasculine persona? before/after?
Get me the template and I'll go to town.
Finally a conference on this situation at 6pm EDT
Arm yourselves!
*clip *streams *white
Holla Forums be like
He was just trying to start a conversation. He was holding a gun simply to politically demonstrate his support for open carry.
I dunno, it doesn't look like the white guy was being harassed.
Oh yeah, there's that too. I remember when he brought it back to show he wasn't like Girlvynyl, and the entire damn site told him it was a terrible idea. He can't say he wasn't warned.
Mods please ban this white supremacist.
imagine if these turds actually turn police against them and find out what true police brutality feels like
Is there a single woman in that entire march? I'm 30 minutes in and I still haven't seen any.
White nationalist organizations are just glorified incel support groups.
It's probably how Porky used media to lionize protesting as the one and only form of political activism, so they throw everything at it. Way too many signs, people with costumes, all that crap.
You're more likely to see the police actively helping suicide bombers kill left-wing protesters than the above
Is this exploitable enough?
No one outside of their circlejerk will buy it.
This guy has repeated something to the effect of "freedom of speech is not a right, only in America can you speak your mind, unlike every other country" like 5 times now.
Yeah that's plenty fine cheers.
Holy shit this dude is actually crying lmao
he literally says this
*not a human right
Antifa and BLM are shit and we shouldn't be associating ourselves with them, even if they do punch Holla Forumsacks irl.
This is why we need a dictatorship of the proletariat so they can feel a boot on their face. A People's Police force dedicated to crushing reaction.
They have the upper hand under capitalism, but under socialism, they would be the ones repressed and restricted, as they should be.
Won't post this on youtube yet. (Figured fascists are still around) lurking
sorry if voice is a bit croaky
it's morning where I am
Ah yes, the good old "I was just being an "ironic" nazi" excuse.
cant be arsed to watch this right now but is this for real? a right wing faggot crying about having only made jokes and not meaning to call for actual murder?
lel, hope he gets curbstomped
like clockwork
Don't give me false hope user
So do they honestly think blatantly lying about shit constantly will help their cause?
Comrades, be honest, this will backfire ?
they're really asking to be taught a lesson, don't they?
hope this guy ends up making a new Black Panther Party tbh
american blacks are an excellent revolutionary force
he's also bitching about chelsea manning having a picture where she's threatening nazis with curbstomping
and he's saying this while crying
just lol just fucking lol
I never thought I'd see a nazi complain about his fear of chelsea manning with tears streaming but here we are
thats it
I don't see any in the rally.
he looks so nonchalant about it
what a g
Yes, and Chris Cantwell of all people
here are some gems:
they're crying even before they got a real taste
trump just said that the people have to come together, lmao
hope this wakes up some guys to the real threat
Fucking beautiful pal; legitimately brings a tear to
my eye.
She will not be forgotten.
Yes. They are at war. The truth is irrelevant.
Yeah, base ass motherfuker
the lana del raytheon tweet where she quotes him talking how he wants to throw chemical weapons on people (or something like that) juxtaposed with a pic of his maced face is beautiful
All this proves is that there's discontent with the current system. Discontent that we can use to further our cause.
you are literally retarded
who said anything about ethnic segregation? the panthers weren't segregationists
We'll just have to wait and see what happens tonight. While on an MSM level, today's events probably won't mean shit per usual, but I also think DSA and PSL chapters are feeling really damn motivated to organize and radicalize after today.
Thanks, mate. I needed it.
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧pre-emptive strikes🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
This pic is trending on Twitter
Anyone got the pic of a Kurd Pepe shooting down a helicopter or whatever with a rocket launcher? I need it, I wanna make something like it for this event. You'll see.
Important to remember we're all leftists despite our different strains and we stand united against reaction.
according to Holla Forums, drivers name is james alex fields, take with grain of salt i guess
>>>Holla Forums13213802
close enough?
Is the rally still going on? All the live streams i found were just repeating Trump.
This pic surmises why I truly cant get behind the whole protect racist drivel and muh fee fees speech. If I were this guy I'd find the nearest blade and perform sepuku.
The trashcans are safe for a little while longer
they already attempted to put the blame on the left and fabricated an image of a supposed FB screen
why'd you still go there?
Stop posting every pile of amateur internet "investigation" pol spits out.
thanks lads
What a clusterfuck.
this one seems more plausible
the black panther party were our comrades
i hope you're trolling since you have a shitposting flag on
oh, you pure little kulak…
I get irrationally pisses me off when she over expresses like that. Like she thinks she's in a fucking cartoon.
What a fucking shitshow of a thread. Also how the fuck does GG still exist?
State of emergency?
Will Holla Forums finally put aside its sectional differences in light of this shitfest?
Fuck off liberal.
Looks like BASED leftykek canceled all the helicopter rides
Most fascists aren't proletarians. They're petty booj fucks like Richard Spencer, like most of the people at this Charlottesville rally.
ancaps btfo
lol nice
oops wanted to quote
Do you really think all the fascists at the rally were petty booj?
really makes you think
This whore is still relevant?
no sense of self awareness whatsoever
Sasuga Holla Forums
whoa there cowboy
I only remember her from Tech TV/G4. I didn't know she had a career beyond that.
why the hell would a black american become a cop ffs
Why do liberals love this type of imagery so much? Reminds me of that one photograph of the guy in the KKK uniform getting treated by an all black medical team.
he also blacc
They think it shows how people can be taught to "love", and how that will triumph over all material conditions. It's idealist nonsense, obviously, but it's a powerful myth.
its a job with good benefits and a union
same reason people join the military
gee i wonder m8
stagnant rn
It's unfair to write off the fact that fascism needs a large proletarian base in order to get anything done. It's a petty-bourgeois ideology, sure, but it's strength lies in its ability to attract proles.
Thus why organizing police unions is a bad thing.
That one was actually a fake, and the picture has different contexts here, a liberal would see some bullshit message about acceptance in it, but I only posted it to mock the white nationalists hiding behind a black cop of all people
Good omen
most soldiers are from fairly wealthy backgrounds anyway
Someone wanna throw that stupid misattributed Rousseau quote on this pic and maybe make it black and white?
You gotta admit it's pretty ironic.
It's on now. The tolerant left will not forget. At least those stupid red hats make good targets.
Which quote?
Fascism uses capitalism to do that. It doesn't need proles to bring it into power or even to sustain it.
They've always been like that.
Their entire existence is devoted to sedating the people. Kurt Tucholsky put it into a nice poem.
You have to treat them nice and gentle
Do nothing rash, they're sensitive
You must be somewhat sentimental
Respectful of the way they live
Don't let your dogs attack them on the street
Embrace the fascists where you may meet
If they should call for hate or violence
Just let them talk, it is their right
And keep your protestations silent
You wouldn't want to start a fight
For fighting is what they do best
Embrace the fascists and you'll be blessed
And if they fire their guns upon you
Is life so precious in your eyes?
You would be sheep with wolves around you
Why not be gladly victimized?
And if you feel inside your guts
The Nazi dagger's blade
Embrace the fascists that you have made
Probably the best option for him in his community. This is allegorical evidence but I know a black cop that joined up because it provided him the best shot out of his poverty stricken community and future life of bullshit. I mean it makes more sense to join a local community and work as a body. But I can't necessarily blame the guy for becoming a cop, it makes sense even though he has to deal with racist bullshit every other day. I mean it isn't a question of "is he justified" or if he is a race traitor, the real issue is the fact that this situation exists in the first place. Putting it down to an individual level and 'personalizing' the problem only distracts from a genuine understanding of the system of domination in place.
hi Holla Forumstard
How long will the protests last?
Doesn't seem to jive with a documentary on recruiters targeting poor neighborhoods a while back.
RIP in pepperoni
Is anything happening there now or all over? livestreams?
Okay, most. The point still stands. A very small part of the population is petty booj and Fascists are usually desperate and poor, entirely why they're a Fascist in the first place. When you're a comfortable petty booj you're not going to care enough about radical politics to go to a rally.
That is like asking why mexican americans become border patrol agents.
Death toll now at three.
What are the odds that the driver was a frustrated incel?
this has the whole dod
doesnt account for diffrences between airforce, navy, army, marines, not to mention difference between soft and hard MOSs
Well at least their deaths help destroy this alt right nonsense I guess
Speech by the governor. It is spooky af, but at least he makes it clear that nazis are not welcome, especially when they kill people.
