The libs control culture, academia, and the old media, they used the be able to brainwash people easily.
But right wingers just took to the internet.
The libs spent all those decades taking over tv when the right just cucked them with the info super highway.
The things libs fight for might have been rebellious at one time, but in modern times they are the norm, the system actually is for trannies, immigrants, nigs, it wants to absorb them into capitalism.
I mean, how are you the rebel when you have slutwalks sponsored by rebok, or like trannies fighting to fight for imperialism.
I wouldn't say that the far left isnt rebellious, its just the system has created methods of destroying communists and every group with revolutionary potential through the use of idpol
The actual things the system are against are violence, anything that would hurt the profit motive, this includes both the far right and far left. It is against any racial, gender, sexual, religious hatred. It needs the population to be non violent, effeminate, docile consumers.
Really what mass culture does is promote capitalist ideals and the status quo.
Of course, when liberal capitalism is all encompassing, has destroyed an atomized western peoples, cultures, traditions. A rebellious thing you could do would be to be a black sun worshiping occultist or catholic crusader. When the majority of media promotes the lib line of being a brain dead consumerist liberal who loves multiculturalism than of course an actual rebellious move would be to be against those things.
You wont be seeing death in june on mtv
What is rebellion anyways.
You have to be the right winger in the big city.
You have to be the communist in rural middle of nowhere.