DSA is literally so fucking stupid that they elected a cop to their national committee. An open, unabashed cop. This organization is a shitshow and a deadend. We waited for the convention to see if this mysterious "left caucus" would take over and turn it into a Marxist organization, and it absolutely, unequivocally has NOT done that.
If you think the DSA is possible to reform, you are no different from someone who thinks the DNC is possible to reform. They had their chance, they proved they are an incompetent mess, teaming with cops, snitches, imperialists, and backstabbers. If you are a serious Marxist and a serious communist, abandon fucking ship.
Other urls found in this thread:
DSA needs to be disavowed immediately. They are a bunch of liberals and Cop supporters. They will end up making up an excuse for the cop union organizer and keep him in the NPC.
No, there's a good chance they will dump him and try to claim that this was "just a mistake" that doesn't reflect badly on them at all.
You faggots need to realize the ballot box will accomplish nothing.
Is this some cointelpro shit? I'm an anarchist, so I could barely consider myself a fan of the official Bernie bro fan club, but for fucks sake this reeks of FBI
DSA is literaly an FBI front group. Everyone in power at the big local chapters joined a few months ago. They pushed the veterans and the plants got themselves elected.
They will spread pro-Blue Lives Matter shit, push gay feminism, and trans military rights.
DSA is not a socialist organization. Join something useful like PSL or something.
Berniecucks explain this.
Don't forget it was always an imperialist front org. Harrington was fucking vile, and so are all his present-day cronies.
Yeah it's COINTELPRO, the whole organization is COINTELPRO.
I was referring to OPs post.
As I said I'm no fan of socdems but this post seems to straight up be nothing more than salt to sow division
Why do all the young white dudes on the national committee look so inbred?
Who gives a fuck? Literally anything other than NEET supports the system. So what if they are a cop? Maybe they are a cop that lets people get away with breaking laws they think are dumb.
They fucked up very hard but you're just sad.
cops are workers too
lol fucking idiots
So? you think there are no secret commies in the cops/military?
He helped organize police unions. Honestly that makes him worse than just an ordinary cop.
everyone looks inbred in america
Not just a cop. A cop union organizer, aka the reason they aren't accountable whatsoever.
So are freikorps, right?
Wolves are animals too. no reason the hens shouldn't collaborate with them
This was the easiest fucking thing to prevent. Think about it: if this blatant fucking cop was able to waltz into their National Committee, just how easily has the organization ALREADY been infiltrated by undercover cops? DSA is a fucking joke.
Kill yourself socdem backstabber.
Cops detected. Kill yourself.
Dats not nice :(
Obviously a front to reign in Bernie fans back into the approved DNC neoliberal ideology.
Aren't all American political orgs full of this though? I bet if the DSA was taken down, you'd have the CIA kicking down the door of a meeting followed by a chorus of "I'm local law enforcement", "well, we're FBI", "state troopers here" and so on.
This. He could have organized anywhere else but he chose to empower some of the most racist cops in the country to continue oppressing the working class. These are the type of people DSA elected delegates push on everyone else. Most of the delegates were new people, voted by other new people.
Meaning, it's plants voting for other plants. They even pushed a POC/Black caucus into existence at the national level. Seriously spooky liberal crap.
No, there are some that the cops don't like. Those get violently attacked like PSL did. Simple heuristic: if the cops aren't fighting your party/organization, they ARE your party/organization.
Exactly, DSA is just a liberal playpen for LARPers. They'll be supporting Corey Booker or the Zucc in 2020 to avoid Trump or whatever.
DSA supports the police. They refused to pass an anti-police resolution for obvious reasons.
In many ways it's sad, I agree. I'm no fan of parties for this very reason. That being said tho any leftist organization in the US likely suffers the same issues with the FBI.
of course :^)
wow so much id-pol in one article. didn't know it was possible
Who said I was joining the fucking dsa? Lmao
Why arent the wobblies making their own party
If the cop doesn't resign, I guarantee you that the NPC won't kick him out.
In order to kick someone out of the NPC, they need 2/3rd agreement.
Praxis is the minority in the NPC, and they don't want to lose a wildcard that could support them.
Momentum will push hard to get him kicked out, but they can't get 2/3rd of the votes without Praxis. Praxis will not budge. They are liberals/anti-leftists. Probably all plants too.
You know the IWW still exists, right?
It seems that way. I don't really give a shit about socdem burger's attempt to create a southern NDP and cops can generally get fucked but - nothing here is even approaching critique, just a lot of shouting and fainting.
Fetonte isn't a problem, I imagine he's going to be taken off of the NPC either by a 2/3rds committee vote or by resignation. The big problem is how he got on there in the first place. The DSA seeming did little to no vetting of the 40 or so candidates they had for the NPC. That is such a huge oversight on its own, but when you consider that the DSA is largely composed of regional chapters that don't interact much at all, giving people a short notice of who would be on what slates to vote onto the NPC is negligent beyond belief. You had people from Texas and the general South overwhelmingly vote for Fetonte because they felt that the South wasn't going to have representation on the NPC. The fact that there was no open discussion or debate among the candidates, and they people blindly voted either off of the slate the candidate was on or by regional bias is absurd. After having a strong convention, they had to go and shit the bed at the end with this negligence.
The only silver lining to this is that it is internal drama that is distracting online members from engaging with the piece of shit zionist liberals who have already been trying to spin DSA's endorsement of BDS as anti-semitic. That would be worse for the left as a whole.
On twitter people were contacting the Praxis elected NPC members and they were silent. It's in their interest to keep Danny Fetonte.
I thought like 12 out of the 16 that got onto the NPC are to the left of the NPC. At least those are the numbers I saw talked about when people were initially excited about the committee before anyone bothered to google the cop.
Its a union
user, you're overreacting a bit.
OK, serious question: do you want to join an organization that literally elects cops? If so, WHY?
DSA is about reforming, in other words, they are shills for Democrats. Their members don't believe in revolution and most have never even read Marx, yet alone Lenin, Rosa, or Trotsky.
SERIOUS QUESTION: are cops your comrades? Do you feel safe in an organization that elects cops?
Thats how you know they are traitors
We must stand with the cops in their noble struggle against revolutionary imperialism.
DSA is at the forefront of developments in anti-anti-imperialist theory.
Jesus, if you want to discuss this like adults, cut the hyperbole. He was a union organizer for cops among others - not an actual cop.
DSA Austin claimed that they would have a statement ready soon. That was like 8 hours ago. They are just sitting on this, waiting for it to blow over.
The cop will stay in the NPC. And he will definitely not be kicked out. "It was just a miscommunication and I am sorry" and he gets to stay.
Here goes some of the laws CLEAT have pushed:
This wont have ulterior motives.
You are being hysterical.
Calm your self enough to take a look at the state of this conversation, literally people calling some rando union organizer an actual cop, a class traitor and the fucking freikorps.
I probably wouldn't want him in the leadership of any party I was in but - get a grip.
and yes, I spaced it that way to trigger you.
Settle down mate. People like you and others in this thread have been waiting for the DSA to fuck up just so you can sperg out like this and out them as backstabbing Rosa-killers.
I'm not a burger but I think the DSA has had an incredible impact on getting new people into the left in a very spooked and classcucked country. Don't fuck up the best opportunity the American left has had in decades for some bullshit ideological purity.
If DSA does not remove the cop-organizer, who purposely hid his past, from the NPC, I will resign from DSA.
Yeah, he isn't a problem. He's more than likely getting kicked off tomorrow. A bigger problem is the process that allowed him to be in a position to get in the committee. Try reading the whole post next time.
Typical COINTERPRO shit. Denying that cops are tools of the capitalist state is exactly what a plant would do.
Why would anyone do this? We don't want effective/well-paid law enforcement under capitalism. If any "industry" needs union busting its the police force. Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with the DSA here? Are they just trying to be the new democratic party or something?
