You guys really are bad at this eh sheesh
You guys really are bad at this eh sheesh
Other urls found in this thread:
God test is so cute
these are always fucking retarded
Grim is making faces like he eating something sour
Also drunk test is the funniest shit oh god
post more already, goddamnit
we could probably make another tc if enough ppl are down
you would have to join video tho
post stewing loli
LOL. Great stuff back when.
thank you
Nigga you know I ain't gonna do that
yaaaaaaaaaay i won my first placement match and got over 10,000 damage :D
too bad everyone on my team was shittalking me the whole time lmao
get diamond now u shit
never gonna happen, they were only sassing me because i was like "lol i carried last round" and two people on mic got mad
it was funny and only made me play better
Took you long enough
you... -insert spiteful name related to bitch/pussy/whatever-
i got two riptires in like... a minute and a half? im not sure whats so hard about walking out of the way of explosions, but people don't seem to have it figured out at low level
why dont you fucking marry drunk test you faggot
Lloyd as some gay gangsta seems fitting, like some mix of over-compensatory machismo and dick sucking.
hes actually not overly masculine at all
id say hes well balanced
Hopefully someday.
I'm not masculine at all since I'm an anime girl
soup homies?
relaxin n shiz
hai welma
im chlilan
You're not a wigger, Cato; that's cultural appropriation.
chillin watching some black mirror before bed.
chillan like a villian^^
test is just a little girl you hooligan
well obviously not, I am a vigger
every time i drink a trashy 4loko i think of AM
here's to you AM
Actually, this came up earlier. Test is in fact NOT a little girl and his name is Chris. You believe that?
nope, thats not true, test is a little girl and they post selfies all the time
in all seriousness though i love test because they sound almost exactly like me and i know how rough that is
stay hydrated
The fuck?
Is a vigger a violent nigger?
your reactions tho, you smell of sin
like masturbating again
Grim, you didn't get me a christmas present.
Do you like me enough to spend 482, 112 JPY on me?
Before shipping.
That's about 4300 USD. :^)
goddamn fucking rin trying to capitalize on grims cocklust
By being a normal human being and not react violently that you had a gay thought?
is it true you sent your used panties to echo for xmas?
I didn't know it was a trap so how is it gay?
Money makes the world go round desu.
Not hearing a no.
Wtf started this rumour?
i think people are just going to make fun of you even more just because you're still trying to defend it rather than going with it, discord husband
And that's different from a regular nigger how?
Yeah, that's why I were confused desu.
case in point, tsuchi usually likes to go for low hanging fruit
one of you two, idr which one
w t f
what costs so much money
I didn't even jerk off to the image in the first place
are you trying to say I knew it was a trap?
i'm gonna lose my mind sitting in this house all day like this
if I end up on the news you'll know why
"local florida man rides bike through shopping mall while naked and spraying silly string in the air"
Look, BD, we all know Tsuchi's gay but that doesn't mean you have to bu-
Oh you meant easy jokes.
I said he got me girly things for Christmas, but that was literally it???
Collaboration project Electric Bass pre-order from ESP.
they wouldnt put up a news story on that
shit like that happens every other day
now if you were riding around shooting people with a tec 9 that would be a diff story
Wait no, it was the built to order that was 4 grand, let me actually find that one rq.
got em
This is the expensive one, sorry.
I already have a guitar that looks like the one one of the girl's use but, you know.
Yes I'm aware that second one isn't a bass, I just confused myself.
Pffftt, what I got was way way better than that.
you better be ready to play the fuck out of something like that, would you practice the guitar lots? not that i can spend 4000 dollars on a guitar anyways
Dude, I've been meaning to pick up the guitar more seriously anyway.
So to that end it's probably better if I buy my next one myself.
absolutely sound reasoning there,m you definitely always want to work your way up with guitars
They have signed drumsticks as part of their collaboration.
That amuses me desu.
i had an alpine white les paul and i didnt use it nearly enough
signed by who
what was it?
i can't bring myself to hurt people tho
i'm too kind
The reason the one is, like, 10x the cost is 'cos made to order.
