who was /ourfaction/ in star wars ?
Who was /ourfaction/ in star wars ?
Sith Lords are Space Nazbols and therefore /ourguys/
The partisans
Explain plz
Are you implying that the Rebels were Monarchists because Leia was a Princess? Because politics in Star Wars is vaguely modeled after ancient Rome, so there was a Senate, and then the Empire are supposed to be a Caesar-style military dictatorship that took power through a coup. Blowing up Alderaan was the final nail in the coffin. My point is it's a fantasy world that doesn't have too much connection to the real world, but the Rebels would be /ourguys/ if only because they waged armed struggle against a totalitarian regime, even if it was hypothetically in the name of some idea of Bourgeois democracy. Parenti once argued that Caesar's rule was Proletarian, i.e. he put the wants and needs of the Plebians over the Patricians, but the average Burger, Lucas included, doesn't really know much about Roman history, most Burgers have brainlet readings of history like "Caesar was the first dictator!"
The prequels were good and the CIS were /ourguys/
If you didn't support the Empire, you're filthy rebel scum & deserve to be shot.
Kyle Katarn was /ourguy/
The closing credits.
The Star Wars movies don't really have a faction that embodies socialist or communist ideals. The expanded universe has the Chiss Ascendancy, which is said to be state socialist, but that's about it.
Except Princess Leia isn't the leader, and having a reactionary religious cult backing you up has nothing to do with being a monarchy.
These guys
Nobody, everyone in Star Wars is either a liberal or a fascist. Ewoks are Bookchinites
fucking disney
the partisans
That means he won't be tarnished by JJ Abrams and EA
unironically gerrera's rebels.
None, the ideology in SW is thick as hell
/ourguy/ in Star Wars
SW is crap made for children with retarded binary sides where you either are the big bad guys just for the sake of being bad or you are against the bad guys just because your good heart.
It has absolutely no depth at all and people should just forget it exists.
I get it was cool when the first movie launched because all the special effects n' shit but this is not the case anymore.
Parisians were fucking ISIS tier though
I haven’t watched the new movies.
Support Darth Vader for anti-imperialism and state atheism.
The Emperor was Sith theocrat though.
End your life.
Was he really? He doesn't seem to give much of a shit about his "religion" after he became Emperor. Always seemed to me that it was just a means to an end for him.
They were against the religious cult things.
He choked some rational skeptic (tm) for believing in technology over spirituality in one of his first scenes in the first movie.
under rated
The Jedi are pretty much communalists, by which I mean they are bourgeois liberal idealists, the Sith are NazBol.
Underrated post.
Star Trek > Star Wars tbh
Here's a version with a dank rap beat: youtu.be
Also, someone please post the gray moral Star Wars macro. U know the one that goes "What if X?" a whole bunch a times? Also Peleon is space Bismark?
That's a problem.
Of the few episodes of Rebels I saw, they depicted the Empire as tankies, even though they're supposed to be mainstream Nazis. Other than that, the Rights of Sentience Party is the closest thing I can think of, though they sound more like neo-liberals of today or something (I dunno, more focused on race). Essentially, they believe that the natives of colonial planets should have democratic power equal to the colonialists, and if they natives are the majority of the planet, they should have full control of said planet.
Anyway, Enver Hoxha :^)
What is that one?
Obviously the rebels.
It was a multi-macro image relating to the civil war. The basic message was what if Morality between rebels and Empire were more balanced.
I thought they were social Feudalists. And whichever would the same be true of the EotH?
This tbh.
The class conflict in Star Wars in pre-capitalist, so there aren´t any proper proletarians. I suppose that means that Marxists should side with the bourgeoisie (rebels), and anarchists should side with the lumpen-proletariat (Jabba).
To me the flower of the proletariat is not, as it is to the Marxists, the upper layer, the aristocracy of labor, those who are the most cultured, who earn more and live more comfortably than all the other workers. Precisely this semi-bourgeois layer of workers would, if the Marxists had their way, constitute their fourth governing class. This could indeed happen if the great mass of the proletariat does not guard against it. By virtue of its relative well-being and semi-bourgeois position, this upper layer of workers is unfortunately only too deeply saturated with all the political and social prejudices and all the narrow aspirations and pretensions of the bourgeoisie. Of all the proletariat, this upper layer is the least social and the most individualist.
