What got you interested in left-wing ideologies? What ultimately won you over and made you curious about the other side? For me it was arguments against private property existing without a state, and Max Stirner's egoism.
Thread for recent ex-righty/pol/acks
Other urls found in this thread:
There should be some kind of decontamination reading/media list for former Holla Forumsacks. I've found that many of them on here just slightly hange their discourse and the content of their politics while they remain fascist in orientation, form, and motivation.
reading the Communist Manifesto. It was pretty much the first time i'd seen the praxis and goal of marxism actually explained clearly.
this video. I was already mostly almost deconverted when i first watched it, but this was the tipping point.
Adam Curtis' documentaries are great for despooking people, specially internet reactionaries who are accustomed to getting their info in video form.
The mainstream left tells Holla Forums everything is fine and that in fact, they occupy an enviably muh privileged position for which they must feel guilty.
Seeing how representative democracy failed over and over to deliver what the people wanted and how corruption is so rampant.
Gramsci and Sorel but I prefer Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss.
The far left has compelling arguments capitalism and consumerism that you can't find anywhere else.
I am trying to work my way through some basic lefty political thought, but this isn't my only interest so it's slow going.
At the moment I would still say I am right wing, just more distasteful of capitalism. Biological determinism exists and justifies hierarchies to some extent.
Porky correlates to the cognitive elite.
tbh at least half the reason here is that the captchas on 4chan have just gotten horrendus lately
Have you read Heidegger yet?
C'mon Muke, this is total bullshit. Don't peddle Bill Burr-tier conspiracy drivel.
It´s good to have you, but that video is pure cancer.
I mostly became a right winger because the left just looked uninviting. All my life I held what I guess are left principles (society should be altruistic and share, racism and sexism are ignorant, capitalism is bad or at least needs heavy regulation, etc.) but if I were to try and join the left side politically it would shun me or shame me, so I became more and more reactionary over time, I guess by getting sucked into it. Never called myself "conservative" or "fascist" or whatever but I had opinions that aligned with it because all other beliefs couldn't be politicized without essentially needing to whip myself in shame to join the left, and then I'd be following something I hardly agree with and can't criticize. Then I realized that there's parts of the left that are actually really dissatisfied not just with society but with the state of the left at large. They are actual communists, anarchists, etc. and at first I associated communism just with like, the Soviet union and shit and other hellholes you'd escape if you had the chance and anarchism with retarded kiddie dreams, but I started reading some simple articles on Marx on Wikipedia or Youtube videos and I realized that that had almost nothing to do with it. I want to consider myself a communist now and I'm trying to read more Marx (it's hard, but whenever I get through it sounds good), but it's hard to find affinity with anything but places like this where you guys know 99% of the left today is shit and you want to change it, or create an alternative. I at least know for sure that right wing politics are retarded and they mostly just gain followers because from the outside the left looks shit and is dominated by forms of leftism that just suck. If the left fixed its climate and image I'm 100% sure popular political opinion could at least become 50/50 left-right again, if not just in the majority.
Marx wasn't a naive egalitarian. he didn't see humans as inter-exchangable units. Capitalism is driven only by profit, only a human centred system can release the full potentialities of every human being. Under capitalism, even the 'cognitive elite' is forced to dedicate itself to banal profit maximisation. abolishing capitalism would allow us to crack open the natural teleology itself, as Walter Benjamin put it.
If the ideology you subscribe to is based on who is the most inviting or what sounds good rhetorically, you are not going about this whole politics thing logically.
Beware of eloquence, beware of charisma. Think carefully.
Well it's like I said. If all I know is roughly two polar opposites, and one side is completely uninviting, I'll either end up apolitical or slowly find identification with the side that I don't really want to join but is at least inviting and willing to give me space. I think it's a miracle that some people try to really investigate beyond what meets the eye and maybe find out that the left right now is just having an image/strategy problem but that otherwise left wing or even communist positions are good, and they will not get sucked to the right.