Have fun GETTING ARRESTED you stupid fuck.
Resign now. For every elected cop, there are at least two dozen undercover cops in the DSA.
Really makes you think.
Any organization that grows to counter u.s. capitalism will be infiltrated. Even the pipeline protesters, a relatively small affair had cops.
The point is to avoid being divided by cop tactics, regardless of what organization you belong to.
It's not fully fair to blame this on the average DSA member. Every single DSA member, without exception, that I've talked to or seen talk about this is absolutely livid and a lot are threatening to leave the org if he isn't out ASAP.
He lied in the process by omitting his work for CLEAT and covering it up by calling organizing for State workers.
There's reason to be concerned about structural issues with the org that there wasn't a thorough enough vetting process to keep people like him out, but this isn't an indictment of DSA members.
Look, they fucked up hard here. I'm not denying that. But I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and not throw an entire organisation under the bus here over what (hopefully) was an accident.
fuck meant to reply to
It pretty much is. DSAers are undisciplined and still liberal Bernie bros. They can't keep their house in order, yet alone dismantle capitalism.
It's one thing to face infiltrators and have an organizational structure to deal with it. It's another thing to give them completely free rein. The DSA is not democratic centralist and never will be. They do not have any way to counteract infiltrators. They don't even have a way to get rid of the Al-Qaeda-loving scum who post directly on the official DSA website.
You are a fucking idiot, go turn yourself in already. Get it over with.
Is there a hashtag on Twitter about these going-ons? I want to see how people reacted to this bullshit in other parts of the interwebz.
DSA: cops are our friends! vote for cops! its not a big deal! cop union organizer isn't a cop, big difference!
PSL: liberationnews.org
I'm having trouble grasping your post… What part of pointing out the frantic idiocy in this thread is indicative my wish to be incarcerated?
Fuck off you absolute fucking retard.
grow up, you complete fucking infant.
Kill yourself cunt.
you first friendo
>mfw people are actually defending this shit with "he's not actually a cop!
It's a big tent party and this convention alone did a ton to move the org farther to the left. At least there is a house and it is very amenable to change and continued growth. Pre-2016 the organization was mostly focused on the "left of possible." In just a year a ton of things have changed. The new DSA is much more ambitious and has had a massive influx from youth Marxist members. None of the DSA folks that I know see Bernie as a dead end. The ones I know that joined post election are all to his left.
No one representing DSA is saying that and PSL have worked together with DSA throughout the country. I don't know what you're trying accomplish.
Who is?
cointel>>>Holla Forums
@DeathPigeon has a run down
Check the previous thread. Think I saw some on twitter as well.
Real talk: Why is it bad to organize police officers?
Police officers are not workers, they are antagonistic of worker struggles. Cops represent the ruling class and status quo that they defend.
Eat my shit.
Oh yeah? Did they kick out the Al-Qaeda supporters yet? Did they kick out the cop lovers? The Democrat shills? The transgender military supporters? The anti-communists?
And how do you plan on continuing this reform? Wait for the next elec- I mean convention? Please.
You don't know shit about what you're talking about.
you literally have cop union organizers in your ruling body.
they should have been kicked immediately.
Is desiring uncontested fact rather than mystifying hyperbole to be the basis for a conversation the same thing as taking a side in said conversation?
Meh prisons and police have a purpose. I would rather keep them so that we can expropriate them post-revolution. A better idea would be to abolish mandatory minimums for non-white collar crime.
You joined a CIA front and you have buyer's remorse.
Fuck off cop.
Honestly, I'm unironically starting to think you're the cop.
I don't regret anything. The DSA is doing good work and will continue to grow while you sit on your ass shitposting on Holla Forums claiming that you're waiting for a violent revolution to take place. People like you don't matter.
Let's play a game of "Who's the cop?"
a. The guy telling people to avoid cops.
b. They guy defending cops and saying they're achshually not cops!
You are in a CIA front and you will not accomplish shit. If you show any signs of potential, your cop comrades will snitch on you.
fuck off you don't know shit.
Not precisely, but they did leave SI, which is made up of the shitty neoliberal parties in europe, announced support for Palestinian liberation, and threw out most of the old guard in the NPC.
Endorsed prison and police abolition
The national leadership moved heavily to the left. The two biggest slates, who make up 9 of the 12 seats, both of which have specifically called out the failed strategies of electoralism, and call for more direct action and labor organizing.
Never came up, so I guess you're right.
As previously said, they moved far to the left. Most of the new people are explicitly Marxist, and the Harringtonite wing is now the minority, if it exists at all.
He's going to be kicked out in less than a week. I guarantee. Hell he'll probably be gone tomorrow.
What group are you a part of that will accomplish shit?
forgot my flag
For the last fucking time. the not cop was not a cop, do you have any idea how fucking stupid all this wailing sounds (waa, they elected a cop! an actual fucking cop, woooaaahhh) No they didn't fuckface, that's just not true
Doesn't mean I would want him leading me, (apparently, neither does the DSA)
I 100% don't agree with the cointelpro hysteria of op, but made some good OC anyway
Oh yeah, about that:
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */6101912f
The DSA left the SI because it WASN'T IMPERIALIST ENOUGH.
Everyone does that these days.
more empty symbolism.
He was a fucking cop, kill yourself retard.
Not a CIA front, that's for fucking sure!
See, this is what I'm talking about - the allegation (and fact) is that he worked as a union organizer for CLEAT
Just give him one of these and he'll quit.
That said, one of COINTELPRO's favorite tactics was to so distrust of the organizations and prod people into overreacting. Planting a cop then screaming "EVERYBODY LEAVE THE ORG, THERE'S A COP" sure seems like something they would do.
So sit down, shut the fuck up, and let the situation be resolved. Best case scenario, he's booted. Worst case scenario, he stays and half the NPC just says "STFU cop" every time he speaks.
That's not a fucking defense. It means his job is to keep the worst of the worst on the force.
we are all cops
Sorry an old moron everyone hated was able to write an article that was disavowed by basically everyone in the org.
How does saying that China and India have become imperial forces in the third world make you imperialist?
stop LARPing as the red army and do something faggot.
The guys going to be forced out tomorrow or the next day. This entire thing is going to be forgotten in 2 weeks. DSA will probably get better at vetting people and grow more radical because of it. Who the fuck cares?
If he stays, that's grounds for leaving (if you haven't already) because it is downright reckless of them to not only insufficiently vet the NPC but also not remove an obvious affront to the organization.
t. guy who was planning on joining the DSA, but decided to wait until the NPC was over
Bye bye zionist pig. Maybe Trump has a position on his campaign that he could fill?
Nerds like the DSA is why Stalin invented gulags
Good fucking riddance.
Why the hell do leftists org feel compelled to take a side on this third rail shit. It doesn't seem to serve any purpose except encouraging splitters.
Zionists are bad and have no place on the left.
This is why we need secret organizations.
classic jew move. question israel and watch the jewish "socialist" transform into a raving ethnonationalist. i bet he was wearing his kippah when he wrote this
With the amount of background checking they did, they could have just as easily elected an actual cop, and he's on their side anyway. His exact position is not relevant.
WHO IN THE NAME OF FUCK CARES? I'd have a lot of respect for the PSL if they weren't so ridiculously incessant with this pointless idpol bullshit. The fuck is the point of constantly mentioning the race and gender of every individual in this article?
We're literally encouraging each other to destroy the largest leftist org in the US right now because of some old cunt. I wouldn't be surprised if the motherfucker was hired to be exposed and make everyone freak out and leave. This is typical of this fucking board, always taking the bait.
destroying the DSA is a good thing fuckwit
it's not bad when israel does it. we must secure the existence of our people and a future for jewish children
Everyone on twitter who went to the DSAcon was unhappy about this. It was incompetence, not intentionally reactionary. Even the Austin DSA this guy is from had members saying they didn't know he was a cop.
