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i was and we lost ;~;
Crepes are fucking gross tho
They're like a abomination of a tortilla and a pancake and both of those things are fucking garbage
All Latin American food sucks.
Don't fall for that. It's made to sell and be cute, lacking entirely of depth.
But "out of sight, out of mind" is the best mentality!
No. You don't.
And you are posting some generic anime girl.
No. Things made just to be cute are annoying. Japan Moe culture is annoying. Dragon loli is annoying and it annoys me. I have become the Noid.
We aren't that bad nowadays. Venezuela has it worse.
In fact, we are receiving tons of Venezuelan immigrants. You see them everywhere.
I am not THAT good of a cooker, and I have had plenty of... Ehmmm... "Unfortunate" accidents in the kitchen. Most notably the time I almost burnt down the house. But hey, I give my best and that's what counts!
Also you can't have me for dessert. We might be subhuman trash, but we aren't cannibals!
Yo no sé que hacer, pero sé que me quiero ir de Lima. Creo que haré lo que una de mis amigos hizo y me iré a trabajar a Cusco. Ella trabajo de asistente turística y me dice que me puede ayudar a conseguir una posición. Tentadora oferta.
Like a whole whole lot. Every coin you receive has to be checked throughly.
I usually get scammed because I don't know what's the difference between fake and real coins.
Thanks! Her name is Hina and she's from the online game Digimon Links.
Hey now, I love crepes. They are thinner pancakes and easier to munch on.
i wanna see moar of her!
I've made 21 posts and Fuji hasn't even SAID FREAKING HI TO ME.
Like, what the hey!?
Being a NEET is one thing.
Being a hikikomori is something entirely different.
The isolation and self-loathing are crippling.
Well yes, the title is Gunslinger Girl.
But the girls who sling guns is really just a minor aspect of the story it tells.
Kim 😡Jong 😡Un 😡bout⏳ to ⌛️be Kim 😤Jong 😤OFF 😂once ☝️he catches 🤽♂️these 👏hands 👊💪landing 🛩on 😒that👉 bowl🍚 haircut💇🏻♂️
It seems weird how much Latin American shitholes hate their neighbors for being marginally worse when the bar isn't set that high.
It's like when two African countries argue over who's shittier.
You probably say that because your little white stomach cannot handle the spicy and flavourful strenght of Latin American food. I have met several white girls while on French classes, and they fell sick quickly after eating cebiche.
My French teacher loved peruvian food tho. He left France to live here.
Hold on while I rip the game's images first.
Sounds like a trump tweet if I ever heard one.
i teared up when certain songs kicked in but that movie idk it just doesnt get to me that much
when the overture starts to play then i usually get a lil teary
you fool
i only watch slice of life
i dont like dragon maid but
yeah i only watch cute anime with no plot
anything else can't keep me interested for the most part
:3 rrraaaawwwrrrr
I eat a lot of spicy shit and grow my own peppers.
Latin America food is just "this is the only thing that grows in my country so we somehow mixed it with some derivative of corn or beans".
im in programming btw
Luckily I can hide pics.
Exactly. All of Latin America has its faults. This only comes to show people will fight no matter what. Bottom dogs fighting for literlal scraps.
Who says a cute anime with no plot has to empty a shallow? Look at Ika Musume, for example. It's one of the few anime series I give a solid 10/10.
Isn't that what every national food is.
yeah sorry i just get u know
also going for a degree in consuming pizza
How perceptive of you.
nigga ur dead inside
What language?
Best to ignore my posts in general anyway, love.
next semester is C++
Bad. Getting all defensive is bad. You need to understand what you like if wrong and only my opinion matters!
It's not only an anime girl. But a generic one on top of that.
But they are. If you don't back your cuteness with something else, it's just a shallow moe pandering. And the last thing we need is any more moe.
Seems like it. Too much softcore porn.
Nice. Just make sure to get a job based on it. Don't give up and work for a grocery store.
Me suena que eres inutil lol
At least you're really optimistic and give it your best, and that's what really matters tbh
Te pasas lol
Que tan lejos te queda Cusco?
Cuentame pues, eres unos de eso hombres que se visten como mujeres? Hojala
ill settle for office work
I believe that was taken from the original statement of "generic anime girl"
I'm bored and want to play video games
The images you have seen of me are really my being quite censored, honestly. I'm not really even sure why I started posted porn as my trademark.
Then go do so
I'm not sure if I could do an office job honestly.
What do you think I did? I went to college for mechanical engineering. Said fuck it and went to work for a grocery store. At least I am not there anymore.
