seize the means of reproduction
seize the means of reproduction
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This could radicalize /r9k/
Women fuck guys with money in order to get stuff–story at eleven.
…compared to married men?
Have you ever in your life met a woman who wasn't classist as fuck? Of course they're single.
Could you get more creepy / rapey than this? Get your fucking shit together you pathetic loser
Just twice?
If you’re smart, don’t drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history – then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone:
Welp, time to go take a fifth of vodka and torch a cop car
Just fuck my shit up famalam
I will start using this as an excuse from now on.
this. How the fuck is this news?
Because women are pure and virtuous and it's only those damn white men who ruined society
dude capitalism is making the poverty gap bigger does this surprises you?
it's easier and more comfortable to marry a rich daddy tbh I don't blame them, they don't want life to get harder. but this shows why capitalism is fucked up.
If it weren't what the rich wanted I would just kill myself now as a depressed young white male. Instead I'll keep living out of spite to someday get even.
ah makes sense women are called "the vaginal jew"
If women don't care about you, why should you care about them? Just do your own thing and stop caring about this.
women don't like stepping out of their comfort zone, as much as men do. they don't like challenges, and if money didn't exist, neither would hypergamy.
been there tried that
I don't care about anything most of the time. At least when I'm in someone's arms I don't have to think. I wish I could have been a boomer.
I am shock
inb4 >tips fedora, the only refutation higher-tier than a smug anime girl
Hey r/socialism, tumblr or whatever toilet you crawled out of, here we respond to posts by linking to the person that made them. Also blow it out your ass.
even in Dan, a hardworking innocent black guy couldn't get a gf (basically destroying that retarded Holla Forums stereotype)
Riddle me this. If guys only cared about sex and rape, why isn't every single one of those "creepy" virgins buying prostitutes?
Interesting how the so-called "feminists" will understand a person's natural psychological desire for access to material but will deny men have any natural evolutionary desire for sex and love.
It used to be much worse. When agriculture was invented, resources were so absurdly concentrated in few hands that for every man who managed to pass their genes on, 17 women did the same. The ratio might currently be 3.5. Caveat emptor: the sample population used isn't representative of the entire world.
On a sidenote, the author of the second article said this just so she could take a potshot at evopsych:
No you nitwit, the ones who prospered were the ones who were good at hoarding food, though skill, violence, guile or anything else. In other words, these Neolithic Mega-Chads were kulaks.
One interesting detail tho, is that this disparity, marked by the dip in male reproduction rate at about 10kya, can be explained by the advent of agriculture. But around 30kya and 65kya, there were massive upsurges of the female reproduction rate, and I'm seeing no theory as to why.
The feminists, and feminist-like people, don't care a lot about the truth of this. They interpret such complaints as entitlement, because they cannot place themselves in our position and understand it.
/r9k/ are already just overly enthusiastic lefcoms
The thing of it is, is I doubt most people who post on at least 4chan /r9k/ are actually impoverished, but alienated sure
define impoverished, I work on minimum wage and I doubt I'm much poorer than most channers.
But basing alienation on whether or not someone is in a relationship or has had sex or not is kind of ridiculous. You can still know people, real alienation of what /r9k/ and the like actually are describing is having no human contact at all. And there's a fair chunk who have that problem.
Having sex doesn't make you suddenly not alienated. In fact being seen for only the fact someone can fuck you can be alienating itself.
Well I mean that not all of this effects all /r9k/ posters specifically. I never implied there weren't exceptions, just that alienation can go both ways etc.
Why you act like you know stuff that you dont know. I browsed r9k of Holla Forums for years and poverty threads are a great staple. I remember a lot of people not only struggled xtremely from the social point of view. They had extremely broken families and grave economic issues. A lot of homeless. I remember even a guy from a very poor part from el salvador. If you say random shit like this its obvious you are telling more about yourself than the people you are talking about
not all sure but I highly doubt the average r9k robot is actually a 100k/yr software engineer like they pretend
Yeah actually.
I specifically said 4chan /r9k/ and I was speaking that alienation in capitalism doesn't have specific bias since it's a subjective feeling. Material conditions do not neccisarily equal comfort or lack of alienation.
Im not insulting anyone here I'm just saying sex isn't what alienation is based on primarily.
Suuuuurre but you know and I know it's far far easier for an average mediocre female to live a good life with partners money and family than the average mediocre male
For example, prostitutes are extremely alienated. Whether one fucks or does not fuck or is or is not single isn't the be all end all of alienation
However it is a problem
That doesn't mean that alienation isn't there. Relationships based only on materialism I can say for certain are fucking unhappy things to be in for either party
Well, if you want to say everyone is miserable to an extent then I can agree with that, but if I had the choice I know my life would be easier if I had been born female
i'm poor and sexless
Ok sorry I misanderstood. I am very very weak on theory so I don't really know. Imho "incelism" is a very specific aspect that really doesnt mean anything in the end. I dont know about prostitutes but surely the ghetto ones are extremely alienated people. Thats why I hate the typical r9k mentality. We should overcome the relationship problems of all humanity, there is no magoc nigger wizard evi jew woman behind the curtain, everyone lives like crap
don't you mean genderless?
i look pretty masculine, just have no money or social skills
No one is ever going to say "seize the means of reproduction" seriously.
This is a thread about classism and alienation, with an awkward edgy joke thrown in for laughs; normal leftypol behavior.
Every time I start to think horseshoe theory is bullshit I see this type of stuff
you are not a victim just because you have a poor taste in men and bad priorities
But the Rodge wasn't poor tho.
NYT with the sick burns.
I don't even have priorities or taste in men. I'm a lesbo so I'm rather fucked if it came to marrying a rich guy
Haha, I remember when that image got made.
As someone 123% more likely to be a virgin, let me answer.
If they don't have money to attract women, they don't have money to pay whores either.
Sex, may or may not be a factor in alienation, but a relationship definitely is, no matter how many friends one has. Not to mention that a person who can't find one most likely can't find the other either.
True but then again, that's a universal problem, not just sex-related. People can feel alienated for being used for whatever resource they have. Money, skill, drugs etc.
Man, let's not go down that route.
I never figured out what the hell mental disorder he had. He was all over the place.
You do not know that. You might have been born as a woman in Pakistan.
Will the pussy trickle down one day too if chad gets all of the good jobs?
Abolish the sexual free market today!
not this retard again
When will this shit /r9k/ meme end?
Capitalism poisons human relations, making men act like sexist monkeys and women act like prostitutes, more at four.
should this even be news here? most things we take from it is crazy liberals and MRA bitter idiots flinging shit at eachother.
I don't know how this is a thing either. It is extemely easy to disprove.
Maybe it is kept alive by guys who think they might have a chance if they get a good job and make more money, because at least then they have a concrete thing they can work towards in order to end the corroding pain of constant rejection and hopelessness.
I don't believe you exist.
t. liberal feminist
I have gone out looking like a tramp and pulled before. I read a post before by someone on here who was homeless and picked up a girlfriend and now lives with her.
Yeah. Clearly the requirements are connected to social ability, and not to material wealth.
I'm not even the most social person, I'm pretty sure it's about putting the effort in just to come across as personable. It's hard effort to put in when you've never managed to get laid, I admit, since you don't have enough confidence in yourself to know it pays off.
Smiling more helps, definitely. I'm a miserable fuck and people love a miserable person with a smile on their face.
Are you out of your mind? Plenty of men are having sex constantly through their material wealth alone. An ugly man with money has wayyyy more sex than a handsome hobo sleeping on the streets. Idiot.
Hehe I bet you losers actually believe this. Just start dressing nicer, lose some weight, go out and meet girls, and be nice to them and you'd be fine.
I get poon all the time and I'm poor too. Also you're standards are too high, go for fat girls or women that my neglect their appearance or maybe abrasive, it's what's inside that counts.
And that has literally no impact on you getting laid. Stupid stubborn virgin.
I have anxiety, so my problem is I can't calm down and sometimes come off as creepy or too interested.
Elliot Rodger couldn't do it, and he was neither ugly nor poor.
This. I knew a lad off a council estate who is the socdembeta's idea of the sexual bourgeoisie, and he made it clear "The trick isn't having money, it's dressing like you have money".
