w-would you like a cat face on your rice omelette in ketchup, a-user-kun
W-would you like a cat face on your rice omelette in ketchup, a-user-kun
me either
can u make it in something other than ketchup ? that sounds like bad tasty
sowwy ;;
Ketchup on rice sounds awful.
I s-suppose it is fine... Maybe I am just a normie after all
playing Hanzo and drawing have a lot in common
no dont say that !!! aaaa ;;
youre allowed to like what u like !!
mayonnaise on rice
I know nothing!
Am boy have penis
why don't we have 3 heat-proof hands this would make soldering so much easier
Nice, same.
I suppose ^^ you gonna have to give me less normie things
i will later. i gotta go drive now !! TATA
is proof?
Good butt
I tried the drawing the composer upsidedown thing
first attempt was awful. scrapped it after the chair.
second attempt took a few hours. but it was a lot like getting repeated headshots as Hanzo on Overwatch. compared mine with others after I'd finished.
prolly not
the girl
im a girl
Later potatter
then why the fuck do they do it in animes?? what else is that thick red shit they draw faces with on them
your choices are hotsauce ketchup and semen goddammit
rape l00ds
Gaems?! you gonna win!
playing Hanzo is also a lot liek drawing in MS paint. what you're doing is checking your crosshair, where the enemy is relative to the crosshair, and drawing a line. turns out humans are pretty good at doing that automatically very quickly, and why many people find flicking (drawing that short line from crosshair to enemy) and shooting lands more shots than over and undercorrecting while tracking WITH their crosshair.
Leeg & overwatch release big Xmas event at same TIME
whats because you get better results and less time running things through your brain when you do something reflexively rather than devoting actual conscious thought to it
at least in a shooter
wow hot
No thanks.
makes you think in what other areas of life that counterintuitive piece of wisdom applies.
yeah michelangelo them are some pretty good figures you painted there but can you 360 noscope on hanzo
bust his booty with your salami
wow lewd
Sorry, I like someone else.
its only because you can practice those flicks and releases with the mouse, you shoot over and over again and obviously you aren't going to just slowly drag the mouse over to where you want to shoot
but you get to practice that quick motion a lot, what you don't get to practice with muscle memory is knowing where their head is going to be, because it's often moving, so you have to combine good reflexes with muscle memory and then map knowledge, im sure people shoot without seeing heads all the time and still score headshots just because they know how to time how long it will take someone to pop out through a doorway running at optimal speed
Wow, you're so judgmental
im an sjw
LILI make more gay threads so i dont have to do it as much cause im lazy kay thanks
optimal new thread posting times are between 350-425 posts
tfw I almost fell twice on my way home because of all the ice
ive already fell like twice and once was on a bike
Please forgive me, I'm useless...
Is that some fancy Dutch speek?
Poor Angel...
We got 10cm of snow today and we're getting another 30cm tonight! ;;
ok. rape them. on tc.
rape is bad, m'kay
How do I rape someone who isn't in the same room as me? 🤔
Why would I want to rape someone I like? 🤔
At least you appreciate lewd, that makes up for a bit of that uselessness.
Want another 30 cm? ;^)
ouchies, I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much
we had a lot of snow yesterday and today it was slightly above zero so the top layer melted after which it started freezing again
I could have ice skated home :x
Do I appreciate it though~?
No thanks, we get more than enough snow.
nawh im used to falling a lot from when i was younger, you just have to be careful how you land really, though it's starting to take more out of me when i fall now hahaha
it's much more automatic than all that. I've tried every sort of perspective as Hanzo and where I put my attention. it's only about closing that gap from your crosshair, to their head, and that's about perspective, which I'm pretty sure also determines how well one draws.
okay but you still have to learn what looks good and how to draw
Don't you?
Silly Emma, I was talking about 30 cm of penis!
just be careful silly!
when I wanted to enter the bus this morning I slipped and a friendly man caught me and helped me up
That's the worst part about living somewhere that doesn't get a lot of snow.. It usually doesn't get that bad until February here :3
That sounds like would have been a lot of fun at least. How often do you get to go skating?~
No way, lewd is bad! There is nothing lewd about me :3
being careful is always easier said than done!!
and isn't that nice of them?