I typically don't like regional variations on "peasant food", not for some elitist shit but because it's all the same shit of mostly carbs and overspiced when it's not bland. Slavic food, Latin American food, and Asian staples are just carb heavy whatever sprinkled with too much "it's local so it's obligated to be there" shit. Just go with just simple staple foods if there's so little effort put into it anyways.
i wasnt meant to live long
why not
Oh shit it's cockwork
Rippy dude. I'm hoping one day I can save up enough to go back to school or somethin, god knows my parents want me to.
Is it me you're looking for?
Soto have you seen the latest episode of Imouto sae Ireba Ii?
Un poquito quizá.
Yo estoy en Lima y Cuzco está lejísimos. Si voy, sería dejar todo lo que yo conozco atrás y vivir allí.
Solo tengo amigas mujeres IRL. Deduce lo que quieras de esa información. Es todo lo que diré.
And it's "ojalá". Without H.
Did I stutter.
Be like me and play boring videogames simply because you love their franchise.
Well if you like it more power to you.
I have read that men who masturbate often live less time tho. So you might want to be careful.
Well, the good thing about cooking is that recipes aren't set in stone and you can always adapt them. There are tons of recipes for non-overspicy traditional food, for example. There's food for all tastes.
Depends. Are you online game currency?
I like physical labor. There is something enjoyable about it.
Meh, fuck that. Just get into a vendor gig. Usually pays a lot better and depending on the company it is a lot less work and hassle.
Nobody says this gets me hard and worked up. Just sort of is what I post I suppose.
Did I question you?
Furthermore, did I in any way imply you stuttered?
no i'm a cat.
Kinda wanna go to Emma's house and listen to shania twain and talk about nonsensical topics.
Yeah, but fuck the Grey Cup though.
But what game
That sounds boring to me, I'll do it.
I'm going to bed.
Soto watches anime? That's lame.
Amazing. I corrupted someone else.
Good night anime girl.
Reply my queston you question-evader.
You are no politician to do that.
You should get other posting shtick because that could get someone in problem.
I already have a cat. No thank you.
Yeah, he's actually the second biggest weeb in the thread.
Nice mislink.
Do I care?
Nah, I forgot it came out today
Gonna dl it rn, I probably won't watch it till later cause family is visiting rn
What's up buttercup
No digas eso, so te estaba haciendo tantito cyber bully lol
Da miedo moverse a un lugar lejisimos pero si no haces algo te vas a quedar en ese cuarto toda tu vida
No mames guey eres punal? (lol I dunno how to do the accent on keyboard)
I'm sorry my Spanish grammar is garbage, it is my second language anyways
Hurry up and get a job already
I don't think that is likely to happen. Most people here don't come to this place assuming it is work safe. Also I am a bit stuck in my ways at this point.
I'm only 6 minutes into the episode but I want to drop the series already.
Soto gave everyone else attention but me
Grey Cup? I don't know that I would want to put my thang in any cups of any color.
help ian is bullying me in DMs :weary:
He is probably drunk and trying to show you his testicles.
Give him what he wants.
get behind me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christian board
This is Jesus
I guess you don't but maybe it's because no one cares for you burn
no surprise there
Is it the new mangaka? It's the new Mangaka isn't it?
It's the Canadian equivalent of the Super Bowl.
Shania Twain did something for the half time show and I keep seeing her awful face on my Twitter feed.
No no, I think it's going down the Gamers! route.
Plz no bully, thx.
Y tienes razón. Quizá no sea tan malo.
I think you can't write ñ in American accents.
Y no soy puñal. ¿Parezco un cuchillo como para apuñalar a las personas?
Speaking of second language.... English is my second language and I am not doing so horrible with it, am I?
So I bet you think Sword Art Online is a good series, huh?
Please stop k thx.
You should totes try Digimon Links for the Apple/Android phones. I am in no way, shape or form, contractually obligated to shill this game.
Go try it.
Whoops! Mislink!
Reply my queston you question-evader.
You are no politician to do that.
Weaboo? Awww. I thought he could be a good friend.
Traps are getting out of hand, let me tell you.
B-b-bb-but... I will give you a scooby snack.
well, she has music from some years ago that is good. Sometimes they lose their luster after so many years.
ILL BE UR SHIELD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Define a scooby snack.....
Apparently he acts really different IRL so maybe he's a lot more normie.
Fiction and falsehood.
Speaking of Jesus and traps...
Did you know that Digimon Links is the newest Digimon entry for mobile games? You can try it FOR FREE with any of these links!
I was talking about Colbs and Nezi but I guess the same applies to Soto and you.
For once, I feel bad for Nezi.
nah. maybe she just needs to export herself. I read she's done well internationally.
