What does Holla Forums think of this?


What does Holla Forums think of this?

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About time.

It's going to backfire hilariously when rich white kids can't get into ivy league schools because Asians have taken all of the admission slots.

bad idea; the sooner america can toss the racial issue into an abyss and forget about it the sooner it can develop an actually respectable culture and national identity, and allowing residual racial discrimination just allows that dumpster fire to keep going on

As long it keeps Tyrone the 30 Autism Level crack smoker out of medicine school and Pablo the spic outside of the professional engineering licensing board it's all gravy.

Jews are many times more over represented than Asians in ivy league universities.

what do you think they're trying to do? telling someone that their race will play no part in the decision to take them is the exact opposite of racism.

This may not be a bad idea. If the managers of capital are actually competent then you can get a situation like China with massive growth with a decently planned out economy. As the new educated class takes over after their forefathers die it will be possible for America to become a capitalist oligarchy the likes of which the world has never seen.
I for one embrace our new Asian overlords.

universities are garbage

Holla Forums is not a monolith. I for one couldn't give a fuck, if it were up to me I'd make them cut the amount of available spots down dramatically to enter college. Too many bullshit degrees, and too many shithead kids who fuck off and take school for granted

maybe he thought "take on" meant "implement"

where black people look at society and see that they're worse off than white people and then look at history and see that this has been the case for a long time and was actually intentional we can't blame them for coming to the conclusion that the white man is keeping them down. however, them doing so creates absolutely terrible "tribal warfare" politics and national discourse instead of talking about issues that actually matter. this needs to be stopped, so the way to do it is to allocate resources so as to bring black people up to the standard of white people.

you know how judges, politicians, et cetera are supposed to prohibit even the appearance of corruption, as it undermines faith in the system? that's basically how I feel about race.

exactly. when the fact that Whites are discriminated against in college admission rates, Whites will be literally the ONLY race with PROOF of "institutionalized racism."
Then we can prohibit requesting racial status from college/job applications.
Affirmative action has held this country back more than Christianity "banning sciences" ever has.

That's only because jews are disproportionately porky in America. Marx's piece on the Judaism explains this perfectly. A country which promotes financialization of all things shouldn't be surprised when it finds that it has a very wealthy jewish population. However a majority of jews in America are still workers. There is no reason to promote anti-semitism instead of class consciousness.

Good, affirmative action is ideological nonsense

Only because it hasn't worked. Helping historically oppressed ethnic minorities is a good thing. AA does nothing of the sort. It's a neoliberal solution that fails to fix a neoliberal problem (the economic degradation of the non-white (especially black) family in America.) Still don't think that getting rid of it is a good thing, though it might save us from having to deal with more annoying "woke" bourgeoisie non-whites who seem to relish in receiving AA money for sucking capitalist dick.

And because they favour their own kind over others, if the over representation of whites proves white supremacy, the over representation of jews should prove jewish supremacy. It is exactly this jewish supremacy, why one does not speak of it. To learn who rules over you, learn who you are not allowed to criticize.

you know that schools look at more than test scores to determine who they take into their university, right? if someone had a 3.5 but they worked 30 hours a week, did varsity sports, helped their family, and still did other clubs, then they normally beat the person who got a 4.0 but didn't do anything else in school. also, if you think that slavery and 60 year old racism will contribute to a sort of tribal conflict, then won't laws that actually give preference to less qualified people based on race do the same exact thing? and I have met a few black people who weren't absolute morons, so it's not like it's impossible for them to get into college. and you're operating under the assumption that minority scholarships and positions at uni go to the poor black people in the country. they typically go to the wealthier black kids, not the ones growing up in the hood. so in reality, you're just helping out the families that have already broken out of a shitty situation, and the people at the bottom still think it's rigged. not only that, but you also manage to create an issue between white and black people because you're actually implementing racist laws.

and in regards to the point about corruption, that's not what's happening here. this situation is more like "if we follow the law then people will think it's rigged. so instead of explaining to everyone why this man is innocent, we're just going to convict him"

Behold, the birth of the Alt-Right.