I'm just gonna stick inside through most of the snow and cold, I just recently started checking out an older game called Yakuza Kiwami and having a lot of fun with it
I think the worst part was that it took me 4 hours to get home from uni yesterday, snow messed up all the public transport
mhm that's true I guess..
that game basically looks like a GTA game in japan
definitely a lot different, you don't do any driving around or run randoms over, you don't shoot guns or use many weapons, lots of hand to hand fights and tons of personality.
it's like Shenmue a lot
also I might go ice skating this christmas for the first time in like a year or something ^^
Jeez, that's terrible.. How long is your commute usually?
I was 30 minutes late for class today because my bus ran late ;;
What is nvm???
Noel so adorable.
Take me with youuuuu!
Can we remove the snow buildup effect in the next content update?
does any artist really know how good their thing is going to look at the end when they're in the middle of it?
nope, we tried but the conflict with trying to change the code make reality shutdown for some reason
we already had to restore like three times
ask an artist, i don't draw
You clearly don't know how to programming, because the dataminers have already discovered there's literally no reason for it to be there.
Remove winter.
what do you do?
oh yeah, that sounds pretty different. it looks pretty fun ^^
normally it's like 30 minutes but they canceled all busses because of the weather so I ended up going to the central station in hopes to catch a train only to find out that no trains were going either.....
I ended up getting and uber with someone who worked for uber hq and a judge, it was pretty lucky :3
sure~ are you good at ice skating?
Just like me_
gosh, i guess i should resubscribe to the magazine "The Matrix and You"
read, watch youtube sometimes when im off, i don't really have any creative hobbies besides occasionally writing
There are some events and season unique drops associated to winter in the code, so just outright removing it is a lot of work.
We'd have to rework loot tables and everything to make sure everything's still accessible.
Morgen beter tho
my other name
dat was gisteren, vandaag was oké gelukkig ^^
hoe gingen jou ritten met de auto?
Oof, that's hardly lucky! That's really unlucky if anything...
If my memory isn't being as awful as usual, you were in law before switching over to psychology, right? Did you get to chat with him a bunch? :3
Mhmm! I played hockey for 5 years so I managed to learn how to skate decently enough~
Just nerf it and shorten the duration then pl0x
I thought that was treat?
heh tbh
I'll see if I can get the suggestion to the project lead.
This better not be some of the scrum bullpoop.
it felt really lucky after all the bad luck I had..!
and yeah, he asked me what I studied so I told him I'm doing psych now and that I switched from law because I found it boring and he laughed and told me he actually finished it and is a judge now ^^''
okay I'm not inviting you, you would probably ice skate circles around me and laugh when I'd fall..
That was the meme :3
That's true, I think you were still pretty unlucky overall though :3 Especially with all the ice today.
I'm surprised that I got that right actually.. B-Boring? All those crime shows make being a lawyer out as a super fun job! Hopefully you're finding psych a lot more fun!
W-Wow.. I'm a super nice person and I wouldn't even think of doing that!
If anything I would pick you up if you fell and teach you how to be a good skater!
You're a meme!!!
wel oke :p
im so frustrated
Ehh? What's up?
Meme me onee-chan~
pretty cold weather for swimsuits
Rewiring my numpad but it's so incredibly finnicky and it keeps going wrong and I want to cry ;_;
I-I'm a boy though...
Santa Saber is pretty cruel.
I was playing FF14 the other day and my pok3r fucked up so the win key switched back with the fn key.
Then if I went to a layer where it was right then it was like the fn key was always held down ;;
I think you're older than me though...
As far as I remember, you're a month older :3
Yeah, but I wasn't actually born in '93~
Can you choose what's on which layer and stuff?
Tell switches
Oh? Well then yes
9 year old loli girls please leave discords
Mhmm, easy layer is individually programmable and LED customizable.
But reprogramming the Fn or Mn keys require you to use one of the dip switches on the bottom.
MX browon
'94 cause I was underage b& when I started posting :^)
Ooh that's pretty nice, I only have 1 programmable layer.
mmmm brown
I'll be building a 60% with gateron yellows, wonder how they'll be.
Also numpad is assembled with ductape again and works but oh my god my hands are shaking from it
hate it when that happens
I only really use the one layer though ;;
What's a yellow like?
