Other urls found in this thread:
reposting it to this thread bc it desrves to be seen
such a good traaaaccckkk
scootaloo is pretty cool
sweetie belle is cooler maybe
do not do this
because white pones are TERRIBLE xd
wait i lied i think i meant apple bloom
that is by far the superior opinion
I CANT stoooop listening to this TRacK Its SO GOOD
i wanna be a pony boi
Maybe I can b-be your pony b-boi
banning scoot
You can't ban me CUCKWARD
Good morning!!
did u take a sleep
Morning, Sini.
a small snozzle, hows pubg?
Morn! How are you doin today?
I feel neutral
I'm glad you like it!
are you guys winning more than you were last night?
Any plans for today? what time is it even in aussie land
I plan to go to bed in a few hours.
this is an attack on the PUBG gods you will not disgrace us
sounds like a plan lol, I hope you catch some good zzs :)
so that's a no?
All me and lily baby do is win
luka and nezi joined is shortly after you left and then luka left when we went to go play on the desert map and we're tearin up the west
That's a new way to spell lose :)
Proud of you!!!
Sounds like a party, yee haw
im boutta yeeT
morning miss canada
I meant to put "Myorning" in that post.
any plans for the day ? hows ya myornin so far ?
I have some calls to make and then stuff with the anti-NEET brigade.
Hey girl, we wuz kangz and shiet
Good job.
did u watch the pony boy video
I don't think that I want to.
whys that ?
hey why do like 85% of trans people like
KNOW they are
why cant i kNOW if i am or not thatd be a nice itd make everything easier
im goin to bed night goodnight xoxoxo hug n kis
Get to sleep stinky, you can think more in the "morning"
Because of mental conditions and what not that give them feelings of discomfort etc.
uh huh
tfw goggles solved all of my questions and
u know this is a snarky reply i did ask the question idk i would just like to be a normal non conflicting thoughts emotions boy its more big easy
Nice bake
I heard there were cookies
YTou were lied to
My brain hurts and I'm fucking terrified
isnt that physically impossible because there are no pain receptors on your brain?
It's a short expression for a complicated problem
I'm experiencing increasingly severe migraines with sensitivity to light sound smell touch taste gravity motion etc etc
I fell down at work last night
I get dizzy when I open my eyes
I can't sleep because I can feel my skin
When my insides do inside part things I feel off balance
I smell and taste blood constantly
I have an appointment in a few days and I'm terrified of every possibility
But what terrifies me most is
What if they don't find anything wrong with me
that sucks. it probably feels like you dont belong in your own body. you cant even escape it with sleep
-yawns and rolls over under his blue blanket with his stuffed bunny-
loli cum
What do?
suck him off
Almost posted my dick by mistake.
Post it anyway.
I heard there were cookies.
first solo game on new map xd
Your Diary anime adaption when?
The visual novel where that screen shot is from.
I forgot where i got it and looked it up.
It looks like that thumbnail corresponds to this:
I remember playing through this VN while threading before, so it's likely that you saved it when I posted it as a screen shot.
i did suspect that. I remember I was looking for anime girls with cookies before.
Why even?
It was like -10 with windchill here and now my ear is really sore.
How fix?
something nice to post.
may need heat. maybe a space heater. maybe frostbitten.
MFF avatar when?
It was just because I was outside in it.
My ears were defenseless even with my tuque.
nezi no feel good
I don't know about an avatar. I'm too indecisive.
A jacket with a hood (or two thin ones) would help to add to the hat. My big headphones are nice earmuffs.
Might need to fap.
My avatar is my pixiv bookmarks :^)
Life is hard.
cute anime grils always.
Life is a buffet too.
I never get my fill though :^)
maybe some puppies or kittens too?
Cat girls
yep. kawaii neko girls
First 10x steals Nico and then Echo steals Kotori.
I'm going to have no OG avatars left ;;
Some of them are too good to pass up it looks like. Then again you started it so when it's posted everyone will relate it with you.
All of them soon :^)
I've seen 10x get mistaken for me because of it + the flag tbh.
Whilst chinese materialist dialectic denegativizes itself in the direction of schizophrenizing systems dynamics, progressively dissipating top-down historical destination in the Tao-drenched Special Economic Zones, a re-Hegelianized æwestern marxism' degenerates from the critique of political economy into a state-sympathizing monotheology of economics, siding with fascism against deregulation. The left subsides into nationalistic conservatism, asphyxiating its vestigial capacity for æhot' speculative mutation in a morass of æcold' depressive guilt-culture.
Some more than others. Maybe you should use a trip?
I don't really care enough for things like that to be honest.
If someone wants to pretend to be me it's be easy enough.
I guess so.
