Murray Bookchin considers Libertarians to be Leftists

This is part of an Interview with Murray Bookchin by Reason (October 1979 issue)

Would you say that libertarians are right-wingers? A great many people in the national media and in national politics cojnjntinue to regard libertarianism as some sort of splinter group of the William Buckley-style conservatives.

I categorically deny that. The American left today as I know it—and believe me, I am very familiar with the American left—is going toward authoritarianism, toward totalitarianism. It's becoming the real right in the United States. We don't have an appreciable American left any more in the United States. What I saw of the SDS in the '60s was very abhorrent to me: Marxism, Leninism, almost the KGB mentality—a police politics that I found completely totalitarian in nature. And in Europe, I would say that today the real support for State power and totalitarianism comes from the Communist parties and the Socialist parties and, where they are sizable, the Trotskyist groups. They are the ones that really frighten me.

People who resist authority, who defend the rights of the individual, who try in a period of increasing totalitarianism and centralization to reclaim these rights—this is the true left in the United States. Whether they are anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists, or libertarians who believe in free enterprise, I regard theirs as the real legacy of the left, and I feel much closer, ideologically, to such individuals than I do to the totalitarian liberals and Marxist-Leninists of today.

Other urls found in this thread: - The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service - V. Azarov.pdf.

REASON: What about people like Murray Rothbard—anarcho-capitalists?

BOOKCHIN: I would prefer not to give any reply to that, mainly because Murray and I have a bit of a history together, and I think there've been some grave misunderstandings, perhaps on both our parts. I would rather see them resolved than develop into heated controversy—despite, I think, a not very generous letter that appeared over his signature and Mr. Williamson Evers's signature in Liberty, the Massachusetts Libertarian Party publication. That letter grossly misrepresented my position on Marxism as being a "necessary ideology." That's archaic, to say the least. I regard Marxism as the most sinister and the most subtle form of totalitarianism. There are people, of course, who profess to be libertarian Marxists. I believe they mean very well, and I even write in their periodicals; but I write very militantly that I regard Marxism as a very subtle form of what I would call the totalitarian ideology—all the more subtle because it professes to advance the notions of freedom. I don't think that the Soviet Union and China are accidents, aberrations; I think they follow from Marxism-Leninism. I think that Leninism comes out of Marx's basic convictions.

REASON: If you won't comment directly on Murray Rothbard's theories, will you comment on the general idea of a capitalist society that is also an anarchist society? Suppose we had a free society whose people chose to divide their labor, specialize in producing certain goods and services, and trade among themselves?

BOOKCHIN: I'd have no quarrel with them. I would say that that is not capitalism—though there are many different definitions. One would call that, in Marxist language—and there's a sense in which Marx does contribute to the fund of human knowledge, and we can no more dismiss him than we can Hegel or Rousseau or Spinoza or Darwin; you don't have to be a Darwinian to appreciate Darwin's views, and I don't have to be a Marxist to appreciate what is valid in a number of Marx's writings-and Marx would call that a form of simple commodity production rather than capitalism. But if you want to call it capitalism, do so. I don't want to get enmeshed in any semantic issues. My feeling is that whatever people elect to do, insofar as they don't deny the rights of others, every effort should be made to defend their right to do it.

I believe in a libertarian communist society. But, I believe that any attempt on the part of a libertarian communist society to abridge the rights of a community—for example, to operate on the basis of a market economy of the kind that you describe—would be unforgivable, and I would oppose the practices of such a society as militantly as I think any reader of your publication would. I want to make that very clear. On the other hand, where an attempt is made to expropriate, as was done in so much of the world, you know, in the name of free enterprise—in the names of God, whiskey, commerce, and Western civilization, to use Kipling's language—that, of course, I would oppose.

I have no quarrel with libertarians who advance the concept of capitalism of the type that you have advanced. I believe that people will decide for themselves what they want to do. The all-important thing is that they be free to make that decision and that they do not stand in the way of communities that wish to make other decisions. I could live beautifully in a society of the kind that you have described, as well as in a collectivistic one. However, if that collectivistic one assumed any totalitarian forms, any authoritarian forms whatever, I would oppose that. And not only that: I would join your community in fighting it. Let me make it very plain that if socialism, which is what I call the authoritarian version of collectivism, were to emerge, I would join your community. I would migrate to your community and do everything I could to prevent the collectivists from abridging my right to function as I like. That should be made very clear.

American libertarians are right wing for the most part, in fact certain people worked really hard to make sure they are right wing(Rothbard etc),
but they dont necessarily have to be

Is anyone surprised except his little personality cult?


He goes further in the interview

REASON: In Ursula Le Guin's anarcho-syndicalist society, there was no privately held land, but there was personal property. People owned books and other portable items. In your ideal anarcho-communist society would there be such personal property?

BOOKCHIN: There would be personal property, but there would only be private property to the extent that people elected to engage in the private property society. My concern over private property is that it no longer fosters individuality. The historic destiny of private property is that it has created a highly corporatized economy, and I have to ask myself why. What is it in the market that led 100 capitalists to dissolve into 10 as a result of rivalry and accumulation, 10 into 3, and I think if the system has its way, those 3 into 1?

REASON: What do you think of Ayn Rand's novels?

BOOKCHIN: I have really mixed feelings about them. On the one hand, I have an admiration, even though I'm not likely to do that sort of thing myself, for Roark's behavior when he decided that his design was not being followed—which was a gross violation, by the way, of private property rights, because the building was his.

Blaming Marx for Stalinism and calling Marxism totalitarian - spoken like a true liberal.
Bookchin would also ally with propertarians to fight le ebil authoritarians!!!

Nota bene. This is where liberal humanism leads you: intellectual blackmail.

REASON: Left-wing anarchists ordinarily have nothing good to say about writers like Lysander Spooner, Benjamin R. Tucker, and Albert Jay Nock. What do you think about the individualist anarchists?

BOOKCHIN: I don't feel the individualist anarchists, particularly in the American tradition, including the Transcendental tradition of New England, in any way deserve the derogatory comments that are often made about them by the left. When one gets down to it ultimately, my anarcho-communism stems from a commitment to true individuality. My attempt to recover the power and the right of the individual to control his or her life and destiny is the basis to my anarcho-communism.

If anarcho-communism served to regiment the population in the name of libertarian unity, if it served in any way through collectivist measures to deny the rights of the individual instead of reconciling the rights of the individual with the collective, I would definitely stand completely on the side of the individualist who is trying to rescue above all that most precious thing that makes us human—consciousness and personality. Wherever people defend the rights of the individual, I stand with them above all, over and beyond any wishes relating to how an economy should be managed or how people should govern themselves. This is a very strong commitment on my part.

When I talk about self-management, self-regulation, self-government, the word I emphasize is self, and my concern is with the reconstruction of the self. Marxists and even many, I think, overly enthusiastic anarchists have neglected that self. I regard individuality as the most precious trait we have, because without it there is no creativity, there is no consciousness, there is no rationality. There is nothing that could make me speak more strongly to this point. I address myself to it as being the primary question.

My communism attempts basically to create a shared society, that's all; a shared society in which individuality will flourish, along with love, and along with mutual respect. I am not a communist first and an individualist second. I am an individualist first, and I don't mean this in the shallow, purely egotistical sense of self-interest and everyone else be damned. I mean this in the true sense of enlightenment, recovery of personality, and the full development of personality.

(This part is extremely hypocritical as he denounced the anarchists in america whom were individualist as lifestylists. )

Hardly any anarcho-individualists exercised an influence on the emerging working class. They expressed their opposition in uniquely personal forms, especially in fiery tracts, outrageous behavior, and aberrant lifestyles in the cultural ghettos of fin de siècle New York, Paris, and London. As a credo, individualist anarchism remained largely a bohemian lifestyle, most conspicuous in its demands for sexual freedom (‘free love’) and enamored of innovations in art, behavior, and clothing.

Looks like Bookchin is more of a right libertarian who tries to appeal to right libertarians and ancaps and communists with nice rhetoric.


>Wherever people defend the rights of the individual, I stand with them above all, over and beyond any wishes relating to how an economy should be managed or how people should govern themselves.

An interview in 1979 where he's clearly trying to get people on the right libertarian movement in america involved with his ideas, and before he started forming his philosophy of dialectical naturalism and social ecology

Not really "surprised" as pointed out, it's common knowledge he fraternized with right libertarians while experimenting with anarchism.

This is clearly evident in his later works, especially
Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm (1997)

But okay, have fun jerking off to eachother

I guess Bookchin is confirmed as legit retard now.

seems good to me

before he fully formed his philosophy of dialectical naturalism and social ecology*


You don't have to agree with everything he ever said/did to like his philosophy.
Why is this so damning when he never even espoused those viewpoints. And even if he did at some points why does that discredit his later works?
I mean it's like the israel article people keep dropping. I don't agree with his position but that doesn't invalidate the rest of his ideas.