How the fuck is a girl going to know if you have money based on their interactions with you in a pub or a bar? Get a fucking grip socdem.
You need money to dress nice. Everyone itt should kill themselves
It was a joke, nice clothes cost money. Money poor men don't have. It's almost as if the class signifiers that women look for are actually really effective in keeping poor men from counterfeiting them.
I was keeding
Reminder that if he got laid and read Karl Marx, OKC would've been prevented.
That's doubtfull. I think these people will always find excusses to do crazy shit. It wouldn't matter if he had gotten laid or been a socialist.
McVeigh was an anti imperialist hero
Who let this guy out of the reddit debate academy? He's adamant that he can't get laid because he's poor, everyone is telling him he's wrong. Problem?
You don't have to spend money on rich people brands, you just have to make yourself look physically appealing. Shave that neckbeard and ask a barber for a good haircut, get a Fred Perry from a charity shop, find some pants that are a good fit, pick up some cheap trainers that look fresh with no visible branding, and get yourself a jacket that fits well.
Stop buying fucking flared boot cut jeans or whatever it is autists on imageboards are wearing nowadays.
For fuck's sake, are you just going to deny every single argument that contradicts your constructed view of the world, or are you going to actually put them to the test?
If you believe the only thing preventing poor incels from attracting a companion is a decent shave and a shower and slightly better fitting pants you're just exposing your naivete and exposing your muh privilege, you might as well tell people working two jobs barely making ends meet that all they need to do to become rich is to buy Goldman Sachs shares for the dividends next. It's all so very telling.
Stay BTFO you 20 something kiddo.
Fuck off retard you shit up all these threads when they could actually be decent
You haven't tried this, have you?
Do you really think men who hardly ever get laid or never and the millions of others in the incel community like me don't shower and shave and walk around in late 70s bell bottoms? Get fucking real. All it does is exposes your naivete and is the equivalent of the millionaire being shocked upon meeting someone who has never tasted caviar.
Besides if smelly hobos who are handsome end up getting picked up by women in the street it totally invalidates your little theory huh?
So the answer is no, you haven't.
Mcfucking kill yourself.
You are ripe for some self-criticism. Seriously, grab a diary and write out a self-criticism session for yourself.
Unless you are trolling on purpose, then 6/10 for consistency, yet it looks like your posting style would not pass the Turing test.
This SocDem bait fag probably looks like a wolf caught HPV
Seems you lack basic reading comprehension. It's okay, whatever. Idiot.
This is why women can't be trusted during a revolution. They'd just turn on us once the porkies offer them free shit.
Thank you for shitting up an otherwise bad thread you psychotic freak or person pretending to be a psychotic freak on the internet.
I remember when this was posted on reddit's bluepill sub. They just stuck their fingers in their ears and ignored everything it had to say. They didn't dispute any particular point, they just disregarded it.
Oh no, people think breaking the law might actually be attractive
What do we do
Guys.. im virgin 26.. They are talking about ME
But I drink, get into fights, have a friendly(ish) personality and have a criminal history. You know who else does? Shitloads of poor people!
Imagine never breaking the law
Imagine going out for a drink dressed like you're a fat lad about to go to his painting and decorating job and wondering why nobody will let you fuck them.
Why do you always take these threads so personally? Every time one is posted, you show up and post about how offended you are about it, as if people are complaining about you, instead of about a social phenomenon.
Because the robots on this board are:
1) Shit
2) Virgins
3) Whiners
Yeah well, we are all kinda shit in many ways, and also like to whine sometimes. The fact that we are virgins should be quite irrelevant, because it doesn't really affect how we are as people in a significant way.
Also, that was not an answer to the question.
Yes, it should, but you let us all know how much of a shit bunch of whiners you are by whining about being virgins every opportunity.
And why are you so bothered about it? Shouldn't it be irrelevant to you?
t. projecting virgin
I'm broke and single yet I have to listen to you absolute bottom of the bottom spergs cry about the sexual bourgeoisie, because, of course, you got an opportunity to talk about the exact same thing, again, to get the same responses, which you disregard, again, for something like the dozenth thread, posting the same pictures, and so on. Honestly after seeing you guys post this shit so much and behave the way you do, the reason you're virgins is because of who you are. You're all just fucking hopeless. I bet every virgin/chad meme you see makes you break out into a sweat because of how much you've taken on the identity of "virgin".
t. mad reddit virgin
So much for gender equality isn't it?
Where are the feminist cunts to complain about this?
It's easy to complain about le patriarchy but you wouldn't date a nice working man who earns less than you in a million years, would you ya cunt?
This kills feminism.
inb4 some cunt start screaming that this is also an effect of le patriarchy.
You know damn well that even if the patriarchy boogieman got destroyed you still wouldn't date down the social ladder, don't even bother spiting your lies.
Your post reads like bourgeois apologetics if you replace a few key words. Did you hear about this place from Chapo podcasts kiddo? We are an actual leftist board, reddit seems more like your speed. Please leave.
There was only one guy complaining about the "sexual bourgeoisie". Everyone else was telling him he was being emotional and dogmatic.
Also this should not be enough to be getting such a strong reaction out of you.
I never take it personally, I just said imagine never breaking the law
What laws have you ever broken? Going five miles over the speed limit in the passing land doesn't count you know.
Go pay for a whore.
F a g g o t
Probably not but I want to be a dick about this. These posters need a good fucking bullying so they can stop being whiny fucks on here and go actually fuck someone. I won't be entertaining their pseudotheory.
In other threads of this type, you always seem needlessly angry, as if people are attacking you. A lot of robot guys here (except for sexual free market socdem) react less strongly to this than you do.
Mostly physical assault and theft in my high school days. Drug use still.
Most people break the law in high school and toke or some shit. I don't know who hasn't but the point is they're not fucking exciting or interesting and the less interesting and exciting you are the less someone wants to fuck you.
It's not about (just) sex ya cunt.
It's about companionship. Having a partner and filling emotionally fulfilled.
Being called the whore of babylon is annoying but I've taken less offense to it over time. It's nothing personal at this point, these threads will always be these threads.
Prostitution is demeaning to both parties and is the height of commodification of literal human beings. Let's not even get into the fact that prostitutes are often literal sex slaves. I do not wish to support that.
Again, this is a leftist board. You are very much obviously trapped in the mindset of the prevailing neoliberal order where everything is the fault of the person and the system under which they suffer is not to be criticized. And your solution is for people who want relationships to visit prostitutes. Pathetic! Your parents vote Republican don't they?
Don't you think they would if they could? They don't know how, and some of them have mental conditions that make it more difficult. Hearing people insult them doesn't make it easier. (That being said, sexual free market socdem clearly doesn't try, and has grown attached to his made-up view of the world.)
Hahaha you stole candy bars and hit a person once (probably didn't even serve any time for it) and you have the balls to come here and make fun of us for being law abiding. And you still consider smoking marijuana to be something to brag about vis a vis breaking the law in a meaningful way. What a rebel you are.
You are every repugnant stereotype of the typical asian trying to fit in rolled into one. Why do you even come here?
Don't bother replying, I'm refiltering your new trip.
Fucking isn't everything to being alienated, only a fool thinks that. Neither is companionship.
You can, in fact, be in an unhappy relationship. Almost everyone who's in one is unhappy, mostly for financial reasons straining old feelings.
This is why it's popular for people to go searching for someone who can break the law, call themselves a communist, and generally not be a goody toeshoes bitch, because even if they can't offer it forever
It feels like an alternative for people.
It's why straight men also, want a woman like that. Someone who knows their shit who can steal or break rules, whatever those rules may be.
It's a freeing feeling.
And the reason men aren't getting laid is because they're taught to be nothing like this as boys, why it's different with women I'm not sure. But as a lesbian I think I can relate to you wanting someone like that.
Think about what you want in a relationship, is it just actually companionship? Isn't there something more to that, that keeps a flame alive?
Dafuq, dude? My disagreeableness score is off the charts and I still can't do it.
You're probably boring ass to women for obeying the laws of a society you have no obligation to protect. Women don't want to obey this society just like you don't want to obey it.