Sorry, I only listen to denpa.
You're ruining my chances to hook up with the Peruvian trap from /lewd/
And I honestly think you're second place
It's a good thing I dropped that fucking series too lmao
On a side note do you have like no friends to talk about anime to? You always come yammer to me with this shit
I was p excited for the new episode of "I want to fuck my little sister" but now you kinda made me unexcited
*hugs nicely*
I'm sorry but weaboos can never be normies.
Hook up? I'm some kind of fishing hook or what.
Reminds me to Spongebob Squarepants SuperSponge level 2.
Northeastern U.S. slang for Valium (AKA diazepam) tablets and/or Vicodin tablets
But you cannot be Hispanic and be American.
Can't be doing that. My job does randoms.
How am I second place? I watch a fuck ton more anime than you.
All my other friends watch shitty shounen anime and don't watch trashy shit like this.
But weebs who like SAO are normie af.
this ain't trap shima though dude
Is this Raccoon? Otherwise nice to meet you
gibbe hug
You can't be a respectable human being and watch anime tho.
No. Bad. No physical contact with strangers. Your mom taught you better than that.
You "do" randoms on your job? Are you a prostitute? No wonder, then.
They aren't normie. They are brainwashed.
I am no Raccoon. Nice to meet you, just came here like, right now.
What the heck? Why?
Did you know that Vladimir Putin is a filthy weeb?
No I work for a distributor so they preform random drug and alcohol tests to ensure anybody operating company trucks or equipment aren't under the influence.
Also and a side note, don't trust soto. Ever.
*huuugggg* c: WARM THANKS
That only further proves my point.
Also get those feet out of my sight please.
Duly noted. I don't trust weaboos anyway. They can be really sneaky.
watching db super now just to complain about it
if super saiyan 2 cabbats wasn't laughable enough for you what the fuck is going on with this fight
bc ur a big cutie who is nice
What is your name?
Solo que tengas cuidado porque te podran violar lol
Only on my phone I can.
Solo estoy bromeando, talvez que si seas "edgy"
No me digas que eres mujer porque despues te voy a querer mandar dinero
Yeah, you're actually pretty good at it.
How'd you even learn aside from the basic shit you learn from school out there cause they just teach you the basics tbh
I-I don't even watch anime
How ya been Cooks?
It's been a while
Nah nigga, I've watched more than you
I'm like sure of it
I've seen your MAL
You put up a good fight tho
Kawaii Emma trying to one up me
Always a wise choice.
So if you dislike naked pictures as avatars, what would you prefer? An old William Shatner or ferrets?
I've been doing college things and working, you know I do that a lot now, like every day of the week.
You can't be a decent human being and drink Coors Light.
Are you one of the Latin America countries with actually Afromestizo shit?
Gonna join the Angel bandwagon
Neither of these things are true.
Brianne Brianne Bri-bri-anne!
2.4k completed?
Link your MAL :^)
both of them are very true !!!!!!
AS to L f o !! im gonna be astolfo
The angel bandwagon is pretty great
Classified info. The CIA might be onto you for even asking that.
Aún así mejor que bully.
Y que yo sepa, los weaboos se gastan su dinero en figuras de vinil y daimakuras. ¿No es eso cierto?
I got good by playing videogames, playing in English when I was 11 and working on my "how to learn english with the Looney Tunes" magazines.
Anime is bad for your soul.
What a question. Ferrets of course! They are so fragile and adorable.
Cultura afroperuana.
Yes, we are.
I keep my fetishes secret like a normal person does.
ferrets are super cUUte
where did you learn to post from?
are you from another board?
If you insist. I do try to avoid using my ferret folder though. Only for Squash every now and then. Anyway, good night, love. Be careful here.
What is up my dogges?
My opinion of your country has dropped further.
Not gonna work homeboy. Just gonna call you Cia.
that's badass.
The 1930s call, they want their behaviour back.
But I'm Astolfo though.
And I'm pretty sure they are fragile too. They choke to death pretty often.
Good night ferret-person.
From reddit of course :DD
Yes, I know. Can't blame me for it tho, I'm not the president...
Or am I?... Dun dun dun.
You are a big guy for doing that.
Admirable, but mistaken.
Nothing. Just clicking "hide" on every other pic ITT. Like so:
EZ Clap
And HIDDEN too.
Such behaviour is old fashioned and laughable in modern society.
okay im gonna be astolfo after you
we'll take turns
:( por babies
why is anime bad for the soul?
hm. maybe not. nevermind.
I love Neo-Wish
Jbaited hiddens
Deport them to Venezuela.
I don't make mistakes though. Only happy accidents.