It's pretty clear he's spooked by cold war propaganda and because of his experiences with MLs (which he simply calls "marxists" which isn't entirely honest). Bookchin is not from an academic background so he'd be very familiar with what the common lowly educated prole who gobbles up state propaganda has to say about socialism and he was stuck in some kind of double blackmail between tankies and diehard anti-communists.
Many trotskyists had the same problem.

unironic zizek dick riders are 100x gayer than the nice bookchin kids, so i don't see how this is an argument

More like appeal to libertarianism and ancaps, bookchin shows he supports capitalism if its voluntary. Put that with his support for imperialism and he pretty mutch has nothing to seek anymore among leftists or anarchists. (he rightfully doesnt even considers himself anarchist anymore)

Looks more like libertarian municipalism is the right libertarian awnser to the question of ecology. There is nothing bad about that but you now cant deny that your political idealogy is right wing when Bookchin supports private property and is verry vocal in his anti-marxism.


I'm guessing you're mad cause Zizek BTFOs your petit-bourgeois nationalist sentiments?

What about it?

So what have you read by him? You wouldn't say any of this shit if you have.
I mean he literally advocates for the abolishment of the market.
Go get yourself a copy of "The Politics of Social Ecology - Libertarian Municipalism" online and read the 12th chapter

I've always hated this meme so don't blame me.

can't wait until Cumshott is finally banished to spergatory as well

How about you explain it then? You have read it, explain his argumentation and refute Bookchin himself on these facts just presented.

Wow, this guy's a fucking retard. Chomsky wasn't kidding when he said that actual realization of ancapism would be the most horriffic society to ever exist.

And this shit pisses me off. You can justify anything with "muh individualism", it's meaningless.

Literally what do you want me to refute? That he's right wing? When he even denounces private property and the market in the interview???

got to love marxist glorious uprisings when they don't like something calling them out on their shit, confirming everyone's gut suspicion they are just weird little control freaks after all

you clearly have no idea what the militant aut-left was like in the 1970's lel
we can see it on this very board, marxists do not tolerate anything that challenges their dogma, because it upsets their chances of dissolving everything about their unique person and merging with the borg womb

REASON: What do you think of combining anarchism with pacifism as Robert LeFevre does—holding that violence is under no circumstances justifiable, even in self-defense; that one should attempt to escape rather than return violence if one is attacked?

BOOKCHIN: I have a great admiration for pacifism, but I'm not a pacifist, mainly because I would defend myself if I were attacked, and I believe that the American people should defend themselves if any attempt is made to take over the government by coup d'etat, whether by the military or the Marxists or any people who profess to be anarchists. But I do have an intense respect for pacifists, because I believe that ultimately, if we are to have a truly humanistic as well as libertarian society, violence will have to be banished on this planet.

This coming from the flag of the fusion of the worst parts of fascism and stalinism?

Fucking LOL. Holla Forums's #1 meme sensation literally advocating counterrevolution. Somebody archive this thread once all the drama has played out.

He litteraly defends private property.

BOOKCHIN: I have really mixed feelings about them. On the one hand, I have an admiration, even though I'm not likely to do that sort of thing myself, for Roark's behavior when he decided that his design was not being followed—which was a gross violation, by the way, of private property rights, because the building was his.

There would be personal property, but there would only be private property to the extent that people elected to engage in the private property society. My concern over private property is that it no longer fosters individuality.

His position on private property is the Voluntarianist position wich is a right-libertarian strain.

He Supports Communism but shows that he is not against the fundemental basis of capitalism wich is private property. He instead is against corperatism like right libertarians.

LMAO. Bookchin is literally word for word a lolbertarian anti-Chandlerian. No wonder people like Rothbard were huge coopfags too; hate the form, not the content; gotta get those nice and ethical private firms going aye?

Also to add
Bookchin his views on Fascism and Communism are almost perfectly align with Friedrich Hayek on the notion of them being totalitarian.

This is what not reading theory does people it makes you an idiot.

Bookchin BTFO'd

What a dedicated socialist

"This municipalization of the economy means the "ownership" and management of the economy by the citizens the community. Property- including both land and factories-would no longer be privately owned but would be put under the overall control of the citizens in their assemblies. The citizens would become the collective "owners" of their community's economic resources and would formulate and approve economic policy for the community. It is they, and not the bureaucrats or capitalists, who would make decisions about economic life."

again you are literally arguing against him before he fully formed his views. this is from 1979.


Thats an explination of his own Communism, he still allows private property to exist if people vote for it to happen as he says but there would 'only' be private property 'to the extent that people elected to engage in the private property society'.

He is a dualist and doesnt mind if capitalist economy is being created if its all voluntary. This is dangerouse as the logic of capital will eventually turn against the communist project wich it lives along with. You can not have both things existant at the same time.

Daily reminder.

And This.

No, he's going for that bullshit lolbert fantasy of hundreds of city-states with wildly different economic systems existing side-by-side without regard to either ethical justification or economic consideration.

Clearly he does not believe that private property will take hold as a system from a communalist project.
I find this funny to argue when marxists in their revolutions defended private property, only without organizational methods in which democratic processes could override private property rights.

Again it is clear that a communalist political project will be abolishing private property. You literally dont understand he's trying to convince right wingers to take a look at his views in this interview do you.


No lol. What do you think the confederation part of libertarian municipalism is?

He litteraly beleaves in dual power wich means it allows two systems to coexist. How else is he going to set it up as he is against revolution.

Be the change you want to believe in.

Voluntaryism is different than what you describe.

"In their "Statement of Purpose" in Neither Bullets nor Ballots: Essays on Voluntaryism (1983), Watner, Smith, and McElroy explained that voluntaryists were advocates of non-political strategies to achieve a free society. They rejected electoral politics "in theory and practice as incompatible with libertarian goals," and argued that political methods invariably strengthen the legitimacy of coercive governments. In concluding their "Statement of Purpose" they wrote: "Voluntaryists seek instead to delegitimize the State through education, and we advocate the withdrawal of the cooperation and tacit consent on which state power ultimately depends." "
Voluntaryism is anti-electoral, that doesn't work with DemCon or Libertarian Municipalism

Remember we have a lot of infants and MLs here, Bookchin is probably one of the few things capable of making them overcome their disdain towards each other.



Never understood why Bookchinites and Stalinists don't see eye to eye tbh.

The slander of Bookchin by buttmad lifestylists continues.

I guess the only thing left to do is to convert to a leftist tendency that is vague and useless enough to avoid internet criticism, like leftcommunism or NazBol.

Nice quints dude




Thats a quote by stalin tho

ah yes marx had a crystal ball to see how his fanclub would almost all actually behave. perhaps we should consult the Gospels to figure out what's going on with Prosperity ministries too

Yeah that kind of explains it

Guys did you know that people never change their opinions on things? Che Guevara was a racist his whole life, there's a quote from his adolescence to prove it.

Didn't King Leopold already try AnCap with the Kongo Free State which was his personal property?

Bookchin was 58 years old when he wrote this.

Explains what? That under the hot cold war era he'd rather align himself with the US?

Where does he explicitly denounce these views? Che denounced his views on homos, Chomsky and Badiou their errors on the Khmer Rouge, etc.

I really don't give a shit about what Bookchin said 40 years ago in response to the ridiculous political situation of 20th century America. What matters is his political ideology, and not his opinions on past geopolitics or current events.

When people started memeing "google Murray Bookchin" I thought it would spark some interesting discussions on libertarian municipalism and communalism in general. And it did, but apparently OP took it a different way and, like a good sectarian Marxist, put some effort into digging up a bunch of old, irrelevant shit that was said in a desperate attempt to invalidate Bookchin.

Someone's desperate.

He sounds a lot like Richard Wolff for some reason

I guess this applies to this as well

New OC inspired by this thread.



Only yesterday I had a Bookchinite talking down to me how Bookchin is totally Marxist, advocates class struggle, wants to abolish private property, the commodity form, etc.

I've never personally read Bookchin but every fucking thing I read about him is either Zionist or straight out anti-Marxist, and I'm getting fucking tired of the excuses from people who want to shill Bookchin as some sort of organic culmination of the sectarian left everybody should adhere to. It's a forced meme and the guy wasn't a Marxist, he wasn't in academia, he got alienated by a bunch of retarded Trots and then thought Marxism is stupid.


That's a bit disingenuous.

>Some anarcho-syndicalists and anarcho-communists have recently written that I do not “believe” in the existence of classes—an accusation that is almost too ridiculous to answer. I have no doubt that we live in a class society; in fact, conflicts between classes would doubtless exist in citizens’ assemblies as well. For this reason, libertarian municipalism does not forsake the notion of class struggle but carries it out not only in the factories but also into the civic or municipal arena.
That's from 1999, and there's still some epic ecological ideology there with class collaborationism out there. I guess the situation was at fault again? Bookchin must've stubbed his toe on a Trotskyist wrecker's newspaper or something.

Bookchin is a mess!

Bookchin feels like a part of that "radical democracy" and post-marxism, I think it's pretty hypocritical of our beloved lefty hivemind to shit on him while DSA or Melenchon get a lighter treatment despite belonging to the same current.

lmao this single video blows the entire article and the straw-grasping authoritarians ITT out of the water

A revolution is per definition authoritarian, no matter how anarchist or marxist it is in character. Read Engels Anti-Dühring, you radical liberal.

That thing…that fucking thing!😖🔫

And so the intellectual idiots of Holla Forums come crawling out from their rock, desperately trying to slander a person whose theories and anthropology they cannot argue with rationally and directly and thus have to sneak in the attacks lazily and cravenly through the back door.