What's for dinner?
hi wishy ^^
oh fuck that was a half hour ago
If you are still around... I might go to Burger Fuck for something in a bit. What are you going to chow on?
ded tread
thank you sir
and it's funny that there is one. not sure where everyone is.
dude, back in my day we were yolo 24/7
h-how are you love?~
Whaddup TP
oh shit DOA up in this b
i finally finished sons of anarchy
it was quite the ride
this is seducing me.
yep. great days.
Pretty Much
who are you anyways
was that at me
gonna get some beer
be more fast in 15
I'm okay, how about you?
What even?
dat image
But why
because I'm crazy.
holy fuck i made that "run" quick
oh shit, sorry mff
i'm an idiot
you were posting the weeb shit and it threw me off
just counting the days really
got a whole lot of exciting nothing coming up
dude, when i was in season 4 or so, i got spoilered in some youtube comment that tara was going to die. so i was kinda dreading that, and knew it was coming. i took a long break because the show was honestly depressing me. i must say, i was really impressed with how the last season came together. early on, it really tested what i could watch comfortably
I been here all day
In this same thread
I cant say ive seen the latest series tbh.
Last I saw was the season ending where like... RICK shoots katana man or something.
Ah yes, me too.
Same honestly.
Just wanna die tbh.
any exciting drama?
who is cybering who
I'm cybering next poster
I figured it would be hard to figure out because of that. I was LOL'ing at the webm and not you.
you don't really though, right?
i am hounestly really excited for my break
it's ok
you can lol at me if you want to
mff is about to be wsf
I dunno, sometimes I think I do, but I know it's not full on suicidal or anything.
what does the s mean
you don't have to. Darwin might be here soon and you could engage in some sweaty, hot action
i kinda know how you feel
most mondays i really wish i could just not do this (everything) anymore
i don't really get my motivation for life until around wednesday lunch
a stretch i know
play that gay remix of that popular russian music video i like so much
the gay version of this based blessing
not sure if I have it.
i thought i saw it from you
oh lol you sneaky devil i should have clicked first
the dick flopping kinda makes it lol
weird i cant upload webms
pls no spam ban ;;
Stop spamming.
i can't remember.
why did you make a hotel california reference on the front page
kinda cliche, no?
What? Are you high?
oh did you switch IPs
i thought you were test
yeah i am a bit high
I am not test.
if test is going to put cliche fucking eagles/4chan references on the front page
can we get these stupid IDs out of here
we were never meant for IDs
I have no name.
i like the flags though
cause it shows me who is lesser
ikr lmao
brits brexit
amerirad trump
still the two best
we basically can't fuck up
oh fuck
how you ever like packed your chillum oppositely
oh man this is a mess
Too good my wigga
new pubg is beautiful
enough about all that
how you doin
rank 25 btw 4Head
this tbh
going to bed
ni ni
nee dude
i guess the real q is whether or not based sin has issues with his father
i mean, why else
how important is warming your car up in the winter really
well considering I live in florida i don't really know but I imagine it's pretty important
i mean i just got my transmission did
i d g a f
do you ever wonder how it is to live with seasons?
no since I live with 2 people
i really think seasons make people
no joke
oh ew
free rent? xd
'nough said
i love not living with anyone
i would always pay top dollar for that over being a couch bitch
ironically i fall asleep on my couch
almost always
"Steals" ? I thought it was a gift..
hi 3ch0
How so?
Nothing happened here all day
that is ok
Nothing happened in my life all day either
I might complete the third event map in Kancolle though
what happened to those google santa
i completed their present drop game very unorthodoxly
Google Santa?
maybe i broke it
yeah google had all these santa games
Never heard of that
oddly addictive
Kind of like anime
ok ok i play flash games
There's nothing wrong with that
anime is not addictive
most anime is fucking trash
you have a weird chemical imbalance to like that weird weeb shit
like it has to do with lgbth whatever
Anime is so cool though~!
stop lyinnn kyle
i would like to think that kyle has watch more anime series than me
is that vaferian movie any good?
imdb says not so good
I want to think that TP has watched more anime than I have
hello colbert
I've watched maybe 30 anime series to completion in my life.
I don't watch many past episode 4.
i have seen like 4 series
honestly like bard's av was uber kawaii
And most of them were like 10 episodes or something.
Way more than me, fuckin weeb
Everyone knows that Wish has the most kawaii avatars.
God bless
colbert why are we still here
Only E4 remains
Anime avatars all look the same after a while.
Same with furry ones tbh
they ruined it
I'll start posting bestiality so I really stand out.
i blame grim tbh
Nah not really
Please do.
I mean they're all p much just some hairy human tbh
wishy have you heard about grim's white girlfriend
Too tired to get the folder.
