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Yeah we fucking know, it's on the news
If you buy into the North Korea sensationalism that happens every single year, you are a fucking retard. If you haven't searched and realized that the "super secret documents" actually said "50 kilometers from the waters of Guam", you are a hysterical fucking retard.
Nothing ever happens, why should this time be any different?
Yo last president wasn't this much a retard and NK never seemed so convinced
the problem is that the person in charge of burgerland is buying this sensationalism
The president does not have sole power over nuclear weapons, and North Korean elites know that their army is undersupplied and their command overstretched. Why would North Korea risk losing everything?
The problem is that he trusts fucking Fox News over his own advisers.
No we're not.
No way in hell, those around him would mutiny
Fucking americans. I swear you fucking guys are the worst. Next time I find an american at the pub I'll kick his fat redneck ass
If that were actually true OP I'd have celebrated.
If nothing happens, then we should keep organising and studying theory. If something happens, then we should keep organising and studying theory.
As an American, I'm moving to the west coast. Now I can look forward to being nuked.
If "something" happens then life as we know it would be over. Most of us, especially those living on the northern hemisphere, would be dead. For those surviving life would be unbearable
God I wish a nuclear war would happen.
Stop getting my hopes up op.
Shitposters in East Asia would be pretty fucked though
It's bullshit. Nothing is going to happen.
america and china is blackmailing japan and south korea with north korea COMCAP is the best get with the times.
uuh.. YES That's right! Let's go get exploi- get employed! Support your local businessman!
about a 5% of anything happening
Some other issue will come up and that will be that
What do you want me to do about it?
This is what happens
Every 6 months north korea screeches REEEE WE WAR YOU, the media fear mongers, nothing happens.
fix it
That's not the point. That countries with nuclear weapons even hint at using them is incredibly dangerous. I don't think you guys even begin to realize what a threat nuclear weapons are to our species. If one side detonates even one tactical nuke, we're all dead. Just read up on the Cuban missile crisis and Vasili Arkhipov if you want to know how close we've been before
What exactly can I do?
I'm European, don't have a bunker/supplies and wouldn't mind dying, so meh.
I was born in 1991, the year the cold war ended.
For some reason i always had an obsession with nukes, or cold war media like that tv movie the day after.
I know full well the consequences of a nuclear strike.
I dont care.
My life is shit, maybe humanity does need to be cleansed.
I honestly wouldn't miss California.
BTW there is this British cartoon movie called when the wind blows about an older British couple that survives a blast and slowly dies of radiation poisoning that is super fucking sad and depressing. Pro watch
Anyone have a link for this?
difference being both the ussr and usa had shitloads of well developed nukes, and north korea has maybe a few janky missiles that probably won't even reach their target
maybe seoul gets cratered before nk is turned into a wasteland but the rest of us will be fine
Doesn't the DPRK bullshit constantly about how they're fucking with the US? What would actually doing something accomplish for them? Trump on the other hand is the type of dipshit to want to fix the problem.
Yeah, why not.
Worst case scenario i evaporate into nothingness.
Best case scenario life somehow survives and i mad max that shit up
Here is a pretty good shtf survival chart i found. Seems pretty realistic
▶Anonymous 08/11/17 (Fri) 06:51:25 No.1957591
I hope this war will happen so the public will see the horrors of nuclear war.
You pieces of shit better save Hoochie.
There won't be any nukes flying but North Korea is definitely about to get regime changed.
lmao implying we want to keep that name fag.
And it's actually working too. Stop taking the bait pls.
Uhh, North Korea spews this shit literally all the fucking time. Instead of ignoring it like everyone else, Trump is using it as a way to keep the media distracted from the fact that he's a lame duck on his way towards impeachment and of course to please his base.
Lol sure
Yeah, yeah. I get it. "IT'S HAPPENING!!!!1!" and all that shit.
typical anarkiddy who gets his info spoonfed from the pentagon.
no, the DPRK never threatens attacks. it's retaliation they talk about. no exception. the whole point of creating ICBMs was to make an attack on them so costly for the US that they're forced to stay the fuck out of their business.
of course it makes no fucking sense for the DPRK to "attack". and that's not what they want to begin with. their pride in being capable of defending themself by assertion of their capabilities is only misrepresented by faggots like you.
they're just this fucking glad that they're not going to be yet another Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya/Syria…
based off the last few weeks he's fucked. Mueller is gunning for him now and Trump associates are starting to get raided. They're gonna nail him to the wall with money laundering most likely
The last time I checked the DPRK didn't have dozens of military bases arround the USA, didn't entertain a puppet regime in Canada, didn't try to starve out an entire country by implementing global sanctions, and didn't had military exercises in bay area.