One might first ask: what if all of this was exactly as presented at face value? What would be the relevance be? Would all of this wipe the decades of research into civic history that he did? Would Marx former idealism or Bakunins fervent antisemitism undermine the doctrines and theories of these thinkers?

Evidently not, and to try and attack thinkers in this backhanded way is the kind of thing that intellectually lazy buffoons at Holla Forums do, not something that belongs in a rational assembly of leftist thinkers.

Headlines such as

Is so misleading that it is either done so out of lack of comprehension of what they're reading or out of sinister intent. Bookchin states that he's got nothing against people practicing what they wrongly believe to be capitalism as long as they don't infringe upon the will of the libertarian communist societies.

Therefore the headline is made by either an idiot or a liar.

This one too
"Bookchin supports private property" must have been made with ill intend to slander and muddy the waters, as the person writing had some degree of command over the English language and therefore had to have been able to read the words:

Which clearly on its face is not compatible with the classical definition of private property and indicates for all intends and purposes full community control of the MoP.

This one is clearly the worst. The headline says he'd support COUNTER REVOLUTION but simply reading it reveals something quite different. There's a big difference between a revolution and a coup d'etat made by a group that calls itself leftist, hence why he does not say he's against a revolution, or that he'd support the state, but that he'd combat people who PROFESS to be anarchists (and thus would be lying if comitting a coup d'etat rather than a popular revolution).

The reason it's easy to tell that these are obvious distortions of the truth, whether made out of malice or just plain ignorance, is that all of this taken at face value ''goes against everything Bookchin taught and did in the last 30 years of his life and has nothing to do with modern communalism".

So all of this is intellectual cowardice and muddying of the waters at its finest.

I've been to the Barcelona aquarium and I never saw this. That makes me sad.


When will this fucking meme die?

Yeah dude the ruling classes will then go away with enough democracy and uh, when we debate them with our Skeptic minds and Rational arguments out there in the Democratic Confederal Municipal Cooperative Assembly of Green Energy.


The people here being the concrete face-to-face direct democracy. It's not like what he's talking about has not happened several times in the German Gemeinde and the Castillian commuñeros.

Yeah dude the ruling classes will then go away with enough democracy and uh, when we debate them with our Skeptic minds and Rational arguments out there in the Democratic Confederal Municipal Cooperative Assembly of Green Energy.

I am reminded of the film Neruda, where the main character (a communist poet) gets captured by some fucking feudal Landlord, and the Landlord is like, "I will help you communists out to fuck with the faggot government which wants me to pay taxes."

>>There would be personal property, but there would only be private property to the extent that people elected to engage in the private property society.
Nuh-huh. He clearly subordinates private property to a democratic electorate. That is not an overcoming of private property but democratization thereof. (That's why his following sentences deal with the lessening number of owners.)
>indicates for all intends and purposes full community control of the MoP
Talk about muddying the waters. "Full community control!" – what a meaningless slogan when private property as proposed by him is merely reallocated through elections and not overcome; how meaningless is "community" itself from an individualist author who uses it in the most anti-communitarian sense again and again:

Just to make things clear here. By these standards Bookchin opposes both 1936 and 1917. Let's be frank. Rebranding revolutions as coups has had a long and dishonest history on the "libertarian left."

If you look at the whole picture drawn by his proposals (democratizing private property → classes would necessarily continue to exist) this criticism makes perfect sense.

It's called populism. It's there to obfuscate the division between the People and supplant it with a vision of a harmonious whole. It fits comfortably with his ecological onanism and his project of a "direct democracy," which is the liberal pipe-dream par excellence.

It's been said again and again, but it's fucking true: [some/many/most] anarchists dream of a "return to a harmonious time." A time before the state, a time where property was more democratic, a time where our relation with nature was more harmonious, a time where culture was pure, a time of direct representation etc. Of course such dreams are completely idealistic and inane: either they never existed (like our mythical harmony with nature), or they are undialectical (the state, democratic property), or sheer nonsense (direct representation).

Please quote him where he says that, or admit that you're either lying or speaking out of ignorance.
Look real close at the quote again

Anarchists and libsocs are just liberals in denial. It's why almost every anarchist will say that a Social Democratic welfare state should be fought for if it's an option in an election yet will relentlessly criticize the USSR for being a "capitalist state".

Chomsky's evolution from an anarcho-syndicalist to someone who recommends voting for Hillary Clinton and lesser evilism whilst saying shit like "We need to strengthen the liberal democratic state" is the most blatant and vulgar example but it's how most anarchists are deep down.

Buddy, if the means or production are owned by the community at large and is thus socialized, then you're not talking about private property but collective property, and it's the only way to collectivize property that not just establishing a labour aristocracy before all MoP is fully automatized. You cannot find a solution that is less alienated.

Let me go back in time and quote Marx being an idealist to show you that any materialist argument and definition he made later on, especially when he was trying to appeal to his political opposition, was inconsistent and thus invalid. Because we can hold our political figures to those standards and transform everything they say into gobbeltigook if you want.

Yes and no. The 1917 one definitely, which he definitely felt was marked by a coup that swallowed up a genuine revolution, but it was not as if the CNT-FAI siezed the state and imposed their will on the rest of the country, rather they made many consessions to the Republican government.



Another great argument as to why rank-and-file propertarians might have more revolutionary potential than tankies.

This is literally going beyond the Dutch-German/councilist side's take on 1917 ROFL. I mean those people called themselves anti-Bolshevik communists and didn't have this shitty of a take. Fuck, we even see in communiqués between Makhno and Kropotkin, anarchist communists, that they didn't think it was a "coup" either. Memechin's "critique" is no different from any liberal's take from any time period ever on 1917. I'm genuinely surprised by just how awful he is.

Denying that 1917 wasn't a genuine proletarian movement is historical revisionism to the point where even the most ultraleftist leftcom would be disgusted by you

I'm not your buddy, guy.

So you chose to ignore the part where he says that private property will exist to the extent that people are elected to engage in it… Uhm, ok.

I see what you mean (though he said some nasty things about ancoms as well). Let me just rest my case by restating that characterizing 1917 as a coup is a dishonest and inaccurate historical POV. If I had to make a left-libertarian choice chart it would go like this: "Did the DotP involve a state?"

Really? According to Colin Darch their correspondance wasn't very smooth, Kropy probably didn't get most of Makhnos letters. Got a source?

Let me correct myself: communiqués between Makhno and Kropotkin with Lenin. I derped there, and AFAIK Kropotkin and Makhno never really talked to one another.

Again, relying on Darch here: 1) Makhno did write letters to Kropotkin (asking about some hilarious stuff, like "can a true anarchist participate in a municipal government?") and he didn't get them. 2) He doesn't mention Makhno & Lenin exchanging letters. 3) There's a sole mention (from Maknho's diary……..) of IRL encounter having taken place b/w Lenin & Makhno, and Darch is rather skeptical of it.

Regardless, I do recall reading a texts on libcom about an anarchist critique of the "coup narrative," but I can't recall by whom.

I don't know how you can even think it was a coup considering that even under Stalin the central government had barely any direct reach into the periphery yet everywhere Bolsheviks were the dominant form of proletarian organization

So… The bolscheviks did not swallow up and repress direct democratic and proletarian movements such as the St. Petersburg Soviet or the Left SSRs and the Ukranian free territory? Why does it matter what Makhno thought at the time? What is the truth and what happened? Are these not the things that matter rather than what the feelings were of the people who observed it while it happened?

Let's say you have some MoP but the citizenship as a whole of the direct democracy get to dictate every little aspect of how it's run and how the products are distributed. Ignoring the simple label of "private property" hoisted upon it to avoid confusing right-libertarians, the intended audience, how is this functionally anything like private property?

I agree. Relying on Arch J. Getty's Road to Terror it can be even argued that Stalin's purges were exactly the outcome of such a mess.


You seem to play this game to the end, no? "Why does it matter what X thought at the time if it doesn't serve MY narrative?" Jeez, I don't want to play this game. Is no fun.

What I know between the Lenin and Makhno encounter comes from the otherwise generally awful Anarchist FAQ website, here: It looks like the source is similar to yours.

Are you literally retarded? The Bolsheviks established the most advanced and authentic form in which these organs ruled Russian societ directly after '17. Before that, they also existed yes, but were repressed and unable to have any influence both under the Tsar, under the privisional government and the civil war. It takes a sort of mental gymnastics to proclaim that the Bolsheviks enabled the most Soviet-controlled period and then took it away because "they're evil collectivists trying to take it all away for themselves again!".

Now go pPost the ebin jpeg of Bookchin citing Pravda again now, why don't you. Things are that simple.

Because he was an anarchist and did the same things Memechin would call a "coup" when he was active and leading the Free Territory, and he was a fucking anarchist who had an actual good take on things in contrast to Bookchin.

Bookchin is only popular now because of Rojava (which is essentially a socdem "revolution" at this point.) Bookchin himself is a joke.

Yeah it's pretty annoying

I just love the underlying assumptions here: democracy as a process/thing opposed to authority. Democracy literally can not function without authority. Democracy is literally coercive. It is the rule by the majority. If 70% of a "community" wants A, and 30% wants B, then A will be enforced against the will of the minority group.

Yeah, disregard that shit. They take Makhno's diary to be direct and unquestionably descriptions of historical facts.

