Traps are objectively gay.
Traps are objectively gay
Other urls found in this thread:
no u
sold as a 250
after alocation cache 240ish
after cutting it into two partitions and backup partition a little less than 100 on each tiny partition
ikt you are cute
i'm done trying it's like arguing with a brick wall
I don't even play it.
i mean it's luka
what did you expect
Wind ows w hy
good u shouldnt
*pat pat*
What do you play ?
woof woof
there's no fucking point in putting every game on an SSD
HDD is fine for a lot of shit
you don't even play 100GB of games daily, why do you need all that shit installed on a god damn SSD just throw shit you play occasionally on the HDD and your primary few games on the SSD god DAMN YOU DON'T NEED FIVE HUNDRED FUCKING GIGS IF YOU USE YOUR BRAIN
SSD is bae
why even use hdd
2K VR porn
fighting games
rhythm games
the occasional jrpg
co op games that my friends want to play
an mmorpg if i feel like grinding for a month
what do you play
fucking noob
4k 144hz affordable when
im sleepy
Divinity original sin 2 is my favorite game right now.
fighting games
mmorpgs normally with friends
I sometimes play league of legends because my real life friends do.
The same day I sprout a vagina and my dick emerges from its cocoon a beautiful butterfly and flies away
go sleep ! i should soon. but im playin gamess ssssss
i wanna get divinity OS 2 some time. it looks like i'd like it a lot..
what kinda fightan ? right now i've been playing a lot of tekken 7. before it came out i focused on guilty gear xrd
Me and my friends play the game master mode on Divinity if that looks like something you'd like to play.
Its a great game.
I don't really have a fighting game I play right now but the next one I want is Dragon Ball FighterZ
I'll probably play that one a ton
Also Lohse is the best Divinity girl.
nini lil pup.
ill get it eventually. usually just too pricey for me..
dbfz i think is gonna bring in a lot of casuals into the fgc which
is sorta good bc fgc gets bigger but also i mean
fgc gets bigger
positive and negative idk
im not too interested in it personally
i never liked multi character games aside from tekken tag tournament and skullgirls
Good post
The people of Holla Forums need to support this kind of writing
It's important for the survival of the culture
morning(?) erio
Its on sale right now but its not a LARGE sale.
ay gurl I woke up at 4pm yesterday
I don't think you've slept yet either ^^
yeah thats just about every sale on it
one day ill foot the bill
yeah i was actually getting ready to sleep now
i too got up at 4 pm yesterday ^_~
going to sleep a couple hours early but i feel super drowsy for some reason.
Add me on this
Maybe I'll play it with you some day or something.
you got it missy !!
!! M I S S I O N C O M P L E T E !!
Easiest mission of my life.
and now to celebrate a job well done... im going to sleep.
*forehead smooch* have a nice rest of your time being awake and stuff and things
thanks for talking to me and blessing me with your divine wisdom
see ya tomorrow ! (maybe)
I can't believe Ban is taking advantage of green bean
I haven't done anything yet.
favorite meme
How is Luka paying for this computer?
Luka is a hard working girl!
she done dirt and many niggas can vouch that
u feel me?
he saved up his goodboy points
lowkey rees
ha ta ra ki mo no
Posting again to set my name back to normal
why am i alive
Scientifically, Traps are heterosexual.
scientifically, they're hot af
Why are some traps cuter than normal girls ?
The feminine penis, of course.
its the semen and they always do anal
They do love both. That is known.
fgts, one and all
Girls don't shoot semen which is a huge downside.
get out of my room
That is true, they prefer crying than shooting semen when their arses are pounded in.
In defense of regular GFs: They have breasts.
That's all I can think of.
the free milk isn't worth it
No but you see women have.... Ehmmm.
Women can be...
Women also...
... ... ...
Liking traps is gay.
This is NOT an ironic shitpost and not be considered as such. by any means.
Hidden tbh
Tranny girlfriends have the feminine penis, the cum, and the breasts.
Also they do anal.
But they also have the "bad days" because estrogen is one hell of a drug.
Your hiding me already.. The non-ironic shitpost is working.
Thankfully my boyfriend feels the bad days are a worthy drawback to the positives.
Can't have something be too perfect.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting and non-ironic shitposting is just shitposting.
Then the same can be applied for normal women, right?
