I'm fucking pissed.
Let me give you the full story:
The town I live in is a small town in the south of Brazil, with about 60.000 inhabitants total. The public library is in shambles, with most of the books falling apart and missing page. However, we fortunately had one good independent bookstore that managed to have a good selection of well kept books, be it fiction or non-fiction. That bookstore managed to stay there for 13 years, selling books and even ordering them for people if they didn't have it on the store.
Well, guess what? Out of nowhere, it was closed this week, with a note thanking the support of the community in these past years.
I though that sudden closing was strange and decided to look more into the matter and found out that the reason was because of high rent, with the building owner asking about 10.000 reais (3.194 dollars) each month, which is a fucking lot for a relatively small store. Guess what? A friend of mine has a much bigger store in the same street and he only pays 4.000 reais (1.277 dollars) of rent each month. In the same fucking building of the bookstore, a cellphone accessories store opened up this year and they obviously aren't making and paying 10.000 reais each month.
I'm guessin some big store owners wants to use the same place that the bookstore was in to make their own store, so they asked the landowner to overcharge them and run them out of business, it wouldn't be the firs time it happened.
Now, our city has literally zero ways to get books apart from an abandoned library and the Internet.
I'm fucking pissed
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Yeah, this sort of thing happens a lot. You could:
just some suggestions
obviously this is the government's fault, we need less regulations and give landlords more freedom
maybe its because brazil is a neoliberal shithole
here is a public library in my country
It's gonna get even worse here since the Temer govt' is planning on cutting the public universities. Gotta keep the plebeians stupid!
So the private book store gave you no notice it was closing and no notice that it moved somewhere?
I'd think the owner would want to just move to a cheaper location than close his business?
brazil never gave a shit about public institutions that couldn't land you an easy job by licking the balls of the mayor. i remember a study published somewhere (i wish i could find a link) that researched newspaper articles and showed that slum-dwellers had been protesting for the building of schools in their communities since the days of the late Empire, and many of those places haven't had any schools built until ten, fifteen years ago.
we are 130 years overdue for a revolution, my friend :(
I mean notice beforehand like a clearance sale before closing at the location.
the whole world is going very fast in that direction dude, don't count your blessings and fight for what you still have :(
Forget that store. Don't be a caveman and spread the word about RetroShare and other filesharing software.
dat boeit me niet, mijn probleem met de oba is dat ze niet genoeg linkse lit hebben
you should try organise to help them open elsewhere (imo)
That building needs to be pulled down and the land around it salted.
You're on the internet, retard. Everything in that store and more is right here for free.
Funny how every time Communism or Socialism fails, which is every time, it gets called by another name here on Holla Forums. Or it's just claimed to not be "real."
Define "socialism".
how on god's green fucking earth is Brazil socialism?
I can at least understand Venezuela, but Brazil? come on.
Pretty sure that's actually modernist
you don't know what postmodernism means, faggot
go watch some more peterson videos
lmao this nigger
socialism is when you have an underfunded public sector, the shittier the libraries the more socialist it is
You only have yourself to blame for this.
Rather overtaxed population with poorly planned spending and high levels of corruption.
the largest for profit education company operates pretty much exclusively in brazil. if that's socialism mises is stalin.
Central planning, authoritarian governance, high taxation, limited rights etc.
Do you pseuds even use the dictionary or do you just circlejerk 24/7
lurk for 5 minutes before shitposting, please.
Makes u think.
For the love of god.
Read a book, nigger.
Weird, you provided no contrary definition. So I shall remain with this one.
Workers owning the means of production. Or you could look in a dictionary.
I thought that was your holy grail of Communism. Socialism is the thing which is meant to collapse society with its horrid and destructive policies so Communism can rise in the wake of its destruction… And oppress everyone. Every time.
Where did you get that idea?
literally what the fuck. this is something out of a mainstream right video.
Man this is more depressing than laughable. I don't even think this way about Holla Forums.
Serves me right for expecting the people who see property rights as the laws of God and the ultimate good in the universe to see me as anything other than a menace.
That isn't true. Even if it were, they're in the land illegally so asking for help from the government is hypocritical. Besides, finding teachers dumb enough to get shot for cheap isn't easy.
I don't see property rights as a "law of god," I see it as a just and well thought out right. I should rightfully own what I obtain, and you should have zero right to it.
Yeah sorry I will never buy that, not anymore. I've worked my ass off "obtaining" sacks of money for yahoos who don't even know how to turn a stove on yet you're about to argue how I still rightfully own less than 10% of that despite having literally obtained it myself, at hours your ilk is still in bed. You should have "zero right" to my labor and welfare as well. Bite me, motherfucker.
