Is Richard Dawkins /ourguy/ ?
Is Richard Dawkins /ourguy/ ?
Dawkins fucking ended racism, holy shit.
No, Stephen Jay Gould was. Dawkins is an edgy cunt that has actively harmed the public image of biologists.
He's just an edgy liberal.
How do we redpill him?
He could expend his last years explicitly shilling marxism for us.
inb4 nazbol shitposter comes in and spills his autism everywhere
no all popsci scourge like dawkins have contributed is created a generation of militant sci-fi nerds where we once had older men in all sorts of professions who just like Star Trek, Star Wars or Doctor Who for the britbong variety what we now have is a bunch of 5' 7" balding, bearded overweight nerds that are militant over their love for Rick and Morty, Popsci and their useless engineering degree they get from a bottom barrel higher education school.
These specimen tend to populate Reddit and Imgur crying about how they can't get a STEM job with a shitty STEM degree from a shitty institution which then drags average earnings down for all STEM employees resulting in less bargaining power for all of STEM.
I think you mean breadpill him
no but dennett is
If you're actively going to a barely accredited institution purely for a STEM degree which is unemployable, because you couldn't get into a decent school - then you should be A) redoing your entry exams - which is common in almost all exam-heavy meritocracies B) doing an employable degree for your appropriate level of achievement C) go straight into work and build a career (apprenticeships etc).
Anyone who willingly wastes 4+ years in college just to get drunk and financially empower the student loan industry - then drag down median income for the entirety of STEM out of some sense of STEM elitism derived from love for Rick and Morty and Popsci is the pinnacle of selfishness.
I dont get the 4 in Africans. Is he saying he exists FOR the Africans? is he saying all people are descendants of 4 specific Africans? WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!
Also Dawkins is still alive? wew, having unpleasent flashbacks of my edgy atheist phase in highschool now.
Rick and Morty is better than Star Trek and Doctor who though. (Not star wars of course.)
You strike me as someone that screams at people for playing Pathfinder instead of first edition D&D.
It's an A not a 4
New atheism gets shit on by the left way too much. At least new atheists are pro-modernity, rationalists, evolutionists, and against religion. I'd rather work with them than much of the so-called """""left"""""
I personally dislike them all, so I have no dog in that fight.
I haven't played either of them, however - a boardgame's edition has much less to do with self interest and a negative outcome on an entire workforce than the bottom pool badly accredited engineers does.
Who on the ¨¨¨¨left¨¨¨¨ is not an evolutionist? Also most new atheists aren´t proper rationalists. They´re philosophically illiterate idealists, and consequentialists.
Most of them are physicalists, though? I mean I guess if they're philosophically illiterate maybe they're confused, idk enough about them to ascribe to them a particular school of thought or not. most scientists are physicalists/determinists in some form or another
What does that even really mean wtf
Is Dawkins super politically retarded like Harris and Hitchens or is he better?
He was on the radio the other day, and he actually sounds pretty open minded and not pathologically wedded to any ideology.
I think if you made a convincing enough case for communism you could win him over.
His biology stuff is decent and his meme idea is pretty cool too.
Dont care too much about his ayyytheism.
You're complete fucking vermin, you know that right? You're an overprivileged little shit preaching to people about what they should have done with knowledge they would never of had. You would never be accepted into a union so you may as well take off that flag and put something more fitting on, like a noose.
As far as I can tell he's the left of center candidate.
You have Hitchens the imperialist trotskist on the left, Sam "Lets preemptively nuke Iran" Harrison the center right and then Dawkins, who cautiously supports labor and kiddie fiddling.
I'll have my fedora with extra tip please
Anyone that can attend an institution without properly researching it - has incredible muh privilege or incredibly naive.
The best thing is, you're attacking me based off of knowledge about me you can not have.
Shut up you reddit spacing hand wringing little faggot. Nobody gives a shit about how petit-bourg your parents are. Fuck off and join the lolberts.
Sorry, would you possibly have to take responsibility for absolutely…
Fuck no. The egoist gene was a good read tho
akshually when i was 17 i graduated top of my class at longsleydale grammar paid for by my working class dad (he's a physician, so doesn't own the MOP) and he helped me (but it was mostly me, i did this) plan my journey through STEM to become one of the smartest guys at porton down
t. wants to be union leader of medical researchers (we're proles too!)
No. New atheism is basically the neoliberal reformation.
"New" atheism is extremely reactionary so no.
New Hope is the most overrated movie of all time
That stylized red A is like a symbol within movement atheism or something I think.
That dosen´t make it not great.
I guarantee you Richard Dawkins is smarter than you, so if he says lowering the AoC is good, you should probably listen. If that means lowering the AoC by one or two years (it's 16 in the UK), that's entirely reasonable, and frankly much moreso than most of the US left. I'd like to see all these dogmatic cunts who call AoC dissidents stupid try to tell that to an eminent scientist. He'd fucking humiliate them in any debate on any issue.
Also, what qualifications does angry cat poster have to be making these arrogant statements? The unwarranted self-importance levels are suffocating.
For example, I would work with Dawkins over Cenk any day and of the week.
As long as you stop supporting feminism aka idpol. Yes, he's for our movement
New atheism BTFO
Fun fact: Gould was a fraud who manufactured his data.
I guess he proved his own point though: politics does corrupt science.
New Atheism's clashes with SJWism grandfathered the contemporary anti-idpol currents across the political spectrum.
Yes and these foul undercurrents led up to those dark months of unthinkable atrocities in 2014 known as G*m*rg*te wherein tens of thousands of brave women and other of our martyred progressive activists were dragged screaming from their homes by far right thugs and brutally raped and then clubbed to death in the streets in front of the baying g*m*r for the simple act of wanting to express themselves in interactive artworks in the medium that they loved. It was like a second Holocaust and the streets ran red with the blood of those we lost. I can't imagine their terror and suffering on those terrible days but those we lost are often in my thoughts.
It's "we're all Africans". Since we're all niggers, there can't be racism anymore
If were all Africans does that mean were all Afroplasm.
Seriously, Dan is a genuinely good philosopher. Why did he get on board with the other 3 imbeciles?
I used to be a Sam Harris fan before I became a socialist (used to be more of a liberal socdem). I remember he and Dennett were going at each other over free will and I'm a philosophy brainlet but Harris' arguments genuinely made way more sense to me. Should I be embarrassed?
Like I was saying before the mods so rudely interrupted, if Richard Dawkins thinks the AoC should be lowered, you should probably listen to him because he's smarter than you. He'd wreck any anti in any debate on any issue. Maybe that's why they keep deleting posts that point that out.
ma niggi
Dawkins is not a lefty, but he isn't the crypto-imperialist he is painted as by SJWs (however, he often hangs out with such people).
I don't know how the left expects to get STEM people on their side when there are so many leftists who do this shit. Look at the thread about the Google engineer who got fired. It's a trash dump of liberal ideology and it shows just how much fucking Reddit scum is infesting this board now.
Harris seems to make good points if you haven't thought about the subjects he talks about before, but he if he talks about anything you have actually thought about, you realize he is an extremely shallow thinker..
I've found there is relatively high Holla Forums type leftist representation in pure mathematics. I've had a lot of colleagues who are anarchists, true socialists, and communists but hate modern idpol.
Name an example, i bet you cant.
What ever did he mean by this?
into the fucking garbage. christianity prolonged feudalism by 1000 years.