Implying trannies = actual women
You've cracked the code!
I always thought SJW culture was a joke when it was first starting up and that it was going to be entirely stomped out in a few months
never been more unhappy to be wrong
Then you are implying that actual women are better? I thought actual women were just moody bags of sadness, weren't they?
Explain that, atheists.
Trannies and gay people aren't neccesarily SJW.
SJW is just an USA thing. A loud minority that shouldn't be taken seriously and is misguided. In hindsight, it's probably a movement made for other reasons. Call me conspirative but maybe SJW really do seek to destroy the west.
What's my prize.
Traps > Women > trannies
that why i made sure to say SJW's and not just Trannies.
Yea, it's honestly beyond upsetting to the point of being depressing, America is in a bad way in a lot of directions though
that's why*
Traps are very very gay. And ethan from h3h3 is ugly as sin.
SJW are a threat because they are bad guys under the facade of good guys.
During story, it was easy to tell nazis, communists and racists were the bad guys. But for the untrained eye, the "good intentions" SJWs follow are justified. Another reason the end will never justify the means.
Says the Peruvian.
so is our entire body of government, probably tbh, or most of it, shit Black Friday was derived from the great depression and we still worship that and cyber monday like a religion, consumerism has won here, blame and simple
SJW? Who specifically are these people?
People under the facade of being politcally correct. The left-leaning who focus on racial and sexist issues, being racists and sexists themselves. All this will only harm women, people of colour and LGBT people in the long run.
I have seen peruvians that look better than h3h3. And I wouldn't touch another Peruvian, ever.
It's OK tho. You can still ahve fun SPENDING.
corporatism isn't much better. when you got rich ass companies that want more money and complain about regulation, they screw over tax payers and consumers.
If let to do what they want, they will profit endlessly and use the government for their scapegoat. People can change government but companies were not intended to be out of control (see Eisenhower's final speech on the military-industrial-congressional complex).
I really don't think SJW's are usually intentionally malicious to be honest, even the ones who are expressing beliefs that aren't really constitutional, they are just confused by their own stupidity, and blinded by their lack of ability to tackle real world problems in actually constructive ways, so they just think of all the social excuses they can to justify their lack of ability to achieve
Fuckers are bleeding us dry, if I said anything that seemed to conflict with that it was just my lack of proper knowledge on political terminology
Politically correct can go both ways though. The reason they focus on them issues is because they aren't white christian men. Equality is the goal overall but hypocrisy can end up being some people's ultimate reputation.
Regardless of if they existed, the issues would always be there and will come up until it is looked at by the population at large... and probably even fixed or attempted fixed.
If it's not one doing it, it's another.
Saying such things also harms white people in the long run. The optimal move is not to play. Do not become what people accuse you of being or you will only prove them right.
They might not meant harm, but they are causing harm. And that makes them bad guys, even if they don't know it.
They were fixed before tho. Things were going smoothly since 1970. And SJWs ruined all the progress.
lessons will not be retained until everyone learns it and practices it, we are creatures of habit, so the best course of action is to lead us towards habits, regardless of whether those habits are healthy or not
Yes, they are definitely sending a very negative and destructive message but we can't label them away like some sort of bad guy group, people have to be treated like individuals when you are one, and since we aren't some major body of government or giant corporations we just have to help make a difference on whatever sort of individual level we can.
Unless you date a fat trap
then they have breasts tooo
Hello generic anime girl#125652
hello same-coloured flag person
Joking aside who are you? I saw you start posting last night and pick out a picture but you're still an user and I'm not sure what to call you, just constantly saying user seems kind of rude but I can do this.
That wouldn't be a trap, tha stratagem, or a trick.
Flags usually share these colours because red paint was the easiest to make back in the day.
I don't have a name because my flag should give who am I. I doubt any other peruvian will post here or posts here already.
White is right. I care not
Enjoy the extinction of your race.
look at it
Red is a nice colour too
That was ultra gay.
Apologize inmediately.
I prefer pink. No flag uses pink sadly, or purple.
That's fine, if you want to keep things as simple as possible and keep your flag as your identifying feature, are you actually in Peru? How is it there?
Yes, I am. It's shitty, but the food is nice.
Too many gropers and petty thieves tho.
Implying you won't enjoy iy.
