Cuban diplomats expelled from US after US embassy staff experience hearing loss
The two-year-old U.S. diplomatic relationship with Cuba was roiled Wednesday by what U.S. officials say was a string of bizarre incidents that left a group of American diplomats in Havana with severe hearing loss attributed to a covert sonic device.
'Our Job Is to Scare People' about North Korea: NBC's Williams
Brian Williams is also known for describing U.S. Tomahawk missile hitting Syria as "beautiful."
Trump on ‘Fire And Fury’ Warning: Maybe Statement Wasn’t Tough Enough
Trump on his 'fire and fury' warning to North Korea: Maybe statement wasn't tough enough.
Trump Tells McConnell to ‘Get Back to Work’
President Donald Trump slammed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for the third time in two days over the failure of Congress to eliminate Obamacare, escalating a war of words with a fellow Republican who is key to advancing the president’s agenda.
Merkel support slides six weeks before election, SPD rival even weaker
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, about to return from holiday, has seen her popularity fall by 10 points just six weeks before an election in which she hopes to win a fourth term.
China seethes on sidelines amid latest North Korea crisis
Angered as the United States and its allies ignore Chinese calls to calm tensions over North Korea, and distracted by domestic concerns, China is largely sitting out the latest crisis with nuclear-armed Pyongyang.
Beijing says US destroyer violated China's sovereignty & security
The US navy destroyer, which sailed closed to the island claimed by Beijing in the South China Sea, has violated international law and endangered China’s national security, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.
With Bank Subpoenas, Mueller Turns Up the Heat on Manafort
U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller is bearing down on former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort as he directs a wide-ranging probe into Russian interference in last year’s presidential election.
Militants trapped in Raqqa center but Syrian Kurd commander sees long battle
U.S.-backed forces now have Islamic State fighters surrounded in central Raqqa, a Syrian Kurdish commander said, but he predicted that driving the militants out could take up to four months.
Tainted eggs in Denmark: 20 tonnes sold
Twenty tonnes of insecticide-tainted eggs have been sold in Denmark, the country's food safety authority says.
Amber Rudd falls for hoax email prankster who also fooled Trump administration officials
The email hoaxer who previously duped Trump administration officials, as well as the governor of Bank of England, has tricked yet another high profile individual into engaging in an email exchange. UK home secretary Amber Rudd is reportedly the latest victim of the email prankster who goes by the pseudonym Sinon Reborn.
Saudi Arabian singer hit the dab on stage - then got arrested and apologised big time
A Saudi Arabian singer was arrested after performing 'the dab' – a banned dance move – on stage. Abdallah Al Shaharani has apologised for dabbing at a concert in ultra Conservative Islamic kingdom.