Into the Abyss we go
Into the Abyss we go
i thought you left
anal abyss
too soon
i said i would lurk, ignoring chiri and kanra makes thread 5 times easier to commit to
You can do it!
aww, that's a shame.
could be nice for caps, at least
I dont think I started watching much anime until 2013-ish
how drunk are you mr. no follow how threads work
Awesome. Signed it.
Did you sign also?
Oh that is pretty bad. You should be in bed already then.
We already said hi tonight but the conversation was lost in the transition between threads
How are things going
Drunk enough to fuck Gina?
The Divine Comedy seems boring to me
Seems to just be about bad things happening to people the author doesn't like
Paradise Lost is my favorite book though
The name "Michael Cato" has good flow overall
It's iambic : ^ )
I can't leave, Wish-chan is sad so I want to give him (You)'s
oh yeah dude
like i said
haven't found a good fuck up yet
for reference, i normally read every single word of every post every person posts
That's just the spacing I had when I copied and pasted
You were actually the one who ended up forgetting to reply to that convo :3
I'm not drunk, just a bit high
Wow, that's really late.
This was my official first anime other than Elfen Lied.
Too lazy to get more reaction pictures. Oh well.
tbh I'm only really following the series because my family wants to watch the films
It's free popcorn, after all.
Eeeh? But don't you occasionally have birthdays when they don't celebrate both?
I suppose maybe I can be lazy for the rest of my high school experience.
Feels good making money, though.
I feel the opposite. I haven't read all of Paradise Lost yet, and maybe this is just translation lens making things look better, but goddamn Milton has that stuffy English verse that just sounds really... stuffy.
When it comes to reading things, I like alliteration, like Nabokov.
the fuck you think would happen.
Argh, I'm too lazy!
not rewind, retrace. if there's a sequence of events, you're retracing them. you do not actually put yourself back in the mental state of your dream. you're probably using spatial cues and symbols, which is something all mammals can do.
please, read about what sensory experiences objectively are, and how brains light up when dreaming.
they light up pretty much the same. it's all a goddam illusion.
But did you like the Empire Strikes Back?
That's a fancy word.
But my clock only says 10:29 hasn't updated yet
that image is cute, which one is she from?
I believe!
elfen leid was one of my first ones also, but I didn't watch it live
reading kanra and chiri tripe will drive you crazy
and they mostly copypaste
i knew exactly what would happen, that does not mean i was prepared to invest in weathering it
Sure, but I grew up with the VHS generation, so it's a technique I use to actually go back through my dreams after I wake up.
I maintain accuracy as much as possible.
I remember liking it a lot as a kid.
But now it's too....Gory.
maybe i'll dl the anime soon
yeah i spent it
thank u for believing in me !!!!!
yes i do yes yes
no you
you disengaged early on
check it
yeah honestly
you having a highschool job looks good from here on out
don't sweat it
thats not true at all, they do not mostly copy paste
but yes, a lot of tripe
VHS has absolutely nothing to do with dreams.
You can keep making up bullshit but that doesn't make any of it true.
Ah, any plans for tonight Liliana?
you love kanra still huh
it's hard to break a dog of bad habits
I haven't re-watched it in ages
It is worth it, a good show.
Wait until Saturday, though.
I expect updates now
It only doesn't make it true for -you-.
You live in the generation of contradiction where special snowflake individuality exists as well as the contrary rationalism that destroys it.
I don't pick sides, I have not suggested that my views are backed by scientific evidence; I am stating my own experiences. Deal with it, learn from me if you want, or ignore me. I don't care.
well duh. you have to keep in contact with me for that to happen though :p
I keep telling myself I'll rewatch the six eventually, but it's one of those things I'll never do.
So how can you not dislike it? If it was more spaced out, you'd get two gift-getting sessions...
My parents seem to be cutting me off as I get older, though, so maybe the timing doesn't matter as much as it did when I was 10 years old...
Yeah. I still think I should get something to do during senior year, though, since it'll be ez for me. Maybe some early college courses to get shit out of the way.