If you are too dense to comprehend that you can should off yourself.
sorry to bring you the news, but you're clinically retarded, please inject a bullet in your head to fix this issue.
Sure, because that's what I said.
Last time I checked, no one except North Korea stuffed entire families into concentration camps for three generations for thought crimes.
t. CNN
Not supporting your favourite fascist state =/= liberalism, I'm afraid.
Fawning over nationalist shit-holes is quite liberal though.
That the USA exercises imperialist aggression against the DPRK is a fact. Your claims are based on hearsay and speculation written by dubious authors and are totally irrelevant to the topic at hand. I could easily point to Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib. Look at your fucking flag, you wanted Stalin to go even further. You have no authority to speak about muh civil liberties.
Not surprising.
90% of this board is white californian males
shh they're LARPing as coloured revolutionaries.
false flag soon
then we go door to door looking for marxists
you ready little boys?
No we are not, stop reading MSM or pol bullshit
Half of this board isn't even American, burgerbrains.
Nice try there, CIA
Sure. I don't give a shit about one capitalist state agressing against another though.
lol what
I don't give a shit about "authoritarianism". I'm not some Narcho faggot. I despise bourgeois states repressing the proletariat, however.
DPRKs mode of production runs on production for use and resembles a quasi-gift economy. Wage labor and commodity production doesn't exist outside the Special Economic Zones. North Koreas economy is not subjected to underlying capitalist motions and has been self-sustaining itself under total isolation since 1991. Read a book:
You wanted Stalin to end commodity production in the Kolkhoz despite that would have been catastrophic for the postwar USSR.
Yet you have expressed that you are totally okay with killing millions of proletarians in a nuclear holocaust.
you post a fucking pepe the frog and expect anyone to take you seriously
Something like this happens every year or even few months at the point. Call the fuck down
Okay, let's for a minute ignore every other poster on this thread calling this bullshit, and assume that yes, NK is getting ready to throw some nukes…
… We're supposed to do… what about it, exactly?
Ok, that explains everything, actually.
I honestly don't know much about the Nork's internal economy, so they very well could have production for use. However, they are most certainly not in complete isolation. They trade with China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, and Cuba, off the top of my head.
die in a fucking fire
When in the actual fuck did I say that?
Also we have three fucking active threads on this. Catalog moar.
Say that to my south american face you stupid ass amerilard.
He's a meme.
See, you don't know enough or bother to analyze things from a materialist perspective, you just dismiss the DPRK as a capitalist state because of the consensus in your Leftcom echo chamber. The DPRK has production for exchange only in the SEZ and the goods produced never reach the population and they are more of a diplomatic measure than an economic one since it makes up less than 5% of their GDP. You also wouldn't know that the DPRK has workplace democracy:
How much percentage of the Korean GDP comes from foreign trade? It's an absolutely marginal amount. Most of the trade is based on the attainment of technology, not on profit, such as the recent distribution of self-produced smartphones among the population in cooperation with an Egyptian firm.
You said you don't care about a conflict between two "capitalist states". That's implicitly condoning the US aggression against the DPRK.
Nah, he's not gonna do shit, they only have one missile and I doubt it'll reach land.
However, he is waiting for the United States to overreact and make the first strike so North Korea will keep its status quo and not look bad.
wtf man, we oppose the actions of our government. That pic makes my blood boil. I don't get why you (or others in this thread) hate all Americans though, as if we condone the shit our government does. We are trapped by them just as much as you, if I had it my way I'd collapse the whole fucking American empire. But don't hate us because of our government.
Yes, saying I hate them both is condoning one of them.
shhhh. 99% chance he's an American teen being edgy.
you're ignoring the clear increase in north korea's capabilities since the last time this tantrum happened. North Korea may use warrior diplomacy but just because it has never acted in the past doesn't mean it wont act. Same goes for trump, he's desperately in need of a popularity boost and the fact that hes using this as a cover up doesn't negate the fact that he could act on his words to gain support.
Yeah but was there a hashtag last year? Didn't think so! #fightTONIGHT
I doubt Trump wants to be blamed for the death of hundreds of thousands of people, and I highly doubt that Kim wants to be turned into a smouldering pile of irradiated goo by the US missile command.
I want these newfag redditor leftcoms to fuck off.
wew lad
Seriously, how is North Korea not fascist? They tick all of the boxes.
What do you think makes Kim and company not fascists?
Care to repeat that again in American friend?
fucking mexicans
Have you actually bothered to read my other posts? You are spouting meaningless buzzwords that could be applied to 99% of all countries in the world. And the DPRK isn't fucking capitalist, for capitalism you'd need generalized commodity production, private property, wage labor and production for exchange.