I actually met a bookchinite before Rojava. The dude was a micro-biologist, and good at that. Bookchin is to some "environmentalist" what technocracy is to some STEMlords. Bookchin is a an extreme humanist who anthropomorphizes nature, technocrats are extreme nihilists who dehumanize the "plebs". Both appeal to the popular ideologies of the respective sciences.

If you want further elaboration, you should read bookchin. I think you know roughly what a direct democracy is.

Beyond that, it doesn't matter much what people felt, what matters is what actually happened.

Is that why the Bolsheviks represented he vast minority in most soviets until they gerrymandered them or used the central government to shut down soviets that did not agree with them after they had seized them for themselves. The soviets had no "debt" to the Bolsheviks even if your narrative is completely truthful, they had no obligation but their own democratic will. A democratic will that was repressed though the entrance government, which the Bolsheviks had siezed.
That's the difference between a coup and a revolution, between hierarchy and liberty. Notice how Makhno did nothing comparable to this, not even shutting down bolshevik controlled soviets.

Sure, but authority is not so much the problem for Bookchin, hierarchy is, which is why he disinguishes between statecraft and politics. He says that society ought have a strong constitution to protect minorities and that decisions ought be consensus-oriented but understands that in the end, the will of the community as a whole or at least the majority hereof, must be able to triumph if anything is to be accomplished.
This is still the most socialised mode of production that can happen until full automation.


more at eleven

>It occurs to me that when people as smart, different, dedicated and heroic as Lenin, Mao, Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, Ho Chi Minh and Robert Mugabe….

I knew you would bring the term up. It's the ideological equivalent for democrafags of "having the cake and eating it" and "I know very well, but still." To further the parallel developed hastily here ,
technocrats have the same ideological element, but they call it the introduction of randomness into the voting process. Both consensus-faggotry and lottery-faggotry serve as an ideological element to hide/temper truth of democracy as much as possible.

I'll stick to Makhno, or Lenin, thank you. I admit that for (proletariat) democracy to function we need a "third element," but we shouldn't be afraid to delegate it to a group not directly incorporated with the people, since consciousness can not observe/move itself in self-identity, nor shouldn't it rely on an unconscious ersatz (lottery).

Yes, my thing is the most bestest thing out there.

You should have accommodated yourself to the idea that what Bookchin effectively does and what he says he does are two different things. ;^)

So because democracy cannot represent everyone all the time, clearly oligarchy is the solution.
I bet you'd pour gas over yourself if you ever caught fire.

Propose an alternative

Communism as the really existing movement that abolishes the current state of things.

We'll hurl empty platitudes at people and hope that'll suffice?

I'm not sure what the point of this thread is except to demonstrate that Bookchin was an anarchist who believed that propetarians might be convinced of libertarian socialism, neither of which is damning. The title of each of these posts doesn't accurately reflect the content of them btw.
Libertarian socialists don't consider tankies to be socialists, this is nothing new.

It might come as a surprise to you but the supreme Sovietss went with virtually everything the Bolsheviks proposed after '17. There was even an almost-majority that agreed to do NEP because literally everyone knew that the current State of industrialization in Russia would fail to survive another imperialist war or civil war if the Whites and liberal loyalists were to try again.

The Bolsheviks never blackmailed them by saying they were indebted. Why? Because it wasn't necessary at all: reality came knocking at their door and demanded a stricter response to many problems Russia faced in isolated after the death of communism in Europe.

Wow, more liberal word salad. Great!

Now this is just pathetic and sad at the same time: - The Story of the Makhnovist Intelligence Service - V. Azarov.pdf.

Woah buddy, what happened to "dialectical naturalism" there? I thought we were in the dimension where nature was a dialectical category; one that has more than dogmatic natural laws but has its own spirit and mind, dude! Rocks and oxygen are like, dialectical, dude!

I'm gonna take this opportunity to glance over pic related's content. It's a screenshot I made of often-launched hot takes aimed at Marxism, and now the time is right:
Sick argument.

If you read Marx you might come across a phrase such as the "Asiatic mode of production", you silly Bookchinite. And as a studying anthropologist I've never felt that Marx advocated vulgar unilineal evolutionism. (Savagery->Barbarism->Civilization). Quite the opposite actually. In Capital he expounds upon facts such as how nomadic tribes are the first to develop the money form as their products are easily alienable. Marx never pretended that historical materialism was a deterministic flowchart guide for us all either precisely because he acknowledge how varied modes of production could be. Ancient > feudal > mercantile > capitalistic was merely the path western Europe undertook. Letters like these show that he doesn't believe this is in maxim:

Again, pretty consistent with Anarchist thought. Remember, the Ancap believe capitalism is simply "people doing stuff without being forced to by a state"

Bookchin believes in people's ability to reason and come to their own conclusions as to why private property should be abolished. He never advocates for a society where private property exists in any of his books. Just because he's being pragmatic by not sperging out about it to people who barely understand what private property really entails doesn't mean he's for it, and anyone who's actually read him would know as much
I believe he's referring to the fountain head, and the architect doesn't really own the building since he's being commissioned to design it

It also helped the Bolsheviks that they had just purged their political opposition in a bloody civil war against the left SSRs and the anarchists. A majority comes easy if you kill the ones who disagree. You know, something like you'd do in a coup.

That's not what dialectical naturalism states. You'd know that by even making a cursory investigation into what it means.

He argues many times in his works that the anthropologization of nature is often used to reinforce hierarchy, stating that it is natural, even though what human beings would call hierarchy is seldom found in nature. He also spends a significant time shitting on Gaia theorists and people who believe nature has a spirit. You'd know this by reading the first chapter of Ecology of Freedom. I al beginning to suspect you're not arguing in good faith.

Cool, but… Bookchin still had better, newer science available when trying to track historical trends, so in a lot of cases Marx simply proceeded from false premises, although he preceeded from as good premises as he could at the time.

Read fucking Bakunin. Anarchists don't oppose authority as such, only illegitimate ones, ya daft cunt.

He supports individualism in the anarchist sense. Funnily enough, he would break with anarchism at a later point because of it's individualism
Clearly states his opposition to "egoism"
That came later, and I don't see it as all to inconsistent with his thinking considering how he defined individualism for himself as opposed to the individualism of anarchists like Bob Black who really do operate on a purely egoistical sense of self-interest.

Missing the point completely tbh. Bakunin believe that Marx's thinking would lead to totalitarian governments, that was my point

Fuck me, what to do? I was literally just about to start reading him, and communalism sounded like a pretty nice idea that you can use to show the diversity of leftist thought. Help.

Think about the kind of argument that is being made.

Would Universal health care coverage be a bad idea if Bernie Sanders actually fantasised about rape?
Classical muddying the waters.

You know the token black guys that right-wing pundits always get to say affirmative action is racist and all that? Bookchin served a similar role, but for the Left. He was always there telling conservatives what they wanted to hear about left-wing authoritarianism, and to criticize through a pseudo-Leftist lens any target of US imperialism.

The difference being that MLs were actually fucking terrible, of course

I suppose not, though he speaks about voluntarily engaging in private property enterprises - the point of Communism is to move past that so that the proletarian is emancipated, this isn't just Marx, it's Proudhon too. There is no voluntary private property just like there is no voluntary slave.

What do his books/theory have to say about the matter? I think it's weird how he says he'd side with ancaps if it came down to it, though of course tyranny of the state and tyranny of private property must both be decried.

He talks about giving people the choice to make their own decisions, to take it away form alienated state powers and give it back to the people. This doesn't mean he'll think that people will or should choose to maintain private property, only that the ultimately choice is theirs and that they have the capacity for rational decision making

In his actual texts he promotes all MoP to be controlled democratically at the municipal level with full authority to the local assembly.
That's also basically what the quote says, but people get triggered over the words being used rather than what he's actually functionally suggesting. Remember that this was not written for socialists, but for people for whom these terms mean something quite different.

Okay, that's fair enough, Good Guy Bookchin I suppose. What's the first thing from him you recommend I read/listen to?

Link for comfy interview that goes all sorts of places

Next revolution for a straightforward and to-the-point introduction

And if you'd like more complex stuff, there's Urbanisation against Cities

so bookchin is a stalinist ancap now?

Lame can this not be a thing


No, he implied they were libertarians, and that he felt safer in their company. He actually never says libertarians are leftists in that video. Work on your comprehension skills. That an elderly man who is pro-freedom is made to feel unsafe around people to say they want to murder him is hardly surprising. Given that he didn't like people threatening to murder him, I imagine he would feel similarly uncomfortable about the HELICOPTER RIDE xxD types that exist today.

And contrary to all the *AUTISTIC SCREECHING* in this thread, no, Bookchin did not support private property, you imbeciles. He supported the means of production being brought under the control of the polis, or as he called it, the municipalisation of property. You autists should read his actual views before posting.

Nice quints

The only social evolutionism that existed in Marx's time was unilineal evolutionism, you fucking sophist. Do you really think that anthropology hasn't advanced beyond what it was in the 19th fucking century?