Nicely put user
lol newfag
I disagree. Fascism historically has arisen in times of crisis in order to preserve capitalism, right? In countries like Germany and Italy, fascism acted as a distraction from communism, essentially. People saw clearly that there needed to be a big change in the way they did things and fascism promised that (deceptively) while appealing to cultural nationalism and the "good ol' days." Fascists were very successful in enticing the proletarian class away from agitating for actual change. I'm not sure how it would've gained a foothold at all by just "using capitalism," and I'm not really sure what you mean by that :v
well they probably like having proles die for them rather than risk their own rich necks.
3 dead, 20 injured.
apparently 2 of the dead were in the helicopter crash
Incorrect, there was the IWW lady and another crossing the street at least.
that the 2 pilots?
was the woman killed IWW or just passing by and not involved in the protest?
The helicopter thing is not related, no one is treating it as it is.
Virginia Governor holds press conference following Charlottesville violence:
It's just a prank, masha'allah
that's just what i read in one of the linked twitters i think, but thanks for clearing that up
it's just a prank bro
Woman was IWW from what I understand, but the media is claiming she was just a bystander. Might be trying to keep people from sympathizing with protesters.
I need a source on the kid.
Go home and nevre cum back - Governor McAuliffe Governor
This is fucking ridiculous what is this timeline.
They don't like cartel scum shitting up their community. With the illegal problem, look up Cesar Chavez.
Oh wait, nvm. Misread something. Will delete
gud orc meme user
you were the one asking for the helicopter pepe? nice job, lmao
best thing this could be either gasoline or just piss. god if someone would do that with a lable on the gun "from russia with love" i'd die laughing
Yea I considered it could be interpreted as piss but then I realized that just makes it better.
facism in germany was rooted in the middle class who formally voted for centre right parties, the vast majority of proles supported the spd or the kpd.
Stay in school.
I can't do webms
White nationalists beat up black kid:
Good. The more normies see this the easier it will be to marginalize them.
+ anime avatars and other such autistic outbursts
it's a gold mine
you can just find an online mp4 to webm converter and then this convert this to a webm using that
dont even need to make it webm, mp4 works
Honestly feel this is all about to reach a tipping point.
What was post >>1963088?
Eh, you're right and I'm mostly making a fuss over nothing. While the majority of NSDAP supporters were middle class (and the majority of these people in Charlottesville are undoubtedly middle class as well), the Nazi party did manage to draw in a fair amount of workers, which I honestly don't think they would have been able to succeed without. I just don't want the illusion to be harbored that fascism can't have a notable proletarian base, because that has the potential to be very damaging in US politics in the coming years (in my opinion).
They had to attack some random bystander because he could cuck the white race.
I would have put that faggot down. Leftists need to arm themselves before going to these things.
Just because you are disgusted by his weakness doesn't mean you have to kill him. Why would you react so strongly anyway?
Yea, you would have put them down if you weren't too busy staying at home doing online jerk sessions with ur bros, support your fellow man
If a right winger attacks you, there is literally nothing wrong with removing them from existence. I don't see how this is controversial.
Who are you talking about there is an entire crowd?
I thought you were talking about the black boy for some reason. I agree, we should have killed all the fascists.
Think he thought you meant you want to kill the black kid because he cant defend himself against 10 people with bats and shields
I can't wait for DSA to shill about two of their members getting ran over. Already a bunch of succdems are pretending to care about the IWW because of crossmembership.
The point is that DSA will not stop fascism The only care about identity politics and reforming capitalism. Nothing DSA does actually challenges capitalist power.
Holla Forums keeps deflecting.
What would you have us do, Mr. Trotsky?
yea those stoopid red hats!!1 i h8 red hats1!@!
if youre going to astroturf the left, then you should try harder to not sound like a 10 year old.
Do not give money to DSA. Do not waste your time and energy with a succdem reformist anti-socialist organization.
holy shit will you fuck off already. your sectarianism isn't fucking wanted.
Okay but then what should we do?
I wonder what Jordan Peterson has to say about the obvious lack of respect for free speech that the nazis displayed there today.
Everything is edgy to impotent limp-dicked liberals such as yourself.
Pic related: Actual Maoist thought.
Where should we put our time and energy instead, Mr. Trotsky?
9.5/10 saved
sell newspapers
Please shut the fuck up about DSA already you whiny faggot.
There are many good organizations out there that aren't tied to DSA. This is a great time for socialism, but DSA is an opportunist organization, and they are going to use this rise in fascism to recruit more members for their liberal pro-Democratic organization.
i don't know if you know it yet but you sound more like one of us than a trotskyite.
"If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement" is the best thing Trotsky ever said.
i don't really care for the dsa but all this trot whining is getting annoying. pls shut up about it.
Tell me the good organizations I need to join and what I should do in them, Mr. Trotsky. I'm so confused.
What organizations?
Will the US "Antifa" ever match Europe's?
Maybe ticki torches would have been better than cuck flag but i'm not too sure about it.
Otherwise perfect
where's this from?
Gave me a chuckle. Bottom right is especially juicy.
Not until their "antifa" actually kills some fascists.
where dis
Solidarity protest in Bern, Switzerland
yeah you're right adventurism is a great political strategy
you didnt name any. Dont say SAlt you fucking trot I swear to christ
don't look like a bunch of your average joes. they look like trust fund edgsters.
European antifa is so badass
Feel the Bern!
Say what you will about It's Going Down, but they act pretty damn fast
Poor confederate cucks getting flashbacks of 1864
its a meme you dip
Communists haven't killed anyone that didn't deserve it in the middle east. I don't get it.
Jesus Christ would she just drop dead already.
This is completely unconfirmed hours later, honestly IGD are stirring shit, what the fuck are they doing?
Telling the police to clam down and telling them that "we are on the same team bro" as they get arrested. kek, fascists never fail to amaze.
she can only communicate in meaningless cliches
C'mon she just solved race in America in only five tweets, give the lady a break.
toppest of lyls
I know so,
Feel the Bern!
it's perfect
I-is it really happening guys?
So was it an unlawful assembly or wasn't it?
Fasch getting the bash oh my lord
solidarity forever
lets hope
Well it is small, but it is something.
Nice crop
I regret to inform you the ACLU is at it again
He probably cropped it for his black male folder and then reused it for the tweet.
still pathetic to think people find hairspray equal to ramming a car into people killing 3 and injuring 20
Plocle man is an hero and loves a touch of man, even if he a nazi.
Trump is always good for a chuckle. The man is like a living cartoon character.
i should post a reply of the chad meme someone just made on this thread
Anyone have that pic of pajama boy that has that whole line about "defending to the death" the right to organize a fascist take over?
these are fucking clearly exactly the same
Is Spencer getting closer to realizing the truth lads?
do it
what's the aggression there? he'sonly making some fire for fun into the nothing.
Somebody should post in reply
woops wrong thread
lol no
He's way too spooked
I know right. He ends tweets with a 'sad!' when he's being catty and he does it when he's supposedly being sincere, so you never can tell how he means anything.
Antifa will be eradicated. I hope you have a membership list. But sadly you are the true Untermenschen so it's unlikely you're literate enough to make such organisation happen. You may cause a great shortage in fertilizer. But you people aren't known for a sense of responsibility.
I've had just about enough boys
CEO of ANTIFA here
whats the problem?
And this retard is the self-proclaimed "Übermensch"
Two antifas just flew over my house is it habbengg?
Antifa isn't just one person, idiot. It's a tactic. There's no membership list lmao
I doubt even he knows. Too high on coke.
t0p k3k
ACLU is a conservative constitutionalist group whatever the liberal image they may have. I generally think it is good they are defending protest rights in general because giving the government any room to crack down on anyone will result in maximum repression of the left. What we should do as leftists is disrupt and prevent the rallies on our own. Less power the government has over protests the better.
I hate liberals so fucking much.
I haven't been paid my Soros Bucks™ this week. What's the deal? Is this where the money is going to now?
The ACLU are actually accelerationists. They knew how the march would go so they helped them out.
I didn't expect it so soon…
Milk me, bro.
Try saying don't bomb Korea, see where your free speech is then you cunt
DM me on twitter dude we'll get you sorted
wrong, utterly wrong.
there is no balance to begin with. there is no need for any sympathy or defending the rights of the right wing. they do not respect those rights, they do not defend them, they welcome it being broken against the left.
this is liberal propaganda sedating self defence and promoting reliance on the states legal system to provide us with freedom. which it constantly proves not to give a damn about.
"Free speech" is selectively enforced to benefit the right. That doesn't mean that free speech isn't important tho, just that free speech currently doesn't apply to leftists as much as other people.
The most interesting thing about American political culture is how anti-nazi they are despite supporting all types of institutionalized racial oppression.
I really dont get this reasoning. The only thing racist and facist have to say is hate speech. But that's not suppose to be condemned because its in the form of words?