By the flower of the proletariat, I mean above all that great mass, those millions of the uncultivated, the disinherited, the miserable, the illiterates, whom Messrs. Engels and Marx would subject to their paternal rule by a strong government – naturally for the people’s own salvation! All governments are supposedly established only to look after the welfare of the masses! By flower of the proletariat, I mean precisely that eternal “meat” (on which governments thrive), that great rabble of the people (underdogs, “dregs of society”) ordinarily designated by Marx and Engels in the picturesque and contemptuous phrase Lumpenproletariat. I have in mind the “riff-raff,” that “rabble” almost unpolluted by bourgeois civilization, which carries in its inner being and in its aspirations, in all the necessities and miseries of its collective life, all the seeds of the socialism of the future, and which alone is powerful enough today to inaugurate and bring to triumph the Social Revolution.
— Mikhail Bakunin, On the International Workingmen's Association and Karl Marx
The setting seems pre-feudal but instead of a slave economy they have a droid economy.
W-wait isn't that post-scarcity?
Well I don't remember anyone ever dying from hunger or lack of clean water. Even the slaves on Tattooine seemed to have rather big houses and pretty small working hours.
People are still dicks though. Apparently the empire genocided the entire bug species that came up originally with the idea of the death star.
There is no group in the Star Wars lore that shows any leftist thought and if you look into it, many planets are stuck in different eras while still being technologically advance to make space travel. On top of this the Capitalist revolt (The Clone Wars) was a failure as planned and drove the Republic toward fascism, having to shut down a bunch of space market hubs and reform the economic system. The empire still respects private property and business, wealth inequality on planets and between system still present and people having any power to participate in government slowly diminishes to the point that star systems are own by appointed governors selected by the Emperor.
fuck off
if youre talking strictly in America, its the Rebel alliance…the left in genral would probably be the Prequel jedi order
CIS seem more like anarcho capitalists/libertarians…i see you guys more like the rebels
Antifa could be the rebels….with the whole, fuck the system lets fuck shit up mentality
The Rebel Alliance wants nothing to do with fuck shit up mentality. They wish for a representative democracy like they used to and are willing to militarize with the support of corporations, old war veterans and politicians still in favor of republic rule or simply because they hate the Empire. The destruction of the death stars was essentially denying the absolute control of the Empire in order to rally the systems to overthrow Imperial rule everywhere, which of course did wonders for their support showing the Empire aren't invincible and with the death of the Emperor gave a shake up in the Empire. Afterwards, depending if you want to use old EU or Disney Wars, the Republic comes back and it's back to being a all debate and no action government.
Grievous was /ourguy/.
The Killiks.
Also, I think the EU said the Empire had a planned economy, if that counts. Though that may have been a holdover from the Old Republic.
In Dark Empire, the Emperor literally planned to rule the galaxy directly through the dark side of the force.
George Lucas has great ideas but shit execution.
underrated post
The prequels are full of great ideas but bad execution.
Too bad Lucas didn't learn his lesson from the OT that he makes better movies when he's not the director and sole writer.
i don't recall them taking child sex slaves, suicide bombing crowds of worshippers, or genociding religious minorities
that article is stupid. rogue one can just as easily be read as advocacy for insurrection against power systems
rogue one is good
The Empire believed in human superiority and rarely had alien officers. Not to mention the nazi colors and the evil space wizard ruling as emperor.
The force is basically capital but even worse since it cannot be subsumed by society at large and is generated passively by everything in existence. The only person who was even remotely lefty was Kreia since she wanted to permanently destroy the force.
Kreia is probably the best female character in all of fiction. Second would be the one female protagonist of 1001 Nights.
She saw the force as controlling and manipulating people. Jedi saw the force like Taoists see The Tao. Sith see the force as something they need to control themselves.
Jedi: "May the force be with you."
Sith: "May the force serve you well."
Eh, her motivation for doing so was essentially that it stood in the way of a sort of Nietzschean will to power and each person's ability to improve themselves through relying on their own innate strength to conquer the struggles of life. That's not the most lefty philosophy.