Leftcoms are like the type of people who are angry and jealous when their friends are successful rather than happy for them. The need to go back r/ultraleft their cancerous little home

The thing with that is, that sounds like a nice quote, but a lot of MLs don't follow it. That's like someone making the claim that "a lot of Christians are violent," then having a Christian throw back a pacifistic Jesus quote. Doesn't disprove the original claim, all it does is highlight that a lot of his followers are hypocritical as well as violent, because they still act as they do in spite of that quote. In this case, that Marx quote likewise shows that dogmatic MLs are hypocritical. Now, since we are on the subject of Bookchin, here's a Marx quote from his book "Post-Scarcity Anarchism" that I think really applies to our world today.

Marx wanted theory that was entirely futuristic in its outlook and didn't merely seek to emulate examples of the past. What would he think of ML today? Wouldn't he realize that much of his theory was incorrect, especially as it talked about it as "scientific" and how there was a "historical necessity" for the proletarian revolution. I honestly don't know how MLs can claim there is a historical necessity for ANYTHING, let alone revolution, with a straight face. It's unscientific and merely mastabatory wishful thinking, thinking that "Oh, things may look grim now, but don't worry! The revolution is coming comrades! It is necessary and unavoidable…it has to be!" Believing in historical necessity is as bad as believing in the "capitalism = human nature" argument. Its unscientific confirmation bias BS that the people who believe in hold to be true desperately without looking critically at. Marx today would realize that his ideology was a product of the times, and seek to create a new theory and praxis. What this Neo-Marxism would be, idk, but let's bear in mind the limitations of the time and of the man himself. We have the gift of hindsight, so we have the responsibility to act on that knowledge. To be an ML that merely parrots Marx's ideas without seeing that they applied to a different time and made false claims due to those limitations, is to sully his legacy.

Right libertarians are fascists. Anarchists used to know this.

Wow what a clickbait title. He doesn't say anything close to "right libertarians are leftists" nice going buzz feed

read him and take what ideas you can

you have to keep in mind in those day libertarians (mostly i'm sure if you look hard enough you can find 1 or 2 things written), didn't screech about helicopter rides, physical removal they just talked about the government being bad

How dare you enforce your will on other sections of the population? You fucking authoritarian scum.

t. Holla Forumsyp

to the point where even the most ultraleftist leftcom would be disgusted by you
Ever heard of Otto Ruhle or Paul Mattick?



lmao Bookchin cultists getting BTFO and butthurt

i mean, as much as i agreed with kropotkins "all things for all men" i could see how that sort of thinking could develop out of a dislike of authoritarianism


hammer and sickle are tankies aka STATE CAPITAILSM
black and red is ancom, the REAL communists.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone this butthurt about bookchin before. Not sure if actually anti-bookchin or just joking

Bookchin? More like petty-bourgeoisie scum.

Ive read marx and engels and still like bookchin now what

Why is Bookchin so fucking popular all of a sudden?

$20 he hasn't read any of them

I've read
The Origin of the Family Private Property and the State
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
Das Kapital
Critique of the Gotha Program
Communist Manifesto
Other marxist readings:
Reform or Revolution -Rosa
Dialectical and Historical Materialism-Stalin
Socialism on Trial -James P Cannon
Ten Days That Shook the world -John Reed
Insurgent Mexico - John reed
Slavoj Zizek presents - Mao: on practice and contradiction

I could keep going

sure ;)


he was popular like a year ago, now we are experiencing the tanky fuelled and leftcom supported backlash, which began with the decline in popularity of Rojava due to the imperialism meme (which is horse shit) Leftcom piggy backed the tanky muuuh imperialism to throw in their own muuuh value form

Hahaha. Man I really got to do a thread on this shitty maotist sacred cow for maximum Leftcom diaper devastation.

Because of the Rojava meme. People only recently actually started reading him, and it turns out he's a major piece of shit.

So you skimmed through some actual theory while completely ignoring its substance and concluded that a fat American ancap dicksucker was better. How are you any different from any other ancap that has "read Marx"?

Every time.

Basically all you're saying here is you assume you're REALLY smart.

"So you skimmed through some actual theory"

And you've read what from bookchin?
I have read. I pointed to specific readings. I was in a marxist reading club in college. I've also read what my trot uncle sends me.

I don't even know what you're getting at

Where da argument at? This comment is more ironic since you have that dumb flag.

There were Left SRs who joined the Bolsheviks and those who didn't. There were anarchists who joined the Bolsheviks and those who didn't. Your definition of a "coup" is indistinguishable from any other revolt in history. Violence is to be expected to protect the gains that the revolution has procured and there were those who opposed so they were repressed. Even then you're acting as if the conflict between the two didn't happen in the perephery of a larger struggle against the Czar and the other European nations involved anyways. It makes perfect sense in such a violatile time to repress rebellion as the new institutions are still fragile.


The guy is a complete joke but like 3 posters here even can into philosophy so what's the point? Leftcoms only like him cos daddy zizu fellates him endlessly as a "giant" etc. In short they're idiots.


Wow. I have been lied to, Badiou is such a hack after all. Truths, events, subjects, trajectories, all that is just bullshit.

Okay so you want to start with B&E 1? Guarantee none of you can handle 2 so let's go big boy.

Define truth, event, subject and trajectory.

What? I have a cursory understanding of his theories, but lel, I'm going to entertain your pretentious faggotry anyway for the keks.

A break with the present status quo. A truth is brought into being through one of the four truth procedures. They are the conditions of philosophy. Truths are inoperative, inactive, until brought into being.

That which can bring a truth into being. A successful revolution for example. Leaves an event trace. The event, through one of the four truth procedures, brings a truth corresponding to said truth procedures, and since then bring the inexistence into being.

The position an individual adopts with regards the event and truth. Three are named so far: Faithful, reactive and obscure.

The path of a truth until its end. Four modalities: undecidable, indiscernible, generic and unnameable.

The first is when the truth, previously inexistent, is brought into being.
After nomination of the truth and event, comes the indiscernible, where a subjective field is opened and individuals must adopt their subjective position with regards the event and truth.
Next is the generic, where the truth comes into full glory, and the faithful recognize this truth as a break with the present existence.
After forcing, when the faithful announce the future after this truth and event, comes the unnameable. This is the obstacle preventing the full articulation of a truth. It is beyond the reach of the truth, not anticipated.

Not bad. Where's the set theory though? The entire thing is built on set theoretic foundation, supposedly. Where's the elucidation of Dasein (as in Hegel's rather than Heidegger's, so contrarian).

ps maybe this should go in its own thread as its a derail. i need to find my notes from when i read him anyway…

I haven't read Heidegger or much contemporary philosophy, but you might want to read him (Badiou) yourself rather than ask me. I'm sure you won't since you'd rather pretend that you le BTFO those stupid leftcom maoist leninists XDDd

Suck my cock, mamaguevo. If you're going to throw such epic hot takes at least have the decency to substantiate them.

Is this Pierre?

Clearly. I was seeing if anyone was going to come out swinging so I could back them into a corner and admit they're talking shit, as you have done here, but it's rude to derail.

Bitch im dugin

Why did you even come to the thread?

can't tell if i'm much more collectivist than i recognize or I'm just reflexively sceptical of the language of individualism given how it has been co-opted by capitalism.

demonstrate your individualism, buy a car.

A coup by MLs in the USA would be better than their current bourgeoise democracy though.
We must critically support the military Junta in their battle against neoliberalism.

The difference is that rape is a far less ideological thing. If I had my suspicions that Sanders wrote a book on universal healthcare with pro-rape undertones, yeah, I would probably skip reading that book. I only have so many hours in a day and I have a huge backlog of books. I'm not going to read a book that risks inclining me towards rape apology. I can see a lot on the "Skip Bookchin" side of the scales, and very little on the "Read Bookchin anyway" side of the scales. There are a billion left-anarchist movements out there that don't pop up a stall at the AnCap Disco.

did you just misread that post as the much more popular quote about him feeling safe with Karl Hess?
and tbqh getting iffy about death threats is peak petit bourgeoisie individualism.

Even before the alt-right memes they're still fascist or proto-fascist leaning.
By 1979 Allende had already been given the boot. Hayek was already defending Pinochet. Right-Libertarians must die.

as i said, they're were exceptions, but MOSTLY they talked about the importance of individual liberty, and how they hated the government, they had these two things in common with bookchin which is why he chose to associate with them


I mean, Hayek wasn't some green ink crank. It's not hard to find him. Actually in looking into right-lolberg thought he's one of the first guys to come up.
(I mean, he was, but he was a green ink crank with a nobel prize.)

Amerifat libertarians were strongly against the fucking civil rights movement during the 60s. They only care about property and will use any means necessary to protect it. The fact the Bookchin for whatever reason felt comfortable around them speaks volumes about his own personal beliefs and how non-leftist he really was.

The literal irony of your statement coming from a "leftcom" or leftcom admirer is incredible.

which is why under his society, the municipal assembelies would have the power out law private property, because he like property so much

You have officially ousted yourself as being a total faggot. Not only here, but by using ridicule that is on the level of middle school kids in other threads. I have yet to see an argument coming from you, frankly.

Salty salty. You took the bait and played yourself. Deal with it you whiny little cunt.

Wow stop coming to Holla Forums when high af anytime, ok? Now go ahead and damage control by accusing me of being mad.

As Hegel would say, evil sees evil all around it.

Compelling argument mi pana. But open a book any time, it may help with the autism.



Read over your own posts when you've calmed down and you'll see what a fool you've just made of yourself.

