bumpi bumpu
rarararararar BUMP
And is madame enjoying her evening drinking?
And now you're here, up at 1AM.
what's the problem mate
Go to sleep.
i've never seen game of thrones but this looks comfy and nice
It's alright, but the person that asked me to drink with them passed out earlier..
game of thrones ? heh.
more like.
gay throne
What time is it over there?
If the earth is flat, why do australians fall off.
8 am currently, it has been about an hour since they passed out.
It's new years eve friends
Forgot to delete that link
why ? because the earth is flat
Shit, surprised you're still up.
cute models for hot topic store ( ° ʖ °)
more like new year pee
Too low % alcohol, so that's why!
Must be.
Yeah, or, well, still would sometimes go to sleep at like 11 am or 1 pm when drinking heavily..
i give up i can't find a single hoodie that's not autistic
Pretty unhealthy m8ty. At least drink some good shit when doing that.
Not like you'd need one in this state.
Well, that first one was good enough, I mean, not like anyone would get it.
it's literally cold right now
might not need it much but you should always have a hoodie
plus I have family in the north
the madotsuki one is a crewneck i wanted a hoodie .-.
I have a jacket that I use twice a year, thank you very much.
and yet you have one
Well, it's not too bad if you wear one and a parka jacket on top of it, still pretty /fa/, assuming you own a parka jacket.
I don't need/have a hoodie.
I drink until I pass out or get too tired.
A benefit for me, I'm always tired.
no need for a parka jacket in florida, it doesn't get cold enough for that
50s and 60s lowest it usually gets, rarest is like 38F and up
but you have a jacket
i don't have a jacket, hoodie, sweater, whatever you wanna call it. no warm winter wear
Well, was going to save the last of my booze for the countdown, but eh.. why not drink now, have a cold anyway.
I'm always tired too, but whenever I drink, well, I just get extra woke.
What, the kneesocks and skirt didn't allocate enough budget to let you have anything for weather below 65?
God speed you crazy Finn.
Doesn't need to be cold for a parka jacket, because parka jackets are /fa/ as hell!
How's you?
I had a hand-me-down hoodie from my brother but it's too small and really old
like waaaay too small
what're you drinking?
What, he 5'2 or something?
Ehh, hard to describe.. have a fever.
Also, what do you people mean when you say parka? Up here it means like -30 or below wear or eskimo stuff, idk why anyone in warm climates would have one.
Was thinking that maybe I would stay awake the whole night because I have Monday off.
I have that day off, but yet am still on call. Fuck me right?
Hopefully it gets better!
Tired-ish and kind of drunk, but not enough!
Also, uh, haven't you posted here before?
Mixing with anything or straight?
What do you think a toboggan is?
This amv bugs me
I got off from work 3 hours early on Friday because all of the other companies were closed and didn't order anything.
Although I was visiting another company as they said on Thursday that the order would be complete by Friday, but, nope, their power was cut and then they broke the mold for our products.
Kind of spent half an hour too much on driving there..
Yeah, being sick is no fun.
It's never enough, until the world starts spinning and the ground feels like bed..
Yeah, I've posted in these threads quite a number of times in the past.
Straight, and cold.
A sled used to carry heavy things over deep snow without sinking. Or a fun thing to slide down hills on, either way.
Oops, no image..
Is there ever a reason to do that over whiskey or something of that sort?
A toboggan is a beanie over here.
They can't decide which beats to put the transitions on. It is good that they are putting the transitions on the beats. but they are constantly switching between words, the bass drum, and the clicks in ways that dont make sense
One of those "Why even bother..?" days.
I usually aim to the point of losing consciousness, but it happens so rarely.
Ah, I thought your name just was so familiar.
Had my share of those.
Least I got a raise a few days ago.
Ah, I don't really pay too much attention, but I thought it was quite well done.
Although that might just be because I like Alt J's songs..
Nice, I haven't seen a raise in a long-ish while.
But I got a ~300$ bonus for 0 absence in half a year.
We get bonuses per quarter if we're above a certain percentage of efficiency.
Just habit perhaps, don't really drink other hard liquors.
As in the kind of hat? How does that make any sense..
I actually hate the feeling of being too drunk, and will usually stop before I find myself even near pass out territory
Yours as well, but keeping track of names is hard. Someone will probably say my old name eventually.
if only my face didnt exist
We get ones by like per the year, but I just got the job around June, so ehh..
