Despite a few somewhat weaker episodes I really fucking love this show...

Despite a few somewhat weaker episodes I really fucking love this show. 50 Million Merits is basically a nothing else but a display of futuristic capitalism. Almost every episode tackles on capitalism one way or the other. What's your favorite episode, Holla Forums?

Zero Books video about it:

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I don't really get the fuck why they felt the need to remake it, are burgers really so retarded they can't understand a British show? It's not like we speak different languages

oh nvm i guess its a continuation

anyway white bear was the best episode

Wasn't that the one with the female prisoner being hunted through a staged scenario over and over? I didn't really get it. Could it be interpreted as the reproduction of daily life?

I think it was more a criticism of tabloid populist 'death is too kind for em' kind of sentiments and the lows of reality TV etc, at least that's how I interpreted it

herd mentality and the influence of the media.
people can often fool themselves into justifying things like torture for the sake of their own integrity, especially when the media convinces them to. nobody wants to help the prisoner because it would be "uncool" to do so.

I see. Personally I wasn't as intrigued by that episode though. The one that really got me the feels was San Junipero. That was amazing kino. It depicted perfectly how we are enslaved in search for eternal stimulation/pleasure and reconnection to a past/youth we perceive as more authentic but is impossible to reattain.

It might be more of a British thing, we have a very strong tradition of self-righteous moral outrage from the gutter press, it spoke to me anyway

the ending of that episode was an incredible waste of shit though

I didn't know if it was supposed to be a happy end or not.