I mean look what happened today. We went from superior Aryan memes to 3 people dead pretty quick.
Nazbol Spencer when?
why do centrists feel the need to frame everything in terms of 'patriotism'
Honestly a bit surprised tbh, but the more I think about it the less it surprises me
to appeal to a broader audience, like the five people who give a shit about patriotism who don't happen to be racists
Almost every burger feel the need to frame everything in terms of patriotism.
Why? You could see it coming from a mile.
It's all performative. I doubt they even know why they're supposed to be anti-nazi besides the fact that they beat them in a war once.
wtf i love bernie now
muh party politics
What a strange time to trot this meme out.
that's it man that's the spot, every single line is worthy of a kek
Counter protesting a protest is also free speech. The problem is when you have conservatives getting mad at people exercising their first amendment against them and start propping up draconian laws for it. A good example is COINTELPRO.
omg, dinesh is such a pile of shit
its 72 virgins, virgin.
That's only because they think nazis were socialists
You are forcing it, whenever you make these you fuck it up on the text.
Top hue
So, are we're just posting tweets of polos now
Once the Nazis left the police started to crack down on the counter-protesters and told them to disperse. Free speech is important, but there's an obvious disparity in who's free speech gets protected.
so 72 Holla Forums shitposters?
What a fucking retard. I guess you really don't care about your people's heritage
Marco posting Holocaust vids now.
I wonder what Peterson has to say about this? I mean he is the foremost defender of """free speech""" after all. I bet he will denounce the nazis for attacking western values and side with the leftists.
good thing we're not alt-left
We're the left.
that would be a huge let down and I would feel scammed by allah
Who condemned it best?
he's gonna start droning on about the gulag archipelago and break down crying
The cops are claiming he did it out of nervousness since protesters were swarming his vehicle…video proves otherwise though.
Looks like solidarity protests are starting up
not to mention he was free to reverse after he crashed. why not just reverse right away?
If the cops don't charge him he need to get got.
racism is a symptom of the disease.. the disease is porky…
Why doesn't Trump just call this what it is, all the other politicians seem to have the gutso to do this. Why doesn't he?
He sped right into the crowd
What a load of shit, the dude accelerated and sped the fuck out of there. If it was an accident he wouldn't have hit people and ran away afterwards.
Bull shit why did he reverse so quickly?
Because dog whistling to his core supporters is the only way he can keep his approval rating above 40%.
well said mr satan
It's like he's stuck in the 1960's.
above 30%?
Do you guys think that what happened today will hurt the aut right ?
cops don't decide who gets charged. can't imagine the state of virginia would let him get away with this, would be a ton of backlash
Exactly. Did you see the live thread on half/pol/ while it was going on? They were celebrating the manysides like it was the latest and greatest meme from the god emperor.
Yeah he murdered some people. The best he can hope for is some form of manslaughter. He's going to jail.
i don't know. I'd prefer to wait for Sargon to weigh in and explain how it's really the fault of the Left.
Yes. This is the first time the media has ever condemned the alt-right as a terrorist group, I don;t think you can come back from that. Fuck, this is awful though, I would rather it wouldn't have happened at all.
ur mom
he injured a lot of people. this might be dozens of aggravated assault charges too. in america, you get charged for each offense individually.
Now i feel old
You got a link or screencap or something?
DSAers are literally BLM id-pol suxdems.
For now, yes. We'll have to see what the lefties do tonight. I'm very pro-smashie, but methinks it would best to let tonight be a repeat of last night. Let the fascists reveal who they really are, paint AntiFa as ultimately justified.
It won't hurt them online due to them being experts at astroturfing. Outside of the internet, definitely going to hurt them.
Smh. I get triggered enough at the people who call Hitler a socialist. Fine I get it. Not Socialism and all that. But a liberal socialist?
The aut-right is basically the western version of the netouyo. They are harmless IRL but their virginity and NEET lifestyles make them very active online.
liberal = socialist
Don't you know?
Some of them are. The vast majority of leftists in America are id-pol sucdems. You have to learn to play the cards you're dealt rather than sit around waiting for a conveniently radicalized populace.
Looks like the snake got stepped on
There is nothing salvageable from id-pols like that. They only want to support gay rights and BLM without replacing capitalism.
According to Bookchin, this guy is on our side.
that'd be hilarious with the women replying "he needs some milk" repeatedly edited in
More of them are realizing the limitations of idpol. Even if they don't outright give up on it they're still possible allies.
That first tweet was actually kind of funny
it's bad this thread gives me such hearty laughs…
The most hilarious part about this is the fact that about 90 seconds before, he was taunting leftists by mentioning soy/almond milk.
its almost as if this person doesn't want the left to organize… hmmm
tikki torches… someone should update pic related
I'd rather not organize with a gay esperantist DSAer who just cares about identity politics. His kind does nothing useful for the working class. Just gay feminist posturing.
You had one job
Wait a sec. Didn't he try to run over people before?
user pls, i don't what u are talking about it was mom, im trying her mom right now
dont worry, each autistic tirade discredits him more and more.
yeah, actually. I think it was the manager of a gamestop or something.
this is gold
"The accumulated filth of all their memes and spooks will foam up about their waists and all the Holla Forumsyps and white males will look up and shout "Save us!"… and I'll look down and whisper "No.""
Or shooting a dozen officers with sniper rifles amirite
btw i hope someone replies this to guys like >>1963938
they usually react to such posts deeply triggered - and help spreading the meme by that
No he peppersprayed someone but didn't use a car.
Video of sargon talking about charlottesville. Spoiler: He is condemning the left for what happened today. Give your dislike contribution.
you look like you need some milk fam
How does Dinesh believe in God when he wakes up every morning knowing he's still alive?
nice meme, two of of these deaths are from an unrelated helicopter crash
I get really sad whenever I think about CWC. Everything about him is really sad.
Do anyone have a Twitter account ITT?
The user is talking about the Texas shootings of the police officers
Hmm starting to see a trend.
reminds me of that one pic of the white nationalist who pissed his pants when he got confronted by a taller black guy.
Nazis are such fucking betas
someone post the fishhook theory picture.
I just tweeted him
We have confirmation of identity
It's been known for awhile
Excellent quote.
Aut-rightist all but confirmed.
No more confirmation than Holla Forums detectives had. Don't trust our shitty journalists.
Stop posting shady community-edited Wiki knockoffs.
how can one person be so retarded?
Here we go
He was a Marine apparently as well
This guy is such a retard
Army, and he got kicked out after 4 months because he's a fucking piece of shit loser.
tears of joy and laughter, thanks m8
Gr8 stuff
Sad that the cars were in the way and he didn't get to run over more leftycucks
did you lose your tiki torch? sorry, we dont have it. i can get you some milk though.
Says the cuck who fights to defend the status quo and the profits of his slave masters.
He's just following in the footsteps of his hero.
Are Holla Forums the true accelerationists?
*blocks your path*
Webm when?
What's this Maoist "self-criticism" thing and what's it got to do with leftism?
Dayum. She didn't have to put me on blast like that…
truly the master race
/outoftheloop/ here, what the fuck just happened?
I am a Red Wings fan, does this mean I have to now become a nazi?
Holla Forums's best and brightest
these fuen plebs can't even larp properly
It's a joke based on how self criticism with maoist characteristics was more often than not thinly veiled lynching.
It's a concept that one should re-access and consistently critique oneself with regards to ones connection to the dominant or old (non-maoist) ideology. The joke of the image being that the idea of "self-criticism" is most often practiced by being interpolated as a class enemy by others - hardly a "self" critique at all, really.
So, they're all openly wearing the Fasci now, not even liberals could purport they are anything other than fascists
Why are they dressed as high school math teachers?
I just want more leftists scum dead.
when will the Nazi masturbation fantasy starts?
google struggle session (don't worry it's not rape porn)
when sargon will get bashed out of this world for all of his bullshit?
I can't take this guy anymore, is too much
fucking lel
snek got stepped on and need milk
helicopter rides cancelled
the Flaming Chad radical will lead the revolution
Holla Forums is a board of peace
cucked by corporations again
Holla Forums on suicide watch
Be the change you want to see, bud, we'll have milk for you later
Nazis carried torches and beat up some teens last night on the UVA campus
Unite The Right protest happened today, got met by a significant counter-protest; fascists were eventually told by the state to leave. Dick Spenser got arrested, Mustard man begs for milk.
Fascist driver rams into crowd of counter-protesters, killing an IWW member and injuring 19 others, some DSA members.
Oh, and some helicopter crashed for some reason, killing 2.
sorry bud.