This. Henry Louis Gates Jr. copped a lot of flak for pointing out that most Ivy League students that were assisted by affirmative action were either the children of wealthy African/West Indian immigrants, or were equally well-off biracial students.

not an argument. laws that gave preference to one race over another is what created the problem. so why do you think doing the same thing will be able to fix the problem?


what the fuck I'm pissed
I was literally going to apply to college 4 months from now and I'm a nigger
Imagine all those kids who got into better colleges for being niggers, probably hundreds of thousands before me had an advantage. But I don't reap any of the benefits by a few. fucking. months.

If academia is supposed to be focused on objectivity, then they can't claim "race and gender are social constructs" and then discriminate between those constructs to limit a group.

It says he's going to move to sue colleges that discriminate against white applicants. That's a little strange. This is like investigating a company for having too many non-white hires. When you get into territory where you have to investigate to prove a university isn't *illegally practicing AA* you end up in a really fucked up situation. This is not a good move.

exacctly, there was a kid at my school who was mixed and one of the brightest students we had. but he also had much more money than most of us. he already had enough money from other scholarships to put him through school, but he got enough minority scholarships to actually be paid to go to college. at that point, why are you giving him the scholarship? the goal was supposed to help black people go to school when they wouldn't have been able to go otherwise, but he was doing just fine.

if you want to help the black community then people have to be willing to help clean up their neighborhoods of crime, then when that's done, then people can start moving businesses in. at the same time, they need people to be investing in their primary education since they can't afford to be playing catch up for the rest of their academic career. when the crime is largely under control and people have started to move in businesses, then they'll be able to get decent jobs. and once they have decent jobs, they can start working their ways out of poverty. basically, you have to invest in their futures when they're young, not when it's too late to change anything.

exactly. the people who say race doesn't exist are the same ones who want to try and create laws that give preference to one race over another. at best, they're morons. worst case scenario though is that they're hypocrites who take advantage of the situation to try and get positions of influence.

shut up pol, we didn't need a reminder of your retardation we already know

It ASSUMES it is going to sue colleges that discriminate against White applicants.

Of course the NYT knows minorities are never discriminated against in colleges because of affirmative action.
This would be on glorious and on par with Trumpism if they instead leaked this and were actually investigating a reported case of black admission suppression.

Please stop saying the N word. Yes, the N word, I'm not going to say it. Anyway colleges will probably continue to practice it until Trump actually tries to stop them.

The issue with the executive intervening in colleges is that it's able to do it basically by threatening to cut their funds. That's why the Obama admin was able to make strides towards killing "traditional" greek life. But if any college wanted to, it could have forced Obama to actually sue them and engage in a legal battle. This would have been a devastatingly bad decision for even a "conservative" school to do this against Obama, but it's a pretty beneficial decision for many to resist Trump's DoE.

affirmative action in universities actually discriminate heavily against asian students. they get points taken off their SAT scores while white students have theirs left alone. on the other hand, black and hispanic kids will have points added to theirs. if they go after all discrimination in universities, then it will result in much more asian students being admitted, but you would most likely see a drop in black and hispanic students, and possible white ones as well.

Not even a Voltaire quote. It was actually made up by Kevin Strom. It is also demonstrably false; there are subtler methods of social control than simply locking up or killing critics of the regime.

That's probably true, but California doesn't have AA, and their schools have a lot of Asian students, but it doesn't seem to be a an injustice to many people. I'm not a Californian though I don't really know what's going on there.

I'm not doubting this is true, but can you elaborate more on this?


