Counter signal mems

Need more Holla Forums counter signal memes.

Other urls found in this thread:



Lazy people, lazy ideology, lazy memes.

You're losers thrice over!




Remind us of why we need to lower ourselves to their level?

any reply that finds a way to use "thrice" naturally is good automatically

you know that OP's pic and counter signalling memes was made by a guy from
Basically, they're appropriating our culture


Even Pepe was stolen (but honestly made better)


I don't like using these too much as they're usually strawmen but sometimes they fit a particular individual so here's a few I have saved.

last two are pretty universal though.



these memes are always shit but the first one is too goddamn accurate

r8 my oc

too many words for Holla Forums to even consider reading tbqh comrade.

bmfbbwbp is honestly really great and it seems like he's a cool guy judging from his appearance on the Apocalypse Please podcast tbh.



I'm not sure if the reason I find so much of their stuff to be dull and verging on empty self parody is because I'm the target of it or because it's just not that interesting.

lol, was just thinking the same thing. thought i was looking at a special olympics for creativity and talent thread


I thought "counter signal" was alt-right jargon like alt right people always try to "counter signal White Sharia".

Stefan Molyneux

Pot calling the kettle black. Grow up.

by counter-signaling do you mean cringey? cause all the memes in this thread are pretty cringey

here's a good one that actually makes sense

u r stoopid, Holla Forums

Guys. Please fucking stop.

Their opinions and behaviour might have been shit to begin with but these things are awful and using them to discredit these people is just as bad.

I love how the first one applies to Holla Forums so, so much. No self awareness, at all. Sad!

this is not how Holla Forums rationalizes it
they think Fascism is the "turd position" that is totally different from Liberalism or Capitalism.

being an arachnophobe is pretty fucking retarded too. if you're afraid of spiders whoever says that to you has every good reason to.

your post sounds like, word-for-word, something I would see in one of these counter-signal images.
Is that what you were trying to accomplish, or?…

Would've been funnier if you just made it into one of these

I am deathly scared of them, I will immediately freeze, vacate the room, and have to breath heavily after seeing one that's larger than an inch squared. I don't know why and I wish it wasn't the case.

I can't tell whether the fact these will probably die out once Microsoft pulls the plug on MS Paint is a good or bad thing.

literally what

This is garbage please stop

does anybody have the one where there's a guy in a crow of people and he says something like
"get a load of this

some people aren't too bright"

Yeah, pol hates all those people. And around 80% of pol hates capitalism.This one doesn't make sense. Good gravy man just check it out for a few seconds.

Fascism = Capitalism learn your history


Nah, they're funny when done right. I just wish we had more good ones here.

Please no.

nearly all the Austrian economists supported fascism, newfriend. They called Moussolini a "liberal dictator".
it seems like you need to learn your history.

they also supported pinochet, and pinochets economic policies were basically straight Hayek.

what's your point?
fascists are simply in denial that they are anti-capitalist
here, read something.

Even if Fascism starts put corporatist it eventually will become capitalist. As much as National Syndicalists will claim that they are against capitalism the actions made by fascist states is nothing more than capitalism


I can't find the exact citations right now but this is much easier
The head economist of Fascist Italy was a classical liberal by every definition of the word.

also see this on Nazi germany




kek at the first one


Your facts are right, but your interpretation isn't. It's not that fascism was capitalism, but that the Austrian School/right-libertarianism was fascism in denial, which I don't think anyone on this board denies. But by itself, fascism doesn't have much of an economic doctrine, so it could, in theory, adopt a socialist one. But obviously, its reactionary nature meant that it would tend towards a capitalist one, as it's hierarchical and anti-democratic by nature. You're right that their claims of anti-capitalism were posturing. Bu the salient point is, capital was still subordinate to the nation. Fascists would not hesitate to smash any capitalist action they saw as harming the nation.

I was aware of the privatization thing but the PDF is nice, thanks.

Maybe, but that is a hypothetical. And let's hope it will always remain that way.

Yes, in as much as it was their economic model, but not their ideological one. Like I mentioned above, it was subordinate to fascism.

Aut-right blowhards aren't interested in dialogue in the first place. The only thing that might shut them up is a good old BTFO.





That first one is Holla Forums too

What do you think about my meme??

Here's some to use against libshits

The Second meme is retarded. There are plenty of people in every country who know little to nothing about the aforementioned country's politics and there are people outside of that aforementioned country who know a great deal about its politics.

Not to mention your dig at people who lack the disposable income for frivolous travel in earlier life lacking any & all Class Consciousness. That meme make you sound both ignorant and spoiled as fuck.

It's shit and doesn't address the issue that the meme starts off with which was blaming muslims for a terrorist attack.
