Hey guys, my roommate and I finally finished touching up the CSS for the site and I was hoping I could get some feedback on the design. I just used an article from bunkermag for an example in the link. We might make some changes depending on what you guys say, but this is pretty close to what it's going to look like. There will be one last thing to do which is add some art for the background of the front page, we're currently accepting submissions, but if nothing comes up to snuff I'll produce another charcoal drawing like the header.
I'd also like to report that the deadline for submissions has been moved to September 29th and will not be moving again, we're already getting some great articles coming in. The release date is set for October 10th, and though it doesn't line up exactly, will be done in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution.
Something I've noticed about the entries that are coming in, and that is giving me plenty of work; please make sure you are writing about a specific topic. "What is socialism", "Why the USSR is/isn't Socialism", "What is money?", "Muh human nature debunked" in of themselves are all too broad for a medium like this. You can address such topics, but make sure you ground them in specific events and go in depth. In light of that, I'm expanding the recommended word count to 1,500-3,000 words to give you guys more room for background info.
There was also some talk in the last thread about creating an official editorial line. I have my own personal guidelines. Do not submit if your article is about defending: racism, nationalism, colonialism, any form of identity politics or despotism. We stand for socialism, freedom, democracy, the working class, and sustainability in ecology. No, none of these things are negotiable. These are, of course, broad categories, editorials outlining specific positions will come out on a case by case basis and will be written by me with the advice of the community and key contributors. I'll make a strawpoll soon for what the topic of our first editorial should be on, and I'll gladly take suggestions here.
As always, email me at [email protected]/* */ with your submissions!