The more you obey it, the more the potential relationship seems like what women see in their parents, and that's what you see in your parents whether you know it or not. It's boring, financial day to day life.
And it's not hot or attractive, and eventually you just get bored of each other.
So, why try? Do you actually want to try that and lose the sensations you used to feel for your lover in a relationship that's all chivalrous without a little cruelty or freedom?
The sparks that last the longest are usually the oddest
leftys dont want to confront the reality that women look to men to be providers.
Having a good job and making money means the possibility of being able to provide for a future family.
Of course money goes out the window if you are good looking and have a big dick.
You don' get that by having a wife. All you get is comfortable.
Right but if you're a virgin that lack of self confidence starts to fuck you up greatly. Relationships when you're financially strained can also be more emotionally draining than being alone.
Life is demeaning. My family votes Corbyn, bucko. Tell me your personal situation and I will assist you (my personal situation is shit but I'm mid to late twenties so no longer give enough of a shit to better myself).
Tbf I am now just insulting people I see to be defending socdem, because he normally has a gaggle of people circlejerking with him when left unchecked.
Good post, explains why I do better with women when I'm more criminally inclined.
And I'm happy I am
They look for the direct opposite but sometimes end with what they don't want.
This. I always wanted to see a study of political extremist groups. Most members of that said group tend to be individuals that want to be loved. After all humans are social creatures.
This is the exact opposite of what women want. Women don't want to end up settling down, call them sluts for wanting to cheat, but you'll end up cheating anyways too.
People on image boards who want financial stability are the most unfuckable people who cannot connect to others because others don't want that. You think they do, but they don't.
They always are going to want to go after what can help them get out of this world without a trace.
Relationships based on material law abiding rules will always be another divorce statistic.
Financial stability is just a small but important part of what attracts women.
We do live in a capitalist system, and i know you know better, but normie women do want a man who makes that cash.
And we have to remember that love and lust are different things.
Actual real love is rare, like incredibly rare.
Forming an emotional connection with another human being.
"What is love"- that 90's song
Personally i think real love is actions, gestures, various rituals that have been created over time.
I had an emotional affair with an older woman once, she was my art teacher, i was too young, we could never fuck each other, but there was a lot of tension. We would write to each other secretly through a weekly sketch book. I was very open with her about things and so was she to me. Eventually one day i told her i loved her. She responded with "no you dont". She quit her job, moved away. divorced her husband
Of course the hardest, most real love isnt based on material wealth. But it is too rare.
Women do want a guy who has a decent job and doesnt live with his parents
Literally no they don't, and that picture is a perfect example of that. Why do you think Bukowski, a poor author, got some.
It's for the exact reasons I described in
Loving someone first presents itself in noticing something freeing in someone and becoming interested to infatuated to whatever comes after that.
And it is definitely not finnance. Most women avoid that like the plague. There's of course women who want that, but they're going to be unhappy, and that's not what keeps a relationship alive.
What keeps a relationship alive is keeping what first gave that spark electricity alive for as long as possible and not putting finnances into it, then love just withers and dies.
Love existed before capital and it will not die without it.
Love existed without even property, and people will still fall in love homeless without it.
Love is display. There is nothing material about it.
This shallow understanding of love is why you don't find love. If you're only thing going for you is you live with your parents and obey the laws, you've got nothing going for you. And that's the warning most straight women have.
This guy is a bitch who wants to drag me down.
But even the homeless fall in love, there's nothing stopping you from being more than your material conditions, for after all, love isn't based on them.
We are not birds who fall in love with the shiniest objects in the nest, we are complicated simians who want complicated things, and most of those things are our secret desires society mostly finds unacceptable. It's why boys taught to be hyper acceptable don't get any, because everyone knows there's nothing to the future of that.
This is like the same old myth "You get more conservative as you age". There's nothing to it but the 20th century. This is the 21st century now. And the 21st century is weird.
why do you type
like this
Because I like to break up my ideas separately.
Evolution and mate selection favours those with more resources and even if we equalise the resources, all the women would just flock to Chad like in the most ancient times.
Not going to happen. I wish you guys would give up the silly dream of Marxism/Communism, the most reactionary of all ideologies in existence. A stateless, moneyless, rankless and classless society? This is what we had in prehistoric times for hundreds of thousands of years and the DNA and archeological evidence shows only Chads got to mate while the beta males in the group collectively took care of Chad's kids. You take away the money and there's zero chance any nerd with six-seven figures will ever be Chad's boss ever again. Communism/Marxism will never be able to equalise height, looks, social skills, etc. And in anarchy? It is even worse. Bands of roving Chadudebros kidnapping your women just like in prehistoric times and you can do nothing about it. You can do nothing about it because not only is Chad stronger and better shooter than you, the women will want to be kidnapped by Chads and tell you to fuck off if you try to rescue them. This is your destiny if you continue along this path. You will be ruled by Chads again, Chads like Stalin who slept with countless women in his mansion and cheated on his wife to the point she committed suicide while the working class slaves away even worse than was under capitalism. At least under capitalism there is neetbux, under communism there is only work in factory or off to gulag. You are forced to work. Enslaved to Chad and his harem forever.
In ancient times, Chad actually fled to women. Read some god damn human anthropology before you keep spreading this bullshit. For a majority of our Paleolithic existence the opposite was true.
No, it's attractive.
Honestly I don't think you should talk as if you know what all women want. My father is the most law-fearing guy in existence, and he had a very easy time with women. He was a charismatic and easy-going guy, but the thing he valued most was stability. It contradicts what you say.
I don't doubt these are the things you like in guys, but I do doubt that you are representative of all women, because that would be reducing all personality types into one.
You seem really naive.
A lot of women outside of this leftypol bubble really would prefer a man who isnt some neck beard neet poverty man.
Of course it isnt the end all be all, but its there.
I know what women want because I have to decipher which ones are straight and which ones aren't, and honestly if I didn't try for that I'd just be as virginal as anyone /r9k/.
Because that's what he was taught and that's what people in the 20th century were taught.
There's no stability in the 21st century, and love won't find root in it.
I'm not into guys. I'm just tuned into what women want. Not what men want. And women want the opposite of what's always preached in these threads. Which is some financially stable idiot.
Maybe once or twice, but women see through the angler fish lure into it being an unhappy relationship eventually.
No, they wouldn't. Because not all women are in the same fucking class, and homeless women find homeless men.
The only one that's naive about women is /r9k/, and that's why they'll never attract anyone by being good law abiding citizens of a society that offers nothing for love.
lmao the earth mother matriarchy bullshit was pure feminist revisionism with no basis in fact, fuck outta here you know absolutely nothing. Chads traded women as currency after kidnapping them from competing tribes. You are an absolute idiot.
There's nothing sexy about trying to act like a conservative dad at your age and the fact you want to baffles me. It won't be hot in the future either, so if you want to perpetuate your own disconnection, continue having hope clinging to the society you think is right will eventually attract someone.
It might, but it probably won't. There's nothing creative about you.
The insufferable tripfags on this board make it clear that we have to ban gooks and niggers.
What the hell is an Earth Mother?
There are no actual preserved presentations of the masculine form in paleolithic form, but plenty of animals. And only in sculpture do you find few animals here and there, but mostly of Venus Figures. Which is the word you're looking for.
And there's a theory for why that is, and it was actually predicted by Engels. And that's agriculture changed how we interact.
Just like technology today is changing how we interact. And how we interact with technology is profoundly different than what it once was past the Neolithic.
You haven't even begun to even have a community college level understanding about this shit
are you drunk already? This post is an empty word salad
Go lay your little ugly empty pan faced gook head on a pillow and go to sleep, you're incoherent
Ah yes, you're the one who claims the person you're arguing with is spitting word salad when you can't argue otherwise.
I really doubt there's more than one of you.
And what I said was hardly incoherent, unless you're too drunk to read.
That seems kind of irrelevant. I've always thought distinguishing lesbians from straight women as not a very difficult task. Mostly because lesbians like to signal it through the way they dress, but also because of their interactions with me (a guy): they will actively ignore me as if I were the most insignificant thing in the world, whereas straight women will actually give me attention.
And yet today I still see plenty of relationships with guys that value stability a lot, like my father. So your argument continues not working.