I think read they passed a resolution supporting the abolition of police?
Shalom Sharett!
they did, this board is losing the plot.
But here's the thing: he walked straight into the position and got voted in. This doesn't even qualify as COINTEL. This is just pure retardation on DSA's part.
Bhaskar Sunkara personally defended him on twitter. Have fun in a CIA front.
I can't fucking believe the hysteria ITT. Do you even understand how incredibly retarded you are? You are openly advocating the destruction of the biggest leftist organization in the country because you're paranoid about some old cunt. You're doing the job of COINTELPRO at this point.
Why? Most of their newer members seem fairly radical and are against this. With any luck they can get the org to sort out how the fuck it checks candidates while moving it further to the left. I think the DSA has real potential and can be the start of a real socialist movement in the US.
Meaningless. Meanwhile, the NPC is literally a cop union organizer plus bunch of left twitter nobodies. The only ones losing the plot are the ones defending the DSA after this embarrassment of a convention.
Which NPC members are Twitter nobodies?
Christian Bowe
How do we fix cops? My papa was a cop and when he left due to injury he got far more left wing. Me and him discussed the idea of replacing cops with volunteer militias that would be responsible for certain areas if a new society were to form.
Let's say it's a libertarian socialist society
For example a confederation of neighborhoods has been having issues with physical assault and rape. A militia compossed of possibly 3-5 local volunteers could be formed with the sole purpose of combating said assault and rape. Once the issue is dealt with they would return to their lives but could be in reserve in case another issue came up in the community.
Just some stuff me and him talked about
DSA is a joke. It has 25,000 "members," the majority of which don't even go to the meetings. It's not a party, it has no coherent platform, it was started as a CIA front (and still is), and it's full of socdems, anarchists, Democrats and other idiots. The sooner we leave it in the dust, the better. Just like Occupy.
The DSA is not a chance for socialism at all you fuckwit. We are DECADES away from socialism.
Gulag or the wall.
Dude, the issue is you aren't being constructive about this at all, just emotionally lashing out. DSA members on twitter have been upset about this all day, people are obviously learning a lesson and the whole convention a ton of delegates were interested in getting the national DSA to have more involvement with local chapters because right now everything is disorganized on a national level. They're trying to fix problems, everyone is new to this shit.
You can be a sectarian shit head and pounce on how the DSA are larping while you are the best single socialist in America with your handful of radical friends, or you can try to educate the growing national movement of young socialists in the DSA who are trying to figure shit out. This isn't 1917 Russia. There is no crowd of staunch, left Bolshevik workers fighting against moderate soviets capitulating to power. There is a vast, class cucked nation of liberals and a burdgeoning left wing movement coalescing around the DSA.
arrgg. people were claiming that the resolution failed because of massive pro-police bias endemic to the dsa that also had them elect a coip to their leadership (or something).
there's a weird amount of stubborn misinformation and spittle in the thread.
This post-Bernie DSA surge is very reminiscent of Occupy indeed. There is going to be a lot of noise and drama like this cop thing and it will serve as a huge boost to some people's social media profiles but eventually it will dissipate and be remembered as a huge embarrassment.
Woops, I didn't read the comment he was replying to. Trots are gonna trot.
Are there any good socialist organizations that 1) won't die because of insignifigance and 2)aren't just LARPing democrats
You're wasting your time. You mentioned the accusation of DSA being larpers, but a large consensus of Holla Forums are just that, larpers, but too lazy to even get up. I only come here to shitpost occasionally. This board is useless otherwise. No one here that acts like the dumb trot you're replying to is ever going to do anything ever. They're a nonfactor.
But you're never going to attend anything anyway, so what's the point of you posting this question?
This is the result of someone who learns about leftism through memes. The DSA just elected an NPC which is majority far-left. And mere hours after the election, the newfags who take Rosa posting seriously are pouncing.
We would speed up the process if we weren't so busy with sectarian shit flinging. Also, bullshit. There's a massive financial crisis in the near future. Educating people about socialism right now is the best preparation for when the shit hits the fan.
life in the 21st century is nothing but LARPing and it is impossible to escape
Unironically this (for the moment). Let's see how this develops in the next couple of days, then try your luck elsewhere. Btw, the DSA will need some massive purging in the near future - use that as another indication on how they hold up.
Organizationally, it's a mess of small and disparate local groups.
Compared to any other left org. in Burgerstan they're top dog. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
This is a good thing, especially in America when so much in our political landscape is at the local level. A grassroots approach is good.
Seems like they support her. I talked to 2 members and they were more concerned with things such as feminism and ethnic groups than they were with class conflict, exploitation, etc. They didn't really like talking about theory. I asked them their thoughts on Lenin and Trotsky and they told me they don't know enough to give a good answer. They were pretty young so they could have been new to the party.
I would love to attend one of their meetings and discussions if they allow non members to come and learn. I want to get involved instead of just sitting and posting. I want to actually see if I can learn more in person and interact with socialists irl.
Do they have groups in each state?
What's wrong with the Marx-Engels Reader?
A lot of it is already working out it. People like are leaving the org fast. The overwhelming majority of new members are far more radical than the old membership. They will get better too as more members join and theory is discussed in organization without all the olds who want to just be slightly to the left of the dems.
I know. I've been saying that the American left is a joke for a while now. What the DSA is doing now does more harm then good when it comes to moving towards actual socialism.
My point is the way the DSA is organized is dysfunctional, not that local groups are bad in themselves.
Meme book. Nothing bad but just a meme
lmao all the riled up trots.
Explain how the DSA is doing more harm than good.
in all seriousness the fact that they're committed to reforming the democratic party is a much bigger reason why they should be ignored than the fact that they slipped up and elected a cop organizer to their committee
yeah I guess the DNC isn't that bad, don't want to spiral into purity hopelessly chasing actual leftism now do we
I understand then. I think a lot of that is sorting itself out with the influx of new members. This convention had to accommodate for that influx of membership and interest in the org. It really used to be a social club for old left leaning libs. In another two years when they have the next convention, I'm sure things will be more organized in the vision that the young members are pushing towards.
I'm a member of DSA. Look at things with some real clarity–don't attach yourself to an organization that is mostly promise rather than reality. This wretched attachment and non-critical approach to the organization is endemic and reflects the strange vision of the communist movement lots of people in dsa have. The organization is only one moment within a total, moving proletarian process and it's only veracity lies in how it adequately realizes the correct shape that process must take within capitalism as it currently exists.
The organization will not grow and grow until a sizeable amount of proles have cards and decide its time for socialism. This isn't how revolutionary proletarian power develops nor does DSA have the cohesion to grow and maintain itself. Many in the organization are not communists nor will they ever be. Some in the org may even be anti-communist to be quite honest.
So far, I have seen very much rhetoric, very little reality with DSA as a whole. It is astoundingly easy to affirm principles but act otherwise. In fact, that's what classical social democracy did well–it affirmed revolutionary principles but acted in non-revolutionary ways. That pretty accurately describes the left-wing of DSA (momentum especially).
You can use the org to meet promising communists, openly challenge those who think they are pro-revolution, and enjoy the social aspects. But be honest: do you really think DSA is going to become a massive socialist party? Do you think the limits to communist measures right now is really the lack of a socialist mass party?
Calm me an old-fashioned commie, but I really want to see a good purge that's handed down from the higher-ups (or any quasi-equivalent the DSA has to offer)
Their propaganda is shitty and is spreading all sorts of misconceptions about socialism and does nothing to raise understanding of why capitalism is failing. They are moving quickly towards organizing politically with no idea or even attempt at conceiving an idea of how to move beyond capitalism. They are only moving latterly instead of forward. History shows us that such approaches can only lead to disaster.
shitty doggo memes
When you play with the rose, be prepared to get pierced by the thorns
The word you're looking for is Jew user.