I'm just a spic in colombia.
we hate commies and lefties here, I just want to see them die.
Quick rundown
It's just a gag, bro. Didn't you hear?
Took a few mins since I fucked up the encoding settings, but here you go user
and the source in case someone missed it
i've seen better baits
What did Dicky Spence get arrested for? Just not leaving when the assembly was declared unlawful?
Ironic given that your country got fucked over by US funded fascists in the first place
Well they do look that way.
I mean it's kinda true, communist manifesto does call for violence.
why don't you read this m8?
the guerrilla was simply commiting crimes and terrorism, do you think the right wing elites would not form their own paramilitary CIA financed militia?
thanks to your cucks marxist guerrilla, 97% of the population thinks the left is the same as venezuela cuba and terrorism.
good job, retards.
what can I expect from marxists.
I should add on that this is still going on and the car ramming along with everything afterward happened August 12.
9/11 breddy good
Is anyone really surprised?
Make him into a stencil and you're good
Thanks famalams
FARC will be genocided once they become civilians.
It's part of our traditions to betray marxists and kill them.
I improved it a bit.
no way im watching that
wow, this shit pisses me off. fucking cowards.
No surprise there, compadre
I'm not asking you to watch, I watched for you not watch, I'm just asking the dislike.
Fkin nice
we hate commies, commies come and fuck up things, commies then try to install socialism when they get into power.
the population doesn't want socialism, so we better kill them.
the only good commie is a dead one.
prove your from columbia
They also helped the drug trade continue, getting the working class addicted, so good riddance to them.
Yup, they new they needed to kill Fred Hampton early on. He was the best Panther.
I found your mom, 54.
Dude if you do some touch ups on it, blend the fires and shit, I'll totally make it into a stencil and spray it in my town while nazis have a demonstration here
Uribe is our lord and saviour.
the procurator Ordoñez will save us from gay and trans.
Petro is a guerrillero.
Claudia lopez is a fucking SJW lesbian.
Santos betrayed uribe so he could give up the country to farc.
I'm from Cali BTW.
we only want to be free of leftists scum but they keep comming here with their gay rights and other progressive BS.
Fuck off American stooge. You deserve death and will be given it soon. American can't protect your precious corrupt government forever.
Well, the population - minus the communists and all their supporters, all of whom happen to be co-citizens addressing the issues of material distribution and labor - so i suppose you're right, it's much easier to just kill them and pretend they're not people
He might not even know what's going on.
Communism would abolish production for trade, so if they got the working class addicted to drugs so they could sell them drugs then they weren't communist. But really tho, you're full of shit, that didn't happen.
As if Holla Forums aren't neoliberals at this point
Keep sperging on Holla Forums. You're making yourself look great.
all i did was say what
Boston Holocaust Memorial Vandalized, Suspect in Custody
Who even fucking uses discord lmao you're just making yourself seem redditized by fucking being mad about losing god damn discord
I have the feeling that the people who don't want politics on their hobby boards will get a lot more pissed at Holla Forums shit now.
I hope this reverses the trend of Holla Forums shitting up hobbyist boards everywhere.
they're out there but they are the minority this time around
White nationalist Richard Spencer's request to speak at University of Chicago rejected
This is great and all but not really a left wing protest. Still amazing though
They're chanting No Cops, No Fascist USA
I agree. I'm just always surprised at how fast the libs can still organize without being told.
They're slowly turning bucko. Those weren't AntiFa that who pulled the monument down.
Its just liberals being liberals
The butthurt on pol is fucking great
Its great, this week is amazing
Libs love to LARP as civil rights protesters. We should try to figure out how to use this to our advantage.
where is this
Where is this? Please tell me somewhere in America
Pretty much the only reason why I tolerate those things is because they drive nazis and other reactionaries fucking crazy.
I'm checking the GG thread on Holla Forums
The asspain is glorious.
That was pretty cool.
That, on the other hand, is awful. Don't do that, people.
Any screencaps?
Oh hell yes. Holla Forums is going to be salty about this for years
Just go check it.
The thread full of damage control.
I can already taste the tears
Let them know the truth about MLK, maybe you can push them into being demsocs
Ha! nice
How about you "kill all liberals" idiots work toward some actual victories yourselves? Jizzing over fascists having a bad-optics moment is really pathetic. I find it impossible to believe the this new radical internet left will ever be better than the kekistanis. Reading 10,000 pages of theory and racking internet points from SA twitter does not a revolutionary make.
That's the only thing the internet is good for.
Liberal defener here, you're a retard.
If anti-fascists are the real fascists, does that mean anti-communists are the real communists?
Libertarians unironically believe both.
Liberals will always betray us. In fact many are already complaining about the presence of communist flags at these events and pushing for more police intervention.
If that faggot is the same one that was whining before he doesn't know the difference between social democracy and liberalism.
No, this is
Alt-right "free speech" rallies this Saturday at the following locations:
Mountain View - 1500 Charleston Rd, Mountain View, CA 94043 from
New York City - 111 8th Ave, New York, NY 10011
Washington DC - 25 Massachusetts Ave NW #900, Washington, DC 20001
Austin - 9606 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, TX 78759
Boston - 355 Main St, Cambridge, MA 02142
Atlanta- 10 10th Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
Los Angeles: 340 Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90291
Pittsburgh - 6425 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Seattle- 777 6th Street South, Kirkland, WA
The Boston one was cancelled
It's because Trump wears white polos while golfing.
What a shame I was planning on hitting that up.
this wouldn't surprise me at all
Where did you read that? I had to go through about a dozen articles before I could get a list of addresses, and would like to know where I can keep up to date on this stuff.
Khakis and White Polos are the new Hood and Robes apparently
22:00 vice special with a lot of footage from the event just uploaded like an hour ago
chris cantwell is such an insufferable twat
Christopher cantwell crying and terrified you just can't make this shit up.
I fucking wish they prohibit him from owning fire arms forever.
I don't know if it's actually cancelled but the Boston mayor said today they will not be allowed to rally in the city and that all permits have been revoked. I'm sure some alt-right fags will still show up, but Boston Antifa do not fuck around. Anyone that shows up is going to get their fucking asses destroyed.
He used to be a lot fatter. Did he start smoking meth? Looks like it.
Bill "Ban homelessness, not public drinking" de Blasio would probably never consider doing such a thing.
this is the funniest meltdown I've seen in a long time
de Blasio is a massive optics opportunist though, the safest, most vanilla option for him politically is to stop the demonstration.
Violent protest can help in changing government because it forces them to take action.
It's a lot easier to do little to please peaceful protesters. Just make some speeches and maybe use a bit of force and eventually you can get them to go away or just give them some token offering to get them to slow down. However, a violent protest at the same time suddenly makes those peaceful protesters look a lot more attractive to try to appeal to, and you might want to give them what they want before the violent protesters get completely out of hand.
A year and a half ago I might have believed this, but at this point I really just can't.
Why my man's lips look like a cat's
On GG third year anniversary, they're actually giving up hope over the incident that happened two days ago.
Finally, they get it!
This is why Trump won, jesus are you all idiots? Who pays you?
George Soros obv
Wow it's almost like a "consumer revolt" was never going to change anything
"Consumer revolt" are two words I associate mentally with reddit whenever I hear them.
They made their bed.
Jeff Sessions announces the DOJ is "coming after" the Daily Stormer
what the fuck?
Hahahahahaha I forgot my favorite part of this mess
All the virgin 20+ year olds who aren't just losing their lives, their losing their families
They're actually appalled about this.
They're so easily offended
I'm sorry, what?
Neither suppression of opposition nor violence is unique to fascism.
That's edgy but not as edgy as this:
really makes think.
Molymeme chiming in
That entire thread is literally infowars.
That's been going on for a while now
It's lulzy as fuck, too. >>>Holla Forums13228731
At least whoever made that admits that Holla Forums was nothing but LARPers.
Jeez that first one is cold. Damn Janet
Jesus, Janet.
wtf, what's "alpine" descent? I'm a eurofag and never heard this in my life.
Godamn Janet
It writes itself.
Hey, that and the whole TPP fiasco was what made me lose all faith on "muh free market" and begin lurking here.
It's probably a craft beer that everyone's one uncle who once had a Staph Infection drinks
that is… highly specific
i like how this literally all comes down to idpol in video games. like the whole of the alt right only exists because they took a porn scene out of fire emblem
I'm going to have so much fun shitposting in here
Is it bad that i feel a bit sad for these people? They seem to be the type of a harmless geek who clinged onto video games as their only hobby since they were little kids.
Yeah and now they are even whining about white representation in vidya. It's become white idpol.
