Cops and military are inherently reactionary and will never side with the pe-

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Yeah, it failed, but still, the argument "Cops will always side with the reactionaries" has a counterexample.

And the first years were pretty revolutionary.

Succdems everyone. By this logic the tiny amount of people who have actually gone from rags to riches prove that it's possible for everyone to do it if they just pull themselves up etc. Fuck off with your cherry picking

It proves the rule is a rule of thumb at best, not a scientific truth.
I don't see how it's the exception that proves the rule, since it was a widespread movement and most footsoldiers followed the Revolutionaries.



That means the majority of the time it's true you fuckstick

That's not what the exception that proves the rule means. "No parking on Sunday" is the exception that proves the rule of "you can park the rest of the time."
A thing sometimes being false doesn't magically make it more true.

The majority of the times a socialist revolution was tried, it was shit. Should we try it again ?
A rule of thumb means it has no scientific basis.

Not dialectical

Yeah, but after we purge all the sucdems before they have a chance to betray it.

I mean the one in Germany failed cuz of succdems so yeah after we get rid of you and your putrid ideas such as collaborating with cops as such cuz one time some cops were decent humans

Might have to purge more than socdems, then.
Can't we just have a discussion about this revolution in Portugual whithout ebin infighting ?


It's not as though coups d'etat led by leftist soldiers are a phenomenon unique to Portugal. But police and military are separate institutions, and soldiers have motivations cops don't; have cops ever sided en masse with the proles? Even the Carnation Revolution was military-led, no?

Nice to see Stalin was a reformist.

Military are not inherently reactionary. This can be seen in reality, as was the case in 1917 when the Bolsheviks, arguably to a greater extent than any of the other parties in the Petrograd Soviet or the Provisional Government, gathered up the support of the military and organized them. This was partially the reason the Provisional Government formed a coalition with the Soviet, because the Soviet had a dangerous amount of power over the military.

The police are a little different. I think they are mobilized against the population from the outset and see their fullest expression in organizations like the FBI, which as state police have subverted radical politics for a long time. The military is such a disparate institution of people who often are quite cynical about what it is they're doing on behalf of the government in foreign countries (when at war). Many people join the military just to reap benefits.


But they ordered Cops to stand their ground, which they did, unlike the orders from the fascist gov't.

Also, in most countries, half of the Law Enforcement is done by specialised units of the military (Gendarmerie, National Guard, you name it.)

This is a nice read about commies in the USSR.
I'll confess that I might have typed a bit too fast here.

Why did they? I'm curious about the Portuguese situation and what factors led to the cops switching sides instead of (as is far more typical) forming the backbone of counterrevolutionary forces.

The Regime was unpopular with Carrier officers because it blamed them for the setbacks in colonial wars.

Carrrier officers formed a coalition, from left-wingers to conservatives to overthrow the fash.

The coup goes extremely smoothly, with key places being seized in the night and an announcement being made right after they made sure the President could not escape.

Putschistes present themselves as saviours of Portugal and proclaim the Revolution, insisting they don't want blood.

I honestly don't know what went through the cops head that night. Perhaps they simply were as fed up with the Regime as the soldiers were.

The coup was met with a lot of support. Nobody missed the old dictator, and some true revolutionary activity took place, but they blew their chance by trying to redo another coup, which failed. After that, the country was left at the hands of moderates and socdems.

Ultimately there's a difference between "stood down" and "took part."

Passive opposition to the fascist order is still opposition.