Look at everyone burying the lede, talking about cop on the NPC, while Nick Mullen, clown prince of the alt-right, was elected DSA President and Chairman.
Cops are potential allies. Why does no one on this board understand realpolitics? This will help us garner support from the establishment.
From those IN the establishment*
Worst part is there's niggers
They're called "colored comrades" actually
now the dsa just needs to convince the dems to abolish the cops, lmfao
hail victory
aw rats whys this scorpion stinging me ahh oww owwww
still better than the usual choices.
One person is a "bunch"
We told ya, social democrats never change.
I was just fucking waiting for GMIL to be posted. I love how the NPC was JUST FUCKING ELECTED with no chance to do anything whatsoever and you indignant, smug faggots are sucking each other off as if the DSA has sent in the freikorps.
TIme for your weed killer bath
did he expect the fucking socialists to support apartheid? what goes on in these people's heads…
I'm against overreacting, since the DSA is the left wing of the Democrats and therefore electing a cop organizer isn't a big thing.
What would be a big thing is if a leftcom was ever worth a fucking damn.
Getting the same vibe here. Literally who cares if a cop joins a liberal/socdem organization, it would be different if it was an actual revolutionary org.
At least leftcoms stand for something somewhat concrete, instead of the "realpolitik" chameleon that is the succdem
That was pretty good, thanks for introducing me
*At least leftcoms sit for something somewhat concrete
dunno why any left wing yanks still trust them after this and the FSA shilling article they published recently
join a party like PSL or something
Leftcoms stand for lording over everybody while pretending like they are masters of theory. The hysterics ITT are based off of newfags taking Rosa posting seriously. Every time someone brings up DSA someone says "Hurr durr you mean the socdem, Democrat, Hillary lovers?" ignoring the fact that the only reason Holla Forums has any investment in DSA is to push it to the left which, guess what, despite the hysterics over some old faggot, has largely been achieved with this NPC election. Maybe wait beyond the span of a few hours for the NPC to do something before declaring it a freikorps wielder.
kek, Ok I'll give you that. Still the rose changes itself into whatever shape it feels necessary. They have proven they lack long term and consistent principles. Sure, we might be able to push them further to the left today, but tomorrow, they'll just get pushed further to the right until they settle comfortably into liberalism.
The best purpose it has it networking and red pilling. The movement has proved itself to be trash, time and time again.
These people would have a heart attack if they saw the Jewish Bund in its heyday.
Leftypol, why can't we all just be friends? Everyone's welcome under the banner of the rose.
This is how succdems look like
Left unity is a meme. In the end MLs will kill off any anarchists, Trotskyists, etc
Didn't Chapo shill hard for DSA. Man maybe Philip Greaves was right about them being a porky psyop.
Catherine will singlehandedly destroy the right
no thanks
the socdem will assimilate them all into basic bitch leftism and send their 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧cops🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 in to finish off the rest
thicc, shes ready for the collapse
Do you stand with xem?
Lenin disagreed
I'm all for reformism but DSA is just Democrats Lite. Now with 80 percent less neoliberalism!
not just that, fucking Marx disagreed.
indeed, you certainly do like crypto fascists
DSA just reeked of feel>reals, I tried to to look at them objectively but that feeling kept hitting me.
This screw up doesn't surprise me in the least.
He didn't. And even if he did, the historical record is exceedingly clear that it doesn't work.
Class conscious and unionised (left-wing unions, I mean) cops are a very good asset. They are less likely to be zealous when overseeing a protest, and if things go down, you'll be happy to have people trained and equipped.
But no, let's yelling "Le ACAB", masturbate to Riot Porn and cheer when cops are lit on fire.
That will surely change the fact that 50% of them lean reactionary.
Coinintelpro isn't even trying to be sneaky anymore. I'm actually offended. All it takes now for them to infiltrate a party is to just apply for leadership roles.
What's next, assainating leaders by just politely asking them to kill themselves?
Man capitalism has the left cucked way harder than I thought.
Cops are cool though, they clean up the streets
Kill all cops, but cop sympathizers first.
What does this kind of attitude brings to the table ?
Many npc members got elected on a platform of police abolishment. Stop acting like this indicative of the whole group
I'm not interested in coming to a table with anyone that actively and openly identifies as a foot soldier of the bourgeoisie. As long as they wear the uniform and identify themselves as a cop they are an enemy of the working class. If you want to invite them to a pretty little class collaboration picnic then be my guest, but don't expect help when you are inevitably betrayed for their bourgeois masters, and don't be confused when you're rightly ostracized for defending the persecutors of the working class. Cops are scum, but their defenders and collaborators are below even that.
Poor person detected
You know nothing about how normies minds works, they trust cops. Cops on our side is a good thing like how black people on the rights side is a good thing for them cos people are dumb enough to buy into confirmation bias
They are foot soldier of the state. Most of them don't realise the state is bourgeois.
A vast majority of cops truly believes they are here to protect and serve. When - as in this cop in DSA caucus - they realise their mistake, it should be seen as a good example, not as infiltration or something like that.
Uh oh, you got me
The guy lied about his identity
Seriously tho cops are great
I vehemently disagree. Foot soldiers of the state? Don't make me laugh. It's not the state that buys them new cop cars or gets them all that sweet overtime or donates millions to their unions and pensions and so on. Even cops aren't stupid enough to not know who butters their bread.
I sincerely hope you aren't anywhere near a leadership position because your foolishness is only going to get yourself or others killed. You're taking a viper into your breast and you'll deserve whatever comes after.
Well in my country, it's the case. I do agree that the police in the US needs a pretty big reform of its institutions, with more citizen control, better training, and more independence from right-wing extremists and corporations.
Which is, incidently, what most police unions are pushing.
We seem to disagree however, as you probably want to abolish the police entirely.
But "better citizen control" only works to integrate the community into the police, have it become a part of the operations of the police, while the structural position of the police remains the same (as it always necessarily does) making it more difficult to struggle against. I don't live in the US either, but the police everywhere has the same main function.
Why do white brooklynite hipsters from Michigan make pretend to hate cops so much? The fact that they're bashing nigger and Puerto Rican skulls in is the only reason you can walk to the taco truck and froyo spot at 2 in the morning in safety.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Even if you were correct and the police did "serve the state,” who exactly do you think the state exists to serve?
I kinda doubt police unions in the US are pushing any of that, they seem interested in getting more and more militarized with less and less oversight.
Because your average American will join an org that uses the hammer and sickle in the year 2017…..
This was posted before he got elected and before the "story" broke, asshole.
Stop calling him a cop you dirty fucking trot. SAlt does nearly the same thing. They operate around and in the Democratic Party in all ways but rhetoric. See: the Bernie campaign.
Sometimes they'll make a show of pushing for some kind of "civilian oversight committee" or bullshit like that, but it's always toothless faux reform that takes no real power away from internal affairs and their ability to "police themselves."
Jesus, I was the first one to defend the DSA here, but now some of you are actually excusing the freaking police?
She looks better and has/will accomplish more for the left than you ever will, cunt.
A mass organization has growing pains and fuck ups, especially when their current base includes many liberals. If your first thought after this is to immediately resign and join some micro-sect than you clearly don't have what it takes for a fucking revolution.
Tbqh this is really the greatest solution. Cops are still shit that we shouldn't waste our time with but it's honestly great your dad quit being one.
Dad couldn't hack it
This Is straight up an FBI thread. Any leftist org, no matter how much you don't like them, is valuable. Undeniably what happened with the cop and the dsa sucks and needs to be fixed. Regardless what should be discussed here is proactive, starting a petition to get him to resign or whatever
Lefties eating their own is the quintessential FBI tactic for disrupting the left.
