What little things would you enjoy most about life in your ideal communist/anarchist society?

What little things would you enjoy most about life in your ideal communist/anarchist society?

I would be happy to see cities and towns shrug off their billboards, flashing neon signs, and other forms of advertising. Imagine a world where what graphics and images that appear on the streets do so because of aesthetic sensibilities, a desire to create a more beautiful and welcoming city for the people that live there, not to undermine their satisfaction and make them feel fulfillment is a purchase away. The streets decorated with public art and great murals, bus stops left unadorned or with paintings to give travelers something beautiful to brighten their days with. At night, the amount of streetlights and their color temperature would be changed so as to allow for better sleep and minimize the reduction in visibility of the stars above. Too few people have ever seen the beauty of the Milky Way in a dark night sky.

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Honestly almost everything I think of would be a significant and meaningful change. Cities becoming easily traveled, either because of increased walkability or better and more efficient public transportation. The renewed sense of community: I like the idea of just walking into a park and playing croquet or chess with complete strangers. Or that I could look at community areas like parks carefully landscaped by someone who cared about it looking beautiful or because they wanted to contribute, instead of looking at shitty middle-class suburbs with pointless lawns cut by a wage-slave solely because lawns are expected to look a certain way and because that wage-slave has to work or starve. People becoming equals instead of bosses and proles, or employees and customers, that if someone is giving me a service or me to them, we're giving it in the spirit of mutual aid as equals, and no one calls each other "sir" or "ma'am", nor does anyone adopt the "good worker" role with the subservient attitude and the uniform as they try (and often fail) to hide how tired they are. Something as simple as going into a movie theater and getting a bag of popcorn, all without paying, and watching the constant new and novel movies created by people who love making movies, while volunteers take care of the place because its a community center for people to enjoy the magic of movies. And that's what places like theaters would become, they wouldn't be built to maximize profit any way possible, they'd be built to be monuments, works of art themselves inside and out, to do their best to inspire that feeling of magic. Art in general would cease being commodities, and every movie, book, and song would feel real and you'd know that the creator cared about it, and it wasn't artificially designed to barely appeal to enough people with the least effort possible, or the vision endlessly meddled with by some producer or publisher.

Man, just thinking about all of this is so relaxing, and it really makes me want to live in this world.

Sounds a bit utopian friendo. I'd like it most when pointless product differentiation and competing brands were no longer a thing so R&D could actually go towards making improved computer hardware and software. As there would be no motivation to implement planned obsolescence or cut corners the build quality of most things would likely improve significantly too.

No democracy as far as my raiding buddies can see

Democracy is the source of all problems in government. The people who want to vote for what's best for everyone don't have enough information to know what's best and the people who want to vote themselves a piece of the treasury do so at the expense of others.

The whole idea of having a centralized power that gets to decide things that could affect others negatively is a pretty big problem, especially if the decisions are made through a democratic voting process. Totalitarianism is a better alternative to democracy

Why not keep them and utilize them for better purposes? Instead of advertisements, they could be used for events/memorializing people/glorifying shit/cultural shit, or even avant-garde shit. I feel like art would be amazing in a communist society.

Stop dreaming comrades. These words you type on your keyboard will only serve to make you forget that these things can and will be achievable not in some ahistorical distant future, but now. Get reading, get training, get ready.

being free

An ethnically homogeneous society :^)
[spoiler]Unironically, the same thing as OP said, and much more flowers and decorations into towns.
Hopefully da revolution will not destroy too much landmarks.[/spoiler]

More nature, and no one destroying it for profit.

Working for my fellow men, and not to make someone's rich

4hrs work day

Technological advances unhindered by the stultifying logic of profit.
Vast increase in intellectual and artistic work and thus material.
More genuine human relations as people don't view each other on the basis of monetary benefit.

Modest and practical clothing. No "fashion" as we know it (which only exists to make sure people keep buying their shit) or trashy outfits.
I have no illusions about people dressing like it's the 50s, or people reverting to old social norms and becoming prudes. What I mean is clothing produced by and for proletarians, instead of bourgeois decadence.

Stuff like pic related instead of croptops.

Then why are you a marksucc? Do you expect superstructural change while keeping the base? Money has to be abolished right off the bat. Please read critique of the gotha programme and google "communization".

Because some variation of market socialism is the shortest way to elevating use-value for the local conditions of where I live. Honestly this question of transitionary period comes up quite often, with leftcoms and narchies on one side, and reformists and Leninists and their derivates on the other. Maybe it requires its own dedicated thread, I can see some interesting discussion coming up if theory/historyfags are around.

Overbridging the alienation between fellow man. But sure seeing cities transformed into something more social would be exciting as well


We should all wear robes. Praise the Omnissiah.

Very little. I'd still be miserable, but at least I wouldn't be concerned about climate change murdering us all or people randomly dying of easily preventable causes.


That was the comfiest thing I've read in ages. Great point about how many cities are built intentionally hostile to pedestrians (no benches, spikes on surfaces that could be used for seating) and how sad it is that you have to buy something to sit down and meet with others in public.

I can't take this

Nature. Without the need of constant expansion for its own sake, and with the obvious benefits of a healthy ecosystem to humanity, we could have huge expanses of pristine, untouched wilderness to explore, hunt, camp, fish, and even live.

Pic related is what I experience on a regular basis, and with an ecologically focused society, so could everybody else.

The general security of it. Not worrying about finding/keeping a job, medical bills,mortgages, student loans etc.

It's pure utopianism and the sort of thing that makes me cringe at the left for being so pseudo-religious at times. Communism will have many problems of its own and probably be a miserable society in many ways in its own right. Consider this video for instance.

what makes u think that different styles of clothing worn for personal reasons, some legitemately aesthetic, is just a result of capitalism?

i had a hope in the same vein but more that things like fashion are liberated as a legitemate art form instead of commodity fetishism, cooking an artistic and social endevour, etc

No more threads asking what communism would be like.

Fashion is a bourgie illusion of choice made all the worse by capitalism and its hold on everything.

i wish i could live to see that

I would still try to dress with fashionable clothes in a socialist world

No visual contamination or shitty advertisements, people could just walk trough the streets with their friends and enjoy the scenery, i hope that i get to see this, even in my last years, though i would be pretty sad that my parents and other family members won't though

Well I certainly wouldn't enjoy wildlife because without a state to help mitigate the tragedy of the commons we would have fuck all left.

yeah i can see u think that but why

do u think literally the only circumstances that people are interested in clothing is as commodity fetishism? i really do not see any reason to believe that.

I would enjoy the ability to own my own software, improve it whenever I feel like, and not have to worry about black box machinery of proprietary code lying within my hardware. Tree freedom.

I would enjoy the ability to own my own software, improve it whenever I feel like, and not have to worry about black box machinery of proprietary code lying within my hardware. True freedom.

Fuckin proprietary image board software.

Like pornographic abundance fixes no gf. :,)

Y'all might find this interesting. Some major cities like Sao Paulo have completed banned all outdoor billboards and advertising, and others are looking to do the same.


Not anymore, friend