Unionization drives at fast food workplaces in the United States aren't exactly known for their success, but if some radlib wants to stand outside McDonalds with a cardboard sign protesting corporate malfeasance all day no one would really care.

well California has a lot of Asians living there in general, not to mention that cali has some pretty good schools. so when international asian students apply, they're normally going for the best schools in the country (they're already leaving their home country, why do they care what state they move to). and we have a lot of asian kids at my school as well, but a lot of them are international students. just remember how massive the asian population is worldwide, and that the USA actually has some amazing universities. so they come here for a good education, and a chance to help them learn another language that's used around the world. so it makes sense that there are a lot of asian kids at universities.

also, they may not have AA (im not actually 100% sure about that topic since moving to cali was never something i considered) but the problem still remains with SAT scores. checking the asian box means they're going to take points off your score.

it's fucked up that they can't just leave people's scores alone and let their extracurricular activities be taken into account.

to be fair as a 1st gen college student I did jack shit as a kid in high school because of introversion but did decently well during college admissions nevertheless for outstanding test scores; i think we have to recognize that there are going to be people who are neither social butterflies nor rich and they also deserve a chance

Hey, did you know that leftists score significantly higher on Autism Level tests than rightists do?

I like how this comes from a board whose answer to anything and everything is: Read marx.

Are you the origin of the le-original-thought meme that is used as a cookie cutter response whenever encountered by a phrase that does not reinvent the linguistic wheel or did you simply keep it in your mental clipboard?

Hmmm. I could live with this. Of course that assumes that the CPC follows through on their pledge to adopt socialism once again.


Wow, thanks, never really questioned it, just more shit to add to the pile of all the bullshit that the Aut-Right uses.

Not him, but one of the best ways to control people is by manufacturing ideological hegemony among the masses and leaving critics of the regime/order relatively unpestered.

It's one of US imperialism's favorite ploys:

Another successful ploy is to create a loyal opposition, or multiple opposition parties, but for them to all be run by ruling class figures and businessmen. Even the "labour" and "socialist" parties in Europe are run by the bourgeoisie to better serve their interest and one way they accomplish this is quite organic: by encouraging ideological pluralism within the party and this leads to pluralism of classes within the party, which inevitably leads to the subordination of party goals to bourgeois goals.

In the US, the two parties are set up as big tent parties and the way the electoral system is set up people on the right and the "Left" only have one place to go and the center is represented by the "moderate" wings of both parties. The end-result is that the ideological conformity is so strong that capitalism isn't even challenged in the abstract, there's really no champagne or even "Christian socialism" except for that one Jewish Dem operative who did his job too well. They will not give into the Berniecrats because they are looking to keep fake revisionist utopian socialism in the wings until the moment they need to pull their chestnuts out of the fire.

To some extent, even the guarantee of the material pre-requisites of everyday life under capitalism guarantees the perpetration of its ideological hegemony and the political regimes that are built around that. The fact that you still have to sell your labor on the market-place in exchange for a wage, you still have to conform to a boss's work standards on the job creates serious ideological pressure to conform. We're often influenced without knowing it and it often creates a kind of inertia in both our consciousness and our politics.

Of course, the revolution also grows out of our struggles in day-to-day life which is why people become communists, they are not born communists but it seems obvious that the base and super-structure reinforce each other in some ways that can be quite surprising and yet at the same time all too obvious.

and that's fair, there are other ways to measure if someone is able to be a good student. it shouldn't always be about wether or not someone played varsity sports or did theater, but they should also look at things like wether or not the person was working while in high school. i don't know how exactly to fix the problem (if i did, i would be running for office). but colleges should also take into account what other things a student has done instead of just looking at test scores. on the other hand, there are hundreds of millions of kids who go to college, so im sure that they are able to recognize which students are likely to succeed at uni.

and you bring up another good point, colleges look at things like weather or not you're a 1st gen college student. because you have to figure out everything on your own and there's no family there giving you advice on what you need to do in your academic career to get a better chance at going to uni.

the chinese students coming from overseas don't study political science. they normally come here to get degrees in business or other high paying fields. the chinese american students also don't feel like selling out the country to a place they have no loyalty to.

