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Here's to hoping, would make a great discussion

Fuck I love Doug

Also pic related: as of late he's been going in way harder on left impotence; the SJW cancer (idpolers), the New Left, the post-structuralists/Deleuzians, the internet left call-out culture, etc.

Yep. And reminder that we should have that Zero Books ep. featuring one of /ourguy/s out somewhere this week.

I don't know anything about Delueze, what's wrong with his theory?


It's not liberal

I can't really blame them for being confused by Hegelian jargon. Ordinary people understand "negation" as "logical complement."

Don't know too much about him but from what I gather the neoreactionary Dark Enlightenement types (most famously Nick Land included) and the accelerationists (the original right wing ones) developed pretty much everything starting from him and Guattari. A lot of structuralists like the Althusserians and Lacanians say that it's the logical conclusion of their post-structuralist thought to end up that way. I still need to actually know anything beyond theory and opinion on D&G so again that's just the general take on them.

TBH depending on how you look at it socialism is the realization of these values innately into the mode of production, but for example Marx would disagree to say that we can speak of values as such (determining the hypothetical future) on the basis that the negation of capital doesn't really involve any kind of moralism but pure human self-interest in unchaining itself from capital using the revolutionary proletarian subject awakened by capital and class antagonism. Some guy below cited some Marx and his reasoning for it:
(From: marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1857/grundrisse/ch05.htm)

A matter of your perspective I guess.

Both mister Jacobin man and Doug are right here. Its not that Socialism is some sort of evolved form of liberalism, more that it is the only way of saving the claimed core ideals of liberalism
Zizek agrees with them: youtu.be/C0IiPnvnev0?t=9m9s

I understand the line of thought, I just don't think there's anything emancipatory about enlightenment values at this point in time (whether thry were actually emancipatory at the time is quite questionable as well) and am a reader of Deleuze. I'm a bit upset at how these notions are presented by him as somehow radical and countercultural within the milieu of the left. Same with Nagle's book.

But that's the thing, really: Nagle is saying really basic shit that's true, but both the right and the left are flipping their shit over it because the reality Nagle brings us exposes critical flaws in both.

If socialism is liberalism, then I'm not a socialist.

What does Nagle say? I never read anything by her.

Thats not what is being said. Its a message to liberals that the only way to save the ideals of liberalism (i.e. freedom, equality, solidarity, etc) is trough socialism.

There is one sort of reading of delueze that is supportive of capitalism and even neo liberalism. That reading is fucking retarded.

stopped reading there

In Kill All Normies she analyzes and critiques the alt-right phenomenon in all its various factions and forms, but also at the same time says it popped up in response to the diseased online left formation as found most iconically on "irony" Twitter and Tumblr.

There's another reading that ends in neoreaction. Seems to be the most common and useful reading for most who bother with D&G. You should see the amount of praise Deleuze gets from Nick Land or the bigger neoreactionary movement. Gramsci is also loved there because culture war shit lends itself perfectly to the reactionary idea of history as a battle of ideas.


God damn, a Holla Forums user did a thing with him a week ago, and now this ? Then what ? @Damn_Jehu ? A resurrected Marx ?

It should be 'Aufheben' in Hegelian dialectical terms – overcome liberalism while preserving it.





No, you really don't.

Did the Holla Forums episode really happen? When will it be out?

Who is Nick Land? Why would I be interested in him, judging from wikipedia he is associated with the Dark Enlightment with is a complete joke, but also names Marx among his influences.

Who's smearing Nagle? This sounds interesting.

We have an user say he was gonna go on the show and he said it did happen. IIRC it was a little over a week ago and he said the episode should be there within two, so somewhere this week I think.

A reactionary but an intelligent one. Big founder in accelerationist theory.

Just go to Twitter and search "nagle" or "angela nagle", filter a bit and be amazed.

Nagle is just parroting the alt-right narrative and calling for milquetoast liberalism, I'm not sure why you would want to defend her.

At best Nagle is saying that beyond the stupidity of alt-right politics, it spawned or more precisely grew to relevance in response to a ridiculous internet (and broader) liberal left, and that while overall being reactionary aut-rightists have a few legitimate concerns in modern politics, notably the way men are treated today.

Sure, but in the same vein Zizek or any other communist does. The best possible things doable to improve society within the confines of liberal democracy are worth doing, even though it shouldn't be imagined that it is revolutionary. It's worth it because revolutionary politics are currently impossible or not even in far sight, and anything done to reaffirm a universalism on the left, even the liberal left, is going to be useful in the long term and maybe the event of properly radical politics and positions.

