Facebook Is Using an “NRA Approach” to Defend Creepy Facial Recognition Programs
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Why do ancaps even want to destroy the state?
They don't, they just want to get rid of welfare programs and privatize the public sector, they literally have no issues with anything else the state does.
Anprims should grow a pair and nuke Silicon Valley and everything they've spawned.
but nukes are a product of civilization
They'll get nowhere with that line of thinking, then.
All hail our next president!
UBI only for US citizens with a verified Facebook profile.
Spying can happen under any system. The problem isn't if it's done for shekels, the motherland or the king but that this creepy shit is done at all.
I guess surveillance is only bad when socialist states do it.
This is likely to happen within the next decade.
Now do you understand why Stalin had to Gulag the bureaucrats and scientists?
Buy my shirt wagey. You want to save the world don't you? That's a good prole.
Stalin did nothing wrong.
What is this, reddit? The term is mass surveillance.
Glad I don’t and never had a Facebook.
Soon Antifa will have to wear helmets that completely cover the face with a metal sheet.
necessary hypocrisy.
I’d rather move to Rojava.
Hey, faggot, try to start posting once at a time in a thread. You're killing the boards flow by keeping threads that people may have responded to below your impulsive outbursts.
Any idea what kind of stores use this software? Malls? Large retailers I'm assuming?
All the more reason to delete the facebook, kiddos
You can also do this
I take it he was agreeable?
You can't legally cover your face in most places. That or they will refuse to give you service.
ITT: people complaining about pollution while dumping their waste into the nearby river.
If you still use Facebook you need to kill yourself.