62% of Americans Support Going to War with North Korea
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Can't wait for based Kim to finally solve the CQ (California Question)
manufacturing consent
they really don't. this wasn't popular vote at all.
clearly srysly lmao.
IF North Korea attacks the South. Which doesn't seem likely. From what little I know, the intelligence community thinks Kim Jong-Un is rational. He is trying to use nuclear proliferation to get countries to take NK seriously, otherwise they'll just embargo them until they bend over for foreign capital.
But it is irrelevant if people support it. If the DPRK attacked the south, we'd go to war.
btw nothings gonna happen, everyone is gonna go to sleep.
and never wake up again
You have no idea how much joy I would get from Kim putting your ultracapitalist technocracy down like a sick dog. It will make the draft worth it to be honest.
inb4 European posters come in to shit on Americans, as though if the results of the poll would be any different if they asked Europeans
same shit, different country
ya right. nothing is gonna happen.
careful tho you guys might fuse with your armchairs.
go outside more useless faggots.
Told you Freedomites don't care if a buncha brown people on a far off island territory can't even point to on a map get lit up by nuclear fire so long as they've got an excuse to go to war and tell people to support the troops.
Just nuke us already tbh
Hmm why did Chicago update its website with this content then?
read the article ma ninja
OP is a fucking liar.
it's not gonna happen.
How come nobody ever asks me for my opinion on these polls? I have never met a person who has been randomly polled on the phone or in public either.
Doubt it would make much difference who attacks first. All you gotta do is convince the public it's gonna happen *eventually*.
Honestly this. At least I can die knowing the biggest anti-worker force in the planet will have perished.
This your first rodeo, cowboy?
pretty sure Holla Forumstards are already convinced af. "hurr it's happening" but nothing is gonna happen. It never does.
nobody wants to legit fight koreans except rednecks.
sage for OP's disingenuousness and faggotry
So most of heartland America?
manufactured consent is still consent. fuck off noam
yea fuck him tbh. just used the title of the article not the content. it's click bait.
they're not as many as you think. city folk have already surpassed them. now if the electoral collage got removed that would be great.
This film needs more views.
War will kill millions of North Koreans.
So when will the land invasion of the mainland United States begin?
The tree of liberty gotta be littered with the blood of millions of yet-to-be liberated North Koreans.
I need to move to the Yukon or some shit fuck this
LA isn't a very rich city. That's just Hollywood and Beverly Hills they're just fiefdoms in an ocean of poverty
Move to Redding or Fresno. Nobody's nuking them shitholes.
I'm broke as hell because the price of living in SoCal is shit. It's like the tar pits its famous for, once you get in, you can't pay yourself out.
I just had the misfortune of being born in SoCal. It's not like everything here is free and cotton candy
I don't have the money to move but living here for my whole life it isn't like I don't want to move my ass as far away from anyone as possible. Ship my ass to Alaska idgaf
I don't think anyone is denying that
Well, then you better duck and cover in your nearest metro tunnels cuz you're prolly in North Korea's missile range as it is.
This is what revolts me the most. The media works so well, people have basically dehumanised the North Koreans and don't see them as people, but as minions for Kim.
Sage becauz ur a homophob
Man eyeglasses are so freakin' hot. I just can't get enough of them. Aspheric lenses, Trivex lenses, Photochromic lenses oh don't get me going on Polycarbonate lenses. The things you can do with glasses man, it will blow your mind. I go through at least four glasses a week. Right now I'm looking over at my shelf and it looks like this going to one of 'the five or over' weeks.
Why would a zombie wanna drink milk in the first place?
Maybe then leftypol can be free of dumb idpol
What is particularly interesting about that is that 38% of the people who were polled do not want to attack North Korea regardless of whether or not South Korea is attacked first. South Korea is a major ally and one of the United States' favorite trade partners. I wonder if the numbers would be similar in response to a hypothetical scenario in which Great Britain or Australia were attacked. South Korea is not much lower on the totem pole of busom buddies to the Americans than those two are.
Oh, well…let's hope history will be kind to Americans.
I ain't a homophobe by the way. A phobia's a fear and I ain't afraid of twinks who weigh 100lbs soaking wet.
