ay gurl how joo
tired. How's you?
No I live in an appartment and shit on toilets.
This isn't India.
;_; -dresses in his Nurse SOnata frock and waits for the inevitable with a squeaky sigh-
clearly you're wrong because this gote is for cuddling, hand holding and head patting.
This sort of apartment?
Goats are for shitty meme games with autistic fanbases.
[cyberpunk noises]
Nah. I got lucky and live on a better apartment.
Why are you googling so many ghetto pics.
Good overall ^^
Pretty early time to be up; you should schedule later classes in the future
I don't really have a concept of "breakfast" cause my sleep habits are all over the place
What about sacrificing to Satan?
-nods. Is a night-thing too and has learned that "morning" is a relative term-
I'm just googling "lima [whatever]" for all of these and there's always super shitty ones on the first page.
I know. It's crap. What did you expect from south america.
Can't, that is out of my control and even if I could, I wouldn't. Be up early is better than late
At least you'll stay in your own shithole instead of shitting up another place.
That's at least respectable. Lebensunwertes Leben, and all that.
No way. I'm going somewhere else ASAP.
Also yucky porn, tbh.
should go get some sleep~
But if I sleep I'll be alone.
Don't shit up someplace else.
Rot in the hole you were born.
I forgot you were a fag and liked dicks.
Nah. I'm going to USA... Illegally
-squeaks to his skwirl friends about how he saw a ceiling cat the other day. They cast him incredulous looks and he tries to convince them that it was true!-
I hope you get shot by random drug smugglers before you even cross into Mexico.
Well, this place is like some cesspool of trannies already so it's not out of place. Just don't go full Luka.
That's a good point...
I just eat when I'm hungry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Such a good little fascist boi
Exactly. The risk is far too great.
Someone is moody as hell. Check your tampon, it might be full already.
Also I have no idea who is Luka.
Why is it so hostile in here?
Need a caring boyfriend to hold you close and keep you warm all night long
It is?
What? :3 -pets your hair-
I don't think it actually is
The Canadian. Thesieus Luka.
He's a dude that thinks if he pretends to be a lesbian on the internet, he'll become one irl.
It seemed that way to me..
The place really needs a wall to keep the Canadians and Mexicans out.
"Casually toxic" is a more accurate way of putting it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hitting too close home right here.
Moody girls on their periods.
WHO. There are tons of canadians here.
You are worse than the moodiest bitches I've ever known.
You must have more estrogen than testosterone in order, pointing at everybody to feel better about yourself.
I see.
But why though?
-nibbles a hard boiled egg and a pear-
-is pic-
None of what I say is remotely serious, ever.
Also, this guy:
Called it.
I could made a jojoke instead. I'm so dumb.
I haven't paid attention to their posting.
How can you be so sure.
Yes, yes you are.
Cause you've had one previously
I can agree with you on that. My IQ is only 105.
Wanna know what else have I had previouisly?
Chicken Pox.
Hey, it's still 30 higher than Kanra and Baddog.
Hey now!
I don't want to psychoanalyze; ask Kanra
-nibbles a hard boiled pear-
Eat breakfast ^^
Then I gotta get out of bed, and I don't wanna. Least not yet
Hey, I just made a Kanra joke. You can't make another within five minutes or he'll actually show up and start ranting about how his opinions are right because they were pulled directly from his anus.
You are an all star.
You seem to suppose I know who those are.
pls no
Nah, just a nobody
That name sounds vaguely familiar.
who lives on the opposite side of the world. Might as well not have one. At the end of the day, I still go to bed alone too
I wouldn't mind that. It's better than nothing,
Gift him to me.
Ok that's gold.
It's true, even if that something is just an e-hug or an "I love you". So long you know he means it.
Heh, I've let him know you're interested~
Is he somewhat manly or just a bag of girliness.
If he isn't even a tad bit manly I'm not interested.
He also needs to know something about Digimon, but I'm flexible about that.
It's probably some secondhand Arizonian.
I'm on a position that I would take anything.
Oh he's quite manly. He won't back down if he knows he's right and someone else is wrong, and he'll stand up for you, and also treat you like a princess. He's the best.
Don't think he does, although he'd likely end up watching it with you if you wanted so
Break up with him and give to me.
Gotta take him from my cold dead hands. He's all I got
B-but you just said "Might as well not have one"!
