Why is american public education so poor?

I'm an eastern european, and I have a hard time still grasping why the americans are so ignorant about the rest of the world. Can somebody tell me what is the main focus of american education system at all, like, what are they teaching on a compulsory basis over there?

I am asking this because I sometimes go to cuckchan boards outside of Holla Forums (difficult to do since Holla Forums and their anti-intellectual bullshit really seems to flow over to other boards as well) and I am met with complete ignorance and even hostility towards learning about anything outside of US. I see so many americans who claim to be experts on immigrant situation in Germany, UK politics or the Ukraine situation (usually claiming that Putin is a based white nationalist destroying evil jewish NATO-aligned ukrainians or some shit) but it's not common at all to see other way around.

This is something I am curious about. I know that private schools/colleges in US are probably top-tier, but like 80% of the people still probably have gone through public school/community college or something like that.

To clarify, I am not particularly hostile against americans, but american stupidity and complete ignorance against learning and relying on stereotypes is tiring and annoying me. Say what you will about eastern europe being backwards but even in my country, this kind of ignorance about the outside world compared to american levels is kind of rare.

Other urls found in this thread:

webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:AufAHagBOrcJ:www.la.indymedia.org/news/2005/04/125219.php &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

there is a huge range in quality in public schools in the US

Massachusetts test scores are nearly on par with South Korea
and Florida test scores are on par with Neanderthals

Why is Florida this bad? I thought that state was doing great with all the tourism, good climate and stuff.



A lot of public schools are purposely built to be pressure cookers of stress and social shark tnanks as to produce criminals. It's called the school to prison pipeline.
It's a legacy of our chattel slavery past. Anytime minorities or black people pry some basic human right from the reactionary American majority, a bunch of impediments are thrown up in the blind spots of said groups.
I went to private school for middle school and public schools for high school and the difference is like night and day.
Switching to a democratic school model would solve a lot of this.

Is this just an aspect to modern education or is there something american-specific to it?

Is that email a reference to american mass media?

it's like most other things in America, it's all about money. Public schools vary enormously from one to the next, and one area to the next, and one state to the next. If you're born in a poor area you'll likely go to an underfunded public school that has to handle a lot of problem students, while if you're born in a rich area you'll go to a good school. Same with US healthcare really. If you got a lot of money you can get excellent healthcare in the US. If you don't have money, you get shitty healthcare or none.

Private schools aren't any better. You get what you pay for of course. If you got a lot of money you can get a great private school that's better than the public's in your area. But when they try to replace public with private these wind up doing no better, and sometimes worse.

American views of world politics is shaped as much by the media culture, which really doesn't care about other places unless the US is involved somehow. And usually the media only gives the US government view. So you get people who adopt either that view or a reaction to it, grounded in the same premises but taking the opposite view.

The American specific aspect to it is our slavery and Jim Crow past. A lot of white people still hate the idea of competitively educated black and brown people. So they put all the minorities in poorly funded schools, get them used to surveillance and brutal policing, then when these maladjusted minority children become adults they get into trouble and go to jail, where porky and the state can still make money off of them.
There was a story in Mississippi where they where in school police officers were arresting black students and sending them to jail for infractions as mild as talking back.

Let me put it to you this way. If you see a young polish child go at a school that was nicer than the one you got educated in, or is a nice school at all, does a feeling of anger begin to well up inside of you?
Well for the average American they get really mad if they see a black or brown American child going to a nice school.
Also problems brought on by poverty are absolutely allowed to fester in these schools.

Because it's public, which is unamerican, so they are deliberately making it shit to have an excuse for privatization.

There's also the issue of the localization of schools. Secondary Schools and below are not controlled by a central government, they are controlled by a local school board made up of local people like the used car salesman who used to be a bully in high school and the local evangelical preacher. It is allowed to do whatever they want without any central government standards including teach creationism, denial of science, etc. Another disadvantage to decentralized schools is, the fact most schools are also funded by local taxes. Richer neighborhood - richer taxes so even with regards to public schools rich neighborhoods get great public schools and poor neighborhoods have bad ones. As previously mentioned a lot of poor neighborhoods are minority black/brown which exaggerates their problems.

try looking at scores from the east and west coasts online, and completely ignore middle america

suddenly we're on top. wow

That sounds pretty harsh, I wonder if racism will ever disappear in america at all. Even in my eastern european country, people tend to be poorly informed about different races, but in large part, institutions and people here tend to not discriminate between different races/ethnicities at all. In my country in particular, you meet lots of discrimination when you don't speak the local language. When you manage to speak our native language, you can be as black or brown or yellow as you are and you don't meet much discrimination at all.

