"Trump Fires Back At Protester With a flag"

look at the comment section.
i need a cup of coffe at the depresso.


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american politcal discourse never fails to disappoint

why do boomers still think russia is communist? it's extremely embarrassing.

they don't think at all

Yeah, they are old enough to remember when that stopped being the case. Fun fact: Michail Gorbachev was more popular in the United States than Ronald Reagan was when they were both in office.

Damn he sure got man handled by that baldie cop at the end.

That t-shirt store of the uploader is pure cancer.

I suppose they recognized who really destroyed the USSR. :^)

Honestly this guy is fucking stupid. What did he expect to happen? Would have been way more effective if he did that at the DNC.

So much for the free speech right.

That is actually exactly right.

u wot m8

ah, baiting with red
classic spaniard


What the fuck they took his private property and then assaulted him???

I bet this wasn't a commie but actually a liberal who doesn't understand that russia isn't communist anymore.


the social conditioning of the cold war really did a number on the quality of the U.S. political rhetoric

Oh god, those comments are cansor.

This is why I hate Trump now, he's just a cunt who does things which will get him killed, he should step down

Those comments are absolutely hot garbage. American conservatism is one hell of a drug mein gott.


imagine seeing someone wear this irl


Why does this autist keep having rallies? Doesn't he realize that the election ended 9 months ago?

Most presidents do this because they want to try to keep their ratings up or whatever



Sarcasm is a mystery

Is he saying that he's going to Hell?

Buying a t-shirt.

oh god these people are so funny

Trump insists on more rallies because he's a senile cunt who loves attention



he should have just waved the flag of North Korea, trigger conservatives 10x more.

how is calling some guy on an online comment section an idiot and then buying a tee shirt fighting socialism ?


this man is our president. what the fuck.

to be fair the kid is probably an idiot and does not understand what he's agitating for

Kek this

that would rule

I'm not saying they deserved it but…


hm thats making me ponder


By drowning out actual conversation with noise.

WTF! I'm sure someone waving an American flag during a Stalin speech would be treated much better!

Have republicans always been pro-violence against people they disagree with or is this a recent thing? I guess when cops were beating up hippies we didn't have youtube comments sections to check for "serves'em right!!" posts but still.

As violent as liberals

that would be hilarious if we did

but liberals are all anti-gun pussies I thought

Probably, considering they were allies. Then again I'm glad that you admit that the USSR and USA have similar levels of tolerance for speech.

it's almost like the American anti-communism movement is backed by all the major media corporations

When do we start beating these people when they pull this shit? I've been lifting since it became clear Trump was gonna "win". Ready to bash some conservatives. They're mostly fat & slow, it should be easy.

What do you think Antifa does for a living?


That's going to be one fucking easy civil rights lawsuit. Cop just gave that kid a million dollars.

Soros doesn't pay me enough bux to live off of tho