When this is over the South will have lost the Civil War twice.
That thread is making me go back to these threads just to fuck with them.
hopefully they won't have shoes this time either.
fun fact: over half the CSA's army (no not the good kaiserriech one) was barefoot, and they never had a standard uniform or weapon, nor could they produce any.
south still has this problem, and would lose again, especially if it's being fought by neckbeards and hicks. (we should reclaim redneck btw)
Whatever keeps him from coming after my pot.
what did he mean by this?
Like rats fleeing a ship.
That fear, the fear of responsibility, is climbing up his spine, and it's going to grip him by the neck soon.
The feeling of actual social consequence.
He'll go out like a coward, eventually.
Yeah, they seem more scared that anything.
Still, fuck them, they gladly turned every hobbyist imageboard in a cesspool.
Who would've thought that some virgin autist ramming into a crowd of protesters would be the Achilles heel of the entire youtube skeptic community and both Holla Forums boards.
The chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one, they said
Now if only it were a pure red flag, then it'd make me bust a nut
simple, he's a fucking fraud. he doesn't want to just say he's a white nationalist conservative, because most young people are liberal and he wants to trojan horse them into his right wing bullshit.
that whole video is him being an apologist for literal nazis, and blaming the left for everything they do.
then he says they somehow have legitimate grievances that everyone has to attend to, because their racial group losing majority status is somehow a legitimate grievance that needs to be catered to. What happened to his "liberal individualism" and "no such thing as group rights"? That was all bullshit, obviously. Now suddenly there's a collective group right to permanent racial majority status.
fuck sargon, he's a fraudulent twat
it's because someone died
if it was just light injuries I bet the pundits would be laughing along with pol but nobody in MS has the balls to make fun of a dead white girl
Pretty much this. Had the woman been black, this might not have even happened. Just another dead insect.
But, no offense to her at all, that a white girl died. You couldn't just dismiss that. Worse yet, she was a socialist. A socialist white girl died at the hands of a fascist in America.
That's full of rich social connotations that are usually forbidden to talk about in most American households. That touches taboos.
That ruins people associated with it.
Come to think of it how are the 20 or so people who were injured doing? Anyone got current info on any of them? I know at least one or two of them were socialists as well and that many of them were hospitalized.
They need to be hugged in real life, and start reading political theory.
Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not making this into an issue about race. I'm just talking about why the American media was forced to uncomfortably report on it the way they did. And why the information hit as hard as it did. America still has identity problems, related to race, and politics.
These are things that just exist in the American mind they try not to think about. But this brought them all up the well.
Except for Mark, and his Holla Forumstard ilk, fuck them.
I'm pretty sure nobody else died from their wounds, and the two, so far zippo. So that's good at least.
To think this is just extreme antisocial behavior under the extreme pressure and duress of late-stage capitalism. I need to stop moralizing and learn how to hate better. The sooner this system collapses the better people will be for it.
Heather Hyers died for our sins. May she rest in peace.
I linked the wrong post. Goddammit.
Comrades what will happen now ? People are gonna forget and start to shill right-wing ideology again or this was a irreparable damage to the aut-right ?
I can tell that people like the skeptic community is saying that the violence on the protest was Antifa's fault, like a boogeyman that is ominipresent, this is really pissing me off.
I couldn't stop laughing as I watched him nervously say it was just a prank.
He has got his tail between his legs and he is terrified to go outside.
It turned out to be that he was projecting his insecurities all the fucking time.
I sincerely hope he secretly enjoys picking up the soap because in jail he's going to get a lot of it.
The impact of this will last much longer, but the tears about Heather's death will dry by the end of next week. She died for our sins.
no, she died for their sins, Holla Forums has nothing to do with this shit
I would hope that their audiences would be smart enough to realize that by law you are only allowed to reciprocate violence to the level you received. You are not allowed to escalate the situation to killing someone if they punch or mace you. I say I hope they recognize that but I know I'm just lying to myself.
also the Daily Stormer guy posted a dress code for the rally. It's pretty fucking hilarious. video of them discussing it on TYT.
Neo-Nazi Wants To Be 'Sexy' At Alt-Right Rally
yes, i know TYT is trash.
I long ago concluded that Sargon is a conscious manipulator. He's trying to stay afloat, keep his following, be edgy, and at the same time put in as little energy as possible. He's really just a lazy faggot who took his name from a Civilization V leader cuz he liked the science-focused god emperor vibe.
that you are
I can't even imagine being this uninformed about politics.
hmm i'd say liberals are the ones doing violence these days.
antifa are nothing but libtard kids punching republican voters, not facists. And that's how simpathy for facism is bein created, by antifa libtards terrorizing normal people
It's very, very widespread, and I can't stress this enough. Just talk to the people, to the regular Joes, and you'll see too. The majority of the people don't research news, care to contrasts narratives, but just stitch together bits and pieces from radio, TV, and hearsay. I don't blame them, they don't have the time, having 2-3 jobs, kids.
Whenever I catch people shill for "pure horizontal organizations" I know the person has absolutely no contact/experience with the masses. Emancipating people intellectually, teaching them collective politics will take years post-rev and will resemble healing a festering wound.
Pol here. I'm sorry like really really sorry. Please don't shut it down.
Proof of concept for a counter-meme:
Nazi who killed that woman was a gamer
Wanna bet how his Steam library looks like?
I am 100% certain it's full of pleb shit like all steam libraries
This is one thing that I seem to have picked up (only though anecdotal though) but these guys love to paint themselves as "le hardcore gamurs" but they're constantly complaining about AAA shite that will obviously just do what makes the most money.
Are you trying to say that dumb people fall again and again for the next hype, be it AAA game titles or snacks?!
so this is what it feels like to be really mad at newfags
I bet his top played game is Pubg.
They drank deeply of "Uncle Holla Forums's Patented SJW Cleanser" despite the warning signs and now they're paying the price.
I have no sympathy for them.
Hasn't been.
VICE has problems but this is great
That's a great video as well. Points out how that fucker doesn't even bother to actually read the articles that he rants about.
Aww.. This isn't photoshopped? That's really awesome, if not.
I thought gaymergate wasnt full of racists tho
I bet he has the nekopara theme and filled with sakura ecchi shit games
Sure, and what we should have done? Just take it in the ass and accept SJW rule?
Reject idpol in all its forms.
Push more people to read Marx
"accept SJW rule"
Fuckers like you are the reason gaming is shit. Why the fuck would anyone care that 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧gaming journos🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 are corrupt I swear that was fucking common knowledge?
Who the fucking fuck cares that some tumblrite made a walkign simulator when AAA companies are nickling and diming gamers to death?
I dont remember any articles being made calling gamers nazis until you all started acting as such. Beside who the fuck reads kotaku, it only hit normies when Law and Order got to it. You morons made them stronger by attacking them in the manner that you did.
Who's we
Because they were pushing for mass censorship of games and taking over all existing internet communities.
There were no fucking alternative at this point. When moot decided to censor it, we basically knew it was the end of the niche we carved for ourselves and decided to resist by anyway necessary.
I don't like how shit turned and how all how of my GG contacts talk about anuddah shoah. But at this point, you didn't even exist. So between liberal media and Holla Forums , people choose.
Sounds familiar……….
You don't pick a side in an ideological conflict because you're censoring the other, that's the point, you fucking retard
I hope the Americans can keep the open fascists down, and obviously their antifascists movement will end up facing a lot more violence like this. America is a violent country after all. Just don't let the liberals seduce you into making that the only thing the left ever does - that's why they create the fascists, after all.
We can't read the future. At this point, it was survival. We just didn't want to be excluded from the only thing that we had, so we taken any open hand.
you didnt need to read the future to know that Holla Forums was fucking terrible and had no place in a movement that was trying to take the moral highground
We didn't choose that. shit was banned everywhere else. And when it was banned there, people thought it was the end of the 4chan.
Yes, with evidence from the past, you can usually predict an outcome. By analyzing something, you can usually see the greater whole of the problem.
You don't need a seeing eye dog to make a god damn prediction.
And GG was going to end in a garbage fire, anyone sane could see that from a mile away. That's why everyone finally gave up on Holla Forums besides everyone dedicated to politicizing it and censoring the "Other", while appearing to be against censorship. Sound familiar?
"You", made the wrong choice and made it worse. Now video games are sure better and more artful aren't they, even though nothing has changed in the last ten years besides a revolution in marketing pre-orders dorito packs
You could have not
Not gonna lie. I love me some dungeon crawler eroge.
You're desperate.
Project Chanology. You only needed to look back a few years to see how combining internet autism and political activism would've turned out.
What "past"? We had zero example of any sort of alt-right internet growth at this point.