Max is like 1 grand for the whole year considering unexplained leaves etc.
I got ~300 with a few leaves due to wisdom teeth removals etc.
I enjoy it, well, mostly just because of being able to forget.
I have way too good memory, can't forget most of the things.
I wonder when we met first though..
Did you post that girl with the eye-patch?
Hoh, nice.
I just tend to be overly picky about how videos do their transitions\
But whiskeys are fun!
and I have no idea. That is just what the older generation around here calls them. real funky.
but you're not ugly or anything
Yeah, but I have 4 months left of the contract anyhow, probably will re-new it and see if I get government paid university studies.
Ah, I'm just dumb and focus on the music more-so.
yeah but
my face is
very fem
and neither is my hair and idk what to do
I have prescriptions and weed for that.. they are more effective.. well, too effective really, my short memory is gone.
No clue.
Yes, her name is Mei, hence this one. My first avatar was Menma, but changed numerous times to keep up with the times..
I caught a taste for vodka while living in Ukraine, don't much like whiskey. For the most part I don't drink much besides wine or ciders.
Oh, you're Menma!
That explains it, yeah, I recall you!
Sorry, kind of webm-music posting when drunk.
Sounds good man.
Ride it as long as you can.
I'm suddenly tired as all fuck, so I'm gonna crash.
See you.
Then why even watch the amv's?
You could just find the whole song!
I guess I can't really say much because I do drink very little vodka
do you have a favorite?
Ah, that's good anyway.
No problem.
Hmm, well as for what's available in this country TAG is pretty good for the price.
It's about as far as I have planned it, but the industry has enough of work left anyhow.
Sleep well Tracer!
I got those videos from the Russian 2ch!
How you've been?
It just happens way too often, kind of just because I enjoy that stuff..
i have the solution: learn to love yourself
Life's had its ups and downs, in short.
Enjoy that stuff? You mean drinking a lot/posting music/amvs?
I'll see if I can find it in the liquor store next time I go by!
Of course it was russians!
They have no sense of beat unless it is a military song!
its not so much that as its just weird gender things that dont make any sense to me
trust me
i know i look good
i have a big head and im very uhhhhh
appreciative that i look good
looking good =/= comfortable with where my body is
i dunno
i really dont at all i would prefer not to have any of these thoughts
======> therapy
Hope you find it, it's a Canadian vodka.
They have to have it in New Mexico, then!
being sick on new years isn't fun
Is New Years not tomorrow?
Am I crazy?
ye, I usually just smash new years eve & new years day together cause I'm lazy
you're cool
True, true.
Well, I mean, like music posting, music is one of the few joys in my life after all.
Well, they have some coding wizards because their webms look awfully good for their size!
This is very true..
Wouldn't know, never been to the states..
Ah, fair enough. Music has been weird for me the past few years.. haven't been able to play anything with these hands in a long while, for some reason. Listening is still nice though.
Ah, I've never known how to play anything, yet I want to learn stuff because I have a pretty pricey vantage guitar behind me and an amp..
I am demonstrably not cool.
But I also may not be crazy, I guess
Yeah, that's the whole deal with the russian hackers!
It is so damn cold up there, all they do is computers!
I believe in fate!
nah ur cool
and ye you're not crazy, i'm just sick and ehg
No, you're Sinni!
Well, I mean, it's as cold here, if not colder!
And Finns have a budding tech industry, yes?
But you also don't have to stay in to hide from an authoritarian regime~
The tech industry has died with Nokia, now we're just booming with metallurgy, dum-dum!
Seems a little backwards to want to play because you have an instrument, instead of wanting an instrument because you want to play..
Do you really?
Not mine, but I wish I was talented enough to know how to play it.
Ah, that makes sense I guess. You could always learn.
f-fine, my lines of reasoning may be going nowhere, but russian hackers!
metallurgy is pretty decent, but the jobs suck
naw, you are one of those people
enough to try
Maybe one day, I'm just too shy to do loud things if people are around.
Kind of anxious all the time.
Well, it's more so like programming machines nowaday for them to do the work for you!
programming is basically tech!
That counts!
Finnish hackers!
can i have hug
i am cold
Unlimited plans, though.
oh my god i'm so bored
money, tho
What a cursed part of our capitalistic society.
It's all the same!
But IT has been doing awfully bad as of lately too, metallurgy is on the rise on every field though.