I feel you, I hate on america a lot, but there are upsides to it, of course when you live by Detroit it's not really all that different
Lot's of uneducated people who can hardly speak and petty thieves or even adrenaline junkies who just want to go car hopping for a few bucks.
I hath shoveled the driveway.
Gropers? like people trying to steal your wallet right, im guessing people aren't just out to feel your dick
No snow here yet so im kind of jealous, I like a good little workout shoveling snow once in a while
The second major snowfall of the year for me.
Uneducated people is the norm here. It's only when you go to college you start seeing actually smart people.
You hath confused me too.
A groper is a eprson that gropes.
Grope: informal
feel or fondle (someone) for sexual pleasure, especially against their will.
catching up on thanksgiving specials i missed has been a magical experience
Who'd I accomplish that?
So people are trying to just randomly grope up some dude on the street just because?? sounds like there are a lot of homosexuals
I have gotten groped three times so it sucks.
Because I didn't understood what you meant.
The only thing gay here are traps.
Isn't guys feeling other guys up kind of gay though? Or are you implying that you are female and it's not gay?
Because if random girls feel up on you there sign me up for a trip to Peru, unlike faggy ass SJW's I'm all sorts of into random girls grinding up on me.
If you want random girls feeling you up you can always go to Mexico.
A Mexican friend told me that a lady tried feeling him up. So feel free to go there, specially if you are white.
I am white, and I have a strong jawline, I don't have a lot of money but I can probably try to look like I do for mexican women
also i appreciate you artfully dodging the question
OK, if you REALLY want women to swoop you down and chase you like an angry dog chases a truck, look no further than India.
I have read some articles about white men who have left india because they couldn't handle the sexual harassment anymore. Indian women would LITERALLY beg for you to piss on them and pull their hair. They are so culturally sexually frustrated and indian men are so fugly that the concept of white cock drives them crazy.
If you were in india and made a tinder, you would get feeled up at least 15 times a day.
India has people that use the internet now? Huh.
I mean besides all the IT guys
Internet is basically a blessing in India. Their society is so backwards and conservative, that indian men and women use the internet to be as perverted as they can be.
Indian people is truly sexually frustrated. Both men and women.
Pink is pretty cute too
So how's Denmark? I have heard it's a cute place to live.
I don't know. It's fine I suppose
I believe it, religion always causes rather weird and strange perversions in people, it's not something natural that we are used to dealing with, and as a result I think it does some pretty weird things to your mentality.
But then again nature isn't very PC, animals love to jump on other animals as soon as they are sexually mature, humans are just prude from 1000's of years of fictitiously constructed social stigma's and social taboo's built on our intelligence like STD awareness (which, is incredibly recent and poorly practiced still)
MAGA is a meme.
So tell me about yourself. I'm new and always looking to meet new friends.
STD are scary, honestly. We are too self-aware for our own good.
But most indian women are total sexually-repressed virgins, so feel free of going there and colonizing the shitting streets.
no im good on that, i know they dont have like good laws there for bitches who get fucked and pregnant but still hardly worth the hassle
Good, you made the right and moral choice.
Sex is overrated.
Not much to say. Don't do much.
Wake up early, goto uni, get home, play runescape, goto bed early. That's pretty much my life.
What are you doing?
nawh i mean i still want sex
When you finally have it, you will be dissapointed.
"That was it?"
Please don't flunk uni. Try as hard as you can.
I went to print out some documments my dad needed. Now I think I'm gonna watch a videoa nd then go play some Digimon Masters Online.
I kinda want to play Maplestory again, simply because I could make actual friends in that game. People in DMO is REALLY antisocial...
Forgot my cutie patootie.
Too lazy though.
Aww ;-;
Hope the community hasn't changed in Maplestory in the meantime so you can still find people there to talk to
not sex for the FIRST time you ambiguously gendered wiener
like lots of sex
she came. lewd.
u are
find one with heart emotes on her pupils instead
no u
Nah, I am not going back or else I would be full stockholm. I need to make new friends.
That's why I'm here!
Why don't you get a couple then. Free sex.
Destroy all lolis.
i do have a girlfriend, it's just still easy to want more as a person
i think foxes are more monogamous than people lmao
You got a waifu?
How cute~
Dragon Age™: Inquisition is 5 dollars right now
you can't destroy all loli because a loli runs the board
I'm not really cute but hey, I'll take the compliment all for myself! Thanks a bunch!