Still stuck on whether I should do a compsci or a stats/applied math major though.
So you'll leave if I leave?
I saw this and thought you might like this.
nothing to do with confusing facts
Happy birthday!
why tho?
lol how young are you
for the record i am just talking to this homie friendly like
Watch it for the Hoth scene.
It makes TESB the best sci-fi for that scene alone.
to be honest i'm a little confused
but. anyways. i like my birthday
some years we do celebrate it in summer though. i dunno
aaaaaaaaaaaa today is my day :3
And I grew up in the computer generation where every action is memorialized for eternity. That does not mean I have an eidetic memory because that's not how any of this fucking works.
you LOVE him though
I can't apologize for your shortcomings.
Idk, it's outdated poetic English
Didn't really seem stuffy to me; I think it was kind of normal for the time
It means your name would fit in a sonnet cause it fits the rule for how the flow should be
Where's the TP reply?
Probably, unless something else grabs me
You kind of seem like you need company but you aren't (You)-ing anyone else
Sounds fun.
We should trade places!
i don't think my girlfriend would be alright with that
Effort is suffering.
you should try proving yourself wrong.
you dense mutherfucker.
if I'm saying stupid shit, quote me, don't pretend like you're making a point by vaguely imitating what you thougt I sounded like.
fuck you
that's your reply
so what's new in your life?
I'm a year behind, so not as young as you think.
Still pretty damn young, though.
I'll have to pester some of the more movie inclined people I know irl to watch, then.
I'm pretty bad at conversing, and it gets worse when I'm tired.
That's good for you I guess. Getting any good gifts this year?
True. I find a lot of literature from that era a pain in the ass to read, though, simply because it doesn't flow very well in my head.
would kanra be ok with a cuck scenario
i think that is the more important question
trade places ? hmmmm... ?
i have zero clue ? i'll find out soon i guess ^-^
i think the most unique posters have told me that TP is the biggest piece of shit here
what made you so stupid?
Shortcomings like being based in any reality unlike whatever delusions you keep muttering to yourself?
Do you want me to tell my subconscious that I'm dreaming incorrectly and that I need to adhere to scientific guidelines that determine the existence and conditions of dreaming?
bd nooo what happened no-o o o o o
I should get your discord then
or just start posting here more regularly again
I have never really been into live action asian shows
The last episode airs on Saturday
I know, but still a fancy word!
fancy words are fun~
Yes, you get to be Canadian for a short while and try neat stuff like Poutine and ice fishing.
Well, good luck with the draw.
I'm not even stupid, I just have asian parents.
I wish seventh grade me wasn't so damn keen on pleasing my parents.
I want you to understand there is no science to suggest there's such thing as a subconcious.
i remember when Erio used to dislike you because he always took you too seriously, i think he absolutely hated you
give a fat bitch a cheeseburger and she'll suck the skin right off the tip of your dick
I'm not even on the first one
Careful! Some places do Poutine correctly but they are very rare! Too many restaurants just fuck up a basic poutine and make it either too salty, watery, bad fries, or can't melt the cheese..
You actually need recommendations from local Canadians to tell you where you can get the best poutine.
well that turned sour
ohhhhh asian
i always forget about the traditional asian thing
cause i don't see race on the internet
I think you may like Fated to Love you.
It has a less than endearing premise. But the comedy makes up for it.
here's one cato
stocking was a real piece of shit in the day
and honestly he's lucky i talk to him
Confirmed Chiri doesn't know anything about good poutine
dont take it too hard, now he gets along with you fine, it's hilarious
you want me to be more serious? i don't think kanra would enjoy watching me fuck my girlfriend, he can weigh in on that if he likes
okay i am on my way !!!!! COME ON DOWN TO FLORIDA TOWN BABY
ty. what are you doin up ?? isnt it past your bedtime
Well that's gotta be new. Thanks for the tip, I'll work that in so my entire mind is uniform instead of a bilateral entity. That'll help, and the conversion won't be difficult as I've already understood myself as one entity that experiences both consciousness and unconscious dreamstate.
