Anyone here an addict? Sober alcoholic here, just curious who else is here suffers from it and maybe if we can find some solidarity in other's stories.
Leftists And Addiction
My sister was addicted to amphetamines and now shes dead.
Have you tried putting the bottle down? I find that works.
I've stopped drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes since I've graduated from highschool
its been almost 7 years now and I've never looked back
unironically internet is a kind of substitute for me
plus I've developed a taste for studying math even tho I hated it in highschool
I'm kind of obsessed with geometric dissections puzzles and combinatorial geometry in general
the eduction system is shit at teaching math, it's Must be accompanied by philosophy & history. so student can ask "What math answers ?"
Been dealing with it for the past three years. The easy part is getting through the first couple weeks of withdrawal where I can't eat or sleep or think. The hard part is getting over the depression and that nagging feeling that a part of me is missing. And the droning depression never ends. It just keeps going until I crawl back to my doctor to beg for another prescription.
Sex and masturbation. I can't think if I don't blow a load a day.
Day 3 of no alcohol checking in. Been using alcohol as a sleep aid for over a year. I've basically just been tossing in turning all these past nights and trying to take naps during the day. Constantly tired. Think it will just take a little while to get used to falling asleep and staying asleep without alcohol.
I'm addicted to imageboards for starters.
That would certainly make math more interesting
Can I ask why you drink, did you do it alot as a youngun and not stop or do you have some emotional issue?
Stop watching porn, if it isn't that have a jog before you go to bed, worked for me.
Exercise is the key thing here, get so tired that you'll fall asleep the second your head its the pillow, after a month you'll be in better shape and not feel the need for any drink.
Sorry to hear that.
When I was trying to quit I cold turkey'd many, many times. It was like I just wasn't ready to quit. Then one day I was like fuck this shit and it stuck. Keep in mind though I was at rock bottom and I was stealing from my parents to buy wine.
Prescription drugs are the hardest to kick. You might need a rehab.
That's how I got started, drinking to sleep. Your sleep is going to be crazy for a while but it will readjust. Just be mindful of the times of day when you do feel tired then sleep. Even if it's the day (provided you're home)
It has been I think 7 years that I dont browse the internet for less than 5 hors a day does this count
Never drank. Never smoked, not even a joint. About three years ago I was suffering really bad from Gout. So my doctor put me on some gout medicine and some pain killers. The gout medicine started to work fully about a year after I started taking it, and got to the point that I didn't need the painkillers anymore. But I found it very hard to put down, despite the fact that I never abused it. Took it only as prescribed. I still only take it as prescribed. I never run out early. I just cannot stop taking it and my doctor doesn't seem concerned.
Probably going to have to. I feel like its fucked with my brain chemistry in all sorts of ways and it may require long term therapy to get over.
Zero addictions. I have done a shit ton of drugs through.
Here is my tier list, I have done most of those listed. And this is my opinion. Meth is a bitch.
The drug I like the most is Shrooms & LSD. DMT is great but maybe once a year.
Good on you, I'm sure that must have been hard for you, do you feel like its always there in the back of your mind or is it that you don't want to go down that path again? Could you not control yourself if you had one drink?
Shit, that sounds like a bad situation. I'm not trying to say anything bad about your doctor but being unable to stop taking painkillers seems like something to worry about and if hes profiting from you buying them/him prescribing them then you may need to talk to someone else about it.
who /addictedtoporn/ here?
Keep in mind most rehabs are full across the U.S. if you're a burger. People are hooked on pain killers. Private rehabs are always open but us proles obv don't have that kind of money to get in.
To sex. Porn no.
I'm "addicted" to Venlafaxine. And my dealer is big pharma.
I'm addicted to 2 kinds of antipsychotics that gives me anhedonia. The pills were force fed to me when I was in the psych ward, but you don't get any sympathy for that anywhere like you do with drug and alcohol addiction
If I go without porn for like a month my brain can't focus on anything that isn't the burning desire to fap I can't even browse the internet (which I think I am addicted to too, it actually gets in the way of the shit i should do)
replace it with Kratom. Heard Republicunts want to make Kratom illegal soon. I think in September idk.
Kratom freaking rocks, helps to concentrate, chills you the fuck out, it's great all around. A natural alternative to benzos.
Wish I could have sex (don't even know what it feels like)
God knows how I hate that feel
oh baby, it is good. get a fuccgirl or fuccboi or both. tinder can help if you're desperate but be more social in general thats the major improvement you will ever make.
I'm of course addicted to internet the way everyone else seems to be. Junk food and general shit like that, too. I'm only 23 and, particularly for young people like me, growing up in America pretty much grooms you to engage in consumerism with the mentality of a junkie without even realizing how fucking stupid you're being.
Tinder is a rich get richer environment.
It's already banned in my state. The only problem I had with it is that it tastes worst than the devil's taint.
who /addictedtofood/ here?