What behaviour.
It's the joys of nature!
Just like how Polar bears will break their penises really often after mating. They have a bone there, you know?
Hidden as fast as you could say "Bub".
But they are nice and sell stuff, and they work for pennies!
Is that what your parents told you?
Because it's bad media. Moe garbage made to sell and not to teach you something or really make you think.
Should make them work for free tbh honest.
It's what I told MY children.
do you really think such things?
Wudda joek
Fuck, you got me there
It was fucking free though so it can't be helped
Sounds like you're a big girl now doing big girl things
I'm so proud of you ^W^
I don't even have a MAL cause I ain't fucking autistic
I never did like that shit and I couldnt have the patience to fucking find all the series I have watched
Do you know how much time that would take? I know it took you a shitload of time
You're welcome
No te preocupes, yo sere tu bully por ahora y por seimpre
Muchos de los weeaboos hacen eso
Pero yo no me los gasto en esa madre
Me gasto el dinero en saliendo a comer y un chingo de alcohol
Tambien voy para convenciones de Anime pero solo voy por los parties y a hechar me a unas que otras chicas mientras estoy vestido de una caricatura china lol
That's crazy dude, but hey your english is pretty damn good
But what will I be when I'm not being Astolfo?
Hiding your fetishes as if they're something to be ashamed of.
a cutie who isnt astolfo !
Cute boy Wish who loves pee and is proud of it
I like how it needed two sources
I'm sad you don't use this anymore
It's like you have just given up on bullying nowadays Gilligan
Absolutamente weaboo.
Y me siento mal por las chicas "fáciles" que van a esas convenciones. Les debe faltar mucha autoestima y amor en casa para terminar así. Pero que las típicas "sluts" de otros lugares.
And thanks! My only problem is grammar, I think. Sometimes I mistake Spanish grammar rules with English grammar rules.
But they are.
Don't laugh at them, they literally break their penises off and cannot mate anymore.
But that's highly problematic and antiglobalist!
Send them to the adoption centre already. They deserve better.
Wudda hideen.
Jokes have a grain of truth.
I do honestly think anime is no better than western media. It's so cheap and pandering, and will never try anything new.
i wasnt laughing ?
You're probably a normie who has only seen like, 1k anime.
What was the latest chapter you read?
I'm caught up and I'm confused by the new chapter.
I thought this was supposed to be moe.
Those don't exist, do they?
Please stop this.
Buy me an outfit and I'll do it :^)
Sure you weren't? Bone boner boner in the bone, bone.
Stop what?
I should give Wish the Angel of Lawlessness folder :3
Saying things like that, it's unsettling.
theydo !!
oh wait i was
nevermind i forgot what i posted
Proof it!
You're almost Luka levels of autistic.
Make Peru great again.
Which part and how?
How would you know how good a father I am
But it is. Look at this if you don't believe me. It's gross.
look in the mirror u stinker
dan schneider is a gift
Because it is!
This just sounds like something I'm not going to waste time to look at.
I can't, it's too dark.
a lot of it is, but a lot of it isn't. some is some of the time, but not all of it all of the time.
if you enjoy a certain philosophy, odds are some form of it has been explored, and portrayed through animation. you don't have to dedicate your life to anime. but never say never, or you'll miss out.
The polar bears are dying for peoplel ike you.
Go back to your trailer.
No no, you see it's cultural
You like anime.
Need I say more?
I win by default.
You need to level up your shamelessness some more
okay well when you have light !!
sorry polar bears
he makes the nickelodeon shows
You also have no idea if I like anime.
holy shit that guy really did have a lot of feet shots. I never took notice but I watched all of those shows.
what a fucking garbage excuse for an anime
wat. it's not an excuse for anime, it's a reason for not not anime.
Kill all of the Amerindian and Afroperuvians.
i was talking about Dragonball Super
there's no excuse.
tfw will never be cool satania girl
no excuse for being this dumb i know, you're right there isn't
Meh. 90% of everything is hot garbage. That's my absolute philosophy.
Aren't you watching an anime right now?
HA. Told y'all!
No. You have to kill yourself and stream it all on twitch. Go go.
You are wise.
You are still wise, but not as wise as I thought.
Oy, we wuz Incas and shit.
Maybe. But I pass. No one likes sluts.
You want to dress up in goth girl clothes and bat wings?
I like sluts
Playas like sluts
I prepared a response.
Shamlessness does not mesh well with submissiveness.
I keep the lights off so I don't scare myself with my ugliness.