It's not my cup of tea to be honest.
Though there was a nice restaurant in Montreal that sold poutine. Which, I should go back to.
Like Stocking from Panty and Stocking?
hey now, you have to at least melt the curds so they string along. I understand you want a few curds to chew on for the squeak but you need the melted strings... cmon
But then you can binge!!!
A good portion of the reason I like anime is because I enjoy how it looks.
and it's with the most popular character
This is the chans, I'm just sort of used to making explanations on that whole race thing.
My edgy phase continues on...
It is, but I'm bad at sleeping, so I'm just waiting to feel exhausted enough to fall down and sleep.
Been meaning to go to Florida for some time actually.
Good excuse to go!
No, you only need the squeak.
tsundere's are usally the best
someone please cap this it wont be me
The hunger is making it harder to continue giving (You)'s
Gonna just make poptarts cause I don't feel like driving anyway brb
TP I'll reply to u hold on
That and
IRL lesbians look silly.
well you must be hardcore original cause I like my cheese melty.
being said though, nobody in this city does proper poutine, literally the best poutine I can get from burger king.
yeah i know sleep is pretty lame tbh
do u have an discord ?
hee hee
its okay down here. theres a really really fun music scene and also a lot of theatres that show lesser release films. its nice.
stocking is what i call your erio
next thing you know you'll be be typing walls no one reads and locking gay guys in your basement
like kanra
maybe. if I knew you better. otherwise it'd just be two strangers, and who cares about that?
subconcious doesn't exist, and unconcious doesn't mean what it did mere decades ago.
individual cellular phenomena is unconcious. but we don't consider it the deeper parts of an iceberg.
Um, Orlando?
I just thought they used to post as Stocking from the anime Panty and Stocking maybe, it sounds like something they would love
it was his first av
They don't really play up the tsundere aspect on the show. But most of the characters have personalities that differ from what they play in the diner
Most of the time, this!
HELLO ??????????
You don't even have a Smokes?
Well, it was a decent tip, I mean if you can just tell me that science has written off the concept of subconscious I can understand why; I'm really just one mind with different facets and subjected to several cognitive realities and subsequent memory storage.
Good times.
mhmm i remember now, the Stocking poster was then them, do you have any caps from that period?
a what
wishy pls less sensual ;;
oh sure
you are not even getting a half serious reply out of me
At least we have VRchat now.
Though, it's a bit creepy knowing there's a twink at one end and a 300lb man on the other.
if you find me anything worth showing let me know
I do. Why do you ask?
Man, I've been here for less than a day. I don't even know the autism that you're referring to.
Maybe I do know the walls no one reads, though.
feels like i'm being lied to
It's easy when you aren't serious.
Never heard of it.
You would be if you were a customer~
you know what
i was thinking i was going to throw out some badass cap
but i never transferred my old caps
damn i need to boot up the old beast
basically anyone that only types 2-3 words ever is fucking crazy
anyone who types 2-3 paragraphs is asian
your images
oh my x///x
It's pretty much the best chain restaurant for poutine.
nother one
This thingy.
I'm not even lewd posting.
aweh damn, well it can't be helped then, i know that feeling, i appreciate the effort you were willing to expend anyways
Shit. I better get even lengthier, then.
Erio Touwa was technically my first av but I wasn't really participating in the threads much at that time
Anyway I'm in the process of ingesting these poptarts so wait a bit before I start (You)ing everyone again
They don't look as good when you've been eating them frequently enough
My answer to you is that I'm still being a NEET and avoiding the sun so not much is new since we last talked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's new in yours
i would hate to see what your "lewd posting" looks like then
Dang, they never came to my old home town and the closest one to be now is in Burnaby.
At least I have a Pita Pit.
where the fuck are you
i will find some old caps
it's just right over there
talk about how the meaning of the word is in the word
You're missing an opportunity!