It has all of those.
DPRK sends it's citizens to labor camps in russia for logging and other labor tasks in return for profit. That alone includes everything you just mentioned, plus brutal state enforced slavery.
Only until the retardation got tiresome. You are right about North Korea not being capitalist, though. It is really more akin to feudalism.
Can someone give me some short bullet points on positives of the DPRK?
Free healthcare, high literacy rates for example.
Top kek.
because amerilards will support anything their politicians do if its under the guise of "anti-communism" and "democracy"
Circumstances change. Kim Jong-Un has ramped up nuclear tests considerably, more than either his grandfather or father combined. He isn't a lunatic that is going to attack Guam for no reason, that isn't the issue. The issue is that Trump is senile and might think blowing up Korea is good for his legacy, since nobody on the mainland is going to die. NK might nuke Guam, but I'm doubtful Trump really gives a shit about Guam aside from the generals telling him they don't want to lose their bases. People on Twitter were literally posting "what is Guam?"
free grass to cut down on hunger
no need to worry about social issues, everyone is the same race and everything else is wrong
no commies, leftism is literally illegal because it threatens the monarchs
if you're a reactionary racist with no will to live or think, it's perfect
It's a shithole dude, even for the ruling class like Kim. Reports initially said that he might be looking at market reforms because he liked how shopping malls actually had products when he was a student abroad. It's unclear now whether or not he is the reformist or the reactionary, because some sources claimed that his uncle that he executed was pushing for market reforms, but others said that it was the opposite. Either way, there are definitely reports he is interested in changing things because he liked living in the west. That is a part of the nuclear proliferation strategy. Kim wants the world to meet with North Korea on its terms and open up to it, like America did with China.
Most of this board isnt even american.
Is this the new subversive element here? Now that it is clear that we are not going to be divided by pomo bullshit, are porky's stooges going to try to accomplish the same goal with petty anti-American nationalism? Fuck off, faggot.
Alleged North Korean workers in the black market were reported in Poland, not Russia. In any case, is this in any way a significant portion of the North Korean economy? If true then it's shit, it would constitute a flaw, but over significance can be argued especially with having absolutely no background information.
- DPRK has 99% literacy rate, higher than South Korea.
- Healthcare is free.
- Education is free.
- Housing is free but directed by the state, you can choose where you wanna live but you have to wait till the state provides you an apartment if that's possible. Illegal housing happens, some people rent out buildings privately, this is against the law and is currently being cracked down upon. Most of these flaws result from the crisis of the 90s.
- North Korea provides basic consumer goods at reasonable prices, some things are given by the state for free, like smartphones. However many things like flatscreen TV are unaffordable for workers outside of Pyongyang.
- There is a fun park and a water park (Do you know any Third World country that has that?)
- Workplace democracy exists, so does a trade union system negotiating salaries with the state
- Local firms and small cooperatives have special government representation through a council system
- Most homes use renewable energy like solar panels. But this is caused by an incomplete electrification, they are currently still trying to get the more rural areas into the grid
- girls are hot in case you have yellow fever and are not surgically altered like the ones in the south. North Korean girls are traditionally seen as the more beautiful ones.
- You are guaranteed a job. No unemployment.
- No taxes
On the downside there is probably heavy restrictions on freedom of speech and freedom to assemble in place.
Brb going on vacation to DPRK
Maybe one point I forgot to add: North Korea has very good child care institutions, day care centers are often integrated. This obviously also means total gender equality. Also, there are education programs in place for factory workers, they get long breaks in which they can visit a education center with computers attached to the states Intranet.
I, for one, welcome Armageddon and nuclear war. We all had it coming.
How so? just because HE as a leftist individual opposes the US govt shit doesnt mean the republican hicks and democrat libs do too.
Anti-Americanism is just common sense.
Actually at the latest party assembly he spoke about going back to the central planning system of his grandfather. Central planning collapsed to a degree in the 90s and they are currently trying to reaffirm their grip on it and modernize it. What he did allow tho is for single-person businesses and small farmers to sell their surplus on the local market.
The Workers Party of Korea is member of the IMCWP.
leftcoms prove that if you you become an ultra you just revolve into a conservative
just siting here with my ex red guard father sipping tea, fuck leftcoms
I'm ok with this.
Nobody's fault but the mods
One move and the gooks are all by themselves facing the biggest arsenal wielding nation on this planet. Norks better think again about their Guam missile target.
North Korea isn't capable of nuking anyone, tho the day is approaching. Murrka will pre-emptively strike before that moment comes.