The character, lmao.
you might get a pretty high kill count though if videogames are anything to go by
a figure?
so..........the animator
He got it
Nope, it was actually a pretty generous amount of nothing
Literally the character.
I didn't get you anything either and I feel bad now
I don't mind, I got gifts from SD and Subtle, it was nice and surprising.
I still didn't give you the drawing either so we're even.
The name itself was probably burned on mechanically.
what were you implyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing ;~;
Subtle sent you dick pics as a xmas gift?
Was it at least a nice dick?
And did it have his name on it?
The important questions.
Stop being such a bad influence on Rin.
She used to never stay up this late but your degen schedule is ruining her.
Both of our names with like, a little heart between them.
She can go to sleep whenever, doubt it's me that's stopping her, would be a first.
What's the best way to eat Smarties?
As far as you know desu.
that you're plenty capable of violence
lol but drawing was for my bday
yeah sd gave me something too so I decided to shower him in vidya lol
Wish desu
i swear to god we have the weirdest fucking activity spikes of any place ive ever seen or been to
Best way is to not.
Yeah, I guess.
And I overslept that quite severely so now I'm doing both as a compensation.
Oh nice.
We were pingponging a little, he got me like 3 games in the end. Such a good guy.
Wrong answer.
The actual correct way is to freeze them and them suck on them until the hard candy cracks and you get all the melted chocolate in the middle.
what the shit are u posting
lewd af
he has a heart of aetherium
It's a screenshot from that game Getting Over It
I have decided, in my infinite wisdom, that it is time for me to go to sleep despite my earthly desires.
Are you doing a me cosplay?
im going to stay up instead
Oh god no.
You should try it, maybe then you could get a 200pp play :^)
grim do you even play Overwatch??
Pros don't out weight the cons in this case.
not really
but when I do im on pharah or soldier
It must suck to be great at everything though, what's there to strive for?
Okay, I giggled.
you're crazy, both of those characters are great, soldier is better for headshots than he is for his ult, his ult is a joke for people who know how to headshot
I just don't really like dps much, only McHusbando.
Soldier is okay but Pharah is annoying as shit.
You can strive for that even if you suck though, it's basically stepping off track instead of going over and beyond.
that's definitely not true
i don't know why you would think that
pharah is really annoying to play at first but ive undoubtedly felt just how useful she can be personally multiple times, you just have to get into the swing of things with her and your brain starts working like mad on where to lead shots without you putting too much effort into it
cant fault you for mchusbando though, he's nice. i don't relate for DPS though since i main Junkrat
And that's how we get shit like the Zune.
I doubt I'll ever need to learn her, I have not once seen team lacking dps and someone having to adjust.
I'll stick to Hana.
Well...yeeeeah....but there are good examples too.
Multi when?
My friend was asking about you.
When you get on at normal times :^)
who the fuck is Hana?? and ive seen teams need a pharah all the time, pharah is also personally a pain in the ass for me to take care of since you usually need a good hitscan to take care of a proficient pharah, or just someone with killer fucking aim
this isn't an overwatch forum though and there are plenty of better players than me here so ill leave it at that
hana song is's real name
yea is fun to play with good teams i dont know any trivia shit though
Idk what those are, I get in the mood for it at pretty random times.
Well you know, the one with dogshit acc. He didn't believe me when I told him I know someone better than him.
That was before I knew Angel played too.
I just don't like that name at all. It's one thing to need Pharah, that happens often, but almost never is a dps that already locked something willing to switch roles or change dps.
My mmr's shit though so idk, maybe gm's have it different.
I have seen more one tricks in dia and masters than in anything else though.
you're probably a better player than me tbh
Rank doesn't really mean much anyway.
Plat's pretty average and is the most populated tier. I have not once even seen silver or bronze player, I think you have to straight up try to get that low.
Game sense wins games.
Ohh, I see.
Angel doesn't really play standard though.