Duct tape... What the heck...
How do you deal with no arrow keys ;_;
Yellow should be like black I think but smooth idk i got memed into it.
Yeah the designer of the numpad forgot to put space to store the controller so that makes it high and not nice to use. Now the controller's on top, outside the case and I can lower the thing!
i "designed" it
should i kill myself if i use a wireless keyboard for competitive games
but its so convenient and comfortable, there isn't even that much input lag and it doesnt get all wonky like a mouse
fn + i j k l make arrows!
so heavy uwu
You're so pro I'm jelly.
but you need to hold fn ;_;
im nub
i have a 60% it is comfy and nice and great
a what?
I have 100% DICK
I don't use arrows often!
Why though? :3
60% erection is good
but 70% is the sweet spot, personally
What're you... Gay?
I dunno
100% is good for when i want to do something with (someone else's) member
but i like to keep mine at a steady simmer
I neeeeed them so ordered this 60% pcb from china but it looks sketchy
brb showr
70% is nice
also at a church rn and i had to turn off their wifi to post here bc 8ch is blocked on their wifi hehehehe
you've a boner in church?
This next question is vitally important.
What denomination?
Denomination? We talking currency?
1. a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
"the Presbyterian community is the second largest denomination in the country"
religious group, sect, Church, cult, movement, faith community, body, persuasion, religious persuasion, communion, order, fraternity, brotherhood, sisterhood, school
Finally. Loco's future killer. I must prepare the bounty.
Looks twice your size. Let him destroy you
this sweater is pretty cute lol
I know right! too bad no one will get it
Let's 1v1!
What do you even do that makes you need them so much anyways?
Oou cute :3 W-Where's mine?
like a job bonus?
1v1 fastest pantsu steal
I cant believe sweet lily is a Catholic
you get one when you lose your bonus
when someone does a duty for the first time the other people get bonus xp/stuff
Why would I steal pantsu? I can just ask for them!
W-Which bonus? All of them!?
Most of my bonuses are gone and I haven't seen that macro in a few months~!
Okay, you decide what we 1v1 in.
Except final fantasy and osu! :^)
First person to get a reply from another poster (excluding this reply) wins!
glorious victory
navigate text and code
your baka bonus~
I have like all of the really dumb meme macros, those are the only thing that make 24 man raids bearable :3
A reply 1v1? How lame can you get~
whats up
Sipping on a drink considering a nap.
What the heck? I'll never lose that! ;;
The only macro I have is "countdown plz" in alliance / party chat because tanks in PUGs never do countdowns so I can't use my opener properly ;;
A win is a win, nerd :^)
what kind of drink? is it milk?
what is it?
I think I have a fair bit of victories on you anyway :3
close it up boys it's over
Egg nog. I made it myself this weekend.
"My Normie" just doesn't have the same ring to it.
i can beat the bots on hard am i good yet
i could go for some alcoholic egg nog right about now
I didn't expected you to :3c
Omg that's one of the most annoying things ever. I've been in savage parties where tanks pulled without a macro / readycheck whatever.. ugh. Also I forgot about rescue, the single best skill in the game
Funny how you can't even name one of them though
what do u mean ?
Mine does not have any, I don't like alcohol.
Like no one will get that's it's from ffxiv
fuk u
oooo o h ohho hhhooohohohohh
got it. but its super cute and i think thats UNIVERSALLY known ^^
I don't have to!
a good 5 people in this comm play FFXIV
It tastes awful and I do not care for the effects it's supposed to have.
Wow, can I at least get a shirt for being a baka?
Even on savage? I thought savage was supposed to be the wonderful land where everyone plays perfectly and spams the optimal rotations!
Subtle and I are doing the old ARR primals for the horses and I totally should have slotted in Rescue for Whorleater, we wiped twice because he would forget about the bodyslam~
Because they don't exist!
It seems to be a divisive beverage. I rather like it though.
Night night.
nini scootsyyyyy *pat pat*
I meant if you wear it irl noob
Sweet dreams ^^
Maybe a moogle plush..
You use the rescue to drag people into aoe or pull an unsuspected ninja away from the boss when they're using Ten Chi Jin :3
mm i got nothing else to drink so i'm drinking beer
use rescue* I'm sleepy
Also brb shower
What kind?
rolling rock
its not that good
You died to it too
What happened to your adamant defense!?