I don't actually recognize the brown hair chick.
Still you should sleep.
van isle.
an hour away from it yeah
i dont like living near/in a city so thats good
and i like to drive
so it works out
bc you should add me ^^
Kaiyote#8517 if you wanttttttt
I think the translator was distracted looking at that character
i found some good ones
also whoops i linked in the middle of the thingy
i wanna see cucumber do a kiki cosplay
no i'm pretty sure he was mexican
I used Wil Wheatons name.
Hopefully when some news article pops up about me using his name every where. He'll cry about it on Twitter.
They're a lot dryer than you remember after a while.
Where have I even been lewd posting?
The only thing close to lewd was a random Sagiri pantsu shot.
Do you have a Manchu Wok?
you're not really that interesting
so if you don't mind i would like to politely discontinue this exchange
Very close!
any reason you're not somewhere more normal?
I do like tomboys.
not very memey just a artist i like
then it's been pretty impressive so far, no?
crime rates, drug addicts.
you have all sorts of accidental lezzies in your folders
it's hella lewd
BTW not to brag or anything but I was just remembering earlier today that it was basically me who kept these threads alive for the few months after Bern saw alicefags in them and rage quit for the first time in like late 2011
Then GarEE metaphorically sucked Bart's cock and everything was ruined forever
There's ur history lesson for the day
They do tend to make me thirsty
I'm drinking coffee to wash them down at 1am
there's at least one mistake in every chapter
Too much effort. I'd rather just copypasta sections from something vaguely intellectual sounding.
Couldn't hurt, I guess. Don't expect me to talk too much, though. I'm a shut-in by nature.
Accidental lezzies?
What the heck?
You're thirsty all right.
garbear has a literal kid
if you ever come down !! let me know and i can say.
HEWWO also cute piccie :3
i meant to type tombo but tomboy also works !!!
cute pic
it okay
if u add me and u disappear from thread ever and i wanna talk and youre on discord and youre okay with talking THEN I CAN SAY hi
like yuri stuff
technically these are the remains of more than just the anime threads but yea
ok, maybe not so much.
do it enough and you will have a following
Most of my images are just 1 girl tho
I have a couple more!
yea, fuck humans.
makes me want to vomit all over the place
dammit wish this image is suggestive
how big is the cute pic collection ? hmm...
who is best blend-s maid for kit ?
Not lately
Peru basically just fell in my lap without me trying so that doesn't count
The wild dogs would die without a corpse to feed on
this one
cause she is the sadist
christians, conservatives, corporate, resource companies, crazies, gangs..
Not too large I'm afraid.
Though, I have a huge folders on my flashdrives with everything imaginable.
the candle isn't?
Sounds like a plan.
Better get started sometime soon. With the crowd I'll pick up here, who knows what I could do?
maybe that is a sign to find a better download!
You want suggestive?
Here's suggestive
No way, they were pure and innocent and not a slut at all.
Didn't you listen to them?
s m h
mafuyu has the best fashion sens ;-;
i want her wardrobe
tfw im an christian...
yeah i need to grab my back up folder from my other HDD
recently i reset windows and its like aaaaa all my pics are not here on this HDD
well you have to add me first u stinky and u havent done that YET
I don't care enough
I'll just wait for the animu
you only live once. don't take risks.
sorry, I wish Santa Claus were real too.
Will Wheaton suicide when?
holy moly
how deep into the underage do you go
good one cucumber
cute but not good enough
How many images do you have?
You're right, want to help me start a conservative christian drug gang and start buying up oil properties to fund our yolo movement?
we can avoid taxes entirely by filtering it through our church which is a basement in Alberta.
cardi b = cancer
Probably in his 40's when he realizes that complaining on Twitter got him no where in life.
Or is he already 40?
He's a boy.