Jesus Christ I don't even know who's COINTELPRO anymore. Could you faggots stop flinging shit at each other for, like, two seconds?
That includes you, famalam
I bet that's what socialists said when they decided to vote for the Nazi party.
This. But also the trot in this thread keeps pushing he has at one point been a cop. He was never a cop. He isn't a cop. He's a union organizer who once organized cops. That's still more than enough to kick him out of DSA leadership but let's not just take on the hyperbole as fact.
What socialist voted for the nazi party
Considering practically every DSA member reacted with disgust at the reveal of the guy being a cop, you are being an overreacting, sectarian faggot. I don't even like the DSA (hell, I ain't even a burger), but it's obvious you're making a mountain out of a molehill to push your own sectarian agenda. If the DSA leadership actually turn out in support for this guy (unlikely), then shit's gonna go down, but until then it's just a massive blunder on DSA's part
Funny how the entire organization seems to want him out and yet 24 hours later not a single other NPC has stepped forward saying just that.
It's almost like DSA is structurally opportunist, like there might be an archipelago of 'radical' twitter accounts and yet the organization's program through and through not really have an issue with cops. You still want the state to persist into socialization without drastic political forms of the proletariat that dissolve it, you accept the police, the prisons, the whole repressive apparatus.
You cannot go halfway. 'Radicals' in DSA need to make it clear that you cannot go halfway and that appeasement with principles and resolutions and vague promises of where to go to next practically mean little.
Every leftist organization, from your super secret cell to an affinity group to your tankie party suffers from some sort of infilitration, be it simple informants to monitoring or wiretapping to straight up undercover agents.
My point being, at this point FBI is winning, secretarianism keeps us more focused on one another than our actual goals, FBI agitators force people into actions that disrupt meaningful action, we waste time shitposting here responding to obvious FBI cointelpro shit.
If you have a problem with the DSA, solicit them to ditch the fucking cop and do stronger checks on people. Chapters or however you guys organize should do at a minimum at least low-key background checks on vocal and active members, ect. Focus on being proactive. Like I fucking hate tankies/MLs/ect. but if shit hit the fan I'd take a bullet for even a fucking Trot if it meant the struggle could continue. Stop taking the obvious FBI bait, we are anti-capitalists first, even if I know tankies would wall me if they got the chance. I'm not even saying we need to stop criticizing DSA, they obviously fucking deserve it, but acting like what is becoming a promising anti-capitalist organization is "evil" because of a fuck up is exactly what the pigs want. The DSA still has potential at least in regard as acting as a vehicle for "my babies first socialism", even if that means there are a lot of soc dems in the organization. Defeatism though will get us nowhere. BE PROACTIVE.
Typical Trot line. DSA is not interested in reforming the Democratic Party anymore. Last time they tried that approach was in 2012.
Ever since then, they have focused on local projects and some local issues. The only excetion was encouraging Bernie to run.
DSA is definitely not a revolutionary communist party at the moment, but it is the largest socialist organization in the country. Anyone who cares about organizing and spreading socialism, is using this moment to get up from their armchairs and do something.
If things go well, DSA will not be the active organization ten years from now, but it is extremely important that DSA continues its momentum and radicalize as many liberals as possible. Socialism was a taboo word just two years ago.
DSA momentum + 2!of the old guard won seats on NPC. Momentum's platform is lieterally 'guerilla warfare in the democratic party'(!!!). It's the same line as Harrington's, just dressed up in radical language.
One of the NPC is big member in my local chapter and he's been lay vehemt about pushing endorsements form local and state 'progressive' dems.
Get rid of this delusion. DSA =\= left twitter rhetoric.
My nigga
I bet you LARPing idiots think you could actually take on the military and law enforcement if a revolution happened.
There are WAY more of us, and only so much a jet-fighter can do in a heavily populated city. Guerilla warfare 101, see Vietnam
tbh it helped in the russian revolution that the army hated the tsarist regime
Democratic Stra$$erists of America
The way I see it, this is just another excellent example highlighting the failure and anti-democratic nature of candidate slate systems. This is the same garbage that maintains power structures in trade unions.
DSA will not kick out the cop, you dumb cucks. They will claim that kicking him out is a form of discrimination against his job or something.
The leadership is already made up of plants. I really doubt that the cop is COINTELPRO but the situation will be exploited to benefit the undercovers in DSA. They want to dismantle the organization and the best way to do that is to keep the cop.
Hai Holla Forums
More like
A century and half of workers' movement have proved this infantile anarchist bullcrap wrong.
Well color me shocked.
But really, Occupy tried that "get cops on our side!" shit and all it got them was beaten, pepper sprayed, and arrested. Where were the cop apologies for all the people they hurt and those that they grievously injured? I don't recall any. Cops in the US murder thousands every year and all the do is play the victim and blame the people that they murder.
The carpet has been fucking laid out for them and they show their true colors every time. If one wears the uniform of the enemy then they shouldn't be surprised when they're treated like the enemy.
But maybe you're better informed than me. Can you link me to cops speaking out against slaughtering civilians? Or questioning protecting the bankers from the people that they're supposed to be serving? Or maybe police solidarity strikes with other unions at home or abroad? They're workers too! after all, so surely there must be an inkling of class consciousness or solidarity somewhere for you to share.
What is mayday?
What was the Haymarket Square Riots?
How many anarchists were sentenced to death that day?
BTW please tell me all about the PSL's success in the United States since its inception. Actually, the only parties that have seemed to do anything even remotely noteworthy are the DSA and SAlt, and even then their accomplishments are paltry. But please, go on and tell me all about the successes of leftist parties in the US in the past 60 or so years, I'm sure this will take long. And please, tell me all about how parties are totally never co-opted and totally not succeptible to possible infiltration by the police and subject to COINTELPRO style tactics (don't worry, I'll ignore all the whinying in this thread about that very thing).
Look at them! They are all stupid sjw's or something. They will never win,noone will vote for this kind of spooks
The voting system is a joke. People won literely for being black, for being from the South (like the Cop), or for being popular on twitter.
Only two people in the NPC are good at theory, the rest are random SJWs. This is why DSA will fall. Not just because they elect cops without background checks. For the next two years, identity politics will rule DSA because they couldn't come up with a better voting system.
Is this any different from you and all the other retards shilling for DSA to be destroyed? Like I said, this hysteria over an old fuck has caused half the board to once again take the bait and begin to advocate for the objective of COINTELPRO which is to destroy any organization that could pose a threat to the powers that be.
Strongly consider suicide
wasn't there a thread where a trot was salty because the DSA wouldn't let their SAlt group take over their mayday or gay pride march slot or something and then went about disrupting their meetings and crying about here? Honestly I could see a continuation of this trautism here with how much the trot here wants people to hate the DSA.
LIke for fuck sake man, if you look throughout this thread you'd see that I'm not even arguing that I think parties are completely useless, and I am even defending the DSA:
But you have to admit even parties have their flaws, and are not the SOLE means of organizing. I never once said parties were useless, I just implied that PSL is irrelevant.
DSA should be dismantled and we should support more useful organization instead. Social democracy, what DSA supports IN PRACTICE is a cancer against actual leftist politics. DSA would rather defend cops than befriend other leftist organizations. (besides Democratic-Lites like SAlt and the ISO).
That's simply not true. Any Left org, no matter what, is going to have a certain degree of FBI infiltration, there's plenty you can do to spot them and be aware of their presence, but they're always going to be there.
Valuable experiences of struggle, but all of which didn't lead to the seizing of power and thus eventually led to bourgeois reversement of the reforms that the proletariat did manage to conquer - especially through the worldwide adoptment of neoliberal policies. The 8-hour day means little today when in most capitalist countries, people are forced to work overtime either because their pay is shit or their bosses expect them to "work hard" or something, and risk losing their job if they don't comply, all thanks to labour market flexibility policies.