That's fine too, moogles are adorable :3
Wow, that's so evil... Especially wasting Ten Chi Jin's cooldown...
Enjoy the shower~
once cause I was heavy'd :^(
Wow maybe you should find a better nin to duo with..
I'd make a good marauder
I'm confident in my defense!
Sure sure~
Do you have any plushies?
You seem convinced. An easy victory to add to the list. Thanks!
Yes sir :3
I have a really cute husky plushie that I got when I was in grade 1 and it's my favourite~
How about you?
beef brisket in the oven for 8 hours
Oh shit nice
Sonata has had a pretty positive experience on my culinary views and honestly rubbing down a brisket and throwing it in the oven on 225 is about the easiest thing in the world to do just prepare it the night before and pop it in in the morning
What? No, that's you.
2-0 to me. Please, some challenge here please!
Low and slow best cooking method
I got a peter rabbit plushie that I got since I was 3 or something. It's really old and worn but I'll never do it away
i have zero plushies pls post plushies so i can feel warm
A few more drinks and I might
Sorry, you go disqualified.
Aww, that's really cute :3
Show me it sometime~
if i had alcohol id be drinking too but i cant afford to be buying drinks every week like i always do because of holidays
Drinking on the weekdays?
Trade you. I can afford it but don't have the time.
Surrender is fine, nobody blames you!
Maybe sometime ^^
Nighty night
Sleep well Angel.
You surrendered!
Sweet dreams cutie
Btw Stranger Things is actually picking up now. How long does Riverdale take to be interesting?
ooohhh noooo
Mmn, like 2 episodes
whoa ded
Not bad
Some people likes them some gay furry shit.
I'm probably misremembering :^)
Still feel shitty?
Why the meme face, pedo?
pain bad
mood good ^^
Sorry to hear.
Keep it up bud
Wow, lewd.
Sorry, I'm Dutch, I have a big nose...
You're lewd!
Let's be lewd together.
i'll be ok
I drove by the rheumatologist office and there was a little girl with her parents walking by and she only had only leg, the other was a mechanical prosthetic
someone always has it worse ya know
gonna be more positive and less mopey I can handle this
It's true!
Why laugh? ;;
Whoa.. There's someone else I like though...
Very good
Sorry :3
only had one*
That didn't answer the question!!!
Is it yourself?
In addition to myself.
That one is so obvious that I didn't count it.
Oh, of course, how didn't I notice.
What if I say nice things like that I like how you dabbed in front of your house.
It's Angel
I bet I know who it is!
My bad. I'm taking that loli though.
tbh I kinda hate myself right now tho.
H-Holy shit...
Literally 73 years old!
Look this one up on pixiv tho
See this is what I mean about magical girls and age.
And I think I know the artist, I know his other stuff too you turbo perv :3
Oh? What did they do?
Did they forget to shovel, and leave it all for you to do?
I bet I can count your oss number on one hand, you're so good~
She's a boat!
PettanP is pretty good tbh.
I actually kinda like shoveling tbh.
The sidewalk on the way to my class wasn't shoveled though and I think I strained my leg walking through it...
You have 15k fingers???
My one true love is actually o1s
I'm so sorry I went without you
She was the Benson class - the DD-459.
Oh, gosh, I hate that feeling. I hope you recover quickly.
It was supposed to be a compliment dang it.
I dont think I've understood the whole boat thing either :3
Pretty gud yeah. I'd post some artists at you but they're only lewd so yeah..
i am back from being out hewwo fwiends
Oh, woops. I didn't pick her as my starter because I only like best girls :^)
When you're walking through the snow and it's so deep that you end up like kicking half of it back in your face is the actual worst feeling...
What's to understand?
That it's a girl, not a boat?
You shouldn't be surprised. I'm off to bed tho, nini ^^
I get a free pass because I had エコー chose my starter. Who did you pick?
Nah, the actual worse is when you somehow manage to slip and eat all the snow, instead of half of it. Even though it wan't slippery there and how the heck did you manage to pull that off anyway?
hi !! hows your night ?
This one is a boat, a cat, and a girl.
Night loser.