Make up your mind.
Only cause for now we're still not under the same roof ;-;
But want it
Darn I'm doomed.
Not at all. I'm nothing yet I got one. You'll find one who's equally amazing
You are nothing, but I'm something.
And that something isn't nice. So in hindsight it's better to be nothing.
Even this?
Anything masculine. That has tits and girly hair.
Would you?
I'm going to lay on my bed. If anyone wants to message me, that's what Discord is for. See ya.
90% of the "guys" here hate their dick and/or pretend to be a girl.
I'd fuck the bologna sandwich more than him.
no wait
Then the 10% will do.
Guess I'm the 10%
Go for Grim and hope he doesn't murder you when he sees the dick.
Jeez you don't really feel that way.
You're dating the Danish faglord, right?
Yeah, but you're still gay as hell.
Would you hit that?
well, I'm not particularly nice either, so~
Sleep well
boy this subreddit triggers me
I'm bisexual.
Nezi i though you crossdressed sometimes
No but I wouldn't fuck the sandwich either.
No, that ship sank like two years ago. No more E-dating.
I thought you met up and fucked two dudes from here or some shit.
might as well just admit to being super fucking gay
Then which faggot is he with now?
I can imagine your dick reeks of rotten meat the more I picture this.
Smegma, thank you very much.
I don't know, what do I look like, his fucking keeper?
Never mention like this or my son again
You fucked it up.
Good job.
You live in a perpetual state of fucking up
Do I need to remind you about how many mornings in a row you've fucked up now?
Fucking Ouch
The mollusk is a good album.
There's always Cupcake.
Talk shit, get hit, (1/6) nigga.
I wouldn't mind hanging out with Cup at all.
In fact I'd like to.
Wrong Percentage
At least I know what I am unlike you
He can be your new boyfriend. And you can go shoot Mexicans breaking into the country, like Smiles, together.
I know what I am by virtue of documented family tree unlike you who never knew because they were illiterate savages in the jungle.
I've only met one person and we just watched a movie, I was social anxiety full throttle
I've fucked a girl before so no I'm not gay
See, you say good things sometimes Tsuchi.
Where is the documentation then wise guy?
Kill all the gays and browns.
In various family members' collections, including titles of slave ownership.
that's pretending to be a gril tho
So..... you don't have it, and you have to take the word of someone that you don't speak to.
it's just for fun~
I'm not trying to be a girl, but I like things that are girly and cute
Someday, I'm gonna steal 2000000.
from this board
Yep, gays, browns, and communists... we'll save you for last Tsuchi~
We've got like 74k more posts to go.
How fast does this place move again?
That means you're starting with yourself first.
fast enough to get 1.9 mil posts
Well that would certainly cut down the cost significantly.
Did you ever verify them?
Don't think this board's that old, could be wrong.
It would just be two bullets for a murder/suicide between you and Cup.
For the most part, yeah. It's all following legal, public records, like the census records showing which family members owned slaves along with the actual titles to the slaves.
Yes Tsuchi, that was the joke, very good.
^-^ -gives you a slice of cake-
what a fucking memer
-skwirls carry the plate over their head and set it down in front of you-
-skwirls bring her a glass of milk too and carry away the plate when she's done-
*wave gestures for bill*
-sends the bill, is 1 hug-
*adds 10%*
Tonight was a good night
anyway wyd
who lurking?
ay dusty girl how u
By the way I wonder if you even know who I am from my current edgy name
eternal sleep
I don't.
Too early
The sun isn't up yet
-hugs tightly- How was your day/night, Kissy? ^^
Neutral. Nothing really happened.
I'll try to sleep soon, maybe I can get an actual amount for once.
why do you people change names and avatar so much
my bed is super comfy and has this thing where if you on it long enough you'll fall asleep regardless of being tired or not
You should :3
-pets u-
Why are you posting anonymously so much :3
My bed is pretty comfy but if it did that to me I'd sleep way too much cause I'm usually in bed when I'm on my laptop
im hungry IRL now
trip/name fell off and i'm too lazy to put it back
avatar is enough since i don't change it and there's not 100 other people who use it
its why i can't play my ps4 when I'm on my bed ill just start listening to the game ost and then just stop playing and I'm asleep
k nite
Yeah I recognize u
Cute black and white manga boi
Actually I drink like two or three cups of coffee per night so maybe that's part of why I don't fall asleep even when I'm lying around baked out of my mind like right now
How's ur night going gurl
Sleep wellllll ♥
I love how Luka gets so confused when I talk in e-ebonics
my microwave is done cooking my bacon bits and potato
now for it to cool off.
have u been watching blend-s ? its super comf nice time
kinda like this actually
-is getting tired but brings you tea-
0.0 -is jealous and wants-
wyd homegurl?