Do you see that "more government", so to speak, would improve the current situation?

meant to say only*

It depends. If the government is competent, then yes it would improve things greatly. However if it is incompetent it will only drag the whole country to a mediocre level

Do the more bright individuals from middle america tend to want to get to the coasts as soon as possible (when they go to college and so) or is it more common to congregate in some places within middle america too? I have heard that Austin in Texas tends to be kind of an oasis when compared to rest of Texas.

Do you prefer democrat local government to republican one? It might sound like a dumb question, but I am asking to know if there is any difference at all which party runs the local government, to you?

I went to a public elementary school and a public highschool and the difference is night and day. It was a trip going through that school system because you can see kids getting more racist and sectarian with every grade.

It was really like pic related in elementary/preschool. Then it's like this by high school: youtube.com/watch?v=7B8SUekumec

Also you'll see white kids a lot ins some of the elementary schools but then by middle school half of them are going to private school and then even more of them are gone by high school.

Also middle school is when they give you your first on site police liason, also around the time when kids start throwing up the gang signs in earnest.

Yep, and if the government tries to impose any kind of national standards to reduce the inequality across schools it's called Big Government takeover or Liberal indoctrination or Globalism or some shit.

If you can believe it things have probably improved. When I was growing up it was considered normal to be bullied or get into fights at school. Especially for young men. But after a raft of publicized sucides of white LGBT teens and subsequent lawsuits, there's a zero tolerance for that kind of stuff now.

This is probably the real reason why anime, comic books, furry sub cultures folorished in the states, being so socially obtuse didn't get you beat anymore.

This change was parodied in the first "21 Jump Street" movie.

There is basically next to no standardisation and some areas a high amount of privatisation of schools which causes a brain drain of the public schools teachers. Some schools are quite good in the US and some are really bad. It's this educational lottery that is either determined by where you live or what your families income is.

I went to middle school in the 90s and a police liaison at school was unheard of if you can believe it.
Only the worst schools, I mean like Garfield High I East LA bad.

Yeah it's pretty fucked.
I feel like the Finnish system would solve this. Just outlaw private schools and nationalize the school system so there is no localized funding. Then all the rich people are forced to improve the schools around them so their kids aren't given shittier education. It has the duel effects of improving the education of the whole population and also having different cultures and races growing up side by side without being ripped apart by color.

This blacks vs. hispanics fight on that clip is pretty concerning, because I think I only learned few months ago that there are racial tensions between blacks and hispanics at all. Fucking hell.

I don't think I can justify school bullying as a good thing, because school bullying is nothing more than just a peer pressure that performs the same role that used to be fulfilled by strict teachers. This sub-culture of furries and bronies seems to me to be more popular in america because america has a culture of larping and comic-cons amongst youth. I can't say which is better, because school bullying is still rampant here in eastern europe, a common sight, and tends to break some people for life.

I agree, better-funded public school system is preferrable to privatized education any time.

I sometimes wonder if that is leftover McCarthyism or this libertarian bullshit has always defined america from the very beginning.

This happens all the time. Apparently mostly in LA/SoCal if search results are any indication.



webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:AufAHagBOrcJ:www.la.indymedia.org/news/2005/04/125219.php &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

Also it's not just the schools:

Attack on family in Compton latest incident in wave of anti-black violence
A Latino gang is intimidating blacks into leaving the city that was once an African American enclave. It's part of a violent trend seen in other parts of the L.A. area.
January 25, 2013


Latino gang member accused of targeting African Americans in Highland Park is captured — 15 years later



Oh Holla Forums….

I just linked it for the white perspective.

A lot of the tensions between blacks and Hispanics is mostly based on gang war type of shit.

The LaTimes link is the same story.

Fixed it there for ya, no need to thank me


This is what I saw in public schools. Among whites, they constantly bully other whites and were horrible people, but they made sure never to do anything racist and attacked other whites who were. Being white is about constantly having to prove you're not racist.

