let's have a good ol fashioned autism thread
Let's have a good ol fashioned autism thread
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it's really cringy how these idiots love pinochet even when the majority of chileans don't
You know you are a Holla Forumsack when you see a long pole/staff and you immediately think of black dick.
every thread is an autism thread on Holla Forums
Man, if kabbalalistic thought magic was real, I would drop BDS and be on the first flight to Tel Aviv to learn.
Do Holla Forumstards even bother to look this shit up? Also they left out the part where they raped all of their masters wives until they became pregnant, then killed them too (allegedly). So much for the master race.
Honestly I wonder how Pinochet would feel if he saw that this was what has become of his name
He wouldn't care. He was a sellout from day one. He stole around $20 million dollars from his own countrymen while also murdering them and doing the bidding of the Americans. So much for the nationalist right I guess.
wtf I’m a nazi now
Do chileans like allende or were they brainwashed
He'd try to make money off of it.
nothing makes me angrier than classical liberals trying to claim that Fascism isn't Austrian.
There are many Pinochet lovers actually. But supporting Pinochet is more frowned upon than supporting Allende, that's for sure.
More than Pinochet at the very least. He's mostly seen as a victim or martyr, generally. But there's a lot of "He was ruining the country" shit being thrown around as well.
what actually happened in haiti? I am curious
I’ve seen some fascists who’re Keynesian. Still capitalist though.
the only successful slave revolt in history. literally every regional power has fucked them over at some point. They payed off reparations for BTFOing the frogs in 1947
Pinochet supporters are delusional anyway, its sad how theres a growing right wing in latin america, we are eternally cucked by the us
Here's something pretty autistic I found today.
An alt-right roblox furry
he also has a youtube channel full of cringe-worthy content, leafy style.
whats with the black bits?
lel, why are you posting the censored version?
our fascist friend made the infrographic with african phallus
As autistic as this is, it just makes me personally angry.
I unironically LOVED Episode VII. Seeing it on the premiere day that fateful December was one of the greatest cinematic experiences of my entire life. The audience was super-enthusiastic, and it was unbelievably fun. And cinematically speaking, the film is practically phenomenal. The cinematography and special effects are some of the best I've ever seen in modern movies. And honestly, it was the funniest Star Wars movie I've seen yet. The humor nailed it every single time.
It was just a great, super-fun, fulfilling experience for me. I hadn't loved Star Wars that much since I was a little kid. It made me so genuinely happy…
… Then these Holla Forumstards and special snowflake contrarian fuckers come in and shit on the whole thing. I know it sounds petty to say I want to kill them, but… can I? Please?
if you're really that ballsy join antifa
cringy af lol
I love these conservative memes, cause they ironically project the failures of capitalism onto socialism.
Simply marvelous what ideology can do to the ol' noggin machine.
teaching stormfags to say "means of production" was a mistake
Boomer conservative views on socialism never cease to make me smile
Working for grocery stores is actually part of what radicalized me.
Boomers can't meme.
The biggest crime in history was not hanging Margaret Thatcher
its the one stored on my computer
It's also kind of funny when reactionaries turn postmodern when they need to "interpret" or justify some fetish or practice.
I wish I had that shirt.
ah gotcha
Even recently Hillary Clinton lobbied their government against raising the minimum wage there and a politician questioning the Clinton Foundation's handling of the charitable aid following the recent earthquake was also assassinated.
They always forget that it was the French not white people that they had enmity with, but hey bootlickers will never understand or empathise with those trying to break their chains.
Also pic related, oh gee I wonder why Haiti REMAINED (it didn't turn into one, slavery isn't exactly rosy unless you're the one holding the reins) a shithole.
And that's just the US meddling.
It's not a good movie at all kys. No amount of Disney's money could pay me to write a blog post like that.
Go on his channel and tell him to yiff in hell.
The fuck is with Holla Forumsyps projecting so hard on the whole anime medium?
It's because Fascists see literally everything through sex and pop evo-psych.
someone post the uncensored version
What retard still buys a Che shirt nowadays?
Last time I've seen it being worn by someone was 2009
you'll understand the day you walk in and can't eat anything despite there being a massive surplus
Here you go.
I've never figured out if this image was a joke or not.
hahahahahahahahahaha oh my god
How should we respond to this?
with gunfire
Ask them what they think the police is for.
You don't understand basic economics. You see capitalism is free trade. You trade a perishable non-universal good with another. That's how it works! We don't need to add money which is nonperishable and is universal. Let's ignore the fact that trading a perishable non-universal good with a nonperishable and universals good is what capitalism is based upon. Let's also ignore that the market doesn't treat goods the same and that money is the main target in the market. Let's just through out all aspects of capitalism and call it capitalism.
every political system is enforced with violence.
fuck, was meant for
this too, it's probably better
remind them of the origins of the system
why do so many people try to fuck haiti over? Did they have a useful resource there that they wanted control over it for?
People. The resource was people. Tons of human trafficking runs out of Haiti.
With a gun.