Thanks. Now kill yourself for liking lolicon.
Cheater cheater. Hope you girlfriend finds out.
worth the price
You're welcome :3
I think you mean "loli ruins the board".
I never said anything about acting on the urge, I just acknowledged that it exists.
no i mean a manchild loli runs the board
I got it
Thanks. So besides runescape what else are you doing? I'm playing DMO right now. But it's funnier to stop and chit-chat.
For the weakminded, maybe.
I for one am 10000% loyal with a 5% error margin.
It still stands:
Ruins the board.
no u
Same. Not as good as Origins but still pretty good
Not much else. I spend most of my sparetime sinking it into that :3
*strokes your hair and pets you*
im going to have to run your numbers through several bullshit filters and get back to you
I fucked the witch in the first one.
I needed the "power up" or whatever it was
i will for sure buy it for five bucks i mean come on
id spend more money on getting full at mcdonalds than a game that will deprive me of days of my limited life
Don't get burnt down. You will get bored eventually.
Happened to me with MapleStory and LaTale.
I don't like lolicon tho.
It's true tho! I get obsessed with my partners and only have eyes for them.
And in return I only expect the same from them.
Wait, is Morrigan in this one ?
Can I fuck her again ?
Shes my favorite
i believe it, im sure my girlfriend feels the same way until she starts talking about threesomes
i never said i did either.
It wasn't a powerup but a ritual that would save your life. Did the same on the first playthrough too, but I fucked her plenty before it came to that anyway :3
I don't know... Sleep? :<
Yeah, so I thought too.. But now I've been playing it almost every single day for more than a year.
Usually it happens. I don't know what's going on right now
Yes she is, and I'm afraid you can't. But you can fuck her over
Well... Threesomes are something people with low self-esteem tend to crave and the like so I can't really blame her or call her unfaithful.
You probably do.
I guess getting groped all the time would make you upset if you were thinking about your girlfriend, which I'm sure you were since you have such high and focused appreciation for them.
I'm not gonna fuck her over.
We can just do evil stuff.
I didn't try to either, but sometimes things really don't go as you expect them to
It only happened three times!! And all those times I was single so not cheating.
Now that's some real gay attitude. Congrats.
Oh, reminds me of me and Neopets. I played it every day for 7 years until I got hacked in a data breach.
Sigh... Good times.
Shes the best follower though
I gotta make her love me
Oh? Single? And how long have you been with them now?
I am still single.
But if I had a couple, I would be loyal to him 1000000%.
So who cheated on you ?
How convenient, you want to preach to me about loyalty but without having to currently fulfill it yourself
Add a few more zeroes
Who even are you?
surprised peru person is still here
Jesus, that fucking blows. I'm sorry..
I always needed a healer and Wynne was better at that, although she was boring as fuck and I killed her the first time.
Not sure that's possible in Inquisition, but good luck
im excited to try the game out, i dont really have any history with the game series so i hope i have a good time
I don't even remember her.
Well I only got once and that was eons ago. I got lied tho.
If I couldn't fulfill loyalty with my boyfriend, I would just break up with them. It's clear they don't satisfy me.
Your prom date.
So am I.
It's OK. Just remember: Don't invest that mcuh energy on something that could be taking away in a breath.
got discord?
Me? yes I do! Always looking to add new people.
I have some contacts but no one I actually talk with.
I see, but you can't help what you think all the time, what you can help is how you act.
Dragon Age 2 is pretty shit, but Origins is amazing, and Inquisition really isn't that bad either.
Though Origins unlike 2 and Inquisition is far more strategic when it comes to combat, and not too much action. Don't know what kind of combat you would prefer
She's the old mage cunt at the circle whom might join you there, or whom you can kill along with the children she protects from the demons within the tower
That would suck, yeah. Two-factor authentication is nice though, might help
Huh, really? Tell me more.
im okay with slightly slower games that don't have too much action in them initially, but i don't want the game to just be entirely composed of story and nothing fun, which i know won't be the case
i just woke up an hour ago tho?
You probably do.
Don't know about that. If it was entirely story and no fun, I don't think I would have ever played the game through 10 times or so
oh, uhm... uh. League?
Why can't we just sleep forever?
no freinds are online...
That's a good point of course.
Best of luck with you and your girlfriend. Don't go sleeping around, unless you two break up.