I was thinking earlier that maybe I should make a thread history Pastebin and have other people collaborate with me on it to make sure I don't fill it with propaganda
Like from 2011 basically up til now
Sexually repressed people are fun
i wanna be mafuyu when i grow up that is my dream
on this pc right now ? not many. at all. maybe like 30
i really like this girls hair
they need to stop making fucking strippers and whores famous
that was a horrible trap image though just saying wish
He has a nice tabletop youtube channel, he's way cooler than Shia LaBeouf, I hope you don't have the two confused.
so you are a shotacon? x///x
im going to go shower. be back soon bubs.
This girl is a ridiculously cute moe blob.
I just like how many head patting images there are.
Suggestie traps!
myafu is best for a reason
Now that is a good line of thinking
I completely missed this post, woops
i believe in you
She don't dance now
She make money moves
It's been some time.
The name stands out and I go on to porn forums and use his name as a handle.
I think the last I heard of him was during GamerGate.
let me know her name so i can look her up when im done showerin
ty kit !!
I fuck with Bodak Yellow
I don't touch Cardi B otherwise though
You're fun!
No, just a normal degen.
Thanks Hepty
shut up lloyd
will probably get more caps from the first episode than i will from this entire manga
Just flat out admits it
You can hear what she sounds like on this Wiki here.
He tends to have minor celebs on his episodes and play boardgames, it's very entertaining.
He had Ashly Burch on once too.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of those existed these days.
I'm not even kidding. Those things could all be involved in oil and promoting a Carpe Diem lifestyle.
I remember when the internet was obsessed with this trap
you're coming in too hot
I mean she's not like the WORST thing. Strippers aren't horrible people.
I was just thinking about you. What's up
paying to not get laid is the most evil thing ever
and mature!
Now that's a name from a loooong time ago
how many years has it been? It's kinda scary to think about..
The first episode is a treasure trove
that's how the execs work, they promote christian morals but know they're going to die, so they suck the fun out of everything and burn it down.
Ashly Burch is alright.
I believe Wil was in Star Trek at one time.
And he was. Go figure.
oh wait real lloyd is my jam
carry on sir
I'm actually kinda cold.
Did you have a bad experience with a stripper
i kinda hate people
Less than one.
Good night.
this is good news
Shut up, Wesley!
Why do you hate people?
Hi Wish
I don't pay taxes. Does that make me a bad person?
Hello there.
honestly badfox i think we should hash how things actually went down
the culprits:
his followers
everyone he fucked
if it means anything
at that point i just followed the crowd
based luka is still holding down your board like a hero
Since posting started/ switched to Cato
Sleep well
Maybe you should just go ahead and download it
my advice may have been bad
Play Uno with them
I think he is.
All the more reason I'm impatient for his overdo an hero.
You tend to miss a lot, Cat-O.
Do you vote?
I don't have time tonight
I already did
I can only go for one round of any kind of board game then Im pretty much done with it
They're on like their 4th round
If you were a girl would you honestly not shake ass and dudes pay you shittons of money?
Sounds pretty fun
What're you doing tonight?
hey soto how good does it feel to throw niggas under the bus
fuck no
I don't even know.
I'm shitting here shitposting and watching the Yugioh marathon on Twitch.
Kill me?
How about you?
Pretty fucking good lmao
How's it hanging Teeps?
Hey, I'm just a bit of a dope.
Ain't on purpose!
Tomorrow, then!
How can they even manage three?
neither do I, but I still feel entitled to political opinions.
I would.
I'd be a very disgusting woman.
I'm watching shitposts on youtube.
Mildly entertained but I think I might just give in to the z's monster soon.
Is that marathon still going? I'd have thought yugioh would be over by now. Is it GX?
i am free til 2018
just keeping these monkeys in line
maybe if i finish capping the manhga
did any more chapters of that end up coming out?
Not too much, did christmas stuff today. shopping.
how are you two?
not me
You're asking me lol
Just been getting trashed alot more just cause it's my bday in 4 more days
Christmas is also coming up so there's that
Im all out of alcohol though
Fucking sucks
Ooh, reminded me I haven't read Ava's Demon in a long time.