But in the latino-majority schools (in most schools latinos are the majority these days), the latinos are very openly racist against blacks. I've been in different schools and it's a huge shift.

No matter how much money you throw at public schools, they'll always be a prison. It's just a Lord of the Flies situation where teachers do nothing about bullying and only act when someone defends themselves against bullies.

Schools and colleges are obsolete. You can get all your knowledge for free on the internet.

You should also look into how The Establishment destroyed black neighborhoods. Elderly blacks remember how their playgrounds used to be safe and they could sleep on the fire escapes during hot nights because there wasn't gang violence.

The Daily Stormer usually titles their Nazi masturbation fantasy news articles like
Baboon Breaks Free from Enclosure and Stabs Zoo-Goer
Pack of Wild Chimpanzees Attacks White Kids
Aged Silverback Murders Store Manager
Wild Baboon Arrested for Killing White Girl
Wild Beasts Pistol Whip and Attempt to Rob Jewelry Store Owner
Gorilla Broke Free and Murdered Prison Warden’s Daughter
Cracked-Out Chimps Shoot White Man at the Trailer Park in Broad Daylight
Damn Dirty Apes Kidnap and Rob White People at USC

Sometimes there's exceptions like
Colored Gentleman Rapes, Robs and Murders 77-Year-Old White Woman

Or drugs from South America or whatever government lab PCP comes from.

The quality of individual schools varies a lot based on funding. I lived in a wealthy city and thus had a nice school. My friends 20 minutes away were at a shitty county school. Then in the big city I live next to they have really shitty schools too. It really depends. My public school had better education than the expensive local private school. Only area my school was shit was social studies(history), but I had a couple history dork teachers than went beyond the god awful curriculum and text books. On average our schools are awful though. Was amazed in college how hard a time everyone was having with basic fucking writing assignments.

Good point. Something else that might blow some foreigners minds:

Here's just one of the Dallas public high schools with a 60 million dollar football stadium.

Supposedly there are non-religious private schools in the USA but every single one I've seen was Catholic or Christian. I don't want some religion I don't believe in forced upon me at school.

Never heard of Montessori?

Yeah, well US taxpayers will be paying for all those schools soon. This is the new brilliant Repub idea that Trump and his Education Sec are following.

They call it "school choice" which means instead of paying taxes that go to public schools you'll pay taxes and get an education voucher that you can take anywhere, including private religious schools. So the public tax money that used to go to public schools will fund religious "education" instead.

This will work out great I'm sure.

"The voucher system". California voted on that around 1990 and the majority voted no.

Democrat, because they at least usually avoid outright creationism and climate-denialism, but they're both kinda bad.

Things don't always have to be that way, fam

Imho a lot of americans from a "middle class" comfortable prile background has been shoved down their mouth the idea of 0 tolerance for bullying while maybe worst schools are crime central. The difference is that in europe "bullying" was never dealt with as a thing wholly so we mean the really violent stuff while in "middle class" america it means looking bad at someone

an uneducated people is a naive people

I think this actually comes from the capitalist ideology itself manifesting in everyday relations. See, whenever a student take a class in like philosophy of history, they question what use this will ever have to them. After all, if all that is important in life is getting money and climbing the financial ladder, why waste your time with rhetoric and knowledge. This leads to most people just coasting through the system and not absorbing anything, its not like the school doesn't teach them stuff. I was in high school with people who didn't know how seasons worked, even though, I was right next to them in the East Science class when I was taught to them, they didn't want to learn.

What kind of shitty school did you go to? My public school was fine, but I guess it depends what state you live in.

We had to lower the standards for non whites.

For the japanese?

The educational apparatus only works to produce the subjects of capitalist production. That schools are similar to prisons and factories is no coincidence, teachers are barely different from prison guards.

Florida is a gigantic open-air insane asylum. If you ever want a giggle, search for local news from Florida. It is full of just the most ridiculous acts ever performed by human beings. You can't make up the kind of lunacy that those people get up to.


So you mean yourself?

A lot of southern states barely fund schools and the education is shit compared to yuropoor or west coast and north east schools. This creates burgers who are clueless and burgers who look elsewhere for education, and elsewhere is retarded lolberts or stormcucks.

American Public Eduaction is extremely defunded.

