This is what COINTELPRO literally believes
This is what COINTELPRO literally believes
weebs, gamers are not actual labels.
anyone can play a game or watch anime. who cares.
the gamers of gamergate tho, yeah those are major retards. I used to be on that shit too. jesus.
gamergate was fun tho
the puritanical inter-sectional feminists were definitely worse if it makes you feel any better
oh look ppl are trying to create controversy again, for the love of god, fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffff
All you e-niggers need to do is read Adorno, understand how 'socio-ideological' markets function before reading, critiquing, constructing and applying theory. Make sure you have an adequate life and all but for the sake of the movement don't LARP.
This bothers me more than it should.
I guess it's because how transparent it is. That person is probably in high school, gamers, weebs and other predominantly underage groups like that are a huge part of his worries - because that's who he's forced to socialize with - and this whole being-a-tankie thing is just a reflexive rebellion against the youth subcultures that surround him, his way of articulating his uniqueness within his context.
People have made being a Marxist the equivalent of being into a particular musical subculture. It's just a phase, something to help you express a momentary, conscious social displacement that defines you until you graduate. I guess death metal and the horseshit I encountered growing up don't really shock anyone anymore, so you need to fake Stalinism and let everyone in social media know.
execution is a step too far imo. but certainly under socialism video games will be illegal.
Reddit is a cesspool, best thing we can do is not worry about these retards.
Gamers should be executed on sight. Give me one single reason why we shouldn't.
in b4 some stupid Holla Forumsirgin thinks anyone who plays video games is a gamer
I want redditors to leave
Piss off, retards. My position is secure and infallable.
lol fuck off with this pedantry.
You know goddamn well how disingenuous you're being right now. This is so pathetic as to be laughable. I can explain it slowly for you so you can comprehend the earth shattering revelation I'm going to give you:
People who play video games are not gamers.
You think the 55 year old grandma playing Farmville considers herself a "gamer"? Of course not, that's fucking ludicrous. You have to be aware that "gamer" always refers to the core gaming demographic that plays handhelds, computers, or consoles - nobody can actually be that ignorant by accident.
I don't know, that's what the media was telling me a few years ago since apparently 'gamers' were 45% female or something and 'neckbeards' just needed to be destroyed
This is true, though, just not in the context that the "journalists" conveyed.
I mean I have my own issues with reactionary nerds ofc but that's hardly all gamers (or nerds)
i mean that fake quote isn't wrong. video games are good but the people who use playing vidja as their identity are cancer. identifying as a gamer is no different than identifying as a tumblr gender.
Even so, you're in no position to complain about generalizations if you unironically believe the "women and video games" copypasta.
so we should only execute people who identify as a gamer?
Absolutely. People who willingly and happily pump money into the exploitative and corrupt video game industry and wear it as a badge of pride are subhuman. It's almost worse than "cinephiles" who go to the movie theatre twice a week to watch the latest Hollywood bastardization.
Stirner's right, execute everyone who has an identity.
idpol is idpol if you don't like people shitting on your particular brand than fuck off back to reddit
is this horseshoe theory on the 'starbucks' meme?
really takes my cerebrum on a journey
I don't really believe 'all women who play games' are like that though. But fair enough if I was writing for a national newspaper I probably wouldn't have used that meme.
this board is going to shit tbqh
Please come back when you have arguments for me.
By that logic, a man who builds a chair for his own personal enjoyment and refers to himself as a 'hobbyist craftsman' is identity politics. How can something with no tangible relations to politics be idpol?
idpol is pretty much the leftist version of cuck at this point, for how vague and useless an insult it is
apparently it's idpol to say 'i am male/female'
No such thing exists
identifying as human is so fuckin' idpol pls go back 2 reddit with that shit
it would be if he based his life and politics around the hobby crasftman lifestyle and started sending death threats to IKEA employees.
Death to gamers, power to the players.
Gamers and weebs should be exterminated. Everything about both cultures is totally cancerous and reactionary. I can't believe I'm siding with r/FULLTRIGGERISM here.
holy moving the goalposts batman
damn straight
In the future the only genders will be Comrades.
I actually cringed. 10/10
Every single day we stray further away from Marx's light
It means you have murder fantasies and it's pretty bad
It's just uninspired and reeks of "lel you jelly you white dudebro" and I'm a closet reactionary
this but nonfacetiously.
This is one of the biggest complaints about modern capitalist culture, you illiterate fucker. "Gamer" and "otaku" "cultures" are a cancer.
this is obviously a joke you morons
But it's not a funny one.
well something's in the closet
gulags are hilarious duder
… don't remind me, actually. Life is pain.
Gulags = hilarious
Rosa Luxembourg deserved it jokes = filthy succdem you get the wall
if i can't make edgy jokes on Holla Forums then whats the point
This, but unironically. There's a reason we're all anonymous here, and it's to say stupid shit like "gamers should all be skinned alive and thrown into salt vats" without recourse.
I find that gulag jokes get old relatively fast.
I don't like leftcoms, but they have a pretty good meme game.
You can, but don't expect people to not make fun of you for acting like a child.
There isn't really any one thread that links all "gamers" together other than the fact that they play games, though. Even within the gaming community, if you could even call it that, there are a lot of different points of view
Whenever I'm arouns gamers or anyone with nerdy interests I get the urge to bully them mercilessly and beat them up, haven't acted on it wince high school but I might in the future
Why are all of you so fucking dense? In the same post it talks about building identities, something people do on their own. Not even talking about people who just play games or watch anime or whatever, this is specifically about identifying yourself with a product.
Be critical of all the media you consume and the cultures built around them
Gamers was a label imposed by media/cultural critics, it just sticked.
By "gamer" you could understand Holla Forumstard, (I'm myself an 4/v/tard), which means a lot of common references, a sense of community, enough to create an identity.
You mean the board everyone hated before Holla Forums took its throne as the board that spread stupidity everywhere?
I mean the board which likes Warcraft 3, TF2, WoW, Fitzthistlewitz, Jerma, most Valve games… I fit in relatively well.
Mein gott, that just makes it EVEN worse
You're all retards then, I'm afraid
What's with this false equivalency newfags like to push? Holla Forums tier interboard drama is quite a new thing, though interboard conflict has existed for years. People hated Holla Forums and called it shit because newfags slowly turned it into "Holla Forums with occasional video games" and no discussion could be made on the largest vidya board on the site, not because it shilled relentlessly on other boards and tried to shut down posters who didn't like it.
The only board that actually did what you think was Holla Forums, and that was from post Chanology newfags and not an actual malicious attempt to create a sterile torture chamber like Holla Forums has and like you think Holla Forums tried to do.
Well I'm sorry Slavoj. People are just people.
And? Even if you're just talking about people who identify as gamers, they don't all hold the same views about games or society in general. Holla Forums isn't the same as neogaf or reddit and so on. Almost all kinds of media are filled with mass-marketed garbage that people would do well to be at least a little critical of. This isn't some shocking revelation. But I don't think gamers are some uniquely terrible sect out of any of the other kinds of people that identify themselves with products/media.
I mean ,Christ, if you're going to go with this angle, at least make some kind of argument beyond low-effort shitposting about "gamers being cancer".
Oh boy the memories………
Jesus Christ.