Not anymore at least, he was still better than both of you at his prime, I think ?
Shame he stopped playing, shame I did too.
or just be a 10 year old
I guess that works too.
Well no, I'm higher rank than him now.
Well, I guess you're still the bestest then.
He had a 230pp play back at the end of 2014 though so he was gooder quicker
I could do that in like...a month and some change.
ecchi finish the drawings :f
Until you don't :^)
I tried pretty hard you know.
How does Osu! competitive play work?
But you said you don't play anymore :^)
1v1/2v2/4v4 and they just all play the song one their own and it's the total score vs the total score.
Though there's a difference scoring system that puts more focus on to accuracy so missing a note and resetting combo isn't as punishing.
Oh, no, I meant, my account is 3 years old, but I just tried it and dropped it then got back into it 7 months ago. If I kept playing I wouldn't be that trash now.
And this is the game where you follow tracks with your mouse?
Dogs are cute too
that's the point
Yeah, pretty awkward desu
I remember when it started all the best people were using penpads
still the case?
Rank #5 & #6 use mouse.
oh god, I think I know what people watching esports for the first time feel like
and the rest are pad?
kind of like how the street-fighter world champion used an xbox controller.
Going too.
kitty :3
quit posting when I am going to bed and then finishing when I wake up
s-sorry. Timezones suck.
Sleep tightly
fat wolf titty
You're fat!
What's your point?
Do I need one?
Don't think so
That's the second time you've posted a pic from a Momiji doujin that hasn't been translated and uploaded yet.
Why do you do this?
Cause somebody (you), need to do the translation
I'll get Greg on it as soon as I can. He's been slacking off on his nihongo studying lately.
The PM of Canada has no legally defined role.
need to punish the bad student~
Other than being a cuckhold?
His punishment is self inflicted, the less he learns - the less good things that get translated.
Trudeau could get any bitch he wanted. And he's married.
is that all?
Well that wouldn't say anything great about his character.
How does one punish Greg other than that?
Tease him with pics like the one you just posted
It means he's handsome and powerful. He also happens to have a very good character, and believes strongly in the representation of women in his Cabinet.
yeah, what a great character
Hmm... that could work. And I have to make sure every one of them is actually a trap. That'd really stick it to him.
So a pretty boy that likes to virtue signal.
Why is Trudeau posting on Holla Forums and internet fighting with ponies?
You sure you won't just end up posting your fap folder then?
cause even colourful cartoon equines are more manly than him
Do you know what qualifcations are required for Cabinet Ministers?
Name one politician that doesn't virtue signal. Their signal of their virtue is a big goddam part of why people vote for people. Didn't you know that?
y r u?
Yeah, what of it?
Having a vagina it seems
how gay
What's wrong with a symbolic gesture for a mostly symbolic governmental role, when half the population are women?
Because it doesn't matter what gender people are when it's just a social construct
I never compared him to other politicians or said they were any better, nor will I because such comparisons are pointless, didn't you know that you snarky little shit?
Only the ones of traps are gay.
So your entire folder?
I've never seen someone care to defend Trudeau before
I'm not internet fighting
-pets ur mane-
All of society is a social construct. And he didn't do it based on gender, he based it on sex.
I'm being a snarky little shit, and saying virtue signalling isn't all bad, and is a big reason for why people vote at all.
90% then, last call
Really? You must be new here~
The Canadians mostly only talk about American politics here
Need to whine about something
You wanna?
Then they're voting for particularly shitty reasons, but there's nothing new there.
Fake news.
Rin only focuses on the fact that the American president is going to nuke the world because she's embarrassed by Trudeau
You know Trudeau made his Cabinet 50% women, but do you know jack about what the Canadian Cabinet even is?
When the nukes fly there's no doubt that Canada won't be spared
Why would I internet fight a cute pony
no u
So long Israel don't get spared
How many times you gonna be able to say you did so?
I wonder if that kind of art ever appealed to the teen youth during the early 2000s.
