Why in fuck doesn't a single Silicon Valley loser have the backbone to stand up to Neo Nazis?
Lauren Southern gets banned for engaging in international piracy and attempted mass murder
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Because they're Weasley capitalist Jews.
He should be shot
Wait so is Southern back on Patreon receiving betabux?
Because a sizeable number of them are neo Nazis, or proponents of some nearly identical ideology.
Peter Thiel is a central figurehead in the NRx movement, and at the very least is a vocal anarcho-capitalist, which is incompatible with anything but rabid authoritarianism - theatlantic.com
Curtis Yarvin also helped create the NRx movement - theverge.com
Jeff Gieasa helped jumpstart the entire Trump meme magic nightmare - motherjones.com
Even techies who aren't explicitly affiliated with the alt-right are by definition latent fascists due to their obsessive focus on implementing authoritarian technocratic, ultra-free-market dystopias. This paper breaks down the relationship between finance capital, Silicon Valley, and fascism better than any other I have come across: archive.org
Because they are Zionists, and Nazism and Zionism are mutually competible.
Virginity and sexual dysfunction (Thiel is hilariously insecure about his homosexuality) are a serious disease among software engineers. Hopefully sexbots will help to cure the neoreactionary problem in the future before it become an actually significant movement.
Liberals will do anything to be on "the right side of history"
No, because she blatantly broke the rules by trying to literally mass murder brown people, but Conte personally called up alt-right figure heads to discuss the situation with them, then banned IGD as a sign of good faith and "non-bias" even though IGD literally didn't do anything breaking the rules. They got banned for "doxxing", Doxxing as in, reporting the name of the leader of a Neo Nazi group in a news article.
Where is this qt from
Elon Musk is dating arguably the most beautiful actress in the industry right now and, until the Paris climate decisions, was completely on board with serving on Trump's business advisory councils.
The truth is that capitalism has advanced thanks to the lefts victory of the culture war. So the exploiters pretend to be open minded socially about gays and Negroes while they also have sweat shops in the third world, outsource jobs, etc.
I honestly wouldn't associate a silicon vally dork with the alt right, the alt right are nationalists and want to preserve the countries racial homogeneity. While the vally dorks are disgusting capitalists who are a okay with attaining more cheap slave labor by letting poo in the loos flood into the country. For sure these people enjoy having Mexicans raise their children for them. Pretty much the entirety of silicon vally were for clinton. Thiel is an outlier and a weirdo even in that community.
If you want to know what silicon vally is look into something called the Californian ideology
"This new faith has emerged from a bizarre fusion of the cultural bohemianism of San Francisco with the hi-tech industries of Silicon Valley…the Californian Ideology promiscuously combines the free-wheeling spirit of the hippies and the entrepreneurial zeal of the yuppies."
The original promise of the Californian Ideology, was that the computers would liberate us from all the old forms of political control, and we would become Randian heroes, in control of our own destiny. Instead, today, we feel the opposite—that we are helpless components in a global system—a system that is controlled by a rigid logic that we are powerless to challenge or to change
Architecture historian Kazys Varnelis of Columbia University found that in spite of the privatization advocated by the Californian Ideology, the economic growth of Silicon Valley and California were "made possible only due to exploitation of the immigrant poor and defense funding…government subsidies for corporations and exploitation of non-citizen poor: a model for future administrations."
FTFY. He literally has to pay women to fuck him. That's classic virgin behavior right there. Also he married the same woman two times in a row just to fuck here. Again classic beta virgin shit.
normies plz go
Critics contend that the Californian Ideology has strengthened the power of corporations over the individual and has increased social stratification, and remains distinctly Americentric. Barbrook argues that members of the digerati who adhere to the Californian Ideology, embrace a form of reactionary modernism. According to Barbrook, "American neo-liberalism seems to have successfully achieved the contradictory aims of reactionary modernism: economic progress and social immobility. Because the long-term goal of liberating everyone will never be reached, the short-term rule of the digerati can last forever."
I always find it funny when nazis screech about "intolerance" and "free speech", like pic related a comment on a video from patreon
Alt right are Nazis. Nazis used slave labor and are capitalists. Hitler never printed a single debt free dollar so German workers could pay interest to bankers.
Ironically the only two western leaders to ever print debt free dollars were Lincoln and JFK, both liberals.
Nazis are much more loyal to capitalists then liberals are.
How is this a normie analysis in the slightest?
"Comrades, fascism in power was correctly described by the Thirteenth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International as the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic and most imperialist elements of finance capital."
Because they care about money, not standing up to anyone or for any cause.
The LS thing seemed like a clear violation of their terms so they banned her. Then alt-rightists got triggered and had a fit and they got worried this might cost them money so they caved. Simple.