He doesn't
He doesn't
He doesn't
okay wow he talked with ancaps.

inb4 someones posts the isreal article


My literacy level is irrelevant here. Start arguing any time.

It's already been posted. Nice persecution complex you've got there though.

They already did however I had actually already responded.

He litteraly all does that as pointed out multiple times ancap.

he supports private property that the municipal councils can take away


I said I'd gladly argue with someone who knew what they were talking about. You butted in, despite being an ignoramus. Quick litmus test on whether it was worth my time, and you folded after 2 posts, and now you openly admit you're an illiterate nobody. So why must you insist on continuing?

If you present a convincing argument I may be convinced, but if you continue behaving yourself like a deflecting child, then I can correctly call you a faggot. Go ahead, post a critique that will BTFO him forever and permanently, save it in leftybooru and spam it any time his name is mentioned. Or continue being a shameful faggot and die here.

It's actually supposed to be Socialism with So.cially Conservative/Reactionary/Traditonalist Social and Cultural Policy.
Fascists already used socialist imagery all the time, it's just that now since the ((Bolshevik)) threat is over there's no reason for Right-Wing proles to actively avoid the promise of a classless society. The progression of 3rd world Communist and Anti-Imperialist movements demonstrates this (how they often derailed from the Liberal-Modernist take and fought for their own historical roots and national folklore instead).

Why, when you won't understand it?

But I will. You have one more post before I win this little "argument". If you can't provide any such convincing argument then I automatically win. You will have dishonored your Being if fail to do any of this.

Great stuff.

Why would I read from a man who took everything he knew of Stirner from individualist sects of his ideas, and would fall into the trap of strawmanning the egoist as a denier of social relations; when Stirner's goal is to finally reclaim social relations from the pervasive reifications that haunt it?

I hereby declare myself winner of this 'debate'. The 'Nazbol' flag user should now pay me 5000 (five thousand) dollars or else face involuntary labor for me until I have acquired 5000 (five thousand) dollars from his labour. If he fails to do any of this, he will be executed in a time frame of 2 weeks.

Feel free to try again next time, sweetie.

But I won, friend. I read all of Hegel, Foucault, Marx, Althusser, Lacan, Baudrillard, Kant, Heidegger and more. Yet you still don't bother.


That was a different person. In fact, I took over this 'debate' a while ago since the other person probably got tired of your faggotry and left. So go ahead and muster up that devastating, ruthless critique you supposedly have.

There was two of you? lmao

Maybe I'll post the actual Badiou thread now. :^)

Do it. I'm sure going to enjoy it.

First give a quick run down on, oh say, let's go with Kant or Heidegger.

Of Kant I read Prolegomena and his two Critiques of Reason. Heidegger's Being and Time, as well as many of his lectures on past philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and Spinoza.

Categorical imperative, Hypothetical imperative, the noumenon, the dasein, the sein, existenz. Post the thread now.

No first you need to show me you grasp Critique of Pure Reason:
doesn't cut it.
lol yeah sure you read it. Which translation?

Categorical imperative. Don't ever lie.
Macquarrie's translation.

busted already

I was going to ask you about Heidegger's words on Kant but I see you're just frantically googling so bad luck. Try Stambaugh scholars don't like it but it's good tbh.

Kant was a hack, that was pretty much all there was to his shit books. Post your critique now. Also that translation is good enough.

guys, guys, you're forgetting the true enemy here
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧anglo utilitarianism🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

Wasn't Kant the precursor to Analytic-Anglo-Autism which means summarising his philosophy in a chan post is pretty much impossible unless you're a 120 Autism Level STEM-fag or a 50 y.o proffesor?

hahaha. oh man this is too easy. What did Heidegger say on Kant? Be brief, in your own words. What did Hegel have to say about transcendental idealism and the transcendental unity of apperception?

Fail to see the relevance? This is all essential to understanding Badiou, by the way. Wait until I make you try act like you know ZFC. :`)

Why do you dislike Badiou NazBol-kun?

Both admired Kant. Hegel said both of those were good. Post critique now.


I will post the thread later when I get round to it promise, was just having fun with this bluffing faggot first.

This is not an argument. I told you what they said. You have refused to post your critique.

If you had read Being and Time, you'd have seen there was a sizable discussion on Kant in there. Who, exactly, do you think you're fooling at this point?

Underlying message was that he was still cool with it anyway. Who, exactly, do you think you're fooling at this point?

Is ANYONE here capable of tangoing?

GUYS!!! Bookchin is only critically supporting private property and libertarians inorder to oppose Marxian imperialism and syndicalist balkanization.

Oh look it's this thread again

Glad to see that the mask is coming off.

sure ;)

you should be ashamed at this blantant misrepresentation you fucking lying piece of shit

so what if he did? its like not feeling threated by someone means you agree with them, on everything/

Proverbs 13:20

Is this just because he's a Jew?

You're memeing this really hard so I'm gonna make this really simple for you:

Chile: coup
Ikko Ikki: not coup

One involves a minority siezing a central government and thus undemocratic statecraft. The other doesn't. This is the crucial difference between what Bookchin supported and what he didn't support.

please post quotes where Bookchin said private property, imperialism or AnCap is good, or stop lying.

Read the first posts of the thread
Isreal Article (You guys can dodge this so mutch as you want but its clear support for imperialism)

It's not. Quote me where in the article he calls for imperialism against Palestine or any other nation. The whole point of the article is to point out the hypocrisy of supporting people with imperialist and ethnically biased policies like Assad Sr merely because they oppose the US and Israel.

That's like saying that anyone who was against Nazi Germany was a hypocrite since many western states had also committed various acts of aggression and also supported racist policies. It's stupid and only serves to muddy the waters and promote imperialism.

Guys, there's not going to be a sudden switch to ancap policies in Rojava just because of some vague shit Bookchin said in an interview from 1979. Also, the Kurds are looking at this communalism stuff through the lens of Öcalan…

Oh fuck me, we'll never hear the end of this. I guess it doesn't matter what is actually being established and experimented with IRL, by real people.

Never once does he say he's pro-Israel, or any nation-state for that matter. He desires a confederal solution like DemCon. Bookchin is pretty consistent in his opposition to any group "statist" groups, and the article is a reflection of that opposition

I'd do the same tbh

Until it loses global hegemony America is a lost cause. Stop trying to appease petite bourgeoisie reactionaries.

He was a professor.

Not really. He was never accredited by any college to teach

Stop purposefully misinterpreting theorists you know nothing about

The big othering of history began under Marx, and you can hardly deny that many tankies in charge at the USSR knew theory.

This is particularly ironic coming from a leftcom, considering Bordiga openly advocated for 'totalitarianism'.

Jesus Christ. It's people like you that make Communists as a whole look like out-of-touch pretentious fucks, the kind of person that would shoot innocent peasants in Peru for "participating in feudalism".

Everybody participates in the system, everybody is raised into accepting the dominant liberal ideology. Nobody is born a communist.

There's nothing wrong with appealing to other people. Is it fucked up that he was pandering to libertarians? Yes, but (ontop of the fact that the average libertarian at the time was probably more ideologically consistent than today's pinocucks) his weariness of other communists was not exactly unfounded, considering how so many of them were protoidpol autists that hissed at anybody that didn't belong to their secret club for being "counterrevolutionaries".


pomo bullshit tbh

That is not what he said. Is thread at the shitty strawman phase now?

Perhaps I'm just misinterpreting

Leftcoms want to be dissolved into the organic party apparatus as they are already hyper-alienated by neo-Judaic capitalism. They are more totalitarian than trankies who are just blood thirsty kids playing with their little plastic army men in their heads. Badiou tries to be the philosopher of multiplicity contra Deleuze, who shits all over him, over all the epin henologists and fails spectacularly. He's like, "no two is better than one". His set theory constructions are autistic, embarrassing, meaningless, and it's all cringey empty intellectual braggadocio, the kind of think anemic, low T manlets and hucksters like Zizek respond to. Hence my posting style.



Bookchin had some good ideas on ecology and municipal organisation (there's an element of dualism to his theory) but deep down his ethics are purely liberal humanism and muh morals. Not only that but his theory seriously lacks class analysis and a coherent approach to capitalism. He's the friendly face of libertarian socialism.

It's a shame, really, because he's dominated anarchist discourse in recent times even though he officially broke with anarchism. I mean, he openly admitted he'd support counter-revolution not just against Marxist-Leninists and Trots, but revolutionary or insurrectionary anarchists as well.

I'd like to see more anarchist discourse over the theories of Malatesta, Faure, Berkman, Volin, Nettlau and of course Kropotkin to name a few rather than focus on the watered-down liberalised version of 'anarchism' Bookchin proposes to appeal specifically to the petty bourgeois sensibilities of Vermont and wider American culture. Fuck, even Makhno's theory in the Platform was a better contribution to anarchism than Bookchin's and he was more of a revolutionary than a theorist.

Bookchin was, ironically, a spooked liberal masquerading as an anarchist until he founded something remotely coherent in the form of Communalism, and even then his philosophical and theoretical approach was still spooked as all shit.