Y E S SSS S S S S S S S !!!!!!!!!!
who wouldnt honestly
ur cute u ding dong thats not ugly
How doesn't it? I guess it doesn't if you're going for the "l-lewd >///
full hour of this super comfy video left to watch happy sunday night
I'm a ding dong stinker.
Because exhibitionism plays off the shame.
No mames, que no te gusta pistear?
But yeah anime conventions are pretty bad tbh
Si estan bien danadas pero pues que puede hacer uno? Yo nomas voy a cocetear y muchas me siguen pero tambien es porque traigo drogas de vez en cuando
Aca la vida es muy differente comparado a Centro/Sur America
Hay un chingo de chicas que les gusta el desmadre y son weeaboos tambien, y bonitas pa acabarla de chingar lol
Sorry if Im starting to sound more and more like a degenerate
Im the complete opposite actually
I spell some spanish words like how they are pronounced in english and spics chew me out for that
Bitch pls, Im the only nerd who keeps up with seasonal anime with you
But I dunno on how much Ive watched but Ive wasted a huge amount of my life on it so I'd say like 3k :^)
I dropped yuzumori tbh
They don't sell XXXL sizes of that cosplay
Good evening.
you are a ding dong stinker ! but A CUTE ONE !!!
where is my hello !!!!
a lot of people seem to enjoy it. probably live happier lives overall. if only they knew.
p sure there's an anime you'd like. it's pretty much fact.
What's up?
You're not a cute boy like Wish
Sounds like you need 50 years of affirmative action.
I guess I'd try it
You win this round
I guess this is the only good use for shame
Using it for fetishes
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im as cute as wish.
yes good. do it.
pls go and stay go
try again
All that's important to understand here is that DB Super is bad
I didn't say I'd invest money in it
I'd try it if the clothes magically appeared in front of me right now
-secretly hopes for a miracle-
You're an ugly
me too
ur gonna be ugly once your face gets a one on one conversation with my fist !!!!!!!
You're a gay influence
Solo tomé alcohol en mi fiesta de graduación. Me juré que no volvería a tomar nunca más y mírame ahora.
You are a complete and utter degenerate honestly. And this is coming from me.
But what can we expect from an actual Anime fan?
I like a couple of animes.
Like Digimon, Onegai My Melody, Ika Musume, Candy Candy, Heidi, Magical Doremi...
We are shit-skins, we can't discrimante.
Well, I am pretty much pale, but still.
Then I don't like playas.
My body is my temple and I must protect it.
I honestly forgot dickbutt was a thing.
Also I lost the game.
3k anime is like two years straight of just watching anime dude.
It has gotten really bad recently, there's a new good one though.
No lolis tho
But I'm not overweight though.
How can I be a stinker and be cute though?
Aren't those opposites.
Well I was watching some anime and then I came here to complain about it to Soto.
Somehow I'm still on that same fucking episode though because multitasking is 3hard5me
How about you?
Well, yeah.
Though technically you are somewhat overcoming the shame if you're going out and acting on it.
My body is a Temple of the Goddess of Lawlessness
good ! that is my purpose !!!!
you can easily be a cute stinker. stinker is just a pokey fun flirty term u ding dong
and what would make it better?
Yes, just like any restriction, it exists to be overcome ^^
Use your not-really-whiteness to spark ethnic purges.
Latin America is a powder keg.
Be the Gavrilo Princip Latin America needs.
If you think he's a horrible person why are you engaging him
less filler, less predictable outcomes, more respect for viewer intelligence (less explaining really simple shit or over-explaining) and less fan favoritism or just making a character do well because they are well liked
That's the spirit
when nobody else will tank
You only actually see the dickbutt if your previous argument was wrong.
Otherwise it's a glorious wall of ahegao.
So I guess I win and you lose.
I'm an ugly ding dong pokey stinker!
Isn't that what drunk people say as an excuse to drink more?
I tried lewd once. My head hurt and my body shivered. Never again.
If I were to be the next Trump I would have to have started like 10 years earlier.
but you don't like that you like them. you're drawing a line to keep yourself from crossing. you know you liek that moe shit.
Mission Accomplished
Nigga I wasted my whole HS just watching anime
I forgot where I left off tbh
Something about a loli she knows or something
I know, I'm just teasin lol
You did get fat when you started college though ngl
You were like Fish tier
Reverse psychology
It's never too late to be a hero. All you need is a truck and possibly shitloads of fertilizer.
Well, restrictions that are consciously placed by you for yourself and are in line with what you really want are a different thing
You mean you're asexual?
