Has anyone else read this piece of trash? Jesus, what a load of shite. I try to put some effort into understanding Nazi and other reactionary perspectives–for the sake of trying to understand why they believe what they do, or to form better arguments against their worldview–but ffs this is just pure autism. Completely incoherent. It's just Nazi verbal diarrhea. Literally a nazi masturbation fantasy and nothing more. Anyone who admires or relies on this man ideologically does not deserve to live.
Nigga r u forreal?
It's a literary tour de France. Profetic.
If you want to better understand fascism don't read the work of fascists because they all, somewhat intentionally, are contradictory. Fascism purposefully is tedious and incoherent, because 1) fascists believe that the "objective truth" of things reveals itself and thus doesn't need to be described in any great detail (hence all the anti-intellectualism in fascists societies) and 2) it's easier to manipulate masses of people to conform to idealism rather than materialism whenever you are elastic and vague rather than objective and specific
Further reading:
Nah, my time and brain cells are too precious to me for that. Listened to a narration of the "Day Of The Rope" chapter of the book on YouTube though. Any Stormfag that says he's a "peaceful" white nationalist, but recommends you read The Turner Diaries is lying to you.
Nah, my time and brain cells are too precious to me for that. Listened to a narration of the "Day Of The Rope" chapter of the book on YouTube though. Any Stormfag that says he's a "peaceful" white nationalist, but recommends you read The Turner Diaries is lying to you.
I'm pretty sure most nazifags disapprove of this
I haven't read it except the wikipage and I think it's hilarious. Nazis literally have to construct absurd, systolic scenarios (like the Jews in power legalizing rape for minorities) to validate their ideology.
"See? It's just self-defense!"
But they already did. Shitskins rape en masse and get away with it.
then why are most of prison population in USA black?
Negros commit plenty of other crimes besides rape.
so they would be put in jail for 0.001 of weed but not for rape? You have the flag of windmill of retardation so i know there's not much point asking this, but can you provide evidence for your claim on rape?
0.001 ounce*
Nobody goes to jail for 0.0001 of weed they're usually violent shit for brains who plead down.
Niggers really are useless subhuman baboons.
Why is it so difficult for niggers to follow the terms of their parole? Is it because of their underdeveloped frontal lobes?
Good job, Burgerland. You locked up a real menace to society with this one.
Zizek was right when it comes to fascists they portray there enemies as both incompetent and malevolent.
Fascist ideology can't be rationalized because fascism is inherently, intentionally anti-rational. Fascists believe that meaningful truth about human society can only be derived from personal biases.
You obviously dont know what Fascism is
What is it than?
So are you going to provide evidence for those rape statistics or what?
You should look into Europe's case.
Or the other time when another refugee just has a fucking wank in the Jacuzzi hot tub thing
Very simply, a Fascist wants what is best for his people and country. The economic system that a Fascist country sets up can be any.
it's easier to manipulate masses of people to conform to idealism rather than materialism whenever you are elastic and vague rather than objective and specific
have you ever thought that maybe ultra-nationalism isn't always good for the constituents your country?
Stefan even agrees.
I have yet to see any evidence of this inane anarchical attitude toward refugees that rightard sites claim is a fact of daily life. If anything European governments are backpedaling hard on the policies, ironically to greater detriment of the people they claimed to be helping.
wow, he finally said something intelligent.
Google what I just put in then. Just to be clear I don't assume every single damn refugee is going to want to rape and kill your mother, but the chances of getting quite a few bad people when you're mass immigrating people is pretty high and now we're getting the whole "lol vetting is racist" thing too.
I wouldn't follow that parole either, fuck that.
I already heard about the case you mentioned. What actually happened was that the refugee had a retrial, which resulted in his sentence being extended. Conservative media falsely reported the retrial as the convict being set free, and was curiously silent when the retrial was finished.
You're right, I just googled it. Only seven years though? Bit soft.