Sorry. I guess I already distinguishing which women aren't straight is not as easy as I thought.
You might be tuned into what your type of women want. Either that or all these guys somehow managed to hide that they are law-loving extremely boring stability addicts.
I agree. Most of the couples I see are between two people who are not very financially secure.
The Gaia theory that the earth has a feminine spirit and that mining for natural resources is practically rape.
Oh shit, this hoochie bitch is a lesbian?
No wonder she doesnt know shit about shit about what hetero women like
There's always obvious but obvious is boring and sometimes its exciting.
My point is stability was hot in the 20th century. It's not hot in politically tumultuous times because people don't have faith in the systems the stability is clinging too.
The baby boomer days are over, the 80's are over.
I'm sureeeee you get plenty of sex.
That's not what I'm talking about
No he's right, nothing you type has any inherent meaning or value, it's just gibberish from a narcissist who likes the sound of their own voice
Tell me honestly, how many times to do you read your own posts over after you post them and imagine what they might look like to other people?
Thank you for dropping the black pill bombs.
I was a wage cuck in my mid-late 20s. A NEET in my late 20s/early 30s. And now a professional day trader in my early 30s. Women treated me like jack shit when I was an autistic NEET. They treat me with more respect as an autistic day trader now (or when I was an autistic wage cuck).
Since I am frugal and have no interest in spending money on bitches, they don't want me though. Once a girl finds out that I have no intentions of beta providing for her, she is gone
It does to the argument actually.
What is it your types sperg out about, ad hominem?
Ask yourself ya smug fuck.
You're broke though.
And the fact you're in your 30's and still posting on an image board is some sad shit
That's what I thought, dodges and presents no argument
you're nothing but 3 holes and a waste of time
You weren't making an argument either. You were just calling me a narcissist over a post where I explained how interactions between people change with industrialization.
Something you should have known already if you went to community college or were even admirably self read.
Every time I come here you're here, and you spend hours replying quickly to any posts that give you more (you)'s, you have zero life and call anyone else sad? I'm LMAOing at your life
You're nothing but two holes that'd have more luck being filled if you weren't so desperate for women.
I wasn't making an argument because there was no argument to address, just your incoherent ramblings.
Newfags this is literally who you are responding to lmao
Yes. It's called having multiple tabs open, and you're still in your 30's.
Far from it. lol
Whenever you feminazis open your mouth, you manage to expose yourself as promoters of Toxic Masculinity more than anything. By provoking men by insinuating that the size of their wallet and the size of their penis is subpar, all you are doing is supporting what the Manosphere is already saying about women.
There was
Self made man who spends his time in his 30's on Holla Forums. I find that very believable.
Why do you double reply? Slow little brainlet cant think up a witty comeback fast enough for your first post? Lay off the booze
She's a disgusting person both inside and out.
I think of additions
Like this, you don't get laid because you can't offer women anything emotional.
It takes you that long to think up lame shit like that? As I said, brainlet
Both beggars and choosers
I was wondering when Hoochie would come in and bully the fuck out of the retards in this thread.
Nah, it's usually a second or two apart. But if it's not I sincerely apologize.
Maybe this is the type you're looking for in life.
What else is there to do with my free time? lol. Like seriously. My life outside of work is basically watching Netflix, shitposting and getting takeout. I don't get "pleasure" from "hanging out" like normies do. It must be because of my autism.
The only thing you've ever bullied in life is a tub of ice cream and a bottle of JD hoochie
t. thirsty virgin desperate for attention from a Viet whore who doesn't even have the common decency of maintaining the petiteness common to Viet whores
No I just don't believe you when you say you're thirty and affluent. You must have missed it like you miss people's body language.
For someone who admires being polite you sure sound like an ugly bastard
You know you can only call other females ugly when you aren't paperbag-tier yourself.
Pretty good insult but I'm not Hoochie.
No, I was the guy responding to you mongs earlier giving you a "babba's first going to the bar and getting laid" guide, again, for like the fourth time.
Oh, so she is your type?
Is this your version of therapy? get drunk, post on an imageboard and project your failing?
The fact you put so much emphasis on sex is the first context clue you don't fuck.
By the way.
For a person who has the body of a hunchback linebacker who looks like they got mangled in an unfortunate industrial accident you're exactly as nasty as one would expect.
Some people love linebackers
Nobody loves you.
wait, so does this mean you admit that all women want a penis?
Nobody loves you, not even the dykes you claim you pull, need I remind everyone of that thread where you got drunk and complained about *never* getting any attention ever?
Whatever. Time to hit those biology 102 books. Any exams coming up?
How is saying "I'm 30 and sometimes I fuck" or something not an obvious "I don't fuck" admission.
There's not anything Freud about it, it's called subtlety.
Because you're obviously projecting? Do you think anyone here will seriously believe you if you say you get laid? We know what you look like.
I'm actually happily taken at the moment. She's white, blonde, and usually the dominant one. And it doesn't matter as much as it probably could matter to you because I know this won't last forever.
And what you want lasts.
You want to be able to choose, but face it, you're stuck with someone with a worse body type than you criticize me for.
Your attitude is bullshit and you can't take criticism without going on a tirade.
How so?
It is unfortunate that we live in a capitalist society that makes women judge men for their worth based on material wealth but its reality. Of course when you realize it everything in life had an original purpose, a purpose before commodification. Love does exist and did exist in a way that isnt based on material wealth. But the reality is women are very shallow. You arent going to impress them enough with your bright personality. You have to have a good job, money, your own place, a car, a phone, and various other items and resources. And you have to have all of that just so a woman might consider farting in your face once. Is it any wonder that men go mad? Are filled with rage? And guess what, even if you have all those things it wont make you better looking or your dick bigger. Men can have an incredible despair, it leads to great art sometimes, makes them do shit like climb mountains. There is this line in the david bowie song ashes to ashes. "The shrieking of nothing is killing"
Average? A little thicc, I've had people comment they want to fuck me here already, I don't like it, but it's there. Maybe you know less about what men want than a lesbian does.
Thanks for the laugh
Women want stability in their lives. And then they learn that stability is a curse. And that's called divorce.
Sure hoochie sure. I too have a model gf but she's never even in town!
We all know you're the kind of fat girl that doesn't even have the deceny to be pleasant to be around. Your friends don't even want you following them around to look better in comparison you're that horrible and insufferable.
Go have another drink, we all know you need it.
For fuck's sake people. This is why you don't feed the namefags/tripfags/etc. They thrive on attention–positive, negative, doesn't matter. Stop giving it to them and eventually they'll go away.
This thread started out badly, but somehow you faggots managed to make it even worse.
That depends on your definition of affluent. I'm able to pay for my expenses and save a bunch of money working from home while wage cucks suffer living paycheque to paycheque trying to make ends meet.
I've added nearly $20k CAD to my savings in just over 3 months (94 days) from day trading. I live at home to save money and live a mostly frugal lifestyle. Though I do spend a lot on takeout and c-store junk food admittedly. I also have to pay for my car. Auto insurance is expensive here. I'm earning at a nearly six-figure pace. 62% of my profit was left in the form of bitcoin in order to reduce my tax liability. I don't have to pay my taxes on unrealized gains. Only the realized ones. And I only have to pay half my marginal income tax rate on the realized capital gains.
No problem. Thanks for your time.
Stopped reading. Engagement by anyone beyond this point will be sycophantic virgins.
Is that your blond gf? Yeah, she's about in your league.
bitch you're fat and still somehow have a gook pancake ass, you're a freak of nature.
Hey, she's a model just like you fuck. She's not a model.
Still more than you've tumbled with famalam.
This pancake ass still gets anal.
Ive never fucked below a 7/10 in my life
Nah, that's your family.
You've never fucked.
Please start working out to become the board ladychad, it would drive me to laughing fits previously unknown.
Yeah, you've never fucked above a 7/10 either.
You didn't have to say it idiot, everyone knows fat chicks love anal
Lmaoooo who the fuck says this shit
It's not, but it's definitely the fat pudgy potato faced dyke a mangled linebacker obese Viet whore such as yourself would make pretend is a perfect gf.
He has a point tbh.