Let me give you personal anecdotal evidence: I have two friends that are full-on reactionary Holla Forumsfags, but they never were that way before recently, when the climate changed so that politics start being interesting again, and despite being at least a sort of liberal left at first they slowly became "race realists" and shit because it's just easier to go for easier answers on the side of politics that lets you come aboard no problem. I've tried reasoning with them but now it's produced two brainless morons who say "cuck" whenever someone isn't entirely on their side, and yet they will explain their intellectually broke politics to anyone who wants to give a listen. It's the opposite with the left, or at least the dominant left as of now.
I'm happy that you are no more a reactionary but how lazy you are to change a website because of a captcha ?
Sometimes I forget just how awful an experience it is still posting on halfchan these days.
It's not very good, but at the time it was a fairly racial challenge to my entire worldview
I thought leftypol of all places would understand the desire not to program self driving cars for google pro bono.
More than half of present day leftists seem to be, judging from my experience here and elsewhere. You all love to shit on /r/socialism, but in any Holla Forums thread about gender there will be a handful of posters denying widely accepted scientific phenomenons like testosterone having effects on behavior male behavior.
For all Holla Forums's talk of spookbusting, the religion of Tabula Rasa runs very deep here.
This is philosophically pleasing, but lacking in practicality. If we were to completely abolish individualism we would also abolish our very powerful mechanisms of economic and political calculations. Any society which hopes to achieve a quality of life that is anywhere close to the current standard of living in the west, will require markets, or at least a politubro making sure everyone gets their toilet paper and bread.
Only Tankies, SocDems, Yugos, and of course AnPrims seem to understand this.
give this a read
It explains some of the problems with collectivization and sheds light on why the large socialist states all ended up liberalizing.
You wont hear this side of the story from Muke.
regarding your two reactionary friends, Read what they have read, and then come to your own conclusions. There is a lot of peer reviewed research on both sides of the 'race realism' debate. That shitfest is intense, and if you really delve into it, you gain a university level understanding of statistics and psychology. Judge for yourself.
Your first mistake was assuming that China was communist.
Speaking of ideologues who subscribe to hardcore tabula rasa and totally reject all forms of biological determinism.
I thought muke was supposed to be smart
I didn't call china communist
I am similar as you, but in a different way. I have always considered myself leftwing but I became alienated from lefitst politics by reading non-fiction. It is mainly biology and psychology, and other fields like neuroscience. But also complexity science and history. And I have some of my own non-scientific beliefs; I think there needs to be a new cultural elite and that we need to strengthen democracies against populism, and maybe even replace democracy for something better, since human nature is flawed. Not because humans are greedy or violent, but because they are biased and non-rational.
There is not really a political party or movement I can identify with. I think that populism from both the right and left is a threat to the nation but also democratic politics and capitalism. The first makes necessary but unpopular decisions difficult to make, and the second is wasteful and is destroying the social fabric.
I used to be a Holla Forumsack ancap but then i realized that no matter how free the market is your life won't be worth shit, i thought that we are all free to choose, fuck
Capitalism is bullshit
I don't know how anybody lives within it and doesn't fucking hate it unless they're one of the lucky few that isn't a wage slave. Pure cognitive dissonance.
Another issue I see is technologies in development, but I do not know much about it.
I know a bit more about climate change and that is another big issue.
In fact I think the future could be extraordinarily unstable. I'm not sure what shall survive it.
tfw similar feel. If anything, leftypol has pushed me closer to fascism by eroding my belief in free markets and the value of individualism. Ironic.
there's something about the milkman
read page 133 of the ego and it's own. Thanks.
His Uniqueness. Thats why he is charming.
That is the most dialectical answer I have ever read. Never mind the superstructural ideology. It is the contradictions that are built into the base (Google's capitalist bullshit) that ultimately move people.
Not what I would personally call it.I would call it neo-hobbesian. Instead of people being violent, they are biased, nonrational and sometimes just plain stupid. Of course the people in power have the same issues, so I'm not even sure how it should be solved. But good insitutions should help.
you didnt, I just saw this on the front page and was bored :^)
to be fair, I could have just as easily migrated to 8pol instead of here.
The reason I did not is because I would rather pic related see that I am a regular here, than on the single most far-right community of the interbutt.