We just knew that SJW rule would be hell for the low status loser gamer because everything is based on status and you could be lynched for sperg behavior.
And how can you say we censored the other? We only wanted our shitty niche , that's it.
it was banned on Holla Forums because it stopped being about vidya just became the redscare 2.0. Beside you fucks let Holla Forums in before the mass banning
You know everything isn't "sjws" or nothing right. You just feared a magical Other to the point of insanity like they did, censoring and making worse as you went.
Anyone literally could have seen it because the internet doesn't escape the scope of human history. Or 20th century history, or 21st century history.
And the internet has been political in the past, if you don't remember it, you just haven't been on it long enough.
Scare? Moot was literally with all the SJW party heads in Xoxo fest and was friend with Gawker people.
You understand that the demand is a massive violation of the first amendment, right? That if achieved would eliminate the possibility of anything like Holla Forums ever existing again?(and bad things too)
I just thought you people cared about that stuff. You can't seem to shut the fuck up about your little constitutional violation in Charlottesville
Speak for yourself newfag, anyone that was on 4chan longer than summer new about /new/-Holla Forums and stormcucks, you morons let them into your movement and then oddly enough people started """faking death threats""".
what the fuck is that? Who the hell was being lynched from fucking Holla Forums? Holla Forums didnt want e-celeb bullshit. Holla Forums didnt want politics in its disccussions of vidya. guess what that what Holla Forums does.
"remove social justice course from colleges, despite the fact that we dont know what those course are"
And so you conciously made the liberal choice to associate radical protest and possible unizionization of the video game industry, among writers, designers, staff
With more private bullshit that just let Valve decay into shit and further took you down the micro transactions loophole cuz it werks, you don't want to be an SJW leftist rocking the boat do you?
Ignorance doesn't negate responsibility for self.
And this effected more than just video games, this shit was delusional from the beginning.
Your point is moot as there were plenty of GG'ers, including many here, who left the movement after realizing it was being strangled to death from the inside.
Do you even remember some of the original talking points that weren't pure kneejerk reaction "SJWs"? Full disclosure, community representation and combating corporate involvement in the reviewing process have entirely fallen to the wayside. Ironic, since most outlets adopted the former two.
I fully blame metokur
he introduced the Holla Forums into the movement
This reminds me how faggots kept pestering Holla Forums for a COMICSGATE. They said that SJWs were taking over comics and we needed to fight back. We told them that we've experienced this before and it'll work itself out.
Four years later, SJW books are dying, along with the rest of the industry, thanks to over saturating a niche market. Holla Forums was right and the reactionaries were wrong. I imagine this would've happened for Holla Forums had they not sperged out.
tumblr and sjwism is like a rash
apply a cream(fuck off) and let it alone and it'll go away
scrach it and it'll grow and get worse
Because comics are now all SJW as fuck, but games take time to make. SJW games also sell like shit , see ME A.
I'm stupid, so what can we conclude looking back ?
Mass Effect Andromeda because of the same problems that made Jurassic Park Trespasser, Jurassic Park Trespasser.
You really don't know shit about video game development at all. A magic sjw mosquito doesn't just land on everything and make it terrible. In fact that was the least of that game's problems.
First off you quoted the wrong post second
you fucking ggers are so fucking blind that a game with horrendous bugs, crap story writing and boring gameplay is ignored because "LULZ DARKIES"
Dare I say you and Holla Forums sperged out on a WOLFENSTIEN game because dare I say they have you fight nazis.
Please eject yourself from the gaming community
*Mass Effect Andromeda became what it was because because of the same problems that made Jurassic Park Trespasser, Jurassic Park Trespasser.
Basically higher ups forcing a due date and crunching development time, scratching demos and tests along the way as they forced an engine through that didn't work with the animation. That being Frostbite, because it worked with Battlefield.
Corporate negligence at EA. Basically.
liberals are just as capable of being apologist for Nazis. He's not a fraud, but a useful idiot
It is. Forced diversity hiring means quality will be shit.
And I never said anything about Wolfenstein. Look good to me.
All gaming dev subject to ridiculously terrible deadlines. This is just excuses by SJW media to deflect.
I think you'll need a more recent reference for mister militant gamergate.
Forced diversity is the least of video games problems, in fact I think the politicization of this problem and identity issues has completely sucked the mind of all people who now believe video games don't operate under and thus suffer from the same problem that makes all private markets terrible for creativity, needing of writers unions and the lot.
You drowned out all possible discussion of it with this gamer gate horse shit.
No it isn't. They had a leak, and the animation for it was better a year before than on release. Though at the time they denied it was actually the game, it was. This is because, EA demanded they use Frostbite and then outsourced animation.
You're deflecting this example of corporate negligence, why? Why are you so intent, on making this about "SJWs", when clearly the market can be, dare I say
More of a problem to a creative market than some magical political Other made out of whole cloth
he's just gish galloping the talking points of most sargonites.
Another funny example of GG spergin over nothing was the SF5 taunt, capcom took it out because they didnt like how it turned out while it was in beta and the collective "REEEEEEEEE SJWS IN MY FIGTHING GAEMS" was fucking horrendous.
We're gonna need a bigger hat
Gamergate stuff is just something that I cannot be arsed caring about. Just seems incredibly unimportant in the grand scheme of things and it hasn't really seemed to effect any games that I play. On the other hand videogame development seems to be pretty explointative to workers and they seem to be allergic to unions.
I fucking know that gamedev is hell. But it's not like your SJW gonna do anything about it , because their major tool is controlling HR and firing people by making up NDA violations.
Also , your "union" only applied to game voice actors e-celebs, and ha d the nice side effect of shutting up all the non media friends from that industry.
This is reality, everyone who already cared knew that game reviews and game journalism just functioned as marketing for game companies. Now you can't even discuss this without someone perversely expecting you of being a white nationalist.
It was a lot like Men's Rights, a completely valid obvious state that the world is in, but conservatives jumped in purely because it was useful to aggravate SJWs. And now pretty much anyone progressive/left equates the idea of men having rights with the reactionary beliefs.
Everything rightist trash touch turns to shit.
Gish galloping.
But you cannot gish gallop on the fucking internet, it's a technique to muddle shit in live debates.
And that smell like goon talking points we had in 2014.
What is it making it "My" game, I just said it sucks, and I gave you a reason, why it sucks.
Yeah, you think gamer gate is going to solve that, with non unionization? Great plan retard, you gave the medium you were trying to protect to them on a silver platter, said go nuts, than started shooting at shadows you thought were the problem.
You were in bed with the problem the whole time. The increasing privitization of the creative medium you like.
Not everyone who points this out to you is a fucking "sjw", defending "sjw games".
Where the fuck do you think you are? The SJWs real or imagined wernt ours and we want the whole damn industry unionized not just the VOs.
each one of your posts just seems to be you throwing GG buzzwords around
besides you jsut admitted to thinking unions means forced diversity quotas so it's obvious you are unlearned leftism
There were no major right wing MRAs , it was PUA who were uber right. Feminist just almalgamed them , cuz they knew no one gonna defend weak men anyway.
But I would agree with mass unionization. But if you think liberal SJW gonna give you that anyday cause you look edgy and punch nazis , you basically dream.
We arnt liberals or SJWs
And neither will you, you're just trying to wrap your mind around the fact that gamer gate was literally useless and made everything about image boards worse, again.
No idea about gamedev, but I'm a programmer (in euro) and I have to admit this job is a den of classcuckoldry. While I've heard people bitch about soul-crushing corporations, whenever they try to connect the dots the answer is usually "startups".
All of STEM, honestly.
Always happy to see a programmer on Holla Forums, by the way. Hope you aren't being bored to death by your clients/upper management.
note to self: check the post when attempting to rewrite a post after refreshing the window
It saved our community by translating our memes to youtube. It also gave us a revenge over the normie liberal media by ruining their standing.
But yeah , Holla Forums turned mass crazy and politics are hysterical now. But I doubt that was avoidable.
And I also doubt "Do nothing, they'll go away" would have work, as all enternament is full on virtue signaling. I mean , ESPN is full SJW, you gonna blame neckbeards for that one too.
Stop defending something that didn't address problems in the industry, you're going to have to be a lot less liberal if you want to post here.
Oh really , because because people listen to socialists in america when they talk about workers rights. Strangely all the rich people who retweet punching nazis suddenly forget about what you say.
What make you believe they would have listened to us if we had a soviet flags instead of tinfoil hats?
They wouldn't have, they would have trusted you less. That usually means you're hitting the right place, if what you're up against fears it the most.