With the whole 'it's cool to say no to drugs' and the 'every font that looks like graffiti means it's gnarly'.
i wonder if Goggles knows they are a cunt
our attorney general
who's America's attorney general again?
what kind of bs has he been spouting in the news recently? look it up.
what if I'm all out of money and I awoo?
Can I pay with something else?
our AG:
"Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to rise to speak to Bill C-45.
On October 13, I introduced two pieces of important legislation in the House of Commons. First, Bill C-45 proposes a framework for legalizing, strictly regulating, and restricting access to cannabis in Canada. The second complementary piece of legislation, Bill C-46, proposes new and stronger laws to more seriously tackle alcohol and drug-impaired driving, including cannabis. I am proud to note that Bill C-46 has been passed by the House and is being studied in the other place.
I am pleased to speak again today about Bill C-45 and discuss some of the amendments that were carried during the Standing Committee on Health's extensive study of the bill. I would like to thank all committee members for their considerable amount of work on this file. The committee reviewed 115 briefs and heard from nearly 100 different witnesses, who provided their invaluable perspectives on a wide array of issues, ranging from law enforcement to public health."
your AG:
"Good people don't smoke marijuana."
“We need grown-ups in charge in Washington to say marijuana is not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized… that it is, in fact, a very real danger.”
“I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. And I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana—so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another that’s only slightly less awful. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life"
the AG in America and Canada, btw, is the representation of law enforcement in the nation.
Our AG is better than yours.
the opioid epidemic isn't a legal issue, it's a 'depressed White people overdosing in massive numbers' issue, and you guys don't have mental health coverage as a right.
Somebody got a bit upset about things that don't matter
Casual jew hate makes me miss Neru
I wonder what effect Jerusalem actually being nuked would have on fundies
What is Test exactly btw? Did he originate as pony or furry
I was always very indifferent to it
He would have had to recuse himself regardless of lying, involvement, or otherwise just on the fact that he's a member of the cabinet that's being investigated- so... get bent?
I bet if it was a bunch of natives and niggers dying of painkillers you'd sing a different tune.
In fact, your AG just repeatedly lies about marijuana.
Saying legalization results in greater use; that it's dangerous; that it's almost as dangerous as heroin; that legalization leads to black market enterprises; and that the youth are using it more.
All of that is wrong, but he keeps saying it.
Our AG: 1
Your AG: 0
That would be a sight to see
That's utter bs!
He only had to recuse himself because he was caught lying!
If he wasn't, nobody would ask for his recusal!
I actually have no idea.
Why the heck would he recuse himself?
In fact, Trump has made it clear he hates Sessions for recusing himself.
HERE'S THE TRANSCRIPT, from your fricken President:
TRUMP: Look, Sessions gets the job. Right after he gets the job, he recuses himself.
BAKER: Was that a mistake?
TRUMP: Well, Sessions should have never recused himself, and if he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me before he took the job, and I would have picked somebody else.
HABERMAN: He gave you no heads up at all, in any sense?
TRUMP: Zero. So Jeff Sessions takes the job, gets into the job, recuses himself. I then have — which, frankly, I think is very unfair to the president. How do you take a job and then recuse yourself? If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, “Thanks, Jeff, but I can’t, you know, I’m not going to take you.” It’s extremely unfair, and that’s a mild word, to the president. So he recuses himself. I then end up with a second man, who’s a deputy.
fyi, that's your president, saying he wanted the AG to protect and favour him, by manipulating investigations, and he never would have hired him knowing otherwise.
Using account age over hours played :^)
Okay. Let's do it your way.
What reason would Sessions have for recusing himself, if nobody caught him lying under oath?
You're saying he'd recuse himself regardless, but what would he be recusing himself for?
He'd just do it out of nowhere, randomly? There's no basis to think that after getting away with lying under oath, he'd suddenly out himself by admitting he lied.
spectre, are you retarded?
''Attorney General Jeff Sessions would’ve had to recuse himself from any and all investigations into the Trump campaign regardless of any meetings he may or may not have had, a Department of Justice spokeswoman said Tuesday.