The problem of anarchism is that it has no viable solution for the question of power because it reeks of the words "workers' state" independently from what they actually represent. Marx (and later, Lenin) characterize it as simply "the proletariat organized as the ruling class", after it destroys the bourgeois state, abolishes it's bureaucratic organs and makes out of the necessary administrative functions of society, a rotative and democratic responsability of the people: marxists.org
(the whole book of "The State and Revolution" makes some good points on the topic.)
No idea about the PSL since I live in South America, but all I know is that neither voting for reformist parties, nor the anarchist "strategies" have led our class anywhere.
Have fun with your sectarian nonsense. You don't have the capacity for genuine socialist revolution.
Good during the revolution you want cops on your side.
Agreed. #BlueLivesMatter
They need time to fully investigate the situation, convene, deliberate, and prepare how it all happens. They also would prefer doing it after media attention gets all the (mostly positive) stories on them out. I don't blame them for not responding in 24 hours.
They probably don't even have written rules about this because it's the first time this happened.
How is PSL a cop front?
Cops are members. PSL focuses on Native American Trans Disabled id-politics instead of class struggle as their center.
that isn't momentum's platform
What’s wrong with police unions? When they go on strike it’s the perfect time for revolution.
Right so then we are largely arguing over semantics. I am not arguing against a DoPT, fuck I support the concept of a DoPT, even as an anarchist. I happen to believe it needs to be highly decentralized, but nevertheless support it as a concept, see Rojava and the YPG as an example of a form of DoPT.
As for this:
So, the same can be said of basically any leftist party in the US (as this is a DSA thread and I am from there). Obviously reforms are short sighted, I am a communist after all.
No the problem with LEFTISM is infighting over semantics. There are certain concepts that are at odds, like centralism vs decentralization, reform vs revolution, ect. But Marxists and Anarchists aren't all that different, I'd support Marxist revolution as its not all that different from Ancom revolution. You should consider the differences aren't that great. There are obviously differences over how much power the quasi-post-revolutionary state should possess but these are things to be worked out, not reasons to point guns at one another.
Proofs? They just had the HQ in Albuquerque trashed
Don't think that's true. Even if it was, better to fight for native rights than cops.
Yeah, in organic centralism they would have kicked out all the people that voted against him
Can someone explain to me what the big deal with cops are. If they genuine are class conscious what’s the problem. Having cops on our side during the revolution would be a good thing.
Congratulations to that one trot who's keeping this bullshit alive for 2 straight days.
If trots were as good at organizing as they were at sectarian infighting capitalism would be long gone.
We can't kick out the cop in 24 hours, we need to investigate.
One week later, people need to calm down, cop organizers are our allies.
Hottest of the hot.
If they were "class conscious" they wouldn't be cops.
OWS thought they could work with cops.
OWS thought they didn't have a COINTERPRO problem.
DSA has learned nothing from Occupy. They will not kick out the cop.
DSA Langley branch when
The actual fucking military is a better use of your effort here than pigs, cops are basically trained to hate and distrust anyone that isn't a cop
You should've seen the ones outside the convention.
The DSA is a bourgeois revisionist organization and I wouldn't put being an FBI honeypot or controlled opposition past them.
eople need to educate themselves with the DIFFERENCE between socialism and communism. There is nothing negative about wanting equal opportunity in jobs, healthcare, way of quality of life for all citizens which is Socialism.
Read a book libshit
Have fun with your liberal waifu and le progressive cops. Make sure that trans people will be able to slaughter Yemenis again someday.
Cops have not ever been and will not ever be on the side of the revolution.
What a shitty thread you've made OP
People have to make money to survive.
History isn’t finished
There are other jobs that aren't inherently antagonistic to the working class and that don't require you to uphold an exploitative system on behalf of the bourgeoisie.
is your pic related implying youre in favor of nazism?
There are people who genuinely believe they are trying to protect and serve, not to uphold some spooky system.
Most cops workday consist of highway patrol, registering plaints, and city patrol. Not to torture poor little innocent anarcho-autonomists.
Irrelevant. The conversation was about "class conscious" cops. If you're class conscious you already know the police as an institution are not Norman Rockwell do-gooders.
Regardless of whatever cops delude themselves into believing it doesn't alter the function they serve. Now fuck off back to Holla Forums.
DSA is not kicking out the cop killer.
Time to abandon this liberal shill organization.
Cops are here to fight crime and protect populations. This isn't the 40's anymore, we don't have J. H. Blair and private militia attacking Syndicalists.
This mission do include protecting private property and obeying to officials when they tell them to charge at protesters, which makes them in that sense conscripts for the bourgeois, but Riot Control is less than 5% of the law enforcement personnel. Highway patrolmen will never do anything else than patrol the highway, and these people can also be class-conscious. I don't see what wrong they have done.
Not masturbating to Riot Porn and larping as a black bloc autist is now Holla Forums.
Holy shit stop telling us what to do
This thread is for garbage men
Many in Austin DSA already knew about Fetonte. They aren't the people to look at for this. Many NPC members just arrived back home from the convention. They are still figuring things out.
Nobody is taking your shit seriously so you should stop. You aren't even in the organization so why are you talking like you are.
you argue like Holla Forums. It's really ridiculous.
It fairly clear Holla Forums is trying some divide and conquer strategy in this thread. Not even trots are this retarded.
Empty terms.
That was supposed to happen at the convention. So now when is the purge happening? Next year?
No, the DSA growth is a positive development, but we must be realistic about it. The DSA organization itself is is dogshit socdem imperialists. We need the serious socialists and communists to stop practicing entryism on this irrelevant group.
This so much. I'm one of the ones telling everyone to leave DSA for a real party, and I've gone to many DSA meetings and probably still will in the future, just to meet the few communists who might show up.
So is the DSA gonna stop backing US imperialism anytime soon? I'm glad a socialist org is growing, but I can't trust them until Jacobin actually starts standing up to liberals on foreign policy and repudiating their prior stances.
Also, y'know, a fucking cop.
Seriously if the radical left started talking to the police and organized a mass police strike then we’d closer to revolution then we’ve ever been.
One times chance, two times coincidence, three times a pattern. Better to use all that effort on the military which HAS historically basically always had chunks go turncoat. The police have an easier time turning their guns their own countrymen they're supposed to protect because that's what they've been doing the whole time already.
It's not just "oh they wouldn't become a cop/would quit."
Cops that don't actively cover up the crimes of other cops are driven out of the force, don't get backup in dangerous situations, on occasion actively murdered.
I saw a clip where they were chanting something about Corbyn and it was very cringey
Thank Christ
Someone apparently missed the Standing Rock protests. My state and many others sent highway patrolmen to go attack protesters as part of an inter-state agreement.
I'm fairly certain the last thread made it clear that he had done some sort of union organizing for cops, not that he is a cop. Have we already reached this level of misinformation?
Any other organization that had its shit together would have kicked out the police union organizer by now.
COINTELPRO has successfully created regional tensions between the South and Coastal Cities. The cop won't be kicked out because the NPC will fear inciting regional tensions. They are going to ask for members to not harass the cop and to accept people of all professions, even cop organizers.
At best, the cop will apologize and he will remain in the NPC. At worse, no apology and DSAers who question this decision will be kicked out/blocked on social media.
could someone already ice pick this hysteric trot please?
I couldn't give two fucks about burger politics, but this is really getting annoying
Of course DSA is made up of tankies like Trevor Hill and CPUSA members. Liberals and stalinists have always gotten along perfectly.
muh united front
I'm so #triggered right now!!1!
This convention was supposed to be our safe space, and these fucking WHITE MALES have elected a fucking COP!!!1! I litteraly can't even. Someone hold me please, Oh god, never again will I do anything with these fucking BROCIALISTS COPFUCKERS
Yeah, as if you guys haven't been spamming "DSA is the best thing ever to happen in 30 years, please go join them" ad nauseam.