Around two years ago I stopped being right-wing altogether. Not sure if that's recent enough in regards to this thread.
Before late 2015 I was more of a right-wing libertarian. Was huge into the Ron Paul thing.
I started paying attention to the Sanders campaign in 2015 because it seemed like he actually gave a shit and had a little bit of teeth on him unlike the vapid candidates that the DNC ran before him. Seeing the Hillary camp made me realize everything I disliked about the leftwing politicians even in my own country and saw that I had a bit of misplaced dislike on the entire leftwing when it's really the leftwing capitalists that cause most of the problems.
I started watching Muke's and Badmouse's stuff and really got into listening to Richard Wolfe, watching the entirety of Adam Curtis' documentaries, interviews with Bookchin, and now I'm a non-sectarian socialist that mostly agrees with leftcoms but has sympathies for Marxist Leninism.
Is 2015 recent? Because thats when i dropped Holla Forums
The nationalistic newspaper i used to read linked once to NazBol affiliated news site
Im always curious about different ideologies, the more radical the better
You want the guys who killed Sankara and Allende and tried to kill Castro ninety times; who propped up Bin Laden to fight the Soviets, who planted Pol Pot to fight the Vietnamese, who supported the Contras against the Sandinistas with money and equipment through Iran; who are a part of the same branch of the same government as the FBI who spent decades undermining every leftist organization within the United States with undercover agents, assassinations, and covert support for divisive identity movements? Why do you want to be on a watchlist?
I was never a Holla Forumsack but I used to watch Sargon.
Richard Wolff
Learning the truth that Stalin never commend genocide against Ukrainians.
He is. He wasnt one and a half year ago though, he was a tard back then.
he did though
No the holomdore was caused by a natural famine combined with the Kulaks burning grain.
What the left needs
Stay for a bit, you might like it.
can you point to a video where he admits to some level of biological determinism?
exporting grain during a famine constitutes genocide
I'm here from Holla Forums and was curious what you guys were about really. I thought you were all SJW queers really but I see that beyond our obvious economic differences and opinions regarding the importance of hierarchy in society we're not that different.
I have been becoming somewhat disenfranchised with capitalism recently and am interested in reading up on more Leftist ideology. I read the Communist Manifesto years ago but that is the extent of my knowledge. Suggestions of good books dealing with anarchism in particular would be appreciated. I tried getting into AnCap stuff but wasn't really feeling it.
I don't really see myself switching sides as a good deal of my political ideology is based around race realism (and destroying the liberal global agenda, which I guess you guys would be more likely to be on board with) but I think we could all benefit from knowing a little more about each other.
race realism isn't real.
the "liberal global agenda" is meaningless.
If, by "liberal global agenda" you mean gay/trans people should have rights, police brutality is wrong, or blacks aren't subhumans and should be treated like humans. I'm on board with all of those things.
But, if by "liberal global agenda" you mean sweatshops, boom/bust cycles, giant monopolies, and exploitation. Then yeah, we're against that.
The "liberal global agenda" doesn't exist. Capitalists are kind of organized but it's not this cabal sitting in an office building somewhere making decisions about what to do next. It's more like forces (the profit drive, expanding capital, etc.) cause them to take very similar actions.
We don't really think capitalism is all bad. It's done a lot of good for humanity. But it's just one range in the arc of history. Generally, the people on here believe that capitalism will end once the rate of profit declines enough, unemployment soars, debt is untenable, etc. (or some confluence of these factors) that the system will inevitably fail.
We're just arguing here over what to do after, and discussing theory, current events from the leftist perspective.
God and the State by Mikhail Bakunin
The Ego and It´s Own by Max Stirner
Everything by Malatesta:
Former Holla Forumsack here. Some arguments that initially persuaded me to move to the left were that globalized capitalism is the reason for communities not existing on the basis of race. If globalized capitalism ceases to exist then people will naturally prefer to associate with people who look and act like themselves.
Additionally since different races are more adapted for the region that their race comes from it makes sense that racial communities would naturally form.
I've since given up on race realism, but those were the arguments that reconciled my racial views with my economic ones.
