Anarchists will try to refute/deny this
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On which part? As far as the Orwell accusations a source is listed, same with Engels view of the anarchists in 1872. The majority of the rest is the opinion of the author drawn from the citations
If you mean where this comes from it's an excerpt from Michael Parenti's Blackshirts and Reds
Seems like a long RevLeft post, where did you get this from?
Michael Parenti, blackshirts and reds
Idk, I've never seen any anarchist revolution produce one
Rojava has a state and participates in capitalism, so it is automatically not anarchist by the anarchist definition
But that's wrong user
It is a confederation and a state.
wtf i love socdem now
Marxists should be willing to work together with and support anarchists safe in the knowledge that the anarchists are happy to seize the state and turn it to implementing ruthless revolutionary terror just as the marxists would with the sole difference being not calling it a state.
He really was. He makes sense that lolberts fell in love with 1984, which is ironic considering that the type of society described in that novel is much closer to what we have know under neoliberalism and laissez faire capitalism than it is to anything the USSR ever was
Marxists should only be willing to collaborate with anarchists until the capitalist state is crushed enough for the vanguard to take power. Immediately afterward there can be a critical tolerance of them so long as they continue to fight the remnants of the capitalist state, but eventually there has to be a separation or else they end up aiding the counter revolution by fighting against the revolution itself in its name
A separation? Isn't the final goal Communism? A stateless, classless, moneyless society? The state is a wall that needs to be torn down. How is it counter revolutionary to try and tear down the state?
RerardAnon here that obviously has no idea what the fuck he's talking about so I'd love so sort of answer to these questions.
MLs preach left unity until they seize a state, afterwhich they plan to purge all non-tankies and sustain capitalism. Fortunatly the chances of MLs seizing a state are too low to seriously consider.
Thats so fucked up. Pretty much puts into perspective that only with a threatening force one is always a slave.
So if one wants to be trully free one has to never work for a stronger force or for a group with assess to a stronger force since they have ways to submit you to their will.
a pre-capitalist unindustrialized state that will immediately resort to a dictatorship once it realizes that it needs one to develop infrastructure
no he wasn't he was mad about soviet union cause of catalonia, and he critisised for being an authoritarian shithole. some of his critisms might have been unjust, but don't call him that.
It has a body that acts like a state in order to conduct international affairs only. That "state" has no military and is subject to the control of its constituent parts.
When will they learn?……
I love daddy Lenin and I'm certainly no Stalin apologist, but if Russia would've tried turning into a nice little country full of small happy co-ops with all decentralised decision making, they would never have survived WW2. Stalin said "We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make up this gap in ten years. Either we do it or they will crush us" and he was 100% fucking right.
Could you post more (late) Lenin quotes where he "sounds more like Dr. Wolff than Stalin", though?