What country are you from?
I find it pretty hard to believe that given the socioeconomic situation of eastern European countries people don't discriminate whoever looks different.

I remember having a laugh with an older friend of mine and a millennial fresh out of high school about how bullying was. The millennial was completely shocked that bullying back in our day meant systematic beatings and retribution. He honestly thought that bullying was saying mean things to other kids.

George Carlin explained it best. They give you just enough education that you can run the machines but not enough that you can start to think for yourself.

Fuck that is some real pussification in work. I used to fight a lot with classmates but bulling was not only systemic one way violence but involved a lot of shaming on the bullied. In my class a fat retarded was not given retatd support so it was subjected to very bad physical violence and shaming and if you didnt partecipate you became a victim too. That was real bullying which we have to stop and ironically the 0 bully attitude is actually worse since the bullies cando what they want when the teacher isnt there but the bullied cant fight back

I honestly don't know how to feel about this.
For one part bullying sucks but I feel that without it we are raising an entire generation of spoiled manchildren retards with shitty unchecked opinions who will gonna be the adults of tomorrow.
Imagine channer like people in control of government.

I think its more American culture of anti-intellectualism and special snowflake individualism than specifically undereducation. Dumb Americans aren't ashamed of their ignorance and thus have no qualms over spouting some utter dross about a thing they don't have the foggiest about.
Dumb Europoors stay quiet about shit they don't understand, Amerifriends just get louder the dumber they are.

Your idealism is showing.

The cringe generation isn't because of a lack of bullying. See pic: modern society hasn't acclimated to the cultural influence of the Internet. It'll even out soon enough.
Besides, weirdos have always found a way to associate with one another. It is necessarily a result of a society that doesn't control every aspect of your life.

show me where I claimed that American culture isn't shaped by material conditions, then I accept your critique

The thing is, I do not know that bullying would stop that. I know gen-xers who were regularly bullied sorry about that and still live on the computer and have rooms plastered with jap cartoons. Something different has happened to encourage that sort of retreat into a person's own mind, but I doubt that it is just the relative lack of regular beatings. I suspect that it has more to do with the plain fact that reality offers no compelling attraction. Those people who hide from the world rightly see it as a miserable, hopeless decades-long test of endurance. I can hardly blame them.

Any time you think that culture–whatever that is–is the root of a problem you are doing materialism wrong. The various things that we label as culture are the product of material realities (eg. a system that takes children to a building for four hours per day and compels them to perform activities).

You didn't read my original post did you. I meant that dumb Americans are more visible because of the culture, not that they are dumber because of the culture.

The educational system has a collection of problems as it is this outdated bureaucracy conceived in the 1950's that has been modified over the decades in a failed attempt to keep up with the time coupled with far less funding. For starters school boards are highly decentralized with broken bureaucracies that tend to just do what lobbyists and porkies tell them to do. Thus not only does the school system fail at teaching students about the political-economy and history yet also fails at teaching the arts and technology; this is why American students even today struggle with being computer literate as the school system is only geared towards teaching students just how to navigate the version of Windows and MS Office they happen to be using at the time (in short what someone can learn with a day of reading the manual).
When I went through high school in the 1990's, history and politics were taught like we were practising for a game of Trivial Pursuit, meaning as long as you could regurgitate trivial facts you did well; little effort was put on going deeper as then they couldn't have testing by multiple choice or fill in the blank.

I can't speak for public education, but if it's anything like my catholic school (minus the religion), social studies classes basically exist to excuse American war crimes and all the fucked up shit we did. I had to argue with teachers just to get a LIBERAL (I was a "centrist" in high school) view of something in.

I remember I did a report on the panthers and basically said they didn't really do anything wrong, and I was lowkey yelled at.

You forget OP that America is not a monolith. We have a tendency to see things, like on youtube or whatever, that generally aren't representative of the whole because crazy gets views. Same thing happens for Eastern Europe, in my eyes is a bunch of post-industrial cities loaded with Slavic dudes in adidas track suits squatting around the sidewalks with heinekins. Pic related, obviously a meme but it alters perceptions.

So keep in mind you were on 4chan, those people and their views certainly don't reflect the opinions of the majority of Americans. That is impossible to do, since we are a massive and very diverse country.

that says a LOT about america

Remember that the "variance" in schools within America is due to the fact that they are mostly funded by local and state property taxes. The amount of federal money and grants available for public schools and universities has been dwindling for decades. This means that regional wealth and class divisions end up directly influencing the budgets and therefore quality of the schools there.