Yeah it's great
I love that trap
only thug ass niggas r down w/ e-ebonics
So sleep ^^
I'm slightly sad that the sun will be up soon
I called Luka a "thug ass nigga" yesterday and she got mad :(
-dislikes going to bed and tries to stay up longer to watch tv!-
luka confirmed nazi
it's too hot
speak english?
-wonders what sonata_blue is watching-
-sends his skwirls to fan it for you-
-isn't watching anything. Just wanted an excuse to stay up- :
its tasty
-tummy growls but is too late for eating-
Well technically you'd be wasting a night hour if you slept now
-is sunup very soon here-
good excuse
never too late.
How? Internet says dawn is 6:55 here and I'm on the east coast
Kind of wish black people would stop uploading so many 240p songs
can barely hear it over Digimon Marathon
We tried
-pets you- :3
i need some rest.
i have a long day tomorow.
go rest hun. sleepy time. slep nice.
Sleep well ^^
erio what are you up to
I wake.
It snowed.
I breakfast.
I tell black people it is okay to be white.
It is morning.
morning scootsy
how are ya ?
All right
Lost my name in Tokyo
Kitchen posting
Make breakfast and cap day today
You not slept yet?
nah i slept a while
from around 10 ? and woke up a couple times but GOT UP at 4:30 am
as best i can babe
Who da bes?
this girl
Lily a best
*pat pat*
sorry for falling asleep ;;
Its fine
i'm almost back to waking up at normal hours.
how are ya this mornin
i think i wanna have some cofe today. im thirsty for the black juice.
When aren't you thirsty for black juice ?
good morning
when i want to drink the clear juice
howdy loco
how is the morning loco
I can't tell if this is better or not.
how are you
good. your friend is nice. and i made one of those tinder things.
things are looking okay.
YAYAYAYAY happy for you loco !!!!
may your endeavors be fruitful
Good. Just woke up./
im drinkin cofe now
it tasty
would u like some ?
thats me !
Yeah but put lots of sugar and cream in it.
sory miss. black cofe only.
cofe hitler
Back to my name.
Hearty breakfast.
green tee
here u go.
*hands over sugar laden creamed out black juice*
welcome back
ill make gween tea later
This is much better.
-head pat-
you should convince yourself to like black cofe so u can be just like me ^_~
:3 warm warm
fucking a
Atleast it is warm in house. Yay!
I can drink it but I probably won't ever like it.
hello sir i'd like to file a complain this webm is tiny
mmmmm nice. its cold in here but i like it. its not like. DEATH COLD. its comfy cold.
the more u drink it the more youll like it. PLUS !!! if im making it.
youre sure to love it. i only produce good.
Do you make other stuff ?
i do ! i am okay at cooking i think. i can make u the best eggs in a basket ever.
aside from food i cant really make anything of value
good food is the best anyways
ur the best
got eem
Florida is different cold. I guess the nights are dark, and full of terrors.
I love being woke up after three hours sleep after going to bed early
Fucking kill me
It's 7:30 and I intentionally work up at this hour to get ready but now I don't want to get ready.
I'll accept this complement.
I'm not entirely certain that'll help me sleep.
Does anybody ever want to get ready?
what are you getting ready for
0.0 -begins running a flea bath-
yeah and gators
You got out bed, that's always the hardest part for me
If you OD you will have a big sleep
'Gator soup.
my new sketchbook arrived
now i wont accept it
Thought you gave up on drawing. Faggot.
-picks up the kitty and wanders down the hall with it toward the bathroom-
ive neva had GATA SOOP
is it cool
if u dont accept the compliment youre gonna have to accept a kis
either way i win
Probably not.
A busy day.
It'd interesting, make some.
it smells of chemical treatment and deforestation
Well i'm not accepting the compliment.
Wow.. so lazy...
I'll beat you down bro
whats up
I'm not lazy, I'm just conserving energy.