Now this is salt.
just pointing out a fact, take another shot you dumb cow
Dude what is up with you and weight, it phases me about as much as the ben n jerries 'm fuckin eating right now
So am I.
Who says this shit? I've never actually heard it I'm curious.
It's not the weight, it's your horrid mangled structure, but if you want to make pretend it's just the weight to feel better yeah okay.
Women love this.
Super secret guy comms chatter tbh
Man and I thought I was a neet recluse
you must be really fun to be around, this is why no one believes you have a girlfriend
? What's horrid and mangled about it?
You are.
You know.
Men are logical creatures, if something is wrong we try to solve it.
If a man cant get laid he does all kinds of things, reads pamphlets, books, how to charm women.
When none of that works he goes mad, "im not the problem, women are". Thats how an MRA is born.
If you want to know the true difference between men and women look at the gay relationships.
Gay men will fuck each other and talk about their lives later. This is pure male, pure logic. Lets fuck, ill ask what your job is later..
A man who is attracted to a woman littrrly needs to be napoleon or Alexander the great mixed with a GO master. This is a game of strategy.
But if it were up to men, we would just fuck each other and worry about our lives later.
She takes drugs, she probably is fun to be around.
Putting on a flag because this is a comfy, yet hostile, thread.
9 times out of ten this is the kind of person who says they fuck and gets offended by me
Nah let's just make it ten times out of ten
but then what does that make you since you're more out of touch than me?
Then why are you a neet
Is being in touch knowing a joke about who likes anal more
Because if you're saying I like anal that's fine and it's not an insult
no one is offended by you hoochie, we're just trying to goad you into an early death from a combination of diabetes and liver failure.
He can probably pull better dykes than you do.
Then why aren't all these fuckboys with over 9000 hours in Vicky 2 getting laid? Because they won't get rid of their fucking autism pants and have a shave!
Actually yes, that would be the modern definition of being in touch, anal is a very popular subject right now
Like your father?
I used to never believe in the pareto principle but then I read those dating studies where women almost exclusively go after the top 20% of men only while the other 80% are left behind.
Men however function on an equalised bell curve in dating.
hat begs the question, is communism only possible in a patriarchy? Was Stalin right about women?
Or should we just let nature takes it natural course with no social and economic controls - where it's 20 women to one Chad and the betas must care for Chad's spawn?
I suppose those nerdy guys that worked hard in school to get a high paying job and getting goof off Chad to be their slave later in life will need to go away.
The future is Chad, just as numerous others have predicted.
The post-scarcity post-capitalist society is the Chadlands.
You can fix money, property, and the means of production but you can never fix what you are born with, what you are.
You will always be short nerdy beta ugly spaghetti man of feels who shall carry the water and used jockstraps for Chad while he fucks fifty girls in front of you with his Thundercock and you are just supposed to take it because cockholdry is the intellectual fetish, according to "leftist" websites.
Submit to the return of prehistoric man; submit to classless, moneyless, stateless, tactless, clueless caveman Chad and watch him rise again. And again. And again. And Again. And Again. …And Again
Dykes don't like dykes who wear glasses. Especially asian ones.
The professional virgin is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a beta, faggot, idiot, autist, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him to get rid of his autist pants and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You seriously know so much about women
Women don't like nerds, especially white ones apparently
I don't consider dykes to really be women, so maybe they're right four eyes.
Neither do I really, I think they're angelic.
More baseless projection? Did I hit a sore spot? Maybe diabetes is genetic in your inferior blood?
My father is still alive at 86 because he's healthy and has superior german genetics that I inherited, can you say the same? You'll probably be dead at 45
The insidious Chad knows no bounds, he not only possesses 100% of women, but when faced with a life of having to live with more than one, will multiply like an amoeba.
You're breaking down into nonsense again, have another drink.
hahahahahhaha oh fuck you really got me
Hahaha you really do wear glasses huh? Makes you twice as ugly!
Why do you always go to projection, I know you want my responses but not everything is about me.
I was just insulting you.
You've probably masturbated to bayonetta on danbooru
oh so you're schizo too, you know alcohol is really bad for shizo's
>middle thread:
Can't sleep so much pussy on my min
Why do you always bring up projection? You're preoccupied with it. It's pseudo science tbh, read more psychology 101 textbooks as you ruminate about being an ugly dyke nobody desires.
I'm whatever you want me to be baby
Go be a whore somewhere else.
Really? The Tories told me all poor people do all day is have kids outta wedlock and live off benefits. Somebody's gotta be getting it on if that's true, right?
Real talk though, women and relationships are bourgeois filth. True leftists are too preoccupied with reading library's worth of dry Marxist theory to chase pussy.
I'm less obsessed about slit than you are, why would I ever want to leave you alone, we could be friends
I don't associate with asians, they creep me out. Just being honest.
You are a meme.
Awww, I'm missing good company
hoochie you don't have to be a fat bitter virgin dykewhale forever, if you lost weight and got some plastic surgery your body still could have value as a fleshlight for white cocks
I'm Puerto Rican.
Yes I do, I might run into you
Cool, which state? Or is it Puerto Rico?
you've been desperately fishing for (you)'s this entire thread and not getting any, I feel bad, here you go
Anybody you disagree with on why you don't fuck is fishing for yous but you definitely are not fishing for yous
I've got loads friendo. Do you want me to chuck my ass your way so you can get this embarrassing stage of your life over?
Print a picture of one of my posts and cum on it. That's the closest you'll ever get to pleasing someone. Because that'd make me cum too bb.
I guess I'm not a real leftist then cause I have feelings.
What does my residence have to do with anything? The subject is you being a nasty person both inside and out, let's not change it.
I want to hang out with the pussy hound himself
thanks for the free (you)'s :^)
You know I'm good at it
bullied level: hURTS A LITTLE!!!
But I don't want to hang out with you, no one does we've been over this.
What does my residence have to do with anything? The subject is you being a nasty person both inside and out, let's not change it.
Hoochie I find women are more fluid about their sexuality than they choose to admit, in all ways, not merely because they wish to keep up appearances, but also because they are more driven by their senses than most. I like how combative you are, it is amusing that you would waste so much time belittling neckbeards when you betray your own desire to us so much.
Admit it, you hate us, because you would never command our respect as a woman, not merely because no man would stay with such an insufferably opinionated woman, but I am sure you would be the first to withhold sex for an opinion your partner held if you didn't like it.
There is nothing a woman fears more than a man she cannot control; you comfort yourself with the potential that you would be able to get some guy to get what you want if you dangle the potential of sex above his head, then skip out on it and berate him for such rapey thoughts. Such men exist, and you fear them, because they might come collect. That is how I comfort myself, and I know that scares you. You are afraid of anything that can run counter to what you desire so you try to sabotage it like you are trying to do right now.
frustrated friendo?
But I want to hang out with you
Nah. I love you guys.
Stop being so sarcastic. It's very hurtful.
You're a weirdo. Go away.
I bet this is space_
Hello, space_ if it is space_
t. straight guy that never browsed unisex dating sites for """"straight guys""""
Bro I just want to hang out wth
damn, got em good
There is nothing a woman fears more than a man she cannot control
i'm taking odds on hoochie needing her stomach pumped tonight 1:5
You've got borderline personality disorder and you will die alone.
Make it 1:1 space_ I'm having a good time
What the hell is your problem I'm just asking to be your friend, you seem lonely
That's not what sarcastic means mikaka
Libraries is plural
The apostrophe shows that it is possessive, e.g. I have to return these books, they are the library's property.
You have borderline personality disorder
How did a thread about the socioeconomic factors resulting in the higher than average rates of lack of romance in the lives of members of the poor and working-class escalate into a discussion about flat Asian arses so rapidly?
What if he just left out an 'a'? As in a 'library's worth'?
Did you even consider that Mr. Editor?
Is hoochie still posting in this thread? That's what it looks like. Three hours she's been at it! I'm so glad I filtered Xer.
R.A.U. syndrome
nigga Im from Jamaica and I got white girls all over my dick. maybe you poor white boys and god forbid being stupid, poor, and asian lmao.
[email protected]/* */
Buddy, you'd be here going at it for ten if it wasn't for my pancake ass
I like a man named who has a cool name, Xavier.