I know imperialism is awful both in practice and morally, but North Korea is such a fucking disaster that an invasion might improve things.
you leftcoms are such insufferable faggots holy shit
literally Starbucks covfefe sipping holier than thou hypocrites
what else am I supposed to do? If I die, I'm that much more likely to die with a curse on my lips.
That is telling. Why would there be a demand for illegal housing when housing is supposedly provided for? That would seem to indicate that there is a homeless population.
That is one of the most obvious strawmen I have seen lately.
So much for proletarian internationalism
Not since 2009, and that's saying something since even the Brits and the Americans have parties in attendence.
Can't you be stupid somewhere else?
Yes. Failing to worship the Glorious Kingdom of Korea is the same as saying "I don't care about nuclear war"
God damn tankfags
Well, what you dont seem to get is that we, as latin americans, have plenty of reasons to fucking hate amerilards and distrust them. Thats just it. Whats so bad about it? Anti-nationalism is bad all of a sudden when its about Murica?
Are you shitting me?
This is from last year lol
From what I've read it is not because of homelessness but simply because people are unhappy with the apartment they have been provided with or the official procedure takes too long. In rural areas there is often lack of electricity and clean water. If there truly is homelessness they must hide it extremly well. There is no denial that there is a black market in North Korea, and the reason they haven't cracked down on it was because of the collapse of central planning in the 90s. From what I see by the reports at the party congress last year and their efforts to implement more computerized administration, they are currently regaining control over the economy, and their economic system hasn't really changed since the fulfillment of the Three Year Plan of 1958 (the North Korean version of the NEP). From what the sources inside the DPRK tell, the black market is mostly focused on services, such as bathhouses and haircutters, and less on consumer goods. In the area of the latter the DPRK has made significant progress with the opening of several huge shopping centers with reasonable prices, but apperently the state-owned services aren't as good IF those claims where to believe who are mostly filtered through the South Korean Unification Movement (South Korean government think tank) so everything has to he taken with a grain of salt.
Wew why are my fellow burgestanis so offended? Fuck America, I don't want the civilian population of any city to be evaporated but shit I will be celebrating if the US is torn apart during my lifetime.
Summer will be ogre soon and hopefully then we won't have to read posts like this one
I hope NK nukes my hometown just to put an end to the misery of life.
Fair enough, on some level I kinda low-key hope that too because the people in my city are sociopathic asswipes
But US hegemony is not my home fam. I'm not saying I'm not concerned about things getting bad, but myself and everyone I care about are poor af anyway and we have a better chance with a major reshuffle of power than we do with a continuation of the status quo, as does the proletariat in general, especially in the countries currently under US neocolonialism. So yes fuck this ship I hope it sinks I'm a prisoner on it and would rather take my chances in a lifeboat.
who /martyr/ here?
Nuclear fallout doesn't just end at national borders you know.
Grouping people into nations is just nationalism, not anti-nationalism.
Grew up in the 80's. Been there and fucking done that.
stop tone-policing you insufferable prick
Gigantic human catastrophies like wars are how the status quo gets maintained. If enough people die, suddenly capitalism is able to grow again for a while. If a war is not a class war, then it is not our war.
if you wanted me to gush about how precious human life is you should be the one on reddit
sign me up chief.
Maoists were right. No such thing as leftism in america.
Scratch an "american leftist" and a nationalist bleeds.
I'll stay right here, tyvm. Ffs who the fuck do amerilards think they are?
It is funny to watch kids get all freaked out about this shit when you remember when the ever-present threat of the end of humanity was totally normal.
we are already facing the end of humanity (at least industrial civilisation) with climate change and nobody does anything about it so we're kinda jaded to death anyway
I don't want a war tho I just said I want the US to fall apart
Well shit, everyone wants that.
A new generation that needs to learn to stop worrying and love the bomb.
Where do I say that? I'm the one who said he low-key hoped his city gets glassed. Calm down.
i can't calm down i'm sad
Because if it's not love
Then it's the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb, the bomb
That will bring us together
i am pretty convinced this moron is a shill
is "all americans are imperialist scum" the Holla Forums equivalent of cuck/pol/'s "americans are not white" meme?
dont care
it's friday, I'm in love.
Oh yea for sure. I, right in the middle of bumfuck brazil, am just gonna get my CIA id and post pics with timestamp.
Because glorious murica is above all criticism and anyone who says bad things about her in the slightest MUST be a shill right?
Someone needs to tweet this to trump's twitter account.
I'm spending the last months of peace trying to make good on what will be soon gone.
Home along?
Who are the faceless guys in suits?
Yeah, that faggot is either Holla Forums or FBI.