The twofactor what now.
Adding you!
I remember you puked. You loser.
Nah I don't.
Shotas are fair game tho.
You are already sleepiing. And life is just a dream.
Shit det regner
Yeah but like
I still need to get the fuck out of bed
oh boy
It was the punch, I swear
Could just kill yourself
rengar OP he deleted adc;~;
Can play alone though, silly~
two-factor authentication. The stuff where you try and log into something, then it tells you to enter a pin which you will be provided through another mean such as an email, sms or an application on your phone. It's a layer of added security
Det er vel normalen~
I overslept and ended up calling in to work sick
Just cause my bed was so warm
Shut up Maynard.
It was the social interaction probably.
No but is OK because double standards.
Yeah, the data breach Neopets had gave away all of my info. Password, pin, username. It sucked.
Then do so. You won't get anything done in there. If you keep yourself busy, your intrusive thoughts will not bother you.
Oh sorry I don't add weaboos.
Added you already. Gud.
that sounds lonely...
Synes det er ekstra slemt i dag
Did the same today, except with school
Homie I'm not gonna do that, I'm on the phone with her right now
Maybe. People can be horrid creatures.
triple standards
good timing on that banner
Tell her I say hi! Also ask her what's her favourite Digimon.
Wherever I hate people I remember a few of them aren't assholes and that gets me going.
See, now you get it. Kill all lolicons, keep all shotacons.
La cage
lol we were getting along so well at first
Ah nice dude
Though I'm probably gonna get chewed out cause I also called off last Fri lmao
I just wanted to get up and complain about being and unable to sleep as long as I probably should have. I can't parse existential shit like this before I've got any caffeine in me.
I don't think I have any particular intrusive thoughts to worry about at the moment though.
That's me
Oh? Har ikke været så slemt igen nordpå
Guilmon from season 3
I'm just pulling your leg.
I can add you, even if you are a degenerate anime fan obsessed with Cantonese Cartoons.
Give me your Discord again. I'm not scrolling up.
That's what I'm here for. T
That's why they are called "intrusive". You never know when they come.
That's a nerd's game and I don't like it one bit.
Kill all anime, keep all cartoons.
So how many friends do you have. You seem friendly enough.
Yes, people's assholes get me going too.
Wew. I also stayed home since I have an exam to write but I almost got nothing done LMAO
Har stået ned siden kl 12 i København
I don't think being intrusive necessitates being unseen. I'm pretty sure it's the opposite more often than not, if anything.
Seems fair enough. Keep her.
That's... Not really waht I meant but hey, you do you.
Assholes can get nasty tho.
Don't you contradict me, mister/miss.
Didn't know you drank beer~
Not that many. I'm convinced most just chooses to deal with me
Der har ikke været meget mere end en smule drypperi i Aalborg. Blev i hvert fald ikke våd ved at gå hjem for små 4 timer siden.
Men kan godt se det ser noget voldsommere ud i København ud fra DMI's radarbilleder
Stop me, faggot.
Nah, trust me, people don't deal with others for the sake of dealing with them. They genuinely like you or else they would have left you long ago.
...Speaking from experience here.
I'd rather you pull another body part rather than my leg but hey it's all good
Pinches bullis
Pokemon > Digimon
Damn lewds you're so good at this lmao
i was already planning on it
Yeah, maybe, but this is the internet. You may think someone is your friend, and think that talking to them every few days for several years is proof of it, but the very next day they'll block and remove you and never speak to you again for the silliest of reasons, so I don't know.
once george invites you to the groups ill add you from the discord server
I shouldn't be the one who controls you.
And here I thought I could add you. But no, I can't.
Pokémon is putrid garbage that got popular simply because it had great marketing strategies in the west, thanks to Nintendo pushing it over and over.
But please, feel free to tell me how "Stockholm recolored animals" beats "Overdesigned mons that explore psychological traumas".
inb4you guys break up in a week.
Who is George. Is he curious?
Speaking from experience there?
Det er tegn på at man bare skal blive inde
I really am
you don't play fun games?
i don't (irl)
very curious
also we've already been together for more than 4 years
yeah, from about a year ago. Oh well, suppose that's just how it goes sometimes
Med mindre du ikke er hjemme, så er det alligevel det værd
oh :
Don't ya just hate when you're wrapping presents and you get a ribbon wedgie?
yeah, i don't do bad things
Nah, he seems to be bad at chit-chatting.