Welcome to the grammar stasi, comrade!
Why would you filter me? The sexual free market and needs to be dismantled.
Whose hairdo is this and why does he try so hard to look like an edgy middle schooler?
Czeched, likewise. :^)
I think there's a way you can filter flags
Will everyone pray for Rich Piana for me right now
We need a prayer circle because he's in a medically induced coma
You need to dismantle your brain with your dad's shotgun.
No, "a library's worth of theory". That's how you were supposed to interpret my comment.
But it's the opposite. Without money, nerdy Eugene can never beat Chad. This is proven by archaeological evidence. In society when true communism existed thousands of years ago before money and states and such existed, there were communes and the caring of children was the shared responsibility of the commune. Nearly all women went after only Chad, that is why in the human genome, there is far less male contribution than female because females all went for Chad. It only started genetically equalising around the time monogamy became normalised thanks to Christianity and only in the West. There is massive disparity between male chromosome inheritance and female. To give you disparity, genome shows only 10-20% of males ever got to reproduce at that time meanwhile pretty much 80-100% females did and the ones that didn't were mostly because they died off too young before they could reproduce. Best way to show is that all humanity is descended from a single male, biological Adam, but many many females. Even biological Eve could not compete, she was a second to Lilith. Far far far more X than Y. She had to share her Chad as DNA evidence suggests but women would rather share a Chad than deal with anyone on Holla Forums for example. It's hopeless.
So many studies and articles on this subject too,
You hate me because I speak the truth, but keep on defending the system that holds you hostage, classic Stockholm syndrome.
I fucking can't rn
Calm down Gorilla Mindset
"You can't beat Chad because Chad is nature. You can't beat nature anymore than you can stop a hurricane "
So under capitalism the nerds are the Chads? All the more reason to establish worldwide communism to be honest.
"The women will always betray you for Chad"
"But it's the opposite. Without money, nerdy Eugene can never beat Chad. This is proven by archaeological evidence. In society when true communism existed thousands of years ago before money and states and such existed, there were communes and the caring of children was the shared responsibility of the commune. Nearly all women went after only Chad, that is why in the human genome, there is far less male contribution than female because females all went for Chad. It only started genetically equalising around the time monogamy became normalised thanks to Christianity and only in the West. There is massive disparity between male chromosome inheritance and female. To give you disparity, genome shows only 10-20% of males ever got to reproduce at that time meanwhile pretty much 80-100% females did and the ones that didn't were mostly because they died off too young before they could reproduce. Best way to show is that all humanity is descended from a single male, biological Adam, but many many females. Even biological Eve could not compete, she was a second to Lilith. Far far far more X than Y. She had to share her Chad as DNA evidence suggests but women would rather share a Chad than deal with anyone on Holla Forums for example. It's hopeless."
Cum Town should buy the rights to the home improvement theme song
Yes kaka.
I don't hate you. I hate the way you've embedded something negative about yourself into your personality when you can fix it with some self interest.
This thread is still shit even when I filter all the namefags and tripfags. /r9k/ needs to die.
They barely are chads. Now you have to be rich for it to work. Women want more than to simply not have to starve to death; they want to enjoy nice things, and now. They could care less about building the new infrastructure for the revolution to communism. It bores them, however much they disavow it.
They're pretty happy with a shabby drug dealer who's barely scraping by.
A woman would rather be TERRIFIED than disgusted by a man
Study shows that once a women 'bonds' or knows she has fully secured her mates commitment she will lose interest in sex.
But women, he said, have evolved to have a high sex drive when they are initially in a relationship in order to form a "pair bond" with their partner.
But, once this bond is sealed a woman's sexual appetite declines, he added.
The rational for why a woman's sex drive declines may be down to supply and demand. If something is in infinite supply, the perceived value would drop
Even if you can get a girl, she's thinking about Chad
…And more tl;dr We don't want to date the guy who is loyal and our best friends or guys they know won't cheat on them but guys who already have a bunch of girls because they are more "desired" by other women
This is the vaginal Jew, gentlemen. Science has warned you and Newton, Tesla, etc had the right idea. Ignore bitches, focus on science and stately affairs.
A woman would rather be TERRIFIED than disgusted by a MAN
This is the vaginal Jew, gentlemen. Science has warned you and Newton, Tesla, etc had the right idea. Ignore bitches, focus on science and stately affairs.
To be honest, I don't like this whole "hypergamy" thing image board shitposters cling to. Personally, I ain't seen it in real life. My ex's dad was some typa sound technician for ITV (UK television channel) so she was pretty well off. I grew up dirt poor and was *aspiring* to be a lowly electrician when we met. Beyond that I didn't have no other plans while she was studying to be a marine biologist and she still fucked with ya boi.
I refuse to believe a pretty 20-something girl with her whole life ahead of her's gonna wanna have some 57-year-old's babies as soon as he shows interest in her just cuz he makes 6 figures in a year.
You can look
But you can't touch it
Don't try to understand it, these are hopeless people who can't convinced that women are people
We should find a dead board and write a guide on picking up girls. Neo-PUA.
That isn't what hypergamy means you dumb illiterate. Furthermore a 20 year old girl may not want to marry a 57 year old man with six figures, but a woman in her mid 30s that had her looks withered away? You betcha.
Its the thrill. It doesn't need to be tangible for it to feel good. As long as he activates a girls feels, she likes him. I would say something outrageous, the make a funny joke, then grab her and take her to dancing. Shit bored me so I stopped, kinda
Oh, so now money doesn't matter? So much for only-fucks-a-sock-dem theory!
Don't be mean to your own mother.
I LITERALLY just said it does. Can you not read?
I would say something outrageous, the make a funny joke, then grab her and take her to dancing. Shit bored me so I stopped, kinda
You only hate women because of Rosa, coward
So the betas program and build all civilisation but then get fucked by Chads who want to tear down the order that is found in money, state/civilisation, and class.
New studies are showing it far worse in other areas. Stone age men aka men who lived in a moneyless, classless, stateless era could never compete with Chad Thundercock who could hunt mammoths with his bare hands. The betas who invented smart, novel, and unique ways to gather resources? Got fucked over by Chad, they broke his invention like a sand castle by a beach bully Chad. The cave women flocked to him and only he got to reproduce, to 17-50 different women per Chad. There's a reason why nearly all human advancement only happened in the past few thousand years when civilisation was made by the betas to create order and make sure Chad doesn't fuck over every guy. Can you imagine that humans were still living in caves for hundreds of thousands of years needing to be constantly brutalised by Chad? This is what communism will bring us.
This post sums up exactly why all pretensions of sexual liberation are inherently reactionary.
Stone age men aka men who lived in a moneyless, classless, stateless era could never compete with Chad Thundercock who could hunt mammoths with his bare hands.
Newfag can't greentext lel
Haha yes, make silly puns when you're incapable of deciphering a nuanced argument.
The level of discourse this soccdem is accustomed to
PUA guides just produce Eliot Roger-tier ladies men who think running up on girls in a tux and hitting them with backhanded compliments is a sure way to drown in pussy. In reality everybody knows you're putting on an act.
It's called a joke, and Holla Forums would be immensely improved if people managed to detect it.
So the aut-right is right (hurr), we do want to destroy civilization.
I think it would make a good slogan for an antinatalist campaign of human speying and neutering.
However I must concede that I may be slightly unhinged.
They are reactionary because they are predicated on reproducing the subject's perverse superego and sense of enjoyment. They have no sense beyond commanding the reproduction of the state of the world to their own perverse superego's enjoyment.
You are funny, you go to gulag last :^)
I don't think I've claimed money is the most important anywhere in this thread, I simply claimed that it is important and definitely increases a man's sexual market value, go compare that hypothetical six figures a year 57 year old man's odds of marrying a girl in her 20s to his odds if he were working for minimum wage. You can walk away with your tail in between your legs in shame now.
women are worthless cunts who will always cuck you for chad and have since humanity's earliest days the real root of all problems is not money or capital like marx suggested but women. the ancient greeks and romans were right about women and we need to do away with them the eradication of women will mean prosperity and progress for mankind where our progress with sexbots and artificial wombs are already on their way women are obsolete
I like the argument women are like, the ultimate biological stirnerites and that's supposed to make them sound less fun
Where's that picture of where Engels cucked that one nerd
So what you're saying is your whining bullshit was entirely wrong and you should stop wearing autist pants, have a shave, and attempt to make yourself look presentable and put the effort in to not being an awkward retard so you can finally get laid and we can stop these stupid threads. Glad you've come to terms with that.