Best girl Ayanami. She just got a retrofit too so she's by far the best starter now :^)
I've literally never had that happen. My feet were really sore by the time I got off my bus so I tripped on the curb and almost ate it on my way to Timmies today.
I'm being bullied ;;
by who !!
howdy bubber how are ya
All the starters are sluts anyway, desu.
Look at their likes.
I'm kind of sour because my old waifu has, like, 999+ likes now, and she only had 10 when I first got her.
Oh, wew.
Time for new shoes then~?
Or just time to tell adulting to adult itself because feetsies need to rest?
does anyone have the pic of jack spicer irl i need it for an epic meme
Which one
holding the laptop wearing the turtleneck
Not the one of him posing?
posing? i don't think i've seen that one
Yeh, long time ago. Pony people said the picture he posted wasn't him, so they told him to do a pose with his left arm over his head. He did it, and then got spammed to shit with pony pictures macro's on his face.
Low tier
sorry wrong link
lmao, only seen the one of him holding the laptop but i cant seem to find it. maybe it's on my old laptop.
Yeah, creepy lookin' fucker
oh okay
thats good that ur keepin your head up despite bad stinky stuff
proud of u
Lewds and subtle!
tfw my whole fleet is in the top 12.
I'm getting a new pair of shoes for Christmas apparently, I can't wait to see how meme they are.
I just need to spend the next 48 hours in bed tbh.
because it's a rice OMELETTE you morons.
Ketchup and eggs go well together.
get behind me i will PROTECT YOU !!!!
ew ew ew rrong
For likes?
Someone mentioned wanting to and told me to pick out a pair of cute shoes, but I still haven't and I think they may have forgotten.
Come on, don't be a casual.
If by likes you mean that popularity contest event, then yeah.
Wow, just link them a pair randomly and see if they remember :3
Please, I actually have classes to go to sometimes.
Oh, no, I usually end up ignoring events.
You can like boats on their profile, but it isn't worth it because most of them have, nearly/over a thousand likes each anyway.
MAybe I will, that sounds like fun, actually.
Wow, it's like you aren't even a hikikomori or something.
Emma, what's the JP equivalent of alphabetic called?
does that exist/is that possible ?
Is it possible?
Is it reasonably possible without defining everything yourself?
That I don't know.
i guess that is make sense accurate trurth
Ehh? Where?
I don't see that...
I need to earn a bunch of money so I can NEET in peace.
Mmn, a syllabary I guess?
how are you doing?
I want to unironically make a fleet full of nothing but 試作型ブリ.
Why not make money by NEETing?
doin good
nice christmastime spirit
im diggin it just like always
nice fun people fun times fun music
There are so many maxed out Bulins in PVP.
Oh, you have to go through the handbook, I've literally never done that :^)
Because that's usually not a comfy amount of money. Imagine having to eat Subway every day...
Drat, my totally original idea was already done.
I unironically enjoy reading their profiles more than actually playing the game.
I might just be a nerd or something.
I meant by being one of those lazy hecks who can't get a real job so they just let people on the internet watch them play games.
good ^-^
Beginning to wonder if grad school even worth it.. losing my mind with this stuff.
I should just become a NEET and live off disability..
Don't give bad advice!
What is?
So many Canadas
Leaf go stay go
bees ?
I give amazing advice.
You should know.
is that the remix?
Akko solves everything, what an adorable idiot!
I will neither confirm nor deny these things.
I already know the truth though.
Would you like to play a game?
Chiri's Dark and Obscure Trivia.
Each correct answer gains you one internet point.
Goggling is not recommended; anyone who does know the correct answer may answer quicker than you can... or, the answers may not be readily available on goggle at all because of their dark and obscure nature.
A time limit of 3 minutes will be imposed on unanswered questions, so as to move on to the next one.
If anyone is interested in this Trivia game, reply and with sufficient entries the game will commence.
I won't Goggle I swear.
Goggling is not recommended, pls
Who was known as one of the premier scientists/experimenters at Auschwitz-Birkenau who gained the nickname of 'Angel of Death'?
i give up
do it
Okay, I should have made the first question an easier one.
HuGarSaNeSat gets half a point for saying 'Jo' for some reason when the correct answer was Josef Mengele.