I think you're only saying that because Kyle hurt your feelings about anime girls
No, he is right.
darbear btfo
I disagree.
this was a long break dar
good to see you ^^
It is yrev very good to see you again, old friend.
What the fuck
Is it the same one as like 3 months ago?
Darwin said I was right so I'm right?
My FF14 character is cute, right?
Jesus Christ no.
people keep suck this dick's album
i will listen
Are you drinking
Normally, yes, but I think he's drinking, so no.
I wish Darwin had two penises so he could fuck me and Wish at the same time.
ilu darbear
He's allergic to alcohol.
What the fuck
He only says that so people stop asking him to drink with them.
I'm wondering why else you typed "yrev"
I can show you.
Was that guy drinking?
Why does he say that
But I'm not Satania.
He drinks with me daily though.
But he's allergic.
Why would you do this
can i ask you a real q wishy
like you really love dar, huh
He was glitching.
If you posted as her, you are her. We are all our avatars.
i love the head
no shame
I'll be sure to implement him in my next speedrun
this war on drugs album is meh
darwin is probably our leader at this point
Might as well delete the board.
dude made an eagles reference
might as fucking well
Because it's fun tbh.
Err, maybe once upon a time.
Not right now though, no.
Holy heck, I'm a lot of cute girls.
side note
dar do you ever talk to pritty?
i still love him
he's terrible
Nope. I think I still have her email, though.
Yet your FF14 character is that thing.
Do you want to marry him?
**darwin always disappears for months on end for his "job
I don't understand why.
Looks like a mannequin.
So do you!
when i was packing my bong
a nug fell under my couch
and i though about how pathetic i am
digging for that shit
i just learned this dude was in the smiths like this year
Is that why you find me adorable too?
wishy finds you adourable because you're both genius
I'm as dumb as a doorknob though
emma did you hear i made tea guy filter me?
i am sorry dude was dating bloodchan
honestly we need to clip oldies that serve no perpose
WHAT soever
like test
if they do not participate
why have
He was talking to Darwin as if he was talking to me the other day
test and moogs don't even care about this board
I think they post more than you in a week tbh though
test and moogs will lose their priv very soon
sometimes they post in complete sentence
just saying
if you criticize me
crit the board
complete sentence
But I don't have enough crit chance to crit
didney worl
Is that you irl?
didney worl
Yes. I am all of these.
You're so shit smh
You will hurt my feelings.
who wouldn't?
what have you been lying about these days
Loving you.
You're not watching Witwix kitty stream so you deserve it tbh
i assume everying dar says to me is a betrayal
its cool tho
I already have a headache, though.
The fires must be rough on you.
sorry for insinuating you'r typs
jax is dead
Get some crit enhancement items
coddlng bitches
I need more dexterity.
don't even react to "their gay shit
jax dying was
i will fight whoever deciced they are are pimp
she's back and forth. you talk to her a bunch when you first reconnect to her and then she disappears after a few words.
you are your own person
fuck google
be your fucing self
this is where you find the sell outs
fuck oiff
moogs you fucked up
we don't want to be associayrf ew with under age kids like you and your gay as crew fucks with\
it would be redficulously easy to ruin you
oh my
the important thing to realize is that ,m
lol holy shit
test and his cuck assistant
is not a good perspon at all
can I be the new mod?
oh man i got hot
Man's not hot
You know what's not sad?
I'm hype!!
Bayonetta 3 is gonna be cool too
And you still have zero Boy Pussy
I was never a big fan of Bayo
HUGE fan of Talim tho. Hope she comes back for 6
I hope Talim doesn't come back just so Ian will cry about it tbh.
Eh, I'd be okay with it if my girl Natsu comes back
I have a lot of favorites
Pyrrha is the new bae tbh.
I wonder if they'll continue that storyline at all or ditch it for something completely new.
Pyrrha is okay, but I don't really like her style(s)
I love Natsu so much
From what I saw from this top-level competitive player's leak vid, the story centers around 3 main characters. One of which is Kilik I think, and Sophitia's back
Yeah, I never liked Pyrrha anyways. Fuck her.
your avatar is gay
your avatar is cute
She's the OG milf
I'm just posting her in honor of SCVI
Shes pretty good
Very honorable of you
Any character who shares my enthusiasm for comfy, oversized hoodies gets my endorsement.
I mean, honestly that felt a little bit backwards.
It seems like Cassandra should be the older / married one with kids.
That wasn't literal you shit
Talim wears baggy clothes and is all about the wind!
Cassandra is so... immature in character tho
Sophitia was all about sacrificing herself for her kids and family
It is a girl
You literally typed it
Just like you literally typed and we all literally type to post here nigga