Noam Chomsky correctly points out that liberalism is a pre-cursor to libertarian socialism. This doesn't mean anarchism is bad merely because it has it's roots in enlightenment liberal ideals

Marx used to be a Feuerbachian humanist, but he later abandoned it and there is strong evidence Stirner's egoism influenced Marx's ethics. With the exception of Proudhon (natural rights) and the younger Marx (humanism), most anarchist and socialist theorists have been amoralist in their material analyses

I never said libertarian municipalism is incoherent. It's one of his theories I agree with to an extent. If you scroll up the thread you'll see Bookchin supports class collaboration and isn't opposed completely to private property

'I have a great admiration for pacifism, but I'm not a pacifist, mainly because I would defend myself if I were attacked, and I believe that the American people should defend themselves if any attempt is made to take over the government by coup d'etat, whether by the military or the Marxists or any people who profess to be anarchists.'

I've read Post-Scarcity Anarchism and Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism. There's some good ideas and theories but his general philosophy leans more toward moralism and liberalism (natural rights) than materialism

Kropotkin, Malatesta, Volin and Nettlau are far greater and more coherent theorists than Bookchin even today.

Marx doesn't belong in the classification of a libertarian socialist. You also completely forget Bakunin btw
I've read the whole thread. I even made a it a point to respond to the posts directly quoting from the interview and pointing out how intellectually dishonest the poster was being. Bookchin never calls for class collarborationism, what he does state is that theoretically communities could choose to revert back to private property or keep it, and really if you want to be a consistent and coherent anarchist you have to consider that as a theoretical possibility unless you want to impose socialism on people, which is not a very anarchist position. With that said, Bookchin devoted his entire life to critiquing modern capitalist society and proposing a socialist solution to it, not at all believing that capitalism and private property should be maintained.
The idea that people should defend themselves from tankies or anyone else trying to impose a dictatorship upon them is not at all supporting countrer revolution, because counter revolution implies that there is anything truly revolutionary about M-Ls who've done nothing but create state-capitalist societies. It implies that anarchists should support an M-L take over of government as if that wouldn't be diametrically opposed to what anarchists wanted to achieve.
Post-Scarcity anarchism is one of his earliest works, and it shouldn't be taken as a complete look of his theories which was mainly developed much later in his life. It would be like judging Marx's work relying only on the Communist Manifesto. Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism is mostly just a butthurt polemic against Bob Black and other such awful characters. Honestly, he shouldn't have even wasted his time writing it. If you really want to critique Bookchin, you should read Ecology of Freedom, Urbanization Without Cities, and the Philosophy of Social Ecology. Dialectical Naturalism is built off of a critique of Dialectical Materialism btw.
I think if you actually read what I've suggested you'll find yourself to be severely mistaken.

yeah like you said he was spooked but he was a friendly face for anarchism, communalism, etc.

The best way to sum up bookchin persona in a generality (which I don't like doing since individuals are more complex than that).
Is humanist ecologist. Thats about it. He is a goodie-two shoes. He is a the cool grandpa.

In this case LARPing abstention and letting those two kill one another would be better than supporting the existing regime, though.

I'm of the opinion that libertarian socialists should organize an opposition movement to both. Create autonomous zones of self government and what not


Wow, lots of autists in this thread who have clearly never read Bookchin. Bookchin never supported private property. He supported the MOP being brought under control of the municipal assemblies.

Point being?

Bakunin said people were slaves to the bourgeois moralism of his time. Moralism isn't the same as ethics. Kropotkin's unfishined work 'Ethics' almost calls for a Nietzschean transvaluation of values to destroy not just the bourgeois mode of production that is capitalism, but also the bourgeois values that lead to capitalism.

I'm sorry but Bookchin's class analysis is predicated on the idea that class distinctions can be resolved through direct democracy, which is just absurd. I'm pretty sick of this weak definition of anarchism as being 'direct democracy but with socialism'. Anarchism and libertarian forms of socialism aren't the same. His economic theory and class analysis contains no support for class conflict - it's class collaborationist dualism. Chomsky is also a libertarian socialist, not an anarchist, for these same reasons and is equally as spooked by muh natural rights and human nature.

Bookchin opposes revolution and class war and wants to achieve libertarian socialism through reformist direct democracy. His appeal to the 'American people defending themselves' is almost civic nationalist in the sense that he believes Americans should defend their bourgeois constitution and not destroy it to pave the wave for anarchism.

I will try to read more of his work like you suggested but from what I've read of him, including books and essays, he comes across as an reformist libertarian socialist, not an anarchist. He'd be the libertarian ecologist wing of the DSA if he were still alive.

I stand by my belief that the anarchist theorists I mentioned have superior and far more valuable theory than Bookchin.

just helping you use the language in a simpler manner.

I don't know why you're criticize Bookchin for not being materialist enough when this statement is patently idealist and utopian. Furthermore, just because Bakunin rejects "bourgeois morality" doesn't mean he rejects all morality, and Bookchin's "morality" and ethics can in no way be characterized as "bourgeois".
What is absurd about bringing the MoP under the control of municipal councils akin to soviets? Direct Democracy is anathema to private property, considering that it's not at all in the majorities class interest to maintain capital accumulation and their own exploitation. Noam Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist btw.
Creating a dual power is hardly "reformism". A dual power by it's very nature is revolutionary, since the power of the assemblies is diametrically opposed to the power of the state. Just because he does not call for outright violence against state institutions and instead advocates eating away at it's legitimacy and power and at the same time increasing the people's power does not mean that he's against defending yourself against the state and capitalists when they will inevitability try to crush these institutions. Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with appealing to a populaces legacy of freedom.
Considering you've barely read him I don't think you're in a position to really say that definitively

It really isn't.

And he's right.

For both points, read this:

I predict that either malatesta is referring to "democracy" as it existed in his time and is not really applicable to bookchin's libertarian munipalism, or that he's merely playing at semantics. A third option is imply believing that society would constantly operate on consensus which is in itself a very absurd proposition
Read his core theory and get back to me famrade

Moralism is inherently bourgeois. Ethics and moralism isn't the same.

Chomsky's an anarcho-syndacalist who supported Clinton. Like I said, spooked by liberalism.

Dual power isn't inherently reformism. Accepting the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie within that alternate dual power is class collaborationist.

Again, anarchism isn't direct democracy. If the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie are involved in the direct democratic process without relinquishing their control of the means of production, they'll fight to maintain it in the municipal councils. Bookchin isn't opposed to class collaboration within libertarian municipalism. Ancient Greek city-states had direct democracy amongst its citizens, and it staunchly defended private property rights.

He is speaking of democracy in general. Like any good communist or anarchist, Malatesta wants a post-class society; one ridden of the influences of capital and class interest. One in which individuals are freely associated, indeed where democracy is no longer a question of policy like your friend Cuckchin dreams of the ideal utopia where the bourgeois may not be attacked lest the Bookchinites protect them accusing the assaulters of "a coup".

No, Bookchin again looks at democracy like a radical liberal. Nothing more.

Or that it would operate without any a priori principle or dogma functioning as law; like actual anarchy. It is telling that you here like Bookchin are but a fatalistic liberal: you cannot imagine society beyond democratic institution, because you believe that humanity is inherently enacting a play of Lord of the Flies and anyone will just spontaneously fuck one another over without the directly democratic, ecological Leviathan.

Let's not kid ourselves, Bookchin wasn't an anarchist or a communist. Libertarian municipalism and Communalism is a form of left-wing minarchy or 'small statism'. Rojava and Democratic Confederalism is an extension of that. That's not to say it's worthless or Rojava as an experiment isn't worth defending, but it's not anarchism and Rojava, like Bookchin, defends some form of private property rather than abolishing it.

Bookchin criticised Marx for his 'dictatorship of the proletariat' but I fail to see how his ideal libertarian municipalities are that different, except for including the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie through direct democracy.

ITT: People who have never read Bookchin

People don't need to. Anarchists have far better theorists they can form their ideas on than le direct democracy man.

Wow. Amazing that you know they have far better theories than Bookchin without having read or understood Bookchin's theory.

I've read him, he wasn't that interesting.

lmao you are literally a cultist. Yes, Marx is better than Bookchin even though Marx never read Bookchin. Same to all of the anarchist theorists user mentioned.

Semantic bs. You have to qualify what the difference is, what constitutes bookchin's "morality" and how it's qualitatively different from a code of ethics.
Noam Chomsky never pretended that there was anything revolutionary or progressive about voting for Clinton, just that it's preferable to whatever trump will produce. I don't necessarily agree with him but I won't condemn him as a "not true anarchist" because of it.
I'm going to assume you mean revolutionary. Petite bourgeois and bourgeois are allowed in in so far that the municipal councils allow them to be. There's nothing inherently collaborationist about this, and I don't know of any other program for revolution that has been capable of success besides dual power.
Let's not be disingenuous by pretending that Bookchin was not critical of these aspects of the athenian democracy, especially since athenian democracy was limited exclusively to a single class. The same way soviets might limit or forbid certain classes from participating, there's no reason why the majority who are not bourgeois would vote against their own class interests or not forbid them as well.

This is a tremendous strawmen, and again it implies that anarchists should support a marxist take over of the state as if it's in their interests. Municipilzation of the economy, which bookchin calls for consistently and relentlessly, means bringing the economy under the control of the assemblies where the people will decide what to do with it. To imply that is this maintains capitalism, or bourgeois as a class, is completely absurd.
Another strawman. I get the impression I'll be having to address these frequently from you. To simply state that consensus is a completely impractical way to run a society is not to say that people are intrinsically self centered or backstabbing, but that disagreements are inevitable and consensus is never guaranteed. In these cases, it only makes sense to allow the majority to decide.