I don't think we can recover from this one lads…
A classic
wasn't the French revolution technically violating the NAP?
absolutely, no technically about it
>psychologist who doesn't even understand the idea of proof twitter.com
i feel as though the people who make these images are all like the person in pic
What's interesting about pewdiepie is that if he had not come out with slightly pro alt-rightish sounds buzz-phrases he would of been hated by these kinds of people normally but because he happens to ideologically align with them then none of this matters. Even though i'm a lefty that dosen't mean I have to like somone because they share my political beliefs. It really is pure ideology.
Anyways video related
I think that what really made him turn right is the media trying to make him look bad, and who is the current enemy number one of the press ? That's right, the aut right. I'm a bit curious to see what will happen with all the aut right sympathizers when people start to see their bullshit, maybe they will use the old strategy of saying that they always were left-wing.
(you) deserve this
People. The resource was people. Tons of human trafficking runs out of Haiti.
u sound like a fag but i appreciate your sincerity and enthusiasm and ur probly cooler irl than most people on this board
No wonder the right-wing are all Redditors.
Someone used this meme In a debate…
It's fucking Dunkirk
Wait turned on sage
Star Wars is bougie as fuck and Episode VII was entertainingly mediocre. Don't let yourself be taken in by Di$$$ney.
Seriously, don't get me fucking started on the classcucking inherent in Star Wars.
I still don't understand this tweet.
that the bitch went full Holla Forumstard. aka she hates jews because she is redpilled so she relates Chester's death to Jews, etc. Nonsense.
The fact that the protagonists are aligned with scrappy rebels doesn't de-bougify it, comrade.
It's classcucked in precisely the same way as actual anti-imperialists.
The universe in SW might be a bit worst since Magical Heroes Chosen by Destiny actually exist in it.
Let me put this another way for you fans: given the state the galaxy will likely be in post-new trilogy, who the fuck would be able to stop Rey from declaring herself the rightful Empress/Queen chosen by the Force?
Can someone explain the right's obsession with Soros to me? Shit seems like Rothschilds 2.0
please stop posting that bitch
He's the prefect boogeyman:
He's a rich Jew that is genuinely very politically active and influential and promotes "left-wing" idpol. He's therefore the closest living incarnation of their memes on Jews.
George Soros said that the happiest time in his life was when he impersonated a Nazi camp guard and punished Jewish prisoners.
Complete bullshit, this is just sour grapes as this dweeb is probably shit at sex. I can tell you for certain when you know what you're doing it can feel many orders of magnitude better than masturbation.
It reminds me of that "bags of sand" line from 40 year old virgin.
I have some live autism happening now
this is a comment on a nightmare fuel video
Oh shit i think i'm becoming attracted to black dicks now thanks to this movie
that first pic
neo-/g/: "Google is communist
is this "da j00s" shit or is he talking about something different?
I feel like a butthurt fascist brit made this…
he was calling Lenin a totalitarian regime leader
how long until pic related?
you can actually look at the thread on /g/, it's still there.
something about google and that stupid idpol drama.
Seriously, the marketing behind it was absurd. They even viralled it, like with "white people are mad at black stormtrooper" and "men are mad with female protagonists". They turned SJWs into living billboards. If you can call them alive.
And they conveniently ignore the piles of money he spent sabotaging commie countries. And how he got filthy rich by essentially making a lot of 3rd world people poorer, for that matter.
eat shit sexhaver
That bush, Jesus.
It's actually great, the aut-right are up in arms about Google firing someone for writing a retarded "what about variety of OPINIONS" memo because nu-feminists got legit triggered about it. It's a rare occasion when we can watch a war involving only our enemies, so savor the moment.
I wonder if they realize that the Nazis lost despite Dunkirk
It's been pretty horrifying to see Di$ney use the diverse cast of the new Star Wars flicks as a smokescreen for their activities as a multibillion dollar media conglomerate. Part of what finally drove me away from most social media is rampant..'progressive consumerism' for lack of a better phrase. The prime example right now would be the #Resistance and its obsession with Harry Potter and (of course) Star Wars.
when are Holla Forums going to gert attetion whores like this?
we had satan-chan and two anfems
They would only ruin the place
fucking wew
>>>Holla Forums10367872
fucked it up
>>>/liberty/63312 claiming that a parable, using wage-labour as analogy, is proof that God is a capitalist.
Better buckle up because virtue-signalling market has barely started. One of the things Zizek was right about.
Oh, I recall reading a SJW say, seemingly without irony, that the success of the new Ghostbusters would reflect how much America supported or opposed femnism. And you know that new Doctor Who being female? SJWs and journalists (implying there's even a difference anymore) were bragging so fucking damn much about MALE TEARS that didn't exist that the show's director himself told them to shut up.
I've had a theory that Holla Forums was all soccer moms for a long time and now I have proof.
cause I'm sure that wont blow up in their faces or anything
How does grunge make men weaker?
Modern """grunge""" is chicks on tumblr wearing flannel and smoking cigarettes to look cool
Actual grunge is about alienation from society, acknowledgement of society's failures, and releasing pent up angst.
Looks photoshopped to me, unless she had someone else taking the picture I just don't see how it's physically possible to do that. BM/WF is mainly a porn myth anyways, you only need to look at dating site stats to see that.
she did, it was jamal
they why is hwite genocide such a big deal then?
Reviving thread
Why is the third pic cringeworthy? It's actually very reasonable.