“His recusal was based on the fact that he was a senior adviser to the Trump campaign and that was specific in the Department of Justice regulations that if you’re a senior adviser on the campaign, you have to recuse yourself from any investigation into that campaign,” Sarah Isgur Flores, DOJ spokeswoman, said on Fox News.
Ms. Flores also explained that a CNN report from May, claiming Mr. Sessions did not reveal meetings he had with Russian officials on his security clearance forms, was a clerical error. Newly released documents show that the FBI advised an aide to the attorney general that Mr. Sessions wasn’t required to disclose that meeting since he was acting in his capacity as a senator.
Mr. Sessions has been criticized by President Trump and his supporters for immediately recusing himself from the Russia investigation, with some saying that it shows there’s some validation to the claims of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.''
sounds lame
Don't call it a grave... It is the future you chose.
a what
what game?
Oh, Sarah Isgur Flores! The impartial DOJ spokeswoman!
oh no wait, she was the Deputy Campaign Manager for Carly Fiorina, where she oversaw the day-to-day operations of the campaign.
then she flipped to Trump when it was clear Carly Fiornia was going to lose, and Trump made her the official spokesperson to go on Fox News, to make the President look good.
Spectre, you have a lot of faith in your AG, for no goddam reason.
you spelling "morning" wrong
silly lili
To be fair, it was probably a godsend tbh. It was AC:Origins.
Not wrong, drumpf.
So Spectre, you're trusting the word of a DOJ spokeswoman, who was a campaign manager, that Trump personally hired.
Trump hires the people in the Justice Department.
He could have hired the most careful legal minds in the country, but instead, he gave it to the campaign manager for Carly Fiorina.
Did u ever almost accidentally inhale a rasin bran flake
Time to take this thread to the kitchen.
Yeah I kind of want Jerusalem to get nuked tbh
Like from an aesthetic perspective
Pone I think
Noo the sun isn't up yet
Is this post a reference to injecting marijaunas
It is not. It is related to cake making.
Maybe. Wouldn't he know?
I don't remember anyone named Test, or... what he goes by now.
But then again it was a "big" community, that really splintered off a lot too.
Mariouija cake?
I remember him comparing me to Aeris once because of his pone drama PTSD
help i caught my son smoking a mariouija board :(
Coffee cake.
Did you call him a filthy turn-coat?
That's like... 30 lashings, minimum.
He testified, under oath, that he had no knowledge of anyone in the Trump campaign that met with Russians.
Either he knew, and didn't admit it, or actually couldn't remember ANYONE (including himself) that met with Russians.
uh huh
by DOJ, you mean the spokeswoman on Fox News, who says it woulda happened.
Ask youself Spectre: why is Sarah Isgur Flores even on Fox News?
Do you think she just, went on there, because she's trustworthy and fits the position, to talk about the law, just 'cuz?
Or maybe was it specifically to defend Sessions' and Trump's reputations, to influence public perception?
he worked on his campaign! so yes, they colluded! that isn't a point of contention in any of this!
hello this is a robbery
post all of your cute anime girl images here or this thread gets it
mama mia
And he admitted that he didn't remember the meeting with Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos who, wasn't discovered till after the fact, that tried to obtain some emails that were promised to him by some Russian girl, but leaves no direct involvement. Anything else doesn't have to be disclosed so it doesn't count, like it or not.
Hard question, get back to me on that one.
You mean like... virtue signaling? Something I think you defended- hour and a half ago?
So he did his job, and now he's recusing himself from interfering with an investigation where he did his job. You already agreed that if he hadn't he could have further meddled or manipulated, so this leaves him out of the way. And this makes him a bad person because...?
Good cake choice
Is that an Eris meme?
tbh E.R.I.S. was better than Aeris
Aeris, Eris- the fact that VG cats was constantly posted didn't help at all.
But yeah, that's an Eris meme. Anyone that abandoned 4chan in the ban waves was a turncoat.