*hugs Nezi*
i'm just a cheap fuck
i hate spending money
but lately I've been spending a bit more because I'm so bored being at home 24/7
-hugs tight- ^^
bein cheap is an evolutionary trait along with bein gay
i think i've come to accept that even though I really want a gun for personal safety and because I like guns, i'm still not going to buy one because it's probably not a good idea given my past history of depression
maybe in 3-5 years if I'm still ok I'll consider it again
no, "being gay is a choice"
But do you spend money on others?
no not me
I would never do that
stop looking at me like that u fuck
Only because I have not stolen more of those.
i don't understand
I do not want to repost that image, and I have not stolen more staring Lulus from Neru.
Being gay is a choice, though.
are you straight?
i feel like being gay is a choice in that
you can choose to be gay if youre straight
you can do both
but also the same with if youre gay you can be straight
what im saying is
everything is secretly pansex
you don't choose your sexuality
just like you don't choose what foods you like
you just like what you like
if you have to "choose" then you're lying to yourself
nobody "decides" to be straight when they start liking girls as a young boy
just like someone doesn't decide to be gay if they realize they like the same sex when they hit puberty or whatever
"oh ok that's what I like, I guess I'm this then"
I was forced to like males at gun point.
yeah i know
i just want everyone to be pan
its like liking all food hehe
you get to kiss everyone
"Pansexual" is a tumblr buzzword.
silly me
honestly what difference is there between pan and bi
there's only 2 genders
you can call yourself a trigender foxkin from the planet Xenorf but that doesn't mean you're not a guy or a girl
I am a meat popsicle.
tfw you'll never touch darwin's meat popsicle
How's you?
bored. living the disabled neet life.
eating food, playing games, wishing i had something to do.
What is your disability?
play DUSK !!!!!
Release Date: Soon^tm
don't spread ur gay shit
Shit, I caught that too from cybering the wrong person. My condolences.
nah I've got arthritis
i can put on a smile and act like I'm ok but in reality it hurts a lot
At such a young age too. What cursed fate.
Oh, no, am I being watched?
there's plenty of worse things, I'll be ok
just not fun
Take good care of yourself. I must abscond for now.
Good morning friends!
hi sini
hey ho
how are you?
i am alive
what do you think?
episode 1 and 2 are both out and more than worth it (or u can pirate them like a stinker)
also isnt it new years soon for you guys
i'll look at it
lemme know what ya think if ya doooo
how are you spending it ?
that does not sound like fun but i hope youre enjoying yourself
this hot choccy i'm drinking is maybe the best hot choccy i've had in years ;-;
watch a something or play a something or read a something
I am.
Whats your avatar?
Oh great the dog fucker is here.
whatre you up to ?
also AAAA its nene from new game !
i forgot that i got my folder back and i haven't been posting her. ty for reminding ..
I am up to nothing ; ~ ;
I'm so bored.
What should I do....
you shouuuulllld
play VA-11 HALL-A or
watch denki-gai or wakakozake (the drama not the anime)
those are my suggestions
good morn
nyanpasssuuuuuu ~~
how r u doin
this hot choccy is really tasty so good
go get/make some hot choccy !!!!!!
I don't wannaaaaa
-curls up on your lap-
dis is what i wanna do
you're up early~
I don't know if we have any, and bleh I don't feel good enough to go downstairs.
been hanging with george all night :)c
waaaa aAAAAAAAAAAAA ;///;
as long as youre comfortable..
-pets hair-
hot choccy will soon come your way though im sure of it !!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope uwu
Someone carry me through DS3. I'm too tired to make it with a new character today.
-closes my eyes-
where do you live?
I live in nyc
sadly nah
Why not? I'm sure you both trust each other enough to meet up by now. Grim and I meet up and I had a great them with him AND HE DOESN"T TRUST ME AT ALL
no money, no free time
floooooooor duh
I didn't have any money and Grim never has free and I still found my way inside his apartment
Oh scary. I glad I don't live there....
You lived there your whole life?
:shrug: just want to do things right, I guess. Wanna make it special or somethin.
Gonna marry this boy after all
Aw that's cute!
Make sure you sign a prenup
i like florida !!
i've lived here since i was.... 5 ?
ohio before that.
prenups are for lameos with like property
i would get all the property given i am the dominate one in the relationship.
fuck i did it again wtf
he pinged the wrong person
what a dumbass
always sign a prenup
Ew Ohio
Yeah Flowda is the better choice.
