This is the closest socialism ever got to being victorious. Just a few more kilometers to take out Poland and reach Berlin to aid the revolution in industrialized Europe. Why did it all have to go so wrong?
This is the closest socialism ever got to being victorious...
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lol no fucking way the Red Army could capture Berlin.
The eternal Pole, the staunchest bastion of reaction, the chauvinistic imperialist, harbinger of tragedy, conniving and treacherous.
Battle of Warsaw happened.
If Bolsheviks had won under Warsaw, Poland would probably surrender.
The closest was in 1917 when there were mutinies in the French and British armies.
WW1 was the greatest tragedy in history in every way. The end of everything good, the beginning of everything bad.
I blame the SPD
this, the polish nation deserves to be destroyed.
I don't mean to sound like a baiting cuntservative but I honestly think that this whining is to offset thought from considerations of the failures and shortcomings of revolutionary theory and praxis. If practical matters are dealt with in ways which are effective enough then even with few starting materials there would likely be a high chance of success. Of course, it may take a long and impractical length of time to develop it and plan ahead by which time revolutionary conditions will recede.
I fucking love it when Trots whine about Stalin being authoritarian/nationalistic/fascistic or whatever but actually advocate for global dystopian war communism
I blame the fact of Trotsky being a shit general at the western front and somehow loosing even tho he had numerical superiority against the poles.
that damn trotsky!
Holla Forums loves poland though.
Just another way Holla Forums would disappoint Hitler, I suppose.
Memes aside, what would have happened if the Soviet defeated Poland? Could they have taken Germany?
Germany was a hot mess at this point so easily.
The real question is if they could take France.
Pole here, I wish this country lost in 1920, a lot of socialist/communist stuff had been formed around that time for eg:
and a lot of workers councils in various cities, but PiĆsudski decided to stop it for some reason (he was a socialist earlier), and of course dmowski and his nationalists
The Battle of Warsaw would probably be a close-run thing regardless, which means that the USSR would not exactly be in a position to keep going afterwards. They had already outrun their supply lines and were having trouble keeping in communication. They may not even be able to advance into the rest of Poland if the Poles receive urgent aid from the Entente. Additionally, they've been at war for like 6 years straight at this point, and the Russian Civil War is yet to be completely resolved: Wrangel is still active around the Crimea and the Japanese are still occupying the far east. It's not exactly the 1944 Red Army knocking at the door here so much as an exhausted, overstretched army without supplies and other stuff they should be taking care of. If they try to head further, they'll receive a bloody nose as they'd have minimal fighting capacity and the Entente absolutely cannot allow them to advance in Germany, no matter how much they dislike the place.
On the other hand, the Germans weren't exactly fond of Poland: dockworkers in Danzig tried to oppose delivery of munitions and supplies to Poland, for instance. Lenin was also a pretty smart and pragmatic guy for the most part. I could see them just stopping at Poland, and allowing Germany to move into the Danzig corridor under the pretense of "restoring order" and "protecting against the reds" or w/e. In which case we get an uneasy peace.
Anyway, Poland falling will cause everyone to piss their pants to an even greater extent than in history. To France and Britain, Poland was a cornerstone of their foreign policy as both a guarantee against Germany and a buffer against the red menace. With Poland gone, Germany must become that buffer. Expect them to be rather more forgiving towards Germany earlier than before. Mass fascism will likely take hold in eastern and central Europe. We may yet see a pan-European crusade against the red menace.
Not immediately after that you dunce, the USSR's presence in Poland would have changed everything after it.
Fuck, this line always sends a shiver down my spine
stalin invading lviv instead of warsaw.
Truly inspiring.
Where can I join?
You guys realize the German revolution was crushed about a year and a half before the battle of Warsaw, right?
Death is a mere inconvenience to a true revolutionary.
I give it one more year, actually:
Logistics are a thing. The Red Army cannot just keep walking forever without need for food, orders, ammunition or transports. Those 800,000 men could never just march in and instantly wipe out the remaining German army as well as the Freikorps, plus the remnants of the Polish army as well as all the help the other bourgeois states will inevitably send, before giving Germany a chance to rally and defend itself in the face of this very obvious universal threat to all the bourgeoisie. Hell, keep in mind that they got bodied by Poland alone and pushed back far into Belarus and Ukraine in the original timeline - just the mere act of winning against Poland wouldn't suddenly make them invincible.
That's not even mentioning Britain, and possibly France too, would send their army to support Germany.The British and French combined armies were 16 million in size, the Soviets would be demolished.
Honestly WWI was the end of history. WWII was an unfulfilling epilogue and everything since has been a series of nonsense installments just trying to wring money out of a dead franchise
I hate to admit it, but It was Stalin's fault. He took his army in the south, and attacked the (until now) allied Black Army of ukraine, and they rushed to the aid of warsaw.
Feels bad
stalin literally was the worst shit that happened in this timeline
figures a tit(o) like you would hate stalin. There's no denying what he did right, but if he hadn't made one dumb move, we would have taken poland
it was the only time in history where revolution could actually have gone worldwide.
also im a bukharinist but i use this flag because market socialism n shiet
gotcha, but yeah, it was a turning point, ofc. But the revolution in germany had already failed due to fucking SPD, and Stalin did plenty of good afterwards
with a soviet polish republic the spartacist uprise would have turned the biggest industrial superpower into a communist powerhouse, and second world war would have been soviet and german army against usa & uk, and commies would have win it for sure.
also stalin was a third worldist retard
OP was clearly talking about conquering Germany right after Poland, shut your cunt mouth
pshh, not even USA, prob, there wouldn't by anyone to lend lease to, and maybe UK could've had revolution. I think it would have been the commie bloc against japan and her puppets
Stalin was the one who lost Poland tho