Looking for images to kill the "Nazism is socialist" meme
Looking for images to kill the "Nazism is socialist" meme
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basically these
Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not.
When arguing about this, it is good to bring up the case example of Hitler purging the party of people like the Asser brothers for wanting to nationalize German industry.
Improved my 4th image.
National socialism is about family and what's in the best interest of the German. It's not simply demanding free shit like lefties do today.
you're going to banned and nobody will feel sorry for you
These are specifically for attacking the idea from some modern Nazis who believe Germany was economically socialist. Also
The German economy was in part sustained by pillaging the surrounding nations.
I know thinking makes your head hurt. I apologize for giving you a head ache.
Who the fuck believes that? I guess I need to get out more.
We get them here occasionally trying to appeal to us. It may or may not be ingenuine. I've never been a Nazi so I don't know how many of them actually believe it.
I'm not demanding free shit, I'm demanding the 1%'s head on a stick
Call it what it is then, national capitalism.
Worth noting that Gregor was killed during the Night of the Long Knives.
Of course. Those two quotations just demolish any assertion that Hitler was a "socialist."
What is the source of the last image and this
Hitler: Ascent, 1889-1939
By Volker Ullrich
What did he mean by this?
ancaps should love nazis, you people invented privatization
oh wait, they already do.
Ancaps think anything with "socialist" in the name is really socialist, so it follows that they would believe a group of people calling themselves "NationaI SociaIists" are socialist, too.
Same as you lot want a monopoly on the term 'socialism' . "If it doesn't collectivize farmer Joe's garden it aynt socialism" . lol.
kys and burn your 50 year old propaganda
So much for the rational right
Here's a compilation image for you, anons.
Good one mate, should add this one as well
Not really much room unless one were to expand the image which would require more content to add in along with it. Tried pasting it over "Wall Street's Fascist Conspiracy" since I basically just put that in there to take up the blank space and it doesn't have to do with the Nazis, but it fucked up the image you posted and made it hard to read when I shrank it.