What are the enclosures?
Does how property is obtained not matter?
Why should you have the right to extract surplus value?
It does, and we as a society agreed upon how it should be obtained; hence why you can't just walk into my home and claim it.
Because my work ethic may be higher than that guy over there, and thus I deserve more, because I put in more to get more.
Quit your job then, you whiny bitch. Start your own business. Oh, wait, Leftist muh-feel-good taxation and regulations killed the potential for us working class folk to create wealth from the bottom. Authoritarian rebels. Always and forever. A moral objective to fight for the benefit of governmental and corporate growth. It'd be hilarious if it didn't affect me. "b-b-b-but they're neoliberals!"
File related.
That's got nothing to do with what I was talking about. An owner can have literally zero work ethic, he can do nothing but collect dividends if he likes.
you're stupid.
Lurk for five minutes before repeating generic republican talking points, please.
Look at these unregulated folks creating wealth for themselves. Capitalism is all about the little guy making it big. What percentage of small businesses fail within five years?
We went over the definition of socialism earlier. It feels better to smash strawmen than to engage with the actual ideas though, right?
What you don't understand is that it was someone in the city council who pressured the landlord to raise the rent on the bookstore owner, to force them to close, because they carried books of all political persuasions, instead of only books aligned with official POMO doctrine that is found in the public library–yeah, in the public library, all of the books are in shambles, but you ever notice how the POMO/fem-theory/idpol books are in good condition and with ample supply?
[citation needed]
A man's intelligence is worth more to the whole than a man's ability to swing a hammer. Also I don't download .pdf files.
I've quit a job. Then another. Then I didn't have enough to keep studying. And all the "new businesses", a few of them I applied to have lasted literally weeks. I've seen places shift from business to business in so little so fast it would make your head spin; that shit amounts to fucking gambling as far as I know. Then I realized there was no option other than to whore myself lest I wanted to kept studying.
And you're not going to sell me on regulation doing SHIT to you lot either. When you fuckers don't devise special laws and contracts to bend it to your fucking will (call it crony capitalism or whatever you want), you just fucking force your employees to lie threatening them or simply not give a shit. Even though I've had dealt with food poisonings and injuries to work mates just cause of whoop dee fucking doo, ignoring common sense for a tiny margin or profit. I tell you, if you force me to use a cloth you might as well be making me clean with the sole of my shoes, but fuck no, you can't have paper rolls lest you would have to miss an hour or two of golf. Fuck regulations am I right? Face it, you've got a shit work ethic, and don't you dare shield yourself on that fact. You dodge every bullet, take the less risks and get the biggest piece of the pie by far.
*lest I wanted to not be able to keep studying
Is this post or pre intervention by government in the free market and their crackdown on the creation of wealth from the bottom through regulations and taxation, and legal limitations which exclude them? 100 years ago it was fairly easy to start up a small business and find moderate success. Oh, I wonder what changed…
What does intelligence have to do with ownership? I'm not talking about owner-operators here.
So you're totally in favor of every single demand by government which has stifled the growth of wealth at the bottom, elevating people to middle class and above? Well then, you're your own worst enemy. Mine too. You're the problem here. Stop empowering government you fucking retard. It's always the moral crusaders abiding their flawed moral codes that harm the working and middle class the most. You're the perfect lapdog. Also, did you ever consider that maybe, just maybe you're not very intelligent? You know, a civilization needs its foundation. No, you can't just endlessly import third world brown people to do all the "yucky hard work." Someone people are just destined to live out their lives at the bottom. That's life. It always will be. That's nature.
Also I imagine capitalism's advance is partly responsible for this. For example: Mcdonalds exists now, so your no-brand food place has serious competition, and they have many advantages.
Required for capitalism.
I'm saying intelligence is of greater importance, and thus intelligence assists one's rise in society, and thus their ability to obtain ownership. Brute work alone isn't enough.
I don't think it's a meritocratic system, moving up is much, much harder than moving down. Some engineer is more likely to be some engineer than Elon Musk, even if he does have drive and high Autism Level, or look at the Alibaba guy, a lot of people could have built the site, did luck or vision make the difference? Meanwhile someone who inherits a ton of land or cash is guaranteed bourgie 4 life unless he's seriously unbalanced.
