Keep Zionist scum out of your fucking organizations.
Keep Zionist scum out of your fucking organizations
I really dislike how the jewish bourgeoisie has brainwashed its working class to be so obsessed with the Holocaust. It's gotten to the point where the children of holocaust survivors have developed symptoms of PTSD over it despite never actually even experiencing the events first hand.
Settlers love to use genocide as an excuse for their own acts of genocide.
hahaha kill yourself
I think a more severe case of the extremities of anti-antisemitism can be seen in what is basically the palestinean genocide.
Liberals are sickening
another graph
Zionists should be purged.
Hate to appropriate a pol meme but SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!
Zionists are on the same level as you Holla Forumsyps. Its no coincidence the left hates israel and right wing republicans deepthroat them.
I'm not a Holla Forumsyp, you fucking idiot.
Yeah sure. We like to discuss here other things than your love affair with israel.
I'm sure your post made more sense in your head.
Why do you have to discuss "muh jewish conspiracies" when we have more important things at hand?
I think a lot of people don't understand how deeply anti-Semitic the Middle East is:
Cant we all just sage idpol?
Please don't use Bookchin meme images while you are supporting Israeli imperialism. Thank you.
what came first, the chicken or the egg? The middle-east was fairly secular during the 20th century.
Wow, we must defend Zionism now.
Kill yourself faggot
If it came to supporting either the Enlightenment project of Israel, or the barbarism of Islamism, I would support the former in a heartbeat. But in any case, my point was that there are serious problems with AS in the Middle East, and many people don't recognise the complexity of it.
Much of the anti-Semitism is directly influenced by 20th century fascism. Check out the link I posted.
Anti-zionism is related to leftist politics and is a frequent discussion on this board. Youre either extremely new or don't belong here.
At least educate yourself first if you're going to try and shitpost. This is weak shit.
Yes post them jewish infographs so we can "educate" from them.
Don't use words you don't understand
why is leftypol so bad at ignoring bait?
We're internet poisoned autists who enjoy yelling at things we know are bait.
Jewish does mean Zionist 9/10 times. Get tf over yourself. Congrats on being the 1 Jew in 10 who isn't complete shit.
literally the exact same argument as white nationalists
somebody should take that app that turns "white people" into "jews" (to compare liberal idpol to nazi speech) and reverse it so we can compare the zionists to nazis
that's not my point
if you replace "Jew" with "Zionist" in that quote it makes no fucking sense
the Zionist proletariat is my friend? hell no.
Fugg I did miss your point. You're right. Sorry
How about y'all stop rooting for bourgeois states or natlibbers and focus on, you know, communism?
And the Antideutsche were pretty much right when they said that a huge part of the left is anti-semitic.
Lmao ziocucks really are Nazis
How about neither?
hello where is the proof
What's wrong with the people who come up with the name of military operations? Do they think it's some kind of video game or what?
Military shooters are basically recruitment tools, so life imitates art imitates life…
Fuccboi is spooked as hell but partially right in that there is no future for Israel/Palestine that doesn't end in genocide for one side. All these 'solutions' are just feel-good fantasies for liberals to jerk themselves to how enlightened and diplomatic they imagine themselves to be. Keep liberal scum out of your organizations.
“Fuck it, wipe out Gaza,” says spokesman for new EU campaign
The zionists are committing genocide right now. Fuck off.
But why though
they use drones now so it's basically a videogame.
If you seriously can't imagine how to govern a nation with more than one ethnic group, you are fucking braindead and should never ever speak on politics. You are literally incapable of imagining basic policy and so pathetically weak that your ideas have no inherent right to survive.
we alt-right nao
but user i-it's the p-porkys that make them hate each other!
Normalizing terrorism
noice. Holla Forumslack here, stay on topic commies, you're doing good work.
Well Zionists and White Nationalists are both fascists who share the goal of containing Jews in a specific geopolitical area, so it makes sense.