Rojava is not a socialist revolution.
National governments don´t care who you endorse, unless you actually have the means to effect them. Third worldism and analysis of imperialism is mostly pointless.
Sectarianism is a real problem. The solution is more ruthless criticism. People need to not be little bitches that split parties because they cannot except when they are wrong.
Semantics are important, but the definition of socialism has been debated to death and I am tired of pseudo left-communists word policing everyone with their "socialism is abolition of commodity production for exchange" bullshit.
Bakunin was right that the lumpenproletariat and peasantry have revolutionary potential.
Guerrilla warfare is an effective revolutionary tactic.
Che Guevara is not overrated.
The right should not be allowed to have a monopoly on patriotism. I love my country. It produced the IWW and the Black Panthers. The American revolution and the Constitution are both pretty bad ass as well. Socialism in American cannot be imposed as a cosmopolitan ideal, it must be seen as an extension of American freedom. Rural Americans have revolutionary potential, and people that dismiss them as dumb hicks are petite bourgeois faggots.
The divide between anarchism and Marxism is not nearly as clear as it was during the Hague congress, because anarchism has evolved significantly since then. Anarchists, including mutualists, should be taken seriously.
Communalism is dumb and wrong.
Marxist ideological naming conventions (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Marxist-DeLeonist, Bordigist etc.) contribute to the perception that we are all followers of cults of personality.
Prefigurative politics is not utopian. Anyone who says otherwise is lying about having read the Critique of the Gotha Programme. The success of any revolution is largely determined by the degree to which they have established prefigurative structures.
Racism is real and a Marxist analysis of it is essential for understanding oppression.
Marxist feminism and anarcha-feminism are correct.
Eugenics should be divorced from race science and cautiously explored.
The Golden One is a good YouTuber and all communists should practice lifestyle fascism.
As much as I want to ironically like the Roo, he is too irritating for me to watch for more than two minutes at a time.
==NAZBOL== is a good meme, and has not yet gotten old.
People should be allowed to smoke in restaurants and bars.
As a whole, anime is very average.
Tea is better than coffee.
Wittgenstein really did solve philosophy.
"Reddit spacing" is not a thing, and anyone that causes anyone of it is a newfag.