In the town I live in people actually pay their taxes and it's fine. One of the best high schools in the country I'm pretty sure.
I mean, we're still forced to read shit like Ayn Rand and those flavor-of-the-month idpol books but I don't think Europe is any different.
The High School uses this curriculum called International Baccalaureate if you've heard of it. It's basically what common core wants to be.

What kind of catholics were they? I am in a jesuit university now, and that shit is nothing but constant intersectional feminist social justice indoctrination.

Don't you dare talk shit about Texas football. You'll get stampeded by a bunch of drunken rednecks in cheap $15 cowboy hats they got at Macy's.

You thought it was bad now? Just wait for marijuana legalization! The whole country is going to turn into California

it really upsets me how many people on this board support marijuana legalization.

Cant wait to vape legally

People who hate cold weather are counter-revolutionary

Yeah spic here. Latin America is just as racist if not more racist to blacks than even the US combine that with a sense of competition for a spot in the survival pool you get a lot of reactionary shit. I've had co workers straight up say blacks are lazy and stupid and don't deserve the jobs they get they should go to Mexicans etc. Hispanics cannot stand the idea of being the bottom rung of society. You even get stigmatized for being dark skinned because they think you're a dirty Indian rather than a beautiful Spanish settler.

I went to a well funded school in Alabama. It really depends on the city.

Are you being serious right now?

IB is shit.
- t. washed up IB graduate

What are you, gay?

Can attest to this. It is pretty much victims of racism becoming racist themselves, and this happens with the native ethnic groups that were here even before colonization. It is even more fucking ridiculous because almost everyone is mixed.

Europeans frequently operate under the false assumption that Americans are one distinct group of people. They are most definitely not. It is always funny to see Bostonians in Seattle or Wisconsonians in San Francisco.

Seattleite here. Legalizing weed does not make people smoke more. If anything, it makes them smoke less, because weed gets so damn expensive when it's legal.


The worst is when a mestizo like me gives someone shit for being dark just because they think being half or a quarter Spanish is some sort of achievement.

'2nd rate' ethnicity racists justifying themselves with "at least I'm not a nigger!". You see this with Holla Forums as well.
I suppose its similar to the logic of the reactionary barely-managing economic group who viscerally hate those worse-to-do than them as they are terrified to death of downward mobility.

There's your first mistake.

But for real tho this country is a steaming pile of shit. Schools here used to (or still do in some places, I'm not sure) get their funding from local property taxes, meaning that poorer neighborhoods automatically have shittier schools. So a handful of upper middle class white kids, some of which don't even GO to a public school, have the very best opportunities for quality education while poorer kids especially in urban areas are literally forced to attend a giant concrete block with no windows built in the 60s that has a 90% chance of giving them a drug addiction and PTSD by the time they get out.

Legit many kids in this country would actually be better off if they dropped out before graduating, that's how fucked it is.

Source: mom is treasurer of teacher's union. Country doesn't give a flying fuck about it's schools.

Besides, there is nothing good about Florida's climate. When there are no tornados, hurricanes, tropical storms, or lightning storms that look like the inside of one of Nicola Tesla's laboratories the air is so humid that it sticks to your lungs. You can never shower the sweat away. The truly crazy thing is that their insane storms appear suddenly and out of nowhere, last about ten minutes, and then completely disappear like they never happened.

Yeah Hispanics tend to see blacks as our direct competitor for survival in American society. Many people I've talked to seem to be of the mind that if they don't push blacks down we'll be somehow destroyed etc. It's almost always justified by saying Hispanics are the ones who really work hard and want to be part of America too. It's really depressing


Even their "education" is just day care. The only thing that they learn is to not say mean things.

Oh please. Why does everyone passively accept the Holla Forums victim complex as reality now? Those rich white kids are probably our most intolerant strata. They've all got daddies with giant ford trucks (which are 90% cabin and never seem to actually be hauling anything), have the biggest POW and bluelivesmatter flags in the neighborhood, and they're all educated to have the same attitude of passive aggressive smugness with every poor person they meet, which in their mind all slightly brown people are. Have you ever listened to the shit those rent boy-looking abercrombie-wearing pencil dicked little ingrates talk about when they're together? Pure Holla Forums faggotry. Word for word.