I always wanted to go there but I can't stand the heat. It'll make me want to shoot a nigger.
You wouldn't want George to take your computer during the divorce would you...?
We should date
send nudes
his computer is objectively nicer than mine
so *shrug* if he took it he'd get a hunk of junk.
Besides, I don't ever plan on divorcing him
you don't buy flood insurance expecting your house to flood
BC is too much of a slut to have time to play with george anyways
No you ._.
What -dere type are you?
you're a waste then
ye just in case
but I don't ever not ever plan on divorcing this boi
idk it's been awhile, how do I check?
they have sent enough nudes, please don't encourage them more
But my love for you isn't
you shouldn't even be able to say the word love without bursting into flames
i like ohio toooo aaaaaa
ohio is much more of an emo state tho
midwest is all emo
thats why theres a subgenre of emo called
midwest emo
and you're positive that in 25 years if he develops a mental illness and is a nightmare to deal with, you won't want to divorce? people change, being caught up in love is nice but you need to realize that "forever" is a long time for things to happen that could change the situation.
I'm not saying you have to do it but I recommend you do.
my dad never got one and my mom developed BPD and chronic depression and they divorced
Not gonna, I cringe so fucking hard every time I say it
I don't want to click that link. Alice2 dox'd me with a fucking YouTube link.
Emo is cute! I want to try emo hair soon
Your face is ew
like what if your partner starts doing heroin and becomes a drug addict or an alcoholic and is angry and beating you all the time
i mean seriously you don't know what can happen
no you
my folks hit a rough patch and almost got a divorce so i know what's you're saying, even if this is getting a little dark lmao
you probably sent like a youtube link with your favorites playlist in it and they found your youtube account, i don't see how you could get doxxed from clicking a youtube link but ok
Reading it now! I'll try and find one out.
Well like my entire family has mental illnesses and he already has one so it's not like either of us aren't used to managing it?
I wouldn't say forever if I didn't mean it!
Erio left and now I'm really bored...
p sure im either
im not great at judging
just google midwest emo then if u dont trust me stinker
different kind of emo
as in
not screamo/black everything big hair skinny jeans emo emo
more this kind
Goro Majima is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in videogames
life is messy and complicated. there's ups and downs.
good times of peace and love and joy.
and bad times of hate and anger and misery.
it's just smart to be prepared and make sure nobody gets screwed so both partners will get a fair deal if things go south.
Your mother is ew
She gave birth to you
I didn't have an account back then, still don't.
inb4 stalker-dere
you dont say
I hate to admit this but I'm kuudere. Every time I test that test I get Kuudere.
I jsut want the cool black hair :/
I think on the quiz I took once I got darudere? I don't remember though.
George and I have reached a consensus of tsunpure atm
even dumb girls have youtube accounts, guess the only person who's going to be ready for skynets uprising is you huh
I didn't mean it...
damn typos, I'm so tired...
that emo is also cool but
TOTALLY unrelated to the emo i'm referring to :^)
this game is great, gambling, drinking, beating up random punks on the street, taking care of some puppy and saving a little girl
i need to play more in the Yakuza series
Going for a jog, bbl
I got darudere.
I think you got the autistic one. The kuudere.
That's just my guess because everybody got fucking kuudere.
what the fuck does darudere even mean?
Nah I didn't get kuudere, I remember ye that everyone else got it.
Fuck nigga I don't know.
That I'm an apathetic, nonchalant ass anime girl.
I got my rank 5 on Hecarim.
proud of u
Fucking ponyfags.
Have a kiss, you gumpy little shit head.
Horsefucker REEEEE
Merry new year, cunts.
No, dumb ass.
I fuck dogs.
Fuck you it's still 2017 here.
tbh new years day is the 24 hour period in which it's becoming new years somewhere to me
Fuck giving a shit about *where* specifically.
What a way to think.
Were all living in 2017 and Squiddy is all the way in 2018.
fucking peasants
Hold on these are actually kinda sweet
Saw them on Tumblr.
Not sure if they are actual models or custom though.
Custom. Well, kitbashes of various gundam stuff. And repainted and whatnot.
I know nothing about Gundam save for Shining Finger and the Zaku Zaku Hour.
*hides butthole*
Or something to that effect.