Stop giving a shit about the media and work on actual praxis. People listen when you actually get shit done to better their lives. Not that any Holla Forumsyp actually gives a shit about the material conditions of the common person, let alone want to improve it by liberating them.
Idpol and PR posting (i.e. sucking up to the liberal system) ought to be a bannable offense on here
That strange, all those SJW media guys claim to be socialists too.
So they should listen to you and help with making workers condition better, as you are the good guys who defend the people against the nazis, and not worthless neckbeards like me.
That should be easy, just say GG hate unions, and all will go better.
Yes, actually.
And I certainely can see the result. It's not like the first thing people do in social media is attacking employement because it's so easy. It's not like all your media is pushing for more corporate culture abuse to fight the nazis and trolls.
No, all is the fault of people noticing SJW encrochement on the left.
Again see
So instead of actually doing something your plan is to continue focusing on an a group that consists of boundaries that can be entirely made up
Just like all people this high on identity politics
Yeah, it's going to lose bud. You're drowning anything you could have done down with the bath
GG is dead for a long while. We "cannot" do anything.
And every left wing place except here is crawling with SJW mentality. So instead , what can YOU do, now that you are the heroes of day?
Define what sjw is.
Infinite concepts based on justified hatred of racism to shut down people(ableism). High-school clique mentality and heavy tribalism. Hatred of free dialogue. Oppression olympics. Humiliation tactics applied to dissidents.Rewriting history on the fly.
Congratulations you've just discovered identity politics problems, now you can avoid it elsewhere. You can stop defending it.
I saw a pair of liberal women (one in her 50s, the other in her 70s) talking about the legitimate use of violence in political action yesterday. They came to the conclusion that activists should be armed.
Shit is happening... But then again, I live in Virginia. Might just be due to the fact that it's in our back yard.
I'm defending past actions. I hate nu/pol/.
But I also hate the fact that you claim all gone worse because of GG, because your position is the rest of the assholes totally don't have agency except me, lowly basement dweller.
Where in Virginia? My family in NoVa were saying similar things
Don't forget the whole "mods ban the thread everywhere but on Holla Forums" thing.
Hell, it was then when I noticed this wasn't your average shitfest.
Is this how all US news shows are done? How can you not know what you are going to do next.
They're normally better cut than this. Even local stations tend to not be so awkward.
Wow, this press conference with Trump is gonna get him in even more trouble. Funny shit.
Fox is a 24 hr news agency. I can guarantee that whatever piece of "news" that comes next has been covered at least 5 times with 4 other top of the hour recaps.
What happened? I missed it
How to Handle PR: Chopped and Screwed
Holy shit
Claimed not all the protesters were white nationalists/neo-nazis and compared the removal of the statue to removing a statue of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. He also once again complained about violent counter-protesters.
Brain Worms
Couldn't resist the "fucking communists", maybe it's a nervous tick whenever he thinks of the left?
Also this guy is full batshit, see him on that vice doc and he seems off as fuck.
More strongly considering the dementia/brain holes theory. In no way could this possibly help him.
Apparently he literally called "a big press conference" that comprised posing for the camera, calling reporters 'fake news' and then walking away.
I think he had a stroke.
Jesse Watters is especially bad. It appears, though, that the teleprompter screwed up. So the awkward pause likely wasn't his fault.
That awkward pause made their manipulation apparent, so I won't rule out the teleprompter doing it on purpose.
I saw it on TV. I'm sure it will be on youtube soon.
Trump confirmed for Nixon-Reagan lovechild?
Maybe. That's not to take away from how stupid the segment was though: "are two liberal democrats supporting Juche" is uh… pretty dumb.
ron paul hated commies you dumbfucks dont use his likeness in your shitty stolen commie memes
I used to think that I tell you believe me I will defend, have a nice day
What do you mean by that?
Ron Paul is a communist.
You can't own memes, friend.
Wait til he hears about comrade Jones.
Since when was the Happening meme ever unironic? It started among Reddit liberals.
He also called out the "alt-left." Said something like "what about the alt-left that came charging at the alt-right?"
I wonder if demshills and libcucks will still keep using the phrase. I'm guessing they will.
Self-correction: It was actually started on 4/new/ and 4/pol/, but popularized by reddit liberals.
Imitating a dementia victim.
Stop me faggot
went over my head
How is that a bad thing?
I expect MSM to be split on it. Bunch of articles will be going What Is The Alt-Left? and the rest just going against Trump for ignoring Nazis.
make me bitch
Giving America public FYAD rules would be a good plan, unironically.
Who the fuck is this person and why do I see her obnoxious tweets everywhere?
I hate this bitch sooooooooooooo much
a retarded woman who MSNBC gave a job out of pity
She has a show on MSNBC and #TheResistance love her
neoliberal agent of pain
Neera Tanden is another one that loves throwing the phrase around
You were saying?
I agree, posting is a full time job.
So, you're a fucking goon. Fucking knew it.
Hennepin County Minnesota
We will force you into ban camps. Where you will be banned. Again and again, and again, and again
Really put the neurons on fire…
They're doubling down
why even bother calling it alt-left, everyone knows they're talking about the antitards. Seems like pointless spin-doctoring. Everyone is still gonna keep going to their own media echo chamber and hear the story they wanna hear.
These are middle aged media people who love to post, and the liberals who follow them, they're not going to handle this in the best possible way.
As long as they're calling the anti-fa alt-left, I'm okay with it. I prefer it to calling the actual left "alt-left". That is to say: people that are socialists, democratic socialists, and so on.
Genius, a commie who want a system where all that matter is personal reputation and connections. I totally see the poorer class thriving with people in love with shaming and personal bureaucratic power.
Now I now why you defended the SJW media so hard. They are all your friends. Power to MY people.
it's pretty cute seeing people realize for the first time in their life that unironic commies are at hing.
No they're calling that the alt-left too.
Anyone who wants single payer health care in America is the alt-left now.
That's disappointing.
Also ow are you in literally every thread? lol
Oh and anyone who dislikes Kamala Harris for not prosecuting Steve Mnuchin is also a racist alt-leftist.
Trump just spat out a few necrotic death spasms at a podium, blood came out of his mouth along with several worms that evacuated from his spinal chord, everyone acted like it was fine
And we moved onto another day in America.
Notorious den of sjws FYAD
Fish Hook Theory is real
I will never understand what's going on in this image
this is unironically what they did with the altright. It originally truly was an umbrella turn for every rightist ideology that's not lolberg or neocon. So at first you really had a mixed bunch, but then the media identified that nameless movement as a threat, threw a label on it (alt-right) and named its leader (spencer). And that basically killed the whole thing through media trickery.
The very same thing could happen to the "alt-left" in order to discredit any other forms of leftism that socdem-neolib bullshit. So one day you're just a nameless blob on the "fringe", then you've been assigned an "alt-left" membership card by the media and then the next day they name a random retard, like I dunno, jason unruhe as "the leader of the alt-left". And naturally, things go fucking wrong real fast - as the media intended. The result of this is the masses will get even more spooked and never give alternative forms of socialism any time of the day.
When the fuck did Jeet become based
Same. Would love to see her choke.
Massive Hillary shills, both Joy & Neera. First up against the wall.
Sure ,FYAD totally didn't reinvent themselves in Weird twitter; and totally didn't get cushy positions in the media because of personal connections. For example in buzzfeed , which totally isn't a shining example of SJW media.
And their idea of "journalism" and "PR" totally didn't cause GG, which "made everything worse" as you said.
Causing the problem and selling the solution, what we want in communist thinkers.
I mean, thankfully socialists have up actually large and active platforms. It's easy to kill a movement that's entirely online and based around the Confederacy and shameless Neo-Nazism
cry more gator bitch
The thing is political twitter has grown pretty much immune to these pundits and have handled themselves in such a way that puts themselves in a position that wasn't the same with Richard Spencer.
And they've firmly pushed themselves as being the primary opponents of Spencer and not the Liberals, in fact the liberals are lacks on this.
The only people on the political edge of strong victory right now, is probably Felix Biederman.
You can pretty much believe that FYAD was where the brain witch problem originated if you want to. There's nothing stopping you from believing the brain witches came from FYAD.
Things are reversing to Holla Forums side again.
inb4 shill, and no, I'm not shilling for Holla Forums I'm just sayin that people are already forgetting what the aut right just did and came back to shilling for them
I suppose I don't have to care if the end of your movement is internet psychotic appartchicks to rule everything by status or else i'm uncool?
Brejnev at least had the excuse of being fuck old.
What exactly is the 'alt-left'
Meme theorists need to create something to denote liberal bullshit terms like alt-left
Welcome to the real world, Neo
I don't have any fucking idea, is something that Trump get out of his fat ass to protect his base.