-taps your nose and closes the bathroom door. Is not going to have itchy kitties running around the thread with fleas-
i am ur real mom
no u
OMG only the best !!!!!
i would like to be a drawing person but i am not good and i dont want to learn and i feel like even with technical knowledge youll be nothing compared to natural talent and technical knowledge
*pRESSES my liPPPs against yours*
playin pubg. drinkin cofe. whats up with u ?
i am going to go out into the winter afternoon with my cute fingerless gloves and draw some nature
Ughhh I'm going to go start getting ready before SUBTLE calls me lazy again.
If you're my real mom then I probably don't like you very much.
oooo i want cute fingerless gloves. have fun !!
okay then im not your real mom
im your big sis remember stinky
thats so clever of you
I almost did the same thing back
they don't call me
"the most clever"
for nothin kid !!
Good job :3
Yeah, exactly, you ain't NOTHIN'
Scoots OD when
Who exactly calls you that ?
Exactly. RIP
Thats pretty clever
what are your plans for today cutie
I'm supposed to go into the dmv but I've been avoiding it.
if u dont go to the dmv u get minus 100 kisses
firm number
But the dmv is awful
Why is Varus gay now ?
too bad
you have to do awful things sometimes
Do awful things like talk to squiddy
Wouldn't it be awful if I just didn't go in ?
you wouldn't know
okay look punk
go to the dmv
play league with me sometime i'll carry u
a w f u l
rip in pieces
thats good
I need to be carried
i'm pretty bad at that game
can't get out of bronze 1
omg mousey are u kidding me.
yeah i'll carry you.
u gotta pay me in kis(ses) though.
Actually i'm a slightly higher rank than bronze
do you wanna play league in like
30 minutes
I guess I can play
you can play too ding dong
Just got out of an hour long game and need to break.
What the fuck do I spend blue essence on in LoL now that the shop is clear of shit to buy with it and I own every champ?
It's friday. What are you going to do today?
enjoy the house to myself later on
whoever comes up with these operation names is having a fucking laugh
fill lava lamps
become a lava lamp salesman
Hello everyone. Hope you are having a great day.
I know I am.
it's saturday
and n o t h i n g
we did it reddit
Do what.
It seems like I might be a good day, it's still just starting.
Gonna get in a quick breakfast before I take off.
have a great day, apparantly
i have a lot to catch up on, today will be pretty busy
I'm going out for a burger with some friends. Other than that I'm writing exam assignment ;__;
Kinda grey so far. What's so good about today for you?
Silly aussie
Why do nothing?
Liliana called someone in our game a retard
You might be a good day? Awesome. Hopefully you are the best day ever.
Great days are fun.
If I told you, I would have to kill you. Let's just say I enjoyed something I haven't managed to find enjoyable in so long. And it felt great.
What's your favourite Digimon?
Whoa. Report this guy.
Is masturbation illegal in Peru?
do not spread lies about me
Because I've lost control of my life.
Were they a retard though?
It can be a great day without being fun.
I dont think it is appropriate for my waifu to be calling other people "retards"
Tie between ShellNumemon and Lilimon.
But I love all Digimon, really. Except for Meicoomon and all of it's related forms.
It's illegal in my mind.
Explain. Show me one example.
Blue Essence just sounds like something that would make a good lava lamp
i don't play LoL
I DIDNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh. It's one of the few games I still play.
i believe them over you
it's a good game, if you have consistent friends to play it with who do not suck, i never even learned it so meh
Lilimon, I can do.
KaratsukiNumemon, I can do too.
Meicoomon wasn't in Data Link anyway, so it won't be in Moonshine.
Toxicity is NOT accepted here
Well, do you try to retake control?
I guess a good fap isn't bad. It's not something that makes my day good though
I believe you. Ban and Squiddy and Squash are notorious liars.
Never had a comfy day with a nice atmosphere/vibe/whatever but nothing really explicitly *fun*?
[nervous sweating]
I'm glad we're all in agreement
and we're gonna fucking bad green been
Ah- crap.
I gotta bounce, sorry, Peru.
I can explain myself later.
PlatinumNumemon, TigerVespamon and Devitamamon are top on my list too. But that's because they are the digimon partners of my own fanfiction characters.
I know, I know. Fanfiction.