You're idpol
I have an idea. Let's not nuke.
ironically you're being idpol by saying that heheh
move back to vietnam, housing is cheaper and you can escape the nukes
Haven't I told you I'm broke and I don't got the time to do that. I'd much rather move somewhere nice and quiet that doesn't matter like New Zealand but that's like, a dream at this point
I wonder what effect a new war would have for left recruiting. The Iraq War was a huge eyeopener for a lot of people and drove them left. The left is in a better place now than in it was 2003. Whether it's North Korea or Iran, a war under Trump seems inevitable. Leftists should take advantage of a war if it does happen.
The American public's perception of foreign countries comes from pop culture, not diplomatic relations and trade deals.
Besides, Mexico's prolly a lot closer with The United States than any other country on Earth. You think 38% of people are gonna care if they get nuked?
I mean, they will eventually when they realize they ain't getting their bootlegged fireworks for The Fourth Of July no more or their cheap dental work from dentists in Mexican border towns…
Nukes were a mistake
Eh yes it would. Europeans dont have a collective deathwish.
People believed Nigel Farrage
Have you considered south america? Its pretty cheap, supposedly Kiwiland is a bit expensive
this, if MAD didn't exist then the USSR could have kept invading the West.
I'm glad the Europeans are just so far advanced compared to us. Look at the powerful leftist leaders they elect!
nobody is gonna. a single US "Castle Bravo" nuke destroys the whole Pyongyang and lives it radioactive/cancerous for more than a century.
both sides lose big time. Imma go to sleep, fuck this topic.
It's a good thing there is no cost involved in moving countries.
this ain't Youtube.
Not having a collective deathwish and being smart isnt the same.
Europeans generally oppose large scale wars because we've started and had both worldwars in our homes, unlike the americans who have never had a modern war on their soil, ever.
99% of Americans are retarded. I hate Americans so much.
Idk, I thought Alaska would be cheap?
It doesn't matter, you can't escape. Capitalism and war will grind our bones into dust.
I wouldn't mind nuking you, if you catch my drift.
the %1 remaining is wallstreet or what?
Damn, I just checked, and you are right. There were no European forces involved in Iraq. The Europeans are just totally opposed to US imperial wars!
the remaining 1% are in jail for shooting americans
Even the Boomers are not old enough to recall any of that. Nobody inherits an aversion to war.
You're not black
Moving to another nation is really cheap….Why don't you do it with me!
Unfortunately true
Europeans were much less involved in iraq and iraq is a very different beast from korea.
Fuck off cunt. My grandparents live though the wars, they remember it. My uncle was in japanese concentration camps in his childhood and watched his brothers starve to death. Thinking that you don't inherit an avertion to war is fucking retarded, there is a massive cultural force that disdains wars and we keep revisiting and emphasising the events of the second worldwar.
I do remember when the "Coalition of the Willing" started leaving right after Bush II gave the oil contract to Haliburton. They were expecting a bigger share of the spoils.
Another thing to see for trigger-happy burgers.
If you can call mass manipulation bordering on brainwashing "consent", maybe.
That's coercion. It don't violate the N.A.P., but it's still pretty forceful.
Because what he says is still completly relevant, you numbnuts.
You mean his point about how threatening NK makes it lash out more? I don't need a fucking ambassador to explain that to me.
I hope all the kids who just turned of voting age and voted for Trump get drafted. Lol.
The experiences of your ninety-year old grandparents are not your own. Furthermore, just about everybody everywhere has old relatives who tell them how bad war is. None of that gives you any exceptional insight.
An aversion to war is not genetic. You are not tapped into some collective geist that allows you to feel the pain of your ancestors.
Culture is nothing more than a reflection of reality in motion. Culture is the moved; it is not the mover.
Cali has a lot of poverty and the assumption we're all valley girls is fucking stupid at this point. The poverty exists because the price of living has gone up dramatically since fucking industry set shop up here like Silicon Valley and Hollywood expanded it's bullshit.
In fact SoCal has a surprising conservative presence the more south you get
Its called empathy, diaries, film, photos etc
You can't be serious.
Is this supposed to make me like Cali more?
No, but the idea everyone is this stereotype is fucking absurd. There's hispanics, asians of all stripes.
This white valley girl californian liberal stereotype is ridiculous and only among these suburbanite types, who also happen to be conservative.
Get a lot of them who spill over here in southern Nevada. Plenty of retards with monster energy drink tattoos and lifted trucks who love the Confederate flag despite being from San Diego.