People called him Jo I'm sure.
sugar, spice, autism, social anxiety, and depression
these things come together to make
The Animus Poster.
Question 2: This Khmer Rouge regime leader in Cambodia was estimated to have ordered the killings of 1.5 to 3 million people in a civil war genocide.
Do what!?
Pffft, yeah Pol Pot is way more well know than a fucking Angle of death Nazi.
really, sugar and spice?
kinda adding in a little bit much for your own personal brand of flavouring aren't you..
Yes, Pol Pot is the answer.
Thanks goggle!
I'm going to bed, though.
Of course it is?
I never lie.
You're welcome~
Lame game.
chiri put on a name so i can filter you
HuGar has 1.5 points.
Question 3: Through the Byzantine into the Roman empires, removing a young boy's testicles before he reached adolescence would give him an edge in high society as a singer and would be known as WHAT range between a Contralto and a Tenor?
soprano, mezzo-soprano, or contralto
thats exactly why they dont have a name on though
More specifically, actual type of singing is called Castrato, and it's equivalent to Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, or Contralto.
A girl.
no, study the question. this was an interesting range which was accomplished by removal of the testicles.
There you go, one point for Castrato.
thank god youtube exists for times like this
my apologies for incorrectly ranging, but I think the clue was the giveaway.
Like, Castrato is the actual singing, and the person, not the vocal range they sing in.
Can I get some Nanas now?
Castrato was reserved for those who didn't have balls, like eunuchs. Neither female singers or males with genitals would be considered castrato, but certain young men were at one time prized for their voices and indeed they did cut their balls off in pursuit of the most angelic male voices.
ive seen people cut their balls off for dumber things
To get married?
na...nas ?
Question 4: Which army tank was known to be nicknamed as a Ronson (or Zippo) lighter because it would 'light up the first time, every time' when it got hit?
Are you talking about the M4 Sherman?
ding ding ding.
You beat the 3 minute buzzer by 3 seconds, care to share your 'name', Mr. user Aussie, for the scoreboard?
His name is Fosters Beer McKangaroo Wallaby Dingo
i dont know why they did it but im pretty sure it was for a dumb reason
Goggles works.
I am also revising HuGar's score to 1.16 because having 2/12 of the correct name only entitles him to 1/6 of a point for guessing and actually having a substantially accurate guess within the window of no other answers.
I'm going to start making the questions easier.
Marriage is dumb, yeah.
Chiri, you know who I am, idiot.
What was the name of the steel called that they used the pee of a small red headed boy to quench.
This famous comedian, once addicted to cocaine, was a friend of John Belushi's who succumbed to the drug. He considered it a wake-up call and quit drugs and alcohol only to check himself into substance abuse centers, later admitting depression and dementia and committing suicide famously in mid-2014.
Nope, it was a very famous and now well known historical metal
I said I'd make the trivia easier.
i thought you said you were going to make them easier not boring
i didn't even think the other ones were that hard tbh
Yes narrowing it down to an actor who was addicted to cocaine.
Very few of those.
less than a minute to answer smartass.
Aaaaand time ran out. who famously committed suicide in 2014?
Robin Williams.
Jo was right for the other one he just didn't have the full name
i just don't think people want to play all that seriously
saying there's less than a minute left in the same post you say times up????
what is self-awareness
no Chiri you know what if you want to keep them easy keep asking questions about Hitler, if there's anything we shoulds know about it's Nazi meme's
Yeah, it's not really very fun if I have to feed people the answers, that's why it's 'Chiri's Dark and Obscure Trivia'..
07:54 post, reply at 10:08, you had a minute before my post at 11:36 a half minute past the buzzer, I anticipated that you were unable to answer during the allotted time.
Do you want half a point to tell me the name of Hitler's mistress within 30 seconds of seeing this post?
ask better questions
the answer to the question i asked earlier was Damascus steel btw
no points
It's Chiri's Dark and Obscure Trivia not Miley Cyrus fanboy exclusive, it's Eva Braun and what does Damascus steel have to do with anything?
Question 6: Give me the latin name of the mushroom that vikings would eat, then pee, and recycle the active chemicals again from drinking urine that gave them 'berzerker rage'.