Kinda agree with the tankie on this
oh shut the fuck up
trots and liberals were sucking on the same tit for the past century
your poster boy Mandel was cheering Perestroika and liberalization
muh Wind of Change!
Slate (whose staff is trying to unionize btw) wrote a piece:
I'm confused, I thought this diversity quota bullshit was entirely up to local groups to decide on? Apparently it's part of the central organization too?
Perhaps local groups can decide on their own local diversity quota or not is what they meant by that?
Added January 11, 2017, via email to Ben on January 10, 2017. Aleta provided the following clarifications of the above comments.
"One clarification:
"Was that my family origins are Cape Verden not Portuguese (speak Portuguese)
"And I was born a man child….which is why I am a lesbian.
"The I am 'white male' was a replay of the laughter of the room when Jeremy stated he was not a white man but ……
"The group didn't get the joke though….."
She added the following clarification of her intention in waiting until the end of the conversation to speak (the clarification was provided in the same January 10, 2017, email to Ben).
"I did a purposeful demonstration on how not speaking during the discussion of race didn't affect anyone to want to hear "others" in a group…..I as African American was needed in discussion to make it invaluable as one of the only Af. Am. Prospective that was there in the room.
"In a democratic round robin process (see PMAs). Folks leave space to speak less to invite 'the other' prospective in the room. I hope my refraining from talking supported the mostly white male discussers to maybe re-consider a more democratic round robin process rather than the one with more to say keeps on talking."
Popped up just from googling dsa diversity quota. This was the minutes from a DSA east SF bay chapter meeting.
Sounds like the same Progressive Stack bullshit that helped to undermine the Occupy movement in New York.
Look at the last names they're all Jews. That's why
by lenin's balding skull what the fuck
Has anyone in this thread trashing the DSA actually been to a DSA meeting? It might help your perspective to go to one before criticizing the organization as a whole; I'm seeing a lot of misinformation in this thread.
When you say things that are blatantly untrue, it just makes any further argument you have against the DSA look like you're either COINTELPRO trying to break up the organization intentionally, or just a whining kid with no real point to make besides the fact that the DSA isn't "ideologically pure".
Literally fighting over their whiteness.
nice try, I think after this incident, we know better. DSA will not kick out the cop.DSA will instead allow a cop organizer to rule in the NPC for the next 2 years, until you can get more cops elected. Probably more undercover next time.
Trot organisations have a bigger history of being honeypots than literally every other ideology. Maybe take a look at your own groups before you shit on others
yea you're right, purity is gay, and the DNC really isn't even that bad cause they still have that one drop of leftism left
That's because social democrats forever remain only one step removed from liberals. in b4 muh purity
wtf i love the dsa now
police when investigating any non drug offence/crime against rich people
Silly Billy, crime only exists because of Capitalism. In our perfect anarchist society, it would simply go away.
Wait a few more days before saying that. Let them correct their mistake and shit over them if they don't.
a fucking rose
Starting to sound like Alex Jones here
I'm really having a hard time believing you when i know a few things about criminal behavior
DSA proving they are liberals once again
DSA will not kick out the cop. The cop will refuse to resign. The next two years, a cop organizer will be in the highest governing body of DSA.
DSA is not a legitimate leftist organization. Simple as that.
What has this person in particular ever done to you.
And how might they "force him out" exactly?
I'm not saying the police never solve actual crimes but you are just being naive to say that they don't spend a huge amount of of their time on non crimes like drugs and generally harassing the poor/minorities. Try get the police to do anything about a minor theft or burglary you suffer, I beg you, especially if you don't live in a nice neighbourhood.
Hey porky, I strongly encourage you to stop mass exploiting the proletarian's labor and time, or else..
Because it's usually almost impossible to solve these crimes.
Most of the time, the police is hostile/aggresive because it's their only strategy left due to cuts in public spending. Either they do rapid-response action, which means they move around a lot, don't establish a contact with the population, and only catch crimes committed in the open (drugs, other minor issues).
Or they establish a network of agents who know the "street", try to prevent crime instead of fighting it, but this costs money and govt don't want that.
We really cannot have cops be in high positions in our organization. We shouldn't even have them as members at all.
Maybe they just commit more crimes due to increased tendencies of anti-social personality traits occuring on a genetic basis? Ever talked to black cops on the subject? Some neighborhoods just have fucked up people in them you cant do much about.
Yeah, fuck off
Yeah let's give cops more funding and equipment, that will make them allies of Communism.
Why ever not ? Most of them don't work in suppressing protests/the poor. At this rate, you should forbid any public worker to enter your organisation too.
It's not that, it's more due to awful things like gangs and begging mafias. Poverty brings crime and crime brings poverty. A policed society would ideally reduce crime and as such, reduce poverty.
Nah, nope, not buying it.
Add more training, a better hierarchy, and less work hours, and you've got already a less brutal police force.
All I got out of this thread is this: Trots and Socdems are both cancer and should be purged
No, because we should be able to recognize that cops are not equivalent to other public sector workers. They are enforcers of private property, to say nothing of America's other systematic evils.
Add all that, and you have a better trained, more numerous, and better equipped police force. Almost sounds like you're building a Freikorps rose, hmmmm…
Denying genetics is not something leftists do, its not solely due to genetics that black people commit disproportionate amounts of crime, it makes them more vulnerable to developing criminal tendencies when being exploited and forced into poverty.
Thats only part of the problem though. of course the culture that comes along with poverty in a highly consumeristic society creates a thug culture but serious anti-social tendencies are more likely to be developed among different racial/ethnic groups. Anti-social personality traits are usually permenant and genetic,
But it literally is. My country decided to shift tactics to reduce costs. Before, Police acted as a passive intelligence gathering agency, getting to know people, investigating local crimes, doing prevention actions, even organising some fun stuff like footballs matches and rallies in poor banlieue. Their main mission was to be at the service of the citizen.
Nowadays, this has been cut (And I quote our president : "The Police is not here to play football with young people.") and replace with violent patrols going from city to city and arresting people who look suspect. This has cause a dramatic increase in violence, and reduced the overall performance of the police.
Worst of all, in the context of terrorism, the intelligence gathering of Proximity Policing could have been a key advantage.
Another effect of budget cuts is objective-based policing. They basically have to catch X criminals during the month, so they arrest a random black dude smoking weed to meet their quota.
Yes, because there is something in the blood of cops that predisposes them to fascism, not their material conditions.
Blaming "genetics" is nonsense and a Holla Forums dog-whistle. Try harder.
That is not their main mission nowadays, and not every country as a police force as fucked up as America.
What about the Financial Brigade whose role is to catch white collar crime and corruption ? Do they deserve the wall too ?
It kinda is because genetics is irrelevant. Now fuck off back to Holla Forums
Pepsi was right the whole time.
The funny thing is no one can even tell if you're being sarcastic or not, going by your other comments on genetics.
Nice strawman there. You didn't addressed how the strategies the state chooses influences the behaviour of cops.
It was another Rose, and I told him to fuck off to Holla Forums.
Nah, it literally isn't. I'm really not buying that your cops just suddenly became mean when their budgets got cut.
You know whose budgets seem to be doing fine? Cops in America and Japan. Tell me how that's going.
Not very dialectical.
And the situation in America is partly due to how they only have 6 months of training and needs to assume every random on the street has the ability to kill them.
The material conditions of cops influences their behaviour.
(and that's not even a true social-democracy here.)
What happens in your irrelevant country doesn't change that cops have always been enforcers of the bourgeois order, and managed to be just as vicious before `~+budget cuts+~` suddenly gave them a bad day.
You socdems are seriously just the worst.