Read Capitalist Realism. It's a little heavy on the namedropping, but with a little googling you can easily understand the arguments being made in it. It's also really short, so you probably won't have any trouble getting through it.
This is what I find intriguing. I'm a software developer who is contributing to the fall of Capitalism through automation and knows first hand how fast its going to hit us. It seems that most people (especially on /regularpol/) are ignoring the very large elephant in the very near room. Its obvious that something that falls between a restructuring and a full collapse is inevitable and needs to be planned for.
I'll definitely give them a read.
Former Holla Forumsack here too. I even attended a far-right youth group event once during my alt-right period and was reading on Mein Kampf. Before that, I used to be a liberal that was really into anarchism (read Anarchist FAQ and listened to electropunk), and organized an IRL anti-xenophobia event, but I was pushed to alt-right since I thought neoliberals=left wing and got discouraged by this.
At this point, every dogma that I have ever hold has been crushed under the wave of countless arguments for literally every position I have ever heard. I have developed a nihilistic, but optimistic kind of worldview where I believe in altruism because it's in everyone's long term self interest to be altruistic, and being cruel to others or believing in spooks like racism or sexism only serves to discredit your own well-being, since toxic hate is bad for your mental health.
If anyone has questions, I'll leave this tab open and reply you. Doesn't matter if you are a former Holla Forumsack too or have been a lifelong karltural marxist.
anarchkiddies get out reee
Oh hey, I've seen you around here before. You're pretty cool. Thanks for making this board just a little bit better user.
how is that?
But umm… t-thanks?
You have mostly good opinions and you're not a dick or a shitposter. You've got a fairly recognizable posting style tbh.
Interesting that you recognize the posting styles. You t-too fam .. !
This is actually really common. There are heaps of people out there who long considered themselves "left" from a purely policy and principle perspective and when they finally found some issue that activated them and tried to get involved in politics, they find the left is actually dogmatic, childish, cliquish, elitist and probably broadly hates them for something they can't change. This is actually a big problem on the left - there is no solidarity, no sense of shared history and tradition, no (dare I say it) working class identity and culture. Some of this is a result of 50+ years of liberal propaganda and COINTELPRO and such, but plenty is down to the New Left just being fucking useless navel gazing petty-bourgeois dipshits.
I would hazard a guess that a large slice of the "classical liberal" fad crew is only there because the left is so deeply unwelcoming to average working class people and they'll rationalise going along with dumbfuck lolbert economics for the sake of not being shat on by their own team all the time. And while guys like can say that it shouldn't matter and you should approach it logically and impersonally, literally nobody does this (including the user who wrote that post). Listen to guys like Dave Rubin (boo, hiss) and the sort of shit they say and while the details may differ, the basic journey that he lays out of becoming disaffected with "the left" is a story you'll hear over and over on the broad new right. And while the left collectively refuses to even acknowledge there's a problem, we'll never be in a position to make good on any political opportunity that comes along because we have no popular base.
I saw an collection of anti-women's suffrage political cartoons and realized they were identical to the attacks Gamergaters were making. Portraying all the suffragettes as hideous old maids, male supporters as weak effeminate losers who were just pretending to support women's rights because they thought it could get them laid, etc. Second was realizing that for all the ranting about cultural marxism and feminism none of the other Holla Forumstards and alt right types ever really quoted the enemy's texts or showed signs of having read their works; all their knowledge (and my knowledge) came from what amounted to polemical texts against the left that mostly drew from other polemical texts. So I decided to read some far left wing and feminist theory.
Next, learning more about history and seeing how little historical basis thete was behind their conceptions of Germanic and Greco-Roman paganism, and the completely anachronistic nature of the "ancient pan-European" shit the Iron Pill types promote.
What killed my Ancapish tendencies was reading an argument on the Internet between ancaps/libertarians and a socialist where the socialist pointed out that the argument that private property is natural is bullshit. Basically, that a bear's territory or squirrel's nut stash are not equivalent to the ancap/lib notion of property because the animals hold no exclusive claim over it, there's no absentee ownership, and no mechanism by which other animals must contribute parts of their kills/foraging done in that area to the "owner."
