Are the Reddit subs actually COINTELPRO?

I was reading this when something a guy said caught my notice

One of the guys said the subs turned into real hellholes once they started getting frontpage attention. The mods were actively trying to keep non-leftists out. Almost as if it was some sort of damage control.

Is there any evidence those subs are so cancerous because mods were coup'd/planted by the feds to shut discussion down?

This doesn't point towards COINTELPRO when the norm of Reddit is to be a circlejerking faggot. It feels more to me like retarded faggots showing their true colors after being put under pressure, like with our BO and 'imperialism'.

That's wishful thinking. The reality is that many leftists are genuinely this retarded.


That doesn't rule out the idea that the design of the website and others like it have been influenced by the likes of government agencies and liberal organisations. Ideology itself also plays a key role in shaping these spaces.

shit mate they probably just contract private media firms fueled by the ground up meat of desperate interns to do this shit for them as well

They watch things that are potentially dangerous.
/r/FC & the like are probably categorised as "larpers" and the poor guy in charge just glances at their frontpage and updates on the number of subscribers, and maybe even communicates the personal info of people dumb enough to post it.

They are probably more concerned about 4/pol/, 4/r9k/ and telegram chat rooms.

It's reddit. Of course it's going to be cancer.

This is the case for any subreddit that gets to the front page.

Read the fucking link. The mods went apeshit and started purging the subs.

That's not COINTELPRO, that's just a reflection of the fact that these "communist" subs are moderated and dominated by left-liberal SJWs and that whenever new people come abound they have to make sure they follow the mass line and self-crit or get banned. When /LSC/ got big it was the same shit that happened with /socialism/ and /FC/. Why? Because it's literally all the same mods or sock accounts of the same mods. Just take a look and you'll notice that it's the same people in charge everywhere.

They are tankies with tumblr characteristics.

My favorite example is a recent one with the anime shit. Just like two of the FC mods started sperging out over anime on their own accounts with their own posts, and because they couldn't handle the heat they went and made sure that all other subs they have influence over also adopts their tyrannical anti-anime shit and call everyone who opposes that a "pedo apologist". Nothing new under the sun here for those who followed the catgirl drama from half a year back.

Call them what you want, but they sure as hell aren't helping the communist cause. I call them left-lib SJWs because their way of dealing with things is first of all always personal and has little to do with consensus, and then always happens through a sort of lord of the flies-tier logic with "I conclude that everyone who even mildly likes anime is gonna be a pedo, so we're gonna ban anime" before making a new guideline.

The pedo boogeyman is wearing mighty thin at this point. Maybe soon enough people will actually have to start citing facts to support their views about it instead of sperging the fuck out in a wave of irrational hysteria.

It started wearing thin when it turned out the mod team defended rape in the orgs they were a part of and started censoring people who brought it up.

Someone needs to make a good edit of the "wherever I go, I must also rape" pic but with Trotsky's face shopped on it.

its possible, part of it could just be bad management (such as passing rules that alienates large portions of their userbase to appease others, RIP catgirl drawfag).
Could also be some FBI tactics though, forum sliding, creating divisions and infighting, ect. Not neccessarily a hardcore or overtly concerted effort, since its fucking reddit. But it doesn't hurt to fuck up conversation, keep leftists confused and from organizing.

no, young American liberals are just truly this retarded
this is your brain on intersectionality

leftist subs in reddit

maybe…youre CIA lol

/r/communism doesn't even accept non-marxists.

you realize cointelpro is FBI, right? not CIA.

Cointelpro? No. Cancerous and typical of the absolute worst elements of the Vampire's Castle? Yes. I use Reddit almost exclusively for news, and the only political subreddit I frequent is /r/Communalists, because it seems to be at least half-decent.


the alphabet agencies are mostly concerned with things that actually threaten the elite, pro-state bootlickers are hardly a security concern

you can smell the virginity on those mods

Never ascribe to incompetence what can be adequately ascribed to a conspiracy.

I think it's more likely that they're a bunch of liberal feminists using entryist tactics to subvert other movements and re-purpose towards their own reformism. The "you're golden" meme and the general aggressive pushing of identity politics and attempts to marginalize any discussion of socioeconomics on reddit strongly implies this. Criticise Lenin, Stalin or whoever and no-one seems too bothered. Suggest Peggy McIntosh might be full of shit and you get people going bezerk. Of course, there's the suggestion that the libfems are themselves cointelpro, which is an open question. Regardless of the truth of that accusation, I'm not using the shithole that is Raddit and I'm deeply suspicious of IGD.