Right? Last time I made a serious vote it was for Jack Layton and as you know he was a Christian, but I believed in what he stood for.
I'll show you fun
I'm a bigger dope
is your birthday xmas?
lol that sucks
honestly the only reason i remember my friends pete and noahs's birthdays are because they are around christmas
i never remember sam's august bday
you also believe in dreams
fix that.
can we cut the smiles trip
we get it she's a slut
At first I thought Smiles was a hypocrite but now I just see her as a cool and cunning seductress so it's all good
I should too, my neck is killing me.
They just announced a new one with the newer seasons.
Oh yeah?
Lilith is sexy in nun clothing, you know
No, dreams are real.
It's updating all the time, every thursday.
I'm chilling.
I was busy all day but now I'm relaxing watching youtube shitposts.
What christmas stuff did you do?
You'd just be like a cute prep girl
OHO, so I was right it is GX
What's wrong with your neck? You sum kinda freak
By the way I bet you've cybered as a girl more times than I have
lol she's religious tho
fuck all that noise
That sounds like it may be a while
That's why longer board games are better.
Is that a challenge?
least slutty one ever
I did 4 of them in the last hour
Yes, no dreams are real.
It's just a front to lure in her sexual prey
I'm still playing the original borderlands and hold it as a perfect example of a well made game that I want more of.
Well that's good
She took like 2 years off
You're so smart.
I wish I could be half as smart as you.
I think I just slept on it wrong so I can't tilt it to the right that well.
You're probably not wrong :^)
so i was a little anxious the other night trying to fall asleep
so i decided i would watch all the fast/furious movies
honestly paul can suck a dick
Don't play this game. I'll have no part in it. You either lack an understanding of a part of reality that exists, or have not experienced it, or deny it; but dreaming is proven to exist.
how do i make a cat go away
BY THE WAY, this goes for everyone, if I'm shitposting about past drama of yours and you don't like it you can complain to me in private or something and I'll stop
Erio is doing nothing wrong
Weirdly, the only person I ever cybered as a girl was Nezi when he was new and thought I was a girl
Well I am playing EVE and it is the epitome of all online games.
You don't, you must bow to its will
I think that just means you instantly lose.
lol you faggots actually cybered each other
That is actually impressive.
Reading them too?
hit it
pls no
fuck you stocking i have been wronged by you
I unironically spent spent $320 on trying to roll for Scathah in Fate/Grand Order. Fate Go is amazing.
i dunno what it wants
yeah but it's kinda hard
Yeah and the comic is phenomenal now.
Ava gets hype
Hi Smiles
You actually are exactly half as smart as me.
I'm twice the intelligence of the average canadian
Spray it with water
Yeah, I know
You've probably cybered as a girl more than just once, so you win
Yeah it was fun, I would masturbate to it and then watch drama unfold about it afterward
Dreaming exists, but it is not a special place or state that communicates deeper things about ourselves.
There are plenty of studies you can do to test that.
Just like back in the days of Freud, we ascribe meaning to dreams and wrongly think it's the other way around; that our dreams have meanings we need to discover.
it just ain't so. and you can start working on a new way of thinking about the way you view your dreams now, which seems just like memorizing a sequence of events, by recalling the phenomena that occurs during your dream states, from how you've described it. Consider the fact you dream every night.
i ddon't wnat it to hate me
pretty brazen for the actual smiles to post
considering how many ponies she fucked
on that depressing note
nini lloyd
nini chree
and tp i guess
later you idiot kanra
they get rinsed
I have spent over $1000 on slices of meteorites which are at most a few grams and really just use them to brag to my peers now.
...Fate Go sounds interesting
Pets, give it pets
I actually don't know how you do it. If I cap something I end up losing the story
I have to get back into it
gwenpool also
Night dude
So water has no effect on this cat?