-pets your hair-
maybe they do well because they're godly, and survived 25 seasons of universe ending threats.
it'd be more unnatural to cripple them after all that, just to entertain you.
he wishes
actually your guess is way off base, right now there was this Jiren guy who was making everyone look like a bitch and this dude just popped out of nowhere and looks like a grey alien
honestly, you just like to be contrarian
Have you ever considered getting braces?
No shade just an honest question tbh
Ehmm... Not really, no.
I am glad I saw dickbutt then. Ahegao grosses me out. No one makes such faces.
And a driver's license for said truck, I suppose.
I wish. I am just so sexually frustrated that I've given up on sex entirely.
Kind of sounds like sluts and whores are what you need
Yes, hello what
3999 SR
I don't know what you want. did you want an alien that loses occasionally? watch earlier seasons. in a show about strongest dudes fighting stronger dudes, the next strong dude was going to be an alien.
Wow, Lili agreed that I'm ugly ;;
You didn't spend every minute of every day watching anime you idiot.
Even if you sleep for 8 hours every night you're spending over a year of those 4 years asleep!
Oh, Ririha. Yeah.
She's the girl kicking that other bitch in that image I sent.
What the heck? Why you actin' like you know me?
This is too deep for 11pm shitposting.
1 exp to level up :^)
its just one more
ur 2 cute to be ugly...
did you miss the part where i said it was a bad show?
you'd like Nichijou. everyone likes Nichijou.
yea, and I'm saying maybe you're the problem.
i didn't wanna have to play another game >.>
I was elligible for braces when I was younger cause our dental plan covered it but I was a little bitch who didnt want to get them cause I didnt want to get bullied for having braces in HS, it was already bad enough I was a hardcore weeb
Once I turned like 18 I'm considered a big boy and have to pay for it myself and its so fucking expensive
I kick myself so much for not getting them when they were free and I was younger
I'm not going to ruin my HS years watching anime to have some girly boi tell me I don't know shit about anime
You got me fucked up on that one
I didnt even see lol
Cause I do
I would puke.
I have no idea.
But it's true. No one in real life makes such distubing faces during intercourse!
The most they do is close their eyes.
Exactly why I haven't watched it. Everybody loves it, and everybody usually loves trash.
Like SoA.
yes i am the reason dragon ball super is bad
give me pets and i will give you murrs
rip gaben
Does Kanra just whiteknight whatever just to autistically screech for hours?
Well, do your traps find your teeth charming at least?
If they do I'mma say worth
Aight then, Cia. Lemme know when you're ready.
Do it faggot
I thought you were being open about being a giant faggot dude
Your edge triggered mine :3
Right now it kind of feels like afternoon for me cause I woke up a bit before sunset
Being up all night is great
Really? You just mentioned shivering and stuff before
You felt like that because your body isn't used to being touched. Something about being touched affects the body on some kind of electromagnetic level
You just need to push through that until you're used to it, then you'll probably feel better in general
I'll try to get better soon
your loss. some of those people must have genuinely enjoyed it, without caring if others did.
sort of. but don't worry about it.
I need a walk.
It's like
Giving someone a list to go get groceries with
But they throw the list in the garbage and buy a bunch of shit that isn't even edible, and then ask you what happened
They find me charming, I dunno about my teeth.
But I sorta got used to teaching myself how to laugh with my mouth closed cause I'm kinda self conscious about my fucked up snaggletooth, but once I get drunk enough I dont give a fuck and laugh normally
-yawns and peaks out from under the blanket-
Nah. I spare people the pain of having to touch me. I have had experiences before and I bet you they weren't pleasureable for them or me or Jesus, who is always watching.
Ready for what, exactly?
Some. But most enjoy things because others do, and they want to fit in.
Well, as far as I understand it, the major complaints with this arc are:
Sure, this is explainable based on differences between the two universes and the strength of the potara earrings, but it still feels like a huge ass pull to most people.
Yeah, not much to say here, she's an annoying character and she should have been eliminated far sooner.
I mean, who needs senzu beans?
Too late, it's written in stone now.
Nigga, name your top 38 anime from 1923.
I bet you can't.
Wow, fuk you I'm not relinking it because you'll just not click it again.
Okay, I do remember telling you about that, but it was like, 10 pounds and I lost it almost immediately.
Well, yeah.
But this is an unexpected development.
I don't even remember what I said tbh.
I mean, it sounds like it. I wish I was able to just be comfy in bed all night and watch anime.
ay gurl how u feelin
You could start with escorts
They get paid for it
Is it?
More people in the world probably have fucked up teeth vs good teeth so I wouldn't feel no way about it. That snaggle tooth is gnarly though my nigga like it makes your mouth look like it's about to do an overhead punch.
Something lascivious I cannot say in front of jesus. You understand.