Because she gives a good overview of the various factions on either side and what they really stand for in the context of modern politics, and provides good theory explaining how thiings came to be as such.

No she isn't. She's attacking milquetoast liberalism and she's giving a broader context required to understand the alt-right narrative. You're a fucking brainlet if what you got from the book was "Nagle is sympathetic to liberalism and the alt-right".

She attacked both right and left idpol so she is /ourgirl/

Also it's ridiculous to say that she is "parroting the alt-right" narrative because, on top of getting smeared by left-libs, the alt-right absolutely hates her and this book because it draws a comphrensive theoretical view on their politics.

Have you even read the book? There's at least five big critical articles floating around the internet on her book right now that have shown themselves to be authored by people who either didn't read it, or failed to state things about it that were faithful to what was written.

her entire point is that milquetoast liberalism is what empowers the alt-right

holy shit pls let it go thru

Does anyone have a PDF of kill all normies?

Dude he's so much more than that, imagine a philosophy professor so dedicated to shitposting irl and trolling his leftist colleagues so hard maybe they wake'll up out of their lethargy that he starts doing hard drugs, gets into occultism and finally becomes an insane maniac… tl;dr Land is our Nietzche but better

There you go fam

Leftypol the subject of today's zerosquared podcast


Liberalism was (mostly) a mistake. I would prefer it if radlibs weren't associated with our movement.

This too is an understatement. Damn motherfucker didn't just got into occultism, he created a whole occult system as a dank weaponized meme. Even if all of it, the numogram, numeracy, Qwernomics, hyperstition, most likely was all larping, the fact remains that it is very sophisticated larping.

Like all great magicians, Land was trying to find a way to reach whatever it is outside the Human Security System, this outside goes by many names (the mauve zone, the astral plane) that he did this while grounding all of it on continental philosophy (in particular Kant and Deleuze & Guattari) and on cyberpunk aesthetics is a thing of beauty.


Isn't that guy like insane these days?

Holy fuck… I am so hyped. My dream would be listening to Doug Lain and C Derick Varn double team debate Nick Land.

look at the catalog

I misunderstood, I thought that user was saying some user from Holla Forums did an interview with Land. That said, I would fucking love to see Jehu on Zero Squared, or possibly on the Alpha to Omega podcast.


The rejection of universalism as proto-totalitarianism, for one thing. This (to differing degrees to different Deleuzians) includes Plato, St. Paul, Hegel, Marx, to name a few. Thinking about society, culture, production as a whole – systemic thinking – is literally Stalinism…

His and Guattari's theories of infinite and ex-nihilo desire fits perfectly the capitalist thrust towards constant reinvention of sexuality, identity, etc. – an authoritarian compulsion disguised as liberation.

For a few keks I recommend reading Badiou's assholeish war against Deleuze in academia: critical-theory.com/13-deleuze-guattari-part-iii/


I mean… Any work itself (beyond obvious errors and dishonest misrepresentations) include its possible future readings. Deleuze does have legit liberal and reactionary interpretations.

Land actually went through a psychotic break. Proof: ccru.net/swarm1/1_melt.htm
His occultist writings are attempts to reconstitute a grasp on reality. You can't really blame him for it. What is interesting is that he's an intellectual, so he does an intellectual version of pic related.

>Land actually went through a psychotic break. Proof: ccru.net/swarm1/1_melt.htm

Meltdown is too brilliant and coherent to be a product of psychosis.

This is probably the greatest paragraph ever written. Would watch the fuck out of a movie with this synopsis


It's already out.

I keep seeing that pic yet I still have no idea what it is.

This is what happens when a scholar gets hooked on meth.

Bump, I wish to hear the voice of the machine god's prophet as well.


Your child will be an AI that lives forever

So where do I start if I want to actually comprehend Nick Land and Deleuze/Guattari?
Just learn from the start with the greeks or do I need psychoanalysis as well?
Also is their any short explanations of Land's ideas or is it still too complex?

D&G BTFO psychoanalysis in the first volume of anti-oedipus. You don't really need it to understand Land.
Kant -> Hegel -> late Marx -> Nietzsche -> A Thousand Plateaus -> Fanged Noumena

This is the best article on Land that I found

This recent interview is also pretty good. Kinda explains why he went reactionary.

thanks comrades

This is what vitalists actually believe: lacan.com/zizbenbrother.html.