Only Gundam I've ever seen, too.
I'ts burning grip tells me to defeat you! etc.
god, dubs man
G Gundam's pretty good but it's very much it's own thing.
I liked when they were all little tiny chibi robots.
It aired right before Hamtaro.
I know there's at least two different Gundam timelines and it's not set in the "main" universe.
you can keep track of the main gundam universe, or you can have a life. pick one and only one
got cider for tonight boys
the new year is gonna be bumpin
Gundam has like one universe that the original few series a bunch of other stuff is set in. And then like everything else is just in it's own universe.
UC is super simple though. Unless you're trying to keep track of all the side story shit they've made over the years and literally why the fuck would you wade through that garbage
I turned the brightness on my screen up and now it keeps burning Youtube into my shit.
I can only see it here 'cause the dark background though.
It's hard enough keeping track of Dark Souls.
Got a bunch of cider, but it's shit cider. Oh well, got some good wine and a bottle of scotch, it'll do.
Weeb music will and copious amounts of alcohol will flow regardless. Or, are flowing, I guess.
You fags want to play?
the highest quality celebration
I have forced it into being a personal tradition of mine.
play what though, i don't have league, were you talking about league?
i'm not sure people knew what game you meant
Probably LoL.
yea see, i totally would, because playing that game basically seems like trying to shout in a middle school lunch room when i don't know what I'm doing, and i'm sure you'd enjoy watching that till you got sick of me feeding and sucking at literally everything in the game, Goro Majima won't stop stalking me in this game anyways
even the main character is like "I'm gone."
Beating the first level of They Are Billions made me feel physically exhausted.
it's just a videogame you NERD
so right now I'm playing Yakuza Kiwami because my friend has a Ps4 and the game is cheap, and a streamer i like is going through it right now and im easily influenced like that, and this guy, Goro Majima, keeps doing anything he can to get excuses to fight with me. so far he's crossdressed like a girl at a hostess club to be the "girl" that serves me there, hidden inside of a giant traffic cone, and been my bartender.
One day everyone in the thread is gonna start dying.
That's a way off for most of us.
and we all already are starting to die, it just hasn't finished up yet
Well I say that but I'm currently putting a bullet to my liver and pulling the trigger.
can you run me the math on this
Whos gonna be the last poster ?
They have to make a thread for everyone when they are the last one.
Some of you are gonna die 30 years before me.
this guys trying to beat my ass because i won't pay 560,000 yen for two drinks, what a fucking ripoff
Me, clearly. I am eternal.
I'm just meming, I'm nowhere near cunts like you.
You're not making it past 40.
What, was it liquid gold infused with cocain?
Why the fug do you say that?
I am slamming that whiskey down even faster than I thought I was though
it was just an excuse to fight with the main character again, which we are, because i dont even have that much yen in game right now, and i am not fighting a breakdancing bartender with an eyepatch, while slightly drunk
now fighting*
not not fighting
God speed.
Ah, so it's like the million dollar bike in Pokemon.
nini everyone it time for sweepy liliana to res
I'm sure you can think of a few reasons.
stop telling me what to do!!!!!
Go to sleep.
all i know is you probably spend like 1/4th of the game just fighting this guy in ridiculous circumstances or cause he randomly finds you
he switches it up some so it's pretty good still, especially for a re-done older game
like fucking what?
god damn this fucking majima asshole
Hoh, interdasting.
What are you up to, cunt?
the big sleep?
its games like this that keep my faith strong for vidya
I got something harder
Whats something you do thats gonna help you live longer ?
This would have been way hotter as a 3D girl
avoid bullshit discussions about help with random losers on the internet has served me pretty well
ur way hotter as a 3d girl
Don't know if I want to head to the store now to get supplies, or just say fuck it and not get anything until Tuesday.
The small sleep.
It's the rest of the industry that upsets me.
Natural processes and lack of anything to drag me down and kill me fore then.
anything that focuses on online multiplayer but still makes you wait to have fun can't be trusted imo, if people don't have self-control that's on them but i hate systems that limit you based on time
Well, drat.
Unfortunately I'm a 2d loli irl.
Yeah, waiting is always bullshit.
Rin Post Loli thighs
It's new years, might as well get smashed tonight if any night.