I just want to say there's no shame in having a "pre-woke period." Nobody chooses their origins and the majority of cultures work hard to keep people entrenched in bad ideology. And if you manage to escape from that, there are fucktons of cults and other exploitative people who will try to reel you in. People pretty much always do the best they can with what they have, and now you have us.
Yet sadly this is what most people do.
The bottom left flag should be orange and black rather than red and black given what's written.
not really
although Proudhon is considered the first Anarchist he's really more of an "individualist anarchist" by today's definition.
I was referring to the "having rights over property you use".
ahaha this image is hilarious. How the fuck can people not grasp how retarded it is that we're the only specie on this fucking planet that has to "pay" to live here
Both syndicalists and mutualist think property should be owned by the ones that use it
am i the only one here that wasn't a retard from pol
I came to 8ch for a, v, TV, and co. I came to leftypol after I complained about pol shit in every fucking thread. Especially Holla Forums, it was fucking retarded. Multiple image posting finally enabled story timing that wasn't a pain in the fucking ass, and those dipshits spent all their time bitching about SJWs in comics they didn't read except to bitch about them.
Why are you so obsessed with race to begin with? Does race mean Caucasian/mongloid/negroid to you? Or do you mean ethnicity?
Came for the gamergate and niche boards you won't find anywhere else (because I made one of them), stayed for the gommunism and Holla Forums. Shame Holla Forums and Holla Forums became lost causes, and that people are too spooked to switch to other boards in mass.
I actually came here from /v9k/ because I was tired of the woman hate threads and Holla Forums threads, I never agreed with that shit and always hated the reactionary bullshit from day 1. I just wanted to wallow in self pity of alienation and virginity but no every fucking thing is muh jooz muh genedics muh niggres muh wimminz. Stupid sacks of shit. I thought this was sjw board by how they talked about it but I came here and thankfully I left that shitfest behind
No, I came from 420chan mostly, would browse troll back in the day but only to troll the stormfags
I've been a lefty since I was 14.
I got a job and worked with a lot of blacks and Hispanic because if I didn't I'd get kicked out of the house. They were all really nice to me even though I was (and still am) a socially retarded autist. I even screamed "NIGGERS" once when I dropped a box on my toe and I didn't get beaten up. Once my shitbox of a car's transmission was about to break down and I couldn't afford to fix it. One of my coworkers repaired it for me for free. I couldn't believe it. I'd never do something like that for him.
So I got off Holla Forums because my worldview just didn't work with reality anymore. I couldn't sustain the delusion
same, I've always floated between socdem and some mild form of socialist, before eventually taking the plunge.
Right wing pretentiousness. Most of the right always seem to talk down to everyone. They get triggered then block or ban you when you prove them wrong. Rightists are just unhappy and angry people.
No, it really doesn't
Well, this is a former Holla Forumsack thread user, so you'll tend to see that. Before I came here, my main sites were occasionally anarchistlibrary, reddit, haphazardly nationstates and mostly wikipedia, earlyish leftbook and tvtropes. Thanks alot you assholes for sucking me into the shitty chans, though I wasn't do much before, I'm wasting my time even worse now than ever before. My Political exploration during the 2008 election and goes something like social conservative (bc of my catholic family) with support of Keynesian economics -> Wikipedia Fascist for a week when I was about 12 or something (Third Way is Mix of the Left and Right, right?) -> Pacifistic Democrat -> Social Democrat with Marxist leanings -> Generic Marxist and anti-imperialist-> Marxist with Anarchist sympathies -> Libertarian Socialist/Marxist -> Egoist Marxist (after reading Stirner) -> Ultra who has got a lot of theory to read. But that's all on the realm of what I think is right. If I'm being honest with the actions I've taken, I've been acting like a succdem for participating in this latest election, partly because I'm both still kinda young (turning 19 in about a month, and only just getting into the workforce this summer as an unpaid intern) and I'm honestly unsure of what activities on the left are even worthwhile other than reading theory. I critically supported Bernie as my compromise candidate during the primaries. Voted mostly for the medical marijuana referendum in my state
I am still a straightedge Fascist in all my sensibilities and tastes. Communism seems to hold more water when it comes to describing and exposing all the evils of Capitalism, evils that I as a worker am constantly faced with. I feel like, from reading all the material I have thus far, a Communist mode of production would simply be the best alternative, and even a Communist political structuring of society with its truly democratic processes would also be better.
