Henry Kissinger is an evil magical ghoul who appears once every 4-8 years to give the United States government the worst foreign policy advise possible. And he never dies.
Kissinger "warns" of "future Iranian Violence"
what advice has he given in the past?
He was the single biggest pusher of the Vietnam War, as well as the wars in the Middle East.
He supported Pinochet. He supported coups.
You name a fucked up thing Kissinger did it
It takes work to be as hated as this bastard, talk of kissinger on left circles and people mention guillotines, talk of kissinger on radical right circles, and they mention gas chambers. This single man is responsible for more suffering and death in the planet than almost everyone else.
I'm not even trying to be even remotely edgy, but supporting Pinochet and coups wasn't necessarily a stupid move for America.
20 years later and there is no socialism in sight in Chile or the other countries that America took over.
How can people believe in god when this fuck is still a fucking FPadvisor
because of american interventionism
Why and how the fuck is that creature still alive?!
He destroyed all that was good in the world around him, feeding off of the destruction. But just as the destruction fed him, he too was consumed. The price for his everlasting life, you see, is a constant death. He is neither truly alive nor dead. He simply is.
he also pulled back door diplomacy moves with China to help the Khmer Rogue and Yaya Khan in Pakistan, as well as gave Indonesia the ok on invading East Timor, meaning he was personally involved with at least three different genocides, four if you count the Vietnam bombing campaign as one.
Still can't believe this fucker outlasted Fidel Castro. Truly this is the worst of all possible worlds.
You know Star Wars is a total bougie narrative right?
He is right though. Once isis is destroyed iran has a straight shot of influences that reaches through Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
Its called the shia crescent.
Better Iranian influence than ISIL or US influence.
Yah, but its going to make the neocons and zionists got bat shit insane.
Another thing is the odds of Hezbollah and Israel war are going to go way up once syria is over
Exactly, that was the other user's point. Saying that the United States' support of Pinochet and coups was dumb overlooks the fact that this policy succeeded in preventing the spread of socialism and extracting the natural and human resources from South America.
Literally just googled sheev and downloaded a random image
Unless they get bored with the middle east and turn their guns to Africa, I doubt that this will accomplish much.
Quick rundown plz
Henry Kissinger is just a nice old man who's friends with Hillary Clinton and Stephan Colbert. I mean how bad can he be?
I never understood how hillary drones can reconcile this. My father always rants about how she should have won how she was good and would had good polices. And when we talked about kissinger i thought he would say "yea but…" but no he said he was a great stronk man who afraid of nothing and lauded his foreign policy. I mean what the fuck? Shouldnt hillary drones be against war hawking? I don't understand this ( im not american but my father took the election as a hobby so hes the nearest thing to a hillary drone i know)
They have this notion of themselves as the good guys, so any information that disrupts that narrative is immediately discarded.
Etc etc. An excuse for everything.
Nah, Democrats love a war as much as Republicans, as long as it can be spun in a progressive or humanitarian way. The anti war elements of the Ds had long since been purged, unless it can score them some political points with ignorant youths, then its decrepit bones will be trotted out to harangue the Rs a bit, but never enough to actually effect anything.
hope iran drops a nuke directly on that old ghoul
Nobody is saying it's dumb, everyone is saying it's fucked up considering what he did.
Pretty sad. Really ideology can do wonders
Now I understand how my """anarcho individualist""" friend can support invasion of NK and the establishment of a "transition external regime" and still somewhat be anti war
Money might not always buy you happiness, but it can sure as hell buy you healthiness.
This fucking beast can probably live to be 110 on DARPA life support to keep giving future officials terrible, awful, fucking grotesque advice. He's too important to America's fucked up military machine to die.
I'm not super familiar with Kissinger/international relations theory; would it be fair to say that Kissinger's "realism" is essentially a materialist/marxist view of the world, but applied to serve the ruling classes instead?
hahaha no