Depends on how you define a state. I don't want to bother arguing semantics, but there are numerous qualitative differences between a state as we know it a communalized society.

Bookchin was a joke and this interview just confirms it.

If the petite bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie are allowed within the municipal councils at all, it's just a radical liberal form of direct democracy and collaborationist, sorry. It's almost as if Bookchin's departure from social anarchism meant leaving behind class conflict as well, making him, surprise surprise, a liberal.

The bourgeoisie should have their private property seized by the proletariat, whether you advocate social anarchism or Marxism. A socialist revolution should be a class war where the proletariat seize the means of production from the bourgeoisie and abolish private property. In the sense of dual power like the Petrograd Soviet, this didn't include the factory owners. Bookchin sees no problem with the bourgeoisie operating within the municipal dual power. It's reformist class collaboration with a decentralised element. Those are the facts, kiddo.

It's only semantic bullshit if you're a retard who doesn't understand ethics as a philosophical field. Bookchin's ethics are Kantian which is utter fucking garbage for a supposed socialist. The only decent ethics for socialism and anarchism are egoism (self-interest of the proletarian as an individual and proletariat as a collective) and pragmatic utilitarianism.

That's really up to the municipal council to decide. I don't know why you think it would be otherwise, unless you want some vanguard or other entity outside of the assemblies to decide. Doesn't sound like a very anarchist proposition
Actually Bookchin calls for the municipalization of the economy, which means the abolishment of private property and bringing it under the control of democratic assemblies. Bookchin actually points to the soviets as a system of dual power to be emulated, and a model by which he built off his theories of communalism and libertarian municipalism. You should probably google him or something :^)

Egoism doesn't necessitate any kind of collective unity. It's completely reasonable as an egoist to subscribe to no collective, and people that tend to espouse egoism the most nowadays behave in ways that should be considered as unethical to any anarchist. Pic related

Nigga google Union of Egoists.

Pic related

At least make an effort to be consistent/coherent

You conflate moralism with ethics, so claiming egoism is unethical is, yes, a spook.

hot take

I mean, it's clear almost no one here is actually familiar with Bookchin's ideas, and so I'm not surprised this hasn't been posted yet, but here is Bookchin a few years later lambasting libertarians for stealing the term "libertarian" and denouncing them as proprietarians.

Bookchin wasn't pro-libertarian right. And the people saying he supported private property are fucking retarded.

These threads are always like this
Rinse, repeat


I actually prefer the younger Bookchin before he became a humanist moralfag

Bookchin is shit and his ideology should be tossed in the dustbin of history tbh

Thats because 1) even in classical historical materialism historical necessity is not the same as historical inevitability and this is a gross misrepresentation of Marx, and 2) modern historical materialism is about probable transitions between states/MOPs. Read Althusser/Cockshott, stochastic materialism deals with this without bookchins class collaborationism and incomprehensible bullshit word liberal word salad

t. tankie

Marx was an idealist too. you guy was spooked too, he had his flaws. He did amazing economic theory but he was religious to stupid ideas and generalities.

no he wasn't.
Bookchin got btfo'd by marxists and anarchists so he went on to make his special snowflake philosophy which abandoned scientific materialism and analysis for a bunch of word salad. Face it Bookchin was the original 'Eastern Marxist/left economics' he got btfo and became a liberal basically. He called his shit communalism so he didnt have to argue with ancoms or marxists about his ahistorical feels > reals theories

>people scream google bookchin
So mutch for googeling bookchin

bookchinites on suicide watch

everyone above this line is getting
trolled by lolbertarians

Imagine being this much of a dumb cunt that thinking Bob Black is the sole representative of egoism as an ethical foundation for anarchism and not, you know, the German milkman who first conceptualised it.

over and over and over

It's basically the opposite of this. He went his own way because he was sick of tankies and smashies giving the left a bad name, and wanted to revert the left to a time when it was more materialist and dialectic.

You can even adopt a system of morality as long as you do so not because you should but because it pleases you. The fact that the best argument you can come up with against bookchin is that he doesn't subscribe to the milkman's absurdity is luaghable


look what i found on a rare dumpster dive to reddit :^)


Is a bit of a PR disaster of a sentence.

tankies give the left a bad name, but Bookchin supporting ancaps and israel doesn't.

Only if you don't read the rest of it m8.

Never said he supported either, and the only way to come to the conclusion that he did is to completely lie to yourself about what he said.

I can find many reasons to dislike it beyond the abysmal optics of seeking common ground with lolberts.
From the SocDem side there's the idea that Randish markets won't invariably spiral into nightmarish ogliopolies without a state to hold the whip hand. (The new left association is partially important here, as I do have a sort of sense that the liberal parts of the 1960s "left" found themselves in some sort of alliance with the 1980s deregulatory neoliberals, after the 1970s in particular flaired up much greater distrust of the state.) Which is a concession much too far.

From the communist side, the bit about division of labour, specialist production and - most importantly - trade, sound like me as though they're a defence of production for exchange, which is a no-no.

Yes he did you lying fuck. Bookchinites must easily be the most weaselly and dishonest people on this board.

Well liberals are the old left. Nowdays they are centrist or center-right.

And Nazbols are infinitely more misguided than the most dogmatic tankie or the most immature anarkiddie. Stop posting here

And ideally will not after it.

Sure, but I don't really see how that's an argument against bookchin.

angsty SJW-Tankie can't handle nuance thread # 123102

Not to mention most of their big thinkers made apologetics about the Nazis for being the last defense of capitalism against the USSR

How do you do, Fellow Leftists! pic related

Well, minarchism isn't exactly anarchism to begin with

All within the confines of a society where the local assemblies rule supreme. Nothing suggests that he wants a radian society, just that he doesn't oppose what Rand meant by capitalism - which she understood to be trade and self-rule alone, regardless of all other relations of production and the body politics.
If he meant that he's literally fine with a society as Rand pictured it, he wouldn't have written several books proposing a society wholly incompatible with what Rand proposed.

These tired smear jobs are getting lazy. Should we point out that Marx was an imperialist for opposing Polish independence and the US too?

Not at all. None of them make anywhere near as thorough an investigation on history and civic developments, and his is based on much newer and relevant science. And not to forget, the results of socialist experiments that none of those thinkers would have had access to.

I liked people like kropotkin and Malatesta too, but Bookchin is simply next level and much more complex.

Read Urbanization against Cities to truly begin to understand the vastness and the coherence of his research.

Also plead quote where you think he says this.
Then read that quote again really closely and reexamine whether or not he actually supports private property

oh no you don't bitch, bump

somebody name one (1) thing wrong with dialectical naturalism.

I honestly don't think anyone who's against bookchin has ever actually read him beyond a few articles lambasting their ideology.

It's a fucking hack job.

You wanna expand on that maybe or are you just here to shitpost?


I have. Now what?


I've read him to. Maybe you should read Bookchin instead of autistically screeching about him

Fucking read it all again then. You clearly didn't get a single thing through your thick skull.

Humanism is bad user. It's basically a more impotent version of liberalism, which is why America doesn't feel threatened by it.

You haven't made a single argument yet

How is this an argument against Dialectical Naturalism?

Funny to see an ancap-loving Bookchinite imitate Stephan Molyneux.

Still not an argument. Did Bookchin touch you when you were little or something?

''Bookchinism, peculiar American variety of anarcho-bolshevism, is comprised of three main theoretical fetishes: ecology, technology and false historicism (as Bookchin's Greek ecclesia of the future). Its effective practice is manipulative, in memory of Leninist humanism.
Having broken with Bookchin already in 1967 over his spirited defense of sacrificial militants and mystics, we will only add that our concern is with individuals consciously engaged in the qualitative negation of class society (which, for Bookchin, does not exist, or if it exists, does not matter). From this base, real dialogue only takes place in the active process of demystification. To step aside to banter with an ideologist who publicizes the fact (Anarchos, books, speeches, lectures, etc.) would be to give up all and re-enter the old world on its rules.''

With respect to our discussion last week, we would like to correct our opinion in this way: Tony [Verlaan]-[Robert] Chasse seem more affectively misled than we have thought. On the other hand, [Ben] Morea-Murray [Bookchin] have shown themselves to be even viler than we have said.

The Situationalist International knew about the bullshit of Bookchin way before anyone realized it. Even guy Debord called Bookchin a vile person.

I actually watched an interview with Bookchin when he talks about his time in France and his experience with the situationalists. They seemed absolutely cultish, and the word salad you posted isn't so much an indictment of bookchin as it is of the failed situationalists.

That "word salad" makes perfect sense. Should people use shorter and easier words when around narchos and bookchinites?

Daily reminder that bookchin is a vile person.

Lmao stopped reading there. That's some straight up retarded shit

Situationalist are utter scum though.

fuqq you pal

Nobody who drinks a lot of alcohol could be bad.

Yup. Here's the link to Bookchin on the cult of the SI. Apparently the Situationists acted like college SJWs

Bookchin really doesn't get how much of Situ practice was jokes does he?



I like Zizek. But he's a fucking retard sometimes.

- re: the Soviet suppression of the Prague Spring in 1968, quoted in The New Yorker (5 May 2003), p. 39