It's never too late.
Maybe you pissed them off. I used to have a good friend, but she got angry at me when I criticized her hillbilly husband.
Now she lives with a white supremacist Trump supporter and only shits babies and cleans. In your face, you retard! I warned you!
LoL isn't fun. Unless you find people insulting you for making a tiny mistake "fun".
Damn nigga, chill
No wonder you're still single
George is the worst, don't talk to him.
This thread is the worst :3c
rename it to /kissmugensfurryass/ already
shut up cunt
he doesnt have a furry ass because he shave sit like a baby boi
you're playing videogames~
I did. I, unlike them, wasn't offended by a certain grab them by the pussy remark. That triggered them quite significantly
also what is this relationship talk about, I want in.
Sabrina pls response
Unwrapping the ribbon is the best part though!
oh im just talking about my girlfriend, im not sure what the strange peru woman is doing, maybe she wants my girlfriend to break up with me so she can jump all over this
What is that supposed to mean?!
Sorry. I get really autistic when people shittalk Digimon.
Give me your discord again and this time I'll add you.
Where? I'll hit them.
MUGEN is a cool game tbh.
Yoko Littner VS Homer Simpson is a fun match.
See, it's better that way. People come, people leave.
post asshole
Yep, and if something that minor is enough for someone to completely end all contact to you, then they probably weren't worth keeping around anyway
Brb gotta pick up my lil sis from school. See ya in exactly 1 hour, guys.
Yuck! Whatever gave you that idea?
Yeah, I noticed yesterday lol
I tried to jab at you with that little remark but you acted like I murdered your whole family lmao
Nigga I already linked it twice
You got me fucked up linking it again
Scroll up you fucking cuck
Enjoy your day
:V cute?
Never played, just using george's dumb INTERNET NAME.
Don't hit me.
I went to a sushi place with a conveyor belt yesterday! It was so fun. But it's also kind of a racket, because the more of the little plates you put in the slot at the end of your table, the further you get in a game on the ordering screen. They bait you into pigging out.
It was fun though. How you doin'?
It's like when you give a kid a present, and they just wanna play with the ribbons and boxes.
I would, but those selfies you sent are on another computer. ;D
gee i dont know, every time we were discussing it you either wanted to imply that she was insecure or that she might break up in a week
maybe other areas have very different senses of humor, or i guess you could just be a female
I'd definitely play with the ribbon in discussion.
Have you gotten around to buying any Christmas gifts yet?
100% completion but feeling empty
thats when i feel most empty, thats why i never go for 100%'s in games
Those are so nice
Once you start making a tower of plates it makes you realize how much of a fatass you are tho lol
What kind of rolls did ya have?
Also how was your thanksgiving?
I bought some crankshaft music boxes for my mom yesterday. I plan to try to get her a new recliner too. Other than that, I haven't shopped for anyone. I'm way behind. How 'bout you?
Well, you got two rolls to each tiny plate, and they don't stack up 'cause you're encouraged to put them in a little slot. So the rising bill just kinda lurks in the background. It's a good business model!
I had a bunch of different ones, but my favorite were the salmon yukhoe. I ate waaaaay too many of them. Thanksgiving was fun. We made an 18 pound turkey, which was a chore. But I had lots of friends over and we ended up getting drunk while marathoning Nathan for You. It was a good night. How did you do?
no insults
Yeah, for the most part it's always 2 pcs per plate
Oh you have a lil slot there? Deng I need to go with you there one of these days
lol what is that yellow stuff? Looks crazy
I do love salmon tho
Lmao sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving
Wow, you shouldnt be telling people about them. ahem. cough
nyaaaaaaaah whats up doc
I can't believe Soto and the Peruvian broke up already.
less than 80,000 more posts and we hit a million
two million*
wuzzup doc?
As you feed plates into the slot, this little chibi samurai takes on monsters, and if you defeat them all, you get a little prize ball that comes down from the ceiling. It's fun! The place is called Kura, and their site says there's one in Los Angeles. :D
The yellow stuff is egg yolk. It's so yummy!
Your horrific secrets are safe with me.
