Together, or not together.
These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.
Together, or not together
You'll see. Lot's of people will die soon, you should become American philosopher as fast as possible.
post it
play a good route then
something about anime girls and their cheeks being squeezed gets to me
What happens in the Miku route?
Play it yourself. It wouldn't do good to spoil it.
Also anybody know a way to kill a fly without a swatter?
Roll up a Trotskyist zine and hit it.
You guys do know she's 14 right?
if there's grass on the field play ball :^)
please no
Shes 16.
14 is legal in my country.
It's not like she's naked.
getout pedo faggot
getout pedofaggot
Get out /loli/, go to or go back to masterchan you faggots
So Italy or Germany
She's clearly not prepubecent.
fucking pedos is a fun that the Left should not tolerate. Btfo
For you you goddman pedo faggot, it reall have most but mostly froce in this bords even if it's unrated
I'm confused… Should I be worried? ;_;
Who's the cosplayer btw
there is always a "fakeness" or artificiality to anime girls witch makes me unable to understand why people have "waifus". They just don't feel real ti me
Can someone please explain to me what is going on here?
Yes, this is vital information, I must know.
A cute girl cosplayed as a character from a Russian VN. She's a cute and her bulge a marvelous.
You need a dictionary and the DSM. Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children. Also it's just a mental condition not an action. You might as well be going on a tirade against people with OCD.
I'm Russian, but I didn't even play Everlasting summer.
Cosplay is great, though.
Also have been in what's left from pioneer camps during summer and winter vacations.
user, it's time where we need revolution or most of us will all perish.
Gay as fuck
What the fuck is this faggot shit
oops my anarchy symbol
Do not appropriate holy /jp/ memes.
Holla Forums is a /jp/ spin-off.
Nope, Holla Forums is a /lit/ spin-off, it doesn't even use /jp/ memes.
Like, what do I see?
what did you mean by this
It's trough exploitation and appropriation of their parts that cultures lives on.
Don't treat ideas like fragile things that need to be put in fucking reservations.
…You idiots realize that attraction based on age breaks down into several categories, right? And that, for instance, attraction to a 16 year old is hugely different from attraction to a 6 year old?