They're the first to get the fucking wall.

I will never understand this with America. How does being able to answer a multiple-choice questions indicate how good you actually are at using what you've learnt in, say, college?

Multiple choice tests are popular in the USA because it is very easy to automate the testing process.

Capitalist efficiency at work. They're slowly doing this to our school system here and it's terrible I'm just glad I'll be out of it before the worst starts

I'd like the society I'm living in to be functional, especially in the event it turns socialist

I never realized how much I hated school until I got out. I was an A student and had like 30 something fucking college credits, but the instant I was graduated I just felt fucking disgusted by the whole thing. Now I do seasonal work and sort of hobo around the country, most of the jobs I do don't even require a GED.

If I could give my younger self just one piece of advice it would be to drop the fuck out.

Being stoned doesn't stop you from working, certainly not more than being drunk does

Oh don't be fag

I'm from Nevada and our recreational dispensaries just opened last month and the prices are insane. $50 for an 1/8 when I have never paid more than $10 for a G. I'm not going to go back to buying off the street though. The weed is much better with the dispensaries and it is so much more convenient. I don't have to deal with piece of shit unreliable dealers all the time and I actually have a choice in what I buy. Before I didn't even care about strains because small time dealers just have whatever's on hand. Now I can go into a dispensary look at a huge selection of strains and can buy edibles whenever I want.

I'm buying less weed, but what I'm buying is higher quality and I don't have to deal with the headache of shit head dealers.

What's so shit about it? I remember wanting to get into that program but later it seemed like some of the friends I knew that were in it were kind of out of touch and coddled.

I'm three semesters away from completing my degree to become a teacher and man does the future feel fucking bleak.

I can't wait to be a minimum wage employee pressing play on Khan Academy videos in between mandatory prayers at a DeVos or Booker school.


You are supporting porky dipshit.
You may even be supporting Mexican porky with his drug cartel, and allowing him to stay in power in Mexico.
Fuck you, if you really want to then just grow your own shit so you don't fuck with the proletariats lives.
Shitty dopeheads perpetrating the system to the gulag.


90% of your classmates will be petit bourgeoisie wannabes who will cheat off each other wholesale and feed each other the wrong answers to preserve their class ranking. Fortunately for me, my valedictorian was a cool guy who didn't give a shit and blew everyone else out of the water, but the 9 kids after him were all arrogant elitist cunts who either have no social skills or are overbearing and used to getting their way.
The actual education was… okay, I guess. Burger learning is still burger learning at the end of the day.

yeah dude just like grow all your own corn and cotton so you aren't dependent on the capitalist system

The weed doesn't come from Mexico so their porkies are getting cucked because of legalization.

Spoken like someone who has never smoked pot or even been around someone who was high. Did the stoners bully you in highschool?

In the area I'm from the Catholics are essentially Protestants (I don't think they were part of a sect) they're all rich and hate the poor. Lots of casually racist dudes at that school.

The jesuits are the liberals of the church, I guess they're better than nothing but they certainly suck too.


Are you posting from a public library? Stop supporting porky ISPs just so you can post dumb ass lifestylist posts online.

Come on fam, the cartels were supporting themselves with weed money. The southern Mexico states were able to set up militias and push back against the cartels primarily because of legal weed dispensaries in the states.

The test scores are bad in Netherlands? Really? Why?

Oh wait, they have a ton of Arab and black immigrants. That explains it. I'm sure France and Sweden have similar problems.

Not as bad as your reading abilities.

I wish I could go back to college but I can't afford it.

Touche. I must have dyslexia. I thought you said Netherlands. rofl


Many (most?) Americans aspire to be business owners. Being too smart is actually a liability for owning a successful business.


