Any else here a NEET?
Any else here a NEET?
For the next month and a half, technically yes.
I would be if I could be, but it's almost impossible on my end.
I wish I was
but my cat depends on me for survival
Yes, but money is running out so I guess I will try to find a job next month or so.
I regret not having bought $4000 of Ethereum when they were only worth $15 a few months ago.
Only for now, I'm going thru a life crisis but I feel as if I'm nearing the end of it. I'm going back to school and getting a job but I want to move out of this shithole.
explain to me how being a NEET should is any better than being a capitalist.
NEETs are not a class in-itself that has an interest in maintaining the capitalist relations of production
Post kitty
How so? If there would be no capitalism, you would have to work
Post kitty
Post kitty
I'm a NEET and I'm getting too old for this shit.
I'm trying to find a way I can survive without government assistance but the only way I can possibly see is self-employment, since I am unemployable due to work history and lack of a real education. I'll probably fail but what else am I going to do with my life?
pretty much in the same situation but without assistance.
How are neets a thing? My parents made me get a job and I can't imagine actually living solely benefits.
Two ways are common:
1. Co-dependent family
2. Subsidized housing
Was living with my mom until she died, now I inherit her house. Oddly it's cheaper to pay a mortgage than rent for an apartment. At normal rents I wouldn't be able to survive unless I lived in the absolute ghetto-est apartment. Section 8 waiting lists are so long it's virtually impossible to get anything from them, from what I was told they only give houses to families not single people.
Part of how I get by is by eating a lot less than normal people. One meal a day, usually works out to $4 a day for food, less if I can find bargains or skip a day's meal.
Been a NEET for the last year. Starting a class to get a welding certificate on monday. Probably will have a hard time finding a job afterwards, so odds are I'll be NEET again pretty soon.
Except you wouldn't.
Post pictures of your cat friendo
Capitalists actively oppress others by refusing access to means of production unless their terms are accepted.
Furthermore government spending (probably) isn't funded directly by taxation, so the "muh taxes funding leeches" argument is bullshit too.
Dubious really. One would assume that by this stage a basic sustenance allowance under communism would be pretty simple to bring about. (i.e. certain food production being so automated as to render it "too cheap to labour voucher" or such.)
Though even if one did have to work, the nature of work under (late) capitalism is a particularly abhorrent aberration. It would be much easier to move in-and-out of work as one needed, as opposed to the bureaucratic, uncertain hellscape we currently occupy.
Been so for 5 years or so.
I was for 2 months and I couldn't stand it. I need activity, I need a sense of purpose. As of now I work on my buddies farm on weekends so now I feel a sense of value.
I love working tbh but I love working with friends and for my community. I love seeing my labor pay off.