God fucking damn it, Lord in heaven it always goes back to the fucking government with you people. Every single time. If the government thinks breathing oxigen is good and so do I, that does not mean I love the government forever. In fact, fucking leave them out of the equation for a second nigger, many of the safety precautions I've learned and tried to apply where thought to my by a private health and safety agency for crying out loud. And then working by myself. I've learned what ignoring that can lead to. And you know what, the fact that you have a number of people working, the hours you have them working, and so on? That shit's got the potential to harm others too believe it or not. Those "regulations" of yours are so powerful, a single clerk managing 100 people in an hotel for 8 hours by himself is something completely legal and normal. It makes money. It's allowed. Who cares about anything else? You can't just shrug this fucking shit off and tell me it's good cause you're the smarterest person ever. At least try to compromise a little bit you glorified poker player.
Well I believe in ownership, and thus the ability to give ownership. Also it should rightfully be more difficult to rise than fall. There are fewer needed at the top than the bottom. The bulk of society must always be at the bottom to support the whole, doing menial work like construction, road work, trucking etc. That can't change, ever. Rising should be difficult. There are artificial barriers I disagree with, which have arisen due to government intervention in favor of big business. No one should be stifling the ability of others to compete. Beyond that, who succeeds, in my opinion, justly earns what's theirs, even if those beneath them sweat more and break their backs doing foundational work. Having wealth, to me, is less important than having the ability to generate wealth. Right now it's really hard for us to generate wealth from the bottom. I don't want the job creators and innovators to lose incentive to do what they do, and thus pull me up with them, out of lust to "own the means of production." I don't believe in "equality." I think it's bullshit. I know for a fact we're not equal, we shouldn't be equal, and some people do deserve more.
Impossible. I'm not just talking about safety regulations, you retard. What about absurd environmental regulations? What about city codes? What about astronomical taxation? What about all the hoops you have to jump through, legally, to create a small business? Why? Why is it necessary for the government to have so much control over John's small construction business, and make such ridiculous demands of his finances?
How exactly is the state preventing you from doing so?
They already own the means of production if they're 'job creators'.
This is another strawman. Even the ebul Marxist ideal starts with 'from each according to his ability…', obviously the second part is a problem without abundance. I can see why you think a talented engineer or designer should get more, but why do you think some capitalist should get part of the fruit of what said engineer makes just because he's owner?
Like what?
What, zoning? How does that stop you?
How much would you be paying? How much would it have been in the hundred year ago glory days?
Like what? It's pretty easy here, and I'm in Europe.
Again with the fucking government and taxes. Nigga I don't care about any of that stuff and I never even mentioned it. Why is it so hard to grasp for you that a leftist has to be super pro-government? I'm not a perfect reflection of you. I just want to be able to make a decent living without you chiseling my life off at will for a meager portion of profit, I want to have a say in the job I make, even if its temporary like the ones I've had, a job where fucking "John" has denied my input again and again even if it ended up costing him money, bad reviews, whatever the fuck. We're having two different conversations. but fuck me, I'll humor you.Would 0 taxes and shit were going to have you lot grow a moral code out of nowhere? I seriously doubt it, specially after speaking to you: you've showed that you don't give a shit. I don't trust you. Who the fuck cares anymore.
Nice try, neoliberalism came from Milton Friedman and Hayek
*that a lefttist doesn't have to be super pro-government?
fuck I'm tired, a dumbass and English's not my mother tongue. Fuck.
Because the engineer only exists out of necessity driven by the position created by the owner due to his ingenuity. The same ingenuity which has consistently advanced our society dramatically since the industrial revolution. People are capable of many things, but if they have no means of applying their abilities, then those abilities are worthless. The people who make it possible to apply those abilities, to me, are just as, if not more important.
Because they take so much damn money many businesses just aren't profitable. How the hell is an American supposed to pay absurd business taxes here, while complying to a T with every code and regulation, and compete with workers in China, Vietnam, Mexico, India etc. who import products produced at significantly lower prices, with workers working in a near unregulated and low tax environment? Oh, and then those taxes here? Yeah, they don't apply to the big guys because of loopholes that they work around, that us little guys aren't financially able to. So what's the answer? Let's increase the taxation and create more restrictive environmental regulations, among other things. What does that do to benefit anyone? It just sends another 10,000,000 jobs to other countries and pushes more Americans from the middle class and below down to the working poor, working in the McDonald's and Dollar Generals across the country. Then we've got a population of uppity trash born with the notion that they "deserve" to step right into the top ("own the means of production," among other things, coupled with the scam that is higher education, that propagates the notion that 100% of people can exist at the top with enough paid education), who support these moves, and who support the importation of a third world brown workforce to mow their lawns and pick their vegetables.
I just want the government to stop creating an uneven playing field in favor of big corporations. That's it. Oh, and defund universities and let them collapse if they keep producing the kind of filth they produce.
Tudo que um Porquinho faz é porcaria.