/addictedtowater/ anyone?
that's how you sound to me
porn is the eighth wonder of the world
I can't imagine how people satisfied their sexual needs before internet
fap fiction
I have got aroused from all those things at some point in my life so thats how. hell they even had… meh why spoil you.
I know personally two leftists who were junkie Nazis before and got better, they both still drink alcohol though.
Mah depressive nigga
Smoke a lot of pot, can't put it down. Doesn't help that I'm on venlafaxine, trazadone and some antipsychotic I can't remember the name of. I'm probably castrating myself chemically at this point.
Reading this thread is really making me feel like a boring looser.
Maybe thats a good thing tho???
fun fact: Piss Pig Granddad was a heroin addict who read Marx in rehab. More u know
Wow you`re all spooked as fuck about the subject. First you're denying your desires and then you're complaining about "depression".
It can ruin a persons life if they feel they have nothing else.
Feel lucky
Lucky bastard. When I was in detox/rehab only books allowed were shitty AA stuff. BTW AA is a joke and just another part of out broken system.
If you're going to use the word spooked at least constructively tell us why we are spooked than just "sp00ks!!" It is in the interest of my ownness that I would like to stop being a drug addict.
My brother did a detox, all they could wear was medical scrubs and a blanket. Place was pretty horrific to patients. No sleeping past 7am, beds sucked, food sucked. The medical staff only helped if it was an emergency. All you did during the day was watch a TV that had AA/NA tapes and pace around.
When he got out he relapsed (honestly don't blame him) then he got clean on his own.
I don't trust rehabs, just like pharma, it's another bourgie big business with zero respect for humans.
i can't stop with aclohol. i con't think i'm addict, but once i start, i cannot stop until i ran out of money or i puked everything
what's this?
He means alcoholics/narcotics anonymous videos.
that just makes him cooler
I don't have a job and I drink all day until I throw up and I hate it. I wish I could get help. I'm a socialist. Oh and I don't have healthcare and am American. Wew lad, i'm fucked
I smoke too much weed. Literally most of my money goes to my dealer. After I got weed and nicotine then I might buy food. meh we yunging.
XXX and coke is so fucking good though I don't trust myself going near it.
Phenethylamines and hallucinogens are cool but I find myself anxious on that shit too much. Like, want to do acid as a past time? Well fuck you here's that creepy dude you see when you're sleep paralyzed. My 62 year old neighbour said cops were in the block and every other neighbour knows *someone* tokes. Apperently there's a girl in building that fucks with H and needles. Think I saw her dealer waiting outside last night. Good thread OP this is 420chan vibes
I'm absolutely addicted to arguing on the Internet and gaming, to the point where it stops me from doing wholesome hobbies like programming and language learning that I've been putting off for 2 years.
Maybe the caffeine is soft drinks is causing an attachment though I don't know if it's addictive.
Pornography too, I can't get through a day without masturbating at least twice.
Self-made problems are shit. Don't put yourself in a situation where there the only thing to blame is yourself. Good luck, anonymous socialist. You were born too early.
Smoking. It's one of the few things I enjoy and I never plan on stopping, been smoking a pack a day at the very least since I started 10 years ago, I was 13 at the time. I've already made peace with the possibility that it could kill me but so far I haven't had any noticeable health problems so far but even if I do there's no way I would stop, I don't think a life without cigarettes is worth living frankly.
Try going a half pack a day
When I smoked that was the sweet spot. Every cig is still enjoyable but I never felt like I was yearning nicotine too much in between smokes
Cigarettes are a vice and I love them more than alcohol. I don't spend money on cigs or alcohol because I'm too poor to afford a habit but if I'm around people that offer I treat myself.
Functioning alcoholic and a pack a day smoker
The drinking used to be much worse.
Like friendship ruining waking up with shit in my pants worse.
My names Paul, and I'm what's called a "smartaholic". I was smoking up to 3 smarties, and snorting at least 6 lines of smarties partying with my friend while listening to Blood On The Dancefloor. I hit rock bottom back in 08' when I binged for weeks straight in what us addicts call an "smartie-party". It affected my friends, my family, and even my online girlfriend. The only thing that saved my life was when I stumbled across the "big book" written by Bill Wilson himself. I got dried out, and have been sober for 4 years now.
Heroin is certainly not all it´s chalked up to be, but it is a hell of a lot more fun than fucking diphenhydramine. Do you enjoy deliria? That shit belongs on the bottom.
Other than those, you have your priorities straight.
Thats literally a Randy Stair-tier chart of drugs. You're a moron.
solidarity over something that won't lead to any action
fuck off OP
Heroin is certainly not all it´s chalked up to be, but it is a hell of a lot more fun than fucking diphenhydramine. Do you enjoy deliria? That shit belongs on the bottom.
Other than those, you have your priorities straight.
Literally fuck off you pleb. You cant rank drugs you havent even done.
….nope all my comrades are anti drugs