No cops. The cop either has to resign from DSA, or from his position in law enforcement.
or the DSA could turn into an actual leftist party because fuck succdems
So the material conditions of the law enforcement doesn't influence how they work and how they behave ?
Enforcers of order who happens to be bourgeois. This is a notable difference. They are not conscious of it, and again, they also fight white collar crime. Most socdems want incidently this white collar crime to be punished much harder.
There have been more shootings in LA alone than in Scandinavia in the year 2014.
Police brutality drastically rose after the budgets cuts in my country.
Material conditions matter.
You can't use Neuroscience vaguely on a class of people like that. And """genetics""" is not neuroscience.
There are more people in the LA area alone then there are in all of Sweden. Also choosing 2014 as your comparison is bullshit. That's like those "since 9/11 Islamic terrorism dindu nuffin compared to leftist terrorism" comparisons. Derp.
But seriously, watch this and tell me that you manage the police doesn't change how they behave themselves.
The problem is at how the police is directed, not the foot soldiers themselves.
Good night.
18,68 millions
21 million
Shots in LA : 180
Shots in Scandinavia : 99
To no one's surprise, the cop leans feels>reals Praxis slate. A tool of the state supporting a movement that will prevent any sort of growth and power. Color me real fuckin' surprise.
You said Sweden, not Scandinavia. In US when we say places like SF, LA, or NY, we are usually referring to the areas or counties, not the city alone, because there is so much urban sprawl that it is essentially a continuous area.
Source on crime?
No fam, he did say Scandinavia. Your quote even says he said Scandinavia
The police are hostile because they are literally trained to act as an occupying force, to have an us vs them mentality against the very people they're policing, because anyone who questions this gets harassed out of the force or even literally murdered. These are actively self perpetuating problems. They might get triggered by temporary circumstances but once they're there you basically can't get rid of them without wiping the slate clean.
fugg you're right, I don't know why I had Sweden on my mind.
Cape Verde was uninhabited when the Portuguese arrived and settled there, she's likely mixed from a West African and Portuguese.
You mean, the old anti-Communists and the anti-BDS fucks?
this thread isn't even finished retard
politics are hard
Not for us. We're the only ones here who actually understand politics.
whoa thats convincing
now i hate rosa!
Reminder that at this convention DSA overwhelmingly voted for police/prison abolition.
vague anarkiddie shit
did you even watch it? It's a criticism of capitalism.
He could be laughing at the blatant idpol and diversity shoehorning
There's a fucking cop AND soldier in that picture.
Do you think we need to build socialism for the us military?
what's next? is an FBI or CIA agent just off the frame?
"working class" my ass
So maybe I don't know my history well enough but didnt DSA's organizational predecessor support the Vietnam War?
I just watched this video
they did such a shitty job of explaining any of the actual logic behind the marxian criticisms of capitalism.
cointelpro: the party
not an argument, Sargon.
Not gonna like, the stache looks sick
Honestly, even when I agree with GMiL it still looks like hot garbage.
you're against everything, always.
No, you dingus. They're aggressive because American police training for the lion's share is woefully inadequate compared to pretty much any other western nation, and focused on being "Law Enforcement" and not peace officers. Not to mention, groups like the IBPO covering the ass of crooked cops when they should have the book thrown at them, AND the "culture of silence" that ensures decent cops will get dogpiled and disgraced if they speak out on corruption and abuses in their departments.
Any cops that just try to do the right thing and don't hassle people are feeling hostility because the larger "organization" of their profession won't let the worst offenders in their own ranks be held accountable for hardly anything, and that erodes public trust in a major way. You can't police anybody if you keep breaking it down to the point where they no longer consent to your authority as having legitimacy, and if accountability and proper training doesn't become a major focus then it's only going to continue to spiral.
I feel like writing a bot to scan news articles for "berniebro" and write down the names of the authors for blacklisting. Plenty of other keywords would be helpful too, but none is as astroturfed as berniebro.
Someone in the last thread accused Larry website of supporting the cop and wanted him to address it. Here's his response
It's dsa members who are most opposed to this guy
In case you all haven't figured out, Danny won't be kicked out. DSA is a Democratic Party front. They want to attract liberals and cops, while "reforming" the criminal justice system. They are not an actual socialist organization.
Scan for Berniebro authors, correlate with the Clinton emails to identify shills and vectors of propaganda disbursement.
Holly shit just shut up already.
larry is not to be trusted, he threatens people with expulsion
Take off your flag.
Trots talking calling an org a front for cops is fucking magical
Problem comes telling the good from bad. You want to find cops who are getting zergrushed by Lumpen and drunk Porkies on a daily basis and let them know there's a better way.
Worked for Stalin ;)
Oh fuck off.
These people seem to have no idea what they are doing. One
This is for a board of nine members, so the voting mechanism seems to be plurality at large. This is not a proportional system and tends to produce rather homogeneous groups. Then somebody proposes that this voting method that is likely to give the biggest current all the seats should be modified by something that doesn't actually change that aspect, but is all about the type of diversity that is visible, so somebody
And of course, somebody has to say that (and this gets repeated):
How much of a pain in the arse do you want to make it to count the votes just to cater to a group that is smaller than 1 % of the population? If there is a quota system of the sexes, just have men and women (you know, the two sexes, you might have heard about them), and in the rare case that doesn't quite fit, you can just assign them to one group for the purpose of that election by flipping a coin. Somebody
Half the seats of nine seats… Guess we actually need some intersex candidates. And for the bit about representing blacks and so on: Guaranteeing ethnic diversity may sound nice as long as you don't think about it, but try actually putting that into an unambiguous system. There are many ethnic groups, and unlike with the sexes, there is a ton of blending (passing as white etc.), so forget about that.
See pic for how to basically do a list-free proportional elections with representation of both sexes. (It actually is a bit more complicated, because you also need a rule for the case when you don't have enough candidates of a sex.)
For your own sake, stop desperately slandering DSA. He is on his way out. DSA members know this. All your talk won't mean anything when he is kicked out of the NPC.
In addition to being close with cops, he also is strongly socdem and favors dem party reform. That's why Momentum and Praxis don't like him.
tbh i don't think cops would try something this retarded
literally end your life
Someone was saying something about the DSA not working with SAlt?
Saved, where'd you find this image?
The working class
The week is almost over and he is still sitting comfortably in the NPC. He is not going anywhere.
seriously though thats cool. but if dsa doesnt endorse PSL in 2020 theyre bad
I imagine they will endorse the Dems if a Berniecrat wins (Sanders himself said he would not run), but upside of that they focus far more on local elections: they are not a federally minded organisation quite yet. A lot like the original SPA in a few ways.
Or maybe the Greens.
idk, 3 years is a long time from now. if they survive the current cop-npc crisis, they'll come out of it more radical than before, and if they keep going down that road, we might be lucky enough to see them totally snub the dems regardless of nominee
Is there a crisis though? Or are trots on the web just annoyed? Regardless, the DSA in three years I imagine would want to be running their own candidates, their entire thing is to be the SPA 2.0 so we may see a DSA presidential candidate.
everyone is mad about this. a strawpoll showed 30% of ppl were willing to quit DSA if he wasnt removed
Holla Forums OC.
wow who woulda though like just wow controlled op exists? like wow i just dont….like wow
They won't quit and he won't be removed. DSA is fine being led by cops, and so are most of its liberal Berniebro members.
i dont get how is he being police problem? is bad to be police and be in parties? is police bad in US?
The police is bad.
double yes
It's been nearly a week since DSA elected the cop and they have not kicked him out.
They will not kick him out.
They will defend him.
He will be in the NPC for the next two years.
So what are you going to do about it, trot?
Four days.
i still not get how he bad just for being policeman?
even if cop bad what if he just like part?
could convince other police to join maybe even?
You need to distinguish between the people using 'berniebro' seriously and the people writing something like "people who talk about berniebro's are insane".