I'm not clicking that link and giving that rag clicks, but I have always been against affirmative action on the basis of race. It should be based on socio-economic status. On race, it only serves to antagonize caucasians and furthers class divide, all the while it's a shitty insufficient way to actually help the poor anyway.

you can archive the link so they don't get any money.
but you're right. the people making these laws won't be hurt of course, but they're effectively pitting racial groups against each other.

this is ridiculous, what the fuck can a person do to clean up crime
the various authorities are supposed to take care of that through policing and policies but they're either too retarded or too right wing to implement any useful shit

Sup nigger welcome to Holla Forums - Leftist Politically Incorrect. You can leave now.

i mean, you can pull the whole "all cops are racist" bullshit, but these neighborhoods wont have businesses move in until they don't have to put bullet proof glass and bars on all their storefronts. and nobody wants to work in an area where they might get held up once a month.
you can also argue that the police system is too stupid to actually uphold the law, but you can't argue that nothing needs to be done about the crime in these areas.

Doesn't matter.

University is a discredited meme these days anyway. Unless you have a specific career in mind and a job lined up for you on the other end, just save your money.

this. I went in for engineering, then decided to switch to business finance. you shouldn't get a degree unless it's going to get you a job in the future that can pay off your loans.

Unless you are planning on becoming a lawyer, doctor, software engineer (in burgerland), or an engineer there is no reason to pay for your own university education.

I'm kind of banking on a crisis happening and the eventual need for someone to cancel student debt. Taking out another loan right now for my first year of my Masters, which I know is something you should normally never do. In the biology field where I know I'll never be paid well.

It fucks over Asians like me more than it does whites

All you bitching about how you've been replaced just, hate to say it, never really worked hard enough. Asians thrive despite them being fucked over by affirmitive action, I feel like suburban 90's America coddled its native white population hard

2 & 3 are things authorities are supposed to do
1 is complicated for people, not everybody has the time or the talent to be a community organizer
4 is tricky, depends on where you live - if cooperating with the law is gonna get you/your kids killed I can't really blame anyone for keeping their mouth shut, but I still think the whole "black people don't report crimes" is either a meme or an effect of not trusting the cops
if it's supported by data, then OK


Asians have been hurting from affirmative action more than whites, what's your excuse for not pulling your part but claiming ultimate superiority over others?

you haven't been reading the thread. i've mentioned multiple times that asians are the ones getting screwed over the most by affirmative action.

if you know you won't get a job in the field you should take a year off and work a lot to try and get rid of as much debt as possible. then after that year, go back to school.

1.) this is something BLM should start doing on a large scale across the country. they're good at protesting when something happens, but it would be great if they could also stick around and work with the community to help establish some programs for kids.
2 & 3.) yeah that's something the authorities need to do, but constantly bringing this up by writing letters to the local government is a good place to start. also, we need people from those communities to join the police so there's people who know the area policing that same area. you're less likely to shoot someone when you've known them for years, and you're more likely to trust a cop when you've grown up with them.
archive that too if you don't want to give them clicks. but basically when a cop fucks up, there's a massive dip in calls made to the cops. again, blame it on the police, but you still need to report crimes before it gets better. it's not that black people don't report crimes, but there's a stigma against snitching to the cops in the black community. that needs to stop because it ultimately makes their homes less safe.

Is Hoochie, Milo, AW, or some other colossal faggot fucking up your thread? If so, remember this little trick:

Affirmative action doesn't let retards get into med school you idiot, it works such that the school has to have a racially representative student body where all members of said body are at least at the minimum requirement for that course. You can still have 100% white enrollment so as long as the entry requirements are high enough, but that's not the point of university. It's supposed to qualify, add value and ensure standardisation for those who enrol. Not every med school student needs to be an Einstein if a general physician's job isn't that vigorous.

fuck off to reddit you nigger


This is some intense copcuckery

Youre a liberal you just dont know it uet. Wait til your 35, youll forget that flag

Affirmative action makes people who are smart work twice as hard to get rejected by universities and lets retarded brown people waltz right in.
If you took it away most colleges would be majority white and Asian

Stop whining like a brat, you'll get in kid