Mfw a commie faggot forgets the 2nd amendment exists
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yee haw
ride em cowboy
praise kek
lurk more you massive dipshit
you'll be starving and in debt from hospital bills by the time we get to you, if you aren't dead already.
ride em tankies
praise mao
bash the fashhhh
Based tbqh
back to the breadline, kiddo
In America you don't even have breadlines, you just starve quietly by yourself.
ironic coming from an ameriturd
lmfao, lurk more you massive faggot
I bet £100 you have never touched a firearm in your life: let alone come close to killing someone.
6% of yanks have very insecure access to food: congrats the US is simultaneously starving people and have them die from the highest obesity rates in the west.
This triggers the capitalist.
top lel.
If Yeltsin is your great argument: then you need to read a motherfucking book.
Stay mad yank.
Is that why the underclass in our nation is fat as fuck living off EBT? Sounds like your wet dream.
No hard feelings libtard
Sage goes in all the fields.
Also report this blatant shitpost.
Shitposting isn't an argument, faggot, also is obvious that you're not here to discuss things in good faith, so fuck off and return to the echo chamber that is your board.
O fuck, I confused between the two, they're so similar! :^)
>>>Holla Forums
Imagine actually having a job doing labor (worker) and struggling to get by while shenequa raises her 20 kids on your dime. You faggots are so out of touch, you will never succeed because actual workers aren't on your side, just tranny gender studies majors.
not an argument.
toppest of lels.
you're still posting here
any mention of leftism on 8/pol/ gets you banned for a month
Oh, yeah… you faggots are all from reddit
You mean imagine actually having to get a job, or living off other people like a leech and getting everything for free? What the fuck would you think would happen to these people in the Soviet Union? Your pet niggers would be gulaged and freeze to death in siberia.
Sounds like something a redditor would say redditor. Have you also noticed how places like r/socialism and r/FULLCOMMUNISM hate us?
Lurk more.
What the fuck would you think would happen to these people in the Soviet Union? Your pet niggers would be gulaged and freeze to death in siberia.
>Because Leopold didn't treat his subjects like utter shit, and there have been no capitalist dictators who have fucked over their economies like Pinochet
You could at least do some research before you act like a retard. Then again, you're on the path of convincing me that you are one.
If you hate leeches, let me tell you about this one class I know…
Why should I take anything you have to say seriously when you can't even do the most simple thing right? #not all commies
You mean jews?
Jews are among them. I'll give you some more hints so you can take another guess.
Come on, I believe in you! You can do this! Use google if you really need to. It's okay, I won't judge.
Not an argument, redditor.
Funny considering everything you mentioned is kikery. The federal reserve is controlled by the Israel lobby and a quarter of my "surplus labor" is stolen from me and given to niggers and used to prop up the military industrial complex which serves the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧globalists🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
So the anglos are behind this?
You know, you wouldn't have your surplus labour stolen from you and given to black people if you weren't living in capitalism.