They're basically unstoppable then.
rip your life
That's a generalization though. I never said dreams ALWAYS are about subconscious meanings; I merely said that the ones that DO bring up memories of my past, I think about and deal with the past in the present, which helps with social issues I'm aware of currently.
my heart has grown affinity for kanra
and i don't have a lot of it so i usually end up giving up
TP explain ur frustrations so we can work out our sexual tension like mature adults
water has a very good effect on them
but that's only when they are naughty
What is Gwenpool about
Try distracting them with a toy or something
won't hurt to learn what dreams actually are though
in the end, it turns out you didn't need them; it was in you all along
what do you mean
Isn't that what I said?
If you only manage to cap the first few episodes, that is a lot of images. that's what I ended up doing with S&W
But I'm well below average.
N-No, I've never done something that lewd >///
it won't be as bad cause i'll prolly just be capping her unless anyone wants someone else
Anyway, I've got to go and have some dreams now, thanks for all of the manipulators and those who enjoy being manipulated.
The truth is out there.
stocking you invent whatever narrative you want
that has always been your way
How can I establish dominance over you if you self-deprecate at every turn!!!???
(you didn't think I would blindly agree)
What narrative am I inventing?
Who would do that?
Get countered, nerd :^)
Hey Lloyd
I give 10% of my yearly income to my church without question and paid in monthly installments because it tells me to do so in a book, and I get nothing physical from it.
I then proceed to feel good because I'm doing what was told to me by the book.
if you have time, could you get some mafuyu?
ask me in an hour
you can't think that i actually believe your selfish bullshit
I can
you've said a lot of stuff about dreams, I'm not sure if you've changed your mind, which is why I keep suggesting you look into it yourself. it seems fragile ot hinge any developments or lessons you have in life on dreams, if you truly knew what they were.
it still sounds like you're reading actual symbolism from your dreams, Freudian or Jungian style. when I say it was in you all along, I mean have you considered your basing your remembering of the issues, off of triggers you put a lot of faith in, when it comes to dreams?
I haven't had a meaningful dream in years. I enjoy them, especially the 'nice' ones. But I just, forget all my dreams.
Which is normal if you don't force yourself to remember them.
seems like erio is just making money these days on the chans
like a bitch
I work what amounts to significantly more than 40 hours a week for significantly less than minimum wage so I can struggle to get a job that doesn't have any immediate benefit to humanity.
And I can't get enough of it.
Anyway I don't really beef with people anymore
how do i AD BLOCK erio
tfw something comes over you mid shower and you start to black out and cold sweat and also wanna vomit and also your legs stop working and u almost fall over and die but luckily u sit down on the toilet quick and wait out whatever the heck is happening and also your ear is on fire and u want to die
keep going
i know erio
he's lied about way less
Glad I posted an ad right before u made this post so it made sense and was funny
We're a good team
You wanna do me a favor and kill me?
I have to go to the doctor tomorrow anyway so it's a good day to die.
What've you been up to?
Getting paid by the month is better imo.
At least for me it encourages me to spend less.
Yeah I relate to that
the story ends with me waiting it out
feeling a little better
and now im laying down feeling a lot bettee
erio is a spam
This does not sound like a good feeling
you are spam though
prolly gonna take longer tho
Only if you kill me first.
It's only fair since I asked first.
What'cha going to the doctor for?
You and I are both high energy shitposters
i guess it comes down to what is spam
and who really cares
It's about a girl that goes into the comic book universe and has her way with things. Her only super power is that she knows all of the secrets of the superheros because she was a comic book nerd.
actually pretty fun
Just a checkup.
I'm p sure he's gonna tell me I only got a couple weeks to live though ;w;
Time to post this meme and let the $$$$ roll in
i will fuck your shit up
seamless bandanas are pretty good for being a delinquent
Fuck, well I don't think I'll win.
I've been busy with life mostly.
I don't know, just ran ragged.
What would Nymph say about this topic?
Tbh I still don't really understand why you are upset
Yeah, but why?
lloyd wtf
it was terrible
You should have just admitted you were a boy to him
That guy was a gay
Doesn't need to be a lot, just whenever you see something that would be interesting.
What do i win?