Question 6: Give me the latin name of the mushroom that vikings would eat, then pee, and recycle the active chemicals again from drinking urine that gave them 'berzerker rage'.
is Holla Forums fucking up or did you accidentally double post?
also very easy Amanita
Amanita what
uhh muscaria? that should be right
that or they just drank a lot
Yes. one point.
also called fly agaric, they are in oblivion thats how i know about them
I've eaten them as well.
ok im gonna watch this dumb swed draw Bob ROss's nut face in mari paint now
Tiebreaker question 7:
This director was known for his contributions to Re: Cutey Honey and the CG battle director on Black Rock Shooter, as well as animation director on the OVA 5th episode of FLCL before making a breakout career in THIS Studio,
Two Part Question, name the director, name the studio
Hiroyuki Imaishi
Studio Trigger
Congrats Goggles.
I'd have also accepted Gainax but I didn't list his credits on Gurren Lagann so he was still really on the bench before really getting his breakout in Trigger where he could do what he wanted.
i cant wait for FLC season 2 and 3
you're really a masochist, huh.
im sure it wont be that bad, i liked season 1, why you think they are going to entirely blow it?
No, actually if anything it should be as close to pure as they can possibly get. The original writer is on board AND the soundtrack is by the Pillows. All new songs.
If that isn't cool then damn.
However it's about Haruko returning to Earth so there are new characters with the ageless Haruko, as Naota is an old dude by now so he's useless.
so what, new isn't bad, and it's not like they are resurrecting this as a cash grab, it's been years and popularity has died down, and like you said the pillows will be on it again
I have absolute faith they are going to turn it into something beautiful and maybe even give Naota a little sugar
But that is also going with what I know about the project, see Toonami is actually co-producing it, it was so popular in north america that the only reason these extra seasons went into productions is that they threw money at it to make it happen.
And I don't know if that will be a good or bad thing... but if the Pillows are on board.. I'm on board.
The Pillows were my soundtrack to 1999, I downloaded everything I could from their albums. I got weebified pretty hard.
I trust Toonami too, yes I get there this can be a negative thing, but the adult swim and Tonnami guys have always had my back when i was growing up, I think it's at least fair I have a little faith in their desire to fund this project. it sounds like you are saying Toonami was the one's that were like "Hey make FLCL 2 happen" but that's not what I heard, I'm sure they are co-producing it but they literally said it and cowboy bebop were the favorite things they ever aired
get where this*
You can't even search Crazy Sunshine on youtube, without just getting a dump of amv's and covers, you can't even find an original audio of the song unless it's from the album.
That's how crazy the FLCL fanbase is.
I don't blame em.
Yeah, CB got a huge western resurgence when they aired it. It's such a good series and well-known on both sides of the lake. It's a classic.
it was a phenomenon of an anime, people spent a lot of time reading into it and trying to decipher meaning from it, and ultimately it seems like it was a coming of age story about growing up using a lot of crazy allegories but ALSO aliens are actually in it
Anime is pretty strong now in the west anyways, it's not like we need this push, but it will be especially great for Toonami
But Shinichiro Watanabe was already involved in more projects... so they aired Michiko e Hatchin, and Space Dandy.
There's no need for extra Cowboy Bebop, but when we talk about FLCL there wasn't anything after that because of the people involved. The concept is that Toonami actually funded the project, to get the original writer on board for the sequels. So that means it'll be crazy. Plus The Pillows are on board. Money is making that happen, but it's completely different from Shinichiro Watanabe who's already put Cowboy Bebop behind him, and you know Samurai Champloo exists, this is a man who has already paved a road so there is no comparison and there can never be more CB.
okay i just want to put this to bed right now
Spike is dead, see you later space cowboy, its resolved, but FLCL felt like it had more to give and i think it will be good
Yeah better give up Naota and Mamimi, cause season 2 and 3 is Haruko returning to Earth to fuck with newbies.
im sure they will pop in at some point during the series or at least be discussed
Not if any good writing would allow it.
Mamimi has gone away apparently to pursue a career in photography. By the end everything's changed, but stayed the same. .. but Naota's come of age.
We ended his story. Cameos always feel forced. I think if FLCL2 and 3 want to be fresh, then, like the trailers, newbies are involved. I don't think you'll get any cameos here.