The fash need to be bashed
both 'alt-right' and 'alt-left' are fucking stupid terms
calm the fuck down my man
The alt right rolled with being tagged it easier and they have felt the weight of embracing such a dumb fucking stupid idea
We must kill this alt left meme before it ever takes off
no shit, but we can use the term "alt-left" in our favor, for instance, every time antifa does something that normies disaprove we can say "well this was the alt-left, they are not with us" just like the aut right always does.
it's what the dogshit centrist #TheResistance liberals on twitter call anyone to the left of them so they can feel like they're the real opposition of the right, and was subsequently picked up by Sean Hannity
Twitter has been fighting this shit since like, at least last election cycle
Corruption and nepotism is the killer in any system. For all of your theory "proving" that your kind of communism totally gonna work this time, if it come prepackaged by nevrotic bureaucrats who just want to feel powerful, I can predict it's failure.
Wait,maybe I can't predict the future!
Using terms to push you into a singular group are never a good idea, and agreeing with liberals on the terms of this arrangement are never a good idea
Stop, stop, stop
You figured it all out.
I know I know, but if this term is pushed like alt-right we have to do this.
also interesting
Nah just ignore it I think
This. Liberals are trying to make it a thing & surprise surprise, Trump's helping them. They feed of each other, like all reactionaries do.
I'm sure Jimmy Dore will have much to say about the term being used, soon. Maybe we can work with that since Dore is liked by some liberals as well. Since he's with TYT, it can be a bridge to redpill some of them.
Yes. If you acknowledge it enough you give it more legitimacy. Such as manufactured consent & so on.
I would vote for president Felix Biederman
Dirtbag left was a better name, whatever happened to that
He's a legitimate mad man.
Look who all is facing a 3 million dollar lawsuit. Lol.
He seems like he does drugs. Probably pops pills, like most white trash.
Get em before a court
Please don't…
While Chris is surely trash, it's because of what he does & says to others, not what he was born into.
That Family Guy style caricature of he has of himself in the bottom corner cracks me up.
The fuck is this dude doing shitting up Keene?
holy shit hahahaha
I would fuck Felix Biederman
Ron Paul was completely fine with voluntary communes. He wasn't one of you 'physical removal' fags.
Aren't we THE fucking left? They group socdems in with us, so… what the hell else is there? Centrists sure as fuck aren't left. So what's "alternative" here?
Kek this reminds me of that "Was Hitler a Nazi?" picture
Because the whole world is America, "Left" means "Liberal."
Yes, we are. They're just trying to spread misinformation, as always. They're partisan hacks. Anything that might lead to reform, or even just enlighten people, they want to stop. Muddying the waters is their goal.
He's done way dumber shit there than that
The Republicans have to aware by now that he's going to drag the entire party into the depths of hell.
It helps him in that his racist supporters don't abandon him. As we've seen, Trump values loyalty above all else, so of course he's going to keep the one group that still blindly supports him close to his bosom.
someone posted this in another thread, bretty gud
it IS a very good vid!
Trump using the alt-left false equivalency is actually good for the left. Makes us more sympathetic to anti-Trump normies and gives us more of an opportunity to radicalize some of them, like the middle-aged dad that assaulted the organizer of the rally.
This is Pol.
Don't let this piece of shit try to pull some kind of false-equivalency bullshit narrative. Trump is clearly now a tool of white supremacists, so the focus should now be on utterly crushing whatever remains of his political capital.
Hell, make some montage videos of Trump's condemnation of violence alongside calls to violence at his rallies. He's in a very weak position at the moment now would be a good time to go all in to push the narrative that Trump is a tool of neo-fascist paramilitaries who terrorise small peaceful towns.
Fox is turning on him. Uh oh.
Come on now boi
LIVE - Rick Wiles: Another September 11th Attack Is On The Way
wasn't there whole talking point that this was gonna be a great win for them in court due to them having a permit and how it would serve to fund them? lel hope they get fucked
Godamn Trump even went too fucking far for fox
Since when do communists support idpol?
what kinda live is that ?
i've literally seen a Holla Forumsyp say "communism is capitalism". Communism is whatever those who have never read political theory or economics say it is
Those fox hosts are absolutely gorgeous
Yeah but roger ailes peener has been inside her you don't wanna catch whatever the hell that guy had.
Conservative hipster women are cute.
A tale in four parts
I'm sad it wasn't the third.
Cantwell is such a bitch
I'm not sure which one is turning me on
Fox News does that on purpose to appeal to old men. It works.
Thanks hillary-ite scum for popularizing 'alt-left' so that trump could use it.
This is what we're up against
And that guy who drew Pepe hates the frog memes. Time to pack up and stop Pepe posting I guess.
see also
Its almost as if the manchild reactionary stereotype was completely accurate for GG.
It means that centrists who turn into far leftists are straight and centrists who turn into alt-righters are gay.
Made an edit myself
Y'all think impeachment is actually becoming possible?
Joe Rogan doesn't like them either.
Miss me with this milquetoast shit fam…
Yeah the "both sides are bad" is getting annoying.
This fuckin guy
What did he mean by this?
How is feminist frequency still a thing? Why are they so obsessed with it?
stop ruining this thread
Daily reminder that Richard Spencer is a very clear example of bourgeois: a fascist absentee landowner of thousands of acres of farmland that he inherited, maintained by suckling off federal farm subsidies.
Counter-protest against neo-Nazi rally & to honor of Heather Heyer violently removed by police in Warsaw yesterday.
I swear if the world revolution ever happens it's gonna take another German and Russian invasion to end the right wing insanity there.
When Trump hijacked their bullshit smear, exactly like with fake news.
But… it is. Or was rather, before all their supahstarz left.
Holy shit, there are actually people left in Eastern Europe who aren't neo-Nazis?
Honestly the idea that more than one Pole would turn up to this type of event surprises me.
Did you even watch the video? What would you call that shit, if not liberal drivel?
The video is gone and so is Cantwell's channel. Rest in piss.
There's a massive line of people attempting to turn themselves in for toppling over the confederate statue.
This is what solidarity actually looks like, Holla Forumsyps.
every time I see burgers complaining about their political climate I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
on the other hand, we have free university education and healthcare (if you're okay with waiting), so I guess it's a tradeoff
It's more like Gandhian civil disobedience.
Pretty cool, but again it changes nothing other than maybe pulling some more people to the left.
Rogan is a rightwing-friendly faggot that tries to put on airs of being unbiased. He has had a million rightwingers, including alt-light/alt-right cucks, and he acts like his mind is blown with every damn sentence they utter. By contrast, there have been very few leftwingers, and Rogan wastes their time asking them how does their knowledge help them get laid.
Well it's not like we can do much more at a time.
Solidarity means attack.
It's one of the bastardized terms that used to mean something to the left.
have another meme-arrow of solidarity:
I obviously meant Poland, but please tell me about nazbol in Sweden, I'm genuinely curious.
No nazbols here. Just figured Sweden since it's apparently even more hopeless here :(
Wait, so Sweden and Denmark aren't literally Paradise on Earth like Polish succdems told me?
Salt reich on suicide watch
Sounds like a lib to me user…
Seriously I get Rogan isn't necessarily a liberal, though I don't really know enough about him, or care to; I was commenting on what was being said in that video specifically, and that was certainly some liberal, middle of the road, grade A, bullshit.
Is Antifa secretly becoming Maoist?
According to news user, 40% of the country now believes in impeachment, up 10% from before. And that was before this rally took place. It's starting to look like a real possibility.
Nah. We're becoming even more Anarchist.
Rebel Media is officially dying off thanks to all this chaos.
lmao the comments in that video
I want to believe there's a couple of alt-lite chucklefucks who aren't Jewish conspiracy theorists but the crowd they attract makes that hard to believe
They are heavily influenced by the CIA, so I wouldn't believe much of what they say.
Genuinely got my neurons ticking.
What did he mean by this?
weep, refomists!
That's what would have happened if the USSR was still around, but alas.
inb4 a Holla Forumsyp thinks I'm being serious.
Why not anarcho maoist?
getout furry pedofaggot
What are the odds of the rally tomorrow backfire the aut right again ?
FUCK! They ahould have let him come here.
Hasn't the U of C gone right-wing circlejerk about shitting on safe spaces and Rated PG Parental Guidance and wanting an open debate on everything, when they openly shill for their shitty administration and pull punches in questions.
EDIT: HAH, the article linked flat out mentions that the rightists thought U of C would let them in.
U of C is a bunch of cucks, pussies, no balls.
isnt she trans?
I really hope