Posts like these are just as disgusting as posts that thirst after women. Your ability to muster active hostile emotion, that feeling of rejection, that palpable sense of foxgraping - that just adds to the problem.
Ignore women, in the collective. Be civil to individuals on an individual basis and completely ignore that they exist as a collective entity insofar as is possible. If you muster active emotion, the abstract entity wins.
A world without women is already 95% possible, you just have to close your eyes selectively.
If I may ask, what exactly are autist pants?
Orly? So why wouldn't a 20-year-old settle with a rich guy, but a 30-year-old would? I thought the only reason both of them breathe is so they can snag a rich guy while they've still got eggs.
A world without women is already 95% possible, you just have to close your eyes
Well shit. I have long ago realized my profile meant that I would end up either an eccentric genius or a serial killer, but I would rather not be reminded of which scenario is the most likely one.
If we start using biological determinism like this shouldn't women discriminate against men because they're more violent than anyone else
Slipped there didn't you? Its Ok, I can give you the dick anytime :^)
Why not get rid of men? The Y chromossome is on the way out anyway.
Human cloning is the future.
Whatever brand these bad boys are.
Seems like you didn't read a single one of my posts in this thread. The idea that the only men who are casualties of the sexual free market are men who do not bathe and shave and wear goofy clothes is a silly strawman.
Women should discriminate against men because men are more violent
Incredibly poorly fitted pants that are unflattering. Could also be a general awful style. managed to find the perfect pic.
at least give me a (you)
i don't think jesus would approve, that's gay.
"men" only exist to women, spooked betas, and directors of cowboy movies. due to their role as the social default (amplified by the fact i am one of them) they're already a non-issue to my ultimate goal.
A nationalised high-speed railway between London and Glasgow
No amount of arguments over pay-gaps, the "sexual free market", or any other spooked shit is going to get in my way.
Wtf I want some autist pants now
I have a better idea: All women on earth should become as violent as men are collectively (thereby, via addition, making women the more violent gender.)
Then they should all collectively beat up
What are you getting at? Money definitely increases a man's chances, there is absolutely nothing controversial about this, I never said it was the sole factor (though it can be sometimes). Move along, you have nothing.
not gonna lie but probably shit from Ross or Old Navy. The alt right dresses like shit tbh but it's understandable they're not social.
At best they dress Dadcore. Polo shirts and slacks.
Stopped reading there because soccdem's don't have good ideas
Not to be racist, but all you roses look alike.
lmao, people who casually wear slacks are the best
You have nothing friendo. You'd be better off walking around with your cock out than in those autist pants. Post wardrobe (and belly)
Because a woman in her 30s has diminished sexual value compared to a woman in her 20s? It's pretty simple, are you making pretend to be dumb on purpose now? A women in her 20s has a much larger pool to choose from compared to a woman in her 30s.
Stop talking about your mother dude It's Freudian
Again, I do not wear autist jeans the idea that the only men who aren't getting laid are neckbeards who smell like garbage wearing misshapen jeans and shitty new balances simply betrays the muh privileged position you are in in life, a person literally cannot be an incel outside of this highly specific box you consructed in your mind.
Why did you need to confirm you wear autist jeans
Explain this one, sockfuckdem.
So what you're saying is… we need to impose prices and incomes policy until the price of a woman stabilises in the long run*?
*when we are all dead
Someone better inform the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea of these developments.
I do hate warpholes. Perhaps another wicker man will placate them.
What do you want me to explain? If they put on a pair of misshapen pants and grew a neckbeard would they stop getting laid now?
You're being silly, because you're out of arguments.
Afro pardon the change of topic man but how do you dress? Blacks usually have a cool fashion sense.
remove the exif data if you're paranoid, just use pics that you took without the GPS on, it's simple
Call me a MILF hunter, but I don't think women look like Babushka right after they hit 30. You're overanalyzing shit.
Soccdem doesn't think milfs exist lmao
Did it ever occur to you that possess something that i do not? Something that i cannot change?
Of course not. Because again, you're in a muh privileged position in life where sex flows like water and the only men who are not getting laid are literal strawman who don't bathe.
hypothesis: all socdems have autism of one form or another, i got the good autism (trainspotter) and the other guy got the bad autism (deviantart)
fuck me dig that backing track.
How many women look like in middle age? How many women in their 40s actually fall into the MILF category? 1 in 8, maybe?
Uh huh. Go be a bird brain idiot elsewhere.
You don't ever get off to women over 30 something is wrong with you
lmao dude
just lmao
put your fidget spinner on your cock
You vs the God Emperor she told you not to worry about.
But I haven't got laid in a few years. Why? Because I haven't left the fucking house.
I do leave the house. Again, another ridiculous stawmen. You are detached from reality if you think the only men who aren't getting laid are ones who aren't leaving the house, perhaps you should take your own advice and observe it first hand. Being a shut-in has rotted your brain and forced you to view the world through ridiculous stawmen and stereotypes.
Also it's very telling to me where the only thing preventing you from having sex is leaving the house. You're saying that all you need to do to get laid is get out more often. Ridiculous!
Yet again, you betray a very muh privileged position. Very telling.
walk us through one of your attempts to get laid.
have you even induced alcohol into the equation? i nearly got laid once because of that, but fortunately i saw them off in the end.
You must be holding your breath when you go outside to become so retarded that you're not poor and going outside frequently and haven't managed to stick your dick in something. What are you doing, spending your money on tanks of helium to huff when you go out?
What are you doing nigger?
There would literally be no non-chads were this the case, moron
What the fuck was his problem?
Bitches call me Febreze cuz I stay fresh.
I literally wake up like this.
he might not be drinking
(i am right to believe that as rapey as it sounds when you actually say it, some degree of intoxication is a constant, right?)
or maybe the alcohol was just the constant when i had to venture beyond imageboards. hard to remember, i was drunk.
I'm really fucking ugly, I talked about having to literally wife a woman in her late 40s over multiple dates to have sex with her a couple of times and nobody even responded to my posts its THAT pathetic. And this was AFTER swiping right on every women in a 20 mile radius.
The sexual free market needs to be abolished.
have you tried adultwork?
It's known domestically as a nation of alcoholics for a reason, friendo.
At least you're in the UK. Get buff and either A) Continue your path (and hope you can pick someone up by being buff) or B) Continue your path (and sell drugs using your BIG FUCKING ARMS as the insurance policy, allowing you to afford plastic surgery).
I am pretty ugly and not very tall what do you want me to say. You live in a literal bubble if you think all most dudes need to do to get laid is shower regularly and go outside and not dress like a literal autismo. I'm sorry but this is the ugly reality.
Show your belly and arms, I want to see the Adonis you are.
are you a grill?
i-i like black girls
He's neither.
For what? When have I claimed to be Adonis anyway? I simply claimed i'm not fat. Your brains are turning to mush maybe YOU should go outside
why are women so hierarchical my dudes
Dafuq? Can't you see my swole ass pecs through my onsie?
Cool enough shit ma ninja. You don't look socially retarded as I like to say but you must be a little younger than me for sure.
He is trans mtf ninja. totally not trying to fuck with afro here hahahahaha since he is moralist in that sense
LOL I'm 22 and it's 3:20AM here. I'm in my nighttime swag.
homie you're covering your face, your nails are long. tbh people find me androgynous all the time too, just idk cut your nails. The afro is cool tho keep it.
go to fucking sleep holy shit lmaooo
Oh I have no doubt that political extremism attracts alienated people.
Not really. See the aut-right pining for muh virgin submissive tradwife.
Isn't that the argument about the "war on boys", and how we're keeping them from developing character and whatever?
You know what it is. It's simple supply and demand.
Sorry breh, it's a probabilistic model, not a deterministic one. You're the guy who always gets a 1 when throwing a d100.