Holla Forumsyps are getting more clever. See my response to the comment decrying Silicon Valley capitalists while saying alt right are virtuous.
IDK IGD is pretty based. If they were worried about losing the alt right donners they would have worked out something with LS.
There's literally zero fucking evidence to even suggest that this is the case. It has become cool and desirable to date Silicon dudes. Evan Spiegel got engaged to that Victoria's Secret supermodel, Emma Watson is dating some other techie nobody. You really think all of these people are paying these actresses to fuck them?
Is there a Holla Forums raid happening or something?
This is same woman that married Johnny Depp and then divorced him 18 months later after claiming """domestic abuse""" then asking for 20-50k a month in alimony. She's only interesting his money, not his pathetic fascist cock and loser genetics.
We really need a new Patreon for leftists, it's bullshit they take 10%. 1% maybe but come on.
IGD is going to have to handle donations like Wikileaks does. Porky pulled this same stunt on Assange.
Patreon is one of the sites that I would give anything to see dead.
I thought IGD was banned for egging on anarkiddies who destroyed public and private property or some shit?
You should never trust a fascist, about this least of all. They complain about "diversity of opinion" only because others duly ignore their malice, and would remorselessly shut them up if given half a chance. One of their favorite tactics has always been using liberal democracy in order to destroy liberal democracy.
What, exactly?
They use some third party that accepts pay pal for them, they accept bitcoin too I think.
5% is Patreon's cut, the rest is various swine fees.
I have fantasized in the past about creating a Patreon rival that takes 0%, so users only pay processing fees. But even if, by some miracle, I could develop and run the site alone and with low hours since I won't be making money with it, I would still need a team of pajeets for tech support or something.
Aaaaaanyway, fun that you mention a Patreon for leftists, because the right is already there. There's already one called Hatreon. Seriously. Another yet to launch is so fashy, it will divide users in a pyramid hierarchy.
No, I mean, what did Porky do? Get them banned from every crowdfunding or donation site, I'm guessing?
What did he mean by this? Seriously, are Silicon Valley libs any more Zionist than your typical lib?
I think this was before Pateron or kick starter. This was way back in like 2008 when Assange leaked Apache helicopter footage of US soilders purposely shooting ambulances and reporters that was leaked to him by manning.
They froze all of Wikileaks' bank accounts and visa and MasterCard would not transfer donations to their account, as did pay pal.
This was before bit coin was as big as it is now. So pretty much all practical avenues of donations to Wikileaks were blocked.
What do you mean? People like Andrew Anglin have been banned from every single company.
And YouTube is now heavily censoring anything politically incorrect, bringing in the ADL to lead its moderation staff.
And when Trump did his travel ban of the countries that Obama had bombed into the stone age with 10 million or so bombs over 8 years, 127 companies from the Silicon Valley did legal action.
Silicon Valley companies are always promoting some sort of Cultural Marxism. Not economic Marxism of course, as they always are promoting bring down the wages of working Americans.
lel which particular cocks was he sucking?
Nazis have money. Also most of these tech douches seem to be implicitly in favour of eugenics and shit so there's some kindred spirit shit going on there I guess
Both the left and right have their moments of cohesion and infighting. The right are more split over ideology while for the left it seems to be more over tactics and semantics rather than theory.
Sasuga, Holla Forums.
And you call yourself a lefty? Even basic reddit SJeWs know the rules, user-kun.
Wanna know how I know you're an incel?
Wait, I just heard about that whole Southern willingly obstructing refugee rescue effort thing. Is this for real? How is she not taken in for attempted murder?
Because it isn’t profitable.
Because they didn’t murder them. She just tried to have them turn around. probably the only thing I agree with her on. The refuge crisis in the third world is creating a massive brain drain in those societies.
How would you define a "liberal"
They actively sought to disrupt a life-saving rescue mission. I don't know the proper legal terminology but as far as I'm concerned this is as damning as outright murder.
Knowing very well that the boat wouldn't withstand the travel back home.
Yes, I'm sure "the brain drain" is your one true concern regarding immigration.
NazBols are an extra cancer to this already terminally-ill board.
nice pic
He doesn't. Women are attracted to power. Musk has a lot of power and everyone knows it. You can bet he could not give a single gift and have the woman pay for her own dinner and still women would be fighting over him.
There is no evidence of supposed alphaness. Again he married and remarried the same woman and then moved on to a gold digger. The guy is a loser.
you mean the same project that took money from immigrants and they promised them to transport them in europe?
This is a really bad sign for us guys. The USA really needs a proper leftist govt to sort this as they control the internet.
The left is busy arguing with liberals
I'd have more sympathy for IGD if the people pushing the site weren't so idpol that just speaking to them for five minutes will make you want to stamp on their throat.