-is sleepy- v.v
yea, thanks, ill try not to make dragon ball super any more awful, by existing
so nice of you to tell me not to worry about my direct involvement in the production of the anime and making it worse
Well I'm just spending money right now but I'm gonna try to get an internet job that I can do at night
I tended to stay up for most of the night when I was in college, though. I just scheduled late classes ^^
So sleep ^^
Those are my top 3
I was going to actually lol
pfftttt yeah right
Nigga you know it was like 30
Like my top front teeth are straight for the most part except for that one tooth on my right that's raised a bit higher
My bottom teeth are beyond fucked but no one ever sees those lol
senzu beans are for scrubs and cells
What. What the hell.
You are confusing me, you pedophile.
That sounds more like a way to get money instead of a way to find pleasure.
Out of everyone, you chose ME for such an ordeal?
i learned that "C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER" comes from Killer Instinct only a month ago but i've been aware of the phrase for 5 years.
the phrase is more famous than the game
From my understanding the majority of the KI playerbase is creepy looking fat balding men anyway
i feel like I'm really easy to bully
people get mad at me a lot and say mean things
it's frustrating
Game looks fun though at least.
-can't sleep-
Well, you say retarded things, like, a lot. Comes with the territory. Here have this Shimakaze.
Where did you get that picture of me?
Well sort of.
Why am I a cute boy and Lili isn't?
Spending money is pretty good though.
What could you even do that's like that?
Mhmm, that's pretty much me too.
Though sometimes you can't escape the early morning ones.
Solid taste.
Fuck you.
Come on bro, I don't even weigh 30 pounds normally!
I weigh like 3 pounds.
I'm not a pedophile, I'm a hebemonogatarionomateopoeiaphile.
forza motorsport 7 is $100 normally and on sale for $80
still seems way too expensive
check out that get tho homie ur good
nice one
"It stimulates you strongly in deep placers, so don't go there."
What did this mean??
i think ultimately its up to you how much you let people get to you, and how you spin it strongly effects how you can react and sort of bounce back if that makes sense, it's just like combat but with words instead of guns and weird abilities
people just seem to like to be mouthy here, soooo i guess it makes more sense to adapt to it rather than let it get you down! i was picked on a lot too as soon as i came back but it's not so bad
He's kinda a fuccboi and you have a strong personality
Eh, you'll do for now, yknow?
I wanna see em now
What? I mean you paying the escorts
Not you being the escort
Idk man ultimately you have to choose if you're going to try to overcome your problems or just live with them
Maybe because you don't stand up for yourself
Meditating while lying down in bed usually works to make me fall asleep
I have an English and Literature degree, so something like editing or proofreading. I seem to be naturally good at that stuff, so it's a good fit. I did really well on the reading part of the SATs. What do you want to do, by the way? Still want to be a teacher? ^^
And yeah, I usually managed to escape them though
I like strong personalities
Why is she getting kicked
Wtf is going on
Why hasn't a 7 year old kicked me like that?
Life is so unfair
Oh yeah this show is p aight
time for small child robot boners, because clearly this mangaka knows what i want when i read manga
Whats Dame?
I don't know you, but you probably are.
A rose, by any other name....
No thank you.
I am not an appettizer, I am the main dish!
Eww why would I waste money on escorts.
yeah I guess I'm just too emotional then :\
what kind of retarded things do I say?
I try to, just not good at it I guess
Some japanese word
its not just you, a lot of people have trouble expressing themselves without getting too invested and then upset, and when people get upset it makes you want to focus more on getting people back than staying on topic
oh fuck I clicked on the Ultimate edition by accident
standard game is $39
hell ye time to drive some cars
-doesn't want to. Will make magical sneezes in sleep-
^-^ -hugs back-
Again, the issue of the perceived "pain of having to touch you" would be solved because they'd be getting paid for it
I need to make coffee now
Spend a few months full-on e-assaulting anyone who so much as e-looks at you wrong
the hand clapping thing is funny as a meme but I want to knock people out that do that IRL, getting in someone's face and clapping your hands between words is the most trashy childish shit
should be knock-out on site for that
That's a good point. But I don't crave sex enough to pay for it.
I would rather pay for a game or a toy.
Are you steak?
Well.. What does it mean here?
i just like to take it like a man and then do stuff that i know will equally debase them back, while pretending like im not going anything wrong
then if they want to start shit bring it on bitch
I know I will regret this... Sigh.
No, I am not. Why?
Oh was I supposed to make a joke here? It was just an honest question. Well I'll try anyway...
Because you're quite the RARE sight
Hey thanks, I thought of it myself.
I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not.