All tankies are, whether they know it or not.

Cutting off your cock and making up six gorillion genders doesn't even count as LARPing, son.

Considering that the reddit admins shut down subreddits they dont like, such as when we tried make a leftypol subreddit, its not unlikely that they work together with the feds or have someone connected to the feds in the company.


brocialistslaughter is probably pic related, a turkish cypriot racialist posing as an anarchist.

Is there a part I'm missing? Who is he quoting?

No shit you retard, all the top sub moderators are bought off and the subs are shilled to hell.

It was funny, /r/politcs was shilled up the ass by the clinton crew, and when trump won there was like a 20 minuet reprieve where there was total freedom, the shills had left, and trump tards were running wild


But he would be white, then.

Reddit is also filled with bots, upvote manipulation.
The whole system is rigged

Basically, I said "I don't understand what's wrong with loli porn" on a left subreddit.

This guy "brocailastslaughter" goes through threads and finds my post. He posts a link to it on his subreddit (called "enough brocialist spam", a sub made to quote and make fun of brocialists), quoting me.

I go to his thread, and take him up on it. He is unable to reason, so his ultimate reply is "Fuck off.", and then he bans me before I can reply.

this:>>1943661 is for you

You mean those professional wankers who rock the vote for Republican candidates? Those idiots are as controlled as a Tea Party rally.

Even if they're not in actuality on the pay of the government, they should be treated like they are.

He's actually had that suggested to him because he and his affinity group of edgy dickweeds keep ranting about killing white people. He ended up launching into a diatribe about how he was genetically identical to Syrians and thus was not white. Sort of makes a mockery of him and his little coteries constant assertions that "whiteness" is a social construct and not skin colour…

He's a just a utter dickhead. He declared reddit was overrun with "brocialists", so took his little affinity group to set up to escape them and invited people to follow. Despite repeated shilling attempts, practically no-one did. So now he and his gang operate an army of sockpuppets that run around autistically screeching at anyone who hold even the slightest of differing opinions from themselves.

Fill me in.

The left splintering over bullshit is no big news, but this whole "brocialism" thing sounds very asymmetrical.
Did the whole thing start with reddit getting tired of bros, or was the sentiment mutual from the getgo before the bans?

mr. pachyderm is correct

It's just a slur for anyone that doesn't tow the idpol party line. Don't think more women CEOs isn't the defining battle of our age? That the battle for pronouns and irrelevant identity is just as important as bringing socialism? You're just a regressive dudebro masquerading as a leftist! Etc.

But was it a pushback from you complaining about idpol, or you just wanted to coexist in peace?
I want to know if the splinter was one sided or not

what the fuck that's not a loli she's not even 2d

A 'split' implies that we were at one point together. A lot of redditors came here after being fed up by the word-policing on /r/succ, if that's what you mean. Talking about Holla Forums would get you banned as well.

It was reaction to any criticism of idpol or its complementary ideologies. "Class reductionism," posting on boards that the mods don't like, or even quoting or referencing "problem.atic" Leftists or tendencies or groups.

Basically if you were an actual leftist you'd be branded a brocialist and banned.


Its a tactic that was invented by clintons people. They even accused obama of being a "bro". Just like they accused bernied of being one.
Its pretty much a tactic used to divide the left based on gender.

"oh you want to talk about capitlism like a bro shearight"

What is funny tho is how this works less and less. These faggots think they can continue with muh gender politics all day but I think many have caught on to this and are jumping ship. Especially the way redditors behave, I think it is all going to come crashing down. Eventually, people who only bitch about gender i would hope are just told to fuck off because the economic issues become unavoidable but who knows maybe im just wishfully thinking

I'm not against intersectionalism per se, had many civilized and even enlightening discussions with feminists on that matter, what bugs me is part of those people trying to separate gender/race and class struggle and focusing only on the former parts when those struggles are inevitably one and the same. this definitely seems like an strategy to take the socialism out of their agenda by some really shady people. It turns leftists that have pretty much the same opinions on the same stuff against eachother over incredibly minor stuff, tactics that we should always remember are part of the freaking OSS sabotage manual. saddens me to see so much infighting between us when we are so alike (and when those feminist girls are so cute). We need to focus on building bridges.

OK bud

I'd post that "mao the original SJW" image if I had it ahah

Its Going Down. A website that appeared as a challenger to Anarchist News. The Anarchist News website has a lot of commenters that are highly disparaging of the idpol shitheads on reddit.

I kept waiting for that robot to cop a feel. That was a wasted comic opportunity.