Drinking heavily and watching a stream of anime music club in japan that's about to hit midnight.
thats why i made coffee because waiting for yourself to naturally wake up is boring
why should I sleep tho
squid don't forget to check your underwear for spiders if one bites your dick and you die from getting bitten in the dick by a spider that would be pretty dumb
W-why would you want something like that though?
I experience it all the time. uwu
I have plenty of booze. Talking about snacks.
No reason, I like telling people what to do.
might as well
Aggghhh, I wanna be lazy.
I'll head out at noonish I guess.
Its good for my health.
Its also good for your health.
see this game does gambling right, when you go to casino's and gamble you get guys there with you at like the roulette table and you can see how they are doing even though it doesn't matter much, it makes it feel more alive
nibba how hard is it to go walk to the fuckken store and get some snacks
my sleep thingy is really fucked tbh
all over the place
i don't know what's day and what's night
what is life
wanna be my gf then?
fucking nips and their west vagina country roads remixes
oh god, that sounds awful and hilarious simultaniously
I'm an American. I have the option to order food delivered to my door. And even then I'm too lazy.
Wonder why.
When do I start drinking ?
I have that too
better than most americans
in fact I'm trying to do that now but ubereats's website is fucing DYING
Mommy told me about people like you.
Said "If someone asks for pictures of your thighs don't talk to them. They're pedorapists."
Do you rape Pedophiles, Onii-san?
Sorry, I already have one. uwu
I can't fucking believe Rin isn't getting raped by Ban
Do you rape Pedophiles ?
Is that even possible ? won't they just enjoy it ?
no because you are a young man
yeah? WHY
cool i'll just kms
or everything is just closed
oh well pizza ordered manually I guess
who doesn't rape pedos tbh
they're all fags
Because you sleep at 6pm.
Always fun
tfw you started a thread series on 4chan a couple years back and now they're on thread #302
so proud of u
which series though
the person who started the "I hate myself" threads on trash are from threads too
Only if you're a loli or shota.
What do you think then ?
if i stop drinking water, my body can't make any more snot
howmst the literal fuck is that mroe loewd than what you and/or rin was already talking about
somebody already mentioned rape is the point
fukken rin being a reTARD
bored with yakuza (for now), bored with captain toad (for ever), still sick... back to dwarf fortress i guess, till new years
I think there isn't a pedophile you haven't raped, desu.
Go to bed.
image modification thread #302 on /w/
welp I guess I can't play dorf fort anymore
ban and/or rin*
fucking hell, you know what I mean
I woke up 4 hours ago after sleeping for like 11 hours
can't sleep now
fuk u
how original
Help me desu
i mean they didn't have one and I wanted to help shop images for people
back when i had photoshop installed and used it often
because i like it? what a petty and juvenile way to even joke, have some new years resolutions for you if you wanna hear them
Akshually, I'm retarded.
'cause I'm just a loli desu.
ecks dee
kill me
its okay you're drunk, i shouldn't be so hard on the local fauna
Understandable, have a nice lolixistance
I mean
I thought you were memeing taht bad dog did it
or somethi9ng
nigga what??
i will admit it did sound like Nezi was talking about someone else making them, not sure why they worded it so strange
so VR chat is just the new secondlife
got it
wtf I read the post name wrong
I may have only noticed this now
I blame nezi being a fucking gay
my friends a pizza guy and someone tried to tip him with a bag of weed today, thats how close to detroit i live
All you gotta do is this
works every time
ban confirmed for lifting his skirt for every random pedo that passes by
fucking slut
i would fuck ban's boy pussy just so squid wouldn't
i want to rest my head on someone's lap and then wake up to their teeth piercing my neck to suck my blood
You cannot stop me fucking ban boispussi tbh
that's fukken gay
i made a vampire character once in a fantasy setting with a party of other adventurers and we found a lich, is that close enough? well actually i guess technically i was a dhampire, see those are-
Do I even wanna know what happens next?
this was meant to be atteached to that post
constant, non stop ERP
we need to stop lewdka
I kissed Luka in VRchat
im never getting VR goggles just for this shit, this place looks like hell
why would i want to play secondlife again im 26
I looked up Luka's skirt in VRchat already
Luka is old hat now
What avatars do people use
the important questions
im browsing a video of this trash and i just saw them walk past Ed, Edd, n Eddy avatars
Oh man
When Mommy and Daddy leave i'm gonna go crazy on VR chat
Ikaros is the most important out of anyone else's avatars here.