You don't know what this word means, please don't use it.
No you didn't.
Please tell me what any of that has to do with Nazism.
Apeing the ideas of 2000 year old philosophers doesn't count
yes but white Nats are more intellectual now than they were in the 1978
listen to Jared Taylor if you want to hear someone steelman their ideas on race
Are you even white, or are you just illiterate?
uh, ok. I've spent a significant amount of time on Nick Land, Mencius Moldbug, Hitler, Nazism, and the scientific racists of the 19th and early 20th centuries. I've also heard a lot from Rockwell and Pierce in general, as well as the history of white nationalism in America. Why are you disowning prominent theory-fiction from the sweetheart of American white nationalism?
Nazism is just like a fanatical religion.
t. Former Neo-Nazi
I used to be a Holla Forumstard many people here too. We just grew the fuck up. It is difficult to slay the spooks governing your mind alone, one has to read a lot & Holla Forums does not encourage that.
It's all propaganda.
working as slaves of the elite and then dying to meaningless wars?
the only fascist that has written about his ideology coherently is Gentile
No one Holla Forums calls themselves "neo-nazi" and they encourage you to read, you are just making shit up.
I am both white and literate
pls no bully
crap. put afroplasm in the sage field.
You sure don't act like it.
I have read it on the toilet. It was delusional to the xtreme, and at the same time very honest about what nazi-ism would mean in practice. Should be a good read for anyone who gets teary eyed when the freezed peaches of a nazi are smashed to a pulp.
Umberto Eco is a retard. Foucault's Pendulum is meant to mock conspiracy theories but half of that shit is literally true lmao
I thought it was Umberto Eco who pointed that out.
Whoever it was, they're right. Just look at the fascist propaganda regarding communists. Simultaneously ruthless, brutal hordes of "Asiatic" killers led by their ingenious Judeo-Bolshevik leather-clad commissars and yet also cowards, drunks, criminals and frauds just waiting to be crushed by a united nation. It hasn't changed since the days of Goebbels.
I tried to read some of Mein Kampf and it was crazy paranoid logic.
I couldn't get past the first page tbh. Talks about his upbringing and then launches a rant on how Germany and Austria must be united.
Fascism can only really be used as a last ditch effort of a country. That the only time where people take it seriously. Yes the Germans were raped+slaughtered in large numbers and the land was divided up but look at other places in history when a country was on its deathbed and the people accepted it and the end result was pretty much the same.
You could just google them really quick, its pretty much proven that blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime, its just that rightists chalk that up to a knee jerk reaction of biological determinism without examining environmental/ class based causes
you are probably mentally impaired if you cant use entertainment for entertainment
take ayn rand's atlas shrugged, it's extremely unlikely, borderline unrealistic heroic characters exist to provide inspiration, you are not supposed to treat everything like a bibl-i mean das kapital, its not divin-erm, historical-materialistic-scientific-mystic one and only all-description of everything
if you want to understand him, listen to his radio broadcasts, he actually talks about things on a week to week basis from reactionary perspective
nigga u for real?
also, reactionary ideas can work alongside revolutionary ideas to move beyond left/right.
Terminators Vs. Planet Of The Apes
make it happen. physical reals vs. feels live action combat.
never read that shit lol
So do you have an actual position against anything he said? No? Then why waste a thread on it, retard?
God, you aren't lying the first fucking page is already unbeatable
Also the only fascist writer I've read and liked was Evola but some of his shit boils down to "WHITE PPL CAME FROM ATLANTIS AND NORTH SHIT AND SHIEEET"
The turner diaries are just a 90's era fan fiction about the Nazi masturbation fantasy that never comes irl.
Not some political treatise.
Here is a cart of some right wing lit you could read.
How is a short history of decay fascist? I'm pretty sure there's an aphorism in there about how young Ciorans' fascism had immunised him against extremism.
i dunnon, its just the chart 4chan lit made, dont judge me nickka