Has it happened before?
That seems pretty exceptional.
oh i'm not
it's for like the cams
You're gonna fucking die
I refuse to do it half ass
I don't know if I really even had feelings for him.
but actually i secretly hold a vendetta against stocking
But she's also deadpool?
Are you going to be taking a holiday?
Just fear
What'd I do
nvm. gl at the docs.
Oh yeah, you're probably dead duwude.
Thanks bood
A good thing about Holla Forums was it felt like we had more of an audience
Yeah, I know
Feel free to slap me for saying this, but I kind of feel like I was ultimately doing you a favor, with both of those relationships
That boy folded right away, at the slightest suggestion of cock
I'm not exaggerating
But why
literally has never happened it was so weird i have no idea why it happened
Now i definitely wouldn't complain about a complete folder
Is this show worth finishing?
She modeled her costume off deadpool and breaks the fourth wall.
How long did it take to go away?
just more reason to finish it
This but unironically
cyoot piccie.
it took about....
~13 minutes ?
so not too terribly long. it was just an extreme amount of terrible sensations at once. that was absolutely terrible
timed but ironically
once cut himself for posters
Glad that post went over well ^^
Idk when you guys are going to learn that I'm shameless
Well, most of you have
Remember me as I was.
Cute and full of potential
I like having the fourth wall borken!
Nothing like the story getting immersed in me rather than the other way around.
In horror movies shit gets too real though.
how do you come back from wanting to die for a poster
i find it hard to believe that you have any will to live
anything you say is horseshit
Suicide has never been something I've seriously considered
Neko, cats are nice.
It may have been a migraine if you had any kind of lingering headache.
Migraines can manifest in very different ways in different people.
Go for it, then!
I forgot who from here used to post gwen
why should anyone believe that
you have not shown yourself to be someone deserving belief
it wasnt a migraine
i had zero pain or discomfort all day and then out of nowhere this struck
i dont think its anything big or important
just something super stinky
in fact when i think of you
i think of lies
Kanra does.
He's here now.
Also thanks I'll check it out!
This is a phenomenon that seems to be unique to you
a big bundle of lies you are
Eh, I'm pretty hard to tick off.
Err, yeah.
That's what you were.
you lie to everyone
this is why your only friend is bloodchan
you laugh
you are shit
i like her skirt a lot
i wish there was some way to put in a picture to a clothing search thing and then its like
heres the clothing items and where to get them
Do you have a different recollection you'd like to share!?????
You say the same thing about me, though.
That wasn't always the case :3
It's hard to talk to you when you just keep saying things that aren't true
Like, you're honestly not going to bother me, so we can either have an actual discussion about why you're upset or keep going nowhere
Darwin minion #37
Hi Jenkins.
I got through episode 8 and dropped, but that was in the middle of a few stressful weeks.
I think I'll finish them up next week
That is what happens when I get migranes
nothing all day, I get a blind spot, and then I lose all my peripheral vision.
Just be careful!
My family has a cat that used to be the most evil thing ever but apparently mellowed out while I was gone. Now I am back at your previous question: How do you make a cat move?
He doesn't post with a name, right?
oh my ;;
you know i'm right though
Hello, Jason.
Wait, come back
Yeah he does that for some reason
you are kanra'ing
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
throw it
oh fine
okay i will be careful
what are you doing the rest of the night ?
well morning now.
I did that in case you were drive by posting
Posting then leaving
check that shit
But you know I would not have seen it.
I guess I'm adopting that too
it's nice to have some change
I don't want it to hate me again!
posting for a little longer before I sleep while watching the Best Ever Food Review Show
and maybe trying to swindle you out of your discord.
i mean stocking i'll fuck your shit up if your want
-does a thing that X poster who is generally disliked does-
they always land on their feet
Like being savaged by sheep.
Okay, let loose~
literally no one likes your dumb ass
Went to the mall for shopping.
I'll do cooking on Christmas eve for the dinner I do. Though I'm only doing an appetizer.