You must not know me then. I haven't touched myself in, like, months. I despise sex most of the time and it makes me want to puke and kill myself.
That's not a good day. That's just not a bad day.
I don't know as much about the Digimon in the games, But I can sort of pick up where you left off with Rin. What the heck kind of fanfiction were you making?
I actually read a few digimon fanfictions when I was like, teenager years
But it's better than a fun day half the time
RIP. Do you live off of neetbux?
I saw you first time yesterday, could be argued that I don't know you at all
I'm sad to hear that you despise sex that much though, that's missing out on a lot of intimacy
I have a decent grasp on it so I can play solo and enjoy it, but I usually play with an old HS friend.
For now. Study resumath soon.
Oh no the meme abuse of suffixes made me spell word wrong
What's so funny?
It's a whole world revamp. A little project called Digimon World Forever.
Frankie (a NEET fat girl), David (a conservative mexican) and Cecilia (a tsundere sluttish french racist girl) must work together to save the Digital World, now that the world uses the internet more than ever.
I know you don't know me. I was being hyperbolic.
And I don't hate it if I find the right guy. But otherwise yeah, I despise it and despise myself for trying it.
No it's not. Fun days by definition are fun.
There are other positive emotions than fun.
Yea.. Good thing Digimon never got too popular after the first three seasons right? You got to keep your niche and not have it ruined by a bunch of normies, and even your fanfiction get's to stay nice and tucked away in odd corners like this, and not aired out like MLP shame readings.
Fun things are fun.
tell me a little more about the concept so far, flesh it out for me a little
I know. But fun is the better one out of those.
Really? That's cool, I always just figured you mostly played with thread people.
Life as a student is harsh too, but hopefully it'll be worth it. I will find out in half a year-ish.
Seems to be a common thing for people who are trans. Or are my assumptions on you wrong?
a pleb attitude
I actually avoid that for the most part.
The only thread people I play with are the people from Oobs server and Grim.
I know. Unlike Pokémon, Digimon is a non-normie hobbie so it's great! Murder all normies tbh.
It's not as easy to explain as you might believe tbh. But basically a Digimon finds a way to acces the Deep Dark Weeb, where humans store all the awful info. This Digimon truly and honestly believes humanity is a species that must not exist, and attempts to destroy it. However, Yggdrasill, the God of all Digimon, realizes this and tries to stop it. Legends say that there were once 8 children who saved the Digital World when it was in peril, so Yggdrasill and its partner, Shakamon, attempt to bring humans to help. However, these humans aren't "chosen", they are outright forced to help. And you know what happens when you force people to do something they don't want...
Gassing furries and species war is fun too.
Probably are, probably aren't.
Huh, fair enough, well I mean, I would start it but I see how much investment a game like that can take, and I just got a bunch of stuff on steam. Iunno, number one game in the world? I feel like it will be around for a while.
I've already got all the champs, so after rune pages its all just cosmetics.
I'm aiming for Diamond next season.
now im imagining all the information on the internet, stored on a single deep, dark weeb
i guess ill watch a few games some time and figure it out, it is free to play..
SD keeps linking humble bundles though too
Most of it is stored in the Digital's World Dark Area. But the truly digusting stuff like human trafficking, human and animal torture, pedophilia and murder, is stored in the Deep Dark Web Cave. Which is sealed.
Yeah. I can't think of any pay to win shit in it other than just owning more champs.
But just buy one in the meta and shit changes enough.
At least the digimon are better protected from it than our children, all you need to find it on earth is Tor and a little digging.
I used to not believe in tier lists, but then I tried playing Doomfist. Now I just listen to people.
No one ever thinks of the children! D:
Also it's a baby digimon who finds the forest.
This also explores the whole "if you watch violence, do you become desintetized to it?" dilemma.
I mean, 130+ champs is hard to balance.
Though a lot of the game comes down to knowing WHY certain champs are better and what shuts them down. You can always play who you like, because everyone works in some spots. But you have to be willing to learn when not to play certain champs.
Yea I already did that in small scale with some other newer games I have been trying, it punishes you for having he wrong person with constant failure, so if you learn from that instead of just being upset you are on the right track.
Weird, well if it is a baby it's not very threatening right? Unless you get to see the baby grow up and become the Monster that threatens the main characters. Then you'd just have to keep the story running with the main cast and have things for them to do on the side, write out some side villains.