They have to teach at a level that allows the black kids to pass and, hopefully, move on to four years of post-high-school daycare (while simultaneously keeping them indebted to the state for the next thirty years with a house-sized loan)

after high school i went to a community college for about a year and a half, and i had to take remedial math and English classes, and i felt like i was wasting my time just earn a chance to waste my time. Also i cant drive a car and had to wait for my brother for hours in the library. And i had no friends. It all felt really pointless. I was always shit at math, like really shit. one time when i was a kid i started to cry because i couldn't do fractions. I think math class gave me ptsd. The only thing i wanted to do in the world was make art i guess. I took one art class but the teacher was kind of an ass, i would finish the work and just chill and listen to an ipod then he would yell at me and target me only for some reason to make me keep working, one time he got so mad he dragged me out of class to yell at me.
Actually it isnt the first time an art teacher did that to me. Not to sound narcissistic but i think a lot of art teachers are failed artists and some of them were jealous of my leet skillz and laid back attitude.
So after that semester was done, i just never went back, i have been a shut in ever since, when i see math my mind just goes blank and i get anxiety.

I have been a shut in ever since then, like a real agoraphobic shut in, the only thing i do is surf the net and fap. Every day i feel like im hurdling towards death. I have no friends, or ambition, i live in the middle of nowhere, im the complete oppiste of everything a woman would find attractive in a man.
A lot of the time i fantasize about aliens coming down to kill everyone or just how im going to kill myself.
Im pretty sure i have some undaignosed mental disorders but i have no money to find out about that, and if i told my parents they would just laugh at me.

High school was pretty useless, they do nothing but train you to pass a test at the end of the year.


Who knew trying to start a Nazi masturbation fantasy only gets you 6 months in jail? Florida is truly the greatest state.

Funding is a big one.

Schools with more funds offer more courses and opportunities. Underfunded schools don't. Its almost like night and day with some of these schools.

My bf is an artist type shutin who's pretty much the same with math. I recall him telling a story about fainting after taking a math quiz at his cc. He also had to take remedial math.

You should probably find an outlet for your creativity btw.


haha it's going to take more then a few cherry picked articles to stir racial animus here pol. Hey pol what do you think of all the rich white men that are profiting off the opioid epidemic ravishing primarily white communities. You don't think the owners of those pharmaceutical companies are all uniformly Jewish do you?

I was joking fam calm down. I'm surprised the guy only got 6 months in jail meanwhile if you do any other kind of plot, like against the government for example, you get years in federal prison.

You lack reading comprehension, mate.


AHhahahahahaha, are you for real? You cucks actually believed that once you got rid of ebil whitey the races would live in harmony?!? AHAHAHAHAHA

Whoops my bad.

Pol thinks we're liberals, take 20985673, action!

Porky knows very well that he shouldn't educate people more than the absolute minimum needed to operate the economy. He wants them to literally have no idea.

It's more about different power circles competing. State vs Federal vs Municipal. Liberatarianism and McCarthyism are useful covers for state/city power circles to pretend like there's something other than naked power behind their bid (not that the feds are usually much better except that standardization is good).


Because Americans vote for people who campaign on the idea public school is hell, and institute policy that make public school hell.

Thereby, more drop outs, more cheap labor instead of the immigrants they fear.

At the end of the day are you sure what you want is a government that slashes public education and safety for minors?

Are you sure that's what you want?

I am with you on the math thing. It was always my worst subject, but for some reason I always blow through the placement tests. At the community college that I went to before university I tested into calculus (despite having absolutely no clue what I was doing) which let me skip every math class but one. I opted for a statistics class, since it was supposedly the easiest. It was my only D which kept me off of the dean's list for the quarter. God, am I glad that it was the only math class that I needed.

Speaking to the psychological stuff, try seriously working out. I know that it is difficult to get into and that you will not want to do it every day, but just the feeling of having extra energy puts a person in a better mood. What music do you listen to? I have found that trying to keep pace with an album makes exercise more tolerable, and once you get your endurance up you can start challenging yourself to finish fast albums like Reign In Blood or The Legacy. Then it's more like moshing than exercising.

I want to get drunk, I want to get high, and I want you to pay for it unironically

Who needs reality TV in Florida, when the local news is more insane than anything anyone could script?

Its just poorly designed all around. I went to a shit school in rural North Carolina. I wanted to go to the computer lab and learn programming. I desperately wanted to learn it but had no access to a computer at home. Offered to self study or to find at tutor for it. But no, I remember having to suffer through 4 semesters of "Manufacturing" where we made stupid shit like robotic arms out of Styrofoam and learn about doing jobs that had already been gone for two decades.

the fact that you actually exist is amazing.. get a load of this faggot