Yeah, we were hitting it off pretty damn well
We were even flirting in spanish lmao
But then he found out I am a weeaboo and I like lolis
Now that nigga hates me
I guess you can't keep a partner as long as you can keep a job. :^)
people from south america tend to get more upset about sexualizing children because there is actually record of it happening a lot there, not that it doesn't in america
instead people caught messing with children in an inappropriate matter our dragged outside and beaten with sticks, bats, fist and feet
You already know far too much
I get the feeling the last thing I'm going to see is you standing over my bed with a pillow ready to smother me.
Got a french press coffee thingy for my brother, he just moved out from my parents place. Considering getting my father $50 worth of cryptocurrency or something like that, no idea what else to buy him.
That sounds so cool,whats in the prize ball? lol
I'd have to go check it out sometime
Oh what dude, that sounds delicious
I love egg yolk, especially when it's super runny
There's this place called Eggslut in Downtown LA and they put an egg in like any kind of sandwich/burger and it makes it so much better
Though it's kinda messy to eat
Sho ga nai lmao
genki ii naa - nani ka ii koto demo atta no kai?
Do you smell burnt toast?
I'm shamefully ignorant about cryptocurrency.
My prize ball had deco tape with little pumpkins and black cats on it. I guess they had lots of Halloween stuff left over. It's cute though.
No shame in their egg game!
nope. just me. cooked. done. burnt.
cheer up, doc
lmao that's hilarious
But hey it's better than nothing
You ready for Christmas? Man, I'm gonna turn 25 Sabs
I guess I'm finally an old man now
So am I, but it gives me a reason to get into it. A friend of mine put in $2000, he now has $18000 worth of crypto.
don't worry people way older than you still stop by sometimes
I'm not at all ready for Xmas, because I'm going to be doing extra work to make up for the days off. But I can handle it.
Soto, you're a baby. I turned 31 yesterday, hence all the sushi. I'm an old hag!
Well buddy, you gotta scrape off the burnt part, slather on some strawberry jam, and just keep on keepin' on.
I'm ignorant of investing in general, and it's about time to start setting aside for retirement. Gonna have to do a lot of homework!
i may feel better later. After I eat.
This is before i perfect it.
good luck to you my pal
How many days off are they giving you for Christmas?
Hang in there Sabs
You're not even old Sabs, calm down
You just seem to get better as time goes on, just like aged wine
I want to drink you all up then wake up with a mean headache and dry mouth
im surprised shitposting doesn't use more energy with how many people textwall sometimes, maybe it does and thats why most of you are so skinny, all those calories spent roasting each other
I should've dumped everything I had back when it wsa just 30 bucks
ty. Maybe I'll figure something out
And then I will bop you
Is that the kitty you rescued?
I think We have the Friday before off? I saw "we", but I always end up coming in for at least a few hours. I have close to three weeks of vacation days saved up I gotta start taking too. :P
Are you going to take a break?
And thank you. You're very sweet.
I wonder what it's like to have a pillow fight with one of those fancy gel or memory foam pillows. Somehow I feel it wouldn't be as fun.
ive a few memory foam pillows, theyre very firm
i could see someone getting hurt
nah. she's long gone with it a couple of years ago. this one is another one that survived outside in the winter. had kittens. i was trying to get a friend to take it but it freaked out during and after the car ride there and took off. Didn't see it for a couple days and it turned up at my house. Now I let it in so i have a furball to torment.
Is it at least OT or Doubletime?
I'm down like to my last 10 hrs of vacation lmao
I work the 23rd but get out at 2:30pm then Im going to a secret santa party getting trashed then I have my bday and 25th off, possibly the 26th too, but not sure yet
Is that the artist? I just found that one day and thought it was cute.
One of us could die. Those things are firm! No neck or lamp is safe!
Suuuure. I bet you're so mean to her. :P
We do that gift swap game at our company party. I always bring booze, and it always ends up being fought over.
cats are great
they are good for making you feel less like shit
I have grown weary of this life... just smash my brains in and be done with it, sweet Tyrell
Haha he knows doxy what a perv
yep. i just assaulted it
yeah, he's the artist.
i only know that because i have art ESP. not that i've ever seen his work around, or anything.
Why you lying. That was 1 hour 10 mins.
I don't havea picture of you laying around.
See? Now you don't feel so bad about it. Focus on your current friendships.
Wat. What what.
Qué. Quoi. Comment ca va?
