Despite a few somewhat weaker episodes I really fucking love this show. 50 Million Merits is basically a nothing else but a display of futuristic capitalism. Almost every episode tackles on capitalism one way or the other. What's your favorite episode, Holla Forums?
I don't really get the fuck why they felt the need to remake it, are burgers really so retarded they can't understand a British show? It's not like we speak different languages
Austin Davis
oh nvm i guess its a continuation
anyway white bear was the best episode
Jack Lopez
Wasn't that the one with the female prisoner being hunted through a staged scenario over and over? I didn't really get it. Could it be interpreted as the reproduction of daily life?
Jack Martin
I think it was more a criticism of tabloid populist 'death is too kind for em' kind of sentiments and the lows of reality TV etc, at least that's how I interpreted it
Kevin Carter
herd mentality and the influence of the media. people can often fool themselves into justifying things like torture for the sake of their own integrity, especially when the media convinces them to. nobody wants to help the prisoner because it would be "uncool" to do so.
Colton Richardson
I see. Personally I wasn't as intrigued by that episode though. The one that really got me the feels was San Junipero. That was amazing kino. It depicted perfectly how we are enslaved in search for eternal stimulation/pleasure and reconnection to a past/youth we perceive as more authentic but is impossible to reattain.
Noah Foster
It might be more of a British thing, we have a very strong tradition of self-righteous moral outrage from the gutter press, it spoke to me anyway
John Ramirez
the ending of that episode was an incredible waste of shit though
Aaron Rivera
I didn't know if it was supposed to be a happy end or not.
Hunter Scott
This. Also first two seasons are good but season 3 is crap. In general black mirror is nothing too different from dystopian /light sci fi stuff but its gud especially the christmas film and white bear episode. Season 3 is netflix shilling for its own game as alwaysand its ballless pseudo critique that doesnt challenge real issues like the first 2. It literally became one of these "hypothetical scenarios" liberals love to create: life is like harry potter/hunger games etc or the shitty third Black "crony technological development of capitalism we could fix through liberal centrism" mirror.
Sebastian Gomez
The first episode, the pig fucking one, turned me off completely. Felt like it thought it was way more shocking and provocative than it actually was.
Do most people think the first episode sucks or will I not like any of it?
but seriously, it wasn't the strongest episode but I thought it was a neat hypothetical, like what would actually happen in that situation
Ethan Lewis
damn i forgot the picture
Ian Thompson
See I can see some kid being really blown away like "whoa like imagine if that happened…" like you said but for me it was pretty poorly made, bad acting/writing and way too self satisfied with its premise. I'm just wondering if that's the audience the show is made for or if the first episode was just particularly edgy schlock to get people talking about it.
Jonathan Cooper
The other episodes are a lot different as most play in some futuristic world. You should definitely see 50 Million Merits. It redeems the somewhat mediocre first episode completely.
Carter Rodriguez
Probably the latter. You are right the first episode didn't really nail down an aspect of social critique, it didn't really go anywhere. Many other episodes do. Most episodes have better acting as well. Really, you are going to miss out.
Joshua Cox
Ok that makes me feel like giving it more of a try. Thanks.
Luis Fisher
I've not watched many episodes of Charlie Brooker's show as I'm not keen on his writing. 50 Million Merits was fantastic, though. Easily one of the best things I've watched since League of Gents, bar perhaps some Rob Newman material. Rob Newman is the real deal, though, in a way all the Stewart Lee worshippers wish their pretentious twat of an unfunny idol was.
Nathaniel Price
This is legit one of the worst episodes there is, and truly reddit tier. All the episodes relating to social media points are shit, and dialed in for an audience too stupid to have realised the criticisms leveled against it over the last decade without someone helping them along. It's the clever episode for the slow witted elitist. True patrician: White Bear Shut up and dance San Junipero The Waldo Moment
I legitimately hate the social media episodes, because the fears in them all have been on the public mind for so long they feel hammy and retarded. I disliked the one in the latest season as much as Merits, because the moment the system is displayed, you can pretty much guess how it's going to turn out, my opinion of them is "Reddit finally gets a budget to express his fears about social media" Where Brooker actually shines is by entering into ideas we haven't realised we've been scared of yet.
Jason Morgan
Edgy. What was so reddit about it? The Waldo Moment was literally the Trump phenomenon repackaged, how is this not reddit then? Nosedive had a great ending.
Adrian Ward
Yeah except it came out like 3 years before that
Cameron Nguyen
Hello reddit. The part where the idea had been floating around for years and it wasn't truly original, unlike other episodes. The social media episodes stink of pandering and are years too late to be truly mindblowing. Ah, you're underaged. Nosedive was fucking shite and worse than Merits, it was predictable from the beginning. Nosedive is probably the most predictable episode out of every single episode in the whole series, with Merits still being less predictable, the only saving grace of Merits is that the MC goes on his own, which even in hindsight he had few options to do, the real twist is it being capitalized on. If you honestly couldn't predict her losing all of her score and becoming a complete trash human being from the moment the function was introduced, then you're either autistic, underage, or so completely unaware of what's going on around you a story about a balloon popping would likely surprise you. Nosedive was probably the shittest story in Black Mirror ever told, I watched the rest of the season after the first ten minutes of seeing it knowing exactly what would happen.
Alexander Rivera
Ah, so you are one of these people just cares about le ebin twists and turns like a Night Shamalaladingdong faggot. Predictability isn't bad per so, there is merit in just watching a story unfold. Most older quality movies are like that. The fact that you know what was going to happen is part of the experience.
Justin Parker
Don't be a faggot. There's no point spending an hour listening to a story someone is telling you when you know the ending. These are the only episodes which do this, with other stories not being a "M Night Shamalanian Ting" twist, since he's also trash, but they actually subvert your initial expectations. Nosedive is the worst because it's a boring and predictable story which doesn't subvert your expectations at all at any point. It's a system presented to you which makes it apparent as the real main character of the episode, with the only interesting way for it to progress being it going downhill. It obviously goes down, and all the obvious parts of that ensue. It's stupid and predictable. It's not smart and predictable, it's stupid, predictable, bland, and so on. Just because he was the first to do it doesn't make it smart, it would have been smart in 2011, but now it's just trite. For example, White Bear is well done because you feel like Brooker is dialing it in when first watching it, and then you're torn from your seat in the final five minutes to realise you're really watching a horror unfold, rather than an overdone horror plot. Men Against Fire also does this, although the ending isn't the greatest, but the premise of being programmed with a laser pen is far more interesting that "social media GONE ROGUE!!! IN THE HOOD!"