Anti Communist in our community

let's purge all the anarchists,eco-socialism faggots, social democrats and market socialist they arent real communists
only Marxism can lead to successful socialism and communism
I don't mind leftcoms

Some of you are okay…

It happened well the fiat 20 times


that's a lot of ideology

Nah ever since I started having to deal with Bookchinites (who are basically liberals) I'm cool with actual anarkiddies now.

Isn't a ML talking point about R. Catalonia that it was a "state that libsocs don't call a state" and that libsocs are essentially MLs who use different terminology?

I'm counting two (2) oxymorons

Purge anarchists and leftcoms because they induce us towards passivity and inaction. All the others should be free to engage in debate.

Are you being ironic because of how particularly insufferable Bookchinites are?


Be consistent faggot.

I love you too tankie. I'll help you purge trots if you help me purge post-left.

Even Marxist eco-socialists? So much for the environment then I guess

Anti-communists are absolute scum.

Well also anarchist ideology made them incompetent at managing the state.

Communism is as reactionary as fascism. Both are totalitarian systems of death and terror. Both need to be smashed.

Lel. Good luck with that. Marx was vague as fuck about how the revolutionary society was supposed to be managed.



fuck you

This thread is a Holla Forums false flag you morons.

Look, if it were up to me, and National Bolshevism weren't the One True Ideology, I wouldn't be one. But it isn't, it is, and I am, and so here we are.

Kerensky > Lenin

That crosses the line kid

Purge list:
Leftcoms for inaction, and socdems for dilution.

For pottery punishment; sentence the leftcoms to a chair along in a dark room, and the socdem to be poked by a thousand tiny thorns, and given antibiotics diluted by water.

I say it again, you're the absolute worst poster on this board.

No. Fuck off, CIA.

I suggest we throw all leftcoms to the Berlin canal, tied to their armchairs.

We are more numerous than you here faggot it is you who will be purged


-There are ways of telling whether they are a leftcom.
-Are there? Well then tell us!
-Burn'em! Burn them up!
-What do you burn apart from leftcoms?
-More leftcoms!
-So, why do leftcoms burn?
(long pause)
-Cuz they're made of… armchairs?
-So, how do we tell if she is made of armchairs?
-Build a sofa out of her!
-Ahh, but can you not also make sofas out of lifestylists?
-Oh yeah…
-Do armchairs sink in water?
-No. It floats!
-Let's throw him into the bog!

this is allowed

Add the Esperanto flag: please

What a surprise.

Eh. The retarded ancaps, mutualists, and anprims can be purged right off the bat. Ancoms and generic anarchists can be our useful idiots.
What's wrong with eco-socialism?
SocDems are truly the traitors of the working class. We should have them all executed.
Markets and socialism are pretty oxymoronic. Market socialists shall get the bullet too.