I didn't know Aeris also went by Eris
The "E.R.I.S." I was talking about was a shitposter impersonator from way back before pone threads existed when Aeris would walltext on /x/
And oh, right, Aeris got really fired up about persistently shitposting on Holla Forums
Only /x/ oldfags know of Aeris' pact with the nazi aliens
I don't know nuthin' about /x/
I'ma go shower now, and then finish spice and wolf.
Nazi zombies, on the moon?
And I guess I shouldn't meme about those days because Aeris might care
She was a prolific shitposter long before pone threads tho
he met with Sergey Kislyak.
he didn't admit to meeting with Sergey Kislyak.
and now it's proven that Michael Flynn, Trump Jr. and Paul Manafort, who all worked on the campaign, met with Russians.
despite being public news, it's possible Sessions had a lapse of memory upon being asked.
we can't prove he was lying, or he just oopsie forgot when he was being asked, but what's more likely?
uh, no. you're not using 'virtue signalling' correctly.
no virtue was signalled.
it's more 'hypothetical virtue signalling', because she's saying he totally would have recused himself anyways.
and maybe he would have. who could say?
Why isn't anyone else recusing themselves, if this is apparently DOJ policy?
Kanra gurl how u been?
Specter is masturbating to anime girls in the shower
It's just u and me
Can confirm
I'm awake at 3am.
so could be better.
still abusing drugs?
Would you let the second coming of Hitler fuck your butt?
Night is the best time to be awake
I'm high right now snippy boi
What if the extermination of the jews depended on it
Then sure. We must all make sacrifices. If a bit of degeneracy would bring the end to them, then by all means
If Sessions recused himself, why would he reccomend the President to fire Comey?
Why would the President admit it was about the Russia thing?
That doesn't sound like a man who always planned on recusing himself from Russia things.
Im gonna do that too.
But since he's the second coming of Hitler, he'd just use the Zyklon B for delousing again : ^ )
Why are you trying to disrupt Specter's anime masturbation time
The fact that you phrased it as "abusing drugs" made me think you quit :3
he wouldn't even fuck a guy in the first place
Because Spectre doesn't care about truth the truth, and I take it on myself to beat people down with facts.
I quit caffeine.
for new years i vomited like 6 times and slept for 15 hours. my bones still hurt
but i can still cum
Makes two of us
which bones?
collar bone
that's a bone.
I was going to be autistic and petty but I am curious how you end up vomitting 6 times.
did you replace the food and alcohol in your stomach with more alcohol and food?
i thought i was done like each time but i was wrong
you okay now?
yeah im fine thank you for asking
holy sleep
I imagine at some point, you made a note-to-self not to do that again
but the alcohol made you forget why you were hungry :3
goodnight everybody
He met with both.
The other one was at the national convention and a hotel. By the way, this is an ambassador in New York that goes to every party and event he can. Someone was bound to meet him, sometime, somewhere, and forget.
Either? Let's say he lied about meeting where nothing in terms of policy was discussed, what would he gain from it? Let's say he forgot, and recuses himself anyway, what would be gained from it?
Who only plead guilty to lying, which isn't as serious as you might think (because it's really easy for them to find inconsistencies in statements), and only did so because his son was in legal jeopardy next, so he got a nice deal with just saying his statements were inconsistent.
Oh by the way, I like how ABC and CNN had to correct their statements in saying that he only sought out the Russians BEFORE the election, when it ended up taking place AFTER the election.
Who met with someone that promised him opposition research and instead ended up begging him to do something about Russian to American adoptions. He was tricked into a meeting under false pretense.
She's saying that recusing himself was the right thing to do. You know, like the moral thing to do, which it was, which would be a virtue. And make him look good.
Who could say? We don't have an alternate reality where he didn't, so all we have is the fact that he did.
That would be up to them personally to do, and depend on their position, potential to influence from that position, and whether or not they were under investigation. Can you list someone else you believe should, or should have?
Oh, well, rip. Sleep well.
what a fag
Only new Megumin all week. It sucks
Get more experience!
teach meh
I'd be your sempai