One thing though, I'm keeping my Fascist sentiments, especially about those damn Jews. Their mannerisms are enough to drive one insane. Not only that but the Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have. Oh, and I'll keep my Swastikas and Adolf Hitler portraits.
Good luck resisting the capitalists while they pit you against other races.
Dude, your coworkers are fucking awesome.
Damn, hit reply too soon. Anywho, Hitler and Mussolini were fine folks I'd have loved to get to smoke with, because, at least in Adolf's case, I can relate to their mindset. Hmmmm, one thing I want to do if/when Communism is achieved, is to go out and establish a monastic commune where people like me can escape from the urban sprawl and live deep in the mountains somewhere isolated. /r9k/ and /v9k/ folks, we need an escape from the normalfags. Communist mode of production at this monastery, but with a Fascist theological and spiritual aspect, that's something I could do.
Outside of the internet you won't come into contact with many Jews, so I don't really think that's a big deal. And most Jews don't have any systemic power so I doesn't really make sense to Holocaust all Jews, just the Jewish bourgeoisie.
But really tho, 90% of Jews don't act that Jewish. Most are just normal people. You really need to get out more if Jews make you as angry as your post indicates they do.
I'm not a recent convert as it's been a couple of years since I've been on 4/pol/ (and I've never been on 8/pol/ except for sightseeing without posting) but I'm not sure if I ever was on "that side". I've gravitated to Holla Forums because I didn't like "leftist" idpol and I thought ancap was appealing (pls no bully, it was more or less "dude the government shouldn't jail me for growing plants lmao"). It's just that I saw that I don't really fit in with the crowd when I've noticed that not all of the nazis are ironic, and that my beloved ancap has a lot of internal contradictions.
has irony gone too far
This is what happens when you pick your ideologies out at the pomo supermarket.
Modern "Art" ring a bell? How about Abrahamic religions? Maybe the constant lies about persecution, like making up the whole slavery in Egypt thing? Jewish ownership of the slave ships that forced Africans to the Americas? M80, don't imply I'm ignorant. Holla Forums is right about Jews.
Same. My parents are members of the communist party in my country.
So yeah…while growing up i listened to my father saying things like:
I honestly can't understand how can hardcore Holla Forumsacks become left wing…how the fuck is this thread so big?!
This is how you fix racism tbh. You expose the racist to the people they don't like and they'll see they are wrong.
I honestly feel most people on Holla Forums would turn commie if it wasn't for race precluding their transition.
I'm simply being utilitarian and choosing the best of both worlds. I've given these things a great deal of thought.
Shit, I wonder where Holla Forums lies on the MBTI personality chart. I hope this place isn't full of normalfag redditors that look down on me for being INTJ.
Sure? What does modern art have to do with anything? It's not like modern art is stopping more traditional art from being made, so why throw a fit about it?
I thought Holla Forums liked Christianity tho
Who fucking cares if they made that shit up? The bible is full of the same lies and western civilization is built upon that shit.
And there were plenty of other races that participated in the slave trade. The issue wasn't Jews, it was the slave economy. How the fuck do you think a colony like America developed so quickly?
No Holla Forums is not right about jews. They liek to shift attention from american to jews…because yes americans are indeed teh cancer of the planet pushing for world domination. See how all those jews are born in america or live there for decades. Their allegiance is with american globalism.
I bet most of the time a Holla Forumsack is talking about jews is a filthy american shilling for american globalism.
Maybe those redditor """""Holla Forumslacks""""" on 4chan. But 8ch Holla Forums? Nope.
It was built despite it.
I have plenty of things to say about the Jews and their lies. Spirit cooking, Rabbis sucking the dick of newly circumcised babies, neo-liberal "values" spearheaded by Kikes, the damn crucifixion of Jesus, Rothschild family and the sins on its head, Jewish-funded and endorsed modern "Music", mass consumerism sold to us because they see us all as worthless cattle "Goyim".
