How am I supposed to feel now?
Be yugoslav
Other urls found in this thread:
Stalin did nothing wrong
we need to overthrow this party and purge these liberal freaks
Rolled 2 (1d6)
*tips class reductionism*
Being against islamophobia is being against idpol, KYS. The Canadian communist party is legit.
it's a complete shoah! totally disgraceful! why, when i was trying to walk my contrasexual dog who identified as destroying communism the other day, the vicious anti-semites told me to leave! it's time contrasexuals both human and animal are recognized!
I'd give my kidney to have your political climate. Not only we have barely any social security, but the left is also in deep shit, as the political scene was divided between centrists and welfarist conservatives.
Wait what?
Well if you feel like reading….
anti-racism / anti-islamophobia is literally anti-idpol if informed by properly materialist Slovenes sniffing at incredibly high speed
I can see through you, commiefag
You're not an anarchist then?
let us look at the definition of idpol
you people are the reason i hate my country
wtf i love the imf now
It will require technology and full automatisation so i dont see planned economy realistical at the moment.
Read cockshott.
Be half English half Irish and leftist don't know if I should Ira bomb myself or let the north decide its own fate
what were your parents' positions?
yugoslavia was the pinnacle of misplaced productivity, looting of state-owned enterprises and politically based decisionmaking regarding industry
had we not had such a mammoth military we could've made it but in a multiethnic redistributionist federal state its fate was inevitable
His criticism is completely valid, you're just a retard that has no defense against it. When the day of revolution comes, you're getting the meathook too.
shit meme faggot