But you're trying to speak for all straight women tho.
But user, wealth and status are the purpose for men to find a woman, just as looks and youth are for women trying to find men. If anything, it's this impossibly idealistic notion of love and romance that is peddled through all media that is the commodification, because next to no one will find that.
No the outside is cold and full of disappointment. Get in shape and then try, unless you've wasted your twenties wallowing.
why Bowie was so FUCKING good looking holy shit. He is one of my inspirations.
OK Cupid's data say the opposite:
I'm a good looking person myself and not gonna lie.
It's obviously about looks. All first impressions work that way, being handsome, beautiful or cute helps a ton. I'm all 3. Pretty sure I could cuck a young porky if I wanted.
Are you the insurrectionist black flag, or the borderline autistic SJW black flag?
which 1 do you hate the most?
that one.
Trick question, everyone hates the SJW one more.
I already knew that on some level, but it's really depressing when you put it like that.
I figure that as far as sex goes, both sexes favor looks, for obvious reasons. But when the question is long-term relationships, and the older the people in question are, women's priorities shift to wealth and status, but men's remain about looks and youth.
bingo. The latter is more attributed to capitalism/social status the former you can beat young porkies & cuck em if you have good fashion sense and looks.
Money doesn't buy a sense of style/creativity. A person can be bourgeois but be inept at being creative punting on outfits or grooming, looking good, etc. He has more access to beauty tho but not skill.
I'll use Elliot Rodger as an example here: BMW, expensive clothes, etc. But he sucked, he was unskilled socially, at fashion looked like a basic bitch and was not born that good looking (he wasn't ugly tho).
And yet when confronted, no woman has any empathy or understanding for the male plight. I'm convinced they are innately incapable of empathy for men. They look upon the male sex with the cold exploitative gaze of a shark.
Contrawise, men are biologically programmed to expect love and good treatment from women, and so deceived, march legion by legion to their doom, as is Mother Nature's plan. Men are born to be eaten by women.
It is a nightmare reality. I want to make a great work of art that expresses it in metaphor.
Looks like a good thread, let's see what's going on in it.
Oh its just great!
Tell me something new.
Your dad fucked a dozen dudes in college.
Ooooh, that's why I have aids.
It all makes sense now.
No, you have AIDS because you let random guys cum in your eyes at diner toilets.
I guess I should be pretty happy that sex disgusts me and I have no interest in spending the rest of my life attached to someone, because I meet all of those categories plus I'm poor as fuck plus my dick is below average. Getting women for me would be a herculean effort.
To the poor souls out there who actually want women but can't get them, I suggest you guys find other avenues of happiness because I seriously doubt this trend will get any better. In fact, I feel that social media will actually make it a lot harder for average guys to get women.
the article is what matters not the thread
I envy you, I really do. Ending desire is the path to happiness.
In other breaking news, the sky is blue and water is wet.
But that's the thing, while it obvious it undermines a lot of feminist ideology that landed women profit from so it's voraciously denied.
Just take a look up and down this thread, the article is being countered with "nuh uh, guys can't get laid because they hate women, feel entitled, aren't hygienic etc, guys don't get rejected because of poverty! I know because I can get laid and by my own judgement I'm poor or struggling"
Also a lot liberal feminists have emotionally internalized capitalist logic. If empathy is extended at all to poor men, then there's less charity for them.
why did anyone respond to this obvious bait
We shouldn't blame women, but we shouldn't allow this romantic narrative that if you are a good guy, you'll find a woman. Women will reject poor men under liberal feminism, it's I never their best material interests to do so. The more honest we're about that the better society can address it,
I don't think it's human nature but certainly many men are raised to believe this, I certainly was. I don't blame my mom for doing that, I mean what was she supposed to do, tell me to step in as many proles as I could to build capital to gureentee myself a partner.
I'm sure this chart is true, but if a chart comparing how much money a man had relative to how attractive a woman found them would be just as unflattering.
I'm not sure what posting this is going to prove, since young women are rejecting poor men regardless of the mans age.
You're not going to bury this problem by shouting down all the men that come forward and say they are suffering it.
This is why I love the internet it truely is an equalizing force for marginalized people. Most people couldn't have cared less about trans rights even 5 years ago, and they are a very tiny minority.
Can't wait to start seeing more 3rd worlders and mordern serfs like the Mexican side that pick all the produce in the US begin to come forward and air their grievances regarding capitalist alienation.
I disagree. Men's brains are hardwired to switch off at the sight of pretty girl and think "oh boy, good things are going to happen now!" Well, most of the time good things don't happen. It's nature being a bitch and doping you so the female can eat you and turn you into energy for the female's brood, which is what nature really gives a shit about.
You're literally a lesbian. Can you shut the fuck up?
under fucking rated post
Hoochie, for a lesbian that ostensibly doesn't have a dog in this fight, why do these threads trigger you so much that you're like a third of the responses?
Sure thing Tyrone.
99% of women don't like it when they find out they're just a pawn in the game of sex like everyone else. They simultaneously want to look down on loser guys but don't want to be judged themselves, it's why virgin shaming is a spectator sport but slut shaming is politically incorrect.
And all this women and white knights reeeeing at no gfs, this isn't bad for women too!
If poor guys are twice a single likely to be single a single the articles states that means there's a bunch of WOMEN competing for the same men. A power imbalance that lead to abuses suffered by women since these muh privileged men can afford to treat their lower classes female suitor said badly. This contributes to rape culture.
*this is bad for women too!
The nice guy thing is mostly there to stop rejects from tearing down an established society. You can't keep disposable workers in line if they develop anti authoritarian tendencies and social order eroding behavior. Chads aren't the ones shrugging the globe, that would be the laborers doing all the repetitive unrewarding work. I wish that all garbage men, janitors, plumbers, electricians, butchers, and construction workers would all just disappear for one day, those fancy office jobs don't produce anything without the labor they exploit. You can't have a normal lazy routine without someone laboring to keep the electricity and water running.
Women don't want a man to be responsible until they have children. Unless you give off dad vibes they won't want you if you are clean cut. They want to be entertained, and most nice guys aren't exactly entertaining, they all seem to share a serious demeanor that is off putting.
Population densities in the first world also make relationships disposable; if you live in a place where there are 100 alternatives then you can bet that they will choose the best one. In the second and third world people can't exactly afford to be picky about who they end up with because in those cases it is about keeping food on the table and having access to shelter. There are no dangers in the first world because even the government in those places provides some sort of aid, so you can afford to be stupid. There are no safety nets in the third world. Think about where relationships are taken very seriously: an adulteress in the first world does not have to worry about being stoned by her husband, if she will have a place to stay or food to eat.
That's just an expression of love, you bigot!
You can be poor Don Draper, or rich Quasi Moto, or rich Don Draper. If you are poor Quasi Moto, trust me, you don't want female attention. You'll just be a pawn in her revenge play against her boyfriend, like black men in America. Notice how easily white women forget black men when both are attacked, like that Google memo.
This, since women can sell their labor at parity to men now they look for other intangible qualities like entertainment value, or how much prestige a man get confirm on a woman among her social group. That is until they need to wed.
Someone else deleting their post's for a change.
Most westerners are virtually incapable of being honest about themselves -hence AA doesn't work well for most people. This doesn't spell much hope for society at large.
Second thought, how much of this, I mean this board, is just le old Autismo? It is in my case. I mean, I've had women attracted to me whom I simply could not handle even in the pre-courting stage despite the attraction being mutual. Apparently, my rule-nazi approach to not being creepy eventually went to far. One girl in high school actually felt rejected precisely because I would NOT stalk her. I didn't realise I was supposed to talk to them in private, D'OH!!!!
I wonder, if I had succeeded in faking it just a bit more, would I have actually made it or just made an even bigger fool of myself when I eventually fell? I tell myself the latter sometimes to keep the bullets at bay.
In my case, it was complete lack of trust for them.
I was unable to notice, if they were serious or not.
After few months there were rumors questioning my sexuality, they heard them and spread them wide and far over my entire hometown.
They afterwards were hostile to me. Bitchy attitude and I was looked down by them.
They didn't even asked about it.