If I had to choose between killing my family or erasing Digimon for existance I would be an orphan.
And nah. Post it again. I ain't scrolling up.
Nah I'm back now.
I'm, just making guesses. Covering all areas!
You haven't playing LoL then.
Excuze moi?
I think there has to be something before breaking up anything! We weren't flirting. I'm just nice like that.
Nailed it. I also have a little sister and have babysat several times. The idea of people fiddling children digusts me. It's unforgivable.
Ok that sounded a bit wrong and egomaniacal.
I'm not nice, but I try to be as pleasant as possible with everyone around me.
it's okay, you don't have to lie to me, you aren't as innocent of gentle as you are trying to appear
or gentle*
Welcome back.
Am gonna bed. So keep enjoying your day~
And rest well once you get that far yourself
loco always just likes really gay shit
Of course I'm not! Never said I was. I am a total freak.
But there is a time and a place for everything, and I try to keep my freakness in the sheets only.
"Traps are objectively gay" is a really weird way to say "Spiderman thread"
oh my christ random foreign posters and spiderman, it really is a Holla Forums thread now
brb spookyghost village
That image is cute! I love the style.
Poor abused baby. She doesn't even fight back anymore.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
"Woah, woah. Hold on, Batty. What do you mean by 'you people'?"
Don't use Japanese if you can't even read it.
Absolutely nothing I'll ever post should be taken for serious.
Except this post.
ii ne
Spiderman. Good ol' Spiderman. How have I missed you.
Good night! Hope to see you tomorrow. Probably! Sweet dreams.
Alright, duly noted and engraved in the ancient tablet known as my mind.
yes indeed.
Well good luck finding someone do that with, one single person, forever.
And we were doing so well.
I know you were being sarcastic but I will take the good luck anyway.
but cat spelled backwards is penis.
USA, when will you ever learn that the rest of the world uses the metric system.
if you are going to give me shit i have to return the favor :^)
The ruler is in metric and the US don't use commas. The way this country is going, we'll probably go back to some unit of measurement they used in the Ice Age.
Doxy does pretty gud porn
Fine you win. You sensitive bab.
Hopefully you guys evolve and use metric. I am tired of seeing inches and such.
also have you seen Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
It really isn't.
As it well and truly should be.
Anyone that wants to do it is outruled by everyone else.
That's a fake gif.
You said not to take you seriously. So... It shouldn't be?
I've seen Attack on Titan on fiya.
Link should have just ended up with Saria
or Ilia
Nigga is such a cuck always going for Zelda
I may have made this harder on both of us.
Not sure if they ship to Peru.
I don't want to know how much people spend on medical to use things like that.
it's lovely
i got paid today. i ordered some colored pencils off the amazon. gonna be doing cute colorful drawings soon.
Is breath of the wild good? 'Cause I've thought of getting a switch just to play that and splatoon.
Fuck you 8ch
I'm hardly ruffled sweety
Ayyyy baby me you and a bottle of tabasco and i'll have that ring on fire
Hi everyone i know alot of you like smoking weed but i just want you to think about your health the next time you light up.. My best friend died a few months ago due to weed overdose.. he had twice the lethal dosage.just think about it
Cute. May I commission a cute ducky?
Fireass isn't very sexy, Doob.
It's pretty fun, yeah
It kinda has a different feel to it but I really like how they added new shit.
It's more realistic or something like that
I've never played Splatoon tbh
Is it any fun?
Me with the blue hair.
you vape though
those who actually smoke with a pipe should be careful how often you like up because you can still f up your throat if you inhale smoke all day every day
thats just moderation though even water can kill you
light up*
p sure that still kills you
I've played a few times at a kiosk in GameStop. I have a lot of fun with it. I'd love to try playing against people online. If I get a Switch, we could both get it and play! :D
Every group of friends needs one.
its just how hot the smoke is, cooled smoke is better, but constantly inhaling anything too hot is just bad, nothing to do with the weed
vaping should be fine though i know people who have vaped literal garbage bags full of weed in days
it will cost you 1 million doubloons
No, but I like eating that ass spicy
got lots of meds from my cousin
thank u based drug hoarder
Sorry for taking a bit. I was eating.
Indeed you. did. Apologize.
No way. That's too expensive.
Get that GIF out of my face.
Yes you are.
is another option
You'd certainly enjoy that