Most Jews aren't nearly as fundamentalist as you're implying, even in Israel a majority of Jews are secular. There's plenty of Jews who think Goyim are worthless cattle, but they're a hugely small minority of the Jewish population.
They sell people degeneraate media because degenerrate media sells well, while media that appeals to humans higher faculties doesn't because it takes more work to digest. There's no Jewish plot to corrupt the population, capitalism is just a reflection of Judaeo-Christian values tbh
The fascists had inconsistent views about Jews, if you want to be a nazi just say so.
Anyways, you're deep in a conspiracy theory and I don't care to drag you out. Replace Jews with lizardpeople and your views would be exactly the same.
cucks roleplaying as ex-right wingers the thread
I'd wager that most people on this board are either ex-right-wingers or ex-liberals fam. It's not exactly uncommon.
we're comin', bucko
Isn't that the same logic that SJWs use when they claim that all men should be blamed for the actions of rapists, that all men and white people benefit from the majority of business executives being white men, etc?
I thought it was the Romans who crucified him, and wasn't Jesus Himself a Jew…? I'm not sure how you could be upset about that but also hate Christianity
We hate them even more than Holla Forums does, but Holla Forums tends to give a free pass to equally awful white capitalists like the Rockefellers
That's just capitalism user, Adorno tried to warn us about what it does to culture…
I actually found his idea fascinating, despite disagreeing .interesting diagnosis, laughably inadequate cure.
What the fuck happened
Im not interested in left wing ideology and the true right wing has been subverted on this website so im back to mostly lurking. Both sides are cartoonish extremists who don't allow open minded thought.
An inspiring story.
Looking at other Holla Forumsyps is the ultimate way to escape Holla Forums
Those who preach against fun often times fit their own stereotypes. Hypocrites on their scale invite the most vile politics.
Define open minded thought
Yeah this is definitely the face of a representative group that doesn't get cuckolded often
Because once a person realizes that they are getting fucked in the ass by porky (via being told they are special snowflake/ the world will just get better over time for you/ 'race realism' is real/ your success is tied to your skill, "oink" not your class) they don't want to be fucked.
is correct. Mutualists advocate having rights over property you use, but are against absentee ownership and capitalist exploitation. Anarcho-communists are against all individual ownership of land whether or not you make use of it.
I guess Trump worship.
that's just ideological conservatism. 'people need to be saved from their nature' and that nature is largely unchanging and essential.
I'm surprised more people don't go through the same reasoning as you did here.
a lot of people do, though. just look at our DAU
I'm fairly certain they have a understanding of personal property and support it.
I'm sure the mutualist has a form of capital.
Oh my god it's Ian MacKaye!
This is the book that got me into leftism. I was bored, waiting at the community college library between classes, and decided to see if they had any books about anarchism. I didn't know much about anarchism–I knew, from seeing people talk online, that it didn't really mean "chaos" or "no government," but I was curious what it did mean.
So I read that book, and was surprised to find that most of it had to do with property. Specifically, the constant link between economics and hierarchy.
I didn't end up becoming an anarchist (though I'm about as libertarian as you can be without being anarchist), but it gave me a general sense of what the left is about, and spurred me to do more reading on my own.
I never liked Holla Forums, and only lurked a couple times. I came here from Holla Forums, oddly enough.
Don't do it, lad. You're posting on Holla Forums–surely you can see how unpaid internships are exploitative, even compared to wage-labor.
Worth mentioning that here in the UK it actually harms your future job prospects and pay if you take one.
bad management
I remember how much of a nightmare this site was to use when infinity was being pushed
finally Holla Forums admits they are reddit
muke is the le rational skeptic of leftism
I think the system will continue to sustain itself.
We already have plenty of automation we don't use to its full extent and have had plenty of market crashes; capitalism will support itself using consumerism, "increased survivability", or what have you.
it's called taking taxes and giving them to the cunts that are too big to fail when they fail instead of repairing bridges and shit
of course, any program that helps the average joe is "fairytale thinking" and communist russia