Ahh, that could work. Hopefully you find something and that it works out for you.
Err, no. That was just an Emma lie. I'm actually in computer science.
She was being a little shitter and was bullying Yuzumori.
Like, Mimika and Yuzumori had a fight like 3 chapters ago and Yuzumori finally broke down and went to go make up with Mimika.
Then this shitter shows up and is like yo Yuzumori fuk off so Yuzumori punches her.
I'm really enjoying Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryoukou, it's really fucking comfy.
A lot of people don't like it because of the art style though ;;
It is, you're not a fuccboi
I like your personality and that's why I gave you the light of day lmao
Oh, you said you were extremely sexually frustrated, but I guess that doesn't necessarily imply craving sex
Thanks ^^
What are you going to do, then? Be a programmer? You could totally get a home job you can do at night too :3
Think of like a rare pokemon or animal. They're sought after for any number of reasons.
that's like the fourth time that loli has pee'd herself in this manga
Exactly. I don't care about sex, simply because I cannot enjoy it. Getting it isn't a problem at all. But getting it with the right dude is difficult.
Did you just compared me to a Pokemon.
I hate Pokémon.
Do you mean the time of day?
No, I let him out of my dark basement.
for example?
this thread is great for irrational women getting in people's faces and then getting BTFO
Do you hate regular animals?
Mentioned those dude
Your basement in California????
whoops misslink
any examples?
*pets the sonata*
what did you do today friend?
ah, alright, im just checking out a vid atm, might jump on Overwatch later and scratch my itch
I built it especially for him
Y-You too..
I don't even really know what my personality is. Aren't I just a cunt all the time?
Something like that, yeah.
I've had a few industry jobs already but I'm still just scoping it out until I find something I like the most.
In California????
Man fucking pedophile lesbians sure have it rough
Yeah, it's pretty comfy
But they look derpy af, kinda reminds me of Yuyushiki or Hidemari Sketch
proud of u
They got outshadowed by the pokemans.
I still think you called me rare as in "you are odd".
Since when does a vagina look like that.
-doesnt understand-
-wrote a few articles, planned a trip to the bronx zoo, ate cramberry sauce, and petted kitties!- \^_^/ -wonders what you did?-
-hugs back-
I'm one of those people that doesn't really care about you being a cunt if I like you enough so meh
Yes nigga I wouldn't have had to build one myself if I wasn't in Cali
I-Ian, am I a fuccboi?
sounds good
sorry linked you by mistake
yay kitties :3 that sounds like a nice day
wasn't able to do much today cause of meds' side effects but I think I'm done taking them, only thing I did was get a smoothie at Wawa and hit GM again in Overwatch
Made in Abyss? I think that was what you were reading
Well my point is that your body will handle it better once it gets used to it; you're just not used to being touched
Not sure I would have guessed you're gay :3
Or are you a gril?
I think it's best to just sweep those war crimes under the rug
My point is you could try fighting back harder; I was exaggerating a bit though ^^
Or go pacifist route and use friendliness and charisma to get them to stop bullying you, but that can take more finesse than just being an e-barbarian
Sounds like you're doing well with that stuff, then :3
yes you are a giant fuckboy
Odd things can still be sught after. Hopefully my next compliment isn't so polarizing for you.
Vaginas are usually invisible so who knows what they look like yknow
I'm confused. Can basements be in California?
I could have sworn they couldn't be.
yea Riko keeps peeing herself and passing out
You're the fuccest of bois.
They can, easily. But they're not normal in Cali because no one needs them.
This is news to me
Thanks for the recommendation
I tried the anime but didn't really like the art style and I don't even know if girls pee themselves or get licked by eldritch toilets in it
-wants smoothies now. Has blueberries but no bananas- v.v
I don't you but yeah, probably.
That "being touched" clause extends to masturbation too.
And does it matter what am I? I like men and that's what matters.
No they aren't. And they look a lot like folded ham.
The female body is more aesthetically pleasing than the male body.
But penises are more aesthetically pleasing than vaginas.
Lol really
-shivered when he saw that- >.
I am fine with you guys posting porn and hentai. BUT NOT THIS.
Can I live in the basement since Wish is gone
Yeah its why shemales are kinda perfect.
And here I thought I could bond over nationalism and dislike of minorities but it turns out it was just a homosexual.
only trashy people clap their hands when they're arguing
pacifist route leads to bullying, doesn't work
that month they had all custom 24oz beverages for $2.00 was lit
big ass frappuccinos, smoothies, lattes, etc. for $2
Are you 100% sure?
Whatever tickles your fancy, pal.
Que gacho
Yes, really
lmao it's like you guys really are girls