When did I claim that every Californian was a valley girl liberal?
I simply poked fun at an anarchist who got preemptively defensive about people shitting on cali.
I once had a dream that Hoochie Minh led a left wing death squad in Cali and we presented her with alt right fem boys for her to rape with a strap on.
Also if the Norkies nuke anything in California please let it be Silicon Valley I want all these fucking tech yuppies to be incinerated
Look at me! I am experiencing a world war that was fought on my ancestral homeland by my ancestors. I have film:
A diary:
And images: pics related
Thanks to my empathy as well as the culture-based power that allows me to have a special connection to my ancestors I now have a deeply-held aversion to war that I did not have before. I even had ancestors on every side of the conflict, which means that my connection is especially strong.
Are (you)s so tasty that you'd make up clickbait?
A fucking Greed 100%
They're the source of all the problems our state is dealing with and raising our price of living every fucking year
why live
For real though, when's that worldwide preemptive strike on America happening? I've got a couple land invasion plans mapped out already.
funny how no one accepted that excuse from germans during wwii
The American Civil war.
Who is this girl? Sauce please.
mfw I support the DPRK's struggle against imperialism.
*now support
Gods, I love being an east coast master race
Hey Afro, do you want to join me and muke on a stream?
I'm just here for the shitshow tbh.
what the fuck
Kill every american! We have to defend our brothers at the DPRK, they are the last bastion free from american globalism. They are are our only hope. Yes it's true that the DPRk is an absolutist monarchy, but it's their right to self determination, if the peopel in the DPRK would want to get ride of the Kim dinasty, they coudl easily do it. just like if americans weren't all barbarians obsessed with world domination they could easily change thinsg in their country. Kill the bastards!
We have to unite and kill every american cunt in the world.
CONGRATULATIONS user, YOU'VE WON THE "most liberal post of the day" AWARD
thats the proletariat you faggot, and your view of redneck opinions is out of date, they dont want their taxes being spent on foreign countries whether its for killing or helping, thats the stance now
well looks like trump doesnt have to worry about what the people might think if he turned norks into glass
Pic relate, american peopel
Is Irak all over again
Except this time the empire has no strengh to actually fight
neoliberal think tank study, this is probably more an opinion of the washington post and inside the beltway readers than average american
It's not gonna happen
The US doesn't have anything prepped for a strike or even a small scale conflict in the area. You'd know months in advance simply due to ships and troops being moved to the area and an uptick in military production.
It took almost a year to assemble forces to invade Iraq, a far weaker target than North Korea
I think you're on the wrong board.
Kim should just nuke california.
Does anyone have more of these illustrations?
Every now and then Holla Forums likes to remind us all that it originally came from Holla Forums.
There are over 20,000 U.S troops in South Korea already. There are also U.S troops in Japan. And there's also the South Korean military.
50,000 in Japan.
Another proven case of the posadist theory
The South Korean military has 625,000 active and 3,100,000 reserve.
So, I don't think they need to move additional military resources to start raping Lil Kim.
You get dumber every day
I'm so glad I filtered that gook nigga.
with north Korean terrain I doubt SK can do shit alone
also Seoul would be levelled to the ground
There are about 80,000 American troops nearby already and there are huge air force bases in the region. It's not as logistically difficult to start a ruckus as it was in Iraq.
Mai Boi!
I think we should just let SK fight for us. StyxHexenHammer666 on YouTube has some good ideas regarding the invasion.
We would aid them of course though, but Styx says that a land-based invasion by our forces directly would be a disaster and I happen to agree.
Yet North Korea has tons of artillery that can easily flatten Soul.
wtf i love chomsky now?
how is that a bombshell? we already knew this.
i knew this, but i didn't know chomsky did. the liberal Dore certainly didn't.
stay safe kimmy
Bear in mind that North Korean heavy artillery serves as more of a deterrant than a tactical weapon. It can only kill civilians in cities until they are wiped out. Heavy artillery without air surpremacy is what pilots call "target practice." It would indeed be a blood bath for a day or two, though. Of course, this is all academic, because we have this little "ZOMG the truce of nineteen-fifty-fucking-three is finally going to collapse" scare every year whenever the U.S. government wants people to not pay attention to something else.
It can also take out airfields as South Korea is not that big.