You can wake up to me sliding my cock into your ass instead.
They're talking about VR chat.
Shhhh, it's just Blood-Chan, just nod and agree with things it says
Oh. I cannot keep up with the threads these days.
I'm going to make a VR account and come to your community.
Complete trash should still attempt to be correct every now and then.
How does it even work, can you even type well while using that stuff? I can't imagine VoIP is conducive to a good ERP environment for most people.
Just put your hand between their legs and start groping and fondling and sexually assaulting them in vr space.
litreally whomst the fuck erps over voip
if you're doing erp instead of just like moaning at each other over voip your;'erer;re;re a retard
thank god i dont play the game so you cant get close to me you trash monster
not going to happen with BC
A game? Nah I don't play games.
Trash is trash I suppose.
I don't think it'd really ERP to masturbate in VoIP and let your monster hear your pathetic wimpering moans of pleasure.
i'm not trash...
I guess the groping thing makes sense
The voice thing was why I asked
Since you can't type easily with hand controls
And voice seems like a no-go for most
get out of here your reply didnt even make sense
I meant I'm not a gamer
I really freaking butchered that but I'm sure you all understood what I was trying to say.
Oh dear.
It seems to be having an identity issue.
What is your Rabi Ribi avatar? I'm curious.
What exactly makes me trash?
"Pls add me on snapchat, anyone. pLS add me on snapchat, BIG TJ123, anyone PLLLS add me on snapchat. can anyone pls add me on snapchat."
that's public VR chat simulated for you right now, i havent even played it and im sure thats how it goes with non-private rooms
You mean bestGirl?
You wanna get eaten by a monster in VR ?
Even blasted this sentence clearly don't anything close to make sense
fucking rin can't even type right
Every aspect.
it'd -> it's
monster -> partner
I don't know I haven't played it!
Erio said it was a lot of fun.
Is that her?
What maid you see me in such a negative light?
I mean monster being master was obvious
But still
I guess it'd = it's explains it, or something. Probablyt right
The ability to see and think.
This is my avatar from Rabi-Ribi.
Her name is Irisu, and she's bestGirl.
Now do it in VR space you cuck.
Drubn;aldkg posdning
I knew that
why the fuck would I do that
having a master is fucking gay, I ain't no fukken gay
I also don't have a VR
what was asking googles who you could talk to about the other night
I figured it was obvious.
Partner, you tool.
Monster was supposed to be Partner.
Masters are for sissy cucks who don't know how relationships work.
Do I have that ability too?
Is she the final boss?
I wanna play it but it looks kinda lewd to me...
memes to mock him being a faggot
Sure it was
This is very believable
i thought googles was a bottom tho
You're trash, so no.
You haven't given me a good reason for calling me that
Do you need a reason to call such shitcunts trash
She spends the entire game running away from you.
It's not lewd.
I literally said this and you ignored me anyway.
Because it was, in fact, not believable
don't (you) that, that was a shit meme
Do you need a reason to call anyone trash you freaking garbomonsters?
No you too!
Aw cute.
Imagine having a for real bunny gf.
She'll sex you 24/7.
Also Erio and I never cybered
fuck you
but whats the big secret ?
oh my god
Its your post dude
i'm just trying to understand it
honestly i feel like the greatest experience of my life would be to have a bf/gf wake me up with a bj
maybe one day
I quoted squid and asked about a previous event that contradicted said quote
I'm gay.
Don't ignore me
Right, if you ignore trash for too long it just stinks up the place.
Are you talking about me? I do not stink
It's not ignoring if I just have nothing to say on the matter.
Don't worry bans not making any fucking sense to me either
I just want you to know that Erio and I never cybered. I don't know why he said that to you.
you're just mad that I ignored you on steam
I don't really care, tbdesu.
What you do out of public view is between you and who you're doing it with.
No, the event that happened was something to the effect of squid asking googles who he was and wasn't allowed to talk to
An attempt at a more clear version of the original post in question:
If that's the case, then why were you asking googles who you were and weren't allowed to talk to?
I think that makes sense. Or maybe one/both of us is/are retarded.
I have no reason to care tbh
I can't believe Squiddy is Goggle's fuckstick.
You cared before...
You've changed.
If I had know Erio was lying about me I would have set things straight
Thats good
I've done it enough times then.
Of the things I used to care about that I don't anymore,
who's cybering who is not on that list.
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